BANKING EXPERIENCE Retail banks can increase the ROI of mobile marketing by delivering powerful and useful apps using the Flybits platform. 8 08 Meet Charlie. He just got a new job. Upon receiving his first salary deposit, Alpha Bank recommends he increase his 401(k) contribution. Congratulations on your new job! 1m ago You are now eligible to increase your 401(k) contribution. ALPHA BANK APP Hi Charlie. Interested in learning about a 401(k) plan that’s right for you? We see you’re free on the following days: APR I L 6 8 9 12 Charlie wants to know more, so he requests a video-call with a financial advisor to learn about saving plans that fit his budget. Please select a day/time that works best for you. BOOK A MEETING cancel 7:04 PM Picked for You The Hangar Bar 33ft 41ft Tap for more details 78ft Based on your recent check-ins Using his Alpha Bank app, he is able to find restaurants nearby that offer discounts exclusive to customers with bank-affiliated credit cards. Charlie then steps out for a bite to eat before going to a concert. Charlie takes a seat in the stadium and sees a Alpha Bank sponsored message on the jumbotron. As a proud sponsor of Bravo Stadium, we’re giving away 4 VIP upgrades! Open your Alpha Bank app to find out if you’re a winner! 9:36 PM FLYBITS BANK APP CO NGRATULAT IO NS! On behalf of Alpha Bank and Bravo Stadium, congratulations Charlie! You’re a lucky winner! CLAIM PRIZE! BENEFITS Transform your mobile app and services to offer more than just direct banking. Provide personalized financial advice to customers, where and when they need it. Extend customer engagement beyond the walls of your local branches by offering exclusive mobile experiences at sponsored events, airports, local merchants and more. Improve customer retention through targeted product and service offers, including personal loans, credit card upgrades, and direct communication with key branch staff. Increase customer satisfaction through a trusted, digital concierge that protects user privacy. Capture data about consumer behavior and gain actionable insight into engagement and usage patterns. Leverage a more efficient way to deploy, maintain and update mobile services to lower development and infrastructure costs. HOW IT WORKS Flybits can build an experience (on a mobile device, wearable or connected appliance) from scratch or enhance the functionality of an existing one. Our platform is easy to deploy, user-friendly and scalable. Here’s how it works: Create your ZONE. Design the EXPERIENCE. Filter based on CONTEXT. Understand your CONSUMERS. Select your contextual elements, including geography. Zones can be an entire city, a stadium, a bank, a mall, a university campus, or an area in a building. Import or add your target audiences. Curate the content and services you want to share with your consumers. Add social media feeds, directions, photo galleries, promotional offers, video, games, sensory data and more. Customize different experiences for individual consumers or groups. Easily select from a list of pre-configured variables, such as location, age, gender, interests, time of day, buying history, sensory data, and more. Tap into our real-time and predictive analytics dashboard, and gain actionable insight into your consumer base to capitalize on new opportunities while protecting their privacy. Flybits is user-friendly, secure, reliable, and scales to handle intense usage. Flybits is offered as a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model that is easy to deploy on the public cloud or your private cloud. Flybits is available on an annual or multi-year pre-paid subscription basis. We also offer a suite of high-value professional services to ensure your success with our platform. Services include Quick Start and Fast Track services, integration assistance, and creation of custom data sources.
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