WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY th 206 OTLEY SHOW FOUNDED 1796 Qualifiers for Equifest And TSR Riders Championship 1959 – Robert Hull (above) of Preston, with Stanley House Starlight and foal To be held at The Showground, Bridge End, Otley on 1948 – Herbert Byas, aged 11 (above) of Malton, on ‘Bobbie Burns’ th Saturday, 16 May, 2015 HORSE SCHEDULE Entries close 16th April 2 WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY’S 206th ANNUAL SHOW Held under the Society’s Regulations governing the Show General Introduction All communications must be addressed to: The Show Secretary, Mrs Janet M. Raw, 15 Bridge Street, Otley, West Yorkshire, LS21 1BQ, Tel: 01943 462541 or 07961 966952. Cheques and postal orders should be made payable to: Wharfedale Agricultural Society. The Secretary will not acknowledge receipt of entries but will forward all numbers etc. at least 7 days prior to the Show. In case any mistake has been made, exhibitors MUST AT ONCE inform the Secretary and return all correspondence. Drivers are asked to co-operate with the Show Management in order to reduce congestion and confusion in the Showground as space is limited. In case of necessity, a Tractor Service will be provided free of charge by the Society. EXHIBITORS must be available at the time stated for judging. A Timetable for all classes will be sent prior to Show Day and every effort will be made to maintain this timetable but the Executive Committee reserve the right to make alterations. Please note timings in this schedule may be amended. All trophies awarded will be held until April 1st, 2016 upon which date they must be returned to the Secretary of the Society. Insurance - ALL exhibitors MUST have Public Liability Insurance. Admission to Showground (on the day) Adults - £8.00 Concessions/Senior Citizens - £6.00 Children (5-16 years) - £3.00 UNDER FIVES – FREE Car Park - £2.00 Tickets purchased before the day (see entry form) Adults - £7.00 Concessions/Senior Citizens - £4.00 Children (5-16 years) - £2.00 Car Park - £2.00 THE SOCIETY WISHES TO THANK ALL INDIVIDUALS AND COMPANIES FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT Entries Close 16th April 3 SHOW OFFICIALS 2015 President: F. M. Lofthouse, Esq Past Presidents: R. Cowgill, F. M. Lister, J. D. M. Stoddart-Scott, J. H. Weatherill Vice-President: Mrs. H. P. Lofthouse Hon. Life Members: K. Barltrop, Mrs. C. E. Cartwright, R. Cowgill, F. R. Dawson, Mrs. J. Elsworth, B. M. Everall, F. M. Grange, C. G. Harrison, K. Horner, Mrs. K. M. Innes, D. Lister, F. M. Lister, D. Marshall, T. G. Mickle, P. A. Osbaldiston, R. W. Perkin, R. Platt, Mrs. H. A. Rayner, G. Rice, M. A. Smoley, J. D. M. Stoddart-Scott, J. H. Weatherill, B. E. Wilson, J. M. Wilson, Mrs. T. Wilson Chairman: F. R. A. Caton Hon. Accountants and Auditors: B.F.E. Brays Ltd, Otley Hon. Solicitors: Savage Crangle, Otley Hon. Treasurer: Mrs. R. Bodsworth Hon. Veterinary Surgeons: Cross Green Veterinary Centre, Otley Hon. Auctioneer: M. W. Lister Hon. Executive Committee: A. Beeson, L. J. Bentley, Mrs. R. Bodsworth, F. R. A. Caton, Mrs. H. D. Chippindale, R. Cowgill, Dr. J. Crossley, Mrs J. Garth, S. Hallam, B. Halvorsen, N. Houseman, Miss R. Jowett, M. A. Keighley, A. Lister, M. W. Lister, F. M. Lofthouse, G. Norton, C. Potter, S. M. Priestley Show Secretary: Mrs. Janet M. Raw, 15 Bridge Street, Otley, LS21 1BQ 01943 462541 or 07961 966952 email:- janet.raw@otleyshow.org.uk website:- www.otleyshow.org.uk 4 WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY STATEMENT THE WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY is committed to observing the highest standards of health and safety for all persons, employees, competitors and spectators, attending Otley Show and to that end has prepared and will adhere to a Health and Safety Policy Statement which can be inspected at the Society’s offices prior to Show Day and inside the Secretary’s office on Show Day. The Society’s stewards have been given full power to implement the provision of this statement and all those attending the Show are, therefore, for their own safety and for the safety of others, requested to observe and comply with the Stewards’ advice and directions. At the same time members of the public are reminded that they should be aware of the dangers inherent in an Agricultural Show and should personally take all sensible precautions to avoid putting themselves and especially their infant children, in a situation where injury can result. Regulations for the Exhibition SUPPLEMENTARY to Kennel Club, Poultry Club or any other Governing Society’s Rules under which the Exhibition may be held. 1. Schedule - The Executive Committee of the Society will approve and issue for the Annual Show a Schedule of Prizes which will set out the Classification, Judges, Prize Money etc., in respect of all sections and this shall be the basis of contract between Exhibitors and the Promoters of the Show. The Executive Committee reserve the right to correct any errors or omissions. So far as possible such alterations will be notified in the Fanciers’ papers. 2. Specials - All stock etc., entered in the separate classes can compete for any Special for which it is eligible without further fee unless specially stated in the Classification. 3. Refusal of Entries - The Management Committee reserve the right to refuse any Entry without giving any reason or withhold any prize if there appears insufficient merit in the Exhibit. 4. Substitution & Withdrawal of Entries - No substitution or withdrawal is permitted after the closing date of entries, and no Entry Fees will be returned after the closing date. 5. Closing Date of Entries - All entries should be made on the appropriate Entry Form, duly signed and must be received by the Secretary together with the Entry Fees on the date fixed for the closing date of entries. The Executive Committee at their discretion reserve the right to extend the closing date of entries except for sections controlled by a governing Society. 6. Numbers - Numbers will be furnished by the Secretary to the Exhibitors where applicable. 7. Cancelling Classes - The Executive Committee reserve the right to cancel or amalgamate any classes except where prevented in sections controlled by a governing Society. 8. Catalogue - Any Entry which does not appear in the Catalogue may not be eligible for exhibition on Show Day (Officials’ errors or omissions excepted). 5 9. Disclosure of Entrants - The Secretary will regard all entries as confidential until the day of the Show. 10. Admission to the Showground - No exhibitor or his servant will be allowed to enter the Showground without producing an Official Ticket. These may be supplied to Exhibitors only when Entry Fees amount to £7.00 or over. 11. Judges’ Duties etc. - The Judges without enquiring as to the names of the Owners of stock shown are to determine by reference to the numbers attached to each. The Judge or Judges shall place the Exhibits in their order of merit and their decision in this direction shall be final, except where fraud or misrepresentation is discovered. In cases of disagreement between Judges, the Stewards shall call in a Referee who will in his own opinion place the Exhibits in order of merit and his decision shall be final. In the event of any Judge being unable to fulfil his or her engagement, the appropriate Committee shall be empowered to appoint another Judge to discharge the duties or may select any other Judge or Judges to assist those appointed. 12. Alteration of Judging - The Executive Committee reserve to themselves the right of altering any judging arrangement they may deem necessary, except where prevented in Sections controlled by a governing Society. 13. No admission during Judging - No unauthorised person will be allowed in the Judging Rings during Judging. 14. Fraudulent Practices - Any Exhibitor detected in any attempt to impose upon the Society may forfeit his Prize Money and may be debarred from exhibiting at any future Show promoted by this Society. 15. Awards - If the Prize Card or Rosette is not worn or exhibited during the Exhibition when awarded and given for that purpose Prize Money may be withheld. 16. Parade - Prize Winners in Cattle and Horses must take part in a Parade as stated in the Schedule, at a time to be duly notified. Defaulters may forfeit Prizes at the discretion of the Committee. 17. Objections - Any person objecting to a Prize Winner must do so to the Secretary in writing within 24 hours, together with a deposit of £10 which may be retained by the Society should the objection not be sustained. Objections to the height of horses or ponies must be made to the Stewards in charge of the Horse Ring before or immediately after the Class is judged and the deposit lodged. Horses objected to in this direction shall be measured in the shoes they are wearing at the time of the objection. All objections shall first be referred to the appropriate Section Committee. Should the objector be dissatisfied with the decision of the Section Committee, same shall have the right to appeal to the Executive Committee whose decision shall be final. All parties concerned with the appeal shall have the right of appearance in person at the hearing. 18. Claimed Exhibits - Exhibitors who desire to sell their Exhibits must state the price thereof on the Entry Form which price shall include the hamper or package in which the exhibit may be sent. This will be published in the Catalogue, and a sale must take place if an exhibit be claimed at not less than the Catalogue price. All sales must be made through the Secretary, and the Society shall receive 10 per cent commission. No claim can be made after 4.00 p.m. If more than one claim is received for any exhibit by that hour, it will be sold by auction at approximately 4.15 p.m. to the highest bidder and any amount realised over and above the catalogue price shall go to the funds of the Society in addition to the commission on the price stated in the Catalogue. All exhibits sold shall be deemed to be from the time of sale at the sole risk of the purchaser. The Society will not be responsible for the safe packing or transit of same. 6 19. Removal of Exhibits - No exhibits shall be removed from the Showground before the time notified in the Schedule. Any Exhibitor removing exhibits from their stands before or after having been judged on any pretence whatever, without leave from the Stewards, may be precluded from taking any prize which may have been awarded to the Exhibit. 20. Indemnification - The Executive Committee will exercise all reasonable care for the comfort and safety of exhibits entrusted to them, but the Society will not be responsible for the entire or partial loss, non-staging or detention of, or damage to same, or to any person or property, whether arising from accident, or through any act of omission of themselves, their officers. agents, servants or other persons, or from any other cause. Further it is a condition of entry that each Exhibitor will hold the Society blameless, and will indemnify them against legal proceedings, and also against compensation for damage arising out of, in consequence of, or in connection with, any such accident, loss or damage, and entries are accepted only on this distinct understanding. 21. Challenge Cups - All Challenge Cups will be held (subject to any decision of the Executive Committee to the contrary) until 1st April previous to Show following that at which awarded, upon which date they must be returned to the Secretary of the Society. 22. Admission of Motor Transport - Transport vehicles may be admitted to the Showground subject to conditions printed in the Schedule and/or under the instructions of the Society’s Officials on the day of the Exhibition. 23. General Conduct - Should any Exhibitor attempt to impose on the Society, or intentionally insult any officer conducting the business of the Society, or shall wilfully violate any of the Rules he may forfeit any Prize Money to which he may be entitled and expelled from the Showground. Cheap Jacks, Games of Chance, Itinerant Photographers, etc. are not allowed to operate on the Showground. The Executive Committee reserves the right to remove any objectionable or undesirable person from the Showground. 24. Local Stock Classes - The Executive Committee reserve the right in Local Stock Classes to withhold all prizes until they are satisfied that the Rules and Conditions applying thereto have been complied with. 25. Special Prizes - The Society will not undertake any responsibility or liability with regard to Special Prizes, or the wording or conditions attached to same. Any Special Prizes published in the Prize List are only offered on behalf of the Donors who are solely responsible for them. If, however, a Donor forwards a Special Prize to the Society it will be handed to the winner. 26. Interpretation of Rules, etc. - The Executive Committee of the Society reserves to itself the absolute right and power to interpret these or any other Regulations, bye-laws or conditions as contained in the Prize List, or any alternative of or addition to same, which may be advertised in the respective Agricultural or Fanciers Journals, or any of them, also peremptorily and finally to settle and determine all matters, questions of difference in respect of, or in any way arising out of or in connection with or incident to the Show. 27. Alteration to Rules - No alterations of, or addition to these Rules shall be made except by the members of the Society assembled at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extra-ordinary Meeting called specially for that purpose. Notice of such alteration must be handed to the Secretary in writing, to enable her to give 14 days notice of the Meeting. Such Resolution shall not be effective unless supported by three-fourths of those present at such meeting. 7 HORSES CHAIR: Dr Jane CROSSLEY, Laundry Cottage, Weston Hall, Church Lane, Weston, Nr Otley, LS21 2HP Tel: 07955 243971 VICE-CHAIR: Mrs Eileen JACK, The Brackens, 6A Walker Wood, Baildon, BD17 5BE Tel: 07711 913125 Prize Money will be paid out by cheque within 28 days of the Show INSURANCE All exhibitors should have public liability insurance and all mounted exhibitors must wear protective headgear properly fitted and secured which should comply with current British standard specifications. ENTRY FEE FOR ALL CLASSES ~ £7.00 per entry SHIRES ***approx 11.00 a.m.*** JUDGE: R. T. MORTIMER, Leyland Restricted to horses entered in the Shire Horse Stud Book or Grading Register (except geldings) and exhibitors must be paid up members of the Shire Horse Society. Class 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. Champions MUST parade. BROOD MARE, with Foal at Foot Prize Money - 1st £25, 2nd £20, 3rd £15. Entry Fee: £7.00 FOAL, COLT OR FILLY, born in 2015. Foals need not be progeny of mares entered in th th Class 136. Foals born between April 16 and May 16 may be entered on Show Day. Prize Money - 1st £25, 2nd £20, 3rd £15. Entry Fee: £7.00 YEARLING COLT, GELDING OR FILLY. Prize Money - 1st £25, 2nd £20, 3rd £15. Entry Fee: £7.00 TWO-YEAR OLD GELDING OR FILLY. Prize Money - 1st £25, 2nd £20, 3rd £15. Entry Fee: £7.00 THREE-YEAR OLD GELDING OR MARE. Prize Money - 1st £25, 2nd £20, 3rd £15. Entry Fee: £7.00 FOUR-YEAR OLD AND UPWARDS GELDING OR MARE. Prize Money - 1st £25, 2nd £20, 3rd £15. Entry Fee: £7.00 Your attention is drawn to Class 142 – Ridden Heavy Horse THE SHIRE HORSE SOCIETY (Shire Farm, Rockingham Castle & Park, Rockingham) offer Silver Spoon and Rosette for the Best Shire Mare or Filly subject to their conditions. WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY offers £50 for the Supreme Champion and £25 for the Reserve Supreme Champion, £50 for the Junior Champion and £25 for the Reserve Junior Champion. No. 23 - THE WILLIAM WHITELEY CHALLENGE TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in classes 136 to141 inclusive. No. 82 - THE THORNTON & LINLEY TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Class 137. 8 No. 94 - THE FRANK LOFTHOUSE VASE (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Junior Champion. GUYSON INTERNATIONAL LTD., SKIPTON donates Prize Money in Class 138. GREENHOLME MILLS CARPET CENTRE, BURLEY IN WHARFEDALE donates Prize Money in Class 139. RIDDEN HEAVY HORSE Class 142. JUDGE: R. T. MORTIMER, Leyland RIDDEN HEAVY HORSE Prize Money - 1st £25 - 2nd £20 - 3rd £15. ***approx 2.00 p.m.*** Entry Fee: £7.00 ENTRY FEE FOR ALL CLASSES ~ £7.00 per entry Prize Money will be paid out by cheque within 28 days of the Show 1st ~ £20 2nd ~ £12 3rd ~ £8 1st Prize Money will only be awarded in classes with 4 or less entries 1st & 2nd Prize Money will be awarded in classes with 5 – 8 entries 1st, 2nd & 3rd Prize Money will be awarded in classes with 9 or more entries. Rosettes will be awarded to 6th place in all classes. TSR Riders & In Hand Championships - This show is a qualifier for the 2015 TSR Riders / In Hand Regional Championships. Riders/Handlers can choose which Regional final they go to:- Central, East Anglia, North West, North East, South East, Wales & South West or Scottish. TSR Riders Champs - 1st & 2nd riders qualify and will receive a qualification card in the ring. TSR In Hand Champs - The two highest placed Handlers with a TSR In Hand Card will qualify in any In Hand class. Handlers MUST have their cards signed in the ring by the judge, cards are available from the TSR website. Full details at www.theshowingregister.co.uk. DRUMACRE HALL STUD / EQUIFEST MOUNTAIN AND MOORLAND IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIP ***approx. 12.00 p.m.*** JUDGE: Miss D. CHADWICK, Preston This Show is affiliated to Equifest, taking place at the East of England Showground on the 12th – 16th August 2015. The two highest placed exhibitors not already qualified in each affiliated class will qualify. Open to In Hand Mountain & Moorland Ponies registered with their respective Pure Bred Societies of Connemara, Dales, Dartmoor, Exmoor, Fell, Highland, New Forest, Shetland, Welsh A, B, C and D. Stallion, Mare, Colt, Filly or Gelding, any age. Class 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. Champions MUST parade MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old & over Welsh Sections C or D. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old & over Connemara, Highland and New Forest. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old & over Dales and Fell. YOUNGSTOCK LARGE BREEDS - COLT, FILLY OR GELDING, 1, 2 or 3 years old - Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest and Welsh Sections C or D. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND STALLION, 4 years old & over - Connemara, Dales, Fell, Highland, New Forest and Welsh Sections C or D. 9 WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes to the Overall Winner and Runner Up in Classes 143 – 147. No. 48 - CYGNET TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Large Breeds Mountain & Moorland Champion in Classes 143 – 147. ***approx. 2.00 p.m.*** Class 148. 149. 150. 151. Champions MUST parade MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old & over Sections A or B. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND PONY, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old & over Dartmoor, Exmoor and Shetland YOUNGSTOCK SMALL BREEDS - COLT, FILLY OR GELDING, 1, 2 or 3 years old - Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh Sections A and B. MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND STALLION, 4 years old & over - Dartmoor, Exmoor, Shetland, Welsh Sections A or B. TSR IN HAND CHAMPIONSHIPS. The two highest placed Handlers, with a TSR In Hand Card will qualify in any In Hand class. Handlers MUST have their cards signed in the ring by the judge, cards are available from TSR website. Full details at www.theshowingregister.co.uk. WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes to the Overall Winner and Runner Up in Classes 148 – 151. No. 45 - PININA STUD PERPETUAL TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Small Breeds Mountain & Moorland Champion in Classes 148 – 151. THE WASH HOUSE EQUINE LAUNDRY, Pool in Wharfedale donates Prize Money in Class 151. ***FINAL RING TIMES WILL BE FORWARDED WITH TICKETS*** Judging will not necessarily be in order of the Schedule or the approximate time stated. It is the Exhibitors responsibility to ensure that they enter the correct ring when called. Times stated are an approximate guide only. All mounted exhibitors must wear protective head gear, properly fitted and secured at all times which should comply with current British standard specifications or European Standard. THE HERITAGE YOUNG RIDERS RIDDEN CLASSES ***approx. 11.00 a.m.*** JUDGE: S. HOWARD, York The British Show Pony Society (Affiliation No. BSPS 6/15) Otley Show is a qualifier for the BSPS Championship Show, to be held on the 26th – 29th August 2015 at Arena UK, Grantham with the BSPS Premier League, BSPS Classic Security (UK) Ltd Challenge and BSPS Black Country Saddles ‘Best Rider’. This Show is affiliated to Equifest, taking place at the East of England Showground on the 12th – 16th August 2015. The two highest placed exhibitors not already qualified in each affiliated class will qualify. Class 152. 153. Champions MUST parade The BSPS HERITAGE M & M YOUNG RIDERS RIDDEN – SMALL BREEDS. Registered Pure Bred Shetland, Exmoor, Dartmoor and Welsh Section A or B, Mare or Gelding 4 years old or over. Riders not to have attained their 14th birthday before 1st January in the current year. The BSPS HERITAGE M & M YOUNG RIDERS RIDDEN – LARGE BREEDS. Registered Pure Bred Highland, Fell, Dales, New Forest, Connemara and Welsh Section C or D, Mare or Gelding 4 years old or over. Riders not to have attained their 18th birthday before 1st January in the current year. THE BSPS HERITAGE YOUNG RIDERS MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP open to ponies that have been placed 1st or 2nd in Classes 152 – 153. 10 THE JOHN PATON/EQUIFEST JUNIOR RIDDEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP. The two highest placed exhibits not already qualified will qualify for the Equifest Championships on the 12th – 16th August 2015. TSR RIDERS CHAMPIONSHIPS. The above classes are qualifiers for the 2015 TSR Riders Championships, 1st and 2nd riders qualify. Full details at www.theshowingregister.co.uk. WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes, 1st and 2nd prize winners from Classes 152 and 153 to compete. No. 95 - THE KNIGHT ERRANT TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Junior Ridden Champion. GREENHOLME GARAGE, BURLEY IN WHARFEDALE donates Prize Money in Class 152. THE HERITAGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND OPEN RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP ***approx. 8.00 a.m.*** All mounted exhibitors must wear protective head gear, properly fitted and secured at all times which should comply with current British standard specifications or European Standard. JUDGE: S. HOWARD, York This Show is affiliated to the British Show Pony Society (BSPS 6/15) and Equifest. All exhibitors, whether members or not, are subject to the Rules of both the BSPS and Equifest and shall agree to the jurisdiction of their respective rules. Class 154. 155. ***New Classes 156. 157. 158. Champions MUST parade STALLION, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, registered Pure Bred Welsh Section C & D, rider any age. STALLION, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, registered Pure Bred New Forest & Connemara, rider any age. STALLION, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, registered Pure Bred Fell, Dales & Highland, rider any age. STALLION, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, registered Pure Bred Dartmoor, Exmoor & Shetland, rider any age. STALLION, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, registered Pure Bred Welsh Section A & B, rider any age. The BSPS HERITAGE MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND OPEN RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP open to ponies that have been placed 1st or 2nd in Classes 154 – 158. The Champion will qualify for the BSPS ‘MITTEN ASBESTOS’ CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd in each class will qualify for the BSPS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW provided the pony is owned, registered and ridden in accordance with Rule 28 in the 2015 BSPS Rule and Show Handbook. THE HEWITT FAMILY / EQUIFEST OPEN RIDDEN MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIP. The two highest placed exhibits not already qualified will qualify for the Equifest Championships th th on the 12 – 16 August 2015. TSR RIDERS CHAMPIONSHIPS. The above classes are qualifiers for the 2015 TSR Riders Championships, 1st and 2nd riders qualify. Full details at www.theshowingregister.co.uk. The Champion OPEN RIDDEN M & M will qualify for the TORNE VALLEY SUPREME RIDDEN M & M CHAMPIONSHIP. The final to be held at the North of England In Hand and Mountain & th Moorland Show (www.northofenglandshows.co.uk) on 12 July 2015, kindly sponsored by Torne Valley Farm & Country Supplies, Tickhill, Doncaster (www.tornevalley.co.uk). If the Champion has already qualified then the Reserve Champion will qualify. WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes to the Overall Winner and Runner Up in Classes 154 – 158. No. 47 - BECKSIDE TROPHY (to be held for one year), will be awarded to the Champion Ridden Mountain & Moorland Pony. BLUE OCTOPUS RECRUITMENT LTD, OTLEY donate Prize Money in Classes 157 & 158. 11 THE OPEN HERITAGE LEAD REIN & FIRST RIDDEN CHAMPIONSHIP ***approx. 1.00 p.m.*** JUDGE: S. HOWARD, York Class 159. 160. Champions MUST parade The BSPS HERITAGE M & M OPEN LEAD REIN. Registered Pure Bred Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 122 cms. Riders not to have attained their 9th birthday before 1st January in the current year. The BSPS HERITAGE M & M OPEN FIRST RIDDEN. Registered Pure Bred Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, not exceeding 128 cms. Riders not to have attained their 12th birthday before 1st January in the current year. The 1st, 2nd & 3rd in Classes 159 & 160 will qualify for the BSPS CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW provided the pony is owned, registered and ridden in accordance with Rule 28 in the 2015 BSPS Rule and Show Handbook. st nd THE BSPS HERITAGE MINI CHAMPIONSHIP. Open to ponies that have been placed 1 or 2 in the Open Heritage Lead Rein and First Ridden Classes. The Champion will qualify for the BSPS ‘MITTEN ASBESTOS’ CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS. THE RCH FARRIERY LEAD REIN and THE NATALIE BIRD FIRST RIDDEN EQUIFEST MOUNTAIN & MOORLAND CHAMPIONSHIPS. The two highest placed exhibits in each class not already th th qualified will qualify for the Equifest Championships on the 12 – 16 August 2015. TSR RIDERS CHAMPIONSHIPS. The above classes are qualifiers for the 2015 TSR Riders st nd Championships, 1 and 2 riders qualify. Full details at www.theshowingregister.co.uk. WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes st nd to ‘Mini-Ridden’ Championship, 1 and 2 Prize Winners in Classes 159 – 160 to compete. No. 81 - THE ROSETTES DIRECT TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Class 159. No. 27 - THE E B WHITLEY TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Best Exhibit in Class 160. WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY presents SPECIAL ROSETTES to each competitor in Classes 159 & 160. SHETLAND PONIES ***approx. 8.00 a.m.*** JUDGE: Mrs. J. C. WHITEHOUSE, Wakefield All entries must be registered with the Shetland Pony Stud-Book Society. Brood Mares must be 4 years or over. Three year old fillies with foals at foot may not be shown and all foals must be a minimum of three weeks old on day of Show. Class 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. Champions MUST parade STALLION, 2 years old or over BROOD OR GELD MARE. YEARLING, Colt, Filly or Gelding. FILLY, 2 or 3 years old. GELDING, 2 years old or over Your attention is drawn to Mountain & Moorland In Hand Classes 143 - 151. THE SHETLAND PONY STUD-BOOK SOCIETY offers Rosettes for the Supreme Champion, Reserve Champion, Junior Champion, Reserve Junior Champion and Best Registered Gelding. No. 78 - THE HEATHCROFT TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Shetland Champion. LUNDS OF OTLEY, Otley donate Prize Money in Class 161. 12 ***FINAL RING TIMES WILL BE FORWARDED WITH TICKETS*** Judging will not necessarily be in order of the Schedule or the approximate time stated. It is the Exhibitors responsibility to ensure that they enter the correct ring when called. Times stated are an approximate guide only. SIDE SADDLE Run under S.S.A. Rules defined in the current Members’ Handbook. JUDGE: Miss L. CADMAN, Oldham Class 166. Champions MUST parade EQUITATION OPEN QUALIFYING CLASS ***approx. 12.00 p.m.*** Open to S.S.A. Members and Non-Members. Members carrying their current Championship Points Cards are eligible for S.S.A. Rosettes to 3rd Adult and 3rd Junior places and S.S.A. Championship points. Southernden Farm offers a Rosette to the highest placed Member under 14 years of age on 1st January of the current year. Side Saddle International offer a Rosette to the Adult member and Manor Grange Stud Show Centre to the Junior member judged to be the best turned out. All exhibitors must wear hats to current British Safety Standards or above in this class Class 167. CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE ***approx. 1.45 p.m.*** The sole criterion for this class is the elegance of the picture presented by horse and rider. Attention may be paid to the rider’s personal appearance, but detailed inspection of rider or tack is not required. Fancy dress or period costume is not permitted. Competitors are required to walk, trot and canter. No individual show is required, but the Judge may ask groups of 3 or 4 riders to give short displays. 4 Special Rosettes will be awarded: to the highest placed Adult member wearing a silk hat, a bowler hat, a safety hat and the highest placed Junior member of the S.S.A., all to be carrying their current Championship Points Cards. Silk hats are permitted to be worn by adults IN THIS CLASS AT ANY TIME OF DAY. Juniors must wear hats to current British Safety Standards or above in this class. Adult riders not wearing such hats do so at their own risk. No. 69 - THE GREMLIN CHALLENGE SALVER (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the highest placed top-hatted rider. ACRECLIFFE EQUESTRIAN CENTRE, OTLEY donates Prize Money in Class 166. LOCAL RIDING HORSE ***approx. 11.00 a.m.*** JUDGES: Miss J. L. GRAHAM, Darlington Mrs. J. M. BURGESS, Liversedge Competitors must wear a skull cap or hat and safety harness according to the current approved BSI or European Standard at all times. Class 168. Champions MUST parade RIDDEN HORSE, over 148 cms. Restricted to exhibitors and riders residing within 30 miles of Otley. Exhibitors need not be members of the BSPA or CHAPS but will be judged under their Rules. EXHIBITS ENTERED IN CLASSES 176 – 180 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE TO ENTER THIS CLASS. No. 79 - THE GLEADOW TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the winner of Class 168. No. 28 - THE STUART HIRST CHALLENGE TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the competitor displaying the Best Horsemanship in Class 168. WWW.ANIMALSUPPLEMENTSONLINE.CO.UK donate Prize Money in Class 168. 13 Competitors must wear a skull cap or hat and safety harness according to the current approved BSI or European Standard at all times. COLOURED HORSE OR PONY JUDGE: Mrs. A. EVERALL, Otley This Show is affiliated to Equifest, taking place at the East of England Showground on the 12th – 16th August 2015. Class 169. New Classes ! 170. IN HAND COLOURED HORSE OR PONY ***approx 11.00 a.m.*** Open In Hand Piebald / Skewbald Stallion, Mare, Colt, Filly or Gelding, any age. The first three placed will also qualify for the BSPA Championships, subject to their show rules and conditions. Restricted to exhibitors and riders residing within 30 miles of Otley. Exhibitors need not be members of the BSPA or CHAPS but will be judged under their Rules. RIDDEN COLOURED HORSE OR PONY ***approx. 2.45 p.m.*** Open Ridden Piebald / Skewbald Stallion, Mare, Colt, Filly or Gelding, any age. The first three placed will also quality for the BSPA Championships, subject to their show rules and conditions. Restricted to exhibitors and riders residing within 30 miles of Otley. Exhibitors need not be members of the BSPA or CHAPS, but will be judged under their Rules. Horse or Pony will NOT be ridden by the judge. HUNTERS IN HAND ***approx 8.00 a.m.*** JUDGE: Miss S. A. MORRIS, Shavington This Show is affiliated to the S.H.B. (GB) and all entries must be registered and are subject to their 2015 Rules. Class 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. Champions MUST parade BROOD MARE, must have foal at foot or a relevant certificate of pregnancy, for the following year, which may be inspected at the Show. FOAL, COLT OR FILLY, progeny of Mare in class 171, born in 2015 to be shown in the ring with or without the Mare, to be at least 3 weeks old on day of show. COLT, GELDING OR FILLY, foaled in 2014, to be shown in hand COLT, GELDING OR FILLY, foaled in 2013, to be shown in hand COLT, GELDING OR FILLY, foaled in 2012, to be shown in hand No. 46 - THE SPENSLEY CHALLENGE CUP (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Champion Exhibit in Classes 171 – 175. SPORT HORSE BREEDING OF GREAT BRITAIN offers one Premium in Class 171 but Premiums will only be awarded if there are a minimum of three Mares forward per class. The Premium will take the form of a service voucher valued at £100 to be used for the service of the mare by any S.H.B. (GB) Graded or life approved Stallion in 2016 or 2017. The Premium will be awarded at the Judges discretion to his/her selection from the prize winners. The winning Mare must be registered on a S.H.B. (GB) basic identity register and the Owner must be or become a fully paid up Member. Only one award per year can be accepted. New!! THE MICHAELA WOOD IN-HAND HUNTER FINAL 2015. The winner of each of the above classes will qualify for The Michaela Wood In Hand Hunter Final to be held at the Alexanders Horse Boxes nd rd Supreme Hunter Show at the Scope Festival, August 22 – 23 2015. Only winner to qualify, qualifications will not be passed down the line. In qualifying classes with both colt/gelding and fillies, the highest place of each sex will qualify. Prize money of £300 to the winner of each final, £150 for nd rd 2 and £75 for 3 will be awarded, kindly sponsored by The Wood Family. YORKSHIRE SPORT HORSE (SHB of GB) offer a Brood Mare Voucher worth £100 and Rosette st nd rd to the highest placed Brood Mare in Class 171 (1 , 2 or 3 placed), with own foal at foot or certified in foal. The owner of the Mare to reside in Yorkshire and the Voucher to be used on any currently registered S.H.B.(GB) Graded Stallion in either 2016 or 2017. The voucher is not transferable and no mare to win more than one voucher in each section (hunter breeding and sport horse) in any one season. 14 BREEDERS PREMIUMS FOALS – A Stallion voucher worth £50 and Rosette will be awarded to the breeder who must reside in Yorkshire, of the best foal (1st, 2nd or 3rd placed), sired by a S.H.B. (GB) Graded Stallion currently registered in the year of covering OR out of a S.H.B. graded mare. A foal may win ONE premium only in each section (hunter breeding and sport horse) in any one season. YOUNGSTOCK – A Stallion voucher worth £50 and Rosette will be awarded to the breeder who must reside in Yorkshire, of the best yearling, 2 year old and 3 year old (1st, 2nd or 3rd placed), sired by any S.H.B. (GB) Graded Stallion currently registered in the year of covering OR out of a S.H.B graded mare. A horse may win ONE premium only in each section (hunter breeding and sport horse) in any one season. PAYMENT – There will not be a YSH presence at any of the qualifying shows. Results will be obtained from the relevant shows and breeding details verifited with S.H.B. (GB). The Stallion voucher will then be sent to the breeder of the highest-placed (1st, 2nd or 3rd) animal in each class. All premium vouchers and rosettes will be awarded at the Annual Dinner, 20th November 2015. Results will only appear on the Yorkshire Sport Horse website at the end of the season. Qualifying Shows are:- Otley, Hambleton, Great Yorkshire, Malton, Driffield, Huby & Sutton on Forest, Ryedale and Yorkshire Sport Horse Show (double points awarded at this show only). HUNTERS UNDER SADDLE ***approx 7.45 a.m.*** This Show is affiliated to the S.H.B. (GB) and all entries must be registered and are subject to their 2015 Rules. Competitors must wear a skull cap or hat and safety harness according to the current approved BSI or European Standard at all times. Skull caps must have a navy blue or black cover. JUDGES: Miss J. L. GRAHAM, Darlington ~ Mrs. J. M. BURGESS, Liversedge Class 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. Champions MUST parade NOVICE HUNTER, MARE OR GELDING, which has not prior to the 1st January 2015 won a First Prize value £60 or over, or total of £200, in any S.H.B. (GB) affiliated Ridden Hunter Class at home or abroad. To be ridden in the Ring. The qualification of this class to be the sole determination of the Executive Committee of the Society. LIGHTWEIGHT RIDDEN HUNTER, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, capable of carrying up to 79.5kgs (12st 7lbs). MIDDLEWEIGHT RIDDEN HUNTER, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, capable of carrying 79.5kgs (12st 7lbs) and not exceeding 89kgs (14st). HEAVYWEIGHT RIDDEN HUNTER, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, capable of carrying over 89kgs (14st). SMALL HUNTER, MARE OR GELDING, 4 years old or over, exceeding 148 cms (14.2 hh approx) but not exceeding 158 cms (15.2 hh approx). These Classes are qualifiers for THE BLUE CHIP & IRISH DRAUGHT HORSE SOCIETY (GB) £2,000 CHALLENGE. The highest placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the above Classes 176 - 179 that is registered or eligible for registration on the Irish Draught or Irish Draught Sport Horse Registers, i.e. with a minimum of 25% proven Irish Draught breeding, will qualify for the Final of The Blue Chip & IDHS (GB) £2,000 Challenge. Horses need not be registered with the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) to qualify but must be on the IDHS (GB) Registers by the time of the Championship which will be held at the Annual Breed Show on 12th – 13th September 2015 at the Lincolnshire Showground, Grange-de-Lings, Lincoln LN2 2NA. N.B. A horse may only qualify for the Final once regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or entered. Each qualifier will receive a card and a £10 voucher from Blue Chip. Qualifiers are required to complete an online form at www.idhsgb.com to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the Final. Following submission of the online form, a qualifier’s pack will be sent out direct to the qualifier. In the Final, the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money, a Trophy and a Blue Chip rug, the Reserve Champion will be awarded £500 and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Pure Bred Irish Draught will receive a Trophy and £100, the highest placed 158cms (15.2 hh) and under will receive a Trophy and £50 and the highest placed *Amateur Produced and Ridden Horse will receive a silver salver and a rug. THE MR E & MRS S A KIDD and THE MISS JO BREW EQUIFEST CHAMPIONSHIPS. The two highest placed exhibits in Classes 177 – 180 not already qualified will qualify for the Equifest Championships on the 12th – 16th August 2015. 15 TSR RIDERS CHAMPIONSHIPS. The above classes are qualifiers for the 2015 TSR Riders Championships, 1st and 2nd riders qualify. Full details at www.theshowingregister.co.uk. No. 44 - MASON CHALLENGE TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Champion Exhibit in Classes 176 – 180. No. 51 - BARMBY MOOR SILVER SALVER (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the winner of Class 180. WHARFEDALE EQUESTRIAN LTD, GUISELEY donates Prize Money in Class 176. CALEY HALL FARM LTD, POOL IN WHARFEDALE donates Prize Money in Class 177. BARDSEY MILLS LTD., HORSFORTH donates Prize Money in Class 178 & 179. ***FINAL RING TIMES WILL BE FORWARDED WITH TICKETS*** Judging will not necessarily be in order of the Schedule. It is the Exhibitors responsibility to ensure that they enter the correct ring when called. Times stated are an approximate guide only. RIDDEN IRISH DRAUGHT ***approx 2.00 p.m.*** JUDGE: N. WAKEFIELD, Grantham Competitors must wear a skull cap or hat and safety harness according to the current approved BSI or European Standard at all times. These classes are affiliated to the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) and only horses registered with or overstamped by the IDHS (GB) and in the correct ownership are eligible for entry. Registration numbers to be stated on the entry form and entries will be sent to the IDHS (GB) prior to the Show to confirm eligibility. All competing STALLIONS must be inspected or overstamped by the IDHS (GB) and classified as RID (GB), ID Class 1 or ID Class 2 OR Grade 1 or Grade 2 Irish Draught Sport Horse and must display a red, white and blue ribbon in their tails. All ridden horses must be 153 cm (15hh) or over and all riders of STALLIONS must be 18 years of age or over. Class Champions MUST parade 181. RIDDEN IRISH DRAUGHT, Stallion (see rule above), Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, registered on the Irish Draught Registers (main studbook), to be ridden by the Judge. RIDDEN IRISH DRAUGHT SPORT HORSE. Stallion (see rule above), Mare or Gelding, 4 years old and over, registered on the Irish Draught Sport Horse Registers, or SID, to be ridden by the Judge. 182. These Classes are qualifiers for THE BLUE CHIP & IRISH DRAUGHT HORSE SOCIETY (GB) £2,000 CHALLENGE. The highest placed horse (not already qualified) from each of the above Classes 181 & 182 will qualify for the Final of the Blue Chip & IDHS (GB) Challenge which will be held at the IDHS (GB) Annual Breed Show on 12th – 13th September 2015 at the Lincolnshire Showground, Grange-de-Lings, Lincoln LN2 2NA. N.B. A horse may only qualify for the Final once, regardless of the type or number of classes won, placed in or entered. Each Qualifier will receive a card and a £10 voucher from Blue Chip. Qualifiers are required to complete an online form at www.idhsgb.com to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the Final. Following submission of the online form, a qualifier’s pack will be sent out direct to the qualifier. In the Final, the Champion will be awarded £1,000 prize money, a Trophy and a Blue Chip rug, the Reserve Champion will be awarded £500 and 3rd to 7th inclusive will be awarded £100 each. In addition, the highest placed Pure Bred will receive a Trophy and £100, the highest placed 158cms (15.2 hh) and under will receive a Trophy and £50 and the highest placed *Amateur Produced and Ridden Horse will receive a silver salver and a rug. TSR RIDERS CHAMPIONSHIPS. The above classes are qualifiers for the 2015 TSR Riders Championships, 1st and 2nd riders qualify. Full details at www.theshowingregister.co.uk No. 92 - THE IRISH DRAUGHT HORSE SOCIETY TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Best Ridden Pure Bred Irish Draught Horse. ROSSE SYSTEMS, FIRE ALARM ENGINEERS, SHIPLEY donate Prize Money in Class 181. 16 IN HAND IRISH DRAUGHT ***approx. 10.00 a.m.*** JUDGE: N. WAKEFIELD, Grantham These Classes are affiliated to the Irish Draught Horse Society (GB) and only horses registered with or overstamped by the IDHS (GB) and in the correct ownership are eligible for entry. All breeding and in hand exhibits must be already Graded* or eligible for Class 1 on the Irish Draught Breed Register OR registered on the Grade 1 or Grade 2 Irish Draught Sport Horse Registers. Registration numbers to be stated on the entry form and entries will be sent to the IDHS (GB) prior to the Show to confirm eligibility. A Graded MARE or FILLY is one that has been inspected by the IDHS (GB) and passed into one of the following categories: ID Class 1, ID Class 2, RID, AID, or the Supplementary Grade Up Register. In the interest of safety, all COLTS must be bitted and shown by an experienced handler of 18 years of age or over. Class 183. Champions MUST parade MIXED IRISH DRAUGHT & IRISH DRAUGHT SPORT HORSE YOUNGSTOCK. Yearling, 2 and 3 year old Filly, Colt or Gelding by an RID (GB), ID Class 1 or ID Class 2 sire out of a Graded* dam, or filly already Graded*. Yearling, 2 and 3 year old Filly, Colt or Gelding registered on the Grade 1 or Grade 2 Irish Draught Sport Horse Registers. (N.B. 3 year old colts must be un-inspected.) This Class is a qualifier for THE MOORBENNHALL IRISH DRAUGHT YOUNGSTOCK CHALLENGE. The two highest placed PURE BREDS from each age group, yearlings, 2 year olds and 3 year olds, eligible for Class 1 on the Irish Draught Breed Register by an RID (GB), ID Class 1 or ID Class 2 sire out of a Graded* dam and also 2 and 3 year old fillies already Graded* or, if one or both have already qualified, the horse next in line in each age group will qualify to go forward to the Final which will be held at the IDHS (GB) Annual Breed Show on 12th – 13th September 2015 at the Lincolnshire Showground, Grange-de-Lings, Lincoln LN2 2NA. Each Qualifier will receive a card. Qualifiers are required to complete an online form at www.idhsgb.com to inform the IDHS (GB) that they have qualified for the Final. Following submission of the online form, a qualifier’s pack will be sent out direct to the qualifier. In the Final there will be three preliminary classes with the two highest placed semifinalists from each class going forward to the Championship where the Champion will receive £500 and the Reserve Champion £150. WHARFEDALE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY offers Champion and Reserve Champion Rosettes in Overall Championship, 1st and 2nd Prize Winners in Classes 181 – 183 to compete. No. 113 – THE ASKWITH IRISH DRAUGHT HORSE TROPHY (to be held for one year) will be awarded to the Supreme Champion from Classes 181 – 183. OTLEY SHOW 2016 will be held on Saturday, 21st May 17 QUALIFIERS FOR THE BRITISH SHOWJUMPING NATIONAL CHAMPIOSHIPS 2015 ** EXHIBITORS ~ PLEASE NOTE ** British Showjumping ~ Horses, Owners and Riders’ Membership Registration Numbers MUST be stated on the Entry Form All jumping Classes are held under British Showjumping Rules. The Competition affiliation fee will be paid by the Wharfedale Agricultural Society. JUDGES: C. THOMPSON, Leeds F HIORNS, Pontefract Mrs A CAWOOD, Thirsk COURSE BUILDER: D COLE Entries in Classes 184 & 185 are confined to horses registered with the British Showjumping and must be ridden by adult, associate or junior members in accordance with the British Showjumping Rule 76.6. Class 184. NATIONAL B & C HANDICAP CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIER ***approx 3.30 p.m.*** (Open to registered horses in Grade B & C, ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members. Height of fences:- Grade B: 1.30m, Grade C: 1.25m) Two Double Clears qualify (subject to revision) for the British Showjumping National Championships Kindly sponsored by P H PROPERTIES LTD, OTLEY Table A 7 Speed 350 metres per minute, Rules 304 & 284 PRIZE MONEY: Class 185. First Fourth £100, Second £35, Fifth £70, Third £25, Sixth NATIONAL 1.30m OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIER £55, £20. Entry Fee: £20.00 ***approx 4.15 p.m.*** (Open to registered horses ridden by Adult, Associate or Junior Members. Two double clears to qualify, subject to revision for the British Showjumping National Championships) Kindly sponsored by CREDITAS FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS, GUISELEY Table A 7 Speed 375 metres per minute, Rule 306 PRIZE MONEY: First Fourth £150, Second £55, Fifth £110, Third £35, Sixth 18 £80, £25. Entry Fee: £25.00 SHOW DATES 2015 June 13th June 21st July 5th July 14th – 16th July 25th July 19th July 26th July 28th Aug 2nd Aug 9th Aug 15th Aug 29th Sept 1st Sept 5th Sept 21st Oct 17th – 18th ASKWITH SHOW Contact: Mrs A Marston 01943 850883 NORTH YORKSHIRE COUNTY SHOW Contact: Mr J A Andrew 07521 485060 Email: jandrew152@btinternet.com ARTHINGTON SHOW Contact: Miss K Lewis 07792 698539 Email: arthingtonshow@gmail.com GREAT YORKSHIRE SHOW Contact: Sally Wall 01423 541000 Email: info@yas.co.uk BINGLEY SHOW Contact: Mrs M Marshall 01274 564400 Email: secretary@bingleyshow.co.uk ALDBOROUGH & BOROUGHBRIDGE SHOW Contact: Mrs P Duker 01937 844165 Email: secretary@boroughbridgeshow.co.uk WEETON SHOW Contact: Ms C Waller 01423 733404 Email: candy@jrburrows.co.uk RYEDALE SHOW Contact: 07984939701 Email: info@ryedaleshow.org.uk TOCKWITH & DISTRICT SHOW Contact: Mr S Ross 01423 339863 Email: secretary@tockwithshow.org.uk RIPLEY SHOW Contact: Mrs M Periam 01943 466654 Email@ sec@ripleyshow.co.uk GARGRAVE SHOW Contact: Mrs S Brown 01729 830441 Email: suebrown@totalise.co.uk WENSLEYDALE SHOW Contact: Mrs S North 01969 623750 Email: secretary@wensleydaleshow.org.uk KILNSEY SHOW Contact: Mrs K Lambert 01756 753259 Email: info@kilnseyshow.co.uk KEIGHLEY SHOW Contact: Mrs K Thackray 01535 633852 Email: secretary@keighleyshow.co.uk NIDDERDALE SHOW Contact: Mrs S Monk 01969 650129 Email: info@nidderdaleshow.co.uk COUNTRYSIDE LIVE Contact: Sally Wall 01423 541000 Email: info@yas.co.uk 19 PLASTERERS LTD Suite 5, West Chevin Business Park West Chevin Road Otley, LS21 3HA Tel: 01943 463477 are proud to sponsor the B&C SHOWJUMPING at the th 206 OTLEY SHOW 20
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