May 29, 2015 Volume 49, Issue 6 Garden Grove Church of the Nazarene 13411 Euclid Street Garden Grove CA 92843 (714) 534-5770 F INISH L INES AND THE June is a month of a lot of “events.” For children, this is the month they have been eagerly awaiting; the time for school to be out for summer! Some students graduate from their current school and move to a new school or the next phase of their life. It’s traditionally a popular month to get married so there are ceremonies and anniversaries. In my own little family we mix in a couple of birthdays. (One from a person who is enjoying getting older and one who may not be as excited!) In my childhood, June was the month where we looked forward to “warm” weather. But school being out can quickly transfer into “I’m bored!” Graduations turn into the stress of “what’s next?” Wedding ceremonies turn into marriages that require work to flourish. Birthdays become reminders of the passing of time, the responsibilities of growing older and the aches and pains of growing even older. When I grew up, warmer weather meant that the mosquitos would soon be out and if you listened carefully enough you could hear S TARTING G UN them praying. They would thank God for the food they are about to eat before they feasted on you for dinner. Life’s milestones are simultaneously finish lines and the starting gun! In the scripture there came a time when Moses needed to pass on his leadership of the people of Israel before they were to enter the Promised Land. When he did, he gave this charge before the people to their next leader, Joshua: The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8 The writer of Hebrews reminded us of that promise when he wrote, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5b I challenge you to remind yourself and remind each other that the Lord is with you. You don’t have to feel it, you don’t have to have abso- lute certainty about it and you certainly don’t have to understand it. God desires to have a relationship with us! If you decide to forget about God, he won’t forget about you. If you run from Him, he doesn’t run from you. Even if you don’t believe in Him, He believes in you. Hopefully you’re not running from a relationship with God; and if you’re reading this that’s probably not you. But you still need reassurance from time to time. And, other people around you need that same reassurance. We can read it from the scripture, we can hear it from a pastor or a teacher but it often is mostly loudly “heard” from a friend. Be that friend to someone! GGNAZ has an amazing summer planned and believe it or not plans are being made for the fall already! The life of the church doesn’t take the summer off; so stick around! Encourage someone! GGN AZ M EMBERSHIP C LASS On Wednesdays June 3 and June 10 Pastor Dan will teach a two part Membership Class during the Bible Study hour (7:00 - 8:15 p.m.) for anyone interested in becoming a member of our church. We would love to have you there, even if you just want to know more about how our church operates. Membership is open to all ages (but anyone 17 and under needs the permission of their parent or guardian). Celebration of Freedom and Picnic on the Grounds Come to our Combined Celebration of Freedom Worship Service on June 28 then stay for our annual potluck “Picnic on the Grounds.” This is always a great time of food, fellowship and fun. The church will supply hamburgers, hotdogs, buns, condiments, sodas and coffee. own lawn chair /chairs to sit in. Our congregations are being asked to supply side dishes, salads, fruit and desserts. Bring enough for your family and plenty to share with others. Also, if you can, bring your Mark the date on your calendar and let’s have a wonderful time together. This is a great day to invite someone to come to church with you! G G N AZ F I R W O R K S S T A N D AN D J U L Y 4 T H A C T I VI T I E S ITS THAT TIME AGAIN! W N A H W C G !!! GGNaz is having a fireworks stand to support our Youth Camps, Children’ s Camps, and our Church Ministries. If you are willing, and able, to help work the fireworks stand, please contact Jason Kindell either through the church office, his cell phone, or before or after Church services. You must be 18 years old to actually work with the fireworks in any capacity but teens and kids can help in other ways. GGNaz Fireworks Stand This year we will be offering: July 1 - We Pay the Tax! July 2 and 3 - Drawing for a Bicycle! July 4 - Drawing for a Large Assortment of Fireworks! Raffle Tickets will be sold for these drawings, or you can receive a raffle ticket with every purchase of $10 dollars or more. • Military & Veterans Discount! In honor of our military, all U.S. military service members and U.S. military veterans will receive 20% off (with proof of service). This offer may not be combined with other discounts. 4TH OF JULY A B C P “B B /A N ” GGNaz will be having our 2nd “All Church Block Party / AllNighter.” BOARD M EETINGS - JUNE 2 0 1 5 Bring your own food, beverages, lawn chairs, and/or blanket. Also, if you would like– bring or purchase your “SAFE AND SANE” fireworks. We will have a designated area to set off fireworks as well as a designated area to watch fireworks. Also, if you have a trailer, RV or tent– feel free to bring them with you as we will have designated areas for overnight camping. NOTE: Due to state laws and safety, illegal fireworks are not permitted or tolerated in the city of Garden Grove. Possession or lighting off of illegal fireworks on campus will result in being asked to leave the campus immediately. WORSHIP M INISTRIES Church Board - Tuesday, June 9 at 7:00 p.m. Discipleship Board - Thursday, June 18 at 6:30 p.m. Both of these boards meet in the fellowship hall. If you are on one of them, please call the church office before 3:00 p.m. that day, if you will be unable to attend your meeting. Church Office: (714) 534-5770 If you are interested in participating on the Praise Team or assisting in the sound booth please contact Michelle Ruth. Church Email: STAFF AND MINISTRY LEADERS L EARN, SHARE, C ONNECT SUNDAY S CHOOL AND SMALL GROUPS S 9:00 . . Children’s and youth classes are grouped by age or school grade. Nursery— grade 2 meet downstairs; grades 3—6 meet in the Children’s Center. Grades 7—12 are in the Youth Center. Ask a greeter where your child’s group meets. Our Children’s Center and Youth Center are upstairs (above the fellowship hall). Adults: College & Career meet above the fellowship hall— last room on the west side. The Friendship Class which uses the Nazarene curriculum and The Books of the Bible Class meet in the fellowship hall. T 7:00 . . Champions! Men’s Life Group Meets upstairs, above the fellowship hall (more information on page 6). W 7:00 . . Adult Bible Study led by Pastor Dan meets in the fellowship hall. College/Career meets above the fellowship hall on the west end. Teens meet with Pastor Gina in the youth center. Rev. Dan Keeton - Lead Pastor ( Pastor Tony Falealili The Huddle Pastor Pastor Maged Interim Arabic Pastor Rev. Noé and Sherly Guevara Hispanic Pastors Pastor Gina Anson - Youth Ministries ( Pat McHargue - Children's Ministries ( Debbie Kindell - Office Manager ( Michelle Ruth - Women’s Ministries and Worship Ministries ( C HILDREN’ S M INISTRIES Sunday School Join us for Sunday School Sunday mornings at 9:00. Donna Alves teaches the younger set, KGrade 2; she also teaches the preschoolers during church time. Pastor Pat teaches Grades 3-6 in the upstairs Children’s Center. Caravan Our Caravan season is coming to a end for the year. Our closing dinner and awards ceremony will be Sunday, June 14 at 5:00 p.m. Kids’ Kamp Anaheim District Kids’ Kamp will be held July 6-10, 2015. Cost is $305. Registrations are due to Pastor Pat by June 7. We need help with transportation, and prayer warriors for our kids and the camp. Parents can help earn camp scholarships by working our fireworks booth in July. If you can help sponsor a child financially and/or in prayer, contact Pastor Pat. Vacation Bible School VBS will be held August 3-7, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. This is a terrific opportunity to have a positive impact on our community and in the lives of our children and their families. Our theme this year is Hometown Nazareth. We will transport kids back to Nazareth where they'll learn firsthand what it was like when Jesus was a kid. We need help in set design/ construction, teachers, crafts, games, snacks, photography, registration. Come join the fun! Contact Pastor Pat for information or to sign up. Church Office: (714) 534-5770 Pat’s Thoughts The school year is wrapping up, and thoughts of summer are with us. Time for lazy days, loose schedules (?), going swimming, cold watermelon, grilled corn and summer fun. We also have great opportunities to invite friends to church and fun events. Pray for our kids as they go to Kids’ Kamp. This can be a tremendous time of growth and learning experiences. Pray for our camp staff also. You can get involved in Vacation Bible School. You can be a part of the fun, too! We pray that we can work together to allow God’s Word to come to life like never before… touching lives, changing hearts, and drawing kids and adults closer to Christ. Church Email: GGN AZ YOUTH MINISTRIES "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." heart. We have to be open to Him in order to find Him. Third, no matter how long it has been since you have experienced God's presence, He wants to have a relationship with you. Seventy years is a Jeremiah 29:11 long time to be separated from God's promise and presence. This is a very popular verse, God is always faithful though. especially around graduations. Even during the time of exile, The problem is, most people do God still spoke to people in exile not read the verses before or (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, after to understand the full con- Abednego, and some of the text. This verse is in a letter to minor Prophets to name a exiles. It comes right after God few). No matter what is going tells them they will be brought on in your life, or what will hapback to the Promise Land after pen in the future, remember seventy years in Babylon. This that God wants a relationship verse doesn't end the passage with you. Continue to search either. The passage goes on for God though prayer, reading with (12) "'Then you will call up- His Word, talking to other beon me and come and pray to lievers and getting involved me, and I will listen to you. (13) where God's people are reachYou will seek me and find me ing out to our communities. when you seek me with all your Enjoy this summer, but also heart. (14) I will be found by search with all your heart for you,' declares the Lord." This God and where He is working. passage goes on to tell them they will return from exile. I am J pretty sure that very few people Graduation Sunday: June 14 reading this have been exiled, but we still need to recognize We will recognize those who what this passage means for us. have completed High School, a College degree and those beFirst, God has a plan for your life and he will never leave you. ing promoted form Jr. High Even in the difficult times of life, School during Morning Service. God is with you. Whether those We will have a cake and punch difficult times are because of the reception in the fellowship hall actions of someone else or be- after the sermon has finished. cause of our own actions, God Movie Days: June 18 and 25 has hope and a future for you. We will have movie days at the Second, when we seek and church. The first movie will pray to God we will find Him. start at 11:00 a.m., the second God is always with us, but if we movie will start between 2:30are not looking for Him we are 3:00 p.m. and finishing by 5:00 not going to see Him in our p.m. We will have a break for lives. This passage says "when lunch and pass out fliers for you seek me with all your heart, our church fireworks booth beI will be found by you." Our retween the movies. Bring your lationship with God is about our lunch or bring money to get Church Office: (714) 534-5770 lunch at Subway. Popcorn and punch will be provided, bring any additional movie snacks you want to share. Teen Camps July 20—24 If you plan to go to camp, get your camp packet from Pastor Gina; fill it out and turn it back in as soon as possible. Martin Salisbury ................... 01 Maria Gamez ....................... 02 John Johnson ...................... 06 Conny Craig ......................... 07 Kenzie Nguyen .................... 08 Bob Gibbs ............................ 09 Nick Keeton ......................... 09 Becca Keeton ...................... 12 Justen Ramage ................... 12 Marilyn Cheetham ............... 14 Jayden Galloway ................. 14 Dreanna Hilton ..................... 15 Trudy Lewis ......................... 15 Daniel Nessaouni ................ 16 Dennis Harmon .................... 17 Arlene Sado ......................... 18 Kassandra Vargas ............... 23 Donna Alves ........................ 25 John Erhart .......................... 25 Ahzira Faletoi ....................... 25 Santos Havier Zeldon Ruiz .. 25 Margaret Puentes ................ 27 Aiden Amerson .................... 28 Roger Asiata ........................ 28 Harry Brown ......................... 29 Bob & Eileen Gibbs ........... 06 Jack & Texie Tisor .............. 18 Rick & Michelle Ruth .......... 22 Church Email: WOMEN’ S M INISTRIES God’s Standards In God’s kingdom, comparisons are not allowed. Women make a terrible mistake comparing. God doesn’t have a standard by which He measures us against each other. We do that. His standard is far higher. Holy God measures each of us against His Son, Jesus. That should change your focus. God will not ask us if we wear specific clothing labels. He will want to know if we are clothed in Chris Jesus. The biblical truth is that each woman of God is uniquely cre- ated and gifted for the purpose of bringing glory to God. This sets us apart from the world. We don’t take our standard from the world’s fashion designers. We take our standard from the Master Designer! - Esther Burroughs, Splash the Living Water Craft Days June 27 ...... 10 a.m. — 4 p.m. July 25 ...... 10 a.m. — 4 p.m. If you want to work on crafts that you have in progress, start a new project, learn a craft or just come and fellowship then this is where you want to be. Bring snacks to share. Any questions please see/contact Michelle Ruth. Ladies Luncheon Thanks to all the people who donated gifts for the door prizes, men who served lunch and the committee for their hard work in putting together the luncheon. A great time was had by all. And remember, God always “Finds the Beauty in our Brokenness!” N M I ( N AZARENE M ISSIONS WMB! World Mission Broadcast One of the best ways for getting the gospel to people in remote, isolated, or captive areas, WMB outreach covers radio, TV, and all computer type messages. For example, in the Middle East, viewers of Ayman Kafrouny's television programs, which air on Arabic MTV, are hearing the good News and are finding their way to local Nazarene churches to learn more about Jesus. Here in America, a Hindu radio program in Northern California is the catalyst for a new church plant. In Ukraine, broadcasters are developing Web-based video programs because the government is not renewing airtime licenses for Russian Christian stations. WMB's Russian program will be produced from Ukraine in the Russian language. These are just a taste of what the Lord is doing through WMB. There is now a revolutionary "Back Pack Studio" which is a literal recording/broadcast studio all housed in a backpack. Throughout the month of June we will be giving you more information on some of the exciting things happening through this ministry. Our New LINKS Missionary Our LINKS (Loving, Interested, Nazarenes, Knowing, and Sharing) missionary, Paul Hetrick Sr., states, “My call to missions came during my second pastorate, Providence, Rhode Island. I had a number of young people in our congregation and I earnestly prayed for the Lord to call some of them into the missionary work. Within my heart, there seemed to be a sweet, loving, gentle voice that said, ‘Why don't you offer Church Office: (714) 534-5770 yourself for the service?’ I asked the Lord to please let Mae, my dear wife, bring the subject up if this was his voice working in my heart. I had not shared with her anything that was taking place in my heart. That evening she looked at me and said, ‘Honey, what do you say, we go to Africa as missionaries?’ God had given me the assurance I had sought.” Paul is now 98, wheelchair bound, but still ministering at the beautiful Atherton Baptist Home in Alhambra, CA. Please keep Paul Hetrick in your prayers. It's an exciting time to be a part of the Lords Great Commission, both here at home and all around this beautiful planet. In His Love, Deborah Johnson Church Email: OUR REGULAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE C HAMPIONS! M ENS’ L IFE G ROUP Sunday Hispanic Prayer ......... 7:30 p.m. Sunday School .......... 9:00 a.m. Hispanic Study .......... 9:00 a.m. Wednesday Morning Worship ..... 10:00 a.m. Adult Bible Study ....... 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Worship ... 10:00 a.m. Huddle Bible Study .... 7:00 p.m. Arabic Worship ....... 12:00 noon Teen Study/activity .... 7:00 p.m. Caravan..................... 5:00 p.m. College Bible Study ... 7:00 p.m. The Huddle Study ..... 4:30 p.m. Worship Music ........... 7:00 p.m. Huddle Worship ......... 5:00 p.m. Friday Hispanic PM Service .... 5:00 p.m. Huddle Rehearsal ....... 6:30 p.m. Hispanic Study .......... 7:00 p.m. Tuesday Men’s Life Group ....... 7:00 p.m. Arabic Study .............. 7:00 p.m. If not specified, the times listed above apply to the English congregation. The Champions Men's Life Group will start up, once again, on June 16 at 7:00 p.m. They will be covering an 8 week series on Part 2 of Becoming a FullyDevoted Follower of Christ. Leader of this group is Paul Eyskens. All men are encouraged to come! J U N E SUNDAY 7. MONDAY TUESDAY 1. 2. 8. 9. HONORING GRADS 10:00AM 15. 4. NMI Council Meeting 6:30PM 10. 16. 22. 23. FRIDAY 5. 17. 11. 12. 18. Movie Day 11:00AM 19. 13. 25. 20. Women’s Book Club 11:00AM Huddle’s Grad Party 1:00PM Hispanic Watch Night 8:00PM 26. Movie Day 11:00AM 29. 6. Farmer’s Market 9:00AM Discipleship Board Meeting 7:00PM 24. SATURDAY Lunches for the Homeless 9:30AM Membership Class 7:00PM FATHER’S DAY 28. THURSDAY Membership Class 7:00PM Champions Men’s Life Group Resumes 7:00PM Caravan Awards Dinner 5:00PM 21. WEDNESDAY 3. Church Board Meeting 7:00PM 14. 2 01 5 27. Women’s Craft Day 10:00AM 30. PICNIC ON THE GROUNDS (AFTER WORSHIP) This calendar reflects special events for the month as well as new studies, group meetings, or services. Church Office: (714) 534-5770 Church Email:
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