AM EVENT NORTH EASTERN UNITED STATES OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP Registration Form E-CHAMP Please Check Age Group: ¨ 7 & Under 12 ¨ 16 & Under 19 ¨ 12 & under 14 ¨ 19 & Over ¨ 14 & Under 16 2015 SOBHD Championship Steps: 7 & Under 12 Highland Fling (4) Sword Dance (2&1) Seann Triubhas (3&1) Strathspey & ½ Tulloch 12 & Over Highland Fling (6) Sword Dance (3&1) Seann Triubhas (4&2) Strathspey & ½ Tulloch (Please print clearly) Name of Dancer_________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________ HIGHLAND DANCE Entry Form Capital District Scottish Games CAPITAL DISTRICT SCOTTISH GAMES Beyond Highland Dance… ALTAMONT FAIRGROUNDS ALTAMONT, NY On-Site Camping Northeastern United States Pipe & Drum Championships Highland Athletics The Bonniest Knee Contest Scottish Breeds Dog Show Children and Family Entertainment _______________________________________________ Email __________________________________________ Phone: (________) _______________________________ Date of Birth____________ Age as of 9/4/2015__________ FUSTA or ScotDance # ____________________________ ¨ Entry Fee $_____ ¨ Late Fee $_____ (Add $10 if post marked after 8/14/2015) □ □ $________ (If unable to affix US Postage for SASE) SASE Enclosed - 13 & OVER $1 Fee ¨ Total: $_______ Please enter me in the events listed above. I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims I may have for damages against the Schenectady Pipe Band, Ltd., their agents or representatives, and the owner of the property on which the Games are held, for any injuries which may be suffered by me during the 2015 Capital District Scottish Games. __________________________________________ Signature of competitor, or guardian if under 18 NEW FOR 2015 The Ceilidh (Saturday Night) For more information and Advanced Ticket Sales visit: SATURDAY, September 5 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Ceilidh times to be confirmed through SUNDAY, September 6 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM SATURDAY NORTH EASTERN UNITED STATES OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP PRE-PREMIER COMPETITION PREMIER SOLO CHOREOGRAPHY PREMIER NATIONAL COMPETITION ADJUDICATORS Kelly Abrahart (Sherwood Park, AB) Tori Taggart Anderson (Irmo, SC) Natalie Quick (Toronto, ON) Presented by the Capital District Scottish Games Committee, Schenectady Pipe Band, Ltd. a non-profit organization ENTRIES DUE August 14, 2015 ENTRY FEES HIGHLAND DANCING (USE-0106 & E-CHAMP) RULES Entries due (by Postmark) August 14, 2015. Entries received after the due date, should submit a $10 late fee with entry and risk not receiving their complimentary admission ticket and confirmation letters via postal mail (in which case confirmation will be sent via email). Entries are non-refundable. Dancing order will be last to enter, first to compete. For insufficient entries in a stated championship age group the event organizer has the option to amalgamate age groups to meet the minimum numbers required for a championship. Pre-Premier and Premier Competition age groups to be determined by entries. Please make checks payable to: Capital District Scottish Games $1 from each entry will be donated to the Eastern Region FUSTA. PRIMARY ($3/event) ¨ 16 Pas de Basque ¨ Pas de Basques & High Cuts ¨ Sword Dance (2&1) ¨ Highland Fling (4) BEGINNER ($15) ¨ Flora (4) ¨ Highland Fling (4) ¨ Sword Dance (2&1) ¨ Seann Triubhas (3&1) NOVICE ($15) ¨ Flora (4) ¨ Highland Fling (4) ¨ Sword Dance (2&1) ¨ Seann Triubhas (3&1) INTERMEDIATE ($15) ¨ Flora (4) ¨ Highland Fling (4) ¨ Sword Dance (2&1) ¨ Seann Triubhas (3&1) ¨ PREMIER SOLO ($10) PREMIER ($15) ¨ Flora (4) ¨ Scotch Measure (4) ¨ Heilan’ Laddie (4) AWARDS Primary Medals (no trophy) Pre-Premier & Premier Competitions Medals and Trophies Premier NEUS 15 & Under - Medals and Trophies 16 & Over – Cash and Trophies: 16 & Under 19 (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Email___________________________________________ $45 $30 $20 $15 $10 $5 Phone: (__________) _____________________________ Solo Choreography – Not to exceed 2 minutes. Music: IPod or CD (to be given in at registration). USE-0106 SEND ENTRIES TO Shana Weir 47A Ten Broeck Street Albany, NY 12210, USA No field entries allowed. Competitors must present their 2015 FUSTA or ScotDance card at registration in order to take home awards. Shipment of awards, held due to not presenting registration card, will be at the expense of the dancer’s family. PRE-PREMIER & PREMIER COMPETITION Registration Form LATE FEE: $10 All will receive an email confirmation. Competitors 13 & Over will receive a complimentary admission ticket via SASE (12 & Under admission is free). Dancing will conform to SOBHD rules. The decisions of the Adjudicators are final. PM EVENTS Primary: $3 per event Pre-Premier: $15 Premier NEUS 15 & Under: $20 Premier NEUS 16 & Over: $30 Premier Solo Choreography: $10 Premier National Competition: $15 Name of Dancer__________________________________ Full Mailing Address_______________________________ _______________________________________________ Date of Birth_______________ Age as of 9/4/2015_______ 19 & Over 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th $80 $60 $45 $30 $15 $10 FUSTA or ScotDance # ______________________________________________ ¨ Entry Fee $_______ TENTATIVE SCHEDULE 8:00 am 8:30 am 8:45 am 12:45pm 1:15 pm 1:30 pm NEUS Registration Opens Registration Closes NEUS Open Championship NEUS Awards PM Registration Opens Registration Closes PM Order of Events: Premier Solos & Group Pre-Premier Nationals Pre-Premier Highland & Premier National Competition Premier Dancer of the Day Jeannie Jardine Brauns Memorial Perpetual Plaque and Keeper Trophy Determined by Dance Off between All NEUS First Place Medal Winners INQUIRIES Please contact Shana at FOR ADVANCED SALES TICKETS ¨ Late Fee $_______ (Add $10 if post marked after 8/14/15) □ □ SASE Enclosed - 13 & OVER $1 Fee $________ (If unable to affix US Postage for SASE) ¨ Total: $_______ Please enter me in the events listed above. I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims I may have for damages against the Schenectady Pipe Band, Ltd., their agents or representatives, and the owner of the property on which the Games are held, for any injuries which may be suffered by me during the 2015 Capital District Scottish Games. __________________________________________ Signature of competitor, or guardian if under 18
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