. This event hosted over 100 Vettes from as far away as Florida. Thirteen states were represented at the 1st annual Corvette'N America Road Tour. Next year's event is now in the planning stages and will be hosted again at the Little America Hotel in Flagstaff. The road tour will be down through beautiful Oak Creek Canyon to the red rocks of Sedona. This is scheduled for June 8-10, 2006. Put this on your calendar now and plan to attend the 2nd annual Corvette'N America Road Tours. My wife Cheryl and I traveled with 5 Corvettes from Tucson to Flagstaff on Thursday and arrived early in the afternoon in the pines of Flagstaff. It was a beautiful drive and especially when the San Francisco peaks came into view. The event began with a fabulous welcome reception the first evening. The spread of food was great and the Native American dancing was quite delightful. Dwayne and Cindy told of their desires and future plans for the event and welcomed all of us. Little America Hotel was in a splendid setting. They provided special parking which always makes Corvette owners happy. The next morning we met at Albertson's parking lot early and departed for the Grand Canyon with police escorts at 7:00 am sharp. Donuts and coffee were provided, compliments of Bloomington Gold. We all needed that after a night of entertainment and drinks. If you combine the long, long line of Corvettes with the mountains and view of the up-coming Grand Canyon, what more can a Corvette owner wish? The next stop was the IMAX Theatre. After viewing the entertaining, informative movie, we all departed in our own separate groups to tour the Grand Canyon and meet back at the IMAX Theatre. The drive back to Flagstaff was as breath-taking as the trip up to the Canyon. The goal was to travel old Route 66 and end up at the Historic Museum Club, which is a landmark on Route 66. There we received "Road Tour Awards" and enjoyed live music and dance. Many of us even took advantage of the bar and really enjoyed the evening. The atmosphere of the log building and the hunting trophies on the walls added to a night to remember. For those who were up to it, there was a Cruise-In at the Sonic DriveIn & Galaxy Diner. Otherwise, many of us had a nice meal at the Little America Hotel and called it a day knowing that Saturday would be another fun-filled day. On Saturday morning all cars were to be in place at 9:45 am at Flagstaff High School football field with the snow-capped mountains providing a back drop. 20% of admission sales were being donated to Flagstaff Unified School District. The cars were judged by sponsors of the event and Dwayne Bublitz with his two little girls, Kirsten & Faith. 'Dwayne and Cindy came up with the idea of naming the categories "Sponsor Award," "She's a Beauty Award," and "Cutie Award." There were two "Cutie Awards" handed out, Kirsten & Faith's picks. Both the girls chose their favorites. Kirsten selected Dave & Carol Shine's '92 Teal Blue Corvette from Tucumcari, NM. Faith's pick went to Bill & Sheri Aker's from Tucson, Arizona for their 2000 Yellow Corvette. The trophies were nice large stainless 10" cups. Cheryl and I were lucky enough to receive one for our '03 AE roadster with the pace-car emblems. The show PAGE86 --..- Sayyou saw it in V£ITE VUESMAGAZINE NOVEMBER event was over at 2:00 pm so we departed to the hotel to get out of our shorts and get cleaned up and ready for a cool evening at the Arizona Snowbowl at the Hart Prairie Lodge. A seven-mile winding drive though beautiful ponderosa pine and aspen forests led us up to 9,500 feet where we could watch the northern Arizona sunset. Many chose to take the Scenic Skyride to 11,500 feet and enjoyed the unbelievable view. The memorable Corvette event was to be concluded here at the Hart Prairie Lodge with a delicious, sit-down dinner. After the dinner, we were treated to a neat presentation of the history of Route 66. After the dinner and presentation, we proceeded to the outside balcony where the Bob Bondurant race Corvettes were staged and provided the backdrop for the drawings and more awards, including a $500 cash prize for the Corvette club with the highest attendance. This was won by Southern Arizona Corvettes of Tucson with seven Vettes attending. There was also a $300 cash prize won by Dale & Mary Lee McKeeman of Chandler, AZ for the best "Poker Play" hand. , The BobBondurantSchoolof HighPerformanceDrivingparticipated in all of the eventson Saturday.They raffledoff a pair of $400 Piloti shoes, two I-day driving courses, and a $4,525 4-day driving course went to none other than Cheryl Nance. It will be 3 days of driving the Corvette race car and 1 day of driving a Formula 1 car. To say that my wife is ecstatic is to put it mildly. Again, put June 8-10, 2006 on your calendar for this unique event you don't want to miss. t I , Stuudt cAutu StAle" READING, i J I PA. NEW AND USED CORVETTE PARTS Huge Selection of New, Used and Reproduction Parts Over 35 Corvettes In Stock. FREE Parts Catalog Available I 47 Years I of STOUDT AUTO SALES, INC. 1350 CARBON STREET READING, PA 19601-1696 PARTS ORDERLINE-800-523-8485 Quality Service. VisitourWebSiteat: www.stoudtautosales.com CAR SALES - 800-482-3033 E-Mail:parts@stoudtautosales.com FAX- 610-372-7283 NOVEMBER V£ITE VUES MAGAZINE PAGE ---- 87 ---.......
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