Quality Improvement Programme CoH Effective Human Resource Management enhances organizational performance Dr J L Meena State Quality Assurance Officer Commissionerate of Health, MS & ME Department of Health & Family welfare www.gujhealth.gov.in/quality-assurance-program.htm Email:- drjlmeena@gmail.com www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 1 Effective Human Resource Management www.gujhealth.gov.in CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 2 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Effective human resource management enhances organisational performance by improving employee's opportunities to be effective and productive. It involves the productive use of people in achieving the organisation's objectives as well as satisfying individual employee needs. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 3 The purpose of good human resources management CoH Create meaningful jobs linked to the organisation's mission. Maintain the right mix of people with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to accomplish the work required. Provide a structure that helps staff be effective at their work. Provide fair and consistent treatment of staff. Provide staff with on-going feedback about their performance. Foster an organisational culture that supports and motivates staff. Create a positive work environment. Help retain effective staff members. Help staff and the organisation to manage change effectively. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 4 Why is it important? CoH One of the most important resources that an organisation has is its people as it is through them that the organisation’s vision is realized. Supporting and taking care of staff will better equip them to meet customer needs and in turn motivate staff to take care of their organisation. Competent staff who are happy with their work and their workplace are more productive and are more likely to stay with the organisation longer. Committed staff can provide loyalty, long term sustainability and program success. Organizations that are socially aware and not only support employee rights but endorse them whole heartedly, will gain a reputation as an employer of choice and have less difficulty attracting good staff. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 5 Human resource management responsibilities CoH Job analysis/Work design Human resource planning Recruitment Selection Performance appraisal Training and development Career planning and development Employee motivation Mentoring www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 6 Job analysis/Work design CoH This defines a job in terms of its specific tasks and responsibilities including the qualifications and skills needed to perform within the role successfully. A job analysis will consider the time taken to complete tasks; which tasks should be logically grouped together to form a position. It will also consider optimal design to enhance employee performance. The end product of this analysis is the position description/specification. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 7 Human resource planning CoH This process involves the analysis of matching the number of appropriately qualified staff to allocated positions and the consideration of staffing levels to meet projected demand. Decisions to add, reduce or reallocate staff are made accordingly. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 8 Recruitment CoH The process of finding and attracting qualified applicants for vacancies within an organisation. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 9 Selection CoH This involves choosing someone based on merit, who is most likely to perform successfully in the position. Written applications, interviews and reference checking are the traditional methods used to select staff. However, other creative strategies can include presentations and written exercises relevant to the job. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 10 Performance appraisal CoH Performance management is the process of defining employee performance expectations, measuring, evaluating and recording performance relative to those expectations and providing feedback. This is a formal procedure between staff and their manager to evaluate employee performance. Performance appraisals are primarily focused on the achievement and development of skills. The process is participatory and also provides an opportunity for the recognition of an employee's achievements and identification of career goals. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 11 Training and development CoH Training and development facilitates employee learning of job related skills and activities to improve performance. The provision of training and development are important tools in ensuring staff are equipped to provide the quality and type of service the organisation is aiming to achieve. Examples of training and development activities include running in house courses, providing access to tertiary or private sector courses, setting up job rotations, mentor schemes and providing opportunities to shadow and observe other staff. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 12 Career planning and development CoH Career planning and development provides opportunities for both the employee and employer. By identifying future job prospects, career goals and areas for personal and skill improvement, the employee creates a future career path. At the same time the organisation benefits as it retains appropriately qualified and skilled staff. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 13 Employee motivation CoH Employee motivation is concerned with the internal will to achieve and work towards organisational goals. Setting up conditions to enhance employee motivation is critical to the success of any organisation. Highly motivated staff tend to be more productive, have lower rates of absenteeism, turnover and lateness. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 14 Mentoring CoH Mentoring involves sharing your knowledge and expertise with another staff member. The mentor's role includes supporting the employee in their personal growth and career development. The role of all mentors: guide, coach, encourage, support and counsel to support the learning process. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 15 16 17 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Effective Human Resource Management www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 18 Section I: Patient-Centered Standards CoH Chapter 1: ACCESS, ASSESSMENT AND CONTINUITY OF CARE (AAC) Chapter 2: CARE OF PATIENTS (COP) Chapter 3: MANAGEMENT OF MEDICATION (MOM) Chapter 4: PATIENT RIGHTS AND EDUCATION (PRE) Chapter 5: HOSPITAL INFECTION CONTROL (HIC) www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 19 Section II: Health Care Organization Management Standards CoH Chapter 6: CONTINUOUS QUALITY IMPROVEMENT (CQI) Chapter 7: RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANAGEMENT (ROM) Chapter 8: FACILITY MANAGEMENT AND SAFETY (FMS) Chapter 9: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM) Chapter 10: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IMS) www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 20 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Chapter 9: HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM) www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 21 HRM.1: The organization has a documented system of human resource planning. CoH A- Human resource planning supports the organisation's current and future ability to meet the care, treatment and service needs of the patient. This shall be done in a structured manner keeping in mind the scope of services, mission and the healthcare needs of the community that it serves. It shall use recognised methods for determining levels of staffing. It shall match the strategic and operational plan of the organisation. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 22 HRM.1: The organization has a documented system of human resource planning. CoH B- The organisation maintains an adequate number and mix of staff to meet the care, treatment and service needs of the patient. The staff should be commensurate with the workload and the clinical requirement of the patients. A good reference could be the MCI and INC guidelines. C- The required job specification and job description are well defined for each category of staff. The content of each job should be well defined and the qualifications, skills and experience required for performing the job should be clearly laid down. The job description should be commensurate with the qualification. Refer to glossary for definition of "job description" and "job specification". For a job which requires the skills of a doctor or a nurse the minimum qualification shall be an MBBS and GNM degree respectively. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 23 “Job description” CoH It entails an explanation pertaining to duties, responsibilities and conditions required to perform a job. A summary of the most important features of a job, including the general nature of the work performed (duties and responsibilities) and level (i.e., skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions) of the work performed. It typically includes job specifications that include employee characteristics required for competent performance of the job. A job description should describe and focus on the job itself and not on any specific individual who might fill the job. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 24 “Job specification" CoH The qualifications / physical requirements, experience and skills required to perform a particular job / task. A statement of the minimum acceptable qualifications that an incumbent must possess to perform a given job successfully. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 25 HRM.1: The organization has a documented system of human resource planning. CoH D- The organisation verifies the antecedents of the potential employee with regards to criminal / negligence background. Self-explanatory. This report can be obtained from the district magistrate's office of the district where the employee has served earlier and / or from the previous employer. In case of fresh graduates, the same could be obtained from the last institute attended. In case of a doctor or a nurse, a "good standing certificate" may be obtained from the regulatory body. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 26 HRM.2: The organization has a documented procedure for recruiting staff and orienting them to the organisation's environment. CoH A- There is a documented procedure for recruitment. The recruitment process ensures an adequate number and skill mix of staff to provide the organisation's services. The procedure shall ensure that the staff has the necessary registration, qualifications, skills and experience to perform its work. Recruitment is undertaken in accordance with statutory requirements, where applicable. B- Recruitment is based on pre-defined criteria. The laid-down recruitment procedure shall be adhered to. The entire process shall be documented. This shall ensure that the recruitment is done in a transparent manner. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 27 HRM.2: The organization has a documented procedure for recruiting staff and orienting them to the organisation's environment. C- Every staff member entering the organisation is provided induction training. The organisation shall determine as to when induction training shall be conducted. However, it shall be within 15 days of the staff joining. Objective elements "d" to "g" shall be covered in this training. Similarly, all other requirements of this standard could be covered. The contents of this training could be provided to every staff in the form of a booklet. There can be separate induction training at the organisational level and for the respective departments. CoH www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 28 HRM.2: The organization has a documented procedure for recruiting staff and orienting them to the organisation's environment. CoH D- The induction training includes orientation to the organisation's vision, mission and values. The organisation's staff including the outsourced staff should be aware and should correctly interpret the vision, mission and values of the organisation. E- The induction training includes awareness on employee rights and responsibilities. Self-explanatory. F- The induction training includes awareness on patient's rights and responsibilities. The employees should be able to identify and report violation of patient rights as and when it occurs. For patient rights refer to PRE 2. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 29 Vision & Mission CoH www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 30 Employee Rights and Responsibilities www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 31 Employee Rights and Responsibilities www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 32 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY (Respect) CoH Rights:To be treated with respect and courtesy. To receive safe, considerate, ethical and cost effective medical care. To have your individual cultural, spiritual and psychosocial needs respected. To have your privacy and personal dignity maintained. To expect that information regarding your care will be treated as confidential. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 33 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY (Respect) CoH Responsibilities:To respect hospital personnel. To respect care givers’ efforts to provide care for other patients. To respect hospital property. To be considerate of other patients and to see that your visitors do the same. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 34 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY (Treatment) CoH Rights:To receive treatment regardless of race, religion or any other discrimination prohibited by law. To receive emergency treatment regardless of ability to pay. To expect reasonable continuity of care and to be informed of available and realistic care options when hospital care is no longer appropriate. To have your needs for pain management addressed and treated. To be free from the use of restraints and/or seclusion unless clinically necessary. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 35 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY (Treatment) CoH Responsibilities:To follow your care givers’ instructions and help them in their efforts to return you to health. To inform your care givers if you think there may be problems in following their instructions. To participate in decision making about your medical care. To recognize the impact of life style on your personal health. To ask your treating physician if he/she has any conflicts of interests that directly affect your care. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 36 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & CoH RESPONSIBILITY (Advance Directives) Rights:To have an advance directive (living will and/or durable power of attorney for health care decisions). To obtain information regarding an advance directive. To have your advance directive (if you have one) included in your medical record. To have your advance directive followed to the extent that is medically appropriate and lawful. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 37 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & CoH RESPONSIBILITY (Advance Directives) Responsibilities:To inform the hospital if you have an advance directive. To give the hospital a copy of your written advance directive (if you have one). www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 38 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & CoH RESPONSIBILITY (Information) Rights:To understand your diagnosis and treatment, as well as the possible outcomes, risks and benefits of your care. To have information regarding your medical treatment explained to your family member or other appropriate individual when you are unable to participate in decisions about your care. To access a foreign language or American Sign Language interpreter and/or adaptive equipment (including TDDs) if needed. To be advised of hospital policies, procedures, rules and regulations that may affect your care. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 39 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & CoH RESPONSIBILITY (Information) Rights:To be aware of any proposed hospital research in which you may be involved. To be aware that the hospital’s bioethics committee is available to you to discuss ethical issues related to your care To understand that your caregivers may be both teachers and students To know the names/titles of your caregivers To see your medical records (in accordance with hospital policy and/or the law) To review your bill and to have any questions or concerns you have adequately addressed www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 40 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & CoH RESPONSIBILITY (Information) Responsibilities:To provide the hospital with accurate and complete information about your medical history. To ask your care givers for more information if you do not understand your illness or treatment To provide the hospital with necessary payment and/or insurance information. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 41 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & CoH RESPONSIBILITY (Involvement) Rights To be involved in decisions concerning your care To have your family members and/or others involved in decisions about your care To exclude your family members and/or others from participating in decisions about your care To discuss any treatment planned for you To give your informed consent or informed refusal for treatment To leave the hospital or request a transfer (in accordance with hospital policy and/or the law) To refuse to be treated by a student To consent or decline to participate in clinical research www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 42 PATIENTS & FAMILY RIGHT & CoH RESPONSIBILITY (Involvement) Responsibilities To stand by hospital rules and regulations To keep your appointments To pay your bills on time To inform the hospital if you believe your rights have been violated www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 43 PATIENTS RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 44 PATIENTS RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 45 PATIENTS RIGHT & RESPONSIBILITY www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena CoH Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 46 HRM.2: The organization has a documented procedure for recruiting staff and orienting them to the organisation's environment. CoH G- The induction training includes orientation to the service standards of the organisation. Self-explanatory. The employees should be trained to implement the service standards of the organisation. H- Every staff member is made aware of organisation's wide policies and procedures as well as relevant department / unit / service / programme's policies and procedures. The organisation's staff including the outsourced staff should be aware and should correctly interpret the policies and operating procedures of the organisation as well as that of the department / unit / service in which he is performing the requisite duties. It also requires continuous on the job training to reinforce the correct interpretation of policies and procedures. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 47 HRM.3: There is an ongoing programme for professional training and development of the staff. CoH A- A documented training and development policy exists for the staff. A training manual incorporating the procedure for identification of training needs, the training methodology, documentation of training, training assessment, impact of training and the training calendar should be prepared. The training shall be for all categories of staff including doctors and outsourced staff (wherever applicable). B- The organisation maintains the training record. The HR department shall maintain a record of all trainings provided. At a minimum, it shall include the title of the training, the trainer(s), list of trainees (with signatures) and the post-training feedback. Where possible, the contents of the training may also be captured. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 48 HRM.3: There is an ongoing programme for professional training and development of the staff. CoH C- Training also occurs when job responsibilities change / new equipment is introduced. The training should focus on the revised job responsibilities as well as on the newly introduced equipment and technology. In case of new equipment, the operating staff should receive training on operational as well as daily-maintenance aspects. D- Feedback mechanisms for assessment of training and development programme exist and the feedback is used to improve the training programme. This shall include both internal and external training. For external training, it could be done either by the organisation itself or by the external agency, which imparted the training, Impact of training at user level should also be documented. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 49 HRM.4: Staff is adequately trained on various safety-related aspects. CoH A- Staff is trained on the risks within the organisation's environment. The organisation shall define such risks that shall include patient, visitors and employee-related risks. For example, fire and non-fire emergency, needle stick injury, etc. B- Staff members can demonstrate and take actions to report, eliminate / minimize risks. Self-explanatory. Staff should be able to practically demonstrate actions like taking care of blood spills, medication errors and other adverse event reporting systems. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 50 HRM.4: Staff is adequately trained on various safety-related aspects. CoH C- Staff members are made aware of procedures to follow in the event of an incident. Self-explanatory. The staff should be able to intimate the sequence of events that they will undertake in the eventuality of occurrence of any adverse event. D- Staff is trained on occupational safety aspects. This shall include making them aware of the possible risks involved and preventive actions to avoid risks. Some examples are : Needle stick injury and Blood / Body fluid exposure. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 51 HRM.5: An appraisal system for evaluating the performance of an employee exists as an integral part of the human resource management process. CoH A- A documented performance appraisal system exists in the organisation. Self-explanatory. This shall be done for all categories of employees starting from the person heading the organisation and including doctors who are employees. For definition of "performance appraisal" refer to glossary. B- The employees are made aware of the system of appraisal at the time of induction. Self-explanatory. This could be incorporated in the service booklet and included in the induction training. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 52 Performance Appraisal CoH It is the process of evaluating the performance of employees during a defined period of time with the aim of ascertaining their suitability for the job, potential for growth as well as determining training needs. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 53 HRM.5: An appraisal system for evaluating the performance of an employee exists as an integral part of the human resource management process. C- Performance is evaluated based on the pre-determined criteria. Self-explanatory. D- The appraisal system is used as a tool for further development. Self-explanatory. This can be done by identifying training requirements and accordingly providing for the same (wherever possible). Key result areas are identified for each staff and training need assessment is also done. E- Performance appraisal is carried out at pre defined intervals and is documented. Self-explanatory. This shall be done at least once a year. CoH www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 54 HRM.6: The organization has documented disciplinary and grievance-handling policies and procedures. A- Documented policies and procedures exist. Self-explanatory. For definition of "disciplinary procedure" and "grievance handling" refer to glossary. The documentation shall be done keeping in mind objective elements "c, d and e". B- The policies and procedures are known to all categories of staff of the organisation. Self-explanatory. All the staff should be aware of the disciplinary procedure and the process to be followed in case they fell aggrieved. CoH www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 55 “Disciplinary Procedure" and “Grievance Handling" CoH Sequence of activities of the healthcare organization who are employed full time and are paid suitable remuneration for their services as per the laid-down policy. Sequence of activities carried out to address the grievances of patients, visitors, relatives and staff. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 56 HRM.6: The organization has documented disciplinary and grievance-handling policies and procedures. CoH C- The disciplinary policy and procedure is based on the principles of natural justice. This implies that both parties (employee and employer) are given an opportunity to present their case and decision is taken accordingly. D- The disciplinary procedure is in consonance with the prevailing laws. Self-explanatory. Refer to relevant labour laws and CCS (CCA) rules. Antisexual harassment committee should also be established in the organisation. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 57 HRM.6: The organization has documented disciplinary and grievance-handling policies and procedures. CoH E- There is a provision for appeals in all-disciplinary cases. The organisation shall designate an appellate authority to consider appeals in disciplinary cases. Appellate authority should be higher than the disciplinary authority. F- The redress procedure addresses the grievance. Self-explanatory. G- Actions are taken to redress the grievance. Self-explanatory. This shall be documented communicated to the aggrieved staff. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena and Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 58 HRM.7: The organisation addresses the health needs of the employees. CoH A- A pre-employment medical examination is conducted on all the employees. Self-explanatory. This shall, however, be in consonance with the law of the land. For example, performing pre-employment HIV testing without consent is illegal. B- Health problems of the employees are taken care of in accordance with the organization’s policy. Self-explanatory. This shall be in consonance with the law of the land and good clinical practices. For example, employee health and safety policy. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 59 HRM.7: The organisation addresses the health needs of the employees. CoH C- Regular health checks of staff dealing with direct patient care are done at-least once a year and the findings/ results are documented. Self-explanatory. The results should be documented in the personal file. The organisation could define the parameters and it could be different for different categories of personnel. The organisation could also identify competent individuals to perform the same. The staff member shall not be charged for this health check. D- Occupational health hazards are adequately addressed. Self-explanatory. Appropriate personal protective equipment are provided to the staff concerned and they are educated on how to use them. For definition of "occupational health hazard" refer to glossary. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 60 “Occupational health hazard" CoH The hazards to which an individual is exposed during the course of performance of his job. These include physical, chemical, biological, mechanical and psychosocial hazards. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 61 HRM.8: There is documented personal information for each staff member. CoH A- Personal files are maintained in respect of all staff. Self-explanatory. B- The personal files contain personal information regarding the employees qualification, disciplinary background and health status Self-explanatory. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 62 HRM.8: There is documented personal information for each staff member. CoH C- All records of in-service training and education are contained in the personal files Self-explanatory. In case of internal trainings the organisation could file a summary of all trainings attended by the employee on an annual basis. However, there shall be a supporting document to verify that the employee has actually attended the training. D- Personal files contain result of all evaluations. Evaluations would include performance appraisals, training assessment and outcome of health checks. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 63 HRM.9: There is a process for credentialing and privileging of medical professionals, permitted to provide patient care without supervision. CoH A- Medical professionals permitted by law, regulation and the hospital to provide patient care without supervision is identified. The organisation identifies the individuals who have the required qualification(s), training and experience to provide patient care in consonance with the law. For definition of "credentialing" refer to glossary. B- The education, registration, training and experience of the identified medical professionals is documented and updated periodically. Self-explanatory. Updating is done after acquisition of new skills and / or qualification. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 64 “Credentialing" CoH The process of obtaining, verifying and assessing the qualification of a healthcare provider. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 65 HRM.9: There is a process for credentialing and privileging of medical professionals, permitted to provide patient care without supervision. CoH C- All such information pertaining to the medical professionals is appropriately verified when possible. The organisation shall do the same by verifying the credentials from the organization which has awarded the qualification/training. A good reference could be MCI's website. D- Medical professionals are granted privileges to admit and care for patients in consonance with their qualification, training, experience and registration. The organisation shall identify services which each medical professional is authorised to do. This shall be done based on qualification, experience and any additional training received. For example, radiotherapy can only be given by a radiation oncologist. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 66 Privileging CoH It is the process for authorizing all medical professionals to admit and treat patients and provide other clinical services commensurate with their qualifications and skills. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 67 HRM.9: There is a process for credentialing and privileging of medical professionals, permitted to provide patient care without supervision. CoH E- The requisite services to be provided by the medical professionals are known to them as well as the various departments/ units of the organisation. Self-explanatory. This could be done by internal communication. F- Medical professionals admit and care for patients as per their privileging. Self-explanatory. A standardised format can be used for each faculty and a norm for providing privilege should be practiced uniformly. New faculty members can be under proctorship till independent privileges are provided. The organisation could evolve a mechanism to ensure that medical professionals are providing only those services that they have been privileged to offer. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 68 HRM.10: There is a process for credentialing and privileging of medical professionals, permitted to provide patient care without supervision. CoH A- Nursing staff permitted by law, regulation and the organisation to provide patient care without supervision are identified. The organisation identifies the individuals who have the required qualification(s), training and experience to provide patient care in consonance with the law. Refer to Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947. B- The education, registration, training and experience of nursing staff is documented and updated periodically. Updating is done after acquisition of new skills and / or qualification. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 69 HRM.10: There is a process for credentialing and privileging of medical professionals, permitted to provide patient care without supervision. CoH C- All such information pertaining to the nursing staff is appropriately verified when possible. The organisation shall do the same by verifying the credentials from the organization which has awarded the qualification/training. D- Nursing staff are granted privileges in consonance with their qualification, training, experience and registration. The organisation shall identify as to what each nurse is authorised to do. For example, an Infection Control Nurse should have had requisite in-house / external training and experience and the aptitude and knowledge to perform the tasks required of her. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 70 HRM.10: There is a process for credentialing and privileging of medical professionals, permitted to provide patient care without supervision. CoH E- The requisite services to be provided by the nursing staff are known to them as well as the various departments / units of the organisation. Self-explanatory. This could be done by internal communication. F- Nursing professionals care for patients as per their privileging. Self-explanatory. New staff members can be under the proctorship till independent privilege is being provided for each staff. The organisation could evolve a mechanism to ensure that medical professionals are providing only those services that they have been privileged to offer. www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 71 Quality Improvement Programme CoH Thanks www.gujhealth.gov.in Dr J L Meena Health & Family Welfare, Govt of Gujarat 72
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