In these days youngsters are falling into the trap of bad things and they are creating trouble to themselves as well as to the nation. But I would like to tell you about A.C.Green who should be saluted. He experienced God at the correct time and did not yield to any temptation that the society had. He was a former basket ball player. He was an Iron man. He was an example to sports person. He did not give importance to the glorious and failures in the play field. But he gave importance to the techniques that should be adopted. He was born as the last child to a car mechanic and he has the same name as his father. His brother Lee used to take him to the nearby park and compel him to play basket ball daily. This made him to become the best basket ball player in the world. One day when he was 18 years old, in the church the preacher asked his congregation ,“Do you want to go the hell or heaven”. This message touched his heart and on the third alter call he accepted Jesus Christ as his saviour. He was like Joseph. He avoided temptation. He guarded himself till he was 38 years old. Today youngsters are spoiling their life in watching thirst rate movies and they indulge in various sexual immoralities. A.C.Green set an example to many youngsters and he has started to serve the society through his agency. The former president of United States George Bush, invited him and honoured him. Let youngsters join together and determine that you will not yield to temptation. . -BENSVI This publication solely belongs to Friends Missionary Prayer Band, Chennai. This monthly magazine aids in nurturing the Youth prayer cells. Vision To reach the spheres of India and to imbibe the heavenly manna to our youth, who are the future pillars of “our Nation”. ®_ÁÈÔ^ Ô¶Õm ÂD ®]Ï ÔVÈ ÷Õ]B› #ıÔ·V˛B ÷Á·QÏÔ^ c^·›]_ √´\ \[™VÁk sÁ>¬Ô. EÕ>Á™¬ ÌÏ ÿÔVı| ÷Õ]BD *‚Ω|D ÷Ȭ˛Bfl ºƒÁkBV_ ÷Á·QÁ™› º>u≈ {Ï ÷Á≈ √Á¶©A. Objective A monthly magazine to strengthen the Prayer Cells... Produced by FMPB Youth Wing 25c, Eden Garden, Srinivasa Nagar 5th main Road Trichy - 620 017 Private circulation only Layout & Design Communication Dept fmpb youthwing call us 9444393227 9994388850 single copy Rs.20/Yearly subscription Rs. 250/- FMPB 29,High School Road Ambattur,Chennai-53 Ph :044-26570404 FMPB Youth wing, 45/20 Ebenazer illam, Palayam Pillai Nagar, Ayanavaram,Chennai-23 Cell :9841032224 For the prayer cell leaders The articles and the prayer points in Kerith are divided for 4 weeks so that you can pray and meditate about them in your prayer cells. The prayer points are in the centre page. The leader can detach and use them during the prayer time. articles in the magazine and share it with others. Meet you every month with new info. Kindly use them and strengthen the prayer cell. For more prayer points read Friends Focus Editorial Greeting to you in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Prayer is a weapon used for the freedom of our nation. It may see difficult but those who know its importance will not neglect prayer. Whatever they do or wherever they go, they will always have a relationship with God through prayer. There were many obstacles in Daniel’s life. There was even an obstacle for him to pray. A law was even passed against praying in Daniel’s time. But that did not hinder his relationship with God. Even you may face lot of obstacles, trials and struggles. But don’t lose heart. Keep going. The Lord will help you to shine. Organize a 1000 hour prayer during the Lenten days. Pray for those who are going to write exams. Some tips for your future. • Set your mind on things above-Col.3:2 • Be very careful-Eph.5:15 • Do your duty – Luke 19:10 • Hard work – 1Cor.3:8 • Live holy and Godly lives – 2Peter 3:11 • Hope – 1Cor.15:19 • Serve – 1Peter 4:10 • Live in the word of God – 1 John 2:14 • Be Christ’s disciple – John 15:8 May the Lord bless you according to the verse “Those who seek the LORD lack no good thing – Ps.34:10. For Contact, +91 9444393227 Yours in Him, Jesuvadian Annan. God is my light & The Joy of my salvation. Whom Shall I fear of month message writer Mrs. Jonna whomThis shall I beand afraid. My God Arun is a zealous enthusiastic believer in CHRIST. She is also a Bible protects me... teacher. Rev.Azariah Rajkumar is a FMPB Missionary and ministers among the Hindi speaking people with Tuticorin as the base. He is a wonderful presenter of the Lord’s word among the heathen. This month’s professional profile is about Mr.Kingston who was born in Kadayanodai in Tuticorin district. He is now working in Tirunelveli in BBM as computer Engineer. During his college days in an engineering college, with the introduction of his friend he joined in a prayer group. After his college days, both he and his friend participated in the state level conference of FMPB every year. These camps led him to have close relationship with Jesus Christ. At one such camp he committed himself to start a prayer group in his native place. He wanted to do something for God. So he joined FMPB as any worker and participated in all he meetings. Every week he allotted Saturday and Sunday for mission work. Doing those days he met youngsters around his place and brought them to the Lord. Moreover every month he conducted a fasting prayer, and presented to them about the situation of our nation and made them pray for our nation. After getting a job in Nellai, he gathered all the Christian workers together and they all prayed daily and then started their work. When 10 of them gathered together for prayer, workers from other religion also participated in their prayer. And many of them have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. His witnessing life is a challenge to many people. Since he is in the software development department his work load is too much, but in between that work load he is true and honest, and he fears the Lord. If you are sincere in a little work, I will make you master for many, became true in Kingston’s life. Not only God blessed him in his work but blessed his family life too. He has decided to dedicate his musical and singing talents to the glory of God. He used his talents among the Nellai youth group. He organizes meeting for them. He takes responsibility of conducting the worship session. Let us not forget the work that Mr.Kingston and his wife and his children who are working by sacrificing their time and talent for the glory of God. Kingston is living for Christ and through his life he is a living example for Christ. In all situations he shows patience. He is careful to proclaim in his life what God likes him to be. There are some question for our self introspection. Am I using my talents for God? Or have I hidden my talents? Am I showing my work burden as a reason for not doing God’s work? Am I spending the time that I get for the glory of God? Is my life an example to the people who are working with me/ studying with me? Is God’s name glorified -Agnes es mr a G fo AROUND THE BIBLE The leader of the team will tell a biblical place or name in English. The person next to him/ her should tell another name or place with the aforesaid name/ place's ending letter as it’s starting letter. Breathing time will be given say 3 seconds. The words should not be repeated and the game goes on. For example, the leader starts with the word MOSES. The next person says SAMSON followed by NAIN by the third one and NATHAN by his neighbor. If anyone fails to raise a new word in the stipulated time of 3 seconds, he/she shall find his way out. Here is a list of simple Games to be played among the prayer groups. These games will immensely help us to know each other and to make acquaintance with the new comers and also to easily work as a team. WHO AM I? One of the members of the group should imagine himself as a biblical man or woman. He cannot speak a word other than YES or NO. The other members need to ask him questions to find out his role. For example, if he thinks himself as Nicodemus, then, the others should first ask if he is a man in Old Testament. If answer is no (yes or no only), then that means his name is in New Testament. Then they can ask him, if his name comes in first three Books of Gospel. If his answer is no, then his name is in John only. This way the game must improve till the person is found out. -Raja Kumar Activities NATHAN MOSES SAMSON SONG SCRAMBLE Any one popular Christian song's starting line should be written by the team members in a piece of cardboard/ paper. If 16 members are to be gathered, 4 starting lines of 4 songs can be written on 16 cards. The members will be asked to take a card per head. When the leader gives the go signal, a person with a single line should find the persons with the other 3 lines of the song. After finding them, they should sing those songs aloud as a team. The team which sings the song quickly after setting the puzzle will be declared as winners. SWORD DRILL The group leader must first explain the meaning of SWORD by the Bible (Ephesians 6). He should also explain how Jesus Christ uses the SWORD (the Word of God) to slay Satan. All the members participating in the game must have a Bible in hand. When the group leader says “SWORD UP”, then everyone must close the Bible and life it up in their right hands. He can explain a Verse (Example, Ezra 6:10) or a Word (Example, Love) or an Incident and tell one important sentence in that incident (Example, “Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”) When the instruction, “GO” is given, the other members must find the verse or the reference or the incident in the Bible and read it aloud. They may also form smaller groups before answering. Do’s & Rahul was a 12th standard student. He was depressed as he scored less marks than his neighbor, Santhosh. He became very sad as his parents frequency spoke high of Santhosh and suddenly committed suicide. It is natural for parents to impose their wishes on their children. But when they force their wishes and ideas on their children, certain tragic incidents like Rahul will happen. First, parents should understand their children and recognize their abilities and capacities. Instead of saying, “Your life will spoil if you don’t study well”, they can say, “Your life will blossom if you study well”. It is a nice way of saying. Hard work and sincere efforts are essential to score good marks and to excel in studies. But in order to reap its full success, one must clearly understand that it is God, who gives wisdom and blesses one’s efforts. In order to receive this blessings, Bible reading, prayer and leading a life pleasing to the Lord is a must. We have compiled certain tips to follow during exams. Children should patiently listen to the advice of parents as no parent would advice anything wrong. Children shouldn’t reject the wise counsel that comes from the experience of their parents but change themselves accordingly. Dont’s -Begin for studying and wiritiing examination 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Create a time table for studying. Find the right hour to study. Choose good surroundings. Often review your notes. Take gradual rest before one week of the exam. Get everything before you start studying. Always think positive. If you say you can: You can. If you say you can’t: You can’t. 8. Sleep well before exams. 9. Self confidence is important. 10. Pray and start your work (while studying and writing exams). 11. Be relax don’t be tense. 12. Keep your phones switched off(while studying). 13. Revise your work. 14. If you feel the question is tough; go for the easier one and then come back to the tougher ones. 15. Don’t study laying on top of your bed and Don’t eat snacks while studying. An exam is one an exam. If you fail it’s not the end of the world just try harder on the next one. CONGRATS.... We congratulate for the newly formed youth prayer cells... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Ms.P.Selva Jeevitha, Thalavaipuram Ms.A.Esther Selvarani, Pottalpatti Ms.Jeno Emimal, Pudukottai Ms.Sandra Jean, Tirunelveli Ms.A.Jeba Eunice, Pallikaranai Mr.H.Joyce Solomon, Erode Mr.M.Kabilan, Ramanathapuram Ms.P.Sofiya, Pungampatti Ms.S.Shyrna, Tuticorin Ms.S.Priyanka, Ulli Mr.J.Jeyaprakash, Trichy Ms.A.Eppi Queen, Pudukottai Ms.Mobi Vinma, Tirunelveli Ms.J.Blessi Daniella, Kailasapuram Ms.Evangeline Juliet, Puducherry Ms.Sheela Chandravathi, Thally Ms.S.Packialakshmi, Rajapalayam Ms.G.Shiny Sneha Vargees, Madurai Mr.R.Aashad Parasu, Parayapatti Ms.A.Pon Stella, Mettur Missionary’s name: Mr. Babu and Mrs.Laisamma Missionaries working for: Malto People -Medical Tips Mission Field: Bathriya, Dhamani, Jharkhand Babu was born in a family which had communist and atheist ideologies in some part of Kerala. He was involved in Communist and Naxalite organizations that he landed in Delhi due to some problems in Kerala in 1991. He came across the Lord's name there and was touched by His Love. He dedicated himself to the Lord who gave abundant and real love in this vain world. He first joined a missionary organization in 1994 and later by the will of God, with FMPB. He then continued his missionary work among the Malto people of Jharkhand. He continued his service enthusiastically even though he faced lot of disturbances. He was affected by malaria in 1993 and subsequently struggled with poor eye sight and hearing. He recovered and got back to missionary work with full strength because of the prayers of many people. He was assaulted and abducted for two days when he went to a village for preaching the Gospel of God. He never lost the faith in Him. The Lord who never abandons His children, saved Him through the police. Finally the same people who were against him got baptised from the very hands of him. In 1997, he married Laisamma and continued his mission along with her. She fell sick due to malaria which affected her heart too. In spite of her illness she continues her service even today. Alcohol addiction is the main barrier for the Salvation of Maltos. Please pray for the change in their attitude. The landlords and the mystics remain a barrier to the spread of the Gospel, he says. Along with an independent missionary, he once went for the funeral service of a newly saved man. He prayed instinctively to God, to bring him back to life. The Lord answered his prayer and brought him back alive. Such miracles can be done only by the Lord. Gospel will make a man perfect. Yes! Gospel had completely changed the life style of the Malto tribes. It had liberated the people from the shackles of primitiveness and propelled them towards modernity through education. People are more civilized now. Glory to the Lord! . We have only one life which is very short. One should utilize this short life span for the Lord. Had I not known the love of the Lord, I would have been vanished long time ago. There are infinite people who perish without knowing the Lord's love. Who will tell the unchanging, unconditional love to them in this ever changing and temporary world? He finishes on this kind of note. Please do pray for the health of his wife and the three children. Pray for the future and education of those kids. -David (JOHN 4:4-42) The King of Assyria after taking Northern Israel consist of Ten Tribes into exile he replaced the exiled natural population with people from Babylon, Amoth, Kutha and Seber in Samaria. These settlers after settling in Israel started worshipping Jehovah. The remaining Jews in Samaria intermarried with the settlers. They were called Samaritans. Therefore Jews hated Samaritans. In John chapter 4 Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman from a village called Sehar in Samaria. This Samaritan woman had come to Jacob’s well to fetch water to quench her thirst. Normally women came to the well either in the morning or evening to fetch water. However this Samaritan women came to fetch water in the heat of the noonday sun. May be she was so burdened by the labeling and opinions of the society she lived in, she came to fetch water in the heat of the noonday sun. Jesus spoke with her regarding her need for living water which will quench her spiritual thirst. However, Samaritan women mistook this for physical thirst. On other hand Jesus was speaking to her about soul’s thirst or spiritual thirst. The war of Cross Today millions of people undertake pilgrimage to various mountains, temples and sacred places in order to quench their soul’s thirst. The ultimate search of man’s soul is to find God to get the inner peace and joy and this rises as the result of spiritual thirst. Jesus came to Samaria to quench the thirst of this woman who was in such a plight. Jesus showed her the way to quench the spiritual thirst. When Jesus exposed her sinful life, the Samaritan woman realized that Jesus was a prophet. Jesus shared with this Samaritan women various truth which he had not shared with his disciples or others until then. She recognized the truth, father should be worshiped in spirit and truth and this was right season to worship. About all it was to this outcast Samaritan woman Jesus reveled that he was the Messiah. Jesus made clear to her that Holy Spirit will dwell eternally within our heart as living water when we accept Jesus offer of salvation. God used this Samaritan woman in Sehar village to turn a whole down towards Jesus. My dear young ones do you have thirst to know Christ? The God who promised that he will pour water on a Thirsty land will surely show secrets of heaven and truth from Bible to you. He will use you to save the land. Remember the Holy Spirit, the living water which Christ has promised is dwelling within you. In “The war of Cross” Christians of the 11th to 14 century fought with Islamite to capture Palestine. When philistines who were staying in Israel and Jerusalem became Muslim, they built masjid in Jerusalem and other parts of Judea. Moreover, they stopped Christians who came for pilgrimage from entering into Jerusalem. Due to this, Christian decided to capture Judea for them. Pope Arpan II was the man behind this. He convinced the Christians who involved in this war by saying “Those who participate in this war will be the martyr for Christ”. They hanged a wooden cross in their neck and went to the war. This War of Cross was conducted six times in the history. It is sad that Christians did not understand the aim of Cross in those days. -Jovan First Week Prayer Points For the children of missionaries who are appearing for the exams . . . For the children of missionaries who are appearing for the exams Many of you might be getting ready to appear for 10th and 12th Exams this month. May God be with your and grant you wisdom and good health during this time. Even our Missionaries’ children are getting ready to appear for their exams. Among them most of them study in a resident school situated in Dohnavur. Let us pray fervently to God to provide wisdom to these children who stay far away from their parents. Let us uphold the below mentioned missionary children in our personal and group prayers. Missionaries Children (2013 -2014) 12th Standard Manoj Kumar Shirly Jerusah Gracy Jeyalet.B Lija Esther Thomas Christo Blessing Mittu Immanuel Titus Gideon Kingston.J Deborah Richard Abraham Ebin Blessing Hensangmuan(Joshua) Haidamteu Zeme Pricilla Jenny Sharon Shalom Jebaraj Hannah Miraculine Angelin Keshia Ruth Rupitha Priya Gracy Ngammin Thang 10th Standard Prayer Points: 1. God to grant wisdom to our missionary children. 2. God to grant them good health and protect them from all illness caused by weather changes. 3. God to grant each child’s heart desire. 4. God to bless all the hard work and preparation they have undertaken to appear for the exam. 5. God to strengthen and encourage each of these children who are staying far away from their parents. 6. For all our prayer group members who are appearing for their exams. Gifton Daniel Ebethsha Lordslin Sornam Shiny G Rachel Daniel Florence Rajakumari Blessy Bebarta Jeeva Paniel Jerene Steve Rohan Amy Blessina Chinlamnuam Esther Calvin Ebenezer Joshila Blessina P.Eunice Sherrine Angelin Beula Deborah Pricilla Thomas A.J.Daniel Giftson Vivek J.Hudson Harris According to the surely conducted by @ WOMEN-WEBNancy Hepsipha STUDY, nearby 6 crore women in India ue the internet. Patrick Naik Beauty tips ranks first in the common searches made Krupa Esther by women. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleetRobinson ing; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised” Limeka Achumi (Pro.31:30). Judith Kathryn Joshua P.Babu Beauty Pavithra Mary Elis Gansalves Alcohols... Second week prayer points When Beena was just six years old, she was given into marriage to a Thirty two years old man. It was Beena’s brother who had sold her to this man for three hundred rupees. In the first three year of marriage life, Beena’s husband after consuming alcohol physically abused her. At times she was thrown out of the house. This continued for several days. One fine day Beena’s husband died due to excess alcohol intake. Beena became a widow when she was nine years old. Now Beena was mistreated by her husband’s sisters and brothers, she was considered unlucky. Her husband household members decided to send her out of the house. They were afraid when beena grows up she well ask for her husband share of property. Beena’s brother who saw her plight rescued her during her early adolescent period; she was put in a home. Tamilnadu is one of the states in India with the highest number of widows. Alcohol intake is one of the main reasons for increase in number of young widows. 45 lakh Tamilians consume alcohol before going to sleep every day. As a result, many families don’t enjoy peace. 50% women leave their home due to inability to put up with abusing alcoholic husband. Younger generation aged between 11-20 years old get frustrated due to their alcoholic father’s behavior and they are not afraid to put them to death. 50-80% of women who gets treatment in hospital for some form of injury to the body are assaulted by their husband. 80% of men who ill-treat their family members after alcohol intake do not posses any other bad habits. Statistics 1. India has thirty three million widows 2. Indian population consist of 9-11% widows 3. Fifty percent of widows are more than fifty years old. Among them majority have undergone child marriage, they had lost their husband when they were very young, worst they were accused as reason for their husband’s death. 4. Widows face various challenges in the society in their work place in the form of status and finance. Let us pray for Alcoholics to break free from their bondage and grow in the love of Christ this week. Prayer Points: 1. For death caused by Alcohol consumption to decrease in considerable number. 2. For all the Tasmac shop to shut down in Tamilnadu. For God to interview in Chief Minister’s heart regarding this issue and thus bunging about the change. 3. For Alcoholic husbands who abuse their family members to break free from the bondage to Alcohol. 4. For Repentance of young adults who are provoked by their father’s Alcoholic behavior and murder them. 5. For God the destroy Satan’s Tactics which beings disharmony among the families. 6. For Alcoholics, not to mistreat the family members after Alcohol intake. 7. For Children born in Alcoholic family not to follow the example set by their Alcoholic father. 8. For Christ love and rule to be established in all the families in Tamilnadu. Third Week Prayer Points For FMPB Ministry among Children (Children’s Wing) In the year 1952 P.Samuel organized and conducted Vacation Bible School (VBS) for various children this resulted in Revival among children. This played a major role in giving bath to a organization called Friends Missionary Prayer Band. Vacation Bible School played a great role in spreading Kingdom’s Gospel to various villages. While children were taught songs and stories during the section, a few elders who were present along with hem had chance to hear the Gospel. Our First Ministry starts with children in any missionary field. This was same for even the First FMPB Missionary field. During earlier days, in FMPB state camp, in children section missionary children were taught to pray for missionaries. Later when the camp their members their children too followed the same step by praying particularly for one missionary. We witnessed various miracles in our missionary field as a result of these prayers. Praising Points: 1. In the past years our Children Wing has expanded greatly. We have twenty five full time missionaries. 2. For children who have accepted Christ through one ministry. 3. For Children who have renewed their commitments through our ministry. 4. For children who have committed for full time ministry. 5. For ministry among children, for our home children education. 6. For children who have collected to save as much as possible to provide for mission needs. Prayer Points 1. For children to endure strong in decision they have made. 2. For children to mention the name of particular missionaries allotted to them and pray., 3. Pray for the safety of children who are vulnerable for harm from terrorist group like Naxalites and Maoist. 4. Pray for the follow-up work done by children’s wing. - Selwyn God who came as a physician Mulinda Hemron is a believer in Saklipakkal village part of Jama mission field in Jharkhand state. Localities of the village isolated his family as he accepted Christ as his saviour. So his family stayed in small room which was used for cow and goats. In this situation suddenly Mulinda Hemron suffered with diarrhea, vomiting and fell fainting. His condition was getting worse with progress in time. Both his daughter and wife were not sure of what to do and they were also suffering along with him. When Mulinda Hemron came back to conscious state, he gave a telephone number of doctor to his wife and asked her to call and he fainted again. His wife worried regarding his deteriorating condition called doctor for help. Doctor traveled long distance carried along with him salt water solution and reached the village by evening. He was surprised to see him alive when he was supposed to be dead by then. Doctor stayed with him through the night and healed him. Doctor did not charged any fees for his service and left. When Mulinda Hemron woke up in the morning he called up our Missionary and shared how God worked through the doctor in healing him and he praised God for the same. -Missionary, Jama mission field. THINK... Fo u r t h We e k P ra y e r Po i n t s Before going to complain about think about people who stay in street. house, Before going to complain about A group to remember this monththe distance to your workplace MUSAHAR from home, think about the people who walk to the distance daily. Before going to complain about your job, think about the people who don’t have job. Musahar- They are considered as one of the lowest of Dalit groups found in Madhepura, Gaya, Katihar, Araria, Purnia district of Bihar. There are approximately three and half Before going to point out other for lakh Musaharas. Due to water scarcity and lack of farm land their mistake, think if anybody of to do cultivation they work at bonded agricultural labourers. us doesn’t have any sin in us. Due to povrty they continue to work as day wage labourers for high caste land owners who mistreat them only one in Ten Don’t murmur for the things that Musahar can read and write. Though they work as bonded you don’t have. Think about the agricultural labourers their traditional occupation is rat huntthings what you have now and ing. They consume the hunted rats. For the past few years give thanks to God for that. Government has funded various programs to expand educaLife saving Medical Service: tion among this people group. Our missionaries Mr.Rajendra Babu and his family There are around 23000 Prialong with pawan kumar has marched forward to Araria Dis- mary Health Centres In India. trict to show Musahars who are looking forward for a change Inspite of this 78% of the medin their status and life in society about Jesus Christ who is the ical expenses are met by the only way. Musahars shows great interest in listening to the citizens. gospel. Pray that they should accept Christ as their Lord. 80% of the Medical Service is under the private sector. Prayer Points: Though they fetch building 1. For extreme poverty which prevails among this people to loans and equipment loans come to an end. from the government, they do 2. For Government to take various steps to meet this people not help the poor. basic needs. To meet educational needs of this people group. There are 5 ½ lakh doctors in 3. For God to bring about change in their traditional false India. beliefs system. There are 7 ½ lakh nurses in 4. For God to bless the work of their hands. India. 5. For Alcoholic males among Musahar population to be delivered free from their bondage. 6. For Musahar people to offer all their support for steps taken Let us pray for medical service by the Government to being about the changes. to reach all over India including 7. For God’s Kingdom message to be preached among this all the villages and for doctors people group. to serve whole heartedly and 8. For God to rise up missionaries, who will whole heartedly not for money. minister among this people group. What is the answer for my question? To Whom do shields of earth belong? SMS the answer with the proof of Bible verse and also with your name and address to 9443998855. Special prize is waiting for the first 5 persons who will send the correct answer. Question of the last month: God chose a person as leader near this tree. He who thought himself as leader was murdered near this tree. Who are all they and which tree? Answers: Gideon and Absalom. (Judges 6:11-21; 2 Samuel 18:9-18) Winners: Ms.I.Jimla, Erode Ms.Florence Hepziba, Kariapatti Ms.Beula Jasmine, Kariapatti Mr.Ebenezer Jebadurai, Thalavaipuram Mr.Johm, Erode District... KanyaKumari District A district occupying just 1.29% of Tamilnadu , Kanyakumari has almost all the geographic features such as hills, plains, coastal plains and waterfalls. It grows a variety of crops from paddy to coconut trees and has a pleasant climate. It also has the highest literacy rate in the state. Nagercoil is the administrative headquarters of the district. There are many tourist spots like Thiruvalluvar Statue, Vivekananda Rock Memorial,etc. There are also many beaches like Muttom beach, Chothavilai beach, Tirparappu waterfalls and Pechuparai dam, etc. There are many memorials built after famous national leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Swami Vivekananda and State leaders like Kamaraj. Though there are a huge number of churches because of the vast missionary work done during the British rule, there are also equal number of age old temples and mosques. Jain culture prevalent in few areas. The district faces many problems. There is rural over-population. They are mainly dependent on agriculture. During Tsunami in 2004, Kanyakumari was one of the worst affected districts. There is also proposal for establishment of new airport because of the higher number of tourists to the place. Shall we all pray for the betterment of this boundary forming district? Pray that • The district administration must be blessed • For the coastal areas to be away from natural disasters • For the poor people in the district • For the good rains and blessed agricultural practice. • For name-sake Christians to be transformed • The district to become a fully Christian one -Nishada’s There are innumerable kids in our nation, who survive by doing household works because of their poor families. Let us pray for the change in the plight of those underprivileged kids. Let us pray for the future of the mentally challenged people of our nation. Let us also pray for the liberty of those afflicted by detained lives for spreading the Gospel all through the globe. Let us pray the Lord must make the drug addicts feel guilty of their action and transform themselves. Let us pray that every Christian would fearfully and sacredly worship the Lord on Sundays. Let us pray for the old aged parents left alone by their children. Let us pray for the eradication of child marriages. Let us pray for the forthcoming parliamentary elections, for the Will of the Lord to be fulfilled. Let us pray for the protection of the destitute and orphans. Flash Prayer Points Let us pray for the rehabilitation of chronic alcoholic drivers. Let us pray that the Lord s h o u l d m a ke them realize their mistake. Let us pray for the security and safety of the road workers on national highways. Reminiscences Thirst In B.C. 356, Alexander was born and his father was Philip the II. He was made to rule at the age of 20. He was taught by Aristotle, before he was fit to rule he had to experience what is felt like to be ruled and he did not forget it. He loved the works of Homer. Even if he went to war, he would late a book of Homer, with him. Though he owned the north of Macedonia, he had the thirst of winning, and he had wisdom, and the keen eyes of an eagle. His eyes turned towards Persia and he went to war with the king of Darius. The king of Darius who was every confident about his warriors, ordered them to go and tie up the foolish lad Alexander’s hands and legs and bring him to Persian. But what happened was King Darius was wounded in the war and he absconded, his mother wife and children were taken as slaves by the Greeks. Those who were wounded in the war, had severe blood loss, and they know that death is at hand and they will thirst for water. They will beg for water to those who pass by them or they will beg them to kill them. Now Darius is wounded in the war, and he is lying in a pool of blood. When the Greek warriors surrounded him he shout to them and ask for water! Water. A soldier rushed to bring him water, and others went to Alexander to tell the news. King Darius thought that Alexander, who looked after his mother, wife, and children would also be considerate towards him, but slowly he died. When Alexander came to see King Darius he saw him dead in his royal dress and he started crying. He paid all the tributes to the dead body, by preserving with medicinal scents and herbs and made a coffin of precious wood and sent the body to Susan. Alexander, who wanted to conquer the whole word, sets his foot to conquer Persia, shows his consideration to his enemy King Darius. This shows that though people are blood thirsty, the love they have towards their enemies makes us feel that though they have a heart of stone, there is some love in it. His name was Jebasingh Titus, a young man with beautiful teeth. Though he was lean, he was always busy. He has not passed Higher Secondary. But he was a two-wheeler mechanic, and there was no one to support him. He used to call me as ‘Chittappa’. He longed to ride bike at high speed. He will not need to the advice when we say to him that he should not go at that speed in the bike. He had a two wheeler service station in Nagercoil. One day in the evening time, he returned from Sattur Via, Pudur with his friend in the bike. He was riding the bike. 5 Kilometres before Tuticorin, his bike and another vehiclecollided with each other and both of them were thrown from the bike. His friend broke his leg. But Jeba was wounded in the head and blood was flowing from his mouth and nose. There was no body to help them, since they feared about the police enquiry. Somehow both were admitted in the hospital. He was put in the intensive care unit and the doctors were struggling to save his life. But he was shouting at the top of his voice for water. During the accidents, water should not be given to the wounded. But he died, crying water, water Thirst! Quenching Thirst! Youngsters of 21st Century do not forget the words of your mother! You have to obey your parents, for the longevity of your life in this earth. Follow the steps of God who has called you by name. During the hot summer season, Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for water. But he did not drink. But he gave the everlasting water to her. She went to Sigar village and told the loving story of Jesus who is the everlasting one. Thirst of body is different from the thirst of the spirit. Though the body’s thirst can be quenched! The spirits thirst will be there. But when the thirst of spirit overcomes, our body will be made pure and we will be witness to Christ. Let us look to the cross which quenches our thirst. NEED...NEED...NEED Engineers, Computer Engineers, Degree holders, teachers are needed to work part / Full time and for the construction of churches in North India. CONTACT FMPB YOUTH WING, 25C, Eden Garden,Srinivasa Nagar 5th Main Road,Trichy-17 Ph:9444393227, 0431-2781444 PUNJAB Field Trip Register… Date: June 9th – 16th Field : Punjab Cost of the tip including travel and food: Rs.5000/Register for Contact : 8903592406 Are you willing to join the ministry? You can come forward to make known the gospel to the Indians who have not heard it at all. As we are looking forward to the second coming Jesus, you can also commit your life, talents. Apply prayerfully, FMPB, No.29, High school Road, Ambattur, Chennai-53 Ph:044-26570404 Moon on the earth William Tyndale (A hero for the information age Father of English Bible translators) (1494 - 1536) Early stage of Tyndale: He was born in England on 1494. He was brought in the fear for God. Though he was born in the tradition Christian family, superstitious thoughts of early Roman Catholic Church made him to think about it. He completed his degrees in Oxford and Cambridge universities. It made him to become a church revolutionist. He was attracted by the speech of Martin Luther and other protestant revolutionists. He was ordained in 1521 as Roman Catholic priest. Again he returned to his native place and became a priest over there. Tyndale’s progressive thoughts and his actions against the catholic conservatives made the church leaders to look at him. First English Bible: Tyndale tried to involve himself in the work of translating New Testament in English after he returned to London. He knew that it was illegal. But he strongly believed that people can be delivered from the religious customs and meaningless rules of the church by providing Bible to people in their own language. Tyndale dared to raise his voice against Church of England. Also his thoughts were like Martin Luther’s. On 1524, with the help of London traders he exiled England and immigrated to Germany. So, he thought that he could accomplish the translating work safely. He received support from Martin Luther as he started his work in Wittenberg city. After one year work, New Testament was printed in English on 1526. Copy of this was printed in Whams city. Those printed Bible was smuggled to England. English History notes says that these were the first English Bibles. Working in hostile situation, he thought that he could hide and continue the translation work, but he was betrayed by his friend Henry Phillips. He was arrested and imprisoned for 500 days in Vilvoorden fort and went under many tortures. On October 6, 1536, he was tortured to betray the truth and accept that translating Bible was wrong. Finally, the verdict was released to burn him alive in the midst of burning woods. Before he was burnt alive, many New Testament copies were printed and published. He cried out saying “Lord, please open the eyes of England Kings” and gave up his breath. Resultant of his prayer, King Henry VIII released first English bible “Great Bible” within 3 years. Though all the Old Testament was not translated when Tyndale died, all the Bibles translated after this was based on his translation. Popular “King James version” is also included in it. Tyndale was a hero in that era in which the situation was not supportive -Angel Hot Question & Interesting Answer -Mrs.Veronica Clement I have been praying for a particular thing for many days. But I did not receive the answer. Why? A man prayed to God asking for a flower and a beautiful butterfly. God gave him a cactus and caterpillar. He was very much disappointed as he was not given with what he exactly asked for. After few days, a beautiful flower sprouted from the cactus which is full of thorns and doesn’t have good appearance to look at it. A loathsome caterpillar had become a beautiful butterfly. God will never do mistakes. Though it may look wrong, it would be the best for us. So keep your faith and be patient whether or not you received answers for your prayers. He will meet all your need at a due time. It doesn’t mean that all you want is all you need. But He will meet your needs without fail. So pray without doubt, murmuring and disappointment. This may not be the right time for the thing you are praying for. If you need it, He will provide you at the right time. He will never delay. Those who surrender themselves to His will will receive the very best from Him. 15 minutes with God… Bible reading and prayer are the two eyes of the christian life. God wants that we should read His word and talk to Him. But, today's’ youngsters are very busy in this fast world and not able to give proper time to God. You give the early morning time to God and check as He told “Those who seek me in the early morning will find Me”. That day will surely be a blessed day to you. After you got up in the morning, spare the first 15 minutes and spend it with God. What to do in 15 minutes…. First 5 minutes for sanctification: Surrender your whole body to God. Each of our thoughts, deeds, and words should be holy in the sight of God. Ask God to wash you by His blood and cleanse you. Second 5 minutes for Bible reading…. God will teach us what to do through the Bible verses. Sit under His feet and meditate His word. Last 5 minutes for prayer… We need God’s help to execute Word of God that we learnt in our life. So pray Him to provide His support and help. When we read Bible, God speaks to us. While praying, we speak to God. So, quiet time is so important for each day. Also it is inevitable. Likewise, try to spend 15 minutes in His feet daily. If you do like this meticulously, 15 minutes will turn to 30 minutes and 30 to one hour. Like this, your prayer time will increase. You life too will become useful to others. (It is better to use meditation guide). ƒZ´ >VÔD Â\m ƒZ´›]uz ¿Ï ®Àk·° ÷[§BÁ\ BV>m ®[√m c∫Ô”¬z ÿ>ˆ•\V? 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We must thirst after righteousness: ÂDxÁ¶B ∑B¿] Œ[ƬzD c>kVm ®[Æ ÂVD ∂§•D º√Vm º>k¿]l[ º\_ >VÔD ∞u√|D. º>k¿]ÁB ∂§•D ka ®[™? ºk>›Á> xÁ≈BVÔ Ôu√º>. ºk>D c[ kVµÁk WÁ≈¬zD º√Vm, c[MKD, c[Á™ ∂|›m^ekˆKD ˝k[>ÚD gsBV™kÏ ÿƒB_√|kÁ>¬ ÔVxΩ•D (\›.5:6, ºBVkV 7:38). c∫Ô”Á¶B kVµs_ gs¬zˆB >VÔD cı¶V? ÿku§•^· ˛§¸>k kVµ° kVw >VÔD cı¶V? ÷ºB∑s¶D ÂD∏¬ÁÔºBV| kV. c[Á™ \‚|\_È, c[M¶›]oÚÕm A≈©√|D ˝k›>ıßÏ, c[ JÈ\VF ∂ºÂÔÁ´ W›]B kVµ°¬z ∂Áw›mfl ÿƒ_KD ®[√]_ ®Õ> ƒÕº>ÔxD ÷_ÁÈ. gÁÔBV_ ÷©º√Ï©√‚¶› >VÔD c[ kVµs_ ∂–]™xD k·´ √ˆ∑›> gsBV™kÏ mÁ ÿƒFkV´VÔ. gÿ\[. -Selwyn Let me start the women’s day special article with the quote that Billy Graham shared about women’s in one of his sermons. His idea was not to criticize but to highlight the truth. “Too many women have too much leisure time for their own good. They have time for criticism, gossip, fault finding and complaining. They have time for idle games and lay too much attention to things of the flesh. There are other women who have too little time for the enduring things of life. They have great activity and much doing, but they lack time for building Christian characters”. Hello! Is there anything that you could identify yourself with? If not go through it once more and keenly see if you can identify yourself with any of the above said qualities about women. Proverb 18:22 says that “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favour from the Lord”. Are you and will you be a favour? A good wife is compared to be more precious than rubies. Are you grooming yourself to be of that worth? Being faithful to God is very rewarding and when a women is faithful to God She transcends all expectations. Both kinds of women - the too idle and the too busy need to take time for meditation and quiet response in prayer to God. Today’s girls are tomorrow’s women and you need time to cultivate your soul. So that in turn you will be able to cultivate your children’s lives. Charles Spurgeon once said, “I cannot explain how much I owe to the blessings of my mother” There are certain things that as girls of today and women of tomorrow you need to equip yourself with: 1. Should be aware of current events and should be able to engage in conversation on many topics. This will be possible when you keep up with current events and know what is happening around you. 2. Read books of personal interest, because this will enhance your critical thinking and analytical skills. Becoming a well read woman will make you a well spoken. 3. Mind the language you use, be it in English or in your vernacular. It influences life to a great extent. Keep away from vulgar language. Your should not hurt others. 4. Be industrious, do not use the word “bordem” in your life, engage in activty and causes that you are passionate about, be it tailoring, sports, writing, reading, helping, cooking or whatever. 5. Integrity or honesty, trust and good character should be developed. Being trust worthy is very essential for a woman. Character is defined as moral excellent, or as who you are, when no one is looking at you. Integrity is steadfast adherence to a strict moral and ethical code. It is behaving morally across situation. Trust worthiness means being dependable. As a young girl of today and a woman of tomorrow adhere to moral guidelines and behave that way regardless of the circumstances. A good women stays to herself and is consistent in her behavior. As older among the young you, having a consistent behaviour should teach the younger women the skills and disciplines needed to have a successful home and marriage. The greatest of ministry is in teaching younger girls and women what they need to know to be effective daughter, Wives, mothers and home makers. -Eben We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is a global God.
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