Spring 2015 Edited by Denise Holley NMD rallies support for immigrant in sanctuary By Denise Holley Volunteers with No More Deaths hoisted signs that declared “We Stand with Rosa” as they launched a campaign in February to free a Tucson mother from the threat of deportation. Keep Tucson Together, a NMD DI¿OLDWHDLPVWREULQJPRUHYLVLELOLW\WRWKHVWUXJJOHRI Rosa Robles Loreto and put pressure on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Robles Loreto took sanctuary at Southside Presbyterian &KXUFKRQ$XJWRDYRLGDGHSRUWDWLRQRUGHUWKDW would send her back to Mexico and separate her from her husband and two sons. A resident of Tucson since 1999, 5REOHV/RUHWRZDVVWRSSHGIRUDPLQRUWUDI¿FYLRODWLRQLQ 2011, which led to the order last summer. Three immigrants who sought sanctuary in churches in 2014 came to Southside Feb. 25 to encourage Robles /RUHWRDQGSDUWLFLSDWHLQDFRPPXQLW\FRQYHUVDWLRQDERXW WKHLUH[SHULHQFH'DQLHO1H\R\5XL]OLYHGDW6RXWKVLGH with his family from May to June and Francisco Perez &RUGRYDWRRNVDQFWXDU\DW6W)UDQFLVLQWKH+LOOV8QLWHG Methodist Church in Tucson from September to DecemEHU$QJHOD1DYDUURWUDYHOHGIURP3KLODGHOSKLDZKHUH VKHKDGOLYHGLQVDQFWXDU\$OOWKUHHHPHUJHGZLWKWKHLU deportation orders lifted or cases closed. ³:KHQZHVWDUWHGLQ$XJXVWZLWK5RVD,QHYHU dreamed we’d still be here at Christmas,” attorney Margo Cowan told the Southside congregation in December. 6RIDUWKHORFDO,&(RI¿FHKDVUHIXVHGWRFORVH Robles Loreto’s case.+HUWLPHOLYLQJLQDVPDOOURRPDWWKH FKXUFKKDVVWUHWFKHGLQWRVHYHQPRQWKV6XSSRUWHUVNHHS KHUFRPSDQ\DQGVKHDWWHQGVWKH6XQGD\VHUYLFHV ³,W¶VYHU\KDUGIRUPH´5REOHV/RUHWRVDLGDERXW Photo by Denise Holley Rosa Robles Loreto (right) speaks at a community conversation about sanctuary Feb. 25, 2015, at Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson. To avoid a deportation order, she took sanctuary in the church in August 2014. On the left is Daniel Neyoy Ruiz, who stayed at Southside with his family in May and June 2014 until Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) stayed his deportation order. Robles Loreto is still awaiting action from ICE. PLVVLQJKHUER\V¶DFWLYLWLHVDQGKDYLQJWKHZKROHIDPLO\ together only on weekends. “But I am a person of faith,” she said, who leans on God when she feels sad. “Rosa is a woman with much faith, optimism and strength,” said Ernesto Portillo, Jr., editor of La Estrella, ZKRHPFHHGWKH)HEHYHQW ³:H¶UHJRLQJWRGRHYHU\WKLQJZHFDQWRKHOSKHU´ Neyoy Ruiz pledged. Continued on page 7 No More Deaths is an organization whose mission is to end death and suffering on the border between the United States and Mexico by mobilizing people of conscience to uphold fundamental human rights. Founded in 2004, in Tucson, Arizona, NMD provides water, food and medical assistance to migrants walking through the Arizona desert, monitors U.S. operations on the border, works to change the “war zone” policy, and brings the plight of migrants to public attention. It is a ministry of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson. To contact No More Deaths, call (520) 333- 5699 or visit the website www.nomoredeaths.org Dear Friends of No More Deaths Volunteer ‘shaken down’ as NMD releases UHSRUWRQFRQ¿VFDWHGPLJUDQWEHORQJLQJV Right now…. No More Deaths volunteers and other border justice activists are awaiting a judge’s decision after their trial in a Pima County courtroom in Tucson. The 12 defendants were arrested Oct. 11, 2013 for blockading two Operation Streamline By Denise Holley buses carrying migrants to the federal courthouse for a mass hearing and sentencing. Their courageous action halted that Dorothy Chao her purse,a including her for crossing the border without documents. day’s proceedings andsurrendered spared 61 migrants prison sentence cell phone, passport, family photos, phone numbers and The judge dropped all but two charges and is now deciding whether these activists are guilty of being a public nuisance two bottles of medicine. Fellow No More Deaths (NMD) and obstructing a highway. Margo Cowan, the defendants’ attorney, summed it up succinctly in her closing statement: YROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOOGURSSHGWKHLWHPVLQWRDEDJDV “What happened that day is about something much greater than an inconvenience,” she said. “Our obligation as some 65 people, including reporters and photographers, Americans is to hold our government accountable.” watched. Our Chao springagreed volunteer program is in second arrested full week.byIt attracts college students on spring break and others from to play the role of its a migrant around the country during March to provide humanitarian aid in the desert. Local volunteers continue to go to Nogales %RUGHU3DWURO%XWVKHZDVVKRFNHGZKHQ+LOOGHPDQGHG several times a week to provide phones so deported people can call their family members. Nogales volunteers also provide her wedding ring and glasses, she said. Then he took the medical and help people get their detention checks cashed and recover their possessions. bag aid away. On another volunteers from No More “I can’tfront, see without my glasses,” Chao Deaths said. “I and was other border justice groups work with Keep Tucson Together (KTT) to help DACA (Deferredlooking Action for Childhood Arrivals) students and their families get their paperwork in order feeling a little threatened, at all my stuff in the DQG¿OHG.77DOVRKDVODXQFKHGDKXJHFDPSDLJQ³:H6WDQG:LWK5RVD´WRVXSSRUW5RVD5REOHV/RUHWRDQLPPLJUDQW bag.” Photo by Steve Johnston in sanctuary at Southside Presbyterian Church since Aug.to7, 2014. The goal is to persuade Immigration and Customs This “dispossession through deportation” happens Enforcement (ICE) to close Rosa’s deportation case and assure that 1R0RUH'HDWKVYROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOOOHIWFRQ¿VFDWHVDOO her family will stay together in Tucson. WKRXVDQGVRIXQGRFXPHQWHGPLJUDQWVHYHU\\HDU+LOO of volunteer Dorothy Chao’s personal belongings at a press Connecting the dots of these seemingly disparate activities gives shape to a vision that drives our work at No More told the audience in Tucson, Arizona on Dec. 10, 2014. conference Dec. 10, 2014, in Tucson. NMD was releasing Deaths. Our mission“Shakedown,” is to end deathitsand suffering on abuse the U.S.-Mexico border. Our continuing work takes on many creative NMD released third report on of its third report on abuse of migrants titled “Shakedown.” formsPLJUDQWVWRFRLQFLGHZLWK8QLWHG1DWLRQV+XPDQ5LJKWV to carry out that mission. We’re grateful for your ToThe contribute, writewhat a check payable to UUCT/ act dramatizes happens routinely to migrants in continuing Day. generosity and your ongoing support. On behalf custody who areand often deported without theirMore belongings No More Deaths send it to: UUCT/No third of thesisters, borderthank crossers of our Nearly migrantone brothers and you.who are stripped and cash. RIHYHU\WKLQJWKH\RZQDUHHYHQWXDOO\GHSRUWHGZLWKRXW Deaths, P.O. Box 40782, Tucson, AZ 85717, or visit In solidarity, www.nomoredeaths.org and select the their money or belongings, according to the report. Their our website FDVHVLQ10'¶V3URSHUW\$VVLVWDQFH5HFRYHU\ The No More Deaths Community “donate” button. FDVKLVXVXDOO\FRQYHUWHGLQWRDFKHFNRUGHELWFDUGWKDWLV 3URJUDP3HUWHQHQFLDV3URMHFWDQGLQWHUYLHZV10' nearly impossible to cash or use in Mexico. YROXQWHHUVFRQGXFWHGLQ1RJDOHV6RQRUDLQDQG Without Mexican ID, a deported person cannot cash a 7KHVHYROXQWHHUVKHOSHGGHSRUWHGSHRSOHUHFRYHU FKHFNRU¿QGGHFHQWHPSOR\PHQWYROXQWHHUVUHSRUWHGLQ about one third of their funds, but the rest was lost. ³6KDNHGRZQ´,IWKH\KDYHQRZD\WRFDOOIDPLO\SD\IRU “I hope you feel the anguish of the migrants,” said Dr. food or a bus ride home, these people may be harassed by Scott Whiteford, director of Latin American Studies at the police, kidnapped or recruited by smugglers to cross the 8QLYHUVLW\RI$UL]RQD³0RUHWKDQSHUFHQWFDPHKHUHWR 86ERUGHUDJDLQ be with family.” 7KH¿QGLQJVLQ³6KDNHGRZQ´FRPHIURPWZRVRXUFHV :KLWHIRUGOHGDERUGHUUHVHDUFKSURMHFWZKLFKLVVXHGD report on migrant belongings in 2013, he said. Researchers found a large discrepancy between regions. In El Paso, 85 percent of deportees lost their belongings, Whiteford said. %XWLQ0H[LFDOL³WKHYDVWPDMRULW\JRWWKHPEDFN´ Belongings are usually held at Border Patrol headquarters for 30 days, the report said. But migrants sent to FRXUWIRU2SHUDWLRQ6WUHDPOLQHPD\EHVHQWHQFHGWRRQH to six months in prison for illegal entry. When they are deported, there is no guarantee they will be reunited with their possessions. ³7KLVSUDFWLFHYLRODWHVWKH)LIWK$PHQGPHQWWKDWQR Photos by Jim Marx SHUVRQVKDOOEHGHSULYHGRISURSHUW\ZLWKRXWGXHSURFHVV´ No More Deaths volunteer Daniel Wilson completed a -DPHV/\DOODQDWWRUQH\ZLWKWKH$PHULFDQ&LYLO/LEHUWLHV well and cistern project at Byrd Camp in Arivaca, Arizona, 8QLRQWROGWKHDXGLHQFH in time ³(YHU\RQHDUUHVWHGE\&%3&XVWRPVDQG%RUGHU for Christmas 2014. Before then, NMD relied on Humane Bordersends to deliver blue barrels of water the Protection) up in ICE (Immigration andfor Customs NMD volunteers who researched. wrote and edited the camp. Now campers and migrants use this faucet (left) for (QIRUFHPHQWFXVWRG\´+LOOVDLG³7KHLUEHORQJLQJVPLJKW “Shakedown” report hold a banner after their press cona renewable source of water. as well go to ICE with them.” ference on Dec. 10, 2014. 2 6 Spring break campers experience the desert reality for migrants Sanctuary continued A week earlier, Keep Tucson Together held a press conference at the church and then accompanied Rosa’s sons, Gerardo Jr. and José Emiliano, WRWKHGRZQWRZQSRVWRI¿FHZKHUHWKH\PDLOHGWKHLUDSSOLFDWLRQVIRUWKH 'HIHUUHG$FWLRQIRU&KLOGKRRG$UULYDOV'$&$SURJUDP By Denise Holley Photos by Bob Torrez “We don’t like moms being deported,” said Sarah Launius, co-coordinator -HVVH=DPEUDQROXJJHGDJDOORQRIZDWHURQKLV¿UVW doesn’t mean beaches and parties for of KeepSpring Tucsonbreak Together. KLNHRIQLQHPLOHVDQGGUDQNPRVWRILWKHVDLG³+RZ students who come to the No More Deaths camps in +HUJURXSWUDLQVYROXQWHHUVWRKHOSSHRSOH¿OHSDSHUZRUNWRFORVHWKHLU FDQSHRSOHVXUYLYHLQWKHGHVHUWIRUDZHHNZLWKVROLWWOH March. Instead, they lug water on long hikes in the LPPLJUDWLRQFDVHV&XUUHQWO\WKH\DUHKROGLQJIRUXPVDW3XHEOR+LJK water?” rugged Arizona desert. They sleep in tents and eat with 6FKRROWRH[SODLQWKHODWHVWH[HFXWLYHRUGHUVRQH[SDQGHGGHIHUUHGDFWLRQ +LVJURXSHQFRXQWHUHGD%RUGHU3DWURODJHQW=DPEUDQR for certain immigrants, Launius said. DVRFLRORJ\PDMRUIURP+XPEROGW6WDWH8QLYHUVLW\ LQ(XUHND&DOLIVHQVHGDQJHUDQGSUHMXGLFHLQKLV 10'YROXQWHHUVYRWHG0DUFKWRGRQDWHWRWKHFDPSDLJQWREODQexpression, he said. ket the Tucson area with more “We Stand with Rosa” signs. Zambrano’s parents left Puebla, Mexico and crossed the RIGHT: Attorney Margo Cowan speaks on behalf of local immigrants who 86ERUGHUZLWKRXWGRFXPHQWVKHVDLG+LVIDWKHUJDLQHG have taken sanctuary to avoid deportation during a Feb. 25 meetinglegal at status through the 1986 immigration law, but it took Southside Presbyterian Church. Below her is Rosa Robles Loreto, who hasfor his mother to get her green card. years lived in sanctuary at Southside since August 2014. ³0DQ\WLPHVZHGLVUHJDUGWKHDGYDQWDJHVZHKDYH´ Photo by Denise Holley Zambrano said. “Being Mexican-American, we are aware of the struggles our families go through.” Camp facilitator Alyn (Alana) Tchirkine, 24, heard stories about crossing the desert from immigrants she met Mariah Wallace Andy Whinery LQKHUQDWLYH6RQRPD&RXQW\&DOLI other students and adults from across the country who ³,¶PUHDOO\XSVHWZLWK86ERUGHUSROLF\´VDLG 7KH$PHULFDQ&LYLO/LEHUWLHV8QLRQ$&/8DOORFDWHG VKDUHWKHLUFRQFHUQIRUPLJUDQWVDVWKH\MRXUQH\DFURVV 7FKLUNLQHD8&6DQWD&UX]JUDGXDWHLQFRPPXQLW\ funds to host the conference due to their close relationship XQIRUJLYLQJWHUUDLQ with VWXGLHVZKR¿UVWFDPHWRVSULQJEUHDNFDPSLQ No More Deaths’ Abuse Documentation team and 0DULDK:DOODFHIURP(XUHND&DOLI¿UVWFDPH “I feel like my skills are useful here,” she said. “I know UHVHDUFKHUVDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI$UL]RQD%RWKJURXSV to the Arizona desert in 2014 “because there are human KRZWRGULYHDWUXFNKLNHDQGVSHDN6SDQLVK´ documented these abuses in recent reports. El Proyecto de beings getting sick, getting hurt and dying in the desert,” In her second year as a facilitator, helps Defensa e Incidencia Binacional (PDIB) Tchirkine cosponsored the she said. YROXQWHHUVXWLOL]HWKHLUGLIIHUHQWVNLOOVVKHVDLG³3HRSOH gathering. 7KHSROLWLFDOVFLHQFHPDMRUIURP+XPEROGW6WDWH ¿QGWKHSODFHZKHUHWKH\WKULYH´ :KHQZHDUULYHGLQ0H[LFR&LW\JURXSVIURPVKHOWHUV 8QLYHUVLW\H[SHFWHGWRFDPSRXWDQGOHQGDKDQGEXW +RZFDQYROXQWHHUVPDNHDGLIIHUHQFH"7FKLUNLQH approached us with photocopies of checks was surprised by the scale of No More Deaths’ operation in Mexicali EHOLHYHVWKHPRVWYDOXDEOHDFWLVOHDYLQJMXJVRIZDWHU WKDWPLJUDQWVUHFHLYHGIURPGHWHQWLRQFHQWHUV7KH\DVNHG WRDLGPLJUDQWVVKHVDLG³,QHYHUUHDOO\WKRXJKWDERXW Migrants sometimes tell her, “We found your food and emergency phones, a medical tent and socks for people to XVIRUDGYLFHRQKRZWRFDVKWKHFKHFNV ZDWHURQWKHWUDLO,GRQ¶WNQRZZKDWZHZRXOGKDYHGRQH change into.” 2QWKH¿UVWGD\RIWKHFRQIHUHQFHZHJDYHD without it,” Tchirkine said. Now in her second year on spring break, Wallace said SUHVHQWDWLRQRQWKH¿QGLQJVIURPRXUODWHVWUHSRUW WKHH[SHULHQFHKHOSVKHUDSSUHFLDWHKHUOLIHLQWKH8QLWHG ³6KDNHGRZQ´DQGWKHGLUHFWKXPDQLWDULDQDLGZHSURYLGH States. to folks who are deported without their belongings. The ³,WKLQNLWSXWVP\SULYLOHJHLQSHUVSHFWLYHEHLQJDQ VHFRQGGD\ZDVGHYRWHGWRFRPLQJXSZLWKDFRRUGLQDWHG Photo by Rociio Melendez American citizen, being able to see my family, doing strategy among the more than 40 attendees. pretty much what I want,” Wallace said. No More Deaths volunteer Juan Manuel Aguirre 2XWRIWKLVD\HDUORQJSODQRIDFWLRQZDVFUHDWHG Andy Whinery, 28, help fromdeported Amarillo,migrants Texas, took describes how volunteers in a break WKDWLQFOXGHV)UHHGRPRI,QIRUPDWLRQ)2,$OLWLJDWLRQ IURPKLVHGLWLQJMRELQ0H[LFR&LW\WRVSHQGDZHHNDW Nogales, Sonora, cope with debit cards and checks they WR¿JXUHRXWLQZKRVHSRFNHWVWKHPRQH\UREEHGIURP Byrd Camp with his girlfriend, RedofSamaniego. receive from detention centers instead their cash. deported migrants goes. The plan calls for coordinated “I hope to help people who are in need and get enough DGYRFDF\DWORFDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOOHYHOVUDQJLQJ SHUVSHFWLYHDERXWWKHZRUN10'LVGRLQJWRWDNHWKDW By Alicia Dinsmore from a pressure campaign against predatory debit card back to my friends and family,” Whinery said. companies to obtaining a hearing at the Inter-American 0HPEHUVRIGLUHFWDLGJURXSVDQGDGYRFDF\ 7KHKLNLQJZDVPRUHGLI¿FXOWWKDQKHKDGH[SHFWHG &RPPLVVLRQRQ+XPDQ5LJKWV Jesse Zambrano Alyn (Alana) Tchirkine RUJDQL]DWLRQVIURPWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV0H[LFR(O Whinery said. But seeing water bottles slashed was tough -XDQ0DQXHODQG/XSLWD$JXLUUH10'YROXQWHHUV 6DOYDGRUDQG+RQGXUDVPHW-DQDQGLQ0H[LFR The three-week spring break program attracted 73 emotionally. fromstudents Nogales,and Ariz., whowho cash detention center checks for in &LW\WRGHYLVHDSODQRIDFWLRQWRDGGUHVVWKHSUREOHPRI adults camped in NMD’s desert camps “It made me angry,” Whinery said. “It made me sad ... PLJUDQWVDFFRPSDQLHGYROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOODQGPHWR howKRZPXFKHYLOWRZDUGKHOSOHVVSHRSOHLVLPSOLHGLQWKDW people are systematically robbed of their belonging $ULYDFDDQG$MR the conference. through detention and deportation. action.” NMD joins Mexico City conference on missing money and belongings 7 3 NMD NMDreaches reachesacross acrossthe theborder border Currently, Currently, aboutabout 40 percent 40 percent are Central are Central American, American, PRVWO\IURP*XDWHPDODDQG+RQGXUDV$EGXODVDLG PRVWO\IURP*XDWHPDODDQG+RQGXUDV$EGXODVDLG Because Because Mexican Mexican police police are taking are taking themthem off the offtrains, the trains, manymany are taking are taking the bus, the bus, hitching hitching a ridea or ridewalking or walking to theto the border. border. 6RPHPLJUDQWVOLQJHULQ$OWDUEHFDXVHWKH\FDQ¿QG 6RPHPLJUDQWVOLQJHULQ$OWDUEHFDXVHWKH\FDQ¿QG ZRUNKDUYHVWLQJDVSDUDJXVWKLVWLPHRI\HDUVDLG6LVWHU ZRUNKDUYHVWLQJDVSDUDJXVWKLVWLPHRI\HDUVDLG6LVWHU $QD*LOPD$UJXHWD&LIXHQWHV³7KH\HVWDEOLVKWKHPVHOYHV $QD*LOPD$UJXHWD&LIXHQWHV³7KH\HVWDEOLVKWKHPVHOYHV LQDPRUHSURGXFWLYHSODFH´ LQDPRUHSURGXFWLYHSODFH´ 2YHUFRIIHHWKHYROXQWHHU3DLJH&RULFK.OHLPVKDUHG 2YHUFRIIHHWKHYROXQWHHU3DLJH&RULFK.OHLPVKDUHG KHUSRVWHUVIRUPLJUDQWVWKDWOLVWWLSVWRVXUYLYHLQWKH KHUSRVWHUVIRUPLJUDQWVWKDWOLVWWLSVWRVXUYLYHLQWKH desert desert and checked and checked the Spanish the Spanish with with SisterSister Ana Ana Gilma. Gilma. /DWHUWKHYROXQWHHUVJDYHRXWNLWVWRPLJUDQWVLQD /DWHUWKHYROXQWHHUVJDYHRXWNLWVWRPLJUDQWVLQD PhotoPhoto by Denise by Denise Holley Holley ERDUGLQJKRXVHEXWIRXQGIHZWUDYHOHUVLQWKHSOD]D ERDUGLQJKRXVHEXWIRXQGIHZWUDYHOHUVLQWKHSOD]D EHFDXVH0H[LFDQSROLFHZLWKULÀHVSDWUROOHGWKHSHULPHWHU EHFDXVH0H[LFDQSROLFHZLWKULÀHVSDWUROOHGWKHSHULPHWHU SisterSister Mercedes at theatCCAMYN migrant center in in Mercedes the CCAMYN migrant center Volunteers Volunteers met up metwith up with Father Father Prisciliano Prisciliano Peraza, Peraza, pastor pastor Altar,Altar, Sonora, checks a boxa of harm reduction kits that Sonora, checks box of harm reduction kits that of Nuestra of Nuestra Señora Señora de Guadalupe de Guadalupe de Santa de Santa Ana,Ana, which which No More Deaths volunteers (including Jim Marx, in in No More Deaths volunteers (including Jim Marx, VSRQVRUVWKHPLJUDQWFHQWHU+HKDGMXVWUHWXUQHGIURPD VSRQVRUVWKHPLJUDQWFHQWHU+HKDGMXVWUHWXUQHGIURPD the background) delivered in February. She and the background) delivered in February. She other and other conference conference in Mexico in Mexico City City where where he spoke he spoke up for upmigrants for migrants Catholic sisters will distribute the kits migrants who who Catholic sisters will distribute the to kits to migrants ZKREHFRPHYLFWLPVRIFULPHGXULQJWKHLUMRXUQH\ ZKREHFRPHYLFWLPVRIFULPHGXULQJWKHLUMRXUQH\ congregate in Altar before they they crosscross the border into the congregate in Altar before the border into the Arizona desert. Arizona desert. ³7KH\OHDYHWKHLUFRXQWU\RIRULJLQRXWRIQHFHVVLW\´ ³7KH\OHDYHWKHLUFRXQWU\RIRULJLQRXWRIQHFHVVLW\´ Peraza Peraza said.said. “My“My dream dream is to is accompany to accompany a group a group of of By Denise By Denise Holley Holley migrants migrants to thetoborder.” the border.” ,W¶VMXVWDERXWLPSRVVLEOHWRGLVVXDGHD0H[LFDQRU ,W¶VMXVWDERXWLPSRVVLEOHWRGLVVXDGHD0H[LFDQRU /DWHULQ)HEUXDU\3HUD]DYLVLWHG%\UG&DPSLQ$ULYDFD /DWHULQ)HEUXDU\3HUD]DYLVLWHG%\UG&DPSLQ$ULYDFD &HQWUDO$PHULFDQIURPFURVVLQJWKH86GHVHUWRQFHWKH &HQWUDO$PHULFDQIURPFURVVLQJWKH86GHVHUWRQFHWKH WRZLWQHVVKRZ10'DLGVWUDYHOHUVZLWKIRRGZDWHUDQG WRZLWQHVVKRZ10'DLGVWUDYHOHUVZLWKIRRGZDWHUDQG PLJUDQWKDVLQYHVWHGWLPHHIIRUWDQGPRQH\WRDUULYHQHDU PLJUDQWKDVLQYHVWHGWLPHHIIRUWDQGPRQH\WRDUULYHQHDU medical medical care.care. the border. the border. ³$WKHPHRIWKHYLVLWZDVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIEXLOGLQJ ³$WKHPHRIWKHYLVLWZDVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIEXLOGLQJ Volunteers Volunteers fromfrom No More No More Deaths Deaths (NMD) (NMD) try totry dotothe do the strong strong ties within ties within and between and between communities communities that witness that witness next next best best thing.thing. TheyThey distribute distribute harmharm reduction reduction kits, kits, a fewa few DQGUHVSRQGWRWKHVXIIHULQJRIPLJUDQWVHYHQDVWKH\DUH DQGUHVSRQGWRWKHVXIIHULQJRIPLJUDQWVHYHQDVWKH\DUH LWHPVLQDSODVWLFEDJWKDWFDQLPSURYHDSHUVRQ¶VFKDQFHV LWHPVLQDSODVWLFEDJWKDWFDQLPSURYHDSHUVRQ¶VFKDQFHV KLWKDUGE\ERUGHUPLOLWDUL]DWLRQWKHPVHOYHV´VDLG10' KLWKDUGE\ERUGHUPLOLWDUL]DWLRQWKHPVHOYHV´VDLG10' RIVXUYLYDODWFURVVLQJSRLQWVLQQRUWKHUQ0H[LFR RIVXUYLYDODWFURVVLQJSRLQWVLQQRUWKHUQ0H[LFR YROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOO YROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOO 7KHNLWVFRQWDLQWZR¿OWHUVDQGWZRYLDOVRI&ORUR[WR 7KHNLWVFRQWDLQWZR¿OWHUVDQGWZRYLDOVRI&ORUR[WR purify purify contaminated contaminated water, water, four four packets packets of Vaseline of Vaseline to to SUHYHQWIRRWEOLVWHUVVRFNVDZKLVWOHWRFDOOIRUKHOSDQG SUHYHQWIRRWEOLVWHUVVRFNVDZKLVWOHWRFDOOIRUKHOSDQG instructions instructions in Spanish. in Spanish. )LYH10'YROXQWHHUVWUDYHOHGWR$OWDU6RQRUDRQ)HE )LYH10'YROXQWHHUVWUDYHOHGWR$OWDU6RQRUDRQ)HE DQGGHOLYHUHGNLWVDQGFORWKLQJWRWKH&DWKROLFVLVWHUV DQGGHOLYHUHGNLWVDQGFORWKLQJWRWKH&DWKROLFVLVWHUV who who run the runCCAMYN, the CCAMYN, Centro Centro Comunitario Comunitario de Atención de Atención al Migrante al Migrante y Necesitado y Necesitado (Community (Community Center Center for Aid for to Aid to Migrants Migrants and the andNeedy). the Needy). NMD NMD seeksseeks to strengthen to strengthen its partnership its partnership with with Sonoran Sonoran groups groups that work that work to protect to protect migrants. migrants. WithWith help help fromfrom ORFDOYROXQWHHUVWKHPLJUDQWFHQWHURIIHUVPHDOVDQG ORFDOYROXQWHHUVWKHPLJUDQWFHQWHURIIHUVPHDOVDQG ORGJLQJWRWUDYHOHUVZKRÀRFNWR$OWDUWRFURVVLQWRWKH ORGJLQJWRWUDYHOHUVZKRÀRFNWR$OWDUWRFURVVLQWRWKH PhotoPhoto by Denise by Denise Holley Holley 8QLWHG6WDWHV±PRUHWKDQVLQFHWKHFHQWHURSHQHG 8QLWHG6WDWHV±PRUHWKDQVLQFHWKHFHQWHURSHQHG A man A man in theinplaza the plaza in Altar, in Altar, Sonora, Sonora, readsreads the instructions the instructions in 2001. in 2001. in a harm in a harm reduction reduction kit hekitreceived he received fromfrom a NoaMore No More Deaths Deaths volunteer volunteer in February. in February. Travelers Travelers from from southern southern Mexico Mexico ³6RPHKDYHFURVVHGWKUHHRUIRXUWLPHVDQGPDQ\KDYH ³6RPHKDYHFURVVHGWKUHHRUIRXUWLPHVDQGPDQ\KDYH and Central America America oftenoften stop stop in Altar in Altar to negotiate to negotiate a tripa trip VXIIHUHGVRPHW\SHRIYLROHQFH´VDLGFHQWHU$GPLQLVWUDWRU VXIIHUHGVRPHW\SHRIYLROHQFH´VDLGFHQWHU$GPLQLVWUDWRU and Central across across the border. the border. Sara Sara Abdula. Abdula. 4 4 otoministries ministriesthat thataid aidmigrants migrants In Nogales, In Nogales, Sonora, Sonora, No More No More Deaths Deaths partners partners with with the the .LQR%RUGHU,QLWLDWLYHD-HVXLWPLVVLRQWRDLGGHSRUWHG .LQR%RUGHU,QLWLDWLYHD-HVXLWPLVVLRQWRDLGGHSRUWHG PLJUDQWV&DWKROLFVLVWHUVDQGYROXQWHHUVVWDIIWKH PLJUDQWV&DWKROLFVLVWHUVDQGYROXQWHHUVVWDIIWKH ComeComedorDGLQLQJKDOOMXVWVRXWKRIWKH86ERUGHUWKDWVHUYHV dorDGLQLQJKDOOMXVWVRXWKRIWKH86ERUGHUWKDWVHUYHV two meals two meals dailydaily to recent to recent deportees. deportees. 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPWKH0H[LFDQFRQVXODWHDQGRWKHU 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHVIURPWKH0H[LFDQFRQVXODWHDQGRWKHU organizations organizations oftenoften speakspeak to thetomigrants the migrants afterafter breakfast breakfast and answer and answer questions. questions. The Comedor The Comedor has ahas phone-charging a phone-charging station station with with a col-a colOHFWLRQRISOXJLQVWR¿WDYDULHW\RIFHOOSKRQHV0LJUDQWV OHFWLRQRISOXJLQVWR¿WDYDULHW\RIFHOOSKRQHV0LJUDQWV who who lose lose theirtheir chargers chargers may may be able be able to charge to charge theirtheir phone phone at theatstation. the station. If not, If if not, theifmigrant the migrant has the hasphone the phone number, number, YROXQWHHUVZLWK6DPDULWDQVDQG10'YLVLWWZLFHDZHHN YROXQWHHUVZLWK6DPDULWDQVDQG10'YLVLWWZLFHDZHHN WRPDNHIUHHSKRQHFDOOVWRIDPLO\RUIULHQGVLQWKH8QLWHG WRPDNHIUHHSKRQHFDOOVWRIDPLO\RUIULHQGVLQWKH8QLWHG States, States, Mexico Mexico or Central or Central America. America. PhotoPhoto by Denise by Denise Holley Holley Samaritan Dr. Norma PricePrice examines a man with with pain pain Samaritan Dr. Norma examines a man 0HGLFDOO\WUDLQHGYROXQWHHUVDFFRPSDQ\WKHSKRQH 0HGLFDOO\WUDLQHGYROXQWHHUVDFFRPSDQ\WKHSKRQH in his ribs in February at the Comedor in Nogales, in his ribs in February at the Comedor in Nogales, callers callers to offer to offer medical medical aid and aid aand couple a couple fromfrom Nogales, Nogales, Sonora, run by Catholic priestpriest and sisters of theofKino Sonora, runa by a Catholic and sisters the Kino $UL]PHHWVZLWKGHSRUWHHVWRFDVKWKHLU86LVVXHG $UL]PHHWVZLWKGHSRUWHHVWRFDVKWKHLU86LVVXHG Border Initiative. Volunteers from No More Deaths and and Border Initiative. Volunteers from No More Deaths checks checks fromfrom detention detention centers, centers, which which cannot cannot be cashed be cashed in in Samaritans visit twice a week to deliver clothing and offer Samaritans visit twice a week to deliver clothing and offer Mexico. Mexico. medical aid and callscalls to deported migrants. medical aid free and phone free phone to deported migrants. PhotoPhoto by Catherine by Catherine Gaffney Gaffney Father Father Prisciliano Prisciliano Peraza, Peraza, the parish the parish priestpriest of Altar, of Altar, Sonora, Sonora, blesses blesses a Virgin a Virgin of Guadalupe of Guadalupe image image – made – made by Carlos by Carlos Va- Valenzuela lenzuela and donated and donated by the bygroup the group Tierra Tierra y Libertad y Libertad – Feb. – Feb. 19 at19 theatNMD the NMD campcamp in Arivaca, in Arivaca, Arizona. Arizona. Peraza Peraza heads heads the the migrant migrant shelter shelter in Altar in Altar known known as CCAMYN as CCAMYN (Community (Community Center Center for Aid for to Aid Migrants to Migrants and the andNeedy) the Needy) and brought and brought volunvolunWHHU'RQ9LFWRUZLWKKLP7KHSDLUDOVRYLVLWHGWKH$ULYDFD+XPDQLWDULDQ$LG2I¿FHDMRLQWSURMHFWRI1R0RUH'HDWKV WHHU'RQ9LFWRUZLWKKLP7KHSDLUDOVRYLVLWHGWKH$ULYDFD+XPDQLWDULDQ$LG2I¿FHDMRLQWSURMHFWRI1R0RUH'HDWKV and People and People Helping Helping People. People. 5 5 Volunteer ‘shaken down’ as NMD releases UHSRUWRQFRQ¿VFDWHGPLJUDQWEHORQJLQJV By Denise Holley Dorothy Chao surrendered her purse, including her cell phone, passport, family photos, phone numbers and two bottles of medicine. Fellow No More Deaths (NMD) YROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOOGURSSHGWKHLWHPVLQWRDEDJDV some 65 people, including reporters and photographers, watched. Chao agreed to play the role of a migrant arrested by %RUGHU3DWURO%XWVKHZDVVKRFNHGZKHQ+LOOGHPDQGHG her wedding ring and glasses, she said. Then he took the bag away. “I can’t see without my glasses,” Chao said. “I was feeling a little threatened, looking at all my stuff in the bag.” This “dispossession through deportation” happens to WKRXVDQGVRIXQGRFXPHQWHGPLJUDQWVHYHU\\HDU+LOO told the audience in Tucson, Arizona on Dec. 10, 2014. NMD released “Shakedown,” its third report on abuse of PLJUDQWVWRFRLQFLGHZLWK8QLWHG1DWLRQV+XPDQ5LJKWV Day. Nearly one third of the border crossers who are stripped RIHYHU\WKLQJWKH\RZQDUHHYHQWXDOO\GHSRUWHGZLWKRXW their money or belongings, according to the report. Their FDVKLVXVXDOO\FRQYHUWHGLQWRDFKHFNRUGHELWFDUGWKDWLV nearly impossible to cash or use in Mexico. Without Mexican ID, a deported person cannot cash a FKHFNRU¿QGGHFHQWHPSOR\PHQWYROXQWHHUVUHSRUWHGLQ ³6KDNHGRZQ´,IWKH\KDYHQRZD\WRFDOOIDPLO\SD\IRU food or a bus ride home, these people may be harassed by police, kidnapped or recruited by smugglers to cross the 86ERUGHUDJDLQ 7KH¿QGLQJVLQ³6KDNHGRZQ´FRPHIURPWZRVRXUFHV Photo by Steve Johnston 1R0RUH'HDWKVYROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOOOHIWFRQ¿VFDWHVDOO of volunteer Dorothy Chao’s personal belongings at a press conference Dec. 10, 2014, in Tucson. NMD was releasing its third report on abuse of migrants titled “Shakedown.” The act dramatizes what happens routinely to migrants in custody who are often deported without their belongings and cash. FDVHVLQ10'¶V3URSHUW\$VVLVWDQFH5HFRYHU\ 3URJUDP3HUWHQHQFLDV3URMHFWDQGLQWHUYLHZV10' YROXQWHHUVFRQGXFWHGLQ1RJDOHV6RQRUDLQDQG 7KHVHYROXQWHHUVKHOSHGGHSRUWHGSHRSOHUHFRYHU about one third of their funds, but the rest was lost. “I hope you feel the anguish of the migrants,” said Dr. Scott Whiteford, director of Latin American Studies at the 8QLYHUVLW\RI$UL]RQD³0RUHWKDQSHUFHQWFDPHKHUHWR be with family.” :KLWHIRUGOHGDERUGHUUHVHDUFKSURMHFWZKLFKLVVXHGD report on migrant belongings in 2013, he said. Researchers found a large discrepancy between regions. In El Paso, 85 percent of deportees lost their belongings, Whiteford said. %XWLQ0H[LFDOL³WKHYDVWPDMRULW\JRWWKHPEDFN´ Belongings are usually held at Border Patrol headquarters for 30 days, the report said. But migrants sent to FRXUWIRU2SHUDWLRQ6WUHDPOLQHPD\EHVHQWHQFHGWRRQH to six months in prison for illegal entry. When they are deported, there is no guarantee they will be reunited with their possessions. ³7KLVSUDFWLFHYLRODWHVWKH)LIWK$PHQGPHQWWKDWQR SHUVRQVKDOOEHGHSULYHGRISURSHUW\ZLWKRXWGXHSURFHVV´ -DPHV/\DOODQDWWRUQH\ZLWKWKH$PHULFDQ&LYLO/LEHUWLHV 8QLRQWROGWKHDXGLHQFH ³(YHU\RQHDUUHVWHGE\&%3&XVWRPVDQG%RUGHU Protection) ends up in ICE (Immigration and Customs (QIRUFHPHQWFXVWRG\´+LOOVDLG³7KHLUEHORQJLQJVPLJKW as well go to ICE with them.” NMD volunteers who researched. wrote and edited the “Shakedown” report hold a banner after their press conference on Dec. 10, 2014. 6 Sanctuary continued A week earlier, Keep Tucson Together held a press conference at the church and then accompanied Rosa’s sons, Gerardo Jr. and José Emiliano, WRWKHGRZQWRZQSRVWRI¿FHZKHUHWKH\PDLOHGWKHLUDSSOLFDWLRQVIRUWKH 'HIHUUHG$FWLRQIRU&KLOGKRRG$UULYDOV'$&$SURJUDP “We don’t like moms being deported,” said Sarah Launius, co-coordinator of Keep Tucson Together. +HUJURXSWUDLQVYROXQWHHUVWRKHOSSHRSOH¿OHSDSHUZRUNWRFORVHWKHLU LPPLJUDWLRQFDVHV&XUUHQWO\WKH\DUHKROGLQJIRUXPVDW3XHEOR+LJK 6FKRROWRH[SODLQWKHODWHVWH[HFXWLYHRUGHUVRQH[SDQGHGGHIHUUHGDFWLRQ for certain immigrants, Launius said. 10'YROXQWHHUVYRWHG0DUFKWRGRQDWHWRWKHFDPSDLJQWREODQket the Tucson area with more “We Stand with Rosa” signs. RIGHT: Attorney Margo Cowan speaks on behalf of local immigrants who have taken sanctuary to avoid deportation during a Feb. 25 meeting at Southside Presbyterian Church. Below her is Rosa Robles Loreto, who has lived in sanctuary at Southside since August 2014. Photo by Denise Holley NMD joins Mexico City conference on missing money and belongings 7KH$PHULFDQ&LYLO/LEHUWLHV8QLRQ$&/8DOORFDWHG funds to host the conference due to their close relationship with No More Deaths’ Abuse Documentation team and UHVHDUFKHUVDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI$UL]RQD%RWKJURXSV documented these abuses in recent reports. El Proyecto de Defensa e Incidencia Binacional (PDIB) cosponsored the gathering. :KHQZHDUULYHGLQ0H[LFR&LW\JURXSVIURPVKHOWHUV in Mexicali approached us with photocopies of checks WKDWPLJUDQWVUHFHLYHGIURPGHWHQWLRQFHQWHUV7KH\DVNHG XVIRUDGYLFHRQKRZWRFDVKWKHFKHFNV 2QWKH¿UVWGD\RIWKHFRQIHUHQFHZHJDYHD SUHVHQWDWLRQRQWKH¿QGLQJVIURPRXUODWHVWUHSRUW ³6KDNHGRZQ´DQGWKHGLUHFWKXPDQLWDULDQDLGZHSURYLGH to folks who are deported without their belongings. The VHFRQGGD\ZDVGHYRWHGWRFRPLQJXSZLWKDFRRUGLQDWHG strategy among the more than 40 attendees. 2XWRIWKLVD\HDUORQJSODQRIDFWLRQZDVFUHDWHG WKDWLQFOXGHV)UHHGRPRI,QIRUPDWLRQ)2,$OLWLJDWLRQ WR¿JXUHRXWLQZKRVHSRFNHWVWKHPRQH\UREEHGIURP deported migrants goes. The plan calls for coordinated DGYRFDF\DWORFDODQGLQWHUQDWLRQDOOHYHOVUDQJLQJ from a pressure campaign against predatory debit card companies to obtaining a hearing at the Inter-American &RPPLVVLRQRQ+XPDQ5LJKWV -XDQ0DQXHODQG/XSLWD$JXLUUH10'YROXQWHHUV from Nogales, Ariz., who cash detention center checks for PLJUDQWVDFFRPSDQLHGYROXQWHHU'DYLG+LOODQGPHWR the conference. Photo by Rociio Melendez No More Deaths volunteer Juan Manuel Aguirre describes how volunteers help deported migrants in Nogales, Sonora, cope with debit cards and checks they receive from detention centers instead of their cash. By Alicia Dinsmore 0HPEHUVRIGLUHFWDLGJURXSVDQGDGYRFDF\ RUJDQL]DWLRQVIURPWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV0H[LFR(O 6DOYDGRUDQG+RQGXUDVPHW-DQDQGLQ0H[LFR &LW\WRGHYLVHDSODQRIDFWLRQWRDGGUHVVWKHSUREOHPRI how people are systematically robbed of their belonging through detention and deportation. 7 Photo by Michael Hyatt Man on a mission $OYDUR(QFLVRVWDQGVEHVLGHDVKULQHWRDPLJUDQWZKRGLHGLQWKH$UL]RQDGHVHUWKRSLQJWR¿QGZRUNDQGIDPLO\(QFLVRDQDUWLVW and a Tucson Samaritan, looked at the maps of human remains charted by Samaritan Ed McCullough and lamented that none of the deceased persons had a grave marker. Using GPS to locate the site of a death, he leads volunteers bearing a cross to erect in cement at the location. By January 2015, Enciso had placed more than 100 crosses scattered across the landscape around the Tumacacori Mountains and the Altar Valley. ³,ZDQWHGWRZDONWKHWUDLOVWURGE\WKHGHDGPLJUDQWV´(QFLVRVDLG³,ZDQWHGWRUHÀHFWDWWKHVSRW where that person drew their last breath. I wanted to feel the enormity of the tragedy and consider the repercussions.” NMD project recovers missing migrant belongings in 2014 By David Hill I wanted to share some numbers about the work done by WKH3URSHUW\5HFRYHU\$VVLVWDQFH3URMHFWPertenencias 3URMHFWLQ2XUYROXQWHHUVFRPSOHWHGRYHU tasks according to our database. Belongings picked up ¬ 129 Directly from arresting agency (Border Patrol or Customs), 14; from the federal Public Defender 82; from the Consulate of Mexico,33. (We used to collect a lot of requests for help from deported migrants in Nogales, but now we only collect them from imprisoned migrants. These requests were or are IXO¿OOHGWKURXJKWKHFRQVXODWH Belongings mailedLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHVLQFOXGLQJD couple to Central America) 50, in Mexico 55, both, 3. Moneys sent by wire transfer or by deposit into a bank account or prison account - 40. They total approximately DOOEXWRILWFRQYHUWHGIURPSHVRV Acknowledgments sent to prisoners (All requests get DUHSO\DQDFNQRZOHGJPHQWLVVRPHWLPHVMXVWWRVD\ZH can’t help) - 55 Belongings directly received from NMD by their owner’s family in Nogales - 26 Requests received from migrants in prison seeking help UHFRYHULQJWKHLUEHORQJLQJV Letters sentQRWLI\LQJRZQHURIEHORQJLQJVWKDWZHKDYH them, requesting instructions – 170, in prison. 134; at home address, 36. Letters sent informing imprisoned owner that belongings KDYHEHHQGHOLYHUHGWRWKHLUIDPLO\ 8
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