* Twenty-first Annual* Saturday – July 4, 2015 – 1:00PM TROPHIES AWARDED TO: Patriotic Bike Animal Family Music Business Individual Service Organization Grand Award Grand Prize & Awards Beachcombers Haven Vacation Rentals Chinook Winds Casino & Resort (3 nights lodging) (1 night lodging plus18-holes golf for 2) Kids’ Trophies Most Creative Best Bike Best 9 and under Best Animal Best 10-14 The day of the parade, please check in at the “REGISTRATION TABLE” at Gleneden Beach Fire Hall, between 10:00 AM & 11:30 AM – YOU MUST BE REGISTERED, CHECKED IN AND IN LINE BY 11:30 TO BE JUDGED – PLEASE ALLOW ENOUGH TIME FOR THIS. *** Floats must be able to maneuver the streets of Gleneden Beach *** ***Do not toss any items from Vehicles…Please provide “walkers” to toss any items*** **** 6 car limit per car club*** Parental signature required for Monors**** *** If you bring animals that poop, you must provide a scooper! *** 4th of July Gleneden Beach Parade 2015 REGISTRATION $20 FEE FOR LATE FILING AFTER JUNE 20TH DEADLINE Circle One Category: Vehicle/Cars/Floats or Entrant Name: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Brief Description of Entry : Walking/Bicycles For Official Use Only ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________________________________________________ I hereby release all persons, organizers, businesses and organizations associated with this event of any damage, injury or liability, which may occur as a result of or during said event. The Parade Committee reserves the right of refusal of any entrant to the parade. I understand the safety issue for our children, and agree that I will ensure compliance with the rule that candy and other items be distributed ONLY by “candy walkers,” and given ONLY to children who are behind the line. I am the party responsible for this entry’s compliance. Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________________ Printed Name: _____________________________________ Driver’s License #: ________________ Auto Insurance Company & Policy Number: ____________________________________________ ALL ENTRANTS MUST FILL OUT AND SIGN THIS FORM. PARENTS MUST SIGN FOR THEIR MINOR CHILDREN. The day of the parade, please check in at the "REGISTRATION TABLE" at Gleneden Beach Fire Hall, between 10:00am and 11:30am. Contact GBParadeRegistration@msn.com with questions. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED, CHECKED IN AND IN LINE BY 11:30 TO BE JUDGED. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED, CHECKED IN AND IN LINE BY 11:30 am TO BE JUDGED. Please return by hand to Donation Station at 35 Clover, Gleneden Beach between the hours of 9:30 am and 3:30 pm. Visit www.glenedenbeach.org for more information.
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