Preview - God Family Network

> Rev. Dr. Otis Manning (C.D.K.A)
Welcome to the PRAYINGMAN
MAGAZINE inaugural issue. We are
inspired to strongly recommend this
publication to you, which is designed
to uplift your spirit and also to be
shared as a gift with others so they
can encounter the same blessings
you will have firsthand experience of.
You will read the testimonies of
individuals who encountered
healings, God’s miraculous
power and divine interventions
for themselves. We hope that as
you read the testimonies in this
Magazine, it will certainly inspire your
faith to believe God for your miracle,
whatever your situation is.
> Prophetess Joy Manning
It is always exciting to hear the
stories of those who have been
healed or delivered by God’s
supernatural power, so I ask you,
what is your need?
The Lord knows your need, and he
will supply them according to his
riches in glory. As the scripture says
“all things are possible to them that
Let me firstly wish you all a happy
new year. What a joy it is to have
crossed over into a year that
promises to be an eventful journey.
Truly our God has been good and all
glory must be given to him.
Jamaica is poised for a great revival
this year. We are called to prayer
and evangelism as our primary
mandate for 2015. This is why this
magazine could not have been done
at a more opportune time. The
passion and drive that exudes from
its founder is testimony to the lives
that will be touched by this awesome
work. I challenge each and every one
of us to support this cause and to
get on board with this great vision.
As we go through this year, I release
the blessings of God upon the
wonderful work that Praying Man
is destined to be. To God be all
the glory for what is about to be
Bishop Richardo Gordon
I say to you, what is your need,
> Bishop Richardo Gordon
Rev. Dr. Otis Manning (C.D.K.A)
Prophetess Joy Manning
Looking AheAd
First of All I want to thank God Almighty
who is the head of my life and who has been
extremely faithful. Thanks to Bishop Richardo
Gordon, my wife Prophetess Joy Manning,
my church family, sponsors, partners and
all who have been a blessing. You have all
contributed significantly to making this
project a reality.
This is just one of the many visions that The Lord has
put in my spirit to bring to life, and wow!, it’s actually
here. God Family Ministries International is determined
to bring the good news of Jesus to literally every place
on earth, and with your help and support this will be
possible. Let me encourage someone; don’t look down
at where you are, just look up to where you want to
go. In every negative you will see the potential for it to
become positive. As the scripture says... “And we know
that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are called according to his purpose”.
Romans 8:28 (KJV).
We have already put plans in place to translate the
magazine to French and Spanish, which will help
us to reach an additional audience, and break the
language barriers. We believe that there are no limits to
spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can do all things
through Christ that strengthens me. Beloved, look at
every negative you go through as an opportunity for
God to show up in your circumstances and be God.
This magazine was birthed through prayer, after an
all-night prayer meeting. I know that every issue of this
magazine will encourage, strengthen, transform, and
provoke your spirit towards the miraculous and the
supernatural. Whatever is wrong in your life, I pray
The Vision, Looking Ahead (cont’d)
that God will give you a testimony after reading these
testimonies. Also if you have a testimony to share, I would
be more than happy to hear about it. Just send me an
email to or write it to our address,
119 Maxfield Ave, Kingston 13.
Also, be on the lookout for our Television Network which
was launched in February. We have done our testing and
it was successful. This network will comprise a number
of Christian TV channels. There will be lots of videos on
demand (for free) for toddlers, children and adolescents
available on the website. If you want to have a relaxed
moment, then no problem, there will be many Christian
and motivational movies available at your fingertips
right on our website. The best part of it all is that our
TV channel, God Family TV, will be available live 24 hrs
on this website, and will be broadcasting some of your
best Jamaican, Caribbean and international speakers,
dramatizations and music to the world.
There will be more information available in our next issue.
Please visit our website at or for further details.
The great commission must be fulfilled which Jesus gave
as a mandate to the church, And He said unto them,
Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every
creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved;
but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these
signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they
cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They
shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing,
it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and
to the kingdom because people are willing to lay down the
pleasures of this life to preach the gospel. I urge you to get
on board for 2015. If you cannot do so because of your
they shall recover. Mark 16:15-18 (KJV)
schedule, then partner with someone who is going. You can
With this in mind we will be looking to do more
that is doing the bidding of the master. If you’re interested
evangelism (ministry road trips) locally, in the region of
the seas as well as to other nations of the earth. As Paul
says, we will not be preaching with men’s wisdom, but
with the demonstration of power of the Holy Ghost with
signs and wonders following according to the mandate in
Mark Chapter 16. Currently these plans are in place and
gladly become a partner in this ministry or any such as this
in partnering with this vision, feel free to visit any of the two
websites listed above. God bless you for reading. Once
again, thank you.
Your Pastor
Rev. Dr. Otis Manning (C.D.K.A)
others are being undertaken to spread the wonderful
news that Jesus saves, heals, delivers, keeps and
satisfies. We are seeing a huge influx of souls coming
A robber becomes
a helper
In December of 2013 during the Christmas season, Pastor Otis
Manning of NCMI Kingston came with a team of ministers to pray
with us at our business place located in premiere plaza.
In praying Pastor Manning had
it was not my business place and of
Saturday evening, it was reported that
covered our business place and
course he proceeded to suggest that I
robbers went across to a neighbouring
summoned the angels to cover us.
should tell him nothing, because it was
shopping centre and robbed persons
A couple of days later, actually the
my place.
in other beauty salons of money, cell
phones and jewelry, just chains away
Saturday of the same week in question
we were there working and in the
At this point he was constantly
process of closing business for the
touching his waist to suggest that he
day as I rushed to the back to use the
did not have a gun, which I didn’t think
I had forgotten all about the prayer
restroom. A client was leaving and
he had. The client was still talking to
that Dr. Otis Manning had prayed days
upon her going through the door, a
him about God. She asked him how
before and loosing angels to watch
man forced himself into the hair shop,
he would he have felt if he heard that
and cover our business place under
demanded that no one should move
someone had robbed his sister or his
the blood of Jesus. After the incident,
and that we should give him all the
mom. I had my handbag hung around
I recommitted my life to the Lord. I am
money we had as paraphrasing ‘ a kill
my arm with the zipper at the back of
now a serving member at NCMI. I have
him kill people’.
it open. I had a blackberry torch in my
seen that the prayer of a righteous
from our location.
hand and he snatched the phone from
man availeth much and I thank God for
The client then started to talk to him
my hand and looked at it. I told him I
using the man as a vessel of honour.
about God and was telling him we
needed my phone as I used it to work.
Thanks to God, hallelujah, I am now
did not have any money. Unknowing
He then looked at the phone again
free and miraculously alive.
to the gunman, there was a lady
and gave it back to me.
Sis Tia.
who had just left a couple of minutes
before he came in, and she is actually
He was there for approximately 20
a policeman’s fiancée and she is a
minutes when suddenly he began
licensed firearm holder. He kept on
to say everything was ok and he was
asking for money and kept reminding
not going to hurt us and that he
us that ‘a kill him kill people’. In that
would wait on us to lock up the store
moment when I came from the
because he would not want anything
restroom, he turned his attention to
bad to happen to us. At this point
me and he was now saying I’m the one
the robber started trembling and was
with the money and that it was my
now telling us to hurry and close the
business place and he was watching
shop. I was now worried if something
us all evening and that he saw when
was wrong with him or if this was the
I went to the back to put away cash.
same person who came in to rob us.
I told him no, that was not true, and
After we closed and left that same
Miraculous Recovery
of stolen Bag.
ne day at work there
was a burning in my
spirit to attend church
so I decided that same
evening and said to
myself, I definitely cannot miss church.
I told my co-worker I would be going to
church and he asked me for a ride to
the barber shop. After dropping him, I
decided to go home instead of turning
back for church. On my way home,
I stopped to buy a bundle of Callaloo, and while waiting for my change
something was taking place inside my
vehicle. When I went back to my van,
I saw my son looking very startled and
asked him what the problem was.
He said nothing but he looked really
shaken up. I then asked him for my
bag that’s when I learnt that a thief
broke into my vehicle, scared him and
stole my handbag from off the seat. I
went back to the Callaloo vendor, told
him what had happened and told him
that tomorrow my bag will be reported
as lost and found somewhere. I went
home after this ordeal, after which I
started to pray. During my prayers
I released angels to restore my
handbag as I remembered the many
testimonies given at church how lost
handbags and other items miraculously turned up at people’s homes. After
I finished praying I saw a missed call on
my cell phone and I did not respond.
The following morning I got an email at
work with the same cellphone number
I missed the call from the night when
I was praying. I returned the call
and upon returning it I was told my
handbag was found last night and that
I may collect it at a convenient time.
What a God we serve.
That evening I prayed after which I left
to collect my handbag. When I drove
to the plaza, I found the lady who then
said, “right where you are parked, that
is the exact spot where your handbag
was found last night”. I collected it and
everything was intact. If I were not
attending New Covenant Ministries
my belief in angels would not have
been as strong as I grew up all my life
in the Catholic faith and was only just
recently introduced to the ministry of
angels as I had just recently become a
member of that faithful ministry.
So I encourage your readers to believe
in God and put all your trust in Him.
He will bring you restoration no matter
what you have lost. Amen.