First Christian Church May Newsletter SAVE THE DATE! Dining for Dollars May 31st and June 7th The Largest Fund Raiser of the Year! Dining for Dollars combines fellowship and fundraising. Members create events, based on their own interests, and agree to invite others along. When all the events are submitted, we have a silent auction for 2 Sundays and bid for a chance to attend. All the proceeds from the silent auction go directly into the General Operating Budget (General Fund) for the following year. Last year we raised over $5500. Can we exceed that goal? It’s up to you! SOME FAVORITES in the past include: Duck Football Watching Party, Mainland Luau, Murder Mystery Dinner Party, Caribbean Party, Texas Hold ’em Poker and BBQ GET INVOLVED: Consider hosting an event this year. Partner up with other members of the church to share the load. Host in your home, at a local park, in the church basement, or at a local eatery. You determine the number of guests. You determine the event date. Host forms are available in the sanctuary and church office and are due May 17. 2015 Peace Village Vacation Bible School for Youth: Interfaith Day Camp June 22 – June 26 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. VBS 2015 will take place in cooperation with First Congregational Church of Eugene, through their program called Peace Village. At Peace Village, children learn the way of peace through art, yoga, nonviolent conflict resolution, interfaith religious practices, music and much, much more. The camp is for all children of our community ages 7-13. Cost is $85 but financial assistance available. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Youth in the 8th grade and beyond have the opportunity to serve as counselors. Adult volunteers are also encouraged to apply. Registration materials are in the church office or on our website. Applications are due May 31st. It takes a village to create Peace Village. Held at First Congregational United Church of Christ 1050 East 23rd Ave, Eugene, OR 97405 541-345-8741 SILENT AUCTION INFORMATION: This year we will bid on May 31st from 8:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (before and after both services) and then on June 7th from 8:45 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. CONTACT: Patty Osborne: EUGENE, OREGON May 24, 10:30 a.m. Combined Service No Education Hour (Wear red or fiery colors to worship) Minister’s Moment Some of you have been eagerly awaiting my report from the General Board meeting of the Christian Church (DOC), hosted by the Greater Kansas City Region. Besides the great bbq & hospitality of the congregations in Kansas City, we gathered attend to the business of the wider church in preparation for the General Assembly this July in Columbus, Ohio. You can learn more about General Assembly and the resolutions it will vote upon this summer at Allow me to summarize some of our business: Addressing the 2014 General Board, General Minister Sharon Watkins challenged the Board and our whole church: “The time has come to lighten our load and tighten our focus – on mission! I am inviting our Church, in all its expressions, to join in a Churchwide conversation on God’s mission for Disciples today – and to establish new mechanisms that would hold us accountable to that mission.” A special mission task force was appointed in 2014 and they returned to the 2015 board meeting with a proposal for a 2-year pilot program called Mission First! This business item will be voted on at the General Assembly. This program will focus the church’s efforts to identify mission priorities. Identifying clear priorities will have clear implications for how we fund the church’s mission in the coming years. By fall of 2015 you will hear of a Mission First! gathering coming to our region. I hope you will make every effort to attend and give voice to the subjects most important in the life of this community and the nation that you would like the church to address. From these grassroots gatherings, a Mission Council will discern and identify key mission priorities and direction. The 2016 General Board meeting has been cancelled in order that all levels of the church can be engaged in the Mission First! program. What is the point? To make the church more effective and nimble in its ability to shift money, focus, and energy when mission priorities call upon us to do so. Here are some other exciting resolutions coming to this summer’s assembly: GA-1518 encourages all manifestations of the church to become supporters of the Black Lives Matter movement, specifically asking congregations to become safe spaces and sanctuary for peaceful protestors and to participate in furthering sacred conversations and dialogue on race relations and inclusion. GA-1521 is a substitute resolution on Gun Violence in North America. A substitute resolution is created when two or more resolutions are presented to the General Board on the same topic. GA-1521 urges all levels of the church to prayerfully examine its relationship to a pervasive culture of gun violence and to collaborate with individuals and groups to reduce gun violence. This resolution also asks each congregation to declare itself a gun-free zone where state and local laws do not already do so. GA-1523 supports church leaders as they become more knowledgeable and supportive of persons with mental health disorders and will support congregations by developing website material, through Disciples Home Missions, for leaders to fight the stigma of mental illness, be supportive of recovery, and educate members about mental health. These resources will include how to care for loved ones, and how to welcome and support new and existing members affected. There are a dozen more resolutions but these are the ones I believe speak directly to the mission work we are engaged in every day. 2015 is the last year that I serve as a representative of the Oregon/SW Idaho Region to the General Board and as a representative of our congregation to the Regional Board. One of the last items of business was in the confirmation of Ms. Bernice Rivera-Martinez, member of Murray Hills Christian Church in Portland, as a class of 2019 General Board member. Bernice has served on the board in the past and will continue to bring excellence to her role as representative. You will no doubt be hearing from Bernice as more information on Mission First! and other general church opportunities are brought back to our region. Thank you, First Christian Church, for supporting my decision to be on the General Board, giving me an opportunity to connect you to the wider church and for me to develop professional connections and feel a part of something bigger. April Spring Education Classes Continuing through May 17, Sundays at 10:15 a.m. Lost Scriptures: Do we have the Right Bible? ~Library~ Instructor: Michael Kennedy In the first centuries after Christ, there was no official New Testament. Instead, early Christians read and fervently followed a wide variety of scriptures—many more than we have today. Relying on these writings, Christians held beliefs that today would be considered bizarre. Some believed that there were 2, 12, or as many as 30 gods. Some thought that a malicious deity created the world. What do these “other” scriptures say? What happened to those scriptures? Are they around today? Do they have anything meaningful to say to us in the 21st century? These are a few of the questions we shall address through discussions, lectures, video presentations, in-class readings, and other approaches. The Labyrinth Journey ~Chapel~ Instructor: Lorette Waggoner, Veriditas trained Labyrinth Facilitator Labyrinths as spiritual tools within the Christian tradition date back to at least the 4th century, and were in considerable use by the Franco-Christian community in the late 12th century. Today labyrinths are once again in wide use by Christians across North America, Europe, portions of Africa and in other global communities. This archetypal tool is used in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes, from therapeutic to pietistic, pragmatic to mystical and intuitive. During this six-week class we will look at the history, the art form, alternatives to a large permanent installation, and how to make your own. We will celebrate World Labyrinth Day on May 2. See page 7 for details. In Our Own Voice: NAMI presentations (National Alliance on Mental Illness) ~History Room~ This class will end on May 3rd. We are grateful to be educated by NAMI’s Executive Director Jose Soto-Gates in his Crisis Intervention workshop and to all the wonderful NAMI presenters. High School and Middle School Youth: “Compassion in Action” Meet in room 314 at 10:15 sharp and come prepared to work! Each week youth will participate in hands on ministry activities around the church, like the Helping Hand room, the Good Samaritan Ministry, the Sunday breakfast, Vision Builder, and more. Classes are facilitated by multiple adult volunteers, including Pastor April, Jon & April Ekstrom, Laura Powell, Mary Brorby, Fred Brandenfels, and Alex Horne Children Worship & Wonder: ages 4 - 1st grade, Room 352 The Way of the Child: Grades 2-6, Room 351 What an amazing educational year we have had at FCC Eugene. The best problem we face on Sunday morning is in choosing which wonderful class to attend. Please thank our many volunteer teachers when you see them. They have taken our hands, opened our minds and touched our hearts. With deep appreciation for all the time, energy, and joy you brought to the entire congregation this year, signed April & Dan. And special thank you to our Spiritual Formation Task Force for the ongoing work of recruiting teachers and classes all year long. Betsy Brandenfels Jennifer Thompson John Thompson Lynn Berhow Larry Wahlstrom Jamie McCornack Amy Metzger April & Jon Ekstrom Mary Brorby Laura Powell Michael Kennedy Chuck Sturms Sharon Warner Lorette Waggoner Teffany Hefner Alice Allen Evelyn Anderton Janet Anderson Laurie Geiger Jennifer Harris Diana Hoffman, Eugene Sangha Eric Richardson, NAACP of Eugene Jose Soto-Gates, NAMI Nursery Team Danette Lamson Clark Wilde MaryAnn Boss Melanie Adelaars Jenny Ann Harris Announcements Pray for: David Follingstad; Sebastian Sturms; Marlene Miller; Linda Dorsey; Isaiah Gonzales (Elaine Andres grandson); Joan Bogart, Danette’s mother; Linda Rothauge; Amy Metzger; Jerry Linville; Janet Anderson;Faye Cole; Chuck Sturms; Monika Vogel; Lucille Johnston; Donna Reitz; Sandra Pruzynski and Meta Hopper; Lillian Parker; Aaron Miller (Leitha Menegat’s son); Tim Cole; the Pool family (Karen Sturms’ family); Gwen Hershiser; Cass and Nora Dykeman; Eva Canoy; Sarah and Joey Vaughan; Mary, Adeline, and Haeworth Robertson. Prayers for Global Ministries: Bethany Waggoner. Prayers for Our Sponsored Child: Lavanya Venkatesan Prayers for Our Homebound Members: Clarine Shemwell; Pat Decker; Diz and Melanie Greer; Dave and Carolyn Follingstad; Lucille Johnston; Ginny Busic; and Lillian Parker. Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF) April Giving Totals: Gen. Offering, $112.00 (split between Wema and Global Ministries); Church World Service, $9.00 for sub-total of $112.00; Contingency, $.94, for total of $121.94. There were six women present. Church Women United June Meeting Annual Strawberry Shortcake Festival Friday, June 5, 9:14-11:15 a.m. Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, 3925 Hilyard St. Forum topic: Hunger in Lane County Transcribers Needed! We are looking for more volunteers to occasionally transcribe sermons from mp3 audio recordings. Each transcription takes about an hour and a half to two hours to type up, so the more people the better to get these sermons available to read on our website, Email or call Ariel in the office to sign up: (541)344-1425 Staff Vacations Coming Up: Dan will return from Vacation on May 4. John will be taking the Bell Choir to a conference May 1-3, and will be on vacation June 22- July 13. Patty will be gone May 18-25 and July 1-13. Ariel will be studying in Quito, Ecuador this summer from July 1- September 15. Recipes Needed for a Special Sesquicentennial Cookbook If you would like to contribute 5 of your best recipes to our church cookbook, you can bring them to Sunday service and give them to April Ekstrom or email her: Help us celebrate our graduates Please write to the church office by May 31 with details of the graduates in your family. We honor all school transitions; elementry -> middle -> high -> college -> graduate, etc. We will celebrate our graduates in worship on Sunday, June 14. Setting the Record Straight: A correction to last month’s “Minister’s Moment” In my column last month I attributed the change in mascots at Northwest Christian University to NCU President David Wilson. That was incorrect. The “Crusaders” became the “Beacons” under the leadership of President Jim Womack. It was under David Wilson that “Northwest Christian College” became “Northwest Christian University”, I think! --Dan Community Events Seeking Christian Host Families What: Middle and High School Chinese students participating in the 18th bi-annual music/english camps at UO When: July 20-27 and July 23-30 *Possible additional dates TBD Note: Host family provides transportation, breakfast & dinner on weekdays; 3 meals/day on the weekend and an occasional sack lunch. Students may share a room but must have their own bed. Students have camp activities Monday-Friday 8:30am-5pm, spending only evenings and the weekend at home. Host families are strongly encouraged to take 2 students, and may host multiple camp sessions. Stipend*: $125/person for 7 nights or $250 for 2 people *Stipend covers expenses for meals, transportation, laundry and all activities. Number of days may vary slightly due to travel arrangements; stipend will be prorated accordingly. Interfaith Prayer Service Monday, May 11th 6:45-8 pm First Christian Church- 1166 Oak Street “Wisdom From Future Generations” This month Interfaith Prayer Service will be lead by our youth. Please join us every month to celebrate the oneness in our diversity through prayers, chants, readings from sacred texts and many other forms that come from the teachings and traditions of our participating presenters. For more information visit: Volunteers 70 years of age and older needed for “Exercise and Healthy Aging” project These will be free classes for people who meet the eligibility requirements. They will explore the health benefits of stretching, Multimodal Exercise, and Tai Ji Quan. Graduates from these classes can continue classes here at First Christian Church. Criterion to participate: 1) 70 years of age or older 2) have had a fall in the last 12 months 3) experience difficulty walking or balance 4) obtain a clearance from your healthcare provider to participate For questions, contact (541) 434-1548. Research is funded by the National Institute on Aging. Contact: LuAnn Langford Phone 541.517.5915 for additional details Homeless Wisdom Council First Congregational Church Eugene Housing Initiative 1050 E 23rd Ave, Eugene, OR 97405 In May this council will be hosting a variety of events to build awareness around homelessness and the need for more shelter. On May 17, Pastor Dan presents. On May 30, the event is at First Christian Church and Pastor Dan and FCC member Erik De Buhr will both present. ◊ Sunday, May 3rd, 9AM, Wheeler Room: Ken Neubeck and Wayne Martin discuss Human Rights and Homelessness. ◊ Sunday, May 10th, 9AM, Wheeler Room: Erik deBuhr on class and privilege awareness. ◊ Thursday, May 14th, 6:00-7:30 PM in Peter Horn Lounge: potluck and (tentative) discussion of zoning and building codes as barriers to affordable housing. ◊ Sunday, May 17th, 9AM, Wheeler Room: Dan Bryant on Opportunity Village Eugene and his experience of mobilizing his congregation and the public around the issue of homelessness. ◊ Sunday, May 24th, 9AM, Wheeler Room: (tentative) reflection, prayer, inspiration and our spirit’s response to the housing crisis. ◊ Saturday, May 30th, 6:00-9:00 PM, Sanctuary of First Christian Church, “Hear Our Stories” video and presentations by Opportunity Village, Community Supported Shelters, and Nightingale Health Sanctuary. Information tables staffed by allies of the homeless. ◊ Sunday, May 31, 9AM, Wheeler Room: introduction of Habitat House family, Pentecost special offering for FCC Housing Initiative during worship, volunteer checklist inserted into bulletin. Regional FCC Events Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon Community Awards and Celebration Dinner Thursday, May 7, 2015 5 p.m. Reception/Silent Auction; 6:30 p.m. Dinner/ Awards Portland Hilton, Pavilion, 921 SW Sixth Ave., Portland The EMO annual celebration has become the premier ecumenical event in Oregon, bringing together the diverse communities of faith and community partners in celebration of ecumenism and the spirit of hope across Oregon. Reservations are $100 per person; tables seating 10 are $1,000. Make your reservation ASAP before May 5th! Go to: Pray and Play Day Regional Disciples Women’s Retreat Saturday, May 30th Junction City; Cost: $15 Pray and Play Days are half day retreats for women to deepen their connection to Spirit and to their community of sisters. The theme will be “Get a Clue” and we will be going on an adult scavenger hunt! Materials on website: (Search for Pray and Play days.) Regional Youth Summer Camps CAMP DATES: Kids Camp (1-2 grades): June 12-14 Grade School (3-5 grades): August 10-14 High School and Middle School: July 26-31 Early registration deadline is June 30. Final Deadline for Registering: July 1. Applications are available in the office and have been mailed to your home! 2015 General Assembly July 18-22 Columbus, Ohio FCC Eugene is looking for delegates to attend. Please speak with April or Dan. Go to to see the schedule, workshop offerings and register online. See you in Columbus! FCC Events Kids will be singing in both services on Sunday, May 3. Don’t miss it! Laser Tag! Sunday, May 17, 6-8 p.m. (pizza at 6 p.m., laser tag at 7 p.m.) Putter’s on Highway 99 This event is for 5-7th graders and their friends. The cost is $15 per FCC youth and $5 for friends. Softball Announcements Come cheer on Team Heart of Eugene. Games will be every Wednesday starting the week of May 18. Practices will be Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and continue through May 14. A full schedule will be available after May 9. FCC Night at the Eugene Emeralds Friday, July 24, 2015 Game time: 7:05 p.m. You must sign up by July 10. $15/person gets you a box seat, a dinner, and a parking pass to PK Park. Pay online or through offering plate. Ask April about children’s price discounts and other questions. All Church Camp Out Date and Location: September 4-6, Suttle Lake Thank you for your feedback and for voting! Registration materials will be coming in May. For more info go to: FCC Events Regional Vision Gathering at FCC Eugene 1166 Oak Street, Eugene May 16, 12:30-4:30 p.m. We are one of five locations in the Oregon-Idaho Disciples region that are hosting Vision Gatherings; a conversation about the future direction of our regional church. Topics covered will be sent to congregations in late April to have time to think about the questions. All members are invited. All leaders and board members of FCC are invited and encouraged to participate. JOIN A SUMMER PRAYER POD Prayer pods are an opportunity to study and pray together in small groups by reading a book. This summer we will be reading Post Christian by Christian Piatt. Sign up to participate in a prayer pod on Sunday mornings or email the church office: You will be placed in a group to help you build new relationships & prayer partners. Groups will be announced and a study guide will be made available on Sunday, June 7. This book can be purchased online or through the church office. E-book and Nook versions are available too. Prayer pods will begin meeting in late June, once books have arrived. Individuals who already participated in a prayer pod are encouraged to either 1) join a second group, 2) temporarily suspend your meetings through summer, or 3) open your group to new members. World Labyrinth Day Saturday, May 2 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Join other FCC members and celebrate World Labyrinth Day by exploring labyrinths in the area near Eugene. This information is for your own personal touring and it includes several private labyrinths that are not normally available to see or walk during the rest of the year. Car pooling is suggested if several of you want to go, as there is sometimes limited parking at some of the sites. First Christian Church Eugene 1166 Oak Street, Eugene Grace Chapel Sacred Heart Hospital at River Bend 3333 RiverBend Drive Springfield Canvas (In the Chapel, 2nd floor) Gary Kirk Garden Labyrinth 415 Brae Burn Drive Eugene Palsbo Labyrinth 3130 Summit Sky Blvd. Eugene Center for Spiritual Living/Eugene 390 Vernal Street Eugene Westminster Presbyterian Church 777 Coburg Road Eugene Saint Matthews Episcopal Church 4110 River Road Eugene LaVelle Vineyards 89697 Sheffler Road Elmira Sesquicentennial Planning Committee: Celebrating FCC’s 150th Anniversary! Wednesday, May 6, 9:00 a.m. Mom’s Pies (behind the church, on Willamette St.) The Sesquicentennial Committee invites all interested persons to attend its next planning meeting. We have a great committee. If you would like to join us, email Jo-Anne Flanders: or call (541) 485-2886. 26 -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -2:00 PM History Room -Volunteers 25 Memorial Day Office is Closed -7:00 AM Early Bird Truth -Seekers Group 31 1 8:45-12:30 D4$ Auction -7:45 AM Breakfast for -those in need -9:00 AM Traditional Worship -11:15 AM New -Celebration Service 19 -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -2:00 PM History Room -Volunteers 18 -7:00 AM Early Bird Truth -Seekers Group -4:30 PM Executive Meeting -5:30 PM Admin Meeting -5:30 PM Justice for the Poor 2 12 -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -2:00 PM History Room -Volunteers 17 -7:45 AM Breakfast for -those in need -9:00 AM Traditional Worship -10:15 AM Education Hour -11:15 AM New -Celebration Service -6:00 PM Laser Tag for 5-7th Graders 24 Pentecost -7:45 AM Breakfast for -those in need -10:30 AM Single Service Tuesday 5 -10:00 AM Church Women -Fellowship -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -2:00 PM History Room -Volunteers 28 11 -7:00 AM Early Bird Truth -Seekers Group -5:30 PM Elders Meeting -6:45 PM Interfaith Prayer Monday 10 Mother's Day -7:45 AM Breakfast for -those in need -9:00 AM Traditional Worship -10:15 AM Education Hour -11:15 AM New -Celebration Service 27 4 -7:00 AM Early Bird Truth -Seekers Group -5:30 PM Justice for the Poor -5:30 PM Resource Meeting Sunday 3 -7:45 AM Breakfast for -those in need -9:00 AM Traditional Worship -10:15 AM Education Hour -11:15 AM New -Celebration Service 26 May 2015 Wednesday 3 27 Softball Game-Times TBA -8:45 AM Free Yoga -6:00 PM Bell Choir -6:00 PM YIP Youth Choir -7:30 PM Adult Choir 20 Softball Game-Times TBA -8:45 AM Free Yoga -9:00 AM Vision Builders -6:00 PM Bell Choir -6:00 PM YIP Youth Choir -7:30 PM Adult Choir 6 -8:45 AM Free Yoga -9:00 AM -Sesquicentennial Planning -Committee -9:00 AM Vision Builders -6:00 PM Bell Choir -6:00 PM YIP Youth Choir -7:30 PM Adult Choir 13 -8:45 AM Free Yoga -6:00 PM Bell Choir -6:00 PM YIP Youth Choir -7:30 PM Adult Choir 29 Thursday 28 -7:30 AM Spiritual -Formation Group -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -2:00 PM Newsletter Mailing -6:30 PM New Celebration -Rehearsal 4 7 -7:30 AM Spiritual -Formation Group -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -5:30 PM Softball Practice -- Washington Park -6:30 PM New Celebration -Rehearsal 14 -7:30 AM Spiritual -Formation Group -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -5:30 PM Softball Practice -- Washington Park -6:30 PM New Celebration -Rehearsal 21 -7:30 AM Spiritual -Formation Group -12:00 PM Helping Hands -Room -6:30 PM New Celebration -Rehearsal 30 Friday 5 29 22 -12:00 PM Newsletter -Deadline for Submissions 15 8 1 6 30 23 16 -12:30 PM Regional Vision -Gathering 9 Saturday 2 -10:00 AM Citizen's -Climate Lobby -1:00 PM World Labyrinth Day New Titles in the Library Here are several more great reading possibilities that are currently on the New Book Shelf in the FCC Library. The Language of God: a scientist presents evidence for belief by Francis S. Collins. (215 C713la) The author, a pioneering medical geneticist, works at the cutting edge of DNA study. Yet he is also a man of unshakable faith in God and scripture. In this book he makes his case for God and for science. A New York Times bestseller, it is important reading for anyone who wonders about the deepest questions of faith—Why are we here? How did we get here? What does life mean? This book, published in 2006, has been criticized by fundamentalists and progressives alike. This can only mean that if one reads it with an open and inquiring mind, he or she will find much to challenge and inspire. Forty-Sixty: a study for mid-life adults who want to make a difference by Richard H. Gentzler and Craig Kennet Miller. (259.3 G339fo) This book identifies major issues that many people face as they move into midlife. The authors want you to know that you are not alone in your journey—God is with you at every stage of your life. Designed to be used individually or in a small group, the book identifies 10 significant issues faced by people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. Each chapter explores an issue and includes a Bible study guide. Holy Fang: a vampire love story by Charleynne Gates. (F G259ho) A new novel by our own Charleynne Gates. The title says it all! --Alice Allen, for Library Volunteers Do You Know Your Church History?* The Significance of May? May 23, 1892, our Articles of Incorporation were filed with the State of Oregon. May 19, 1912, James Blood was ordained at First Christian Church; he donated his college savings tuition to fund the steamship “Oregon,” which served on the Congo River for many years. May 25, 1947, the church service flag was retired. May 24, 1964, we dedicated Eugene’s first church elevator. May 30, 2010, the Sunday Breakfast for the needy was established. *There will be a hard test in 2016... Breakfast Leadership Transition Lisa Landers has graciously accepted the responsibility for leading the breakfast and is well into learning the job. I and many loyal volunteers began this ministry of feeding our hungry neighbors on Sunday mornings in 2010. I am stepping aside to become just a volunteer as needed due to advancing age. So issues relating to the breakfast, donations, volunteering, and so forth can now be addressed to Lisa. I wish to express profound thanks to all who have helped in so many ways: volunteering time, donations of goods and money (we have to purchase a good deal of the food used) and support in many ways. The church staff has been a midwife in the birthing and nurture of the breakfast and also deserves recognition. Now is the time for all those who have loyally helped to give full support to Lisa as she tackles this demanding job. Thank you to all for your support and friendship through these years. It will take all of us working together to continue the success of Sunday Breakfast. --Phyllis Weare From Power and Light Committee A Bit of P&L History: Many years ago some of us at First Christian began to have concern about the future of the planet Earth in the light of predictions of climate change, rising levels of pollution and species extinction. We formed a group called “Living in Harmony” (People in Harmony with the earth and “all that is therein”). In time we joined with the Oregon Interfaith Network of Earth Concerns and with them became known as the Power and Light Committee. We tackled some energy saving and other earth friendly problems and studied. After some investigation we concluded that the problem driving all the other problems was too much human population. But at the time we didn’t see how we could solve that huge problem. Even the beginning nationwide“green group” told me “Ah, overpopulation’s the problem, but we don’t know what to do about it.” Back then we all thought it was all those poor people having too many kids. We now realize there are at least two big things we CAN do about the perceived overpopulation threat: 1) Recognize that middle class consumerism is just as dangerous as what poor folk might do. Think about it: If everyone on the earth used energy and materials the way the average American does, we’d need FOUR Earths in order to provide it all. Clearly impossible. But that is the reason we need to simplify our lives and cut way down on our consumption habits. 2) There do exist several proven ways to decrease population growth: a) Provide equality in human rights for all women, access to wealth, land, education health care and employment b) Support Planned Parenthood’s work in sex education, counseling, contraception. Young people looking for help should not just be put on a waiting list. c) Encourage young families to limit family to two children. d) Delay marriage age to allow education to advance career development for gainful employment. e) Men can be educated and encouraged to maintain responsibility for their families. Over incarceration of black males means they can’t meet their family’s needs. Teach men to respect all women the way they would like their mothers and sisters to be respected. Clearly, there are plenty of options to engage in from Eugene to the ends of the Earth. How will we at First Christian help avoid further over population? Will we choose to preserve a livable planet for our grandchildren’s children? Participate in P&L committee to help plan some kind of participation. --Power and Light Committee Be fruitful and multiply... Now divide. Reflections from the General Minister & President Rev. Dr. Sharon Watkins Regarding 2017 General Assembly April 13, 2015 Dear Disciples, The General Board has determined that the 2017 General Assembly should take place in Indianapolis “as a continued witness for wholeness”. Two weeks ago, the board authorized a move away from Indianapolis due to a new Indiana law called The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (SEA101 or RFRA). This law raised concern that some of our members and friends might not be welcome in Indiana businesses. Following a groundswell of opposition to the bill – including our own action to move our assembly – the concerns raised by the General Board have been addressed. SEA101 has now been amended so that it cannot be used to open a new door to discrimination. There is a newly invigorated statewide understanding that Indiana needs improved laws and ordinances protecting all people from discrimination. Disciples will be part of that movement – a clear voice of faith. The events around the Indiana RFRA have left some feeling bewildered and even hurt. The first stand was a bold move against discrimination in the guise of religious freedom. There is concern that the second decision undermines that bold stand. Locating our assembly in Indianapolis, now that our concerns have been addressed, positions us more strongly as a moral voice in the movement for equal protection under the law for all. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will continue to advocate for wholeness and dignity for all people. We are a church of an open table where all are welcome in Christ’s name. Indianapolis is now a more welcoming place for all our assembly-goers than it was when we originally decided on Indianapolis for our 2017 site. My prayer is that through our presence and action, our church and our communities will be stronger representatives of God’s love for all people. May the power of the risen Christ be in us all for life and love in Jesus’ name. Sharon Watkins General Minister and President FCC March 2015 Giving to Outreach Funds Global Outreach March Child Sponsorship $ Week of Compassion $ Global Min. for WEMA$ Sunday Breakfast $ Care & Share $ Good Samaritan $ Helping Hand Room $ Christian Women’s $ Fellowship 0 1,510 1,000 1,095 1,023 500 310 124 2015 YTD $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 60 2,935 1,400 4,648 1,073 875 700 379 FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH (DISCIPLES OF CHRIST) 1166 OAK STREET EUGENE, OR 97401 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit Organization US Postage PAID EUGENE • OREGON Permit No. 431 DATE SENSITIVE MATERIAL Important Dates: May 2: World Labyrinth Day May 6: Planning Meeting for Sesquicentennial May 11: Interfaith Prayer Service May 16: Regional Vision Gathering May 17: Laser Tag for 5-7th Graders May 24: Pentecost/One Combined Service at 10:30 a.m. May 30: Pray and Play Day in Junction City May 30: Homeless Wisdom Council at FCC June 22-26: Peace Village (VBS) July 5: Church in the Park July 24: Night at the Ems Church Staff The Rev. Dr. Daniel E. H. Bryant, Senior Minister The Rev. April Oristano, Associate Pastor Patty Weller, Director of Administration Danette Lamson, Administrative Assistant/Nursery Supervisor Ariel Howe, Administrative Assistant Nancy Anderson, Director of Music, Children’s Choir Dr. John Jantzi, Organist/Bell Choir Director Roger Evers, Custodial Manager Larry Wahlstrom, Maintenance/Event Manager David Frisinger, Maintenance/Event Attendant Jennifer Harris, Wedding Hostess Betty Jo Johnson, Elder Emerita The First Christian Church Newsletter is published by First Christian Church of Eugene for its members and friends. April Oristano, Editor; Ariel Howe, Desktop Publisher. Phone: 541-344-1425 Fax: 541-338-8616 E-mail: Website: Mission Statement We believe in the love of God for all people. We gather as a worshipping community of faith to follow Jesus Christ. We delight together in what God is doing through us to bring: healing within brokenness; unity within diversity; joy within grief; and power within weakness. Our mission is to strengthen relationships we have with God, with each other, with our families, and with our world. We are an Open and Affirming Congregation and people of all sexual orientations and gender identities are welcome in the full life and ministry of our church. We are a Global Ministries church. We are a Green Chalice Congregation.
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