Conroe Independent School District Mitchell Messenger Volume 19, Issue 18 Principal Paula Klapesky Assistant Principals Treva Madore-5th Stephanie Johnson-6th Counselors Marianne Mote-5th Terrie Rascoe-6th Mitchell Intermediate 6800 Alden Bridge The Woodlands, 77382 Phone (832)592-8500 Attendance (832)592-8516 Fax (832)592-8518 Clinic (832)592-8457 (832)592-8525 Transportation Department (832)592.8800 Check out our campus web site at: Be sure to bookmark this site to retrieve the Mitchell Messenger in the future. Principal’s Corner by: Paula Klapesky The roof at Mitchell Intermediate is being replaced. The initial demolition has begun. Crew members will be preparing the roof and edging to be removed. Starting on June 8, large dumpsters and semi trucks full of roofing materials will fill up the entire large parking lot. Be aware that the interior of the building will be off limits for guests. The front office will maintain a regular summer schedule. Weather permitting, we are hoping the project will be completed before school resumes on August 24. Annual Mitchell Intermediate Awards Ceremony We will have our annual Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, June 2. The fifth grade ceremony will be held at 9:00 a.m., while the sixth grade ceremony is at 2:00 p.m. We won’t be recognizing every child as that would take all day. However, students who have met their annual goals will be recognized in the following areas: all A’s for the year, Perfect Attendance, Outstanding Effort, and Principal’s Award for all A’s and all E’s for the year. In addition, the Spelling Bee Champion, Math Bee winners, Exploravision Honorable Mention participants, graduates of Mrs. Stark’s and Mrs. Stevens’ classes, and Bluebonnet readers will be honored. If you have any questions about an award, your child’s teachers can answer specific questions. A Tremendously HUGE Thank You from the Mitchell Staff! The entire staff would like to thank all of the wonderful students and parents who made Teacher Appreciation Week 2015 the best one yet! Our staff was treated daily to treats from the PTO and were made to feel like stars! Mitchell is such an outstanding school due to the precious students we teach and their wonder families! Thank you for all you do for our staff and school! May 19, 2015 A True Learning Community Mitchell Calendar of Events May 20-Yearbooks will be distributed May 21-8:00 a.m.-LC 10, 11, 12 Envision Expo May 21-Junior Achievement in a Day May 22-LC 6 Field Trip May 22-6:00-9:00 p.m.-Choir PJ Party May 25-School Holiday May 26-5th Grade Music Demonstrations May 26-LC 2 Field Trip May 26-6:00 p.m.-5th Grade and Concert May 27-Yearbook Signing 5th grade-9:00 a.m. 6th grade-2:45 p.m. May 28-7:30-8:30 a.m.-5th Grade Talent Show Rehearsal May 28-6:00 p.m.-6th Band Concert May 29-7:30-8:30 a.m.-6th Grade Talent Show Rehearsal May 29-Fine Arts Concert 6th grade-9:15 a.m. 5th grade-2:00 p.m. June 1-Talent Show 5th grade-9:00 a.m. 6th grade-2:00 p.m. June 2-Awards Ceremony 5th grade-9:00 a.m. 6th grade-2:00 p.m. June 3-12:00-3:30 p.m.-5th Grade Field Day June 4-Last day of school June 4-12:00-3:30 p.m.-6th Grade “End of the Year Celebration” The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, Texas 77304; (936) 709-7752. PAGE 2 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R June 4 Schedule On the last day of school, the schedule will be altered to accommodate the 6th Grade End of the Year Celebration. 5th Graders will have Fine Arts/PE in the morning 9:00-9:45 9:45-10:30 PE LC 8 LC 10 Fine Arts LC 7, 9 LC 11, 12 5th Grade Lunch Times LC 8 & 12-will eat lunch in the LC 11:15-11:45-LC 7, 9 - will eat lunch in the cafeteria 11:45-12:15-LC 10, 11 - will each lunch in the cafeteria 12:15-1:00 – 6th Graders eat in their classroom Sixth Grade End of the Year Celebration 12:15-3:15 p.m. Mitchell Talent Show KEY DATES Thursday, May 28 - 7:30-8:30 a.m. 5th Grade Dress Rehearsal - ALL MUST ATTEND. Friday, May 29 - 7:30-8:30 a.m. 6th Grade Dress Rehearsal - ALL MUST ATTEND. Monday, June 1: TALENT SHOW DAY! 5th Grade - 9:00 a.m. 6th Grade - 2:00 p.m. Please email Patti Thorpe if you have any questions. News from the Library by MaryEllen Bryant, librarian The Scholastic "Buy One, Get One Free" book fair will be held the week of May 18-22. Hours for the fair will be 8:20-4:30 daily. All items will be part of the sale and it will be the lowest priced items that will be free. Great time to get loaded up on reading material for the summer! ALL LIBRARY BOOKS ARE DUE NOW! V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 COUNSELORS’ CORNER Marianne Mote-5th grade Terrie Rascoe-6th grade Find out what summer programs will be offered at Houser Elementary this summer by going to the CISD website and click on “Summer School”, then “Elementary Summer School”. On page 6, 7, and 8 you will find activities such as academic enrichment, robotics, GT summer camp, and technology programs. Follow the registration directions and you should be set. Hurry! Classes are limited! Registration deadline is May 27. Teacher Achieving Excellence (TAE) Are you looking for an easy way to brighten someone’s day? Then send your child’s teacher or special staff member a TAE. Go to your child’s Parent Access account. Look for the TAE button and then follow directions. The teacher receives a special message that is electronically copied to their principal! News from the Registrar: by Linda Rusinski Keep your Child’s Information Current If any of your phone numbers, email addresses or your physical address has changed since the start of 2014 please contact the Mitchell registrar, Linda Rusinski ( or 832-592-8460). An address change will need to have a Proof of Residency such as a utility bill (gas, water, electric); lease or buyers agreement/ contract; bundled Comcast/AT&T bill for cable, phone & internet. Summer Move A Possibility? If you currently have plans to move over the summer please contact our registrar, Linda Rusinski ( or 832-592-8460). There will be a Summer Mover Form sent to you via your child. We ask that you complete it and send it back to school. If some of the information is not known we can update via email as needed. Thank you for your time. This will help so much in planning for the next year. If you are a sixth grade parent, and your child will not be attending McCullough Jr. High, I will let McCullough know of the possible summer move. Moving before End of Year? If there is a move for your family before the end of the year, I would ask that you contact me, Linda Rusinski. Please give the staff at least 3 days to get necessary withdrawal paperwork and grades complete. There are two forms that will need a parent signature. Absent? Reminder: After an absence from school, please send in a note or email the homeroom teacher regarding this illness, family emergency, etc. This should include the dates absent. We keep notes like this in each student’s attendance folder. PAGE 3 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R News from the Nurse: by Debbie Robbins Medications All prescription and non-prescription medications need to be taken to the Mitchell clinic by each child’s parent. Medications can not be accepted from the children nor can children be in possession of medication at school or on the bus. Prescriptions and over-the-counter medication need to be in original containers with the child’s name clearly marked. The clinic staff is available to accept medication from parents between 8:00 a.m.- 4:00 p.m. MEDICATION PICKUP FOR 2014-2015 Medications remaining in the clinic for this year must be picked up by a parent/guardian by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 4. Due to storage restraints, all items will be disposed of after this time. MEDICATION FOR 2015-2016 Medications can be accepted in the clinic for the 20152016 school year effective August 20 during the “Meet the Teacher” night from 3:00-8:00 p.m. Medications will also be accepted at the Parent Information Nights on September 8 & 10. As a reminder children may not transport medication. Medication, prescription and non-prescription must be dropped of by a parent/guardian. IMMUNIZATION RECORDS The Mitchell Clinic will be officially closed as of Friday, June 5, 2015 at 12:00 p.m. Please plan to request your copy/copies of immunizations needed for summer activities as soon as possible. Also, check with your pediatrician/ private care provider as they may have online availability to retrieve your family’s immunizations. Thank you so much for your cooperation. Please call 832-592-8457 for any questions. Main Event Pink Party Thank you, Mitchell girls and boys for participating in the 4th Annual Mitchell Pink Party at Main Event! We had a blast and couldn’t have asked for our girls and boys to be better representatives of Mitchell Intermediate. The manager of Main Event was very impressed with their behavior. He was very happy that Main Event could help raise money for a worthy cause. Thank you again for your support! Sixth Grade Field Trip The 6th graders will be going to the Texas A & M Agrilife Education Center located in Conroe. This trip which is made possible by our Mitchell PTO. LC 1-May 19 LC 2-May 26 LC 6-May 22 Students will depart from Mitchell at 9:00 a.m. and return at 1:00 p.m. CISD school buses will transport our children to tour the Agrilife center and learn more about natural habitats from certified Master Gardners. Students need to bring a disposable lunch. They will eat prior to retuning to school. V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 Found It Friday-Lost and Found As the year winds down, we wanted to take a minute to remind you that lost and found items are on display every Friday during lunch. If your child has lost something, please encourage them to look for it, or stop by and join them for lunch on a Friday. Our last Found it Friday will be May 29 of this year. Many thanks to parent volunteer Carrie Woravka for organizing “Found it Friday.” We also would like to thank all of our parent volunteers for spending time each Friday organizing all of the lost items and helping to get them back to where they belong! Mitchell Robotics Programming Workshop The Mitchell Robotics Program will be offering two different workshops to train students in basic programming of the NXT/EV3 Lego Robots. The cost of these workshops will be $50.00 for a two hour training sessions. The options are either Wednesday, May 27 or Wednesday, June 3 from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. These workshops will take place in Room 110 of the Mitchell Campus. Training will be implemented by a veteran Mitchell Robotics Coach and Robotics team members. The proceeds of these workshops will be used to fund an additional robot with hopes of adding another team to Mitchell's campus. Space is limited to 16 participants, so get your forms in early! The form can be found on page 8 in this issue. 2015-2016 Mitchell Robotics Teams Selection for the 2015-2016 Mitchell Robotics Teams will take place during the first few weeks of the next school year. In order to be considered for a team, students should have strong academic, leadership, problem-solving, and organizational skills. Experience with programming/knowledge of NXT/EV3 robots is a plus!! Interested students will complete an application that will be available on the Mitchell website once school begins. Selected candidates will participate in an interview and evaluation process. Box Tops for Education Please send in your General Mills “Box Tops for Education.” A portion of the proceeds are sent to Anderson Elementary in Conroe. Mitchell Chess Club The Mitchell Chess Club is currently planning for the upcoming 2015 - 2016 school year. Chess club will meet weekly on Wednesdays from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. in the Mitchell school library. The participation fee is $10 per student and covers the entire year. Play continues throughout the year, including the opportunity to attend a local tournament in Spring 2016. New and seasoned players are all welcome but space is limited and regular attendance is mandatory. If you have a student that is interested in signing up, please contact Erica James at PAGE 4 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R Coming To School After an Appointment If your child is arriving late to school due to an appointment, or returning to school after an appointment, please come into the office with your child and fill out the Health Care Provider (HCP) verification form along with your doctor’s note, to ensure your student is not marked tardy or absent for the day. MORNING GYM HOURS Students arriving early to school may wait in the gym. The gym opens at 8:00 a.m. The only exception to this will be students who have a morning practice or tutoring session. At 8:00 a.m. all other students can enter the gym and wait there for the day to begin. Thank you for your help. MORNING PASS If your child needs to come into the school early one morning, please print off a "Morning Pass" from the Mitchell Website (it is on the home page) and drop your child off at the gym doors, no earlier than 7:45 a.m. If you forget to print off a pass, you may write a note and sign it. ATTENDANCE LINE To report a child absent, call our attendance line at 832-592 -8516 and leave a message stating your child's name (spelled out), LC number, reason for the absence, who is reporting the absence and a phone number. Upon your child’s return to school, a note explaining the absence should be brought to the homeroom teacher. “D.O.T.” - Drop Off Table Parents, Teachers and Students: Please be aware there is a D.O.T. in the main entrance hallway, across from the front office, for all Mitchell families to use. If your child forgets his/her lunch, musical instrument, homework, projects, etc., label the item with his/her first and last name, LC #, and leave it at the drop off table where he/she can pick up the item. Transportation Changes If you need to call the school to let your child know of a change in afternoon transportation, please do so no later than 3:00 p.m. Notes are delivered to students at that time, and any changes made after note delivery are not guaranteed due to the busy dismissal routine. Releasing Your Child Early for Appointments If you are checking your child out during the school day for an appointment, please send a note with them to be dropped off in the front office first thing in the morning. The note should include the date, student’s name, LC, time of pick up, parent’s name and signature. Your child will be given a gold slip which allows them to leave class and be available to you in the front office when you arrive. This will be of enormous assistance to the front office, especially if your child will be in PE or fine arts at that time, and will also save you valuable time when heading to an appointment. Please note that there are no early checkouts after 3:15 p.m. V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 Morning Drop Off Reminders Our goal in the morning during car rider drop off is to keep the line moving to ensure all the students get into the building on time and also to keep the traffic off of Alden Bridge. Please keep these tips in mind if your child is a car rider in the morning. When dropping off your child in the morning please pull up as close to the gym as possible. Please do not stop near the bicycle racks to drop off children or bikes. If you need to leave a bike for dismissal please park in the parking lot and walk the bike across. All students who are car riders need to enter through the gym regardless of whether they have a note for dismissal or not. When they are dismissed from the gym at 8:30 a.m. they may then go to the office. Students participating in any morning activities such as: Choir Rehearsal, tutorials, Chess Club, Spanish Club enter the building through the gym. Also we would prefer that you not pull into the parking lot to drop off your children. If you must, please park and walk them across. TWHS Highlander Football Teams Parents and Future Highlanders! Join us Thursday, May 21 beginning at 5:00 p.m. as The Woodlands JV plays their Spring Game, followed by TWHS Varsity Spring Game at 7:00 p.m. Games will take place at Weldon Willig Field at The Woodlands High School on Research Forest Drive. Parents bring your future Highlander wearing their school shirt. Future Highlanders and their schools will be introduced between the JV and Varsity Games about 6:30 p.m. There will also be Highlander merchandise for sale, a burger, chips and drink combo for $6 and Kona Ice! Players in 9 th-11th grades will receive a free combo. Cash is encouraged. So come cheer on the Highlander football teams as we get ready for the 2015 season. GO HIGHLANDERS!! Mitchell PTO Find us at: 2014-2015 YEARBOOKS Limited Number Still Available! Don’t miss out on the fabulous Mitchell Yearbook and signing party on May 27!! Go to the Mitchell PTO website at to order your copy in the Spirit Store! You can also check your Mitchell PTO School Store online account to see if you have already purchased a yearbook. There are a limited amount available and yearbook sales from this point on will NOT be personalized. MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R PAGE 5 V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 Mitchell Fine Arts/PE News from the P.E. Department Truett Avrett, Jaycee Howard, Lori Veazey MOVE to Success Whether you're moving to 6th grade or 7th grade, be sure to keep yourselves 'moving' in order to lead a physically active lifestyle this summer! This is a special time of year because it provides the perfect opportunities to spend lots of time outdoors. While we are moving, whether it's swimming, fishing, hiking, biking, camping, working in the yard, etc., there are many, many areas to consider when it comes to summer safety. Here are just a few safety tips and reminders: Water Safety Always swim in supervised areas (never swim alone). Obey "No Diving" signs. Wear proper gear (U.S. Coast Guard approved personal flotation devices (PFDs) in and around the water, especially when boating. Watch out for the " Dangerous Too's."Take a break at the point of being Too tired Too much heat Too much sun Too little hydration Too far from safety Pay attention to local weather conditions and forecasts; stop swimming at the first indication of bad weather. If caught in a current, don't try to swim against it, swim across it. Heat and Hydration Safety Protect the skin. Limit the amount of direct sunlight between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Wear safety sunscreen with SPF of at least 15. Reapply often, especially after swimming. Dress for the heat. Wear lightweight, light colored clothing that will reflect some of the sun's energy. Hats, sunglasses, and umbrellas are always good ideas! Drink LOTS of water. Carry water or juice and drink continuously, even if you do not feel thirsty. Take frequent breaks. Take time out to find a cool place, especially if you recognize signs of a heat-related illness. Stop the activity, and "chill out!" Use an insect repellent and follow directions for use. (Insects such as ticks and mosquitoes are known to carry diseases.) Orchestra News: by Sheronna McMahon & Leslie Aguilar Congratulations to all of the 5th and 6th grade orchestra students for a wonderful spring concert last week! We have received many positive comments from parents and friends who attended. Our Composition Competition winners were announced at the concert and they are: 5th Grade: Sandra You, 1st place; Aaron Santa Cruz, 2nd place; Addison Budsberg, 3rd place 6th Grade: Logan Murray, 1st place; Andra Cady, 2nd place; Jenna Spackey, 3rd place Our last orchestra concert will be the Fine Arts Concert May 29. 6th graders will perform at 9:15 a.m. and 5th graders will perform at 2:00 p.m. Students need to bring their home instruments to school on May 28 so we can tune before the concert. Any student needing to return their instrument to the store needs to make arrangements for their instrument to be picked up by the store the last week of school, or you may return it in person. Thank you for all the support you have given this year! We appreciate all of you and have enjoyed working with your students. If you have any questions, please email or Choir Notes: by Cyndie Lowry What an amazing concert and festival we experienced last week! I am so very proud of all three of our choirs who sang beautifully! The judges had some wonderful comments and all three choirs received Superior ratings!! The Chorale placed 1st Runner Up to Best in Class as did the 6th Grade Mustang Choir! Please be sure to mark your calendars for the following dates! May 22: Choir Girl's PJ Party from 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Mitchell Commons. Turn in forms and $5 cash to me. Your daughter will need to bring something to drink. We will provide pizza! They can wear school appropriate PJs and bring a blanket and a pillow for the movie! May 29: In School Concerts 9:15 am - 6th Grade Choir and Chorale will perform 2:00 pm - Mixed Choir and Chorale will perform We will wear nice blue jeans with our black choir polo and closed toed shoes. If your child is in band or orchestra, they can wear their band/orchestra shirt, if they'd like! June 12: Sing National Anthem at the Astros game. More details to come! Art News: by April Murray & Daryl Gannon The following students have been selected by Mrs. Murray and Mr. Gannon to represent Mitchell at the District Art Show Selection. Some of these students will have their artwork selected to be put on display at the administration building for a year. Good luck to the following students: 6th Grade-Mackenzie Thomas, Tobi Miller, Dylan Sorge, Garrett Benson, Matty Smith, Paige Johnson, Alex King, Alana Busse, Phillip Cooper. 5th Grade-Brooke Woodall, Caroline Simpson, Peyton Donald, Caroline Spangler-Sakata, Keaton Rue, Emily Welsh, Rajiv Ivey, Grace Nielsen, Lilliana Guzman, Laura Haas, Ellery Pascual. PAGE 6 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 7 V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R McCullough Junior High Drop Off Room Volunteers If you are interested in working the P.T.O. drop off room during the 15-16 school year, please contact Rhonda Emberton at Required Seventh Grade Immunizations for 2015-2016 If you have an incoming seventh grader for 2015-2016, please note that Texas requires three immunizations before school starts. These include Tdap, Varicella, and Meningitis. These are required before the first day of school. Records can be turned in at your current intermediate school or faxed to 832-592-5127. Football Equipment Issue Day– Tentative Football equipment issue day will be on Friday, August 21. Times are as follows: 8th grade- 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 7th grade- 1:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. Athletes must be present in order to receive their locker as well as their equipment, which is sized specifically for them. Please bring the following items: Completed physical dated after April 15, 2015 or later, copy of birth certificate, and white calf length socks. Please bring extra money if you wish to purchase optional equipment/gear or QB Club parent clothing/accessories. Athletes can pick up items they purchased earlier online at the event. Tentative Student Orientation Dates McCullough Junior High has a special student orientation each fall to help young people and their parents/guardians to be prepared and feel good about the upcoming year. Student orientation allows children to pick up lockers/combinations, obtain valuable handouts, see their tentative schedules, walk their classes, and see their friends. Additionally, parents/guardians can sign up for P.T.O., purchase school clothing/gear, and pick up required reading books, if interested. Attendance is not mandatory but is a huge plus. Textbooks will be issued the first week of school. The child, or the child’s official parent/guardian, must be present to pick up materials. Should a student not be in town on his/her assigned date and pick up time, he/she can obtain a copy of his/her tentative schedule and pre-assigned locker at our front desk during the week of 8/18. These students who miss orientation will be issued pre assigned lockers the first week of school. Students’ schedules will only be available during their time slot so that the line will move quickly for all students, parents, and guardians. 8/11/15 8:30 a.m.— 9:30 a.m. 8th grade Last Name A-C 9:30 a.m.— 10:30 a.m. 8th grade Last Name D-H 10:30 a.m—11:30 p.m. 8th grade Last Name I-L 11:30 p.m.—12:30p.m. 8th grade Last Name M-P Closed 12:30 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. lunch and volunteer shift change 1:00 p.m.— 2:00 p.m. 8th grade Last Name Q-S 2:00 p.m.— 3:00 p.m. 8th grade Last Name T-V 3:00 p.m.— 4:00 p.m. 8th grade Last Name W-Z Students’ schedules will only be available during their time slot so that the line will move quickly for all students, parents, and guardians. 8/13/15 8:30 a.m.— 9:30 a.m. 7th grade Last Name A-C 9:30 a.m.— 10:30 a.m. 7th grade Last Name D-H 10:30 a.m — 11:30 p.m. 7th grade Last Name I-L 11:30 p.m. —12:30p.m. 7th grade Last Name M-P Closed 12:30 p.m. until 1:00 p.m. lunch and volunteer shift change 1:00 p.m.— 2:00 p.m.7th grade Last Name Q-S 2:00 p.m.— 3:00 p.m.7th grade Last Name T-V 3:00 p.m.— 4:00 p.m.7th grade Last Name W-Z Our administrative and teaching staff will be working inservice during this week. Any student missing his/her orientation date will receive books and locker the first week. 8/21/15 Student Orientation for all students registering in August new to C.I.S.D. will occur on August 21. The specific new to C.I.S.D. student pick up times will be: 7th graders-9:00 a.m. until 10:00 a.m. 8th graders-11:00 a.m. until noon PAGE 8 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 9 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 10 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 11 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 12 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 13 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 14 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 15 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8 PAGE 16 MI T C HE LL ME S S E NG E R V O LU M E 1 9 , I S S U E 1 8
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