
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Wednesday 18 March 2015 at 7pm in
Hayton Reading Room
1066 APOLOGIES - Councillors Cain, Bowman and Forster
I have now been Chairman for three years having been re-elected in May last year and it has
been a pleasure to serve although it still is at times a steep learning curve. Councillor Gary
Clubbs was also re-elected as Vice Chairman and he has been very supportive through the
last year.
Councillor Atkin resigned with immediate effect last month. Notices of the vacancy have
been on all the parish noticeboards and the council website. There has been no call for an
election therefore the council is making preparations to co-opt.
Apart from that one change the Council has maintained a full complement of 12 parish
councillors and attendance at meetings has been good; so thanks to you all.
It was with regret that the council accepted the resignation of Clerk, Ken Hind. Ken had been
Clerk for over 10 years and his knowledge, detailed work and humour will be greatly missed.
Gillian Kartach took over the post on 1 September 2014 and we look forward to the
partnership being a successful one.
I and Councillors Billington and Cain have served on the Hayton Reading Room Management
Committee and Councillor Christopher Forster now serves on Down a Gate Management
The Council website is now working and provides parishioners with information about the
work of the parish council, planning application details, and links to other local websites and
events happening in the parish. Now that the website is fully functioning and the council
continues to work on behalf of their communities it has been agreed to seek the Local
Council Foundation Award with a view to accessing more funds to help the work along.
The attendance by parishioners to parish council meetings is encouraged and the item set
aside for this called Public Participation is on every agenda. We have had parishioners along
to discuss the common land at Hayton Townhead, the relocated bus stop at Warwick Bridge
and parking issues at the school in Hayton to name a few. We encourage more people to
come along during 2015/16.
The precept increased by £85 this year, which is still value for money. Special thanks to
Councillor Clubbs who has worked hard with the Clerk on the budget and spending and his
efforts are clearly paying off.
The Annual Accounts were again approved by the internal auditor and Audit Commission
without problems.
The Government has agreed a Transparency Code, to which all smaller parish councils must
adhere. Compliance with the Code will replace the annual audit from 2017.
To repeat my speech from last year’s Chairman’s report - any organisation who applies to
the Council for a grant must now all complete a prescribed form and the latest available
accounts must accompany any application. The form and guidelines will be available on the
website from May, although hard copies can still be obtained from the Clerk.
Thanks to all those who helped in organising the Xmas trees and lights around the parish
last December.
We continue to receive an electronic copy of the monthly newsletter from Brampton police
and electronic alerts, which seems to work pretty well. If there is a pressing issue the council
needs to discuss with the police community team, it can make direct contact either via the
current system in place or by emailing bramptonnpt@cumbria.police.uk”
The work at Hawkey Lonning has been completed. This is in connection with Common Land
at Hawkey Watering Place. Thanks goes to Councillors Clubbs and Graham for all their hard
The Annual Christmas Dinner was held at the Blacksmiths Arms and was a Great Success.
Good relationships with Hayton Community Project continue and they are working closely
with the parish council playing field committee, a project close to my own heart. Quotations
from playground providers have been received and the committee is looking to how the
work can be funded before agreeing on a final supplier. Thanks must go to Councillor Dave
Billington who is Chairman of the Playing Field Committee for his work and commitment to
this project.
Other items the parish council has been and continues to work on are:
Bus services (or lack of them) – this matter will be discussed at the meeting following this
one. Cllr Clubbs and I have attended meetings regarding the withdrawal of the bus services
from the area but have yet to find a satisfactory solution.
The Local Plan is currently on its’ final consultation before going to the Planning Inspectors
for approval. If you have any comments you wish to make please submit them before the
deadline of 20 April 2015.
Cumbria is one of four pilot areas for the Common Land and Village Green Act 2006. We
have four years from December 2014 to submit corrections to the Registers and also to
apply for new areas to be registered. Further information is on the parish council website.
Finally, we are very grateful to Brampton League of Friends who have fully funded the
purchase of three Automated External Defibrillators and external cabinets. The AED’s will be
located in Corby Hill, Hayton and Talkin in the very near future.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Vice Chairman, Councillor Gary Clubbs, all
the Councillors, the Clerk, City Councillors, County Councillors and the Police for all their
help and support
As no members of the public was in attendance the meeting was closed at 7.15pm
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 18 March 2015 at 7.15pm in Hayton
Reading Room
1069 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Councillors Cain, Bowman and Forster.
Proposed by Cllr. Graham and seconded by Cllr. Billington
Resolved – that the minutes be signed as a correct record.
Cllr. Graham declared a non-pecuniary interest being a member of the Carlisle City Council
Planning Committee, a member of Cumbria County Council and a committee member of the
Down a Gate Committee.
1. Allotment Land – still no response from Land Agent
2. TPO Order – Hayton Townhead – a permanent order was approved by the Planning
Committee on 20 February 2015
3. Haywain Hill, Little Corby – A response has been received to say that the Safety Audit
requested will be forwarded. Cllr. Clubbs passed his copy of the Safety Audit to the
Clerk for copying so that the matter can be discussed at the next meeting.
4. Village Greens and Common Land – the paperwork has been uploaded on to the
5. Parish Council Website – all outstanding items have now been uploaded on to the
6. Hayton School Parking – police contacted but no response has been received. The
Chairman has had a complaint from a resident who has said that some of the cones
are being thrown into his garden. Police and school to be contacted.
7. Dog Warden – two locations have been submitted at the request of two farmers –
the Wardens have been out but have not seen anything untoward. They have
refreshed the dog notices in and around the locations and have forwarded a record
paper to be submitted. The Chairman asked for the letter to be copied so that they
can be put up around the village and he has also taken the record to be completed.
Councillor Graham is also experiencing problems in Corby Hill and has asked for
1074 CO-OPTION TO FILL PARISH COUNCILLOR VACANCY – there has been no call for a byelection therefore members may co-opt. An application from Robert Johnston Smith of
Corby Hill has been received.
Cllr. Graham informed the council that Cllr. Forster has resigned due to work pressures.
Although the council has not received formal notification as soon as it is received notices
will be erected for a vacancy and the matter dealt with at the next meeting of the parish
Resolved – to approve Mr Smith as the replacement for D Atkin. To erect vacancy notices
when formal resignation letter is received from Cllr. Forster.
The meeting was suspended at 7.27pm. Although no members of the public were present
the parish council discussed the topic of Down a Gate.
The Down a Gate Chairman has spoken to the local newspaper and an article was printed
naming Hayton Parish Council and not supporting the Committee financially.
The council was told that the Down a Gate Committee received funding from Carlisle City
Council in 2012/13 financial year. The Committee failed to apply for funding in 2013/14 and
Carlisle City Council dissolved the Service Level Agreement. An offer of financial assistance
has been made to the Committee but they have failed to complete the paperwork.
The Committee submitted an application to the parish council in 2013/14 but failed to
comply with the Rules and Regulations laid down by the council despite an offer assistance
from the Clerk.
The parish council understood that someone from the Committee was going to attend this
meeting but has failed to do so.
The council was informed that the Chairman and their only paid employee are to meet with
the City Council. The council will await the outcome of that meeting before making any
further decisions on the way forward.
The council resumed at 7.40pm
1076 BUS SERVICES – HEADS NOOK – the parish council is in receipt of a letter from a
residents regarding the withdrawal of bus services from Heads Nook. Cllr. Clubbs informed
the council that Cllr. Nigel Holmes of Wetheral Parish Council. Has had discussions with
Reay’s bus company regarding the hourly Cumwhinton/Cotehill service that also runs
through Scotby and Wetheral to see if the service could go through Great Corby and Heads
Nook once per day picking up at 10am and returning at 1.30pm. A response from Reay’s is
awaited. The members agreed that Cllr. Clubbs could email Reay’s for an update before the
next meeting
The council is in receipt of the AED’s but are awaiting the cabinets. The members agreed the
locations for the equipment being – the butchers shop in Corby Hill, a post at the bottom of
School Hill, Hayton and Talkin Village Hall.
Cllr. Clubbs had the original application and briefed the members:
 2008 was the original Planning Permission
 2009, a 106 Agreement was produce stating that Down a Gate would receive a
£5,000 payment for the extra people residing in the parish.
 In the plans required by the Highways Authority it showed the preferred location of
the bus stop (where it now is) and a bus shelter. The Highways Agency wrote to the
Planning Section stating that Planning Conditions should indicate that no part of the
development should be occupied before the highways work was completed.
Resolved – to write to the Highways Agency (with a copy to the City Council) asking why
S278 Highways Improvements has not been complied with as the planning application
clearly shows the placing of a bus shelter at the relocated bus stop.
The item to be placed on the May Agenda.
2. There has been no response from Carlisle Planning regarding the Impact Statement
An email has been received regarding the parking problems at the crossroads at Corby Hill.
This is not a police problem and they have suggested that the council contacts the Traffic
Wardens at Carlisle City Council.
Resolved – to contact the Parking Wardens.
1080 PLANNING APPLICATIONS - You may view the details at
www.haytonparishcouncil.org.uk (and parishioners can submit their own observations
direct) by going online via the Carlisle City Council website
15/0127 – Land Adj. Lea Croft, Fenton Lane End, How Mill CA8 9LE. Erection of one dwelling
(Outline) (Revised Application). No comment
15/0131 – Carlisle Lake District Airport, Carlisle. Variation of Condition 2 (Approved
Documents) of previously approved permission 10/1116 to enable the carrying out of the
development in two phases including minor changes to the internal layout, elevations,
circulation areas and landscaping. (There is a CD attached to the application for further
details). No comment
15/0140 – 9 Hurley Road, Little Corby. Erection of two storey side extension to provide
extended kitchen, utility and garage on ground floor with two bedrooms above together
with new car parking to front and raised patio area to rear. No Comment
15/0177 – Holly Bank, Faugh. Siting of an LPG tank and erection of a boundary fence. No
15/0178 – Western Ridge, Hayton. Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 1
dwelling with detached pool building and stables. No comment
15/0215 – Ash House, Fenton Lane End How Mill Conversion of redundant stables to 1
bungalow and erection of detached garage. Comments to follow
1083 PLANNING DECISIONS - You may view the details www.haytonparishcouncil.org.uk
(and parishioners can submit their own observations direct) by going online via the Carlisle
City Council website
15/0029 – Tow Top, How Mill. Replacement dwelling. GRANT PERMISSION with conditions
1084 CARLISLE LOCAL PLAN CONSULTATION – The consultation takes place between 4
March and 20 April 2015. To view the plan go to www.carlisle.gov.uk/localplan
A hard copy of the Plan has been received. It was agreed that the paperwork should be
brought to the next couple of meetings for anyone wishing to look at it but the copy could
not leave the council offices.
Resolved – to approve the following:
1. Income - £212.59 contribution to Hayton Playing Field from Hayton Community
2. Schedule of Payments cheques below totalling £5,670.55 to be paid. Items 049, 050
and 052 to be fully refunded to the council
Corby Hill Methodist
United Utilities
Green Urban
G Kartach
Room Rental
Salaries, PAYE, NI
3. Monthly Reconciliation – Chairman signed the paperwork as a correct record
4. Application for Grant Assistance – Corby Hill Methodist Church has asked if the
council would consider giving a grant of between £199.50 and £251.00 to purchase
10 chairs; the remaining 10 would be purchased by the committee. Grant application
forms have been sent out to be completed but have not been returned. The
application can be submitted to Carlisle City Council for their second round of Parish
Council and Village Hall Grants. This to be done if the forms are returned.
5. War Stock – a letter has been received informing the Council that the War Stock
holdings have been redeemed and the Council will be receiving £500.
1. East Fellside Landscape Partnership – Meeting in Castle Carrock, 17 March 2015 –
emailed 19 February 2015
2. CALC – March circular – emailed 2 March 2015
3. CALC – Tripartite meeting agenda and paperwork – emailed 2 March 2015
4. CALC – Affordable Housing paperwork – emailed 3 March 2015
5. CALC – Grants submissions – emailed 9 March 2015
6. CALC – Friday Round-up (Data Protection course) – emailed 9 March 2015
7. CALC – ACT newsletter – emailed 9 March 2015
8. CALC – Pre election Guidance – emailed 16 March 2015
9. Open Spaces Society – Annual Report received
10. Lowick Parish Council – an invitation to enter into partnership with other parish
councils to stop wind turbines being erected in [what Lowick PC feels] are
inappropriate places – emailed 17 March 2015
1. Road leading to Hanson’s Quarry – road edges deteriorating – Cllr. Clubbs reported
that the road had been investigated and it was agreed that the position was not a
danger currently.
2. Street Light 937, Hurley Road – Cllr. Longstaff said the light had been fixed but now
there were others broken. Members were informed that it was simpler and quicker
to telephone the Highways Hotline rather than inform the Clerk or wait for a council
meeting. The Hotline number is: 0845 609 6609
3. Hayton Playing Field – A request has been received for the gate to be removed
between the burial ground and Hayton School. Permission was given some time ago.
Standing Orders were suspended to allow the following work on the agenda to be
completed – 8.59pm
1. Hayton Playing Field – Cllr. Billington informed members that Tenders had been
received although no decision had been taken about which firm would win the
Contract. Work was now ongoing to find funders for the project. Another meeting
was to take place on Thursday 19 March 2015 to discuss the ongoing work.
2. Tripartite Meeting 9.3.15 – The Chairman gave a brief update:
 He and Cllr. Clubbs attended although it is open to all councillors and he
encouraged others to attend. There was about 30 people at the meeting.
 The Tripartite meeting was very brief and the Chairman of CALC did make a
comment at the opening of the CALC meeting that followed
 Training for parish councils was discussed and Sonia from CALC will be getting
in touch with the council
 The Local Plan was discussed and councils were told that they could apply for
a hard copy free of charge
 The Chairman wished it to be noted that if there is a request for a street light
the charge will be £162 per light plus £25 per annum energy costs and the
funds will have to come out of the parish precept.
1089 GRASS CONTRACT – The Chairman countersigned the Contracts that had previously
been signed by the Contractor. The Contract is initially for one year but will convert to a
three-year contract at the completion of a successful first year.
The following two items have been received after the Agenda was published but require
action before the next parish council meeting
1. The Pensions Regulator has written requesting nominations to receive important
information on the run up to the staging date as a pension provider.
Resolved - To nominate the Clerk and Cumbria Payroll Services. To agree to the Clerk
attending a Pensions Seminar on 26 March 2015 being run by CALC.
2 Hayton Church PCC has submitted a grant request for the digitising of the burial records.
Proposed by Cllr. Tinnion and seconded by Cllr. Clubbs
Resolved – to reject the request at the current time due to insufficient funds. The
application will be looked at again in the next municipal year
1091 DATE OF NEXT MEETING – May 2015 in Hayton Reading Room. This will be the Annual
Meeting of the Parish Council.