2015 Canada Day Parade Application

Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Parade 2015
Completed registration forms must be submitted by Monday, June 22, 2015. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Name of Organization or Individual: _________________________________________________________________
Non- Profit Organization:
Yes / No
(circle one)
Contact Person: __________________________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________ Phone:____________________________________
(Email will be the main contact point)
CATEGORY (check one)
____ Business
____ Culture
____ Sports
____ Service Club
____ Antique Vehicle
____ Equestrian
____ Band
____ Other
Overall length
Total # of units
Walkers w/float
Walkers Only
Type of music
Yes / No (circle one)
Yes / No (circle one)
Yes / No (circle one)
Yes / No (circle one)
Live / Recorded (circle one)
Brief Description of the Entry: ___________________________________________________________________
Will you be participating in the Splash Zone? Yes / No (circle one)
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING: On behalf of the Firm/Organization/Individuals noted above and all persons in the Entry described above,
I, the undersigned, have been given the authority to sign on behalf of the Entry and all persons directly and indirectly related to the Entry. I am fully
aware of the nature and extent of the risks involved in the parade, and are assuming all risks associated with participation in the parade, which utilizes
streets and land owned by the City of Fort Saskatchewan. I have read and agree to comply with the City of Fort Saskatchewan and Fort Saskatchewan
Canada Day Parade Committee Rules and Regulations and all directions of the parade officials. I further agree that neither the City of Fort
Saskatchewan and Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Committee nor any of their directors, officers, volunteers, agents, employees, committees, or
contractors will be liable for any injury to any person(s) and/or damage to any property suffered in connection with the Parade and related activities,
including but not limited to parade set-up, parade form-up, on-route operations and parade dispersal howsoever caused, and I agree to indemnify,
release and hold harmless each of them from any and all claims for injury or damage. I further agree that I hereby grant the City of Fort Saskatchewan
and Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Committee and its legal representatives and assignees the irrevocable and unrestricted rights to use and publish
photographs or video recordings of this Entry and the Entry’s participants or persons accompanying it, for editorial trade, advertising, and any other
purpose and in any manner or medium. I hereby release the City of Fort Saskatchewan and Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Committee and their legal
representatives and assignees from all claims and liability relating to said photography and/or other video imaging processes. I further undertake to
provide all persons directly or indirectly related to this Entry with a copy of this signed Application Form and the Rules and Regulations as attached.
Organization / Individual
Representative Name: ___________________________________________________________________(please print)
Representative Signature: ____________________________________________Date: _______________________
The information on this form is collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) and is used solely for purposes relating to City
operations. Should you have questions about the collection of this information please contact the City of Fort Saskatchewan Culture and Historic Precinct Supervisor at 780.992.6261.
Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Parade 2015
General Information
Place: Jubilee Recreation Centre (JRC) 10013 – 96 Avenue
Date: Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Time: Assembly from 10:00 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Parade starts at 11:00 a.m.
Parade Theme: Celebrating 50 Years of the Canadian Flag
Rules and Regulations
The City of Fort Saskatchewan and Fort Saskatchewan Canada Day Committee strive to ensure a safe and fun environment
for all participants and spectators. Please read these rules and regulations carefully for the benefit of all Parade participants
and spectators.
1. Return completed Registration form and signed Parade Release form to:
Conal MacMillan, Canada Day Parade Chairman
Fax: 780-992-0192
Email: macmillan@conal.ca
a. GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE – All parade participants must carry General Liability Insurance, a minimum
$2,000,000 is preferred. A certificate of insurance naming the City of Fort Saskatchewan as an additional
insured is required no later than June 22, 2015. Equine entries must also provide proof of AEF (Alberta Equine
Federation) or equivalent insurance.
Participants will be expected to comply with Health and Safety legislation pertaining to the use, maintenance and
safe operation of equipment and vehicles.
a. Vehicles – Participants operating vehicles for the parade must have a valid driver’s license. All operators must
not operate the vehicle in a manner that endangers the Health and Safety of other participants or spectators.
b. Environmental – Participants will be responsible to ensure their equipment does not pose a risk to the
environment by ensuring it is operated and maintained in accordance to the manufacturer’s specifications.
Vehicles that leak fluids will be removed from the parade. No flammable material may be near exhaust line.
c. Participants – Persons riding in vehicles or floats must sit or be provided with and use handrails or other devices
which secure them from falling. The float chassis must be sufficient strength to support all materials and riders.
No person riding on a vehicle shall extend his or her arms or legs outside of the entry. Drivers and other persons
on all entries must have means of rapid escape in an emergency situation.
d. Distribution of Materials / Articles – For safety reasons, novelties and candies must not be thrown from floats.
They may, however, be passed out by hand.
e. Sports Equipment - If sports equipment is used in the entry, please use only soft foam balls.
f. Pets – All pets must be leashed or caged.
4. You will be advised of your parade number at least three days prior to the event.
5. Marshalling will take place in the JRC parking lot. Parking will NOT be permitted at the JRC. To avoid traffic jams
and parking issues, we encourage all participants to carpool.
6. All parade entries should be in place by 10:30 a.m.
7. Groups wishing to do demonstrations are permitted to stop one (1) time on the route in front of the judges’ stand
for a maximum of 35 seconds. NO EXCEPTIONS! The judges’ stand will be located in front of Fort Saskatchewan
Elementary School. Entries will be marked on Overall Appearance, Originality and Enthusiasm.
8. A four-block Splash Zone will be set up on the parade route along 98th Avenue between 104th and 108th Streets. It
will be marked by roadside signs. IN THIS AREA ONLY, you may splash water on willing parade participants and
spectators using water guns, etc. Water balloons are banned. If you do not wish to get wet in the four-block Splash
Zone, please place a sign on either side of your entry that says “Do Not Splash.”
9. Business entries are limited to a maximum of three vehicles.
10. Appropriate behaviour and float decorations are expected due to the family nature of this event.
11. Parade marshals have final jurisdiction in all matters in the assembly area and along the parade route, including but
not limited to placement, pace, etc. Marshals must be obeyed to ensure safety of all individuals.