April 2015 - First United Methodist Church, Collingswood

Sunday Worship
Traditional Worship Service: 8:30 am
Sunday School for all ages: 9:40 am
Contemporary Worship Service: 10:45 am
Listen to our service online at
FIRST CHURCH WINDOWS is published by:
The First United Methodist Church
201 Dayton Avenue, Collingswood, NJ 08108
Phone: (856)858-1186
Fax: (856)858-1775
E-mail: info@fumccollingswood.org
Church Staff
Pastor Sam Mountain, Senior Pastor
Shawn Zook, Youth Dir./Cont. Worship Leader
Maria Gianfrancesco, Secretary
Will Walker, Organist
Leon Fraley, Connections Pastor
Rhonda Fraley, Children’s Ministry Director
Tuesday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
(Closed for lunch 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm)
www.fumccollingswood.org and is available via
e-mail. Send an e-mail to
ewindows@fumccollingswood.org to subscribe.
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From the Pastor’s Heart ......................................... 4
Announcements ...................................................... 6
Holy Week ................................................................ 8
Ladies Tea .............................................................. 13
Children’s Ministry News..................................... 14
Calendar ................................................................. 18
Looking Towards May .......................................... 20
Online Giving......................................................... 22
The RYVER ............................................................ 24
Missionary Messages ............................................. 26
Wings of Prayer ..................................................... 30
Birthdays and Anniversaries ............................... 32
The Kid’s Page ....................................................... 34
The submission deadline for the
May issue of Windows is
April 10th.
Are you
ready to be
After the winter of 2015, I believe we are all ready for
spring and warmer days. We are looking forward to a time when its
warm outside and we don’t see snow in the forecast and I love snow.
Looking to the days ahead reminds me of a “Peanuts” story. Lucy
and Linus were sitting in front of a television set, when Lucy said to
Linus, “Go get me a glass of water.” Linus looked surprised, “Why
should I do anything for you? You never do anything for me.” “On
your 75th birthday,” Lucy promised, “I will make you a cake.”
Linus got up, headed to the kitchen and said, “Life is more pleasant
when you have something to look forward to.”
Easter is also a time we can look forward to. Jesus said in
John 11:25-26, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes
in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes
in me will never die. Do you believe this?”
The women went to the tomb on that first Resurrection
morning expecting death and experienced a life changing moment
when they realized. “He is not here; He has risen just like He said.”
At this time of the year it is good to be reminded all over again, how
amazing it is what Jesus has done for us!
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I am in awe by the life of Jesus and the power of the
resurrection that is still life changing today. The same power that
raised Jesus from the dead can raise the dead parts of our lives. Just
as Jesus touched the hearts and lives of the women 2000 years ago,
Jesus can touch our lives today!
What is so unbelievable about Easter? From Friday to
Sunday, everything had changed. On Sunday, sin surrendered its
power and Hell was conquered. On Sunday, angels proclaimed the
good news and heaven celebrated. On Sunday, the guards were
overcome and the stone was rolled away. On Sunday, the women
rejoiced and hope was renewed. On Sunday, death was defeated and
Jesus was resurrected.
Easter is so unbelievable because Jesus brings life out of
death. Jesus brings hope where there was only despair. Jesus defeats
the power of sin and Hell. Jesus loved you more than life itself. He
would rather die than be without you. The only question that
remains is: Are you ready to be amazed? Let’s make this Easter a
special time of reflecting our Savior. I am looking forward to and
thank the Lord for all that He has done for me and my family this
past year and for our church family. To God be the glory great
things He has done and is doing… Now that’s unbelievable!
In The Unbelievable Savior’s Love,
Pastor Sam
(2014 – 2015 Academic Year)
All applicants must submit a completed
application and written essay.
You may download the PDF form from the FUMC website
or you may pick up a printed version in the church office.
Directions for completion of the application are included.
First-time applicants must submit references.
Repeat applicants do not need references.
All applications and supporting information are due
to the church office no later than Sunday, April 26th.
They may be mailed, hand-delivered, or e-mailed to
April Sermons
and Scriptures
April 5
Knowing God’s Possibilities
John 11:17-26;
“I am the Resurrection and the Life” Matthew 28:1-10
April 12
April 19
April 26
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TSA – Triumphant Senior Adults
Please reserve April 16th, 12:30 to 2:30 pm.
Lunch at the Coastline Restaurant, Cherry Hill
followed by a Chalk Talk with Peg and Dick Esher.
See Pat Gunning or Marva Wallace for reservations.
Wednesday Night Schedule for April
April 1st
No WNL Dinner and Adult Bible Studies.
Holy Wednesday Service at 7:00 pm, “Heading
to the Cross”
Children from Nursery to Grade 5 and SH
Youth will meet.
April 8th
No WNL Dinner and No WNL Bible Studies.
SH Group will meet.
April 15, 22, 29
Regular schedule with dinner and Bible studies.
WNL dinner will end on April 29th.
St. Paul’s Food Pantry is in
need of able bodied men to help
transfer food from a pallet to a cart
and from the cart to a shelf. Weight up to
50 pounds. Most items are much less. This
would take place either the 2nd or 3rd Thursday of each
month. The time window is between 8:00 am and 1:00 pm. They
would give you a call when the truck is at St Paul’s so you do not
have to wait around. The entire process is done in an hour.
They are also looking for men or woman to help in the
distribution room of the pantry on a Tuesday or a Thursday. This
job consists of greeting clients and assisting with paper work.
You would receive on the job training. The hours are from 11:00
am to 2:00 pm on Tuesdays and Thursday’s. You can also
volunteer to work on an on call basis.
If you are able to help out please call Bonnie McElligott.
Join us at First United Methodist Church
Park & Dayton Avenues, Collingswood, 856 858-1186
March 29th 9:40 am
Sunday School
10:45 am Combined Worship Celebration
Join us for this special service with
children’s choir & special music and
reception of new members.
April 1st
Holy Wednesday Service, 7:00 pm
“Heading to the Cross”
April 2nd
Holy Thursday Service, 7:00 pm
Seder supper and reflection. We will observe communion as well.
April 3rd
Good Friday Service, 12:00 - 3:00 pm
A special time of meditation from God’s word and music. Various
speakers will be sharing with us. You are invited to come when you
are able and leave when you must.
April 5th – 8:30 and 10:45 am
Knowing God’s Possibilities “I AM the Resurrection and the Life”
John 11:17-26; Matt 28:1-10
Visit our website for more information:
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On April 11th, a special event entitled Camden 411
(pun intended,) will be sponsored by the Poverty Task Force
of the Gateway South District of the UMC.
This event will showcase the rich and diverse history
and culture of Camden while introducing participants to
numerous ministries and social agencies making a difference
in Camden today.
The day will begin at the Kroc Center of the
Salvation Army with a continental breakfast at 9:00 am. A
brief presentation by Myrna Bethke, our District
Superintendent, will be followed by 1 hour bus tours to
familiarize people with various neighborhoods and ministries
in Camden. Rutgers Civic Scholars will serve as tour guides.
Next will be lunch at the Kroc Center, followed by
the opportunity for participants to return to one of the mission
sites to complete a work project.
This event provides a safe way to see places in
Camden which you have always heard about but never seen.
Families are welcome. There will be projects for children as
well. We are hoping to provide daycare as well for a nominal
fee. The only other expense is a free will offering to cover
It is our hope that this event will inspire you to get
involved in missions close to home. More info will be coming
Sharyn Bailey, Poverty Task Force
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APRIL 14, 2015
Each resident is given a bag which they may fill with
any of the donated items listed below. This is a special day
which they look forward to each year. Please place donated
items in the marked box in the boardroom. Thank you for
your generosity! The Collingswood Manor Auxiliary
SOCKS - for men or women
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The Ricky Phillips
Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dinner at Tavistock Country Club
100 Tavistock Lane Haddonfield NJ 08033
Tuesday April 21, 2015
5:00pm - 10:00 pm
Dinner at 6:00 pm
Adults $30 Sit Down Chicken Francaise Dinner
Kids 12 and under $15 Chicken Fingers
Basket Auction and 50/50
Accepting Basket Auction Donations!
Congratulations to Kathleen Duffy
for receiving The Ricky Phillips Memorial
Scholarship Award for 2014!
Ricky was 21 years old when he died suddenly in a
tragic automobile accident; He is the son of Carol and Rich
Phillips, brother of Christy and Brett Phillips. Ricky
graduated from St John (now Good Shepherd) in 2004, and
he graduated PVI in 2008. He was a senior at Rutgers
Camden when he passed. He loved to run, he loved the
Phillies, he loved his family and friends. We give a
scholarship in Ricky’s memory to a student from First
United Methodist Church in Collingswood. We also give
scholarships to Good Shepherd and PVI track runners and
we sponsor students at Sacred Heart School in Camden. In
only 3 years, together, we have given $23,500 in
scholarships. Thank you for your support! Please call
Carol or Rich with questions or for tickets.
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You are cordially invited to a tea
party. Please join us for Afternoon Tea on
Saturday, April 25 1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
for tea, a light lunch, dessert and
conversation. Please bring your favorite tea
Tickets are only $5 and are available
to purchase beginning in March at the
Connection Point near the church parlor
every Sunday (except Easter Sunday) after
each service. The last day to buy tickets is
April 19. This event is for ladies who are
12 years old and over.
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Easter Egg Hunt!!!
2 years old - 5th Grade
April 4th, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Register online at:
God’s Squad
A fun way for students entering grades 3
to 6 to build relationships together while
participating in short Bible studies and fun
events, such as roller skating, a pool
party, and service projects. Students meet
on Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00 am 3:00 pm during the month of July.
New for 2015!!!
Arts and Science Camp
August 11th - 13th
Students entering 2nd - 5th grades can attend a one day event
or 2 to 3 days.
They will explore through science
experiments and art how we can better care for our earth.
9:00 am -12:00 pm (fee per child $10 a day or 3 days for $25,
max fee per family $60)
Start planning for
summer camps now!!
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the Music
Dear Parents,
We are excited to announce that a new music group is
forming at First United Methodist Church, The Music Makers!!!
This group is open to all children and students in Kindergarten and
up. Music Makers is open to any kids or students who just love to
praise God with their voices!!
Rehearsals will be held on Sunday mornings from 10:30 10:50 am in room 302 in the Education Building (Children's Dept.)
After the rehearsal is complete, the leaders will bring any
Kindergarten - 5th Grade children to the Sanctuary or to Children's
Worship. (Please let me know on Sunday morning where you prefer
for your child to be taken.) Students in 6th grade or older will be
dismissed to go to the Sanctuary.
Our second performance will be on Mother's Day!!!
Rehearsals for this performance will run each Sunday from April
12th - May 3rd. (10:30 -10:50 am in room 302)
We are so excited that Pat Sheaffer will be our main
director! She brings great musical experience to this group.
I can't wait to hear them sing!!
Rhonda Fraley
Children's Director
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DATE: Saturday, April 4th
TIME: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
LOCATION: Church Campus
AGES: 2nd - 5th Grade
(Children hunt by age group.)
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Save the Date!!!
June 22nd - 26th
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Ages 3 - Grade 6
Looking for a week long adventure this summer that will
not be just a normal hike? Join us as we journey off the map
and discover the way to walk. Kids will enjoy visiting the
tangled branch treehouse for Bible study, the shady grove
for crafts, survival springs for snacks, the rushing waters for
music, and the rappelling ravine for recreation. Registration
begins in May. Watch for more information soon!!
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6:00 PM Seni
Youth Group
6:45 PM Mast
7:00 PM Bible
8:30 AM Traditional
Worship Service
9:40 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Contemporary
Worship Service
6:00 PM Junior High Youth
9:15 AM Smooth Stones
Bible Study
10:00 AM Followers Bible
6:00 PM Seni
Youth Group
6:45 PM Mast
7:00 PM Bible
9:15 AM Smooth Stones
Bible Study
10:00 AM Followers Bible
6:00 PM Seni
Youth Group
6:00 PM WNL
6:45 PM Mast
7:00 PM Bible
8:30 AM Traditional
Worship Service
9:40 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Contemporary
Worship Service
6:00 PM Junior High Youth
9:15 AM Smooth Stones
Bible Study
10:00 AM Followers Bible
6:00 PM Seni
Youth Group
6:00 PM WNL
6:45 PM Mast
7:00 PM Bible
8:30 AM Traditional
Worship Service
9:40 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Contemporary
Worship Service
6:00 PM Junior High Youth
9:15 AM Smooth Stones
Bible Study
10:00 AM Followers Bible
6:00 PM Seni
Youth Group
6:00 PM WNL
6:45 PM Mast
7:00 PM Bible
Easter Sunday
8:30 AM Traditional
Worship Service
9:40 AM Sunday School
10:45 AM Contemporary
Worship Service
6:00 PM Junior High Youth
7:00 PM Discipleship
7:00 PM Missions Evangelism
7:00 PM Nurture
Committee Mtg.
First United Methodist Church, 201 Dayton Avenue, Collingswood, NJ 08108
or High
6:45 PM Praise Team
ter’s Men
e Studies
Holy Thursday
or High
ter’s Men
e Studies
or High
Good Friday
Handi*Vangelism Support
6:45 PM Praise Team
6:45 PM Praise Team
6:45 PM Praise Team
L Dinner
ter’s Men
e Studies
or High
L Dinner
ter’s Men
e Studies
or High
6:45 PM Praise Team
L Dinner
ter’s Men
e Studies
Facebook: Collingswood FUMC
Looking Ahead Into May
Mother’s Day – May 10th
Both services: Knowing God’s Plan “I Am the Living Water.”
Children’s choir and a special gift for ladies.
Whoever drinks
the water I give...
…will never thirst.
John 4:14
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday, May 16th at 8:00 am
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Do you want to make a difference in someone else’s life for
eternity…..but you don’t know how or where to begin? Do you
desire to lead a more adventurous spiritual life by God’s grace?
Then it’s time to take a risk! Our Faith Sharing Weekend on May
2 and 3 will feature guest teacher Dale Glading, who began a
ministry called Risktakers for Christ. Check out his website at
risktakersforchrist.org. Many may remember Dale as the founder of
the Saints Prison Ministry.
Saturday, May 2
conclude by noon.
8:30 am continental breakfast and sessions
Mini sessions with interaction include:
 Is There Not a Cause? Learn from David the importance of
living for a cause greater than yourself.
 Here am I, Lord. Send me! Learn from Isaiah that God doesn’t
want your ability; He wants your availability.
 No Looking Back. Learn from Elisha about not turning back
when called to serve God.
Sunday, May 3
Dale will continue the teaching during the
8:30 and 10:45 am services with the topic “Get out of the Boat.”
Do you really want to serve God? Then get out of your comfort zone
and get ready to walk on water!
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What it is
Online Giving is an easy, consistent way to donate to the church. It
eliminates constantly writing checks and using the church envelope
system. It also permits donors to support the church without being
physically present due to weather, travel, illness, second homes, sick
kids, etc. It is convenient for the donor and very useful to the
Church because income is received consistently. In February 2015
our Church was closed for two consecutive Sundays due to weather.
The offerings received through Online Giving were very helpful in
meeting our payroll and paying our bills.
Donor Registration
Donors sign up at the church website http://fumccollingswood.org.
Touch or click the “DONATE” button and complete the form. This
method may be used for Checking or Savings (EFT), Credit or Debit
cards (MasterCard, Discover, and VISA.)
Frequency of donations
Donors may choose weekly, semi-monthly,
monthly, or one-time. Donors may also select
weekly for some funds and monthly (or whatever)
for other funds by registering each donation plan
Church Fund Designations
 Local Ministries/Missions – 90% of these
donations go to Local Ministries and 10% to Missions.
 Local Ministries - All ministries of the church depend on this
fund which pays for our staff, our buildings, our operating costs,
Conference Shared Ministries, worship expenses, some costs of
ministries to children and youth, etc. 100% goes to Local
Ministries. Our 2015 Local Ministries net budget is $413,000.
 Missions – Missions primarily supports mission organizations
founded by our church and missionaries from our church. Our
2015 budget is about $100,000.
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 World Service – Methodist missionaries both in the USA and
around the world are supported by this denominational fund. Our
2015 goal is $3,250.
 Sunday School/Discipleship – Expenses for various children’s
and youth programs such as teaching materials, children’s
supplies, and Jr. High and Sr. High youth activities and retreats
are paid by Discipleship. Donations here supplement Sunday
School offerings. This budget is $10,000 for 2015 plus $6,500 for
a planned fall women’s conference.
 Other Donations - This line is for any ministry or project not
listed such as “Collingswood Manor” or “Sandy Relief.” The
Donor designates the recipient.
 Seasonal - During the year we make available seasonal funds
such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, Staff Gift, VBS, Easter, etc.
Vanco Services, LLC, is the endorsed servicer of The United
Methodist Church and has been since 2002. 1,500 UM churches use
Vanco which services 18,000 non-profits. Our experience with
Vanco has been excellent.
In our first three years, 47 donors have signed on. Donations in
2014 were $148,000. Contact Stan Sheaffer with any questions.
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This is a youth ministry for people in grades 6-12,
and everyone is welcome! There are a few regular
times we meet each week (as follows), as well as other
extra special events throughout the month (see below.)
But one thing is certain – we are never stagnant,
because God is always moving!!
the ryver (Grades 6-8 meet Sunday; Grades 9-12 meet
Wednesday – both 6:00 - 8:00 pm)
The perfect place to get started! Designed to help people
connect with God and each other through games, music,
and conversations about God, the Bible, and life.
the ryver deep (Sunday morning, 9:30 - 10:30 am)
Essential for those who really want to grow in their faith!
Grades 6-12 are together as we dig deeper in the Bible
and learn how to live it.
Don’t forget to check us out on Facebook:
“The Ryver Youth Ministry”
Holy Thursday Worship Gathering
Thursday 4/2, 7:00 pm
Our church will be gathering
tonight for an intimate time of
worship, reflection & communion
focusing our attention on all that
Christ has done for us at the
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Good Friday Men’s Breakfast
Friday 4/3, 6:55 am
Guys from all over our region will
be gathering at the Crowne Plaza
this morning for a powerful time
of worship & sharing and of
course….an amazing buffet of
See Shawn if you are
interested in going.
Good Friday Worship Gathering
Friday 4/3, 12:00 – 3:00 pm
Many different speakers and musicians will be sharing
Christ’s 7 last words with us throughout this service. Come
when you can, leave when you need to, but join us to
reflect on His unbelievable sacrifice on the cross.
Egg Hunt
Saturday 4/4, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm
Over 100 kids from our community were on
the church property last year finding eggs
& experiencing the love of Jesus. This is
an awesome opportunity to be used by
God! There are lots of ways you can be
involved – making gift bags, setting up,
hiding eggs and just hanging out with kids
– see Shawn to get involved!
FUGE (One week + high energy conference & meeting
real needs + YOU) x God = Life Change!)
If you’re in grades
9-12, don’t miss
our 2015 summer
trip – registration
& $40 deposit are
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David and Andrea Brunner Jr
We are back in the Gospel of John. What a wonderful book
to preach from each Sunday (now on chapter 6.) Andrea and two
other ladies hold a Children’s Bible Club on Tuesdays. They
average about 10 children each week. Most of these children attend
another church or do not attend at all. We are thankful for the
I, Dave, have been working on a Psalm a month again and
have re-memorized Psalm 51 (I had memorized it about five years
ago.) Andrea has been learning the Dulcimer instrument along with
Debbie T. from our ministry and the two did a Christmas special
number together. As for family news, we expect another grandson
(yes, a boy!) by the end of March (number 4.) A special note to pray
for is a dental repair of a capped tooth of Dave’s. We so appreciate
all that you do for us in prayer and financial support to help us
minister. Thank you so very much.
Greg and Sue Stowers
Since the recent horrific events in Paris we would like to
thank you especially for your prayers and for your faithful financial
support over the years. It is a huge blessing to us to know there are
those who care and love God's kingdom. We deeply appreciate your
dedication to the spread of the Gospel in France.
We feel grieved for Paris. They have many challenges and it
remains to be seen if the Muslim population and the French culture
can co-exist in peace. And yet recently we have seen many
encouragements spiritually. Young people are turning to Christ and
have exhibited unusual levels of commitment to evangelizing the
Paris area. It is a key time for France. Pray she will make wise
decisions and turn back to God.
All is well with our family. Our son, Steve and his wife
Kristy have four children and live in the Philadelphia suburbs. Steve
is a project manager for Bristol-Myers Squibb. They are very
involved in their local church in Yardley. Our daughter Amy and her
husband, Ron, and their four children continue in church planting in
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Milan, Italy. We now have three teenage grandchildren!
Thank you again for your love and interest in France and
may the Lord bless you abundantly in 2015.
This past year has been a fruitful time of getting to know a
new area of Indonesia, a new set of church friends, different ways of
worshipping the Lord and new ways of digging deeper into God's
Word-whether it be by internalizing and retelling Bible stories or
looking at the bigger picture of how particular passages fit into a
larger context and echo other parts of the Bible. Sitting in on the
final checking of Psalms, Jonah, Exodus, Daniel, Amos, Esther and
Ruth this past year has been a good way to begin to learn the “Hua”
I have also had the privilege of staying with three different
translators and their families for a week at a time and have enjoyed
learning new words and expressions, especially from the children. I
am thankful for the gracious hospitality of these translators and for
the ways they have included me in their celebrations-both sad and
Rev. Melvin Floyd
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This year because of
your faithful prayers and financial support, The Mel Floyd School of
Evangelism has graduated its 35th and 36th classes. We have now a
(Continued on page 28)
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(Missionary Messages - Continued from page 27)
grand total of 2,516 graduates since our first class in 1993. Many of
these graduates are still out on the streets winning the lost at any
cost to the Lord Jesus Christ. Some students have taken the course
back to their home churches, teaching others to go out and spread
the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Please rest assured that you have a part in
each soul won to the Lord. We are so very, very grateful for your colaboring with us.
Chuck and Bev Truxton
We remember fondly so many friends in Nigeria, but want
to mention just one to you. Dr. Mayowa Pemi was trained by Bev at
Evangel Hospital. He is currently training residents in a government
hospital in neighboring Niger State about 400 miles from Jos.
Seeing those we mentored carrying on and training others always
gives us a special joy.
Chuck has thoroughly enjoyed his trips back to Nigeria to
assist in various ways. During his most recent visit he worked with
The ECWA AIDS Ministry (TEAM) doing monitoring and
evaluation visits to various places where TEAM is ministering now.
In the flurry of activity surrounding threats like Ebola, it’s easy to
forger that about 3.7 percent of Nigeria's 160 million people are
living with the HIV virus. More than two million children have been
orphaned - not infected, but very much affected.
We want to thank you for your love, your prayers for us,
your gifts during this past year. May God bless you richly in 2015.
Armand and Jean LeBlanc
Jean and I had had the privilege of being in two outer city
fellowships this month. We visited in some homes, heard their
stories and Armand spoke in their Sunday services - each group had
50 or more attending. In one city, Armand had the privilege of
“dunking” a few folks who had completed their new bel’s class.
What a blessing to be a part of what God is doing in many lives! We
are so thankful for your prayers and gifts that help us to be here and
provide for us to travel some and photocopy materials and buy the
Book so they can have copies, etc. Just last week one family said:
“We only have one copy in our house, so we have to take turns
reading it.” We were able to give each person a copy.
We are THANKFUL for all of you!
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Where is it? ... Where did it go? ... They wouldn’t just take it
away because Easter is past – would they?
So what is “it?” The cross.
When I first started attending First Methodist, I remember
the large wooden cross at the front of the sanctuary being under the
stained glass window. On Maundy Thursday, it was next to the altar
and what it symbolized took on special meaning. Two days before I
had had surgery on my neck that was to require weeks of
rehabilitation. Yet, there I was. Sitting in church, having been
discharged that afternoon and requiring no physical therapy.
The explanation of the surgery and what to expect were
according to what mere humans understood and knew. Fortunately
God does not depend on what we know. He designed and made
everything – what we know and what we have yet to discover. And
so much more than that.
I know that the cross represents the Love that God has for
me, for each of us. The cost of that gift can never be measured. God
loves us with a depth that none of us will ever be able to
comprehend. His love and blessings I felt that evening were so near
… so real.
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This feeling of being “safe and secure from all alarms1”
lasted through the rest of Holy Week and for several weeks beyond.
After a while I settled back into a routine. That is what it was – a
routine. Gradually the image of the cross faded. Then one Sunday I
looked for it while worshipping. Where is it? . . . Where did it
go? . . . They wouldn’t just take it away because Easter is past –
would they? And then I saw it, tucked in the top right corner of the
choir loft.
As Easter arrives I will be rejoicing and praising God for the
amazing love we see in the stone rolled from Christ’s grave and His
risen presence to the women and His disciples. My prayer is that I
do not let the celebration to cause me to lose sight of where the cross
is, what it means. May I pray that
To the old rugged cross I will ever be true;
Its shame and reproach gladly bear;
Then He’ll call me someday to my home far away,
Where His glory forever I’ll share.2
While we wait from the sadness of Good Friday to the
celebration of Christ’s resurrection on Easter morning, let us pray
for all those in need of His hand in some part of their lives. Among
these are Pete Carr, Bob Holmes, Arnie Arnold, Dean
MacGlaughlin, Rob Kozak, Sue Trauffer, Cassie Finger, Sandra
Wright, Cheryl Averell, Betty Strike, Matt Robb, Lew & Mildred
Smith, Florence Keller, Jim & Ruth Doherty, Connie Zabel, Tom
Costello, Virginia Armitage, Rich Snyder, Nancy Marino. Let us,
also, joyfully remember those we love who are already celebrating
with Christ in Heaven.
Blessings and Son shine.
Mary Emily Cameron
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms by Elisha A. Hoffman
The Old Rugged Cross by George Bennard
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If you have not already done so,
please give your dates
(birth dates and anniversary dates)
to the church office
in writing or by e-mail:
April 2
Heather Chamberlain
April 4
Lisa Santulli
April 6
Bernard Beals
Debbie Cherry
Charles (Bud) Shropshire
April 7
Ken Steward, Jr.
April 9
Gregory McGaurn
April 13 Bob Gordon
Bert Stevens
Will Walker
April 15 Adrianna Adams
Cindy VanPelt
April 18 Bill Bittle
April 19 Beth Stefano
April 25 Michael D. Hoover
Asher Walker
April 10 Marion Shallcross
April 11 Suzanne Hoover
April 27 Mark Burgoon
April 5
Tom and Cheryl Averell
April 20
Ken and Margie Underwood
April 23
Douglas and Julie Schmitt
April 25
Bill and Marion Wertz
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As Jacob used a rock for a
pillow — later to become a pillar
honoring God — which of the
following did he experience in a
A. Angels going up and down on a
ladder between earth and
B. The Lord promising that
Jacob’s family would be a
blessing to all nations.
C. God’s assurance: “Know that I
am with you and will keep you
wherever you go.”
D. All of the above.
Answer: D (See Genesis 28:10-19.)
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He Is
PERMIT #1125
Loving God...Loving People...Connecting With Our Neighbors
The First United Methodist Church
201 Dayton Avenue
Collingswood, NJ 08108