Briefing CSIP/J riders and Cat II & III Baltic Cup Flyinge 26–29 March

Briefing CSIP/J riders and Cat II & III
Baltic Cup Flyinge 26–29 March 2015.
Very welcome to Flyinge – the Equestrian Centre of Sweden. We hope you will have a
enjoyable and successful time here. In order to facilitate your stay, you will find some
useful information below. A map of the Flyinge area is included in the mail .
ATTENTION! Sunday morning we are changing in to summertime. The night will be one hour
Show office opening hours
Thursday: 11.00–30 minutes after last competition ends
Friday: 07.30–30 minutes after last competition ends
Saturday: 07.30–30 minutes after last competition ends
Sunday: 07.30–30 minutes after last competition ends
Telephone: + 46–706 149 144.
All payments must be made through the Swedish TDB system at this link:
Please note that all entry fees, manure disposal fees, electricity fees and EADMCP fee shall be
paid no later than Tuesday the 24th.
Please note, if you use foreign credit cards in the show office you will be charged the handling fee
by the credit card provider (up to 5%).
The Show Office only accept credit cards.
Lorry and electricity
It is mandatory to make reservations for lorries and electricity in advance to if
you want these services. Notice name of the rider, vehicles registration number and length.
The stable area is open 06.00–23.00. During the nights the stable area is patrolled by guards. It is
mandatory to write cellphone number on your horse´s box in case contact is needed.
Horses passports will be checked and collected at horse inspection and will be retained at the
show office during the show. Competing horse must have their number plates at all times outside
of the stables. The horse number will be displayed at the stable office and in the horse list at
Riders, owners and grooms will receive their show bracelets at the stable office. Only people with
bracelets will have access to the stable area. Please show your bracelet to the stable guard every
time you enter the stable.
Thanks to our sponsors!
Showers are available at the lorry parking.
The horse inspection is situated in the Warm Up (Crafoord) Arena
Due to Swedish law all ponies/horses must be presented for a pony/horse inspection.
Thursday 26 March at 12.30 – 15.00 all ponies Cat I and horses.
Thursday 26 March at 15.00 – 16.30 all ponies Cat II and Cat III.
Pony riders are asked to bring the pony´s passport, including full vaccination history and their
national height certificate.
Re-inspection at Friday 07.00-08.30. Due to Swedish national school tests some ponies can be
inspected for the first time during the reinspection.
According to a new Swedish rule, everybody who is presenting a horse at the horse inspection
have to wear a helmet.
Chef d`Equipe meeting
Immediately after opening ceremony, Thursday 26 March appr. 20.30 at the podium in the show
Declaration of Starters
All declaration are to be made at the event, no declarations necessary in advance.
Competition 1 and 2. Before 17.00. Other competitions the day before the competitions before
Warm up arena
Wednesday, Indoor arena Crafoord/outdoor arena Melonbanan. Melonbanan is open for all
riders 13.00–19.00. Crafoord is open for all riders 19.00–21.00.
Thursday–Sunday, Crafoord is open for all riders 06. 30 – 07.30. For competitors in class the
warm up arena is open 60 minutes before each competition starts.
Everybody mounted shall wear a protective vest at all times.
Prize giving ceremonies
The ceremonies will take place directly after each class in the Show Arena. The owner of the
winning horse/pony is invited to the prize giving ceremony for the Grand Prix. The number of
athletes required to present themselves for the prize-giving ceremony of each competition is
maximum 6.
Prize money payments
Prize money will only be distributed to the riders TDB account within two weeks after the event.
No payments will be made to bank accounts or in cash.
Prizes in kind, category II and III
We created a special system. Every placement will give you a cheque with after the
last class of the day in the categories. You can stop by the prize room and choose
your prize(s).
Thanks to our sponsors!
Rider´s, Chef d equips etc may be asked by the Press officer to meet the Press afters price-giving
ceremonies, and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Opening Ceremony
Opening Ceremony will take place Thursday evening at 8 pm in the competion arena. All riders
and Chef d`Equipes are invited to the arena. All others are very welcome to the
audience stands.
Farrier and Treating Veterinarian
Treating Veterinarian, medical staff and farrier will be available at the venue ground. The farrier
fee and treating costs will be paid directly to them by the rider/owner.
Flyinge is a smoking free campus. Smoking are only allowed in the designated smoking areas.
Dogs have to be kept on a leash at all times and are not permitted in the competition or warm up
Restaurants during the meeting
Restaurang Flyinge Kungsgården will be open
Off show program
20.00 Goodieparty for all, in the competions arena. An opportunity to meet
everyone. Party presented by Flyinge.
19.30–20 Free clinic for all with Olympic rider and Flyinge teacher Maria Gretzer.
20.00–23.00 Riders Party at Flyinge Restaurant. 80’s style buffet and Balticv Vision
song contest. Open for everyone at own expense, 150 SEK p/p. Tickets to be
bought at Restaurant Kungsgården.
Facial painting during team competitions. Presented by “DUS”.
20.00–24.00 A la carte at Restaurant Kungsgården. Open for everyone at own
20.00 – 22. Riders Disco at Flyinge Aula.
Tax information
For both natural and legal persons, i.e. individuals and businesses, domiciled or resident outside
of Sweden “Special Income Tax” will be deducted from prize money, current rate 15%,in
Thanks to our sponsors!
accordance with the Act on Special Income Tax for Non-resident Artists, and Others (SFS
1991:591, A-SINK).
Competitors will be asked to provide all necessary information, in order to guarantee the correct
tax procedure; to this purpose all competitors must provide the Organizing Committee with a
copy of their passport and their home address.
Those foreign athletes being exempted from tax deduction are kindly asked to submit an
exemption certificate either with the entry or on the first show day at the latest. Every athlete
himself is responsible for the correctness of the details he submits.
Those foreign athletes who not acts under a company social insurance is deducted from prize
Those athletes who act under a company, a 25 % VAT is included in the prize money (reverse
charge). They has to provide their VAT-number .
For national athletes, living in Sweden, who not act under a company, there is an income tax of
30% if prize money is 1000 SEK or more.
The organizer is allowed to deduct possibly outstanding debts of the athlete.
The prize money will only be paid to the riders TDB account.
The tax form will be provided to the athletes upon arrival and returned to the OC prior to
@Flyingeab @Baltic_Cup
#flyinge #BalticCup
Thanks to our sponsors!
Very Welcome to Flyinge!
Thanks to our sponsors!