Gull Aire Village Newsletter Meeting Gull Aire’s Needs Congratulations, Gull Aire! As of March 24, your NEW BOARD OF DIRECTORS is: SUE FAIRBANKS BOB LYTTLE ED GIANGREGORIO KEN LAMARCA PERRY BURRIGHT PRESIDENT 1ST VICE PRESIDENT 2ND VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER SECRETARY THE SOCIAL CLUB NEWSLETTER GIVES THESE DIRECTORS A BIG THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING TO GUIDE OUR The Directors are COMMUNITY! responsible 24/7 for the status of Gull Aire. They respond to residents’ complaints and suggestions; make large purchases, like our new chairs; and oversee major projects, such as the kitchen remodel. NEXT TIME YOU SEE A DIRECTOR, SAY THANK YOU! Saturday, April 25 Hey y’all cowboys and cowgirls! Mosey on down to the Clubhouse for a WESTERN NIGHT DINNER DANCE ON SATURDAY THE 25TH. Wear your best Western duds and you might win a prize! ROBERT KEYTH AND SASSY return to entertain us with music. Kick up your heels and scoot your boots. Newsletter Team Kay Wolfe, Editor Debbie Brown, Asst. Editor Sue Van Vessem, Editorial Board Alice Szczur, Proofreader Sandy Teeters, Design/Layout Al & Dottie Stevens, Circulation: 727-786-1846 Newsletter on Website www.GullAireVillage.Org Newsletter Information Deadline: 8th of Month E-Mail Articles to: AND t THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Our Bazaar was a success due to the dedication and hard work of so many of you. Beginning with the tent set-up on Thursday morning through the Clubhouse cleanup on Saturday afternoon, you all spent many hours setting up, manning the food booths, hauling in, arranging, and SELLING both inside and out. Please know that we appreciate each and every one of you! SUE VAN VESSEM AND DENISE HORN Menu BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich Campfire Baked Beans Prairie Cole Slaw Okie Potato Salad Cornbread Texas Sheet Cake TICKETS ARE $10. Sign up and pay by Wednesday, April 22nd. Normally the Social Club meets on the third Tuesday of the month. How-ever a special election will be held on that day in April. SO - THE SOCIAL CLUB WILL MEET ON THURSDAY, APRIL 23! DON’T FORGET! And More Inside about . . . Socialize with Your Neighbors ............................. 16th Social Club Meeting .................................................. 23rd Board of Directors Meetings ................................. 28th New Billiards League Forming .............................. Call Bridge Club Forming................................................. Call Page 2 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 3 April 2015 Check the Bulletin Board For Updates! SUNDAY 5 EASTER MONDAY 6 Aerobics 9 Pool Exer 9:30a TUESDAY 7 Golf League 8a Aerobics 9a Civil War Roundtable 2p 12 13 Movie 2p “Left Behind” 19 Travel Club Trip Starlite Cruise 10:45a 26 Line Dancing 6:30p Aerobics 9a Pool Exer 9:30a Watercolor 10:30a Aerobics 9a Pool Exer 9:30a 27 Aerobics 9a Pool Exer 9a Red Hatters 12:30p Line Dancing 6:30 8 WEDNESDAY Aerobics 8:30a Line Dancing 9:15a Pool Exer 9:30a Bingo 6:30p Aerobics 8:30a Line Dancing 9:15a Pool Exer 9:30a Bingo 6:30p 14 Golf League 8a Aerobics 9a Line Dancing 6:30 20 1 Watercolor 10:30a 21 Election Clubhouse Closed 15 Aerobics 8:30a Line Dancing 9:15a Pool Exer 9:30a Bingo 6:30p 22 Aerobics 8:30a Line Dancing 9:15a Pool Exer 9:30a Bingo 6:30p 28 Golf League 8a Aerobics 9a Watercolor 10:30a 29 Aerobics 8:30a Board of Directors Mtgs 1:30p & 7p Pool Exer 9:30a Line Dancing 9:15a Bingo 6:30p 2 THURSDAY Aerobics 9a Shuffleboard Practice 10a Cards/Games 6:30p 9 Aerobics 9a Shuffleboard Practice 10a FRIDAY 3 Aerobics 9a Pool Exer 9:30a 10 Aerobics 9a 4 SATURDAY Koffee Klatch 9a 11 Pool Exer 9:30a Karaoke 7p Game Nt. 6:30p Aerobics 9a 18 Koffee Klatch 9a Cards/Games 6:30p 16 Aerobics 9a Shuffleboard Practice 10a 17 Pool Exer 9:30 Cards / Games 6:30p 23 Aerobics 9a Shuffleboard Practice 10a Social Club 7p 30 Aerobics 9a Shuffleboard Practice 10a Karaoke 7p 24 Aerobics 9a Pool Exer 9:30a 25 Western Night 6:00p Page 4 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 5 PRESIDENT’S REPORT SUE FAIRBANKS As of this writing, I would have hoped to be thanking you for electing me to a second term on the Board. However, due to the fact that I ran unopposed, I figured there were two reasons why no one else decided to run. One, no one cared or two, everyone was happy with the job I did as well as the other Board members. I’ll take the latter, thank you. I was pleased to be elected by the Board as their President. I will strive, as always, to do my best. We faced many challenges and had some disappointments over the past two years, but I have taken great pride in watching the positive accomplishments made. One of my priorities for this year is to form a task force. This task force will be charged with seeking your input to prioritize our needs and wants. This will help us develop both short- and long-term goals for Gull Aire. We are looking for positive and energetic individuals willing to serve on the task force to work for the betterment of our community. I strongly encourage more of you to become involved. I am a firm believer in the saying, “Many hands make light work.” It isn’t the amount of service you volunteer that is important. It’s taking the initiative to serve. Every little bit helps. I am very proud to say that I live in Gull Aire Village. We are a very envied community. I realize that for some, our Rules and Regulations might be “a craw in your side.” But it’s those rules and regulations that keep our Village an attractive, pleasant, and safe place to live. My door is always open. I encourage your positive and constructive input. I pledge to you that I will give 100% effort, as I have in the past, to continue to keep Gull Aire Village a place of which we all can be proud. BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONTACT SCHEDULE The Board has established the following schedule for Gull Aire residents to contact the Board with problems or concerns. This schedule was effective Monday, March 9. Hours: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM, Monday through Friday Only No Weekend Contact, Please Do Not Call after 7:00 pm Weekday Name Home Phone Cell Phone Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Perry Burright, Secretary Sue Fairbanks, President Bob Lyttle, 1st Vice President Ken LaMarca, Treasurer Ed Giangregorio, 2nd Vice President 727-953-8231 727-772-8606 727-953-8568 727-641-3145 248-819-0714 321-626-5123 603-396-8077 727-389-3799 727-772-0247 We ask that you try to keep to this schedule so that we can assist you in a timely manner. Thank you for your cooperation. Page 6 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 7 SOCIAL CLUB NEWS & NOTES KAY WOLFE, 727-474-2949 This is my last message as your Social Club President. I have been the President for two years and have loved the opportunity to serve. There have been ups and downs, especially since October 9 of last year. But what great things have come to be because the officers and the Activity Committee listened to you. We have had lots of new events and things to do that were not done before. Many activities have been updated and we brought in new fun things to do. I want to thank you for such a great and fun opportunity. I had a great crew working with me, including the Officers: Secretary 2014 Secretary 2015 Treasurer 2014 Treasurer 2015 Vice President 2014 Vice President 2015 Diana Lutch Sue Van Vessem Bob Chapin Diana Lutch Mickey Stewart Peggie Hodson Dave Beahn Perry Burright Gary Camp Pat Comee Vicki LaBate Joy LaFrance I also want to thank the Activity Committee members: WOW!!!!!!! WHAT GREAT BLESSINGS ALL THESE PEOPLE WERE TO ME! I also thank the many volunteers who make this village what it is. I cannot possibly thank all of you, but if it was not for YOU this village would not be GAV. It would be just another subdivision. Give yourself a big pat on the back! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR AN AWESOME OPPORTUNITY! Gull Aire Village Page 8 - April 2015 Koffee Klatch Committees April 4 No Committee – Help Needed April 18 No Committee – Help Needed To help, call Sue Van Vessem at 727-784-8509. Village Café Thank You’s Dave Beahn I want to thank all the following people for their wonderful efforts in the Village Café in March. Ray Johnson Marcia Hopkins Diane Cosseboom David Pacheco Donna Richardson Joy LaFrance Sue Fairbanks Loretta Albert Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 9 Oldsmar Cares Breakfast and Collection February 28, 2015 We would like to thank all of the Gull Aire Village People Team and the staff of Oldsmar Cares for helping to put on a great breakfast. We raised $879.00 for Oldsmar Cares – Yaaaaaaa! We couldn’t have done this without your dedication and donations of ingredients. A special “thank you” to Maryann Sieminski who secured a very generous donation of the best pancake mix ever. I also want to thank all the residents who came and supported this great event. Gull Aire residents are awesome. Again, Thank You! Mickey Stewart and Vickie Mills Chairpersons Gull Aire Village Page 10 - April 2015 Highlights of the Board of Directors Meeting February 24, 2015 Committee Reports Architectural Committee, Chair Pat Marietta: There were nine applications submitted and approved. If an e-mail is provided applicants are notified ASAP. Loraine Boorse was appointed the fifth member of the Architectural Committee and was approved by the Board 5-0. Compliance Committee, Chair George Comee – There was a meeting on the 16th. Two new people were appointed, George Comee and Gene Henriksen. George Comee is the Chair and Dave Pacheco is Secretary. Garden Club, Chair Sue Fairbanks – There was one bid for doing work on the front entrance. The bid was too high and not accepted. Sean is working up something. We are also trying to get the hurricane pots moved for easier watering. Neighborhood Watch – Everything is fine. Orientation Committee, Chair Ginny Johnson – Orientations are all caught up. Ponds – The ponds are in great shape. Manager’s Report, Ameritech – Nine friendly reminders were issued. Two were referred to the Compliance Committee. For March, there are 21 delinquencies, 4 demand letters, and 2 referred to the attorney. President’s Report, President Bob Lyttle – Anonymous letters will not be answered. If you wish to send a letter or a note, please sign it so we know to whom to give the answer. The Hazardous Materials unit will be here on Thursday, March 25. Old Business Annual Meeting: - There will be no election of Directors tonight because there were two openings and only two people signed up. We still need residents to attend. A quorum is not necessary because the budget was passed by the Board and not by the membership. This opinion was given to us by the lawyer. Chairs – Tomorrow the Board will order 196 chairs. They cost $22 apiece plus $500 for shipping. Included are two dollies and four carts with which to unload the chairs. We will order only 196 chairs as we already have 4. This totals 200 chairs. The total cost will be $4,722. The old chairs will be given to organizations in need. Pest Control - We hired a new pest control company which cut the cost in half. In a couple of weeks we will set up a meeting with the company and inform residents of the time. This is the person who proposed a $50 a year program. New Business Job Descriptions: - Both Chuck and Alice have job descriptions that are available in the office. Refrigerator Repair: - The refrigerator has been repaired. 3W Method: - Who, What, and When. Ken explained that the Who would be Bob; the What would be speaking to Sean about moving the pots; the When would be the date to be completed. This information would be in the minutes of the meeting. We would go through the list and check on progress or completion. The Board agreed this would begin at the next meeting. Office Computer - After much discussion, the Board agreed that a new computer was necessary. Jason would be asked to look into this. No vote was scheduled to call a certain board member on a certain day, and they would take your concern and look into it. ------------------- CONTINUED Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 11 Gull Aire Village Page 12 - April 2015 FREE WALKING TOUR OF HISTORIC OLDSMAR LED BY COUNCIL PERSON GABBY MCGEE APRIL 4, 10 AM Plan ahead for this FREE TOUR ON SATURDAY, APRIL 4, AT 10AM. There will be an exciting and informative walking tour of historic Oldsmar. Council Person and Oldsmar Historical Society volunteer Gabby McGee will guide this tour of historic homes and areas of Oldsmar. This will be an easy walk. It starts at the Oldsmar Historical Society across from City Hall. No sign-up is needed. For more information get in touch with the Vice President of the Oldsmar Historical Society our own GAV RESIDENT KENN SIDOREWICH AT 727-776-4534. Diana and John Lutch would like to thank the following people who donated items to make up the Cheer Baskets for the Bazaar: Joy & Carl LaFrance Les & Ginny Johnson Bill & Sandy Kicza Ed & JoAnn Hufnagel Pat Sheets Ann Cooper Yvette Poulin Nicky Eisele Bob & Kathy Rose Peggie Hodson Mike & Marilyn Breton Jackie Mauch Larry & Kay Wolfe Alice Szczur John & Barb Drawbaugh Cheer Basket Winners 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Deb Fairchild Phyllis Henricksen Ed Pizio Roger Bartnick Dick Sonier David Beahn Dodo & Ken Mazak Vince Siarrotta Helen Yarrington Unknown Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 13 s Left Behind Sunday, April 12, 2 pm Left Behind is an apocalyptic movie starring Nicolas Cage based on the New York Times bestselling novel that brings biblical prophecy to life in modern times. In the blink of an eye, the biblical Rapture strikes the world. Millions of people disappear without a trace. All that remains are their clothes and belongings, and in an instant, terror and chaos spread around the world. There is no one to help or provide answers. In a moment, the entire planet is plunged into darkness. The Steele family is caught on the razor’s edge of that darkness. Ray Steele, an airline pilot, struggles to stay calm, and ultimately to save the lives of the passengers that remain on his flight. Ray must guide the plane with the help of GWN reporter, Cameron “Buck” Williams. On the ground, Ray’s daughter Chloe Steele struggles to find her young brother and mother, both of whom may have disappeared in the Biblical event. Popcorn Available. Bring Your Own Drinks, Snacks, and a Comfy Chair! Page 14 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village Gull Aire Village HOLD THE DATE! APRIL 4 5 18 21 23 25 28 MAY 2 10 16 16 19 25 28 Koffee Klatch EASTER Koffee Klatch SPECIAL ELECTION CLUBHOUSE CLOSED SPECIAL DATE - SOCIAL CLUB 7P Western Night Dinner Dance Board of Directors Meetings Koffee Klatch MOTHER’S DAY Koffee Klatch POOL PARTY WITH LUNCH SOCIAL CLUB MEETING 7P MEMORIAL DAY Board of Directors Meetings “Historic Stuff” by Kenn Sidorewich We are looking for HISTORICAL OBJECTS related to the early days of Gull Aire Village. These might be used in the GAV History Display case in the Clubhouse. You can donate or loan pictures, plaques, old household items, or any item from the late 1970s to the early 1980’s. You will receive PERSONAL CREDIT in the display. If you believe you have something, call either GINNY JOHNSON, 727-785-7324, OR KENN SIDOREWICH, 727-776-4534. April 2015 - Page 15 Here’s to You Gull Aire Volunteers! Kay Wolfe, 474-2949 GULL AIRE RESIDENTS TRULY APPRECIATE THE VOLUNTEERS THAT MAKE THIS THE WONDERFUL COMMUNITY IT IS! Thank You! Architectural Committee Pat Marietta, Chairman 727-785-3008 The Architectural Committee meets each month on the third Tuesday at 10 am in the Clubhouse. Outside improvements include alterations to the EXTERIOR OF YOUR HOME OR SHED, such as but not limited to painting, siding, windows, guttering, brickwork, and roofing. EVEN THOUGH YOUR CONTRACTOR GETS PERMITS FROM OLDSMAR AND/OR PINELLAS COUNTY, YOU ALSO NEED PERMISSION FROM THE ARCHITECTURAL COMMITTEE. APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE IN THE CLUBHOUSE. This is a record for your file on improvements. Gull Aire Village Page 16 - April 2015 Gull Aire Activities Bingo! Wednesdays, 6:30 pm Sandy Giangregorio, 727-772-0247 Callers for April 04/01 Sandy Kicza 04/08 Ginny Johnson 04/15 Jan Freeman 04/22 Joe Bernett 04/29 Sandy Kicza Food will be served every Wednesday during March and April. The cost is $2.50 and includes: HOT DOGS POTATO SALAD HOMEMADE BEANS SODA OR WATER Food will not be served in May. We will start again later in the year. Line Dancing - Morning Wednesdays, 9:15 – 10:30 am Sue Van Vessem, 727-784-8509 Our Wednesday morning classes will continue to include the older and easier dances. This is the perfect class for beginners as we take the time to go over all the steps. We meet every Wednesday morning from 9:15 am to 10:30 am. Join us for fun and good exercise! Line Dancing - Evening Mondays, 6:30 – 7:30 pm Donna Walston, 207-592-3108 Attention all! Come to our NEW LINE DANCING CLASS ON MONDAY NIGHTS. Join us for exercise and fun. Men and women both welcome. Civil War Round Table Monday, April 6th, 2:00 pm Bruce Leandro, 727-785-0539, or The Round Table now meets the 1st Monday each month, In April we begin afternoon meetings (2:00 pm) Historical Tidbit The first Federal income tax was levied to help pay for the Union war effort. Celebrate April 15th, happy in the knowledge the war is over. CURRENT PROJECTS Establishing a Civil War Library for GAV Documenting and displaying Civil War artifacts Tours of local and regional Civil War sites Establishing our Round Table web site A ROUND TABLE HAS NO HEAD. EVERYONE WHO SITS AT THE TABLE HAS EQUAL STATUS. EVERY POINT OF VIEW HAS MERIT. JOIN US! Gull Aire Golf League Sandy Kicza February Results 02/03 1ST Low Net 2nd Low Net Closest to Pin: Bill Kicza John Collasius Sandy Kicza 02/17 1st Low Net: 2nd Low Net: Closest to Pin: John Collasius Bob DeGuiseppe Ron Bechtle 02/10 1st Low Net: 2nd Low Net: Closest to Pin: 02/24 1st Low Net: 2nd Low Net: Closest to Pin: Gary Camp Jim Mannion None Kurt Wilhelm Sandy Kicza John Collasius 56 60.8 57 61.7 55 60 54 55 Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 17 Gull Aire Activities NEW Billiards League! A Billiards League is forming. Play weekly in the Clubhouse. Arrange your own match time to suit your schedule. All skills levels welcome. A handicap system will be used. Sign up in the Clubhouse. Call Gene at 860-921-7510 or Ken at 727-474-3919. Morning Pool Exercise Mon/Wed/Fri, 9:30 am Mary Etta Stearns, 727-781-7981 A continuation of our existing morning class. Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the pool from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Indoor Video Aerobics Monday through Friday, See Times Jean Roman, 727-475-8894 The regular classes for the "Silver Foxes" are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday we have the faster "Dancing with the Oldies" workouts. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE! Class Times Monday: 9-10 am (Silver Foxes) Tuesday: 9-10 am (Faster Oldies) Wednesday: 8:30-9:30 am (Silver Foxes) Thursday: 9-10 am (Faster Oldies) Friday: 9-10 am (Silver Foxes) Bible Study - Mondays 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7 pm – 8 pm Al Nebergall, 727-787-9390 All are welcome! The group meets at the home of Al and Beverly Nebergall at 617 Lake Way on the 2nd and 4th Mondays, 7-8 pm. Red Hatters Queen Evelyn, 727-787-4432 We have wonderful turnouts for the luncheons! Twenty-one ladies attended the Ozona Blue Grillle luncheon last month. Don't miss on our next luncheon on April 27th at 12:30 pm. It will be at: Fireside Table 3101 State Road 580 (Diagonal from Countryside H.S.) Safety Harbor, FL 34695 If you have never attended and want to join us, call Queen Evelyn at 727-787-4432. She will tell you all about our group and what a lovely bunch of Red Hatters we are. April Luncheon Coordinator is Shay Hall, 727723-7314. If anyone needs a ride or directions, please call Queen Evelyn (787-4432). If you are new to Gull Aire Village and/or would like to go to the luncheon please call me. Watercolor Classes Tuesday, 10:30 am Ralph Zurawski, 727-953-3339 Watercolor Classes are Tuesdays at 10:30 am in the Clubhouse. All skill levels are welcome – from beginner to Van Gogh Bible Study - Tuesdays Tuesdays, 10 am Mary Ellen McCormick 727-772-5728 All are welcome! The group meets at Mary Ellen’s home at 596 Canal Way on Tuesdays, 10-11 am. NEW Bridge Club! Mary Ellen McCormick 727-772-5728 We are forming a new Bridge Club. If you are interested, call Mary Ellen McCormick. Join us! Gull Aire Village Page 18 - April 2015 Gull Aire Activities Shuffleboard Practice Thursdays, 10 am Joe Bernett, 727-787-4987 Our shuffleboard competitive games have ended for the season. Our last play dates were on March 16 and 18. (Our season starts in MidNovember). We were fortunate to have only a few bad days weather-wise. The worst was trying to play on what must have been the coldest day of the year. But, that didn't stop us! We double layered, wore hoodies and mittens, and went on with the game. Just don't ask if we won that day - we were too frozen to notice! We held a meeting for the election of officers for the 2015-2016 season. The current officers and Captains did such an awesome job, they were unanimously re-elected. Congratulations all! We will continue our practice sessions on Thursday mornings (10am) throughout the Summer. To all of our snowbirds that will be traveling for the summer, we wish them a safe and healthy summer. We'll see you back in the courts come November. --- WRITTEN BY ALICE SZCZUR Mahjongg Wednesdays Mary Buono, 727-787-0319 There is not a game every Wednesday. If you want to play, learn, or just watch, call Mary. SOCIAL CLUB SPECIAL MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 23 Need a Notary? CALL KENN SIDOREWICH 727-776-4534 OR 727-455-4504 FREE services offered to Gull-Aire friends. Documents should NOT be signed in advance. Witnesses, if needed, are the responsibility of the signer. Accommodated - Your place, my place, the Clubhouse …. How about poolside? Same-day service New Shed Manager! Ken Horn, 860-759-6171 KEN HORN IS THE NEW SHED MANAGER. To have your items picked up, give Ken a call. If you are able to bring your items to the shed, please call Ken a day or more before so he can coordinate with you. Board of Directors Meetings For Next 12 Months Date April 28, 2015 May 26, 2015 June 23, 2015 July 2015 August 2015 September 22, 2015 October 27, 2015 November 24, 2015 December 2015 January 2016 Board Information Meeting Meeting 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 1:30 PM 1:30 PM February 2016 1:30 PM March 15, 2015 1:30 PM 1:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM Election 7:00 PM Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 19 Page 20 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 21 Socialize with Your Neighbors WHO: Rick Hunter WHERE: 30 Pelican Dr. E. WHO: Nancy Gibson WHEN: Thursday, Jan 15,4p-6p WHERE: 96 Dolphin Drive N. WHEN: Thu, April 16, 4p-6p Please bring your own chair and drink Cups and ice provided Come on Over! Meet Neighbors And New Friends! Gull Aire Village Page 22 - April 2015 . GAME NIGHT Saturday the 11th Time 6:30 to 9:30 FREE FREE FREE Bring your own drinks and a snack to share Table Games Board Games Card Games Please bring $1.00 in nickels Come and have some fun and laughs playing card games and more with your friends Bring a new game and show us how to play it! Gull Aire Village New Neighbors APRIL PAT COMEE We had one new neighbor last month. PAUL AND MARY DELVECCHIO are purchasing 575 Salmon Court. Paul and Mary are originally from Boston. They have two sons and one grandson. Paul is retired and Mary still works. They enjoy cooking and reading in their spare time. WHEN YOU MEET THESE NEW NEIGHBORS, PLEASE GREET THEM WITH A WARM WELCOME! Residents Resource March/April Ann Whisher 727-785-3550 AIR CONDITIONING Arthur Air Conditioning NOT RECOMMENDED 801 Sevens Avenue, Clearwater 727-535-5817 or 813-925-3000 “2 yrs ago I bought a new air conditioner and a year after that they had to install a new heat pump in it. I had major problems both times. Their service is terrible-they gave me so much stress which went on much too long,” PS Air Masters of Pinellas Inc. 1562-D S. Missouri Avenue, Clearwater 727-586-6969 Licensed/Insured “heat pump yearly Inspection and Maintenance. Very professional, excellent service, fair price. I was impressed” PS FLOORING Trusted Installation LLC Clay Chapman-Owner 727-686-1178 Licensed/Insured “I had new flooring put in kitchen. They tore up the old flooring and put in new vinyl tile. Highly Recommend-efficient, honest and reliable.” JB April 2015 - Page 23 COMPUTER REPAIR Fix My Computer on Site-Carlos Alvarez-Owner 813-781-1628 “He came to my home and in short order cleaned my computer & had it running faster then ever. Carlos is efficient & reasonable. I highly recommend calling him for any problems you have.” DW PLUMBING Mike Rizzi, Inc. 813-598-5546 “David Rizzi came and replaced a toilet in my home. Great job, very neat, reasonable. Highly Recommend” MB TAMPA BAY PLUMBING Clearwater, 727-223-6400 Licensed/Insured “I had a hot water heater installed. They showed up as promised, slightly less than other estimates for the same unit. Polite installers. “ KS WATER SOFTENERS NOT RECOMMENDED Altraclean-Steve Weber 813-842-5593 cell or 1-800-474-9106 “He did a repair on my water softener, quoted a price and when he gave me the bill it was $150 over what he quoted and denied he gave me another price. He is not trustworthy. I would not have him again. “ MM A WORD TO THE WISE If you are going to have a job done that may cost you a few hundred dollars, make sure you ask for a written not verbal estimate before they proceed with the job. Some of these providers from air conditioning to water softener and plumbers to name a few, are quoting a job verbally and then presenting a bill for $100 - $200 over what they verbally quoted. Denying they gave you that figure. I don’t want you to get stung like some of our residents have already. Tell them “no written estimate, no job”. Ann Get It in Writing! Page 24 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 25 Gull Aire Village Page 26 - April 2015 When your neighbor leaves Gull Aire, we don't know until you tell us! For changes, contact Sandy Teeters at Sandy.Teeters@Verizon.Net or 727-215-0983. April Anniversaries Names Ruby & Bob Haire Vivian & Ike Prokaska Lorraine & Fred Anderson Mary Ann & Tom Orndorf Shirley & Larry Howard Maureen & Frank Leach Leslie & Dean Robbins Rhonda & Kenn Sidorewich Mae & Perry Burright George Ann & Jim Smith Clara & Roy Baringer Flo & John McConville Aimee & RC Jones Don & Jean Faris (?) Day 24 11 23 29 5 17 19 25 5 18 22 16 1 17 Anniversary 61 56 49 48 47 39 35 34 31 29 27 26 10 (?) No wedding date available. TARGET YOUR MARKET! Call us today to get your ad in one of our community newsletters! 941-723-5003 or Toll free 800-434-9879 E DJH79 FK8B?I>?D= F$E$8en/.+ 8hWZ[djed"<B)*(&, A subsidiary of Teledrex, Inc. email: ExpERiEnCEd • pROfEssiOnAl • COURTEOUs Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 27 When your neighbor leaves Gull Aire, we don't know until you tell us! For changes, contact Sandy Teeters at Sandy.Teeters@Verizon.Net or 727-215-0983. April Birthdays Day 2 3 3 5 5 5 7 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 17 First Name Joy Debbie Daniel Wayne Ken Laura Mae Becky Merlene Jean Barbara Joyce Al Ed Dennis Larry Flo Barbara Elaine Bob Last Name LaFrance Baca Ebert Hyde Phoenix Sciscoe Burright Denmark Turnquist Charette Farley Osborne Cornellier Laux Anderson Creech McConville Vance Fellows Lyttle Day 18 18 18 18 19 20 21 21 22 22 25 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 First Name Maurice Carol Frank Norma Joyce Ed Betty Martha Louise Fame Jan Al Rhonda Bob James Pete Margaret Elsie Ed Last Name Gosse Morin Sawicki Skinner Hauch Puschmann Chandler Coviello Falco Jones Freeman Nebergall Sidorewich Sennett Arieno Van Vessem Martin Moselle Martin Congratulations to All! Gull Aire Village Page 28 - April 2015 VAPOR BARRIER Do you have falling insulation? Holes in your vapor barrier? INSIST ON 8’ VAPOR BARRIER Repairing these issues can prevent: • Heat and Humidity Damage ASK FOR A FREE INSPECTION OR • Soft and Sagging Floors SECOND OPINION WITH PHOTOS • Mold and Fungus FROM SOMEONE WITH EXPERIENCE! • High Energy Usage • Helps Prevent Rodent Damage GUARANTEED AS LONG WE CAN EASILY REPAIR THESE ISSUES. AS YOU OWN THE HOME! ASK OUR ABOUT NTS! DISCOU 727-470-0040 • License #090483 • Bonded • Insured Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 29 Gull Aire Village Social Club and Activities Committees Social Club Officers President, Kay Wolfe Vice President, Peggie Hodson Secretary, Sue Van Vessem Treasurer, Diana Lutch 727-474-2949 847-997-5975 727-784-8509 727-784-0576 David Beahn Gary Camp Pat Comee Vickie Labate Joy LaFrance 330-620-6973 315-263-2058 727-386-5854 734-626-9544 727-785-1712 Activities Committee Activities Contacts nd th Bible Study – 2 & 4 Mondays, 7 pm Bible Study – Tuesdays, 10 am Bingo – Wednesday, 6:30 pm Bocce Ball Civil War Round Table Clubhouse Flag Golf League – Tuesdays, 8:00 am Karaoke Koffee Klatches – 1st & 3rd Saturday, 9:00 am Lending Library Line Dancing – Wednesday, 9:15 am (Check monthly calendar & write-up) Newsletter Circulation Newsletter Team Pool Aerobics – Mon/Wed/Fri 9:30 am Pool Badges, Clubhouse Office Posters and Event Tickets Red Hatters – Last Monday, 12:00 Noon Residents’ Resource Directory Shed Manager Shuffleboard Club – President Team A Captain Team B Captain Ticket Sales Travel Club – Meets 1st Saturday, 10:00 am Video Exercise – Mon~Fri – 9:00 am Watercolor Class – Wed – 11:00 am Website ( Al Nebergall Mary Ellen McCormick Sandy Giangregorio Jan Bourbeau Bruce Leandro Mike & Marilyn Breton Sandy Kicza Perry Burright Richard Clark Sue VanVessem Anne Marie LeBlanc Sue VanVessem Helen Yarrington Al & Dottie Stevens Kay Wolfe Sandy Teeters Mary Etta Stearns Alice Lopez Diana Lutch Evelyn Zuckerman Ann Whisher Ken Horn Joe Bernett Barbara Varney Ed Giangregorio Diana Lutch Mike Breton Jean Roman Ralph Zurawski Maryann Sieminski Vickie Mills 727-787-9390 727-772-5728 727-772-0247 727-688-3817 727-785-0539 727-787-8735 727-771-5265 727-953-8231 727-784-8509 727-786-8774 727-784-8509 727-772-6477 727-786-1846 727-474-2949 727-215-0953 727-781-7981 727-785-0643 727-784-0476 727-787-4432 727-785-3550 860-759-6171 727-787-4987 727-785-3456 727-772-0247 727-784-0476 727-787-8735 727-475-8894 727-953-3339 727-786-4087 727-781-4853 Page 30 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village Gull Aire Village April 2015 - Page 31 Page 32 - April 2015 Gull Aire Village
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