The Golden Spread The Golden Spread Page Ju n e – Ju l y 2 0 1 5 Fishing in the Golden Spread Council! Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page U P D AT E D R E Q U I R E M E N T S FOR CUB SCOUT AWARDS The requirements for the National Den Award, National Summertime Pack Award, Cub Scout World Conservation Award, and the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award have been revised to reflect the new Cub Scouts program launching June 1. For more information, please refer to AR E YOU A T R AI NE D LEADER ? Cub Scout Leaders should be trained in their currently registered leadership position. Each position has its own training requirements. Each time you register in a different role, you need to have the training for that position. To complete your training online, simply visit, create an account, and choose the training you would like to complete. There are also other interesting trainings available to you such as Safe Swim Defense and Weather Hazards. When you visit the website, please enter your Member ID number. If you do not have that, please call Stephen at the Scout Service Center and he will provide it to you. NEW C U B S C O U T P R O G R A M M AT E R I A L S AND AWARDS Let go of the old program and grab hold of the new Cub Scout program. We encourage you to learn more about the new program and the advancements at The new handbooks for Tiger through Webelos Scouts and all the leader guides are now available in the Scout Shop We anticipate the new awards and rank advancement belt loops will arrive in September. To receive the rank advancements, the current process remains the same in that you can use the online advancement system or complete the hard copy advancement report. When you do online advancements, please make a copy for your records and a copy for the Scout Shop that you will submit to get the badges. A R E YO U O U R F R I E N D ? One of the ways we communicate is on Facebook. Please visit us at Lots of great information is there– please “Friend” us today! Scan the symbol to the left for instant access! Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 2 The Golden Spread Page 3 Annual Sporting Clays Classic It is hard to believe but it is now time to begin to finalize our plans for the Golden Spread Council’s Sporting Clays Classic Tournament and Auction. This year’s tournament will be our 12th Annual Sporting Clays Classic! This year’s Classic will be held on Friday, August 14 and Saturday, August 15, and will again be held at beautiful Camp Don Harrington. As you probably know, all proceeds from the tournament go towards supporting our local Boy Scout programs. I’m very proud to say that our tournament has grown from 24 teams in 2003, to this year’s projected 75 teams and 300 shooters. These teams will come from Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Colorado, all in support of our Scouts. With this many teams and shooters, the Council is in need of 200-250 volunteers to help us run a fun and safe tournament. We request (a strong plea) to you and members of your troop, company or family to consider volunteering some time to help us during this year’s Sporting Clays Tournament. Volunteers are needed in lots of different areas and for various times during the duration of the event. Volunteers will be needed on both Friday, August 14 and on Saturday, August 15. As a volunteer, you can help on one day or for both days. Every volunteer will be fed lunch on Friday, have an opportunity to shoot 5o clays on Friday after the tournament participants leave at 4pm, and will be fed breakfast and lunch on Saturday. In addition to that, the first 225 volunteers to sign up will receive a commemorative t-shirt as recognition for their time and service. If you and/or someone you know can help this year, please contact Bob Altman at the Scout Service Center 358-6500 or Please help our local scouts by volunteering to work during this Great Event! How to request use of Camp Don Harrington or Camp MK Brown When planning to camp at Camp Don Harrington or Camp MK Brown, please call the Scout Service Center before firming up your plans. We have many units and groups that use both camps and sometimes the dates or facilities you wish to use may already be reserved. A simple call will help you plan more effectively. There is short term reservation form to complete to make sure our Ranger knows you are coming and what you are using at the camp. There are also deposits and fees that you must take care of prior to your arrival at camp. For the deposits, we recommend you write a check that we will hold for you until after your camping dates then gladly return the check to you or we can hold it for future. Just let us know!!!! Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page TOUR AND ACTIVITY PLANS Before going on your outing does your Pack, Troop, or Venturing Crew complete the Tour and Activity Plan? If not, your unit will not be covered by Accident and Sickness insurance if anything should happen while on your trip. Before completing the Tour and Activity Plan, make sure all youth and adult participants are registered and all adults have completed Youth Protection Training. Only registered scouts and leaders are covered. To complete this plan, simply visit and on the home page, the Tour and Activity Plan is to the left about half way down on the page. Please do not use “off the shelf software” such as Troop Tracker, Troop Master, or Cub Master to complete your plan as it does not match the actual plan format and you will not receive a permit number nor be covered by BSA Insurance. Before starting, you will need to know how many adults and scouts are going, who is driving and the address where the outing is taking place. You will also need to know the make and model of vehicle and the owner will need a minimum of $50,000 insurance coverage on each vehicle. Please call Heidi at the Scout Shop if you need any assistance with the Tour and Activity Plan. CAMP CARD FUNDRAISER A SUCCESS! This year, Scout units earned over $39,000 in commissions by selling the very popular Camp Cards. Funds earned are used to pay for camps, activities, buy unit supplies such as Pinewood Derby Tracks, Boy Scout tents and other cool Scouting items. The top Boy Scout and Cub Scout sellers were from Troop 10 and Pack 4 respectively and both chose the $400.00 Visa Gift Card as their top seller prize. Congratulations to those two young men for their efforts and support from parents who helped them get to their goal. IS YOUR Honor Roll Community Service Hours UNIT MAKING THE HONOR ROLL? Honor Roll Boy Scout Advancement Honor Roll Cub Scout Advancement Community Total Service Hours Troop Community Rank Advancements Pack Community Rank Advancements Troop 89 Amarillo 1,399 89 Amarillo 17 3024 Amarillo 44 Troop 94 Amarillo 226 87 Amarillo 15 3565 Borger 44 Troop 1776 Amarillo 136 3080 Amarillo 35 80 Amarillo 11 Troop 86 Amarillo 119 3077 Amarillo 30 3001 Amarillo 28 3480 Pampa 26 Unit As reported on the JTE website Jan-Apr 2015 86 Amarillo 9 1776 Amarillo 8 Reflects rank (Tenderfoot-Eagle) advancements earned Jan-Apr 2015 Reflects rank advancements earned Jan-Apr 2015 Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 4 The Golden Spread Page 5 CROWDFUNDING SITES AND EAGLE PROJECT FUNDRAISING The crowdfunding surge has led many Scouts to wonder whether their Eagle project could benefit from this source of money. The short answer: Yes, boys working on their Eagle project are permitted to use these sites to raise funds for materials, equipment rental, professional services, etc. The longer answer: An Eagle project doesn’t have to cost a lot to be meaningful. Eagle projects carried out with minimal, if any, expense are always preferred to those with high price tags. The BSA prefers there not be any fundraising at all for an Eagle project. That said, the BSA knows low-price projects aren’t always a realistic goal. Crowdfunding options There are hundreds of crowdfunding sites out there. The Boy Scouts of America won’t get into the potentially hazardous business of endorsing one over the other. If you do choose the crowdfunding route, carefully read the fine print on any site you’re considering. Among the questions prospective Eagle Scouts should consider: What kind of financial cut will the site take? Do you receive donations even if you don’t reach your stated monetary goal? How long does it take to get your funds after the donating window closes? Are you required to offer some sort of reward to backers? If so, what will the rewards be? What will you do if you don’t reach your goal? (On Kickstarter, for example, 56 percent of projects never reach their goal.) The BSA prefers you don’t fundraise for Eagle projects This from the BSA’s May 2012 Advancement Newsletter: As part of planning, developing, and leading his project to a successful conclusion, the Eagle Scout candidate must develop the project proposal and the resources (financial, material, and labor) to accomplish it. There are many worthy service projects that can be carried out at minimal, if any, expense. These are preferred to those with high price tags. To be clear, the BSA prefers there not be any fundraising at all; however, it is understood that this is not realistic. In those cases, all fundraising or requests for material donations should be done in a restrained manner similar to simple unit fundraising efforts. The BSA prefers little or no fundraising primarily because of legal issues relating to accounting and receipting for funds, custodial responsibilities, potential tax deduction issues, and so forth. When fundraising is kept to a minimum, similar to typical unit money-earning projects, there is less chance for problems to develop. Large-scale fundraising efforts can add complexities in which minors should not be involved. This can be further complicated because funds are raised in the name of the beneficiary and not the BSA. Fundraising options (if it’s necessary) Again, from the BSA’s May 2012 Advancement Newsletter: Once it has been determined that external fundraising may be necessary, it is up to the Scout to identify specific options to use. Traditional approaches such as car washes, selling various products, or hosting an event such as a spaghetti dinner or a yard sale may be considered. “Fundraising” also includes the solicitation of donations for cash or materials. (This is where crowdfunding fits in.) Fundraising application is required The BSA’s May 2012 Advancement Newsletter states: Whatever is done, if it reaches beyond the Scout and his family, his unit, or the beneficiary, as described in the Guide to Advancement, an Eagle Scout Service Project Fundraising Application is required. That application is conveniently located within the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. How may you use the funds raised? Once again, the BSA’s May 2012 Advancement Newsletter: The Guide to Advancement, topic, states: “Fundraising is permitted only for securing materials and otherwise facilitating a project.” This statement is intended to preclude projects that are primarily fundraisers, but it does not specify how funds are to be used to accomplish the project itself. In fact, any funds collected can be used as allowed by the beneficiary for all necessary and reasonable expenses including such things as materials, equipment rental, professional services, and even food and water for volunteers as they assist with the project. An important factor here, though not required, is for the Scout to have a budget proposal that identifies all areas of expense that he has reviewed with the project beneficiary prior to beginning fundraising efforts. Because fundraising efforts for an Eagle Scout service project are to be facilitative, and minimized insofar as practical, it is inappropriate to apply the language of the service project requirements to them. The requirements for planning, developing, and giving leadership must be met through the project itself, not through the fundraising element. For this reason, approaches such as online fundraising are acceptable. Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page PROGRAM PREVIEW COMING TO A L O C AT I O N N E A R Y O U ! Each year, our council offers units the opportunity to attend one of many Program Preview briefings throughout the council but why should you attend one of these? At each preview, we will give the unit a large envelope that contains upcoming event flyers, budgeting and program planning information, camp information, and many other very useful items that will help you plan your annual program. We also provide volunteer guest speakers who present important topics that are enlightening, insightful, and very necessary to plan the program for the Scouts. The locations and dates this year are: Thursday, July 23 –7:00pm - 9:00pm North Plains Ground Water Conservation District Office, Dumas, TX Saturday, July 25 --9:00am - 12:00 pm Victory Memorial Church, Guymon, OK Saturday, July 25 --9:00am - 12:00pm The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Amarillo, TX Saturday, July 25 --9:00am - 12:00pm 1st United Methodist Church, Pampa, TX Saturday, August 8 --9:00am - 12:00pm The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Amarillo, TX We will offer On-line Registration (look for it soon on our web site) so we know where your unit will attend. Each package of materials we prepare is specific to your type of unit and District therefore we need to know what location you will attend so your package is waiting for you. Breakfast refreshments will be available at each location. Bring multiple leaders to hear the presentations– Troops should bring the Senior Patrol Leader! MEMORIALS AND TRIBUTES In Memory of: From: Gregory K Smith Fred & Shirley Cariker Charles Hays Charles Hays Charles Hays Robert Saiz Stephen Saxon Elliott Phillips Randy E Brooks E.P. Schroeder August & Barbetta Hesse Glenn & Glenda Love Ted & Sarah Fields Robert Winebrinner Robert Altman Robert Altman In Honor of: Mr John Blakley Sr. John & Brenda Blakley EAGLE SCOUTS (JAN- APR) Congratulations to the following Boy Scouts who have completed all requirements for the rank of Eagle Scout and have been approved for that rank. Name Christian Marr Blake Skipper Weston Reams Jordan Tucker William Amos Jacob McNeil Jacob McCathern Jacob Hewett Ethan White Jack Buckley Unit T507 T257 T507 T80 T501 T433 T52 T433 T199 T86 City Borger Booker Fritch Amarillo Panhandle Wheeler Hereford Clarendon Dumas Amarillo HELPFUL WEBSITES Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 6 The Golden Spread Page LIVE SCOUTING’S ADVENTURE AT THE 2017 NATIONAL SCOUT JAMBOREE July 19 – 28, 2017 The official theme for the 2017 National Scout Jamboree, a celebration of Scouting held every four years for Scouts, Venturers, volunteers, and staff from across the nation is: Live Scouting’s Adventure,” This will be the second jamboree held at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve in West Virginia’s adventure sports region known as the New River Gorge. Located on a sprawling 10,600 acres, the property includes more than 5 miles of zip line and challenge courses, 36 miles of mountain bike trails, and 13 acres of shooting sports ranges, as well as venues for kayaking, rock climbing, bouldering, skateboarding, BMX, and various other activities. The 2013 National Scout Jamboree welcomed approximately 30,000 Scouts, Venturers, volunteers, and staff. “The new jamboree theme reinforces one of the Summit Bechtel Reserve’s purposes of helping to redefine Scouting’s adventure for the next century. Participants of the 2017 National Jamboree will experience that difference every day they are here,” said Dan McCarthy, director of the Boy Scouts of America Summit Group. “Our goal is to give as many Scouts and Venturers as possible a chance to participate in this truly life-changing experience at this unique facility. ”Since the first jamboree was held in 1937, it has become the BSA’s most iconic event, providing Scouts from all backgrounds, faiths, and cultures an opportunity to gather together and celebrate Scouting and the experiences they will remember throughout their lifetimes. This flagship event showcases the essence of Scouting and the rich tradition of the organization’s values. Attending a Jamboree is certainly one of the highlights of any Scouting experience. In Scouting, as in life, adventure takes on many meanings: high adventure, learning, camaraderie, and simply being part of something bigger. The 2017 Jamboree theme encompasses all of these aspects, and participants will quite literally experience every element of adventure in what will be a mega-event of any Scout’s lifetime. The Golden Spread Council has been granted the following Jamboree contingents for the 2017 Jamboree: 1 Contingent Scout Troop – Troop of 40 36 youth and 4 adults = 1 Troop Adults will fulfill the roles of Scoutmaster, 1st ASM, 2nd ASM & 3rd ASM 1 Venturing Patrol – Group of 10 8 youth and 2 adults = 1 Venturing Patrol Adults will fulfill the roles of Patrol Advisors To learn more about the 2017 National Scout Jamboree and the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve, please visit or If you are interested in attending the 2017 National Scout Jamboree please contact Bob Altman at 358-6500 or Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 7 The Golden Spread Page C U B S C O U T D AY C A M P S J U S T A R O U N D T H E C O R N E R This year, we are offering a Saturday– all day Camp in many locations as well as several “Twilight” Camps. These are typically held on a weekday from 6pm to 9pm. Why do we offer different types of camps? We do this so parents can choose what’s best for your family schedule. Many parents work on the weekend which prevents scouts from attending a camp so why not go during the week in the evening? Camps this year include Camp MK Brown on June 6, Camp Don Harrington on June 20, Borger Camp on June 27, Guymon Camp on July 10, Beaver, OK Camp on July 11, Perryton Camp on July 17, Stratford Camp on July 18, and Camp Don Harrington on July 21 and July 23. For more information and to register for camp, visit the council web site today. Camps are offered throughout the Council so there maybe one in the town you live in or nearby. We encourage all Scouts attend a Day Camp of their choice because this is where they have fun, learn many new things, and become better boys! CUB SCOUT RESIDENT CAMPS COMING SOON Camping takes you on exciting adventures into the natural world. You'll learn to live with others in the out-of-doors. You'll learn to be a good citizen of the outdoors. Camping is fun, and it's good for your mind, body, and spirit. It helps you learn to rely on yourself—on your own skills and knowledge. When you go camping as a Cub Scout, you get skills you will learn and use more, later, as a Boy Scout. Cub Scout Resident Camp takes place this year at Camp Don Harrington during the weekends of June 12-14, June 26-28, and July 10-12. These three-day, two night camps are designed to have lots of fun-filled activities that have a theme. This year the theme is “Heroes” and we are excited to have local hero’s participating such as Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, Military and many others. Citizenship, First Aid, Duty to God, Shooting Sports, Swimming, and challenging games are just a few of the many activities and events scouts will participate in. Look for all the information and the registration links at the council website!!! W H Y SH OULD YOUR C H I L D G O TO C AMP? Summer camp can be one of the most rewarding, unforgettable experiences in a child’s life. Camp provides children with a community of caring mentors who provide experiential education that leads to self-respect and appreciation for life. All of the outcomes—friendships, overcoming challenges, staying healthy and building character— prepare them for bigger, brighter lives down the road. Here are five reasons kids should go to camp: 1. To try new things. Camp pushes children out of their comfort zone and exposes them to new activities and experiences that they may not be familiar with. Campers get the opportunity to try out different things and discover new hobbies or passions. By exploring various types of activities, children have a greater chance of finding something that they excel at or that makes them happy. 2. To develop social skills. Camp teaches children to communicate, to work together as part of a team and to be a leader. Leadership is developed by asking campers to fulfill responsibilities that may not be expected of them elsewhere, while sharing resources and attention helps foster teamwork and the desire to participate. 3. To face challenges and learn the value of hard work. Because they feel safe at camp, youngsters are comfortable taking healthy risks, setting personal goals and realizing their dreams. At camp, children learn the importance of working hard to accomplish what they want and to never give up, all in a low-stress setting. 4. To build character. On top of making new friends, campers also develop an appreciation for the qualities required to cultivate and strengthen these relationships. Camp provides children with the core values of a strong, moral individual by teaching them about ethics, honesty, caring, respect and responsibility. Parents frequently report that after camp, their children are more kind, understand the importance of giving, are more equipped to stand up for what they know is right, and are willing to be more responsible. 5. To foster independence. At camp, children learn the responsibility of making their own decisions with the safety net of insightful counselors and staff in a safe environment. Campers can risk finding out what works and what doesn’t, while discovering new facets of themselves. The camp environment provides peer support that allows children to quickly overcome their need for constant parental dependency. Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 8 The Golden Spread Page 9 S TA F F B I O G R A P H Y Each newsletter will feature one of our staff members so you have the opportunity to get to know them, their background, and what they do for Scouting in the Golden Spread Council. In this edition, we are featuring our Camp MK Brown Ranger, Alan Alexander. Alan Alexander was hired as the Ranger at Camp MK Brown in Mobeetie, Texas in 2012 after completing twenty five years with Valero Energy in Sunray, Texas. He was a Pipe Fitter in the Maintenance and Construction department and an Insulator while working his way up to Operator over the Acid and Sulphur plants in the McKee plant. He is trained in Asbestos Abatement, Chemical and all other types of Hazardous Material danger resolution situations. Alan began his life in Boy Scouts of America as a youth in Cub Scouts and is an Eagle Scout from the 1970s. He is a Vigil in the Order of the Arrow and has been awarded Scoutmaster‘s Merit, Order of the Arrow Founder‘s Award, Award of Merit, District Award of Merit and is a three-beader in Wood Badge. Alan was awarded the Silver Beaver in 2010. Alan was Scoutmaster for Dumas Troop 199 for many years and saw fourteen boys through to their Eagle Courts of Honor. Alan Alexander has been married to Carol Alexander seventeen years and they have a blended family of five children, who are all adults now. They currently have two granddaughters and two grandsons that they love very much. Alan loves all of the shooting sports and loves restoring old cars and says he wants to have another old vehicle sometime in the future. Alan enjoys every aspect of Scouting. He loves living in Camp and helping out the other Ranger at Camp Don Harrington in Amarillo whenever he is invited. Alan loves to visit with other Scouters and believes deeply in his heart about caring for today’s youth for a better tomorrow. His favorite motto is, “A man stands tallest when he stoops to help a child” from a book he read that was written by Waite Phillips. SCOUT SHOP HOURS The Scout Shop is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5:30pm and selected Saturdays that are listed below. June 20, 2015 Hours on Saturday are 8:30am – 12:30pm We have lots of great items for Scouts, Leaders, Friends and Family! Scrapbooking items, Pinewood Derby Cars and accessories, Uniforms, Merit Badge Books, Hiking Sticks, Religious Program Booklets, and a brand new item, Plastic Mugs that can be branded– see photo! Come visit our friendly staff at the Scout Shop for personalized assistance to meet your needs. Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page 10 Shooting Sports Program FAQs Cub Scout and Webelos Scout FAQs Q: What shooting programs can Cub Scouts participate in? A: Cub Scouts can shoot BB-gun rifles, slingshots, and archery in a council or district event, but not at a unit event. Catapults can be used during a unit-organized event. Q: What shooting sports programs can Webelos participate in? A: Webelos can shoot pellet rifles, BB-gun rifles, slingshots, and archery, but it must be a council or district event, not a unit event. Catapults can be used at a unit-organized event. Q: How do I find a range officer for my Cub Scout pack? A: Cub Scouts are only allowed to shoot at a district or council event. If your pack wants to organize a BB-gun or archery event, please contact your local council’s shooting sports chairman or shooting sports director for information on the council’s shooting sports programs. Boy Scout and Varsity Scout FAQs Q: Can a troop or team shoot firearms and archery year-round? A: Yes, in fact shooting sports are very popular activities for our youth. We encourage units to offer them as part of their year-round program—offering recreational shooting, not just merit badge instruction. Proper supervision is required for troops or teams to organize the event. Q: Can troops or teams use catapults, slingshots, or air rifles? A: Yes. Use the Shooting Sports Manual as a reference so you can safely conduct these activities. Q: How do I find a range officer or NRA instructor for my Boy Scout troop or Varsity team? A: Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts can shoot at a council camp property or local public or private commercial range. If your troop wants to have a shooting sports event, please contact your local council or shooting sports committee for information on your council’s shooting sports programs and how they can support your troop. Q: What type of training do I need to help my Boy Scout troop or Varsity team take youth to a shooting day at a local range or at our Scout camp? A: You need to be an NRA certified instructor in the discipline with which you plan to help. NRA certifications in rifle, pistol, shotgun, or muzzleloading rifle, or NRA shotgun coach or rifle coach would be necessary. You must also have an NRA range safety officer certification for the person who is running the range. There must be two separate people running your event. The trainer is an NRA certified training counselor. You can find this person in your local council. You can also find more information in the new Shooting Sports Manual in the sections regarding training. Q: Can Boy Scouts or Varsity Scouts shoot paintball or airsoft guns? A: Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts may shoot paintball guns at targets only; they may not shoot at each other or at any form of a human silhouette target. Boy Scouts and Varsity Scouts may not use airsoft guns. Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page JUST FOR CUB SCOUTS Fill in the blanks. Every answer is used once and only once! fire exits fuel fire help an adult floor drills 911 1. Don't play with ________. 2. Keep ________ away from fires or heat. 3. Know where the ____________ are in buildings you enter. 4. Have fire ________ at home. 5. Smoky the Bear needs your ________. 6. In a smoke-filled room, the best air is near the ________. 7. The Fire Dept. emergency phone number is ________. 8. Never start a fire or use a stove without ____________ present J U ST FO R B OY S C O U T S ! Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 11 The Golden Spread Page COUNCIL COMMISSIONER’S PAGE SQUARE KNOT NOTES From your Golden Spread Council Commissioner Team COMMISSIONER TOOLS QUESTIONS? Joy Kilian is our Council Commissioner Tools Champion! Joy has over 25 years in scouting and can help you answer almost any scouting question or Commissioner Tools questions and help you input your unit contacts! She can assist you with assigning units to your commissioners as well! You can contact Joy at The commissioner mission of retaining our units remains the same. We still want to focus on four things that we know will drive unit retention: 1. Drive improvement in Journey to Excellence performance. 2. Contact units and record the data in Commissioner Tools. 3. Identify and link unit needs to the resources of the district and council. 4. Renew that unit’s charter! This is Summer Camp time!! Unit Commissioners please contact your Packs, Troops and Crews and see if they are attending camp in our Council or other Councils! If they say they are attending Summer Camp away from our Council please encourage them to come next year to participate in our Summer Camp! Also, please familiarize yourself of the Camp dates that are on the Camp flyer . There are still open availability for all camps! SAVE THE DATE!! COLLEGE OF COMMISSIONER SCIENCE is coming! Next January, Joy Kilian and others will be organizing Bachelor, Masters, and Doctorate classes in conjunction with Merit Badge University at WTAMU. Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 12 The Golden Spread Page COUNCIL COMMISSIONER’S PAGE From your Golden Spread Council Commissioner Team Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — 13 The Golden Spread Page 14 W E N E E D AC T I O N PH OTOS! We are in need of pictures of our council Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers receiving awards, performing Eagle projects, that shows Scouts in action. We will use these for future newsletters. Please email pictures with a small description of what is taking place to Y O U T H P ROT E C T I ON T R AI N I NG All registered leaders are required to complete Youth Protection Training every two years. You can do this online at If you are not sure if you are due for training, you can ask the registrar at the Scout Service Center. Once you register for the first time in the Boy Scouts, you have 30 days to complete this training. Please don’t wait– just go online and complete the hour-long training. After you have completed the course, you will be aware of what is required by law to report, how to protect yourself and those Scouts you are involved with. This is an award winning training so check it out today! O R D E R O F T H E A R R O W I N F O R M AT I O N * Save the Date! August 21-23, the Fall Ordeal will take place at Camp Don Harrington! * Fall Fellowship will be held at Camp Don Harrington on November 7, 2015. This is open to all OA members and families are invited for the dinner meal. Trainings, classes and election of new officers will take place. There will also be games, ceremony training, and a NOAC report. More information will be on our website after the summer. * If you are interested in applying for the Centuries of Service Award, requirements must be completed by December 31, 2015. If you are interested in learning about this, contact Stephen at the Scout Service Center. * Order of the Arrow Tour which is a National OA Exhibit will be at St. Pius X High School in Albuquerque, NM beginning July 24. We encourage you to visit this exhibit. FRIENDS OF SCOUTING REPORT The Golden Spread Council is very pleased to announce that through the generosity of thousands of Panhandle Scout Families and interested community members that the 2015 Friends of Scouting goal of $525,000 has been met and exceeded! Each year parents of Scouts, local businesses and community members in the Golden Spread Council are asked to contribute to the annual Friends of Scouting campaign. This campaign is an essential component of the funding efforts for our council, raising over 28% of the council`s annual income. Each year, the Golden Spread Council touches the lives of thousands of Scouts and their families. Serving that many youth requires a budget designed to support a lot of great Scouting. Participation in the Friends of Scouting campaign will guarantee that funding will be available to meet the annual budget needs to support programs, communications, council staff, camps, office facilities and much more . Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page 15 2015 Golden Spread Council Trail's End Popcorn Sale! It’s Time to sign up for the Trail's End Popcorn Sale! Don't miss out - Register Your Unit Today! This fall's sale is going to be bigger and better than ever, with great new products, an opportunity to do an early” Show and Sell” sale, and an exciting prize and incentive program. Many packs and troops in the Golden Spread Council use this as their only fundraiser for the year. This is a fun, fast, paced sale that not only provides funds for your unit's program but also supports the Scouting programs and camps that you use in the Golden Spread Council. Sign up today and be prepared to offer your Scouts “An Ideal Year of Scouting!” Make sure your unit is signed up to get your share of the $200,000 that Golden Spread Council Scout Units will earn in popcorn sales commissions this year! Here's how to register for this year's sale. To be sure that you don't miss any of the information about the 2015 Trail's End Popcorn sale, now is the time to let us know that your Pack, Troop Crew or Post wants to participate in the Very Best Scout Fundraiser. To sign your Scout Unit up to sell, simply fill out the 2015 Popcorn Sale Unit sales Commitment form which is available on the Council Web Page– look for the “Popcorn Tab”. Email this information to: , Fax it to the scout office 806-358-7470 or call Bob at 806-358-6500. 2015 Popcorn Sales Plan & Timetable Program Previews July 25 August 8 (Show N Sell Training done only at Amarillo Program Previews) Show N Sale Order Due August 18 Show N Sale- Product Distribution August 26, 27, 28 Show N Sale Sales Aug 29-Sept 29 Take Order Kickoff & Sales Materials Distribution September 3 Perryton September 5 Amarillo & Stratford September 9 Pampa September 10 Amarillo Show & Sale- Final Product Return Date Show N Sale Money Due Sept 30 “Fill it Up” Drawings September 18 September 25 October 2, 9 , 16, 23 All Sale Take Order Paperwork Due October 29 Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page 16 DISTRICT NEWS Quanah Parker District Chairman Steve Walthour ( Commissioner Gemma Mitchell ( District Executive Brian Lamirande (806)-220-9158 ** District Meeting Schedule ** Cub Scout/Boy Scout Roundtable – June 4th @ St.Thomas-4100 S.Coulter 1st Thursday of the Month - 7:00pm @ Scout Service Center, 401 Tascosa Rd. Moore County Roundtable 1st Tuesday of the Month – 7:00pm @ North Plains Groundwater District Office, 603 E 1st St, Dumas, TX 79029 District Key-3 Meeting 2nd Thursday of the Month - 6:00pm @ Scout Service Center, 401 Tascosa Rd. Amarillo District Committee Meeting 2nd Thursday of the Month – 7:00 pm @ Scout Service Center, 401 Tascosa Rd. Amarillo District Commissioner's Meeting 2nd Thursday of the Month – 7:00 pm @ Scout Service Center, 401 Tascosa Rd. Amarillo Eagle Scout Service Project Review and Eagle Rank Review Contact District Eagle Coordinator, Joe Rahija at to set up a time and date to meet for review. PLEASE NOTE!!! In an effort to provide the most up to date information and training on the new Cub Scouting program, we will be conducing program review training led by select Adult Scouters who exclusively attended the Philmont Training Center for program update training. The Quanah Parker District will be combined with the Golden Eagle District for the June Roundtable meeting taking place on Thursday, June 4th at 7:00 pm located at St.Thomas the Apostle Church in the Fellowship hall on the Northwest corner under the green awning. The church is located at 4100 S. Coulter in Amarillo. BELAY ON MANUAL IS NEW BSA RESOURCE FOR COPE AND CLIMBING The new Belay On manual replaces the old Project COPE manual and Topping Out as a reference for challenge course and climbing programs operated within the BSA. Belay On is available online in PDF format at no cost to BSA members, who are free to use it in BSA programs for non-commercial purposes. Climb On Safely Climb On Safely is the Boy Scouts of America’s procedure for organizing BSA climbing/rappelling activities at a natural site or a specifically designed facility such as a climbing wall or tower. Climbing Climbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength, it demands mental toughness and the willingness to practice hard to master a set of skills. The adventure of climbing can also provide a new way to enjoy the outdoors. What is C.O.P.E? Challenge Outdoor Personal Experience, or C.O.P.E., is the challenge course (ropes course) program of the Boy Scouts of America. It is a series of physical, mental and emotional challenges facilitated by a trained staff directed at enhancing personal growth. What makes C.O.P.E. special? It has challenges but is not an obstacle course- Traditional obstacle courses emphasize physical performance and exclude nonathletes from success. C.O.P.E. encourages "personal best" performance from each individual while increasing their awareness of their physical self. It can be a thrilling experience but it is not a "thrill ride" - Although elements of C.O.P.E. may seem like "thrill rides" , the difference is that the participants must invest personal effort, responsibility and commitment to reach each level. They must decide for themselves how far they go and when, or if, to take the next step. Safety is everyone's responsibility- Staff and participants are actively involved in maintaining a safe program. Using safety skills and understanding risk ensures Emotional as well as physical well being of everyone. Each experience is customized for the group/individual. - Since one of the goals of the program is to enhance self-esteem, the experience must be challenging but not futile. Each group also has its own goals and objectives that can be best met by careful selection of challenges. The staff "facilitates", the group "leads" -The staff sets-up the program, ensures safety, presents the challenges and facilitates the group/individual processing of the experience, but does not give "answers". The group must solve problems and make decision themselves. Who uses C.O.P.E.? C.O.P.E. is adapted to the needs and goals for the age and dynamics of the group. (Minimum age 13) Where is the Course? The Golden Spread Council's C.O.P.E. Course is located on 50 acres of Camp Don Harrington in Palo Duro Canyon. The 18 element course has wooded and open settings with a scenic canyon backdrop. The C.O.P.E. Course is for Scouters, Corporate and Civic Organizations that want a one-of-a-kind experience. If you would like to sign up your business for an excellent leadership program please contact the Scout Office at 358-6500. Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page 17 DISTRICT NEWS Lone Wolf District Adobe Walls District Chairman Richard Carter ( George Hall ( Commissioner Chairman James Hayes ( Commissioner Jim Lear ( David Myers ( District Executive Vacant– call 806-358-6500 District Executive Gaylyne Manns (806) 207-0037 June 6– Camp MK Brown Day Camp 20– Borger Twilight Camp June July No events July 10 – Guymon Twilight Camp @ Sunset Lake. Registration earlybird June 19th 11 – Beaver, OK Day Camp @ Beaver Dunes State Park. Registration earlybird June 19th 17 – Perryton Twilight Camp @ Camp Parnell. Registration earlybird June 19th 18– Stratford Day Camp @ City Park. Registration earlybird June 19th Are you ready for the summer? Let’s go camping, check out our website and more in the newsletter for all the information. I know MKB Day Camp and Borger Twilight Camp will be fun for all. Amanda and Kenny are working their magic to make that happen. See you there! Program Preview The all-important meeting of the year is Program Preview. You will receive information for you 2015-2016 Scouting year of news, events, announcements and more at this meeting. Mark your calendars and plan to send 2 to 3 adults to it. Friends of Scouting Adobe Walls met their FOS Goal on May 5, 2015. Thank you to all that helped in the process. Now on to Summer Camping! District Committee and Commissioners We are looking for some volunteers to help lead our district by serving on the District Committee. Members serve a variety of roles in the district leadership. We need leaders in many positions, so we can match your position to your talents, interests, and the amount of time that you are able to commit. Please contact Gaylyne Manns to find the role that is right for you. Community Service Hours Don’t forget to log your community service hours! Scouting supporters want to see how we are making a difference in our communities, and these numbers help them see our impact! Input your service hours at: in order to receive credit. If you need help creating a login, please contact the Scout Service Center. No events Community Service Hours Don’t forget to log your community service hours! Scouting supporters want to see how we are making a difference in our communities, and these numbers help them see our impact! Input your service hours at: in order to receive credit. If you need help creating a login, please contact the Scout Service Center. District Committee and Commissioners We are looking for some volunteers to help lead our district by serving on the District Committee and as Unit Commissioners. Unit Commissioners work directly with unit leaders to help guide and advise them throughout the year. Committee members serve a variety of roles in the district leadership. We need leaders in many positions, so we can match your position to your talents, interests, and the amount of time that you are able to commit. Please contact James or Jim to find the role that is right for you. District Executive Farewell On behalf of the Golden Spread Council, we want to wish Shanda Oden the very best in her future endeavors. Shanda did a great job in her short time as the District Executive. Her professionalism and can-do attitude in all she did has made for a better district and we thank her for all she did. We are in the process of recruiting for a new District Executive who will serve your district and we hope to have someone in place soon. We will make that announcement as soon as possible. If you have any concerns or issues, please contact Jeremy Barnes at 806-358-6500. Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page 18 DISTRICT NEWS Golden Eagle District Chairman Steven Denny ( Commissioner Joy Kilian ( District Executive Chase Roach (806) 341-4491 June 4 — 7PM--Roundtable—St. Thomas the Apostle Fellowship Hall 11 — 6:00PM--District Committee—United (Henry D’s Café) on Bell and 45th 11 — 6:45PM--District Commissioners Meeting—United (Henry D’s Café) on Bell and 45th July No Roundtable in July No District Meetings in July Golden Eagle District Committee & Roundtable Roundtable is a fun, informational meeting/trainingg for all leaders and interested adult volunteers of the Golden Eagle District. Roundtable is a form of supplemental training held monthly on a district basis. Roundtable provides Cub Scout and Boy Scout leaders an opportunity to share ideas and activities with leaders from other units. It is a source of continuing information. Come be a S.T.A.R. (Scouter That Attends Roundtable) several catfish, bass, crawfish, and perch to measure and weigh. The fish were biting everything from worms, and corn to lures of all shapes and sizes. A special thanks for Troop 4 for hosting and running the event. They did a fantastic job, and there were many praises given. And, they even had a good time fishing some too. And, another special thanks to one of our Golden Eagle Unit Commissioners, Brenda Hutson, for running check-in and awards. Fun was truly had by all. Can’t wait for next year!! Have a great summer!! Chase Roach – GE Senior District Executive Steven, Joy, and myself, would like to remind everyone that the District Committee and Roundtable is open to anyone that would like to attend. Scouting is about Volunteers and the great things they do. We are always looking for new Unit Commissioners and other Specific Committee Members. Come and help or just come and have fun! GE District Fishing Derby May 9th was a great day for fishing. After a long early morning of severe thunderstorms with lots and lots of rain and hail it cleared off into a beautiful morning. Getting to the fishing hole, in Canyon, proved to be a challenge with the high waters and blocked streets. Participants had to park on the main road and walk to the city lake that was full of hungry fish. Several units showed up to have lots of fun catching fish with fishing poles and a few right out of the water. There were Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 — The Golden Spread Page 19 From Andy Price Members of the Golden Spread Council, As of May 1, 2015 I have accepted a new position: Deputy Scout Executive/COO of the Circle Ten Council in Dallas. I am excited about this new role and the opportunity to work in one of America's biggest councils. As I transition into this new role I want to thank you for the opportunity to serve as the Scout Executive of the Golden Spread Council. The past 4 ½ years have been an unparalleled opportunity for personal and professional growth for which I am grateful. I appreciate the advice, support, and leadership you and the other members of the board have shown me. I believe the council and the Scouting program are in better shape today than when I arrived. We built on an already strong foundation to improve our camp facilities, council finances, unit support, and membership. I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished and eagerly look forward to hearing of the council’s future successes. You and the people of this community have welcomed Renee and me with open arms, helping to make the transition from Georgia smooth; we have made many friends and will leave Amarillo with fond memories. While the move to Dallas and north Texas is exciting and a great professional opportunity, I’m sure that we’ll look back warmly on our time in Amarillo. Thank you for what you continue to do for Scouting. Golden Spread Council Leadership President Brian Bruckner ( Field Director Commissioner Joni Mickna ( Program Director Scout Executive Vacant Scout Shop Manager Asst. Scout Exec. Bob Altman ( Jeremy Barnes ( Scott Kilian ( Heidi Anuszkiewicz ( The Golden Spread Council serves nearly 6,200 youth and 1,700 adult volunteers in the 26 counties of the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. Adobe Walls District– Pampa/Borger/Canadian/Wheeler/Mobeetie/ Clarendon/Childress/Memphis/Shamrock/McLean/Memphis Golden Eagle District– Southwest Amarillo/Canyon/Hereford/ Friona/Bovina/Vega/Farwell Lone Wolf District– Guymon/Perryton/Spearman/Dalhart/Boise City/ Hooker/Booker/Stratford Quanah Parker District– Northeast Amarillo/Dumas/Cactus/Sunray Golden Spread Council, 401 Tascosa Road, Amarillo, Texas 79124 — P: 806-358-6500 — F: 806-358-7470 —
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