Patricia Murray Dickie Memorial Competition Saturday April 25,2015 VENUE:Sussex Elementary School 25 Duke Street Sussex, NB E4E 1P8 Please note new location this year Competition Registration Number C-NB-CO-15-1004 Judge : Paulina McMaster, Ontario ADMISSION: No Charge for admission. Programs will be available for purchase Doors open at 7:45 am, registration begins at 8:00 am, Competition begins at 8:30 am PRIMARY ( 4-6 years) Fling 4, Sword (2&1), 16 pas de basques, P/B & Hicuts BEGINNER Fling (4) , Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Lilt (4), Flora (4) NOVICE Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Strathspey and Highland Reel (2 & 2), Flora (4) * Special Award: The Heather Gaunce Memorial will be awarded to the Beginner and Novice dancer with the highest overall points in their respective category. INTERMEDIATE Fling (4), Sword ( 2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Strathspey and1/2 Tulloch( 2&4) Sailors Hornpipe (4) PREMIER ages 11 & under Fling (4), Sword (2&1), Seann Triubhas (3&1), Strathspey and ½ Tulloch( 2&4) Irish Jig ( 3&1)* ages 12 & over Fling (6), Sword 3&1) , Seann Triubhas (4&2), Strathspey and ½ Tulloch ( 2&4) Irish Jig (3&1)* *All first place winners in the Irish Jig will dance off for the Patricia Murray Dickie Memorial Trophy PRIMARY, BEGINNER and NOVICE BEGINS at 8:30AM INTERMEDIATE and PREMIER registration at 11:30AM, competition to begin at 12:30 PM FEES: Primary ( 1 or 2 dances) $16.00, Primary ( 3 or 4 dances) 26.00 Beginner & Novice set fee = $31.00 Intermediate & Premier set fee = $31.00 Entries must be postmarked by: April 10 2015 Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the committee with a late entry fee of $10.00 per entry added to the total of the entry. NO REFUNDS TO BE GIVEN. JUDGING: Dancers will be judged according to the Rules and Regulations of the S.O.B.H.D. Judge’s decision is final. No access to the judge’s sheets. In the event of a protest, a $25.00 fee must accompany a written complaint and be submitted no later than seven days from the date of the competition. Registration is by mail only and is to be sent to Vicki Odo, 407 Canada Street, Fredericton , NB E3A 4A5 Please make cheques/money orders payable to Sussex and Area Highland Dance Association. No Post dated cheques please Changes in Categories may be made by calling (no collect calls please) 506 472 0403 or by email : PRIZES: Medals and trophies will be awarded in all categories except Primary. Age groups will be based on the number of entries and first to enter will be last to dance. OTHER: Numbers to be picked up at the registration table upon verification of SOBHD card. Sussex and Area Highland Dance Association will not be responsible for any injuries, accidents, or lost articles to competitors and spectators. CANTEEN SERVICES WILL BE AVAILABLE HOTELS IN THE AREA. The Fairway/ JJ’s Diner - Route 1 Sussex – (506) 433 3470 This facility offers an indoor swimming pool and a family restaurant Econo Lodge/ All Season’s restaurant –1015 Main Street, Sussex - 433 2220 This facility is 5 minutes by car from the competition site and offers a family restaurant Sussex Thrift lodge/ Blue Bird Restaurant – Highway 1, exit 195 Sussex- 506 433 2557 Amsterdam Inn – 143 Main Street, Sussex – 506 432 5050, 1 800 468-2828. Covered Bridge Inn- 818 Main Street, Sussex NB – 433-1805 Timberland Motor Inn & Restaurant- Penobsquis- 433-2480 .****Dancers can swim for free at PotashCivic Centre!!( must present valid highland dance card) on Friday nighApril 24 t 6:30 to 8:00pm AND Saturday April 25 1:00-7:00pm. Swimmers must wear a bathing cap**** Entry Form NAME: _______________________________________ AGE (as of April25, 2015)_______________________ BIRTHDATE: ______________________________ ADDRESS: ___________________________________________ E-MAIL ______________________________ PHONE #: _________________________ CLASSIFICATION: ________________________________________ SOBHD # ______________________________ DANCES ENTERED: __________________________________ TEACHER’S NAME: ________________________ Total enclosed: __________________ Parent’s Signature (Dancers under 19) _______________________________________________________ ****************************************************************************** Office use only Date rec’d____________ Dancer’s #________________________ Payment rec’d___________________
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