May 2015 -

May 2015
The Friedens
Join Us for Worship!
9:00 am: Traditional
11:00 am: Contemporary
Upcoming Events:
Mid-Week Ministry Ends - May 6
Reading God’s Word!
The Lectionary Scriptures for this
month are:
May 3
Acts 8:26-40; Psalm 22:25-31
1 John 4:7-21, John 15:1-8
May 10
Acts 10:44-48, Psalm 98
1 John 5:1-6, John 15:9-17
May 17
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26, Psalm 1
1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19
May 24 - Pentecost Sunday
Acts 2:1-21, Psalm 104:24-34
Romans 8:22-27, John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
May 31
Isaiah 6:1-8, Psalm 29
Romans 8:12-17, John 3:1-17
The Mid-Week Ministry will resume in the fall. Thanks for the great
year everyone! Special thanks go out to all those who served.
Baccalaureate Service - May 14
A Baccalaureate worship service honoring our high
school’s graduates will be held in the Commons on
Thursday, May 14 at 7 pm. Join us as we give all of
our graduating seniors a positive spiritual send off.
Pentecost Sunday - May 24
Pentecost is a Christian holy day commemorating the
descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus
Christ giving form and foundation to church.
Confirmation Sunday - May 24
As we celebrate the Holy Spirit’s historical power to change lives, we
witness to the Spirit’s ongoing blessing as we confirm 8 members of
our church.
Our Church Staff
Stay Connected
Rev. Jason Emmerson……….……………..Pastor
Pam Bryant .....………………….Office Manager
Peggy Williams………....………Church Organist
Guy Schreck……….….…Chancel Choir Director
Susie Rowan…………….….Praise Band Director
William Petersmeyer…….…...Bell Choir Director
Alana Owenby……...…....Kids Choir Co-Director
Clinton Owenby…….…...Kids Choir Co-Director
Ned Quest…………...……..………..Accompanist
2015 Council Officers
Leslie Held ...…….……….….….....……President
Gilbert Nordwald ………….………Vice-President
Beth Luecke………….…...…………….Secretary
Deana Dothage .…...……….……….…..Treasurer
Council Corner
Go to our website, click the “Donate
Online” button, create a profile, and
schedule your electronic giving. Be
The April meeting of church council was April 14,
2015. During the meeting several things were
discussed and issues were brought to the council
for their delegation for church ministries. Other
things that were accomplished at the meeting were:
-Pastor Jason reported that he read an article stating
Millennials are wanting to come back to a
sanctuary church.
-President Leslie Held will be in charge of filling
the pulpit on April 26 while Pastor Jason is on
- This past month has seen an income increase
financially, council was happy with the report.
-By the end of May - beginning of June, there will
be a meeting of members of every ministry and
council members to form a steering committee.
The committee will decide if and/or when they
would like to do the Believe Program. They will
also look into potential classes etc.
- Council adopted the Childcare Policy presented
by the Personnel Committee and moved to create a
Child Caregiver Position on a trial basis until
Next meeting of the Church Council is May 12,
2015 at 6:30.
Movie Night
We are having a Movie Night
fundraiser on May 2. We will be
serving pizza, subs, and nachos at
5:00 p.m. for $5.00 per person. We
will show Night at the Museum:
Secret of the Tomb starting at 6:00
p.m.. There is no charge for the
movie. We will have popcorn, candy, and soda
available for $1.00 each. All proceeds go toward our
2015 Mission Trip to Arizona.
Basket Raffles
Raffle tickets for our Mother's Day baskets will be
available on May 3 and May 10 before and after
services. Tickets are 1 for $1, 6 for $5, and an arm
length for $10. Winners will be drawn after the
second service on May 10.
Raffle tickets for our Father's Day/
Summer baskets will be available
starting on May 31. Winners will be
drawn after 2nd service on June 14.
Wacky Warriors
The youth will be playing paintball at
Wacky Warriors on May 23. We have
a 1:00 reservation. We need to be there
by 12:30 so we will leave the church
at 12:00. The cost is $25 per person.
We have a group reservation so if you
sign up, you are committed to going. If
you cancel, you must still pay the $25. Deadline to
sign up and turn in your money is May 10.
May 2
May 6
May 23
May 31
May 31
June 1
June 14
Upcoming Youth Events
Movie Night Fundraiser
Last night for Midweek Ministries
Wacky Warriors Paintball
Final Mission Trip meeting
Raffle ticket sales begin for Father’s
Day/Summer baskets
Go Ape! youth event
Mission team commissioning
Mandatory Mission Trip Meeting
Our final Mission Trip meeting is
on May 31 after 2nd service. All
participants MUST attend this
meeting. Final details will be
discussed. Mark your calendars
now. Make this your top priority.
Ziplining Adventure
Our June youth event will
be Go Ape! on June 1. This
is a ziplining adventure in
the trees. Time and cost is
yet to be determined. More
details will be in the May bulletins. This
will also be another group reservation so if
you sign up, you are committed to going
and paying. Same rules that applied for
paintball will apply for this event.
Mission Team Commissioned
Our Mission team will be commissioned at
both services on June 14. All participants
need to be at both services that Sunday.
Some of the youth will be speaking at
services on June 7 and 14 about their
Mission Trip experiences. Please be there to
hear what they have to say.
2015 Youth Activities
May: Paintball
June: Ziplining
Sunday Coffee Hour
May 3
Bill & Amanda Petersmeyer
David & Belinda Chilson
Morning Men’s Fellowship
Dorcas Women’s Fellowship
Join the Morning Men’s
Group for faith, food, and fun!
The Men’s Fellowship group
meet for coffee / breakfast
Tuesdays at Denny’s in
Warrenton. All men of the
church and their guests are welcome
between 7:30 am – 8:30 am. Hope to see
you there!
Dorcas Women’s Fellowship met April 8th, 15
members were present. This month Erin
Harrelston was elected Vice President and Carol
Perry elected Secretary, each a 2 year term.
Social Committee Meeting
On May 20 @ 6:30 in the
fellowship hall, Social
Ministry will meet to plan
the August Ice Cream
Social. If you would like to take part in
planning the menu, scheduling preparation
and / or shopping, attend this meeting or call
Deana Dothage at 636-578-1123. A sign up
sheet to work at this event will be passed
around in June. This year’s profits will benefit
are a part of SOS, or have a college student
who receives SOS packages, we encourage
you to be a part of Ice Cream Social planning.
Social Ministry representatives are Mike
Shaw, Rita Mackenberg, Elizabeth Sitton and
Deana Dothage.
We will sponsor the Gourmet Booth at Friends
of Emmaus 4th Annual Spring Festival, May
17th. Baked goods, jelly, canned items and fresh
produce (if available) are needed.
Our guest Jan Denby from ―Seeds of Blessing‖
told how this organization helps people in poor
countries get fair prices for their handmade
items. All enjoyed seeing the colorful items and
were able to make some purchases.
Pat Mossop, Secretary
Moser’s Receipts
Thank you to all who bring in Moser’s
receipts. Another $10,000 in receipts has
been turned in to Mosers, which resulted in
a $50 donation to Friedens. Please bring
your Moser grocery receipts to the church
library and place them in the container on
the counter. The proceeds go to general
May Birthdays
01—Bill Brandwein
03—Mike Baker
05—Dean Frye
07—Anita Bonstell
Gabrielle Borgmann
Theresa Doggett
08—Matthew Groeper
Tom Hale
Derrick Moreau
Jane Williams
09—Dylan Schneider
10—Gene Groeber
Mark Schutte
11—Cara O’Neal
12—Arvel Remschner
14—Cody Kieffer
Jessica Lawler
Kim Moeller
Danielle Smith
17—Nicholas Benne
Ron Cosgrove
Bob Witte
May 4 ~ 47 years
May 9 ~ 07 years
May 9 ~ 40 years
May 9 ~ 35 years
May 12 ~ 26 years
May 15 ~ 33 years
May 16 ~ 34 years
May 16 ~ 73 years
May 16 ~ 56 years
May 18 ~ 24 years
May 20 ~ 15 years
May 20 ~ 10 years
May 20 ~ 7 years
May 24 ~ 40 years
May 25 ~ 30 years
May 26 ~ 15 years
May 27 ~ 15 years
May 27 ~ 43 years
May Anniversaries
Frank & Cheryl Stuermann
Andy & Holly Dwyer
Bob & Barbara Motzel
John & Linda Nordwald
Jim & Barb Daly
Steve & JoAnn Toerper
Jon & Debbie Groeper
Wilbur & Margaret Harlan
Melvin & Shirley Seckfort
Darren & Vicki Nadler
Scott & Angela Hunke
Mark & Jessica Johnson
Jacob & Stephanie Schneider
Ted & Sheila Stillwell
Ted & Lynn Joyce
Robert & Betty Singer
Jeff & Jody Bakameyer
Keith & Janet Sutherland
18—Burton Dothage
Marge Gabel
Bobby Hess
Bob Toerper
19—Brenda Bunge
20—Lauren Moeller
22—Brad Cameron
Debbie Moore
23—Opal Johnson
24—June Lawler
25—Donald Berrey
Jarred Pollard
26—Gracelyn Sitton
Justin Cosgrove
Irene Nordwald
Anna Mae Wulff
27—Annabell Bierbaum
Dorothy Morris
28—Jody Bakameyer
Dorothy Berrey
29—Joyce Greer
Sara Gerdeman
Maci Nordwald
30—Fred Jungermann
31—Angela Herbel
Honoring Our Members On Their Special Day
Name (as you wish it to appear in the bulletin):
Graduating From:_______________________________________
On what date? ________________________________________
Parents’ names:
Degree, achievements, future plans, etc.
Please return this form to the church office no later than
May 22.
Youth Visit Grant’s Farm
Bits & Pieces
practices on Wednesdays @ 6:30
pm. If you are interested in
joining, please contact Guy
Schreck (636-297-1890).
The KIDS CHOIR practices on
Sundays after first services. If you
have any questions please contact
Clinton or Alana Owenby.
plays each Sunday for the
practice on Tuesdays @ 6:30 p.m.
If you are interested in
participating in the band, please contact Susie
Rowan (314-210-2503).
Three Sets of Books in the Library
I have just added 3 sets of books to our
church’s library: one set is ANTE-NICENE
FATHERS; and the other two sets are
Many of these are books and letters that were
among those that were considered for the
Bible but did not get included by the men who
chose the books for the Bible. However, they
make interesting reading and further our
knowledge of the times, and deepen our faith
as well.
I find them interesting to read and to use as
reference books. So I chose to not continue to
keep them at home to myself, but to share
them with my Friedens friends. Feel free to
borrow a volume for a week or so, then return
it when you are ready to do so.
Blessings, love, & peace,
Betty Singer
The BELL CHOIR practices on Thursdays
@ 5:30 pm in the conference room. If you
would like to join the Bell Choir call Bill
Petersmeyer (636-456-0542).
May Choir Performance Schedule
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
Chancel Choir
Children’s Choir
Chancel Choir
Bell Choir
On Saturday, May 9th and 16th, all hard
floor surfaces in the church will be stripped
and refinished. During this time, no one is
allowed to walk on these surfaces. Work
will start in the morning and run until
evening each Saturday.
May Servants
9:00 am Worship Service
11:00 am Worship Service
Larry & Judy Sprick
Milton Wulff, Bob Day, Karyn Dothage,
Denny Alber
May 3 Frank & Cheryl Stuermann
May 10 Adam & Jessica Lawler
May 17 Bob & Janice Toben
May 24 Bill & Amanda Petersmeyer
May 31 Shane & Teresa Doggett
May 3 Marilee Barry
May 10 Kim Moreau
May 17 Alana Owenby
May 24 Barb Young
May 31 Bob Day
May 3 Danny Dothage, Josh Handlang
May 10 Maci Nordwald, Marissa Roy
May 17 Vincent Schutte, Grant Handlang
May 24 Blake Pullen, Ashley Pullen
May 31 Emily Hill, Kinsey Bakameyer
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
Allen & Sandy Schraer
Ken & Dot Toerper
Susie & Ron Cosgrove
Bryan & Dee Lubs
Peg Phillips, Stan Miller, Barb Schoelhamer
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
Nash/Holt Families
Susie & Ron Cosgrove
Ken & Dot Toerper
Peg Phillips, Stan Miller, Barb Schoelhamer
Bryan & Dee Lubs
Bailey Ressegger
Jessica Lawler
Rita Mackenberg
Nicole Roy
Rita Mackenberg
Volunteer Needed!
Bill & Amanda Petersmeyer
David & Belinda Chilson
May Mowers:
April 30, May 1, 2
May 7, 8, 9
May 14, 15, 16
May 21, 22, 23
May 28, 29, 30
Jason Emmerson
Volunteer needed!
Dennis Williams, Ed Roach
Lester Bakameyer
David Williams
Agape Meal of the Month
Can of Ravioli
Can of Green Beans
Instant Pudding
Dish Soap
Friends of Emmaus
4th Annual Spring Festival
May 17th, 2015
Please join us for a day filled with fun and
activities to honor and support the Emmaus
This daylong celebration includes:
- The famous Quilt Auction
- Music
- Dinner
- Antique Booth
- Flea Market
- New Activities and Games
- Green Thumb Booth
- Resident’s Booth
For more auction information, please go to
This event will be held on the grounds of the
Emmaus Home:
11900 Emmaus Drive
Marthasville, MO
Please place your donations in the
narthex. Food-filled backpacks are sent
home with students of at least 120
families that do not have enough food
over the weekends.
May: Applesauce Cups
Patriot Packages wants every Active
Duty and National Guard member
deployed from Missouri and Southern
Illinois to receive a care package in
appreciation for his/her commitment to
duty. For more information, see the
website, The
President of the organization is Robert
Braendle who can be reached at 636745-9492. The collection box is in the
May: Ballpoint Ink Pens
Financial Summary
March: 2013 - 2015
Other Income
Total Income
Net Income
Monthly Financial
Monthly Operations
March Income
March Expense
Net Gain/Loss
$ 453.75
Thurman Street Property balance as of
April 2015: $14,384.85
These numbers are recorded from the Usher’s
attendance report and are approximate.
Sundays April 2015
04/05 380
04/12 215
04/19 191 **
04/26 175
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy
Saturday attendance was 176.
Average Sunday Attendance for
April 2015 ~ 240
April 2015
March 2014
April 2014
Total: 1137 *
Total: 972
Total: 1142 *
* Includes Holy Week attendance
** Many roads in Warrenton were closed
due to a chemical spill before 2nd
May 6
Midweek Meal Teams
Becky Boehle, Paula Dooley, Suzy Cosgrove, Debby Pettig
May 13
Becky Boehle, Paula Dooley, Suzy Cosgrove, Helen Pherigo
Thank you for all of your hard work and delicious food!
May 6
Midweek Meals
Subway sandwiches, chips
May 13 Pizza, salad
FRIEDENS United Church of Christ
“Alive with the Spirit and love of God.”
313 East Booneslick
Warrenton MO 63383-2007
Email us
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Non-Profit Organization
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