Fremantle Catholic Community Parish Office located within the Parish Centre at the rear of the Basilica Postal Address: 47 Adelaide St, Fremantle WA 6160 Phone: (08) 93352268 Fax: (08) 9430 6076 Email:; Webmail: Parish Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm Weekday and Weekend Masses 7.00am Convent Mass Monday to Friday except public holidays 12.10pm Mass Monday to Saturday; 7.00pm Evening Mass Wednesday and Friday 6.00pm Saturday Vigil Mass; Sunday Masses 7.00am, 8.30am, 9.45am (In Italian), 11.00am and 5.00pm St Anne’s North Fremantle Sunday Mass 8.15am; first Sunday of the month 12.15pm Polish Mass Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 9.30am-10.30am; 11.00am-12.00noon and 4.30pm-5.30pm BAPTISM AND WEDDING ENQUIRIES CONTACT THE PARISH OFFICE DURING OFFICE HOURS FROM THE PARISH PRIEST - Fr Tony Maher omi Another Holy Week begins where we solemnly come to celebrate the Passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This is the most Significant celebration in the Churches liturgical year. Mass Intentions and Feast Days Sat 28 March 6pm Deborah & Gerard Dinan (int.) Sun 29 March Palm Sunday 7am 8.30am Kata Grjak (dec’d) 11am 5pm We begin today with Palm Sunday with Jesus triumphal and boisterous entrance to Jerusalem. On Holy Thursday we celebrate the institution of the Eucharist and the Priesthood, and highlight our following of Jesus by a life of humble service, as symbolised with the washing of feet imitating Jesus at the Last Supper. For the People Mon 30 March 12.10pm Holy Souls and Deceased Armed Forces Personnel Tues 31 March 12.10pm Milica Prelac (dec’d) Wed 1 April Good Friday is a Solemn day of prayer and reverence commemorating Jesus death on the Cross. The Stations of Cross in the morning, are a powerful reminder of Christ’s slow and painful journey to Calvary Hill; and the 3pm Liturgy, with the magnificent reading of the Passion from John’s Gospel, highlight the King of Kings dying out of love for sinful humanity. 12.10pm Cliff Bowra (dec’d) 7pm 2nd Rite Reconciliation Thurs 2 April Holy Thursday No Midday Mass Fri 3 April Good Friday No Midday or Evening Mass The Easter Vigil with its service of light, the many readings of our history of Salvation from the Old Testament; and the Confirmation of candidates from the RCIA, all renew us in our gift of faith as we celebrate the life, light and love of Christ in our lives. Easter joy will soon be with us. What do we want to get out of this Holy Week? What are we prepared to put into this week through our presence and prayer? Sat 4 April Holy Saturday No Midday Mass 7pm No Convent Mass on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday. PARISH NEWS Archdiocese of perth prayer Volunteers required for the washing of the feet at the 7pm Mass on Holy Thursday. If you would like to participate please see Fr Maher or call the Parish Office. You have blessed our diocese with many gifts, and you call us to share those gifts with 2nd Rite of Reconciliation will be held on Wednesday 1 April at 7pm in the Basilica. All Welcome. Volunteers required to distribute Holy Water Bottles after the Saturday Vigil Mass and after all Masses on Sunday. If you can help please contact the Parish Office. The Planned Giving Program The planned giving program is an important part of the Parish as it allows us to maintain all aspects of the Basilica, Presbytery and Parish Administration Centre. In order to keep the Parish viable we must maintain a target of 95% and above each week. This week’s giving was 71% of the target. Volunteer Readers for Holy Week Thank You to all those who have volunteered for Holy Week and Easter reading positions. Please check the noticeboards for the roster. It is most important that readers do attend, in good time, when they have committed. Any queries please contact the Parish Office. Easter Raffle Easter Raffle tickets available at all Masses from this weekend. Tickets $1 ea. First Prize worth $150. Drawn on 29/3, winners will be notified. Gracious God, others. We thank you for this call and commit ourselves anew to responding with courage and generosity. In this time of challenge and hope for the Church you invite us to start afresh from Christ your Son and to contemplate his face so that we might recognise him in others, especially those who suffer. In doing so may we experience a new wave of grace, so that the light of Christ may burn more brightly in our lives. Attune our hearts and minds to the presence of your Holy Spirit, that our Church may be transformed, our relationships be healed, and our nation grow in compassion and justice. With the intercession of St Mary MacKillop, who showed us new ways of living the Gospel, We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. Mary, Help of Christians Pray for us. ORGANIST & DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Dominic Perissinotto Cantor 6:00pm: Brianna Louwen 8:30am & 5:00pm: Alexandra Eimear Foley 11.00am: The Chapel Choir – Dir Paul Sealey Pre-Processional Arthur Hutchings – Hosanna to the Son of David Processional CWB 229 Responsorial Psalm CWB 233 Gospel Acclamation CWB 234 Offertory 6:00pm: Dietrich Buxtehude – O Father, all creating 8:30am & 5:00pm: Johann Sebastian Bach – “Ich will dir main Herze Schenken” from St Matthew's Passion BWV 244 11.00am: Tomás Luis de Victoria – Pueri Hebraeorum Holy Holy Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/30 Eucharistic Acclamation Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom Acclamation 3: 2/31 Amen Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/31 Our Father CWB 524/525 Lamb of God Colin D Smith cfc adapted Paul Mason – Mass Shalom: 2/32 11:00am: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina – Missa Iste Confessor Communion 6:00pm: Samuel Barber – Crucifixion 8:30am & 5:00pm: Felix Mendelssohn – “Here ye, Israel” from Elijah Op 70 11.00am: George Malcolm – Ingrediente Domino Reflection CWB 776 Recessional CWB 703 Organ Postlude Johannes Brahms – Herzlich thut mich verlangen (2nd settings) from Chorale Preludes Op122 HOLY WEEK AND EASTER CERMONIES WEDNESDAY 1 APRIL, 2015 (Colour of Vestments: PURPLE) Mass at 12.10pm nd 2 Rite of Reconciliation at 7pm HOLY THURSDAY 2 APRIL, 2015 (Colour of Vestments : WHITE) No Midday Mass 7pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 8pm to 9pm Reconciliation English & Italian 8pm to 10pm Adoration GOOD FRIDAY 3 APRIL, 2015 (Colour of Vestments: RED) No midday Mass 11am Stations of the Cross at the Basilica of St Patrick 11.30am-12.30pm Reconciliation English 11am Stations of the Cross at St Anne’s Church, North Fremantle 3pm Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 4pm-5pm Reconciliation English & Italian HOLY SATURDAY 4 APRIL, 2015 (Colour of Vestments: WHITE OR GOLD) No Blessed Sacrament and No midday Mass 9.30am-10.30am Reconciliation English 10am-12noon Reconciliation Italian 11am -12noon Reconciliation English 4pm Polish Blessing of Food 4.30pm-5.30pm Reconciliation English 7pm Vigil Mass EASTER SUNDAY 5 APRIL, 2015 (Colour of Vestments: WHITE) Masses: 7am, 8.30am, 9.45am (Italian), 11am and 5pm 8.15am St Anne’s, North Fremantle Anyone Can Sing! Singing lessons now available with local opera singer Eva-Marie Middleton BMA BMus(Hons) Learn classical techniques to release your voice Gain a better understanding of music theory Specialising in mature students of all levels Call 0408 902 273 A DIFFERENT DRUM HOLISTIC HEALTH CLINIC Shop 6, Johnson Court, 23 Adelaide St, Fremantle Contact: Maree Graham 94335778 or 0414630341 *Massage *Relaxation & Meditation *Counseling/Spiritual Direction *Retreats in Daily Living Children’s Liturgy Children’s Liturgy is held every Sunday at the 8.30am Mass All Welcome ************ St Patrick’s Morning Tea Next cuppa for 2015 will be on Sunday 12 April, 2015 after the 8.30am Mass All Welcome SENIORS LUNCHES NO LUNCH ON Monday 30 March Monday 6 & 13 April BOOKINGS ARE ESSENTIAL THROUGH THE PARISH OFFICE. Thought of the Week: Patience—in time the grass becomes milk.
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