Going back to school: What you should know When you leave the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center, you should feel safe and welcome in your school. Based on what we know about you, you have been assigned to the following school: If you have any problems or you need help enrolling, please call the CPS Information Office right away at (773) 535-8500 BACK IN SCHOOL You may be required to bring a birth certificate and other identification with you when you return to school. It is a good idea to call the school office before you go, to make sure you have what you need with you. You made a choice to go back to school, and it is our job to support you along the way. If you have any challenges and need assistance, please call us. We can help. (312) 433-5221. TIME TO ENROLL: Visit the main office, introduce yourself, and ask for assistance in returning to classes. Questions? Problems? Ask to call us at the CPS Information Office from the school’s phone for help. (312) 433-5221 Remember-- if you are on probation, going to school could be a part of the terms of your probation If you don’t go to school, you could be called back to court or detained. If you have an IEP, your plan for extra support should start again right away. CREATIVE RESOURCES FREE Local Arts Programing (MUSIC+DANCE) Kuumba Lynx 4501 North Clarendon Chicago, IL 60640 Website: www.kuumbalynx.org | E-mail: kuumbalynx@yahoo.com 773.550.4229 Ray of Hope Center of the Arts 1818 East 71st Street Chicago, IL 60649 Website: www.rayofhopearts.org | E-mail: info@rayofhopearts.org 773.947.0447 (Theatre, Spoken Word, Playwriting and Publishing) Storycatchers Theatre 920 North Franklin Street, Suite 302 Chicago, IL 60610 Website: www.storycatcherstheatre.org | E-mail: brandirose@ storycatcherstheatre.org 312.280.4772 Young Chicago Authors 1180 North Milwaukee Avenue, 2nd FL | Chicago, IL 60642 Website: www.youngchicagoauthors.org E-mail: info@youngchicagoauthors.org Facebook: facebook.com/YoungChicagoAuthors 773.486.4331 (VISUAL MEDIA) Better Boys Foundation Film, Dance, Knitting 1512 South Pulaski Road | Chicago, IL 60623 Website: www.betterboys.org| E-mail: info@betterboys.org Facebook: facebook.com/Better.Boys.Foundation 773.542.7300 Little Black Pearl Workshop 1060 East 47th Street | Chicago, IL 60653 Website: www.blackpearl.org | E-mail: info@blackpearl.org 773.285.1211 ext.308 Street-Level Youth Media 1637 North Ashland Avenue | Chicago, IL 60642 Website: www.street-level.org | E-mail: chris@street-level.org Facebook: facebook.com/street.level.youth 773.862.5331 LEGAL RESOURCES Get Help Filing for Expungement: Visit the Juvenile Expungement Help Desk Call ahead for office hours and resources. (312)229-6359 1100 S. Hamilton Street, Chicago, IL, 60612 First floor, near the Clerk’s Office. The Help Desk may be able to help you get expungement fees waved. Or Use the Expungement App Online at Expung.io FREE LEGAL SERVICES CABRINI GREEN LEGAL AID Free legal aid for cases involving juvenile delinquency, mental illness, first-time offenders, and actual innocence. CONTACT: 312-738-2452 CHILDREN AND FAMILY JUSTICE CENTER AT NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL Pro-bono defense on juvenile delinquency cases. CONTACT: 312.503.8576 or legalclinic@law.northwestern.edu EDWIN F. MANDEL LEGAL AID CLINIC AT UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO LAW SCHOOL CONTACT: 773-702-9611 FIRST DEFENSE LEGAL AID provides 24-hour legal help for people who are arrested or detained at Chicago police stations. – CONTACT: 800-LAW-REP-4 LAWNDALE CHRISTIAN LEGAL CENTER provides wholistic legal services, integrating legal representation and social services, for court-involved youth, age 24 and younger, from North Lawndale. –CONTACT: 773-762-6381 CHICAGO COALITION FOR THE HOMELESS LAW PROJECT Legal assistance for children and young people who are homeless, in shelters, not in permanent housing, or otherwise at risk. CONTACT: MONICA MAHAN at 1-800-940-1119 X 242. CHICAGO LAWYERS COMMITTEE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS Free legal advocacy for Chicago area students and families on school-related issues including expulsion hearing representation. 312-630-9744, ext. 231 CIVITAS CHILDLAW CENTER AT LOYOLA UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL– CONTACT: 312-915-7940 (INTAKE) Very limited availability EQUIP FOR EQUALITY provides legal representation for children and young people who have an Individualized Education Plan or Section 504 Plan already, or who may have an as yet undocumented disability. CONTACT: RACHEL SHAPIRO at 312-895-7308; Helpline at 1-866-KIDS-046 (voice) or 800-610-02779 (TTY) LAF (formerly Legal Assistance Foundation) provides legal representation for juvenile expungement, expulsion hearings, special education, plus many other civil legal issues. CONTACT: 312-341-1070 (INTAKE) Mental Health Services and Support Chicago Department of Human Services Dial 311. National Alliance on Mental Illness of Greater Chicago (NAMI) 1536 W. Chicago Ave. | Chicago IL 60642 | 312-563-0445 Alternatives, Inc. 4730 N. Sheridan Rd. |Chicago, IL 60640 | 773-506-7474 Catholic Charities (English/Spanish) 721 N. LaSalle St. | Chicago, IL 60654 | 312-655-7700 Community Counseling Centers of Chicago (C4) 4740 N. Clark St. | Chicago, IL 60640| 773-769-0205 Thresholds 4104 N. Ravenswood Ave. | Chicago, IL 60613 | 773-572-5500 Youth Outreach Services (English/Spanish) 2411 W. Congress Pkwy. | Chicago, IL 60612| 773-777-7112 24-hour crisis hotline 708-547-1091 Association House of Chicago (English/Spanish) 1116 N. Kedzie Ave. | Chicago, IL 60651| 773-772-7170 Metropolitan Family Services 1 N. Dearborn, 10th Floor| Chicago, IL, 60602| 312-986-4000 LaRabida Children’s Center 1111 E. 87th Street, Suite 800| Chicago, IL 60619| 773-374-3748 ext. 0 Ada S. McKinley Community Services 725 S. Wells St., Suite 1-A | Chicago, IL 60607 | 312-554-0600
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