Call 715-537-3117 to place your ad today! BARRON AREA CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Forwarded mixed hardwood firewood–100” poles. $85 p/c delivered. 10 cords loads. Call Hanson Hardwoods at 715-458-4613. 1tfc CAMERON PETROLEUM, LLC. Carrying diesel fuel, fuel oil, unleaded gas, methanol, motor oils and also racing fuel. We deliver right to you. Call 715-4584373. 22tfc PURE MAPLE SYRUP - Maple Grove Sugar Bush, Brad and Wilma Litwiller. Call 715-418-0582 or 715-837-1089. 11tfc Affordable, clean, safe and efficient wood heat. Central Boiler OUTDOOR WOOD FURNACE. Heats multiple buildings. Northern Renewable Energy Systems LLC 715-314-1436. 18c AA MEETING – Keep Your Eye On The Prize. Tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m.; First Lutheran Church, corner of LaSalle and Hwy. 25, Barron. Open speaker meeting 1st Tuesday of every month. 10tfc-nc PRAIRIE FARM-RIDGELAND EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY. Located downstairs in the Legion Hall, Prairie Farm. Open Tuesdays, 2:00-4:00 p.m. For more information, if necessary call 455-1436. 2tfcnc AL-ANON TOOLS: Support group for family and friends of alcoholics sharing experience, strength and hope. Starting Dec. 6, every Thursday, 7 p.m. at Red Cedar Community Center, 23 E. Eau Claire Street, Rice Lake. Norma B. 715434-3565. 46tfcnc SERVICES LAKE COUNTRY MARINA now offering small engine sales and service. New Simplicity dealer. 715-924-3318. 23tfc RADIATOR REPAIR & SALES-Radiators installed. North Country Radiator. 5375197. 17tfc PRIDE ELECTRIC SCOOTER, holds up to 300 lbs. $800.00. 715-637-4432. 18-2p DORIOTT TAXIDERMY- 20 years of professional taxidermy service. Fish, game heads. Hillsdale 837-1559. 31tfc BAKE SALES EVERY SATURDAY starting May 18. 7 miles west of Chetek on D. Mahlon Schrocks, 1861A 7th Avenue. 18p RISK AUTO INSURANCE after insurance cancellation, OWI violations, accidents, loss of license, 234-3427. In-stant SR22 Filings. 48tfc WANTED LITWILLER ELECTRIC - Residential, farm, commercial, trenching. 837-1089. 1tfc NEWCOMERS: Nicolet Welcome Service has a FREE WELCOME PACKET filled with valuable gift certificates from Barron area businesses. For a warm and friendly welcome, call Juli Wolski, 715651-7120. 11tfcnc FARM SERVICES BARN ROOFING - hip or round roof barns. Also, barn - quanset straightening. Kelling Silo. 1-800-355-2598 or Eric, 715-268-4784. 34-30p MISCELLANEOUS SURRENDER GROUP of Narcotics Anon. meets 8 p.m., Sat., Grace Episcopal, 119 W. Humbird, Rice Lake. 1tfcnc TEEN CARE RUNAWAY PROGRAM-24 hr. crisis hotline for teens & parents in trouble. Call 1-800-491-8336. 22tfcn AL-ANON-If you love someone with a drinking problem & need a friend, try Growing Together Al-Anon Support Group, Tues., 7:30 p.m., Faith Lutheran Church, Cameron. Norma 434-3565 tfcnc PHOENIX GROUP of Narcotics Anonymous, 8 p.m. Mon., Grace Episcopal Church ,119 W. Humbird St., Rice Lake. 1tfcnc JUST FOR TODAY! Narcotics Anonyms can help you stay clean from drugs! Grace Episcopal Church, 119 Humbird St., Rice Lake on Mondays & Saturdays at 8 p.m. (Smoke Free). 2tfcnc JUST FOR TODAY! Narcotics Anonymous can help you stay clean from drugs! Northern Lights NA, PO Box 242, Dresser, WI 54009 for info. & list of meetings in NW Wisconsin, or call WI Regional Hotline: 1-800-240-0276. Visit Keyword: Northern Lights. 47tfcnc CAMERON AREA FOOD PANTRY. 300 N. 1st Street on Hwy. SS behind the Village Hall. Open Tues. 9-11 a.m., Thurs. 1-3 p.m. Proof of Cameron area required. 52tfcnc PREGNANT? NEED HELP? Area pregnancy care centers are here for you. Ladysmith, 1-800-657-4919. 25tfcnc A.A. MEETING – Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday – Big Book, at 9:30 a.m. First Lutheran Church in Barron, corner of LaSalle and Hwy. 25. Use west door. 19tfcnc BARTLETT’S UPHOLSTERY - Commercial • Residential. aircraft, auto, boat. Satisfaction guaranteed. 537-3931. 25tfc STARTER, ALTERNATOR, GENERATOR repair & sales. We sell parts. North Country Radiator. 537-5197. 17tfc JERRY’S PAINTING - Painting, wallpapering, handyman jobs. Quality work. Jerome Kurschner, 715-455-1322. 50tfc RECLAIM YOUR WET BASEMENT. Dry up that wet basement permanently. Lifetime guarantee. Free estimate. Serving western Wisconsin for 32 years. PermaDry Waterproofing. 715-483-9678. 11tfc RASSBACH TRENCHING & STUMP GRINDING - Insured. Free estimate. 455-1682 or 418-0194. 16-26c WILL DO GARDEN TILLING within 50 mile radius of Barron. 715-418-1830. 18-3p HELP WANTED LOCAL APARTMENT COMPLEX IS SEEKING A CARETAKER. Duties include: lawn care, snow removal, cleaning, general maintenance, daily site visits, process apartment turnovers and good tenant relations. To apply, contact Impact Seven, Inc., 147 Lake Almena Drive, Almena, WI 54805 or call 1-800-685-9353. EOE 44tfc GARAGE SALES NOTICE: Line Ads always start in the Barron County Shopper. Deadline is Wednesday Noon. FOR RENT MC DONALD’S MINI STORAGE, 5x10, 10x10, 10x20. 537-5776 . 41tfc GARDNER STORAGE - 12x12 units available. 637-5034 - Barron Area. 29tfc SUNRISE MEADOW I; Barron, WI. 3 bedroom available $620 & $560. Includes heat, water & sewer. 715-265-4271 or Income restrictions. EHO 8tfc SUNRISE MEADOW II; Barron, WI. 2 bedroom available $499 & $550. Includes water, sewer & trash. 715-265-4271 or Some income restrictions. EHO 8tfc RIVER PLACE APTS. Studio, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom. Coin laundry and just blocks from downtown Beauty Salon Equipment For Sale – Individually or as a business – 6DORQ&KDLUV6LQN6WDWLRQV 'U\HU&KDLUV:DVKHU'U\HU )XUQLWXUH3URGXFWVPXFKPRUH EVERYTHING PRICED TO SELL! Salon Space Also Available For Rent Call Stacy at 715-418-1977 Barron. Call for details and availability. 715-637-0110. 2tfc SALES BREWERY TOURS/SAMPLES CEDAR MEADOW APT. Rice Lake, WI. 2 bedroom available $390.00/mo. On-site laundry, water, sewer & trash. 715-2654271 or 8tfc I LOVE SELLING AVON. YOU MIGHT TOO! Call Tina 715-379-2858 or VALKYRIE BREWING CO. TAP ROOM IS OPEN! Hours: Fridays and Saturdays from noon to 8 p.m., with 11 beers on tap. Brewery tours: Saturday at 1 p.m. 715-837-1824, Dallas. MINI STORAGE SPACES - Almena. $30/month. 715-418-9942. 16tfc LARGE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. $450. Available immediately. For more info. call 715-418-1131. 16tfc 2 BEDROOM, 2 bath duplex with 1 car attached garage in City of Barron. $600.00/mo. plus utilities. 715-4551733. 17-4p AVAILABLE NOW! 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT close to downtown and Jennie-O. Security deposit, no pets. 715419-0048 for applications. 17-2p NEWLY REMODELED ONE BEDROOM ground floor apartment. Rent includes water and sewer, electric, heat, a/c, garbage and stove and refrigerator. Rent is $500.00/mo. plus $550.00 security deposit and is available immediately. Call 715-296-3840. 17-3p REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BY OWNER: Clean Barron home with newer roof and siding. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Air conditioned. Appliances included. Newer garage on nice spacious lot. $56,900. 715-234-5008. 16-4p 842925: PRICE REDUCED $7,400 - 1ST TIME HOMEBUYERS you can own this 4 bdrm. home for less than rent. Full basement, baker’s kitchen and 1st floor laundry. Reduced to $52,500. Call Team Realty at 715-234-1991. 18c 864551: JUST LISTED. 2 bedroom home located between Cameron and Barron. $135,000. Call Team Realty at 715-2341991. 18c 864195: JUST LISTED. 3 bedroom home on over .5 acres in Prairie Farm. $74,500. Call Team Realty at 715-234-1991. 18c MOBILE HOMES LOT FOR RENT at Riverview Terrace, 300 E. Taylor Avenue, Barron. Call 715205-4455. 14-tfc 2006 16X80 REDMAN ROLL-A-HOME mobile home. $34,000. Possible owner finance. 715-418-9942. 16-3p MOBILE HOME LOTS FOR RENT in Almena/Prairie Farm. 715-418-9942. 16tfc BLOOMER AREA CLASSIFIEDS SENIOR APTS. BLOOMER - DUNCAN CREEK SENIOR APTS. next to Senior Center and hospital. Newer secured bldg., spacious 1 bdrm apts, sunroom, fireplace, washer/dryer in each unit, garage, access to common area, no pets/smoking. $705/month. 715456-0979. HOUSE/APT. FOR RENT FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment, $390/ month, everything included. New Auburn. Available now! Contact Deb Thomas at 715-530-0538. FOR RENT 1BD, 1BA, off street parking, stove & refrigerator, $285/month + utilities. Non-smoker, no pets, large yard. Call Barb at 715-568-3799 for showings. FOR RENT: BLOOMER 1 bedroom upper. Includes stove, refrigerator, heat, AC, electric, water, sewer, garbage, lawn care, snow removal, off street parking. Available June 1. $425.00 715-379-6930. SERVICES KEVIN’S REFRIGERATION–Reasonable rates. Repair on refrigerators, freezers, walk-ins, ice makers, central airs, and tractor AC. Call 715-568-3646. CASH PAID FOR USED GUNS–Rod and Gun Shop, downtown Chetek. 715-9244181. RONNESTRAND PAINTING SERVICE– I also buy used guns. 715-967-2868. AGRICULTURE AG LIME – We can meet your ag lime needs including fine 80-89 lime and coarse maintenance lime. Call us for your ag lime needs! 715-379-4222 (John). HELP WANTED IMMEDIATE OPENINGS for School Bus/Motor Coach Drivers. We will train. Please apply in person Mon. - Fri.: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Kobussen Buses 2115 21st Avenue Bloomer. HELP WANTED Looking for part-time cook. Experience preferred. Apply in person at Hambone’s Saloon 328 Old Hwy 53, New Auburn. EZ VIEW ADULT FAMILY HOME is looking for a caring individual to work our night shift 11pm-to 7am taking care of developmentally disabled adults. Starting pay is 10.00 an hour and $1.00 shift differential Please fill out application at 20977 Cty. Z Cornell. Or contact Bette Hetke at 715-827-0355 PART-TIME COOK NEEDED. Experience preferred but will train. Please call Rock Lake Lodge and Campground at 715-568-4370. CHETEK AREA CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE MAPLE SYRUP—On the farm, 729 13th St., 1-1/2 miles west of HiIlsdale, 1/4-mile south. Mabel’s Maple, 715-837-1826. APPLES—Cherry juice for gout and arthritis. Steamed grape and cranberry juice; candies and nuts. Pies and buns baked on Friday if you call by Thursday. Frozen pies available. Donna Bensend, 715-837-1326, 1-1/4 miles east of Hwy. 25 on CTH A between Dallas and Ridgeland. FURNITURE FOR SALE DAN THE MATTRESS MAN—#1 QUALITY MATTRESS SETS: Twin, $99; full, $149; queen, $169; plush pillow-top sets — twin, $159; full, $195; queen, $225; king, $395. Starter sets: twin $79; full $99. Call Dan, 715-829-2571. www. THREE WOODEN SWIVEL BAR STOOLS—30 inches high, without cushions. Very good condition, $45. 715859-2957. VEHICLES FOR SALE 1979 JAGUAR, $4,600; 1982 Chevrolet motor home, sleeps six, $4,500; 2002 Ranger 4 x 4 ext., $6,500; 2003 Chevy Suburban, $7,500. 715-458-4444. 1996 CHEVY 1500 EXTENDED CAB TRUCK—Excellent condition, runs great. Original owner. $3,200. 715-925-2579 or 715-642-0907. LOWER 2 BEDROOM APT. Available June 1, $475/mo. plus utilities. 715-8280948. 1996 OLDSMOBILE AURORA—Just put $2,000 into the engine. $2,400 obo. 715764-2750. LARGE ONE BEDROOM UPSTAIRS APT. Appliances included, no snow to shovel, no lawn to mow, off street parking. Inside steps, close to downtown. $350 month. Call 715-828-6470. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR SALE OR TRADE12 FT. STARCRAFT BOAT TRAILER and 4.5 Johnson motor 715-497-7681. MINI STORAGE BLOOMER STORAGE - Located on 9th Avenue and Jackson. Storages Available. (715) 568-5748. MT MINI STORAGE - 1/2 mile South of Bloomer on SS. Blacktop approaches. 715-568-4828 or stop by Bloomer Hardware. FIVE HEREFORD HEIFERS—$750 each. 715-790-1454. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE PLATE COMPACTOR for patio pavers, $600; ENCLOSED TRAILER: 6 x 12, $2,500; and two Wave Runners and tandem trailer, $1,800. 715-458-4444. JOHN DEERE DRILL DD, 10 ft.; New Idea corn picker, wide row. View and make a reasonable offer. 715-237-2588 or 715-790-6818. WANTED TO BUY BUYING COINS, GOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM, RINGS, DIAMONDS, CURRENCY, FOREIGN COINS, JEWELRY, POCKET WATCHES, SLOT MACHINES. I WILL TRAVEL TO YOU. BUTCH FLOR, CHETEK, 715-790-8030. BUYING GOLD AND SILVER — Highest prices paid. Treasure Hunter, 720 Second Street, Chetek. 715-205-1135. GARAGE SALES GARAGE SALE—Friday, May, 17, 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; and Saturday, May 18, 8 am.-1 p.m. Weedwacker, adult and kids’ clothes; lots of scrubs; dishes; books; much more. Lefse Lane fresh baked items. Bilderbacks, 322 Morrison Street, Chetek. GARAGE SALE—Thursday, May 16, 4-7 p.m.; Friday, May 17, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m.-12 p.m. NO early sales. Many, many little girl clothes, most like-new size 2 through 4T; junior girls’ and young men’s clothes; household items; primitive décor; hutch; yard tools; exercise equipment; L.H. golf clubs; loads of misc. Come and check it out. 252 Sumner Ave., Chetek (on CTH M by cemetery). Mark your calendar for multi-family flea market here June 22. HUGE TWO-FAMILY GARAGE SALE— Saturday and Sunday, May 18 and 19, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Green La-Z-Boy full sofa sleeper; desk; 55-inch black TV stand with storage; 21-inch TV and stand; VCR; camcorder; computer; Elliptical exerciser; portable ice shack; fish house; camp stoves; lantern; cooler; ice auger; “hot seat”; inner tube; kick board; fishing pole; tools; Bushnel spotting scope; bowling ball; range hood; satellite equipment; fertilizer spreader; gun cases; Sears vacuum; George Foreman grill; silverware; coffee maker; high chair; rubber stamps; scrapbooking supplies; yarn; patterns; craft storage containers; handmade cards; pictures; frames; books; toys; clothing; misc. 2363 6th Ave., 1.5 miles from Chetek on CTH I. RESCHEDULED MOVING SALE— Friday, May 17, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; and Saturday, May 18, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Antiques (round oak table, recliner, furniture); ladies’ clothing; teaching supplies; books; household; lighthouse collection; and much more. 636 Banks Street, Chetek. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE— Thursday-Saturday, May 16-18, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Forecart, harnesses, saddles, misc. horse equipment, canoe, sewing machines, quilt magazines, fabric, desk, misc. household and yard items, clothing, plus more. 2540 10th Ave., two miles north on CTH M, turn by golf course, follow signs. HELP WANTED DAIRY QUEEN—Responsible and reliable people wanted: cooks and front counter help. Must be able to work days, night or weekends. Stop at store in the morning to pick up application or call 715-924-3694. PART-TIME EMBROIDERER— Basic knowledge of computerized embroidery required; and PART-TIME SCREENPRINTER, experience running an automatic press required. Ability to lift 50 lbs. and computer knowledge required for both positions. Email resume: info@ LP DELIVERY DRIVER/CUSTOM FIELD APPLICATOR—Driver wanted for customer home delivery of LP gas and some petroleum. MUST have a class B CDL with hazmat and tanker endorsements; a good driving record. Person will also need to work as a custom field applicator in the spring season for the Ag division. This position is full time with benefits: health/dental insurance, vacation days (PTO), 401K, life/disability insurance. For more information: Call Mike 715-723-2828 (1-800-828-9395) or Dan at 715-568-2933 (1-800-729-7992). You could also stop in and fill out a driver application at River Country Co-op. PART-TIME CABIN CLEANER AND BARTENDER/COOK—Apply in person at Lynda’s Lakeshore Resort, Chetek. GARDEN SHEDS GARDEN SHEDS—8 ft. x 12 ft., $1,500. 715-458-4444. Barron County Shopper, Saturday, May 18, 2013 — 5
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