April 10, 2015 Volume 24, Issue 28 Denae Wilker Principal Candace Mathis Asst. Principal 9001 Cochran's Crossing Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77381 936-709-5000 or 832-482-6204 Fax: 936-709-5003 http://galatas.conroeisd.net/ Save the Date! HATS OFF TO READING!!! Wednesday, April 22, 2015 6:00-7:30 pm In the Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion activities tent with the John Cooper School Aerialist Teams on the Small Stage in conjunction with The Houston Symphony Family Program presenting The Peking Acrobats FREE Activities and FREE Fun and a FREE Book for All Children Presented by THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY BOOK FESTIVAL in partnership with THE CONROE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT THE MONTGOMERY COUNTY MEMORIAL LIBRARY SYSTEM THE CYNTHIA WOODS MITCHELL PAVILION With the following sponsors: Scholastic Book Fairs, Chick Fil-A, Dr. and Mrs. George and Diane Kaufman, The Lamar Elementary School PTO, the St. Anthony of Padua Library, The Junior League of The Woodlands Counselor’s Corner Parent Tips: How to Help Your Child Prepare for Standardized Tests By: Colorín Colorado (2008) Standardized tests currently play a role in the United States public schools. Your child may take one or more standardized tests during the school year, and your child's teacher may spend class time on test preparation throughout the year. As a parent, there are a number of ways that you can support your child before and after taking a standardized test, as well as a number of ways you can support your child's learning habits on a daily basis that will help her be more prepared when it's time to be tested. It is important to be supportive of your child's efforts on standardized tests, and to help her do her best. You can also learn more about testing from teachers, to better understand how testing is being carried out at your child's school, and how the results are being used. Please note that these tips have been adapted from articles published by Scholastic, Inc., the National Parent Teacher Association, and the International Reading Association, and that the sources are indicated after each section of tips. On Test Day Make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a healthy breakfast Many teachers report that students who don't do well on tests haven't gotten enough sleep, and they haven't eaten breakfast on the morning of the test. Doing both of these things will ensure that your child is working at full capacity (Narang, 2008). Make sure your child is prepared Some schools may supply the tools your child needs for the test, such as pencils, an eraser, paper, and a calculator. Others may require the students to bring those materials themselves. Check with your child's teacher to see if you need to provide your child with any of these materials. Also, check to see whether you child will be able to make up the test if she is sick on test day (Narang, 2008). Remain positive Staying calm will help your child stay calm. If she gets nervous about the test or is likely to experience anxiety during the test, help her practice some relaxation techniques that she can try once she's taking the test (Narang, 2008). There are a number of ways that you can maximize your child's learning capabilities throughout the school year, which can lead to confident test-taking. Some of these strategies include: • Assisting your child with homework and ensuring that your child is completing all homework assignments • Helping her to develop good study habits, thinking skills, and a positive attitude towards education from an early age • Ensuring that your child has good attendance at school • Staying in communication with your child's teacher Encouraging your child to read as much as possible, and to increase her vocabulary - even reading magazines, newspapers, and comic books regularly will help improve her reading skills • • Looking for educational games and programs that engage your child Helping your child learn how to follow directions carefully (Dietel, 2008; IRA (2002); Narang, 2008). • Finally, as you help your child do her best on the tests she takes and in all of her schoolwork, also remind her that testing is just one part of her education. With your support and involvement, she will be well on her way to her own bright future. Never Ever Absent or Tardy (N.E.A.T.) Congratulations to the following classes for having NO absences or tardies for the week of March 23-27. Section 11 Section 35 Congratulations to the following classes for having NO absences or tardies for the week of March 30-April 3. Section 16 Section 24 Section 41 Section 44 Section 48 These students received a coupon for a FREE Frosted Lemonade from Chick-fil-A! Never Ever Absent or Tardy Each week through April 24, all students who are present at school each day and not tardy will be acknowledged in their classroom and receive a small token of gratitude for their perseverance. Students are considered tardy if they arrive to school after the 8:05 am bell rings. Students arriving after 9:00 am will be counted absent unless they return with an HCP (Healthcare Professional) slip from their doctor. In addition, a boy and a girl, who was never absent or tardy, from each class will be randomly selected to have a celebratory lunch and treat with Mrs. Wilker and Mrs. Mathis. The two selected students from the class will receive an invitation for the lunch on a predetermined date. If your child is ill, we strongly recommend that he remain home from school so that illnesses are not carried to other students. Please join us in sharing the great news with your children and encouraging them to attend school on time each day during these three weeks. PARENT INFORMATION ATTENDANCE LINE DELIVERIES TO STUDENTS To report an absence for your child, please call our attendance line at 936-709-5014 by 9:00 a.m. and leave a message stating your child’s name, teacher’s name, reason for the absence, person reporting the absence, and a phone number. When your child returns from school, a note explaining the absence should be brought to his/her teacher. Student items that need to be delivered to your child during the school day can be dropped off before 10:00 a.m. at the front office. All deliveries need to be placed on the rear counter in the office and labeled with your child’s name and section number. Deliveries are made daily at 10:00 a.m. Any class work or binders that are dropped off after 10:00 a.m. will be placed in the teacher’s mailbox. ATTENDANCE MEDICATION AT SCHOOL School attendance is a major indicator of student success. Please schedule vacations during holidays, and make every effort to schedule appointments after school. Attendance letters will be sent if absences become excessive. Students must be present 90% of all school days to be promoted to the next grade. Students should attend school every day unless ill. A parent or guardian must bring medication and sign it into the clinic. All medication must be in the original container and properly labeled. The school nurse must have a written and dated request from the parent or legal guardian to administer any medication. MORNING HOURS School begins at 8:00 a.m. Students should not arrive before 7:35 a.m., at which time they may go to the gym (Kindergarten) or playground (1st-4th grades) for Active Start. Students may go to the classroom at 7:48. ILLNESS AT SCHOOL Your child will be sent home from school if: they have a fever 100 degrees or greater, diarrhea, vomiting, suspicion of having a contagious illness, or are too ill to function in the classroom. Your child should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication, no diarrhea for 24 hours without medication, or no vomiting for 24 hours. If your child has been prescribed antibiotics, they should be taking them for 24 hours before returning to school. MORNING TUTORING If your child is scheduled for morning tutoring or enrichment, he or she must stop at the front desk for a pass to enter the classroom area. ARRIVING TO SCHOOL AFTER 8:05 Students arriving to school after the tardy bell (8:05) are considered tardy. Students must stop at the front desk for a tardy pass. A parent should come into the school with the student to sign him in for the day. TRANSPORTATION CHANGES All transportation changes must be received in writing by 2:00 p.m.. You may send a note to your child’s teacher, fill out a form in the front office or send us a fax (936) 709-5003 with your signature. Please include the date, your child’s full name, section number, bus number (if applicable), and your signature. Please send a new note for each day the change occurs; we cannot accept notes for multiple days or with multiple changes. CHECKING OUT OF SCHOOL EARLY ARRIVING TO SCHOOL AFTER AN APPOINTMENT If your child is arriving late to school due to an appointment, or returning to school after an appointment, please come into the office with your child and bring a doctor’s note, to ensure your student is not marked tardy or absent for the day. BIRTHDAY TREATS Birthday treats, such as brownies or cookies, must be store bought due to allergy, safety and sanitation concerns. **Please refer to the Galatas Handbook Addendum for more specific information. If you need to pick your child up early, please do so before 2:45. We are unable to call back to a class after that time. AFTER SCHOOL Students will need to plan ahead and be organized when getting ready for dismissal. Students will not be allowed to re-enter the building to go back to class for homework or items they forgot. COMMUNICATION WITH GALATAS When you send an e-mail to or leave a message for a staff member at Galatas, please include your child’s full name, a phone number where we can reach you, and your full name in the message. This information will allow us to respond to you quickly and accurately. SPIRIT NIGHT GALATAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WOULD LIKE TO INVITE YOU TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT WITH A MI COCINA SPIRIT NIGHT! THURSDAYS IN APRIL, 2015 11:00 AM-9:00 PM MENTION THIS FLYER AND GALATAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL WILL RECEIVE 20% OF SALES BROUGHT IN FOR SPIRIT NIGHT! MI COCINA AT THE WOODLANDS MALL 1201 LAKE WOODLANDS DRIVE 281-298-6426 MICOCINARESTAURANTS.COM FACEBOOK.COM/MICOCINATHEWOODLANDS STAAR Reminder The State Mathematics Assessment will be given to 3rd and 4th grade students on Tuesday, April 21. The State Reading Assessment will be given to 3rd and 4th grade students on Wednesday, April 22. Get plenty of sleep. Eat a nutritious breakfast. Please arrive at school on time. **Very Important Reminder** Due to STAAR Assessments on April 21 and 22, Galatas Elementary will have a closed campus from April 20-24. Parents will not be allowed beyond the front office during the week of April 20. There will be no parent volunteers and no parents eating lunch in the cafeteria on these days. These steps and procedures are necessary to ensure test security and confidential integrity for the administration of this exam. Thank you for your understanding. Specials Schedule for April 21 and 22 8:10–9:05 9:10-10:05 10:10-11:05 1:00-1:55 2:00-2:55 1st Grade 2nd Grade Kindergarten 4th Grade 3rd Grade Lunch Schedule for April 21 and 22 11:15-11:45 11:30-12:00 11:45-12:45 12:00-12:30 12:15-12:45 Kindergarten 2nd Grade 1st Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade Summer Gifted and Talented Nominations Gifted and Talented Nominations are now being accepted for 2nd – 4th grade students who meet one of the following: • • New to the district Unable to participate in the 2014-2015 Gifted and Talented testing during the school year due to an illness or other extenuating circumstances. Testing will take place June 9th – 11th at a location yet to be determined. All nominated students must complete all administered tests. Completed nomination forms must be returned by April 24, 2015 in order for your child to participate. If you would like a nomination packet, please contact Candace Mathis at cdmathis@conroeisd.net or 936-709-5000 Summer School Information Available Conroe ISD has many Summer School programs available for students this summer. Please follow the link below for information about each opportunity: http://www.conroeisd.net/pdf/summer/elementary.pdf For more information, please refer to the last page of the link, where you will find the district contacts. Change of Address/Phone Numbers It is vital that the school have complete and up-to-date phone numbers and addresses for all students. If you change your address or your work, home, or cell phone numbers, please notify Robin Curtis, Registrar, immediately at 936-709-5014, or email rcurtis@conroeisd.net. FUN WITH SCIENCE! 4th Grade Transition to Mitchell Intermediate School For the 2015-2016 School Year Mitchell Intermediate School Welcomes Your Child Making the transition from elementary school to Mitchell Intermediate is an exciting event for fourth graders. The Mitchell Intermediate faculty is looking forward to helping you and your child with this process. We are already busy planning in preparation for the 2015-2016 school year. I would like to make you aware of future events that you will want to remember. In the meantime, please take the opportunity to visit the Mitchell Intermediate website at: http://mitchell.conroeisd.net/ The website will better acquaint you with our fabulous school. You can even check out our parent newsletters by opening the Mitchell Messenger link. Any child enrolled in a Conroe ISD school for fourth grade will have most of the necessary registration information needed for enrollment at Mitchell. You, as a parent, do not need to worry about enrolling your child for 5th grade at Mitchell Intermediate. However, I will be sending packets to your child’s elementary school that will contain information you might find of interest. You should receive the Mitchell Intermediate 4th Grade Orientation packet the week of April 6. If you don’t receive it, please contact the Mitchell Intermediate School Attendance Clerk, Linda Rusinski, at 832.592.8460. In the packet, you will receive a form titled “New Mitchell Mustang Information Form”. You are welcome to complete this form and return it to Mitchell Intermediate. Please do not email any information that includes placement considerations to me or the counselor. It is much easier for placement purposes if we have information on one consistent form. In addition, our staff will be busy helping our current Mitchell Mustangs and their families, especially with the transition to McCullough. Therefore, if you would like to set up a meeting to discuss your child if your child has more critical needs than what can be indicated on the “New Mitchell Mustang Information Form, we will be scheduling meetings June 8-11, 2015 and August 3-7, 2015. You may set up a meeting with me, the grade level assistant principal, Stephanie Johnson, or the grade level counselor, Terrie Rascoe. Please set up a meeting to be held after this current school year has ended. In the meantime, you will want to mark down important dates for orientations. Fourth graders are invited to orientation on Monday, May 4. They will take a CISD bus from their elementary school to Mitchell for orientation that begins at 9:15 a.m. Parent Orientation is offered on two different days to accommodate conflicting schedules. Both sessions are identical, and parents only need to attend one of the two orientations. Parents can attend on Monday, May 4 at 6:30 p.m. or Tuesday, May 5 at 9:00 a.m. Students interested in either band or orchestra need to plan on attending the Mitchell Instrument Evaluation Night on Monday, May 18 (last names A-L) or Tuesday, May 19 (last names M-Z) Both sessions are scheduled 5:00-7:00. Plan on arriving anytime during those scheduled hours. Sincerely, Paula Klapesky Principal Mitchell Intermediate Upcoming Events April 14 17 20-24 21 22 23-24 27 28 30 PTO Meeting 10:00 a.m. 4th Grade Choir Program 8:30 a.m. Closed Campus (STAAR testing) STAAR Math-3rd and 4th Grades STAAR Reading-3rd and 4th Grades STAAR Make-up exams if necessary Junior Achievement-Kindergarten Parent Appreciation Luncheon-11:15-12:45 Field Day: K, 1st, and 2nd Grades 1 4-8 7 11-14 12 18-22 21 25 26-29 Field Day: 3rd and 4th Grade Teacher Appreciation Week Moms & Muffins-1st Grade 8:45 a.m. Summer Book Fair PTO Meeting 10:00 a.m. Junior Achievement—1st-4th Grades 4th Grade Program 6:30 p.m. (Program Schedule) No School-Memorial Day Science Camp 2 3 4 4 1st Grade Picnic K and 3rd Grade Picnics 2nd Grade Picnic 4th Grade Clap-Out and Fun in the Sun Day May June Events Calendar for 2014-2015 Please follow the link below to find the online Parent Calendar. Please note that dates may not be all inclusive and are subject to change. http://tinyurl.com/9mpha6w The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752. June 8-10 Monday-Wednesday 1:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Ages: 3-12 Location: Mitchell Intermediate Gym $100 per Camper (pre registration) (Siblings $90 each) $115 per Camper if you sign up at the door *Every camper who pre registers will receive a Free T-Shirt* *Parent Show will be held Wednesday at 3:30* * Campers will receive a snack and juice on Monday and Tuesday www.twhcheer.org Name:__________________________________________________ Address:____________________________ City:________________ State:______ Age:___________ DOB:________________ Home Phone:___________________ Parent’s Email Address:_______________________________________________ Name of Student’s School Fall 2015:_____________________________________ Parents, Release and Indemnity Agreement To: Highlander Cheer Camp We (or I), hereby request that you accept the application for enrollment of __________________________ in the Highlander Cheer Camp on June 8-10 and in consideration of your acceptance of the application, we (or I) hereby release the Highlander Cheer Camp and all their employees and agents from all claims on account of any injuries which may be sustained by our (or my) minor daughter/son. I understand that the Conroe Independent School District (CISD) will not provide transportation for my child to participate in the camp to be conducted at Mitchell Intermediate Campus under the responsibility of Coach Alexandra Lammers. I also understand that it is my responsibility to provide transportation for my child regardless of where held. I the undersigned have read this 2015 Parent Acknowledgement and understand all the terms. I have executed it voluntarily with the full knowledge of its significance. Parent Signature:_____________________________________ Date:____________ Do you have medical insurance? Yes Circle one size for Free T-Shirt: YS No YM YL Adult S Adult M Adult L Mail application with check payable to Alexandra Lammers to: Alexandra Lammers Head Cheerleading Coach The Woodlands H.S. 6101 Research Forest Dr. The Woodlands, TX 77381 Email: alammers@conroeisd.net
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