Kimberley – Cranbrook Highland Dance Association S.O.B.H.D. Reg #C-BC-CO-151043 Saturday, April 18th, 2015 8:30 a.m. *NEW* Location: Parkland Middle School 1115 – 2nd Ave South in Cranbrook, BC Entries MUST be postmarked no later than April 3rd , 2015. Intermediate and Premier classes dance in the afternoon. Judges: Mary-Margaret Manifold & Jennifer Corness Pipers: Scot Kortegaard & Neil Shortt There will be a concession available all day and a morning and afternoon raffle table Baked goods provided by Kimberley Bakery Schedule of Events 7:30 Dancer Registration 8:15 First call for Dancers 8:30 Competition begins for Beginner and Novice Dancers 10:30 Aprox. 11:45 Primary A & B Dancers Inter / Premier Solo Choreography Competition (Limited to first 12 dancers split into two age groups) 12:15 Aprox 1:30 Morning Awards Afternoon events for Intermediate and Premier Dancers will commence after awards Afternoon Awards Workshops Championship workshop by Mary-Margaret Manifold @ Dance With Me Studio in Cranbrook (map provided ) Pre-Premier workshop by Jennifer Corness in this school gymnasium Workshops to start 15 minutes after Afternoon awards are done and will be one hour long. Space limited to 25 Begin/novice and 25 Inter./Premier dancers. NO EXCEPTIONS! So get your entry in ASAP *Schedule subject to change * Please check the website for updates and Hotel recommendations. EVENTS Primary ‘A’ (Age 5 and Under) 1. 16 Pas de Basques 2. Pas de Basques and High Cuts (4x) 3. Fling (4) 4. Sword (2 & 1) Primary ‘B’ (Age 6) 5. 6. 7. 8. 16 Pas de Basques Pas de Basques and High Cuts (4x) Fling (4) Sword (2 & 1) Beginner 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Fling (4) Sword (2 & 1) Sean Truibhas (3 & 1) Flora MacDonald (4) Lilt Challenge* (4) Novice 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Fling (4) Sword (2 & 1) Sean Truibhas (3 & 1) Flora MacDonald (4) Lilt Challenge* (4) Intermediate 19. Fling (4) 20. Sean Truibhas (3 & 1) 21. Strathspey & Half Tulloch 22. Highland Laddie (4) 23. Sailor’s Hornpipe* (4) 29. Solo choreography (open to all Inter/ Premier) 35. Surprise Event (open to all Inter / Premier) details of event listed in Competition Rules #23 Premier 24. Fling (6) 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 35. Sean Truibhas (4 & 2) Strathspey & Half Tulloch Highland Laddie (4) Sailor’s Hornpipe* (4) Solo choreography (open to all Inter / Premier) Surprise Event (open to all Inter / Premier) details of event listed in Competition Rules #23 Premier Age 11 and Under 29. Solo choreography (open to all Inter / Premier) 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. Fling (4) Sean Truibhas (3 & 1) Strathspey & Half Tulloch Highland Laddie (4) Sailor’s Hornpipe* (4) Surprise Event (open to all Inter / Premier) details of event listed in Competition Rules #23 *Please Note: Challenge dances and Surprise event are not included in the Aggregate score ENTRY FORM (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Name: _____________________________________Sex: M F (circle) Address: _________________________________________________City: _______________________________ Telephone: ___________________ Email: (Required for confirmation of entry) _______________________________ Dance Teacher: ________________________________________ Class: (Beginner, Novice etc) _________________________ Age as of April 18, 2015: ________ Date of Birth: (day/month/year) _______________________________ Tartan Worn: (to be noted in program) __________________________________________________________ Scot Dance Card #: _____________________________________ Event Numbers: ____ /____ / ____ / ____ /____ /____ / Solo / Workshop Premier 16 & over ---- $7 /event $__________ All Others -------------- $6 /event $__________ Workshop fee---------- $20 $__________ Solo fee ------------------$10 $__________ Surprise Event ---------$7 $__________ Number Deposit, Scot Dance BC fee, SDCCS Provincial surcharge ($1.00 each) Total Payable --------------> (circle if entered) + $3.00__ Mandatory all dancers $________ Canadian Funds payable to: “Kimberley-Cranbrook Highland Dance Assoc.” or “KCHDA” If paying with US money order, please allow for current exchange rate MAIL TO: Kendra Bednarczyk Tel: 250-426-7980 4220-29 St. S Cranbrook, BC V1C 6Z6 WAIVER: In consideration of you accepting this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators waive and release any & all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Kimberley-Cranbrook Highland Dance Association, its agents, representatives, successors and assignees, for any and all injuries suffered by me at or through the above mentioned activities. Parent/Guardian Signature ____________________________________________________________ INTERMEDIATE & PREMIER SOLO CHOREOGRAPHY RULES & ENTRY FORM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dance not to exceed 3 minutes in length including entrance and exit Must be an Intermediate or Premier dancer Must be of Scottish, English, Welsh or Irish theme Dancer must provide his/her own music on IPod only Dancer must be a competitor in the Kimberley Cranbrook Highland Competition Due to time restraints... Space limited to the first 6 dancers in each age category 15 & Under and 16 & Over. 7. Must have entry form signed by your dance teacher and parent/ Guardian ENTRY FORM DANCERS NAME: _________________________________ AGE: ______ LENGTH OF DANCE: (in minutes) ____________ NAME OF MUSIC: ____________________________________________ TEACHERS NAME: ____________________________________________ TEACHER'S SIGNATURE: ____________________________________ WAIVER: In consideration of you accepting this entry, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators waive and release any & all rights and claims for damages I may have against the Kimberley-Cranbrook Highland Dance Association, its agents, representatives, successors and assignees, for any and all injuries suffered by me at or through the above mentioned activities. _______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature COMPETITION RULES Please Read Carefully 1. Competition governed by rules of S.O.B.H.D. 2. We are a member of Scot Dance Canada, registration #C-BC-CO-151043. 3. Classes will be split according to age after receipt of all entries. The competition the right to combine, split or delete classes at the close of entries. committee reserves 4. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure the competitor is entered in the correct class. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. 5. Competitor’s age to be taken as of April 18, 2015. 6. Decision of the judge is final. No persons other than the competition committee shall communicate with a judge concerning as event, competitor, or the results of any competitor. Any complaint must be made in writing, submitted by the end of the competition to the competition secretary and accompanied by a $25.00 fee. 7. Competitors must be registered with Scot Dance Canada and must present registration card to pick up dance number and for awards to be received. 8. Competitors must be suitably attired, as per S.O.B.H.D. rules. 9. Last to enter, first to dance. 10. Dancers must be on hand to dance in proper order when event is called or forfeit their right to dance. 11. Prize money for Premier 16 & over is as follows: 1st place -$40, 2nd place - $30, 3rd place - $25 12. Prize (for 1st place) and medals (2nd, 3rd, etc) awarded for the Challenge Dances – no cash awards. 13. Late entries will be accepted until April 13th at double the entry fee. 14. Class changes: notify Kendra Bednarczyk by April 13th – contact information below No changes will be accepted at the competition. 15. NO REFUNDS FOR ENTRY FEES. 16. NSF cheques are subject to an additional $25.00 fee. 17. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED THROUGH THE MAIL – mail registrations to: Kendra Bednarczyk 4220-29 St. S, Cranbrook, BC V1C 6Z6 Tel: 250-426-7980 18. Email address and signatures MUST be included with registration. 19. It is okay to send entry without SD#, provided you follow up with an email to Kendra when your new number for the current year and level is received. 20. Registration receipt will be sent by email. Map and accommodation list will be posted to the website under heading ‘Competitions’: 21. Only Teachers and Marshalls allowed in line up area. 22. “The competition will provide separate change areas for female and male dancers. There will be a designated area for warming up. Dancers are asked to utilize the appropriate areas for changing and warming up. Dancers will not be permitted to change in public areas, nor will dancers be permitted to be in the competition gymnasium area wearing only bra tops or sport bras with dickies.” Quoted from Scot dance Canada memorandum – December 2010 **23. SURPRISE EVENT: Kilt to be worn. Music will be provided. Dancer will be given one preview of the music & it will run as a regular event. Groups divided into age and level. This is a special stand alone event, NOT combined with aggregate marks. Prizes will be awarded, no cash. **Just a reminder....** There is to be NO dancing or warming up in the gym while dancers are competing. It is very distracting to the competitors and the judges. There is plenty of room to warm up in the hallway and lunch room.
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