Barrier Gate System EL-PBS 300 Safety and Installation manual %RWKWKHLQVWDOOHUDQGWKHRZQHUDQGRURSHUDWRURI WKLVV\VWHPQHHGWRUHDGDQGXQGHUVWDQGWKLV LQVWDOODWLRQPDQXDODQGWKHVDIHW\LQVWUXFWLRQV VXSSOLHGZLWKRWKHUFRPSRQHQWVRIWKHJDWHV\VWHP 7KLVLQIRUPDWLRQVKRXOGEHUHWDLQHGE\WKHRZQHU DQGRURSHUDWRURIWKHJDWH *DWH'HVLJQ $JDWHLVDSRWHQWLDOWUDIILFKD]DUGVRLWLVLP SRUWDQWWKDW\RXORFDWHWKHJDWHIDUHQRXJKDZD\ IURPWKHURDGWRHOLPLQDWHWKHSRWHQWLDORIWUDIILF JHWWLQJEDFNHGXS7KLVGLVWDQFHLVDIIHFWHGE\WKH VL]HRIWKHJDWHKRZRIWHQLWLVXVHGDQGKRZIDVW WKHautoJDWH. :$51,1*7RUHGXFHWKHULVNRILQMXU\RUGHDWK 5($'$1')2//2:$// ,16758&7,216 7KHautogate\RXFKRRVHWRLQVWDOORQ\RXUJDWH PXVWEHGHVLJQHGIRUWKHW\SHDQGVL]HRI\RXUJDWH DQGIRUWKHIUHTXHQF\ZLWKZKLFK\RXXVHWKH autogate 1HYHUOHWFKLOGUHQRSHUDWHRUSOD\ZLWK JDWHFRQWUROV.HHSWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO DZD\IURPFKLOGUHQ <RXUJDWHPXVWEHSURSHUO\LQVWDOOHGDQGPXVWZRUN IUHHO\LQERWKGLUHFWLRQVEHIRUHWKHDXWRPDWLF gateLVLQVWDOOHG $OZD\VNHHSSHRSOHDQGREMHFWVDZD\ IURPWKHJDWH1221(6+28/' &52667+(3$7+2)7+( 029,1**$7( 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M boom Straight Arm Features elock EL-PBS 300 is a heavy duty electro-mechanical barrier gate system for indoor as well as outdoor parking area. It composed primarily of an electronic EL-PBS 300 panel that control the mechanical unit lift or release the barrier arm. EL-PBS 300 is a proven cost effective solution to cater non-stop high volume movement per year yet just requiring very minimal maintenance. Optimized and simple design allows more economical spare parts and requirements. Applications: it is the most rapid and efficient method of managing access in residential, commercial or industrial car park such as airport, shopping mall, warehouse, hotel, factories, condominium, car rental company, etc. Heavy-duty design for 24-hours continuous application Barrier arm can be left or right oriented by easy refitting Auto closing function is selectable with instant or delay closing Low speed set by open or close limit switch for cushioning effect Multiple push button for Open, Close and Open/Stop/Close function Simple interface with proximity card and loop detector application Articulated or folding arm available for limited height application Most of the accessories and spare parts are common items Barrier arm can be manually lifted via a clutch-release key Weather-resistant coating against hostile environments Round hollow arm available for 2 to 6 meters length Barrier Gate System Technical Specification Input power supply: 230Vac, 50Hz Motor rated power: 120W, 24Vdc Motor current drain: 5 Amps Rotating duration (90 deg): 2 - 8 seconds Cycle per 24 hrs (open & close): 10,000 (8S/cycle) Barrier arm length: 2 - 6 meters safety device: Mechanical clutch Shaft tongue: 220 Nm Battery back-up: Optional Lubrication: Grease Operating temperature: -20 to 70 deg. C Weight (packaged): 55 kg Packaged dimension (mm): 340 x 275 x 1080 EL-PBS 300 Barrier Gate System EL-PBS 300 User Guide: Part Description Barrier Gate System EL-PBS 300 User Guide: Typical Installation Please secure the barrier gate and mount it on a substantial and level base such as a concrete pad. Our production comes with a base plate with 4 bolted anchors for ease of laying strong foundation. Use anchored mounting bolts to secure the base plate of the barrier set to the base to prevent movement. Another option is channel bar; the anchor bolt of 12 x 176mm is designed to tighten the barrier gate between channel bar and concrete. Instead of using anchor bolt, wall plug can also be used to mount it to the ground or base to prevent movement. User Guide: Flat Base Plate Formation Barrier Gate System EL-PBS 300 User Guide: Formation Of Base Clamps For Concrete Foundation Barrier Gate System User Guide: New Arm Holder Assembly EL-PBS 300 EL-PBS E 300 B Barrier Gate System m U User Guid de: Adjus sting & Setting S A Adjust the boom b arm correctly c Ch hoosing the e suitable bo oom arm is very importtant before you insstall your ba arrier. Manyy customerss choosing the wrong boom b arrm and it co omes out pro oblem durin ng the installation. Let set s ou ur point of view v in frontt of the doorr of the barrrier casing. If the bo oom arm is at the left side s then it is the left bo oom arm ba arrier otherwise it iss right boom m arm barrie er gate as refer r to the figure f elow for more easy und derstanding g. be A Adjust the spring s & it’s s operation n The spring of T o the left boom arm ba arrier gate is set up on n t right sid the de of the cassing. Where e else the spring is set up o the left side on s of the right boom a arm barrier gate. In ord der to adjusst the spring g to meet the balancing g condiition (45 degree), you m must releas se the motor release key. Adjust tight or slack of the e spring nut at the bottom end. The top t part of the spring iss tied with gear g plate. There e are 3 to 4 holes at the left and riight side of gear plate. Adjusst tight or slack of the spring s to the e corre ect gear platte hole to m meet the balancing condition of the barrier arm system (45 5 degree). Normally elock servicess had adjustted and fixe ed the spring g tied to a suitable s hole e depend on n how long is th he barrier arrm. Some customer c will put a sign n board on the t barrier arm a which iss caused th he increase off weight of the t boom arm consequ uently effectt the balanc cing conditio on of the ba arrier arm sy ystem. Thuss to o solve the problem p you u may adjusst to harden n the spring (example tied t the spriing from 2nd hole to 3 rd d hole). Mea anwhile, som me custome er may cut short s the ba arrier arm due to manyy kind of rea ason (e example the e barrier cla ashed by the e car). You may loosen n the spring g (tied the sp pring from 2nd 2 hole to 1sst hole). B Barrier Gate System m EL-PBS E 300 A Adjust the Limit L Switch *N Note - beforre adjust the e limit switcch customerr must adjus st the boom m arm and th he spring co orrectly then on nly can perfform furtherr adjustmen nt. It has dual sp peed contro ol triggered by the N.C.. limit switch hes during the t end of rrotation. Wh hen the limitt witch contacct starts to open, o the lo ow speed be egins to sett in and stop ps after a time of 1.5 seconds (the e sw lim mit switch contact c musst remains open o by mea ans of oval shape cam m). This give es a smooth h control of th he barrier arrm and hence the wear and tear problem p is much m reduce ed. Battery back-up sy ystem type (1 12V or 24V)) is optional and is available upon request. There are tw wo main step ps to adjustt the limit sw witches whic ch are mech hanical adju ustment and d the ellectrical adjustment. Mech hanical adjustment There e are two lim mit switch collar c and tw wo main switches contrrolling the high speed of o the barrie er. You coulld adjust the e limit switc ch collar to contact the main switch faster f or slo ower. If the e barrier with left boom arm, the le eft switch is act as a clo ose switcch while the e right is ope en switch. Iff the barrierr with right boom m arm, the left switch is s act as an open switch h while the right is close sw witch. N.C While e the barrie er arm is sta anding on 45 5 degree, b both switche es are N.C. N and on nce the limitt switch con ntacts the co ollar it will beco ome N.O. N N.O Barrier Gate System EL-PBS 300 User Guide: Construction of Vehicle Loop Detector & Base Plinth Barrier Gate System User Guide: Single Loop Detector Connection EL-PBS 300 Barrier Gate System User Guide: B1 Electrical Connection EL-PBS 300 Barrier Gate System EL-PBS 300 User Guide: B1 Barrier Gate Controller (DC Motor) Operating Instruction This B1 panel has all the functions needed to control barrier gate using DC actuator. The DC actuator’s speed and power are derived from the external power transformer. Many inputs are incorporated for interface to push-buttons, vehicle loop detectors, photo beam and card access system. It has dual speed control function set by the N.C. limit switches during the end of rotation. When the limit switch contact starts to open, the low speed begins to set in and stops after a time of 1.5 seconds (the limit switch contact must remains open by means of oval shape cam). This gives a smooth control of the barrier arm and hence the wear and tear problem is much reduced. Battery back-up system type (12V or 24V) is optional and is available upon request. Function Description Loop detector or Proximity card ( to trigger opening and stop closing if sensed) 13, 14 Input control by loop detector (N.O. mode) to detect present of vehicle. 1. When the arm has stopped at close limit or half-way position, it can be opened. 2. During closing, the arm will open if activated by card or vehicle. 3. During opening, the arm will continue to open. 4. If the arm has stopped at open limit position and the terminal is triggered, the arm stays still. It cannot be triggered to close by other push buttons or auto close function. Loop detector 2 or photo beam input (N.O. mode) CON3 The lower 2 terminal points of CON3 is used for outer loop detector or photo beam (N.O. mode). During closing, the arm will open if triggered. It is not response if the gate is fully closed. If it is triggered during opening, the gate will auto close if jumper P3 is set. The auto close can be closed with a delay or instant mode selectable by jumper P4. Limit switches 10, 11, 12 It must be N.C. type. These limit switches are programmed for N.C. mode. It sets the low speed using the lower secondary winding output of the external power transformer. Barrier Gate System EL-PBS 300 Warning lighting 18 This is for barrier gate movement warning. 230VAC is output whenever the arm moves. Open/Close push button 8, 9 Connected to push button or wireless receiver’s output control. This triggers the arm to open, stop and close in sequence. Open push button CON5 The upper and middle terminal point are connected to a push button (N.O.) for open only control. If held in contact by a key-switch, the arm cannot be triggered by other buttons or loop detectors. Close push button CON5 The lower and middle terminal point is connected to a push button (N.O.) for close only control. If held in contact by a key-switch, the arm cannot be triggered by other buttons or loop detectors. 24Vac power supply CON7 Auxiliary AC power supply for vehicle loop detector (model: MID1E). DIP SWITCH SETTINGS (DS1) 1. Additional fix 2nd speed (low speed) time ( set left =1S, set right = 3S) 2. Autoclose delay (set left = 5S, set right = 0S) 3. Not use. Limit Switch Selection is NC type only. 4. 2nd speed (low speed) time, set left =0S, set right = 0.8S 5. 2nd speed (low speed) time, set left =0S, set right = 0.4S 6. 2nd speed (low speed) time, set left =0S, set right = 0.2S 7. 2nd speed (low speed) time, set left =0S, set right = 0.1S 8 Autoclose function selection ( set left = NO, set right = YES) “Dip switch setting will be read after power switch off for 5 seconds and then switch on”
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