P ! + The Wake County Solid Waste Management Division’s multi-material drop-off facilities offer County residents and businesses one-stop drop-off for select items banned from disposal in sanitary landfills. + Located at both the North Wake and Feltonsville Sanitary Landfills, these facilities offer ease and convenience in processing and/or recycling white goods (large appliances), recyclable corrugated cardboard and chip board, scrap tires, lead-acid batteries, and used motor oil. The North Wake facility is also equipped with a transfer station for processing residential yard waste. + Before you take any of these items for disposal, make sure you acquaint yourself with the enclosed fliers. All of the items listed above require some preparation before disposal. + If you have any questions regarding this program or other County solid waste programs, please contact the Wake County Solid Waste Management Division at (919) 856-6186. i i i I -: ) ' . I t ' I I I , + I , Wake County residents can take their scrap tires to both the North Wake and Feltonsville MultiMaterial Drop-off Facilities. Fees are as follows: For more than five tires no fee will be assessed so long as you have a North Carolina Scrap Tire Identification Number and Certification Form. If you do not have such a form, a fee of $50/ton will be charged at disposal. For five tires or less there is no charge for passenger vehicle or trltck tires. . 1 I , . i -i + The Environmental Protection Agenc! estimates that every year 250 million tires are throyn away - about one tire for each person. If buried in a landfiil, scrap t i r k can take up.ab much as 10 percent of landfill space. I + . Scrap tires that are stockpiled or illegally dumped can create health and safety hazards, including mosquito infestation that can spread disease. Fires invoMng scrap tires are often diffcult to out . . out ahd can cause air and water ~ollution. , . 1 + Although often considered a majorJiability, scrap tires can prove beneficial when used for energy.generation or in the development of new products such as re-tread tires, asphalt, insulation. E I - , I I I I i I + Looking for a place to recycle your used motor oil? Take it to either the North Wake or Feltonsville Multi-Material Drop-off Facility! + Wake County residents can dispose of up to five gallons of used motor oil per trip free of charge. Please make sure the containers are . no larger than five gallons and are tightly capped. + . , Did you know that the used oil from a single oil change can ruin a million gallons of fresh water?! Itcan also disrupt sewage treatment plants, reducesoil productivity, Bnd -. contaminate groundwater. , + Usedoil can be a able resource. In . fact, the Environmental Protection Agency states that re-fining used oil takes only about one-third the energy of refining crude oil. And. according to oit recyclers,.motor oil never wears Out and can be re-Kned and used forever. + Car or lawn moiker batteries - lead-acid batteries -will be accepted for recjcling at both the North Wake and Feltonsville blultiMaterial Drop-off Facilities. + Leaking or broken batteries will not be accepted, but can be disposed of safely at the County’s permanent Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility. The permanent Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility is located at the North Wake Sanitary Landfill and is open the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month from 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. Call the News & Observer’s CityLine at 549-5100. category #2735, for further information. i I i i + , . . Car and lawn mower batteries, or leadacid batteries, contain lead and sulfuric acid, two hazardous wastes you don’t want improperly disposed. Battery casings sometimes crack and can leak these chemicals onto the ground. eventually contaminating the groundwater. Leaking bat€ery acid also creates fumes that can irritate the‘eyes or burn the skin. + By recycling lead-acid batteries, the sulfuric acid can be reprocessed or sent, to‘a licensed facility for disposal. The lead, when removed, is sent to a mill where it is processed and kold to other manufacturers. . . I 1 ~ + Large appliances, such as refrigerators, washers and dryers, stoves, water heaters, even air conditioners, can be recycled free of charge at'the North Wake and Feltonskille Multi-Material Drop-off Facilities. + Before you take these items to the drop-off facilities, make sure you remove all contents! + Can you imagine the amount of landfill . space it would take to bury old refrigerators, stoves and air conditioners? Not to mention the possible environmental hazards if their motors should contain PCBs or CFCs. ~ + By recycling these items, the PCBs and CFCs can be captured and disposed of , properly. The scrap metal is- processed and sold to steel mills where it is-recycled. i -* - + Another-option is to donate appliances that are in good condition or needing minor repair to Don-profit organizations, These organizations can repair the items and sell them, to needy families. . . . I . . . . . . .. _ .. .. t I " . . , , L . 1 . 1 . ' . . . . ' + Residential yard waste including grass, leaves, limbs and other yard trimmings are accepted for processing at the North Wake hlulti-Material Drop-off Facility only! i I + Since bags are not accepted at the facility, you may want to use, permanent containers for transporting your yard trimmings. Please make sure the limbs do not exceed four feet in IenFth or four inches in diameter. Oversized yard waste and stumps are unacceptable! . - \ 1 + Residents are currently not being charged to dispose of yard waste. Licensed Wake County solid waste collectors will be charged a fee based on the landfill tipping fee. .. . + I -* Residenbial yard waste must.be transport- ed by non-commerciat vehicles or by licensed Wake County solid waste collectors. Oversized yard waste andlor cpmmerciai yard waste must be disposed of at a private yard waste'facility. + Why buy mulch and compost when you can make your own? Grass clippings: leaves, shrubbery trimmings. and pine straw are all valuable plant material that can be used i n a variety of ways to enhance your home, business and community landscape. . . 5 + ese materials a i mulch around trees, bushes, and pathways helps control weeds. prevents soil erosion and fertilizes the soil. Bycompastiqg leave! and grass slippings, homeowners can create an excellent soil enhancer called humus. When added to the helps ppduce healthy plants. ' I + . Begin a mulching or composting program today for a greener, more beautiful yard tomorrow! I + Wake County residents and businesses looking for a place to recycle corrugated cardboard and chipboard can take it to either the North Wake or Feltonsville Multi-Material Drop-off Facilitr i + Recydable corrugated cardboardis defined as habing two paper layers with a wavj paper layer in-between. Chipboard is a single-layer box with a grey liner such as can be found in cereal or shoe boxes. + Before disposa’l, make sure all contents and linings have been removed. + Cardboard unacceptable for recycling includes: white single-layer cardboard (toothpaste boxes, deodorant boxes, etc.), waxed, foreign. wet, food or other waste contaminated cardboard. , + Unless you are moving, not too many people care what happens to corrugated cardboard boxes. Which is probably why corrugated cardboard makes up 16 percent of Wake Countfs total waste stream. Why take up valuable landfill space with a material that can be easily recycled?! . + Chipboard is used io package many products we purchase oh a daily basis. Some of the more common uses for chipboard include cereal boxes, shoe boxes, and toy boxes. Why not recycle this material for use in the next generation of producb? . . ,-+ Recycling corrugated’cardboard and chipboard saves valuable natural resources. It also fkes up landfill space for items that can’tbe recycled! . - / - , . 5 i , , ‘ j Ii MAPS AND OPfRATlONAL DETAILS The North Wake and Feltonsville Multi-Material Drop-off Facilities have attendants on duty during hours of operation: North Wake-Monday through Saturday 7 a.m. until 4 p.m. Feltonsville-Monday through Saturday 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. The Multi-Material Drop-off Facilities are closed on the following holidays: hew Year’s Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day Children may accompany parenvguardian to the XlultiMaterial Drop-off Facilities, but must remain in vehicle. North Wake Multi-MaterialDrop-offfacility North Wake Sanitary Landfill 9004 Deponie Drive, Raleigh, NC feltonsville Multi-MaterialDrop-off facility Feltonsville Sanitary Landfill 6000 Old Smithfield Road, Apex, NC W A K E COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 100% 12191 RECYCLEDPAPER I C G 5 POSTCONSUMERWASTE
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