Midas PRSI AWARD WINNER Monthly Newsletter from Goldmine Advertising April 2015 MD SPEAKS POINT OF VIEW ADVERTISING GYAN Event DIGITAL BUZZ BTL NEWS CREATIVE SHOWCASE SPEAKS MD D Dear Friend, We have all heard of the phrase ‘Adapt or Perish,’ and that is true for businesses and brands. Conducting regular research with customers and consumers enables us to make sure we are constantly adapting and evolving our businesses and brands to meet long-term needs. While focusing on maximizing short-term results is easy, focusing too much on the short-run limits your brand’s longevity and relevancy in the future. If you aren’t keeping up with consumer, and product and category disruptions, someone else will. Marketing research can provide insightful information about your market, product, audience, competition, and more. When you use a comprehensive research as a tool to branding, you can make decisions with greater clarity and confidence. By having research to backup your marketing decisions, you can optimize your brand strategy choices and minimize your risk for failure. Every marketer’s objective is to position themselves uniquely in the marketplace ahead of their competition. Quantitative (numbers-based) and qualitative (conversation-based) marketing research can be used to identify where the brand stands compared to the competition, what metrics one should be tracking over time, and what brand benefits matter most to the marketer’s target market. Marketing research is an excellent way to find the best market or target demographic for a product or service. By focusing your efforts to the right markets, you can see faster results, improved efficiency, and greater overall performance from your marketing campaigns. In addition, if your target is already defined, you can use marketing research to better understand your target consumer and to uncover critical behaviour drivers and attitudes that inform their purchase decisions. Further, innovation is a key part of any brand’s growth. And, conducting marketing research enables marketers and advertisers to focus their innovation efforts on the highest growth opportunities for the business and the brand, design a product or service with the optimal benefits and features, and zero in on the ideas or concepts that address the consumers’ desires, needs, and interests. But, the moot point is, are advertising agencies listening? For instance, I know of a financial institution that positions itself as ‘Central to you.’ Going by the market perception and the mind space occupied, by no stretch of imagination can the institution claim the stated platform. There’s a definite disconnect between the promise and consumer perception. It only means that the ad agency entrusted with the brand building has not centred its positioning on market research. Whether you are a small local business or a multinational corporation, understanding your competition and category is a crucial part of dominating the market. Market research can help to reveal key aspects of the competitors’ products, services, marketing strategies, and target audience. We, at Goldmine, understand the importance of communication driven by research. Our plans for FY 2015-16, are to lean heavily on marketing research when we create campaigns, especially for pitches. That’s when we can claim to be strategic communication partners. In a competitive marketplace, marketing research is not just helpful; it is essential to success. Brand makers and marketers should put it on the top of their to-do list to get the best results for their business! Madan Singla Managing Director P W A NT OF VIE OI Advertising & Ethics Advertising has a corrupt name among the people, because it's allied with marketing us stuff that we don't really require: Luxurious Cars, Expensive Gold Jewellery. We may appreciate the creativity, intellect and humour that often originate in adverts but we do have difficulties with what goods are being sold. Visualize a diverse method of using advertising, one that would use the aesthetic abilities of advertising but direct these to actually outstanding and honourable project: that of pushing us to be the finest of ourselves. Imagine an ethical advertising campaign that sought to endorse qualities of character applicable and relevant to an individual’s life, virtues like kind-heartedness, tolerance, humbleness, generosity, bravery and wit. Advertisers involved on an ethical mission would know that their applied abilities would find their final resolution in calling forth suitable ethical responses from people. Influencing against this mission are all ways of visual clichés. The real trouble with the concepts which trigger virtues like love or concern is not that they seem shocking or strange, but rather that they seem far too clear, their very sensibleness and universality strip them of their supremacy. With bad adverts the best virtues, presented without talent or imagination, generate only indifference and boredom. The task for advertisers is therefore to find new ways of prizing open our eyes to tiresomely familiar yet critical ideas. We are never far away from a commercial communication influencing people to buy this or that. We should try to shape a more plural system of advertising, where the traditional commercial communications paid for by firms were welladjusted by ones endorsing ingredients of the worthy life as defined by a wide-scale poll of citizens. We simply will not care for very long about moral actions when all we are given to convince us of their value is an occasional reminder. While, in the city beyond, the unmatched talents of the globe's advertising agencies do their phantasmagorical transformation and set our every sensual fibre alight in the name of a new kind lemon-scented floor polish or savoury snack. If we tend to think so often about cleaning or cracked black pepper crisps, but comparatively little about endurance or justice, the fault is not merely our own. It is also that these two cardinal virtues are not generally in a position to become clients of a top agency. Saunil Arora Ahmedabad A N ISING G ERT YA V D Emotion, Desire and USP D Desire is born out of contrast we are living, emotions drive the desire for a specific reason, object, product etc. It is the desire which leads to focused efforts for fulfillment. Similarly a product cannot be focused with several of its benefits as it may miss the target intended. A single point communication or USP is the need for a brand to be taken closer to the TG like a specific desire of an individual to achieve something. A tea brand cannot have multiple USPs. It can be projected either on the basis of its p u r i t y, f r e s h n e s s , mental & physical stress reliever, blend, taste etc depending on the market study. A brand without a USP is like getting lost in background noise. The customer directly relates the USP to his desire or emotion which prompts him to make buying decision. It stimulates an emotional response resulting in consumer involvement. Sometimes all brands offer the same utility to the end user and have the same quality, the difference of its packaging and design or a face promoting the brand gives an edge over its competitors. A lot of health care companies use different media and throw feel good messages without any positioning. They lack a narrative to appeal to its targeted customers. Few mobile service providers use emotional quotient in their advertising campaigns to shape their brand perception, to generate engagement and to make it worth remembering. One such mobile service provider occupied the educative slot promoting its mobile internet service. Another provider keeps changing the approach projecting the advantages of its services thereby establishing connect with the user. In India these types of advertising campaigns have generated more recall value as compared to other campaigns. Few categories have a direct advantage, for e.g. educational institutes or coaching institutes their USP is the ranks achieved by the students, for the TG the teaching methods, cost and environment is of secondary importance as the ranks projected by the institute connects the with the TG. Brands which offer emotional connect have higher brand equity and strong purchase interest. Ramkrishna Bankapur Pune EVENT Goldmine AGM Senior Goldminers actively participated in the agency's 13th Annual General Meeting held on 31st March 2015 at the Fortune Hotel by ITC, Pune. During the event, presentations on performances of various departments were made, targets were set and inspirational thoughts were exchanged. While Goldmine Baroda was announced as the best branch, the Pune branch were the runner-ups for the year 2014-15. Here are some glimpses of the event. L GITA BUZZ DI T Minim...Minimal...Minimalistic The eagerness of DCrypt - the digital wing of Goldmine to tune up with the latest trends online got recognised by the very famous portal ‘The Stupid Designs’. We believe in the freshness, innovation and the nutty ideas to execute. This time it was the brewed up trend of IPL that caught our cricketobsessed hearts as it’s impossible to take off the cricket devotee within us. It went to become more interesting as we stepped into Minimal Concept for the first time. Whoa! Indeed, our team and the illustrating artist had the best and fun time designing this Minimal based campaign ‘#guesstheplayer’. We are so glad that actually our creative efforts paid off! Our Campaign got featured on one of the most popular portal online. Here are some creatives for the campaign. So can you #guesstheplayers ? Pooja Posane www.dcrypt.co NEWS BTL Exhibition stall and cultural event organized by Goldmine-Mumbai for Goa Tourism @ITM Chandigarh NEWS BTL Bank of Maharashtra canter activity to promote MSME loans T To promote Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise Loans, Bank of Maharashtra covered Jejuri MIDC area near Pune by organising canter activity showcasing the MSME products. The canter activity was designed and executed by Goldmine Pune. Bank of Maharashtra plans to cover many more MIDC areas around Pune to promote MSME Loans. CR E AS E SHOW TIV C A E CR E AS E SHOW TIV C A E We eagerly await your views and suggestions on the makeover of Midas Touch at mumbai@goldmineltd.com /GoldmineAdvertising Mumbai | Delhi | Ahmedabad | Pune | Baroda | Lucknow Disclaimer: The management does not warrant or assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information or views expressed in this Newsletter. All sources and facts required for the articles are drawn from the net.
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