29 Monday Day 3 Tuesday 30 Day 4 Wednesday 31 Day 5 1 Thursday Day 1 Saturday Friday 3 2 4 Good Friday No School! 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Day 2 13 Day 3 14 Day 4 15 Day 5 16 Day 1 17 18 19 Day 2 20 Day 3 21 Day 4 22 Day 5 23 Day 1 24 25 26 Day 2 27 Day 3 28 Day 4 29 Day 5 30 Upcoming Dates: April 3—Good Friday—No School April 6 to 10—Easter Holidays—No School April 13—Earth Rangers Presentations April 15—Grade 8 Farewell Pictures April 27—Pre-K/K Orientation for Eastview Area Families @ Eastview Community Centre May 15—Staff Professional Development—No School 1 2 GLEN ELM COMMUNITY SCHOOL GECS School Calendar April 2015 Sunday Trustee: Ms. Cindy Anderson Superintendent: Ms. Morgan Reed Principal: Mr. Patrick Mooney Vice Principal: Mr. Andrew Pelling Admin Assistant: Mrs. Shannon Zikman Issue #7 April 2015 Hello to our GECS parents, caregivers and families! At Glen Elm Community School, we have been excited to have four student-teacher candidates in our school for the last three weeks of March. Mr. Opdahl, Mr. Siemens, Ms. Craske and Ms. Sawka have been welcome additions to our Glen Elm family! They have been supporting our students’ learning in Ms. Evans’ and Mme. Berriault’s classrooms and have taken an active roll in those classrooms and in our school. We will miss you all and we wish you all the best as you complete your studies this year and move into your internship next year! We also just had an opportunity at the end of March to meet with parents/caregivers, students and our teachers at our three-way conferences. It was great to see many of you in our school and for our staff to share information about your child’s learning and their strengths and areas for improvement. While we did get to visit many of you, our overall turnout was just 61.3%. If you were unable to attend your scheduled conference with their teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the school to arrange for a meeting. Communication and supporting one another is crucial to continuing to improve our outcomes (academic and social) for our young Knights. We know that when parents/caregivers and the school work together to support learning we are more likely to make a difference for our students! Enjoy the Easter Break and we will see you when school resumes on Monday, April 13, 2015! Kindergarten Registration and Pre-K Applications If you have children who will be 5 years old by December 31, 2015, you can register your child for Kindergarten programming in the fall. Please call the school or go to the school website to complete the registration application for your child. We are also accepting Pre-Kindergarten applications for students who are aged three and four at the start of next year. Please give our school a call if you would like to submit an application! Glen Elm Community School 1225 9th Avenue E., Regina, SK Phone: (306) 791-8588 Email: glenelm@rbe.sk.ca Glen Elm Community School A Proud Member of RPS! Glen Elm School Day KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 8:50am Warning Bell 8:53am Instruction Begins 10:30am Recess (15 Minutes) 11:45am Noon (Outside at 12:15pm) 12:45pm Classes Resume 2:15pm Recess (15 Minutes) We are accepting registrations for the 2015-2016 school year for our Kindergarten program. If you have a child will be starting Kindergarten in September 2015 please register as soon as possible. The number of students registered determines how many Kindergarten classes we have. The staffing process begins in April/May so... 3:37pm Dismissal Please register as soon as possible! Morning supervision starts at 8:38am! Please aim to have your child/children arrive at school at or after this time! UPDATING PERSONAL INFORMATION To make sure that we are able to contact parents/ caregivers or other contact persons in the event of an emergency, we ask all families who have had and recent changes to their home address, or to thierr home, work or cell phone numbers to please contact the school at 306-791-8588 so that we can update our family records. Happy Easter! No school April 6th to April 10th. Classes resume: Monday April 13th, 2015 Glen Elm Community School is a proud member of Regina Public School’s family of schools! Things to Know About Reading and Literacy Literacy involves more than reading—it is about reading, writing, speaking and listening. The National Reading Panel (US) has identified five areas that children need to be skillful in becoming good readers: PHONEMIC AWARENESS The ability to focus on and use phonemes (the smallest units of spoken language) in spoken words. The English language has 41 phonemes which combine to form syllables and words. Some words have only one phoneme (a or oh). Most words consist of a blend of phonemes, such as the word ‘go’ with two (g and o) or the word check with three phonemes (ch e ck). Children must be 5 years of age by December 31, 2015 to be eligible for kindergarten. Registration forms are available at the office or can be downloaded from our school website. (glenelm.rbe.sk.ca) Please bring your child’s birth certificate and health card when registering. If you have Pre-K eligible students, you may also want to apply for one of our potential spaces. Please keep in mind that Pre-K children must be transported to and from school by parents or caregivers. Application forms are available at the Glen Elm Office or online (glenelm.rbe.sk.ca). Like K registration, birth certificates and health cards are required for Pre-K applications. PHONICS Learning the alphabetic system or letter-sound relations and spelling patterns. FLUENCY Reading text with speed, accuracy and proper expression. COMPREHENSION The goal of reading, that integrates the skills involved with reading and understanding what is being read. VOCABULARY Knowing and understanding the words one is reading. Are you on Please consider subscribing to the Glen Elm Community School Remind! This is an easy way for students and parents to get updated reminders about important Glen Elm Community School news. To subscribe, send a text to (306)993-0979. Type ‘@glenelmcs’ in the message. You will receive a message back asking for your name. Once you’ve replied you will be entered into our GECS Parents’ text group. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe, simply reply ‘HELP’ to one of the text messages. http://remind.com/join/glenelmcs Good Readers: Are reactive and responsive to the text Are not speed readers nor read word…..for…..word Predict what will happen—connect reading to what they already know Form a mental image while they read ‘Self-question’ while they read Check for understanding and make sure it is clear, through re-reading when they are confused Summarize, interpret and think about what they ae reading
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