A center for Ministry and spiritual formation

The Galilean Newsletter, May, 2015
Witnessing to God’s love & grace in Jesus Christ for all people
through prayer, worship & service.
A center for Ministry and spiritual formation
“Parish the Thought” by Pastor Jay
Pentecost – Not an Ending, but a New Beginning!
Two events this month denote for us an “ending” – (1) our Sunday School
finishes out its term on May 17, and (2) on Memorial Day as a nation we
remember those of our military who have given their lives in loving service
to our country.
Jesus described the giving up of one’s life for another as the greatest demonstration of love (John
15:13). With that understanding, May 25th is intended to be for Americans more than just the
opportunity for a 3-day weekend of leisure and play. It is intentionally intended as a time to
remember with gratitude those whose selflessness enables us all to have the kind of freedoms that
we enjoy each day. We do well to make such acknowledgements.
Though on a different scale, here at Galilee we’d also like to acknowledge and thank all of our
teachers, “shepherds,” and parents whose “selflessness” has enabled us to again provide an
enriching Christian Education opportunity to our youth and adults this year. The time, energy, and
heartfelt commitment shown by these leaders has truly been a blessing, and furthers the Pentecost
mission in our own day and time.
Pentecost in the time of Jesus was a Jewish festival that remembered the covenant
God established with the Hebrew people in the giving of the Torah (the Law) at
Mount Sinai. It also included a festival of “first fruits,” where the first part of the year’s
harvest were collected and brought to the Temple as an offering.
For us, May 24th will be a different kind of festival celebration as we remember the “first fruits” of
Christian converts that resulted with the first disciples of Jesus being blessed with the outpouring of
the Holy Spirit on that Pentecost 10-days after Jesus’ ascension into heaven. The “new covenant”
created in Christ Jesus began to be talked about openly and shared, and the result was the growing
formation of the Christian community throughout the world.
So for us Pentecost is never really an “ending,” but instead is always a reminder of the new
beginning for the Church that happens with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We do well to
remember and acknowledge that, too. But Jesus also urges us to pray for an added measure of that
Spirit. It is the gift from God that God most desires us to ask for and received (Luke 11:13)! Let us do
so again together this month, as empowered by that Spirit we begin anew to take this Easter
message out beyond our walls.
- Pastor Jay
Church Directory Pictures
Have you submitted a picture of your household for the New Church Directory? Those digital photos
or “selfies” can be emailed to the church office. [And you will be able to update those any time you
which!] If you would like your picture taken, please contact the Church Office to arrange for that to
take place.
We are excited to soon launch the New Galilee Pictorial Directory which will be accessible for you
from our Galilee website. Paper copies will also be available upon request. But we need your
pictures now so please get them in. Say cheese!
CYF Director Search Update
Thank you to everyone who participated in our two “CYF Forum” discussions in April, helping us to
assess what has worked thus far and what needs to be changed, added to, or improved as we move
forward to fill the full-time position for our Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries!
The discussions were very helpful. It was acknowledged that many areas of this ministry have been
renewed and strengthened. But we now want to keep that momentum going.
In order to do so, and to further strengthen this area of ministry, our forums acknowledged the need
for two major things to happen: (1) the next CYF Director needs to be strong in the area of
“delegation.” This ministry cannot happen well if it is dependent on only one person doing everything
or expected to do everything. Concurrently, (2) the Director will need “people to delegate to.” The
strength of our program will be determined by the availability of volunteers (both youth and adult)
and financial resources for such programming. In this regard, we will be looking for a director who
will help us develop Galilee member leadership. Like with all the areas of ministry at Galilee, how
each of us responds to these opportunities and needs determines how well a program we are able to
The next step in our process will be the formation of a “Search Team” that will be tasked with:
reviewing the job description, advertising the position opportunity, evaluating resumes, conducting
interviews, and making a final recommendation to the Leadership Board for hire. If you have some
interest in being a part of this Team, please contact Pastor Jay or the Leadership Board. We will do
our best to keep you informed as the process continues. In the meantime, we ask that you would
already be praying for our new CYF Director.
Synod Assembly – May 29-30 at Carthage College in Kenosha
The Annual Assembly of our Greater Milwaukee Synod will take place this year May 29-30, and will
be held on the campus of Carthage College in Kenosha. Visitors are always welcome, and you can
get online information about this year’s Assembly by going to the Synod website -www.milwaukeesynod.org -- or by accessing the following link:
Along with Pastor Jay, the voting members from Galilee will be Maggie Papka and John Ruf. Due to
the scheduling of our newsletter production, a summary report of the Assembly by our voting
members will appear in the July newsletter.
Welcome, New Members, to Galilee!
As in March, again in April we welcomed new members to Galilee. Please continue to welcome and
make yourself known to Mike and Judy Murphy, and Linda Pearson as we continue take part in
Christ’s ministry here with one another. Also, remember, it is helpful to everyone when you
remember to wear your nametags at church. We thank the Lord for all these ways we are being
blessed and strengthened as a congregation!
New Member Orientation, May 5 at 7pm
A special orientation for all of our recent New Members will take place in the “Gathering Place” on
Tuesday evening, May 5, beginning at 7pm. Seizing upon the opportunity, our socializing and
sharing about the ministry areas at Galilee will all be done with a fun “Cinco de Mayo” flavor. All
ministry Coordinators and Leadership Board members look forward to sharing this time with our new
Summer Worship Schedule Change
Please note that Summer Worship schedule will begin on Sunday, May 24
this year. Along with the Saturday service at 5:00 pm, the Sunday service
will be at 9:00 am through Sunday, September 6.
Galilee Easter Celebration, 2015
Welcome New Members!
Don and Cheryl Hintze are new Pewaukee
residents who have transferred from Mt. Hope
Lutheran Church in West Allis.
Linda Pearson joins Galilee as an Associate
member. She is also a member of Shepherd of the
Hills Lutheran Church in St. Ann, MO.
Jennifer Krueger and daughter Evelyn live in
Hartland and look forward to being involved with
Galilee children’s events.
Matthew Strosin and son Vaughn live in
Waukesha and look forward to being involved with
the music ministry and children’s ministries.
Mike and Judy Murphy live in Brookfield and
have transferred from St. John’s Lutheran Church
in Brookfield.
New Bride, Mary Tornehl lives in Pewaukee and
finds Galilee to be a very warm and inviting
Partnership News
The following are 2014 Reviews from the Pewaukee Food Pantry and the Hope Center in
Waukesha. Both of these organizations are part of Galilee’s partnership with the outreach in the
Pewaukee Community and Waukesha Country.
Visits to the Food Pantry by families; 2150
by adults; 4 208
by children; 1,626
New families; 100
Help cases; 39
Thanksgiving Food Boxes distributed; 165
Christmas Food and Gift Box distributed; 173
Thanks to Galilee Members Sharon Vitek and Natalie Arndt who serve on the Interchurch Lay
Council. We also give thanks to the many, many Galilee members who have provided and continue
to provide food items, monetary donations, and Christmas Gift Cards for the benefit of the
Pewaukee Food Pantry.
Clothing Shop – Over 5,000 unduplicated individuals (44% are children) visited over 40,000 times.
Over 110,000 articles of clothing were distributed
Project Move – Over 400 households received over 2,000 pieces of furniture.
Day Center – over 1,000 unduplicated individuals participate in the Day Center with over 12,000
plates of breakfast meals and over 17,000 plates of lunch meals served.
Meal Program – Over 700 unduplicated individuals have used the Meal Program with over 12,000
plates of dinner meals served.
Financial Assistance – Nearly 600 guests have received over $40,000 in financial aid.
None of the outreach for these organizations could be accomplished without the many volunteer
hours and the generous donations of so many. We thank Galilee for all the contributions that have
been made.
- Partnership Ministry
Outreach for Hope
Thank you Galilee for the Lenten commitment to the Dollar a Day For Poverty through Outreach for
Hope. We had 54 individuals or families make a contribution to the program that touches the lives
of so many people and congregations in the Greater Milwaukee Synod.
Galilee you are awesome!
- Partnership Ministry
Galilee Sunday School
The Outreach for the remaining Sundays of Sunday School will be donations of items to benefit
HAWS (Humane Animal Society in Waukesha County). The wish list is posted on the display board
in the Narthex and take home copies are available. Any Galilee members who are interested in
making donations are welcome as well.
Sunday School and CYF
The Sunday School Appreciation Brunch will be held on May 17th between
services in the lower level. All are welcome. If you are interested in donating a
food item please see the sign-up sheet on the Youth Board in the entry way.
We thank all who have so generously participated in the education of our children
at Galilee and are thankful for the support of the Congregational members.
Barb Barthel
Sunday School
Children, Youth and Families (CYF)
Some of the high school youth attending the ELCA Gathering this summer have
created a devotional book, which they are offering for free-will donations as a
fundraiser for the youth group. Look for their display in the church library to get a
copy for yourself and support our youth.
It’s time to plan Vacation Bible School! VBS will be a safari/African animals theme and will probably
take place in August. Volunteers are needed to help plan, prepare, lead, and clean up. A sign up
sheet will be posted on the CYF board in the main entry with specific roles that need to be filled. If
you are interested in helping with VBS in any way, please sign up on the board, email Alyssa Olson
(alyssamo89@gmail.com), or talk to her after second service most Sundays.
Examples of Specific Roles:
 Planning Team (a few people to select lessons, coordinate further planning, make decisions about
 Age group leaders (responsible for groups of children)
 Assistant group and activity leaders (work with leaders to supervise and guide)
 Snack Coordinator (plan snacks)
 Activity planners/leaders (crafts, games, etc.)
 Registration team (track registration forms, run sign in)
 Outreach project coordinator
 Musicians
 Decoration Planners/Creators
 Publicists (advertise VBS online, write articles for Galilean & bulletin, contact local papers, make &
distribute posters, flyers, postcards, etc.)
 Volunteer Coordinator (keep all volunteers updated & organized, make sure all roles are filled)
 Donation Coordinator (determine supplies needed & create/manage donation system)
 Supply coordinator (work with donation coordinator to determine supplies needed; create
shopping lists, manage, organize supplies)
 Set up team (set up VBS spaces before VBS begins)
 Extra event teams (plan events related to VBS, such as a themed movie night)
 Clean up crew (clean up after VBS week; rearrange tables, etc.)
- Alyssa Olson
Connecting Ministries Team
Everybody loves a fish fry!
FISH FRY at BULLWINKLE’S (formerly Zorbas)
Friday, May 1 at 6:00 pm
20290 W. Bluemound Rd (just east of Barker Rd) in Brookfield
Cod; fried or broiled, $13.95 + tax & tip
Contact Darryl or Carol Gust 262-691-2329 with questions
Reservations are needed by Sunday, April 26th
~ Join us for a fun evening of “competition” and laughs ~
Saturday, May 16th at 6:00 pm
Theme: Indoor tailgating
Everyone is welcome! Sign up on the board across from the Library.
A free will offering basket will be out.
If you would like to contribute a dessert, PLEASE contact the Knutson family at 691-9409
Sunday, June 14th from10:30 am to 3:00 pm
Nettesheim Park in Pewaukee
Are you willing to help??? Contact Ellen Piotrowski - ellen.m.piotrowski@gmail.com
or 262-548-3290, or Jody Wille at 262-538-0734. Watch the Galilean & Bulletin for more information.
Save Friday July 17th for an overnight campout for families, couples, singles – everyone!!
Friday 5:00 supper until Saturday afternoon
More information to follow
Dianna Bednar: 262-691-1393 and Sally Rudolph: 262-255-4274
Co-coordinators – Connecting Ministry Team
Thank you
from Darryl and Carol Gust
A huge thank you to all who made our Easter pancake breakfast a huge success:
our set up crew, all of our servers, our clean up crew, and Jody Wille for again
making our signup board. Also, thank you to all who contributed food and
refreshments for the breakfast. Thank you to all who attended. And thanks to your generous
donations, we collected $405.00 which will be designated to our kitchen fund. Bless you all!!
LWR can use your help!
The Baby Care Kits. In poverty, many women are just as scared or
worried about clothing for a newborn, or how to keep their baby warm.
Lack of clothing can make a mother feel isolated in her community.
We need people who can either knit or crochet baby sweaters (size 3-6
months) to donate them for these kits. I now receive 10-12 completed
knit sweaters for the year and could use more sweaters.
If you have men’s or women’s adult sweaters in solid colors, that you plan to give to Good Will,
please donate them so that I can sew them into 1 baby sweater per adult sweater. Adult sweaters
can only be used because of the yardage.
If you are able to knit or crochet and can only make 1 or 2 sweaters a year, that would help. If you
want to donate used adult sweaters; please place them in a plastic bag in the coat room on the
shelf with my name on them and I will collect them.
Mission Quilts. The Cover Girls give their gifts of time and energy
twice a month to make quilts for those living in poverty. These quilts
shield the families from cold and rain; used as a warm covering or as a
wrap to carry a child on their backs.
Betty Kragenbrink has been making the tops and bottoms for these
quilts however, she will be moving out of state as of June 1. Betty
thinks that over the years she has made tops for over 400 quilts.
The bottom layer is either 60 x 80 or 65 x 85 which are pre sewn by Betty or a flat sheet is used.
The top layer is pieced together by Betty from various materials. With Betty’s moving out of state,
we need people who can use a sewing machine to help make these tops. Once the tops are pieced
and sewn together, the quilts can be assembled by the Cover Girls.
After the quilts are completed, I can then sew the borders around the quilts and pack them in boxes
to be sent out where needed.
The Cover Girls can always use more fabric or fabric pieces. They also can use more flat sheets
that can be used as the bottoms.
Thank you for caring,
Gloriann Gagliano, Coordinator
The Garden Gate
Dear Fellow
Many years ago,
members created a
community garden
in the lot next to the
lower parking area.
It was set up for member’s use, with the
intention of members growing their own healthy
food. Members were able to rent out a plot with
the use of water for $10.00 per summer. It was
rototilled and fenced in, along with a gate to
allow members access to their gardens.
Due to time, weather, and Mother Nature, the
fence is in bad need of repair. It has become
impossible to keep the rabbits and deer from
feasting on the fruits of our labor. I believe if the
repairs are not completed, it would not be worth
using our garden.
If anyone is willing to help repair the fencing, it
would be greatly appreciated. Many hands
make for lite work. Please contact Penny
Zurn at 262-366-8382 or
pennyzurn@yahoo.com, or see me at church.
Faithfully yours,
Penny Zurn
Job Wanted!
Ley Kler, one of our
members, will be finishing
his freshman year at UW-Platteville, and
returning to Waukesha for the summer. He
would like a summer job to earn money to
continue his engineering education. He is a
quick learner, and a motivated and
conscientious worker. If you know of any
possibilities for Ley Kler, you can contact him at
lklerzzz1@gmail.com or 262-290-6826.
Grief and Loss
Galilee Grief and Loss
support group will meet on
Tuesday, May 26th at 6:30
pm at Church. It will be a
time to come together, share, and support each
other with a loss we are experiencing in our life.
Perhaps the loss is the death of a loved one, the
loss of a job, the move to a new location, the
loss of a dream, the loss of a pet, or the loss of
a relationship. Invite a friend to join you.
Mary Mauer, Barb Barthel and the Bereavement
Ministry Team
Galilee Book Club
So, you've seen the movie,
now read the book. Galilee
Book Club will be discussing
'Unbroken" by Laura
Hillenbrand on Tuesday, May
26 at 7:00 pm. A story of a
resilient man who's experience
as a prisoner of war in WWII is
heart wrenching and inspiring.
But there is more to this story
than Louie Zamborini's war
experience; join us as we explore the whole
story. We will meet in the Gathering Place; join
us. Please note the change of date due to the
Memorial Day holiday. We will meet on
Tuesday, May 26.
LIBRARY NOTE: Parents, have you checked
out the "What's In the Bible?" DVD series in the
library? Good viewing; 12 volumes.
- Sharon Vitek
Save the Date
Greater Milwaukee Synodical Women’s
Organization 28th Annual Convention
Saturday, October, 3, 2015
Norway Lutheran Church, Wind Lake, WI
More details will be posted on the board across
from the church office.
Those Who Serve
Ministry Staff
Pastor ~ Rev. Jay A. Ford
Financial Assistant ~ Karen Streit
Administrative Assistant ~ Jane Kaufman
Music Director ~ Paul Thorgaard
Accompanists ~ Mary Kay Debrecht and
Vince LaTona
Leadership Board Members ~ 2015
President ~ John Ruf
Vice President ~ Theresa Opie
Secretary ~ Naomi Ackley
Members-at-large ~ Doug Dehler &
Janet Praeger
Treasurer ~ Chris Rudolph
Ministry Coordinators
Hospitality ~ Lynne Diefenbach & Gail Osterfield
Mentoring ~ Mary Dehler
Connecting ~ Dianna Bednar & Sally Rudolph
Worship ~ Sally Ruf
Christian Education & Youth ~ Alyssa Olson,
Andrea Smith
Administration ~ Bill Rudolph
Stewardship ~ Open
Partnerships & Global-Gifting ~ Barb Barthel,
Carole Brinkman, and Jeff Dohlby
Compassion Care ~ Susan Knutson & Sarah Spencer
Ministry Staff Schedules
Pastor Jay
Day off is Monday
Church Office
8:30 am-4:30 pm Monday—Thursday
Office Closed on Friday
Galilee Altar Flowers
May 03
May 10
Penny Williams
May 17
Al & Sue Burgemeister
May 24
May 31
To make a donation of flowers for the altar,
please contact the church office or sign up on
the 2015 Alter Flower chart in the narthex.
Thank you for your gift!
Joshua Acord
Mike Anderson
Jeremy Fossier
Tim Gilestad
Bill Groth
Morgan Mosher
Andrew Richardson
Seth Peikert
We are so blessed to have great friends and family at Galilee, especially
the Go-Getters, with Arlene’s great coffee, and Rita’s wonderful cherry
Thank you for celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary with us. A
special thank you to Mary Kay for her beautiful music and to Pastor Larry
for providing inspirational words that we are taking to heart.
To quote Pastor Larry… “Here’s to another 50 years!”
Our celebration was wonderful!
Love you all!
- Paul and Eileen Hintze
Lutheran Church
Pewaukee, WI
Permit No. 72126
N24 W26430 Crestview Dr.
Pewaukee, WI 53072
(262) 691-2380
Address Service Requested
The Readings
Spring Worship Schedule
Saturday at 5:00 pm
Sunday at 8:00 & 10:30 am
Christian Education at 9:15 am
Holy Communion is served at all services
Summer Worship schedule begins on May 24
Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 9:00 am
May 3
May 24
Acts 8:26-40
Acts 2:1-21
Psalm 22:25-31
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
1 John 4:7-21
Romans 8:22-27
John 15:1-8
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
May 10
May 31
Acts 10:44-48
Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm 98
Psalm 29
1 John 5:1-6
Romans 8:12-17
John 15:9-17
John 3:1-17
May 17
Acts 1:15-17, 21-26
Psalm 1
1 John 5:9-13
John 17:6-19