THIS COMING WEEK AT FIRST CHURCH RECORD OF OUR FAITHFULNESS Week of June 28, 2015 Sunday, July 5 - 6th Sunday after Pentecost in Kingdomtide 8:25 am Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am Sunday School for all ages New Creation Worship - Fellowship Hall 10:55 am Service of Holy Communion 5:00 pm Youth HQ 8:25 am Communion ........................................ 67 9:45 New Creation ............................................ 26 10:55 am Worship ......................................... 173 Children’s Church ............................................. 10 Monday Communion ........................................ 32 Worship Total (Goal 300 in 2015!) ............... 308 THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED THIS WEEK Vacation Bible School will be in session this week. All other regularly scheduled activities will resume next week. Sunday School Adults .......................................................... 45 GAP................................................................ 0 Youth ............................................................. 5 Nursery .......................................................... 4 Children ......................................................... 8 Wired Word at The Village 7 pm ...................... 14 Christian Education Total (Goal 180) ............. 76 Monday, July 6 8:30 am Vacation Bible School — ends 12:30 pm 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Tuesday, July 7 8:30 am Vacation Bible School — ends 12:30 pm Committees will not meet for the month of July with the exception of the Finance Committee on July 28. 7:00 pm The Wired Word Group @ The Village Wednesday, July 8 8:30 am Vacation Bible School — ends 12:30 pm Thursday, July 9 8:30 am Vacation Bible School — ends 12:30 pm 1:30 pm Helping Hands Women’s Program 3:00 pm Helping Hands Women’s Clinic Friday, July 10 8:30 am Vacation Bible School — ends 12:30 pm Sunday, July 12 - 7th Sunday after Pentecost in Kingdomtide 8:25 am Service of Holy Communion 9:45 am Sunday School for all ages New Creation Worship - Fellowship Hall 10:55 am Worship Service 5:00 pm Youth HQ Salty Service...................................................... 22 Boy Scout .......................................................... 20 Total Other Activities..................................... 42 Financial Reporting Gifts Needed Each Week ......................... $16,610 Gifts Received this Week .......................... $8,249 Second Mile Giving (included in gifts received) Additional Giving Master’s Plan ................................................ $275 Memorials .................................................... $505 Fumpers Scholarships ..................................... $61 Special Groups ................................................ $13 Other revenue .............................................. $620 Year to Date Totals through May 2015 Revenue ................................................. $340,406 Expenses ................................................ $358,567 DON’T HAVE CHECKS? @fumcgnv Use your smart phone scanner to capture this QR code and you will be automatically directed to the online giving website for First UMC. What’s Happening at First UMC? Kind greetings and love in Christ are extended to all members and guests. We trust that you will experience the warmth of Christian fellowship, the inspiration of worship and the peace that comes from an awareness of God’s presence. TODAY’S ALTAR FLOWERS Today’s altar flowers are dedicated to the Glory of God and given by JuliAnn Brasington Tedeschi in memory of her father and mother, J.J. and Jo Brasington. NEW CREATION WORSHIP EXPERIENCE Join us as we continue to learn how to SIMPLIFY our lives and reduce our stress. Our study of scripture and our conversations will be based on Bill Hybel's book Simplify! Topics include: Restless to Fulfilled (in our work-life balance), Negative to a Positive Outlook, Isolated to Connected (in our relationships), Drifting to Focused (in our calling) Stuck to Moving On (in our life transitions). Great contemporary worship, new friends, hot coffee, fresh donuts await you in the Fellowship Hall at 9:45am! Come just as you are and become all God intends for you to be! HOLY GROUNDS COFFEE Holy Grounds is an opportunity for guests to have coffee and conversation with the pastors and meets MONTHLY at 9:45 am in the Parlor (located in Epworth Hall, the building next to the Sanctuary). The next gathering will be on next Sunday, July 12, at 9:45 am. WELCOME RECEPTION FOR THE JOHNSONS There will be a welcome reception in the Fellowship Hall today for Kevin Johnson and his family immediately following the 10:55 am service. Everyone is invited to stop by to meet the family and enjoy cake and punch. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY 9:45 Kids’ City Sunday School classes begin downstairs in the Children’s Music Room. Children should be dropped off and picked up at the glass doors in Epworth. Parents should not drop off their child(ren) in Bell Hall. *All parents should sign their child aged 0-5th grade in/out at the Children’s Welcome table outside of the nursery glass doors.* VBS: Bible Blast to the Past. We still have spaces available! Please sign up online or via the paper form available in the narthex. We are also in need of VBS supply donations. Please visit the supply board in the Narthex to sign-up. Thank you for your support of our children. NOTE: After Church today (about 12:30) we will have a mandatory VBS volunteer meeting in the Maranatha room, upstairs in Bell Hall. Directly after the meeting, we will have a decoration party! come in. We will meet from 9:00 am each day. Mark your calendars and check your closets! Children’s Ministries is collecting LEGOS and MEGA BLOCKS for a Friday Family Fun Night on July 24! Invite a friend and bring your whole family for a fun night of Lego building and a showing of the Lego Movie. Do you have some extra children’s books lying around your home? We are also collecting new and gently used children’s books for the Laura Knight Children’s Memorial Library. Donations for both can be dropped off at the church office anytime. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN Its not too late to make that last minute donation of diapers sizes 2-6 (no newborn) and wipes for Cornerstone Family Ministries in Tampa, Florida. Delegates from our church will be attending the Conference Mission U event in Daytona July 9 – 12 at which time the diapers and wipes from UMW groups throughout the Conference will be gathered and sent to Cornerstone. UMW ANNUAL GARAGE SALE The United Methodist Women are now collecting items for this sale. Please contact Margaret Steptoe (352-372-5879) or Joan Van Winkle (352-3724716) for pickup of donations to the sale. Members who are able are invited to come each Friday in June to Margaret’s home to price sale items as they MONDAY MEAL VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED Are you looking for a way to help serve our community? We would love to have you join us in serving a hot meal to homeless brothers and sisters on Monday afternoons. From 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm, we cook, serve, clean, and fellowship together. CHOIRS ON SUMMER BREAK The Chancel Choir, Instrumentalists and Handbells will be on a much needed summer break through August 24. Special music will be provided by our choral intern soloists and instrumentalists. Now is the time to begin to dig up that musical talent you buried long ago and consider joining one of our musical groups in the fall. Please contact Robert Jackson for more information. We have a place reserved for you! BEDDING FOR JOHNSON FAMILY A huge thank you to all who loaned bedding and towels for the Johnson family. As it turns out, their moving company was able to deliver all their furnishings this past Friday when the family arrived. If you would like to retrieve your items, you may do so from the church after church today, when the office reopens next week on Monday, July 13. If you prefer to donate your items to Family Promise please contact the church office. SEEKING PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR WITH CREDENTIALS We are seeking a full time, experienced credentialed Preschool Director to begin August 17, 2015. BA in education, CPR, Firstaid and continuing education required. Preschool Hours: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm weekdays. Email resume with DCF credentials and 3 references to Julie Cole, Church Admin. at PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY NEW: Joan & Charles Tompkins, Lylah Gorman, Alice & Cecil Wyatt, Chris & Frank Boone, Sandra, Robert, William, Sondra, and Makayla Allen (requested by Annetta Burch), Ride to Sunday school (I will take the church van home - requested by Mimi Herring), Our Son, Josh (traveling & looking for job - requested by Brice& Beth Keith), Katlyn (4 year old – who is being treated for leukemia at Shands - requested Cathy Cromer), Sammy Nafziger (my brother who has been in the hospital for 2 weeks with aspiration pneumonia due to his swallowing disability from a stroke 2 years th ago - requested by Janet Howard), For my brother’s 55 birthday and our children (requested by Ed & Kim Gauthier), Best wishes to Pastor David and Family on their new undertaking (requested by Eunice Shearn). ONGOING 2nd week: Timmy’s mom (undergoing further testing to determine if her cancer has returned - requested by Timothy and James Bergman), Our daughter and son-in-law (that they will be saved) and a work project (that it will go well - requested by Chris Gongoulin), Peace in Jerusalem (requested by Nancy DeLacure), Albert Sharpless (My dear brother who is a widower and struggling in Washington State - requested by Barbara Cooper), The stress of those moving and all of those affected by the shooting in Charleston, SC (requested by Sara McKinley), Susan Hoffman (Her condition is greatly improved and she will likely be released to home pending location of a liver donor— requested by Ed and Chris Hoffmann), Peace and good health to all (requested by Eunice Shearn). ONGOING - Long term: Fisher Abrams (Betty Folsom’s 9 year old great grandson—chemo for Leukemia), Judi Rembert, Dash & Betty Hicks, Mary Bell Smith, Nancy Merrow, Harold Stringer, Larry Nafziger, Jenny Day, Doran Bleigh, Mary Elizabeth Bain, and our sister church in La Moza. Also any “Unspoken Requests.” REJOICING WITH OUR CHURCH FAMILY Praise my uncle is cancer free praise the Lord. (Mimi Herring) CONDOLENCES To the family of Dess James on her passing May 21st. There will be a memorial service this Tuesday, July 7 at 2:00 pm in the Sanctuary. Visitation with the family will begin at 1:00 pm in the narthex. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to First UMC, Gainesville. OUR FAITHFUL FRIENDS - SHOW THEM YOU CARE Our Faithful Friends is a weekly ministry that reaches those who are unable to attend worship and other weekly activities. Please send a note or card of encouragement to those listed each week. Along with your signature, please include the words “First United Methodist Church” so they will connect your greetings with their church family. Peggy Warner, c/o 1562 SW 63rd Avenue, Apt. 4, Gainesville, FL 32608 Geneva Waybright, 4735 SW 91st Drive #307 (Haile Village) Gainesville, FL 32608-8120 WELCOME RECEPTION FOR THE JOHNSON FAMILY Today we are celebrating the arrival of our new Associate Pastor, Kevin Johnson and his family, wife Annette, and children, Seamus 11 (pronounced Shay-mus), Julianna 9, Rowan 6, Teague 4, and Finley 11/2. Please stop by the Fellowship Hall to greet the family and enjoy some cake and punch.
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