6C CLASSIFIEDS 754-8463 Saturday • August 24, 2013 F U N www.thehawkeye.com G AM E S A N D 367827 Absolute Transportation Inc. 725 S Roosevelt, Burlington 319-754-8759 COMPLETE Auto, Truck, & Van Repair Services Holtkamp’s Trailer Repair WE SERVICE: Tractors • Trailers • Reefers Autos • Trucks • Vans Complete Engine Work 319-754-5982 3000 W. Mt. Pleasant, W.B. All Tires Available *Truck *Light Truck *Light Passenger *Agriculture Bauer Built Tire Delta Service Center & ROBERTS TIRE CENTER Mr. T’s Transmission MAJOR TO MINOR REPAIRS Tune-Ups • Brakes Oil Changes • Transmission Heating/Cooling • Diagnostics 319-752-0101 • 800-972-6263 600 S. Main Street, Burlington, IA We do Complete Auto Service! Fixing Dents, Door Dings and Hail Damage Economical and Environmentally Friendly Dents as low as $50 Call for an appointment (319)750-6159 1207 Broadway West Burlington (319) 753-2895 Roberts Tire Center 1220 Mt. Pleasant St., Burl. (319) 753-6586 www.robertstirecenter.com 367529 A dvertise y our a utom otive services – ca llT he H a w k E y e C la ssifieds a t 754-8463 to C O N N EC T W IT H C O N SU M ER S W H O N EED Y O U APARTMENTS UNFURN. COMMERCIAL RENT West Burlington 7,200 Sq. Feet 2 Bedrooms. $495. No pets! 24 Warehouse and offices, off hour property information, street parking, loading dock, please call 800-394-1288 ext. many extras, great location. 505, or apply online at Call 319-750-7122. 9-5 M-F. www.tlpropertiesiowa.com I ncome Restrictions Apply. MM edium Easy H ard Fillin the grid so thatevery row ,every colum n and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That’s allthere is to it! 1015 High St. *Perfect efficiency. Newly painted, bright/clean. $375 includes fridge, stove, heat & water/trash. Coin laundry. Large bath. No pets. (319)752-2877. Maple Hills is low income hous2 BEDROOM, all utiities and aping that offers 2 and 3 bedroom pliances included except apartments. We are currently phone, above Fenton Pawn accepting applications. For an Shop. $800. Call 319-753-5183 appointment call: or 319-572-2432 for appt. to Millennia Housing Mgmt. LTD see. (319)754-5515 3 BEDROOM apartment in Ft. Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Madison. All new 2 years ago. Beautiful 2-bedroom Downtown Includes fridge, stove, water. apartment available Sept 1. $600 a month. No pets. Must Appliances including washer & have good references. dryer. Great private parking. (319)470-8711. $680/Month. Tenant pays utilities except trash. Security De- 2 BEDROOM and an efficiency available immediately. Call posit, 1 year lease, and refer319-572-5279. ences required. No pets 1 BEDROOM, also studios. Off please. (319) 759-8226. street parking. Call 9a.m.-6p.m. 319-752-2074. Now Renting our brand new, en- NORTH HILL 1 bedroom, water, ergy efficient 2 bedroom units, electric paid. References and deposit. $460. (319)753-0923. complete with all new appliChoose your next career ances and central air. Not approved for Section 8. Read The Hawk Eye Classifieds $900/month. Call for appt. to S.E. Iowa’s #1 Advertising Source for New Jobs view (319)471-3812. C lose to tow n on alm ost 3 acres.3 bedroom s,2.5 baths,finished low er level. M aster suite w ith fireplace, geotherm al.Tw o 2 car garages. W EST BURLINGTO N There’s no m ath involved. The grid has num bers,but nothing has to add up to anything else.You solve the puzzle w ith reasoning and logic. It’s fun.It’s challenging. It’s addictive! S olu tion tips a n d C om pu terProg ra m : w w w.su d oku .com Solving tim e is typically from 10 to 30 m inutes, depending on your skill and experience. (S olution to tod a y’s p uz z le on H a w k E ye H a p p en in gs p a ge) NC !"## !"$# %"## %"$# &"## &"$# '"## '"$# (#"## H ostess: A licia Siefken 572-5266 812 Park Place • $179,900 Sun.,A ug.25 12:30–2:00 B rand new 2 bedroom ,2 bath condo w ith tastefully designed am enities.2 car attached garage and appliances included. H ost: Jon Salvador 759-4932 821 Cindy Dr.• $169,999 Stonegate Village Sun.,A ug.25 12:00–1:30 387265 13112 KirkendallRd.• $299,900 387260 Call 319-753-2632 Sun.,A ug.25 12:30–2:00 3 bedroom ,2 bath hom e w ith finished w alk-out basem ent and a heated firstfloor sunroom . H ost: Bob M asden 759-4975 200 Crestview • $124,500 Sun.,A ug.25 12:30–2:00 387412 Level: Is now taking applications for Studio, 1 bedroom, and 2 bedrooms. This 3 bedroom hom e has updated flooring,cabinetry and m ore.Finished w alk out low er level,screened porch,w ooded backdrop and attached garage. H ost: G ene Shores 572-3530 202 S.Garfield • $69,950 Sun.,A ug.25 12:30–2:00 Totally rem odeled 3 bedroom hom e w ith ceram ic tile. O riginalbuilt-ins,updated kitchen,bath and m ain floor laundry.Located on corner lotw ith attached garage. H ostess: M arjorie H orn 572-0161 (#"$# (("## 387261 MAPLE HILLS APARTMENTS ARE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT To Place Your Ad in The Hawk Eye Classifieds Call 754-8463 Open House Caspian Village APARTMENTS UNFURN. COMMERCIAL RENT Read Hawk Eye Happenings for Places To Go and Things To Do! 387259 APARTMENTS FURN. 1 BEDROOM - No pets. Deposit required. Call 319-572-2377 or 319-572-4131. COMMERCIAL RENT (("$# )*+,-./+-01, 90:30;-;<=16> !"#$%&'()"*'+#,$%'-../0'1$23&'45678'9#.:';#$0&./'<.&.#'!"77=,5>'$%';#$0&./?'-7%%8'@A$B7C ?@A)-9+8B-<.-(# C4*1+"-DE"-DFC+6-G61.+7 @DEFGHC'›››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`3K4=Z-9+8B E#($-M)D-M<KK 061X<.146-U4X16<.146-W1>/FU+L 3K+*+K<67-:/48 @Ca 2M)D 21>-2<6>-@/+4,S 21>-2<6>-@/+4,S 34\B @DKC' J<8-b-),7+, OU)0&$67P' J<8-b-),7+, ;#$06.7'5%='E#77%'V7)=8 :+16L+K7 :+16L+K7 M<X1KS-V5S M<X1KS-V5S P.`B-0K8<SB-:566S P.`B-0K8<SB-:566S :?V3T 25,6-94.1=+ O<5=7'<5%P' 3<OK+-3/<66+KB U5=Z-US6<B.S C4*1+"-@/+-245,6+-P7+6.1.S @DEFGH?'WMRC'››› @<5&&'J5:.%?'9#5%I5'D.&7%&7C' @4-2+-066456=+7 @4-2+-066456=+7 @4-2+-066456=+7 C4*1+"-@/+-245,6+-P7+6.1.S @GG*MGC?'WMR 0bQ U5=Z-US6<B.S C4*1+"-@/+-N,16=+BB-<67-./+-M,4> @Y*GNC'@EC'››› @Q.$670'.V'K%$I5'1.%$'4.07C C4*1+"-3167+,+KK< @GM*GNC'@E?'WNMC'›››› @Q.$670'.V'+/7%7'Z..=0C 023M0C C4*1+"-@/+-N,16=+BB-<67-./+-M,4> @X*GNC'@EC'››› @Q.$670'.V'K%$I5'1.%$'4.07C W+KK-46-T/++KB K %7,'/):[7#'0.)#678 W+KK-46-T/++KB K %7,'/):[7#'0.)#678 C4*1+"-@/+-:/<8B/<6Z-;+7+X\.146 @4?'WS\C'›››› @-$:'4.[[$%0C' 0C3 P6.4-./+-T+B. 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