CITY COUNCIL CITY OF CHICAGO COUNCIL CHAMBER SECOND FLOOR, CITY HALL TELEPHONE 31 2-7 44-6800 i: Ic.r¡ i.'ll JÈ ':.u ";-l' *ì;:,'' i', ¡r! .i é -i:-;,-.!.,.' dr g - l *i - i' "1' March 16,2015 l-r I W l\) g TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHICAGO Ladies and Gentlemen: Pursuant to Rule 41 of the Rules of the City Council of the City of Chicago, notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the City Council of March I8,2015, we intend to call for a vote on the ordinance listed on the attachment hereto. Sincerely, rt \ (^ l"*. ;"*"r''.-11 ,..:: - -l'.: City of Chicago Office of the City Clerk ilt I ilililllll]|ilililil] 02014.8095 Document Tracking Sheet Meeting Date: 10t8,t2014 Sponsor(s): Sawyer (6) Type: Ordinance Title: Amendment of Municipal Code Title g by adding new Sections 9-100-160, 9-101-070 and 9-102-050 to allow review and sunset provisions for traffic violations Committee on Transportation and Public Way Committee(s) Assl gnment: r r il til Comntitteee On Tranportation and the Public Way oRprNA.N_CE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF CHICAGO CITY COUNCIL: SECTION l. A new Chapter 9-100-160 is hereby added to lhe Municipal Code of the City of Chicago as follows: 9-100-160 Review and sunset. Chapter 9-100-160 of the City of Chicago Municipal Code shall be subject to public review by the city council, to be concluded by October of 20l7, and, unless otherwise author¡zed by the city counc¡|, shall expire on Decctnber 3 I , 20 17, thus allowing the city sufficient time to replace the revenue generated as the result offÌnes levied through enforcemcnt of the provisions of this chapter. SECTION2, AnervChapter9-101.0?0isherebysddedtotheMunicipalCodeoftheCityofChicagoas follows: 9-l0l-070 Review and sunset. Chapter 9-l0l-070 of the City of Chicago Municipal Code shall be subject to public review by fhe city council. to be concluded by October of2017, and shall, unless otherwise authorized by the city council. expire on December 31,2017, thus allowing the city suftìcient time to remove all equipment utilized in the automatcd speed enforcement program and replace the revenue generated as the result offines levied through the enforcenrent of this chapter. SECTION3. AnewChapter9-102-050isherebyaddedtotheMunicipalCodeoftheCityofChicagoas follows: 9-102-050 Review and sunset. Chapter 9-102-050 of the City of Chicago Municipal Code shall be subjeot to public review by the city council, fo be concluded by October of2017, and, unless otherwisc authorized by the city council, shall expire on December 3 1,2017, thus allowing rhe city sufÏicient to time to remove all equipment utilized in auton¡ated trafÏic law entbrcement system and replace the revenue generated as the result offines levied through the enforcement of this chapter. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. RODERICK T. WYER Alderman 6'Ì ward
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