2015 Friends of the Jordan PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST ENTRY FORM Theme: “The Jordan River, Up Close and Personal” RULES The competition is open to all photographers. Photographs must be taken within the Jordan River Watershed area and may depict any aspect of the environment, plants, animals, scenery, activities, any season. Photos must be UNMATTED PRINTS (Image size 8”X10”) Paper size should be larger to have a border around the picture, generally 8 ½” x 11”. A digital file to accompany the print is requested if available. You may enclose on a CD or Email a full size file to richandwavad@gmail.com. We MUST have a print to accept an entry. Photos must be taken by the entrant and be taken within the boundaries of the Jordan River Watershed. A $5.00 entry fee and completed entry form must accompany each entry. Under age 18 may enter up to 2 photographs for free. There is no limit to the number of entries you may submit. By entering the contest you agree that the Friends of the Jordan may publish your photograph and name and use both in promotional materials and merchandise to support the Friends of the Jordan River Watershed. The winning photographs become property of the Friends of the Jordan and will not be returned. Others may be returned by making arrangements to pick them up or by sending a self addressed stamped envelope. We will scan the photos to meet the printer’s specifications. We reserve the right to make minor editing such as cropping to get the best results for the calendar but the photos will be judged and exhibited as entered. Awards will be presented at an event scheduled for September 19, 2015, at the Jordan River Watershed Center, 101 Union St., East Jordan. Winners will be announced in local media and on our website www.friendsofthejordan.org More details and Entry forms may be found on the website www.friendsofthejordan.org ----------cut here Cut out and tape this form to the back of the photograph -------- Please use 1 small piece of tape only Complete 1 form for each print submitted. (copy as needed) Are you under age 18? __Yes __No Photographer’s Name: Mailing Address: City: State: Zip Phone: Email: Photograph Title: $5.00 entry fee per entry (except under 18 may enter 2 pictures for free). One Check or Money order made payable to Friends of the Jordan may be provided for multiple entries. Multiple entries can be sent together. Be sure to package to prevent bending of photos. Mail Photos to: Friends of The Jordan Photo Contest PO Box 412 East Jordan, Mi 49727 All entries must be received by August 3, 2015 NOTE: Please do not write on the back of the photo with ink or felt tip as it may show through. Use a light pencil if you wish to label it other than the paper label. Contributions to The Friends of the Jordan River Watershed, Inc. are deductible under section 501 (c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code
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