SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 2015 T U E S D AY, A P R I L 2 8 8am - 9:30am GoodStartBreakfast 1871, 222 W. Merchandise Mart Plaza, 12th Floor, Chicago, IL 60654 | Free Welcome to the kickoff of a great week! Here you will get an idea of what GoodWorkChicago is all about. Be introduced to the conference, its featured speakers, session formats, and receive a calendar of events. And you’re not too late to join in—all sessions will accept registrations at the door until filled! Working Session 10:00 -11:30am Pitching the Press: Getting Your Message Out Through the Media gravitytank, 114 W Illinois St, Chicago, IL 60654 | $15 This will be 90-minute panel session providing practical tips for mission-minded organizations to break through the clutter to get its good work story and message out through the media. Merri Dee - Award Winning Broadcaster & Author Danille Gano - Founder & CEO, Elle Communications Dave McKinney - Reporter Working Session 12:00 -1:45pm Social Enterprise for Public Health Solutions Smith & Wollensky, 318 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60654 | $30 From Obamacare to Ebola, healthcare has been one of the top news stories this year. This lunch discussion will highlight opportunities for social good in the public health sector – the need, the opportunity and best practices. Hill Hammock - Cook County Hospital, Chairman of the Board Bruce Johnson - President, SIM USA Cristal Thomas - VP of Community Health Engagement, University of Chicago Medical Center Working Lunch Session 12:00 -1:45pm Engaging Millennials: Activating New Volunteers & Donors Elephant & Castle, 185 N Wabash Ave Chicago, IL 60601 | $30 This working lunch session will be a discussion that addresses how we understanding the next generation, millennials, and how we activate and engage them as volunteers and donors. Wayne Barnard - Dir. of Church Mobilization, Southwest, IJM Michael Chitwood - National Director, Team World Vision Danielle Gano - Founder & CEO, Elle Communications Working Dinner Session 6:00-7:45pm Funding Your Startup Zed451, 739 N Clark St, Chicago, IL 60654 | $30 During this dinner discussion panelists will address the process of securing funding for social enterprise start-ups. Kate Drane -Senior Director of Chicago Outreach Indiegogo Marc Lane - Chairman, The Law Offices of Marc J. Lane Jimmy Odom -Founder, WeDeliver Duane Wilson -Author & Executive Director, The Peace Corner Working Dinner Session 6:00-7:45pm For Profit For Good: Starting a For-Profit Business That Makes a Social Impact Mike Ditka’s Chicago, The Tremont Chicago Hotel: Magnificent Mile, 100 E Chestnut St, Chicago, IL 60611 | $30 This dinner discussion will feature panelists who have successfully developed a forprofit business model that also advances a societal good. Dr. Steve Lee - Co-Founder & EVP, Opternative Raj Karmani - Founder & CEO, Zero Percent Raaja Nemani - Co-Founder & CEO, BucketFeet W E D N E S D AY, A P R I L 2 9 Working Session 8am - 9:30am Public Innovation for Public Good Coalition: Impact, 405 W Superior St, Chicago, IL 60654 | $15 A 90-minute working session comprised of government officials and innovators discussing new models to solve social issues in our communities – through federal, state and local government. Jason Kunesh - Founder, Public Good Software Susana Mendoza - City Clerk, City of Chicago Michelle Saddler - CEO, Innovation Illinois Working Session 10:00 -11:30am Using Data to Drive Innovative Solutions Schiff Hardin LLP, Willis Tower, 233 S Wacker Dr Suite 6600, Chicago, IL 60606 | $15 *Please bring ID for entry Using Chicago’s violence epidemic as a case study, panelists will discuss how entrepreneurs can use data to drive innovative solutions in the social sector. Jennifer Axelrod - Policy Fellow, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago Dr. Toni Irving - Executive Director, Get In Chicago Dr. Dana Weiner - Policy Fellow, Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago Working Session 10:00 -11:30am Working Together: Cross-Sector Partnerships for Greater Impact Chicago Cares, 2 N Riverside Plaza #2200, Chicago, IL 60606 | $15 *Please bring ID for entry We need each other. This working session will bring together panelists from Corporate America, non-profits and government who have successfully partnered across organizational sectors to increase results and impact. Panelists will each share a case study from his or her organization, discuss lessons learned and provide practical tips for social entrepreneurs looking to initiate and cultivate cross-sector partnerships. Jenne Meyers - Executive Director, Chicago Cares Matthew Summy - Vice President, External Affairs, Comcast Jennifer Welch - First Deputy Commissioner, City of Chicago Family and Support Services Working Lunch Session 12:00 -1:45pm Developing Chicago’s Emerging Workforce Labriola Ristorante and Cafe, 535 North Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60611 | $30 This working lunch session will features panelists from different sectors – including Corporate America, government, higher education and nonprofit – discussing Chicago’s emerging workforce and the associated needs and opportunities. The group will discuss educational and skill needs and opportunities, the role of immigrants and how social enterprises can help develop the next generation of our city’s workforce. Abby Cheesman - Co-Founder, Skill Scout Victor Dickson - President/CEO, Safer Foundation Eric Lugo - VP, Global Philanthropy, JP Morgan Chase Working Lunch Session 12:00-1:45pm The Business Potential of Overlooked Neighborhoods Mike Ditka’s Chicago,, The Tremont Chicago Hotel: Magnificent Mile, 100 E Chestnut St, Chicago, IL 60611 | $30 This working lunch session will dive into the business models of organizations that are developing businesses in what have traditionally been viewed as underresourced neighborhoods. The panelists will help participants think differently about “under-resourced” neighborhoods, provide questions to ask when determining what market(s) to enter and offer advice on how to navigate the process. Luther Keith - Executive Director, Arise Detroit Steve Lu - Co-Founder, Garfield Produce Arola Sutter - Founder, Breakthrough Urban Ministries Working Session 2:00-3:30pm A Blueprint for Success: Strategic Planning Dos & Don’ts Schiff Hardin LLP, Willis Tower, 233 S Wacker Dr Suite 6600, Chicago, IL 60606 | $15 *Please bring ID for entry This 90-minute working session is targeted for individuals that have an idea for an organization but need a plan to bring the idea to reality, or take it to the next level. Tom Alexander -COO, 1871 Amy Kyhos -Director, Quinlan School of Business Honors Program, Loyola University Chicago Jimmy Odom -Founder, WeDeliver T H U R S D AY, A P R I L 3 0 Working Session 10:00 -11:30am The X Chromosome Advantage: Women & Startups Schiff Hardin LLP, Willis Tower, 233 S Wacker Dr Suite 6600, Chicago, IL 60606 | $15 *Please bring ID for entry A 90-minute panel discussion highlighting the role women are playing in social enterprise, and the unique advantages women bring to the sector. This panel will bring top women entrepreneurs together to share their stories and provide insight and encouragement to the next generation of women leaders. Beth Meadows - Founder & CEO, SupplyHope Genevieve Nielson - Co-Founder, mRelief Nicole Yeary - Founder & President, Ms. Tech Working Session 10:00 -11:30am Raising Awareness Through the Power of Storytelling MSL Group, 222 W Merchandise Mart Plaza, Chicago, IL 60654 | $15 Stories are powerful. This 90-minute panel discussion will bring together storytellers of different types to teach participants how to tell their organizations’ story of impact more effectively through the mediums of print, film, technology and social media. Bob Reed - Director of Programming, Better Government Association Aalap Shah - Co-Founder, SoMe Betsy Steinberg - Former Director, Illinois Film Office Working Lunch Session 12:00-1:45pm Urban Renewal & Transformation Morton’s The Steakhouse, 65 E Wacker Place | $30 This working lunch session will features panelists from different sectors – including Corporate America, government, higher education and nonprofit – discussing Chicago’s emerging workforce and the associated needs and opportunities. The group will discuss educational and skill needs and opportunities, the role of immigrants and how social enterprises can help develop the next generation of our city’s workforce. Luther Keith - Executive Director, Arise Detroit Arola Sutter - Founder, Breakthrough Urban Ministries Katherine Darnstadt - Founder, Latent Design Working Sessions 2:15-3:30pm Bridging the Technology Gap for Women, Minorities & Under-Resourced Communities Schiff Hardin LLP, Willis Tower, 233 S Wacker Dr Suite 6600, Chicago, IL 60606 | $15 *Please bring ID for entry A working session investigating the intersection of technology and diversity – discussing the gaps and opportunities that exist between technology and diversity, and looking forward to where the sector is headed. Emile Cambry Jr. - Founder, Blue 1647 Shelly Stern Grach- Director, Civic Engagement Chicago, Microsoft Sandee Kastrul- Co-Founder & President, i.c.stars 6:00pm-8:00pm GoodNightChicago Serendipity Labs, 1 South Wacker | Free A networking mixer to close out our tme at GoodWorkChicago 2015. Meet other attendees. Share learnings. Spread ideas. Wine, beer and small bites will be served. Free with advanced registration. HOSTED & BROUGHT TO YOU BY G OOD LEAD ER S C OU NC I L GO O DCIT Y A SSO CI AT E B OAR D Brian Bannon, Chicago Public Library Commissioner Amanda Boylen, Chairman, Associate Board, Goodcity Chicago Alison Chung , TeamWerks, President Merri Dee, Ambassador, Goodcity Chicago Marc Lane, Task Force on Social Innovation, Chairman Jimmy Lee, President, Goodcity Chicago Jenne Meyers, Executive Director, Chicago Cares Rowan Richards, Executive Director, The Stewards Market Cristal Thomas, VP of Community Health Engagement, University of Chicago Medical Center Bradley Wilks, Chairman, Goodcity Chicago Duane Wilson, Exec. Dir, The Peace Corner Youth Center Baber Abbas McKenna Carter Zenas Chao Amy Clinton Matthew DeNazarie Clarisa Echezarreta Erin Indovina Tanya Sit Jeong Layla Lumpkin Courtney Masini Oliver Gunanto Kevin Pujanauski Marc Raifman Roy Rao David Sekar Chris Stafford Amanda Weidner David Zoller G OOD W OR K C H I C AGO TEAM Ashley Cross-Rayment, Director, GoodWorkChicago Ann Healing - Project Manager Devin Gatling - Communications & Publicity Laura Ng - Event Coordinator Christa Thomas - Intern G OOD C IT Y S TAF F Jimmy Lee, President and CEO Rev. William Ipema, Director, Office of the Founder Rene Alvarado, Director, Program Development Nate Chang, Director, Finance Joseph Hernandez, Manager, Partnership Development Amy Sparling, Manager, Joy Heard, Administration Duane Wilson, Consultant, Advancement Rowan Richards, Consultant, INVEST Chicago G OOD C IT Y B OAR D OF D I R EC T O RS Deborah Brown Farmer, Consultant Richard Carr, UBS Brinson (retired) David Chernoff, MacArthur Foundation (retired) Caroline Swinney, University of Illinois at Chicago Jourdan Sorrell, Chicago Community Trust LaDarius Curtis, General Services Administration Toby Eng, McTigue Group Clifton L. Fenton, Nuveen (retired) Jeffrey Hammock, Northwestern University Dr. Michael A. Klepacki, D.D.S., M.S., ,Dr. Klepacki & Associates Rev. Herbert B. Lassiter Joey Nakayama, Consultant VENUE PA RT NERS Chicago Cares Coalition: Impact gravitytank MSL Group Schiff Hardin LLP THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT IN DOING GOOD IN CHICAGO SP O N SO RS M EDIA SP O N SO R ST RAT EGIC PART N ERS
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