May 2015 MONTHLY NEWSLETTER Heritage Monthly Herald Page Heritage United Methodist Church at Countryside 2680 Landmark Drive, Clearwater FL 33761 Tel: 727.796.1329 - FAX 727.796.0115 “like” Heritage United Methodist MAY 2015 From Pastor Chuck We have had a wonderful April living in the power of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On Easter Sunday we began the month with the story of Jesus’ Death and His Resurrection. That was THE STORY that began our “Stories” series. As I said then, “On Saturday there was no Christianity but on Sunday, Easter Sunday, there was.” There was because the tomb was empty and the disciples discovered that the same power of resurrection that raised Jesus from the dead was real in their lives, and they began to tell the story of Jesus and his love. When you read this article, I will be in Kenya, Africa, completing a 10-day mission trip, teaching pastors with Michael Mozley (this year’s Global Mission Celebration speaker). My son Blake and I are part of a five-man teaching team speaking to pastors at two different conferences. We will also be ministering at an orphanage in Naynhuru, Kenya and at the Infant Rescue Ministry in Nanyuki, Kenya. (Please help me to not set off an international incident as I try to pronounce these names.) Thank you for your prayers; I have already sensed that God is preparing the hearts of the Kenyan people for the encouragement He wants to give them through our teaching and ministering. The “Stories” we have shared each Sunday from the Bible and from today have showed us again that the presence of God is real because Jesus is alive. Whether is the story is one of confusion, grief, doubt or failure the resurrection changes each story to hope. You know you will hear more “Stories” throughout May as we begin a powerful month of ministry: We will be receiving 21 Confirmation Students into membership of the church on Sunday, May 3. We have 21 students in this year’s class. Dear Church Family, (Continued on page 2) From Pastor John “But my servant Caleb—this is a different story. He has a different spirit; he follows me passionately. I’ll bring him into the land that he scouted and his children will inherit it.” Numbers 14:14 God had promised to give his people the promised land and yet all throughout the journey his people doubted and complained. Even on the brink of entering into all that God had promised they were filled with doubt and fear saying things like: Handbell Concert “Voices in Bronze” Presented by the Heritage Ringers Sunday, May 3 at 7:15 pm (Spaghetti Dinner at 6:30 pm) 16th Annual High Tea Speaker: Beth Masters Theme; "Room at the Table for Two, Three or More" Saturday, May 16, at 10 am. $15 adults and $10 students. Complete information on page 12. Contact the Adult Ministry Office: Triss Masters at 727.796.1329, x115 or Diane Osborne at ext. 144. Children’s Ministry Summer Serve 2015: June 7 – August 30 Our regular teachers take the opportunity to have the summer off. Would you consider serving to allow our volunteers a much needed respite? Please indicate on the grid on page 9 what age you would be interested in helping with, and drop it off in the Children’s Ministry Office. Chapel Open As of May 1 the Chapel will be open Monday through Friday from 5-7 pm for anyone that would like to come to a quiet place for prayer. We can’t They are stronger than we are They are like giants We are like grasshoppers This doubt and fear filled the camp, and Joshua and Caleb were outnumbered not by their enemies, but rather by their own people who simply didn’t believe! And yet in the midst of difficult circumstances, while facing great opposition and being surrounded by a culture of unbelief, Joshua and Caleb had a different spirit! They held onto the promises of God and were filled with faith! Therefore God not only honored them, he honored their children as well! (Continued on page 2) Trustees Work Day We need volunteers to help with some outside yardwork on Saturday, May 2 from 8-11 am. Contact Nathan Howe at 727.560.7078. Page 2 Heritage Monthly Herald May 2015 (Pastor Chuck . . . Continued from page 1) (Pastor John . . . Continued from page 1) May 10 is Mother’s Day and we will honor our Mothers on that Sunday. Blake will be preaching when we recognize our graduating High School Seniors on Student Sunday, May 17. On Sunday, the 24th it’s Pentecost. Wear your best red outfit as we celebrate the birthday of The Church. May has 5 Sundays, so on May 31 we will close out the month with special services to launch us into summer. God honors faith! No matter what you are facing today, no matter what the people in your circle may be saying, believe God today and live! Believe in his word and in his promises and expect his blessing in your life! As you walk in faith you and your family will see his promises fulfilled in your life time. Be encouraged and believe! We are a third of the way through the year, and God is just beginning to move. Keep praying for each other, our church, the staff and our programs. Just watch what God will do as we prepare for the best summer ever. God is doing great things in our midst. Let’s minister together. See you at Church Assistant Pastor God, in the midst of a culture that lacks faith give us the grace to believe that we will see all that you have promised in our lives, Amen. P.S. If you would like brief encouraging messages like this emailed to you visit and subscribe now. Sr. Pastor Adult Education-Discipleship Adult Studies Nursery and children’s programs are provided during all three Sunday worship services. Sunday AM 8:30 am: Room B6. We are beginning a new series by John Eldridge called Epoch. John says, “Life for most of us feels like a movie we've arrived at forty minutes late.” Join us for an exciting retelling of the Gospel. Facilitators, Bill and Vicy Goodwin. 9:45 am: Room B6. Come join lively discussion about the sermon. Facilitators, Dan Pearch and Jim Reese. 9:45 am: Room B11. Adult Life Class. We will continue studying the Old and New Testaments to find the nuggets of truth regarding how God has put in place an amazing plan of salvation that we get to participate in! God desperately wants us to be joyous and fulfilled!! Eternal life is given to us first as an installment plan with abundant life NOW! Jesus said the words "I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly." What did He mean? How do we access this life NOW? God's plan is clearly outlined in His word and that is the purpose of our class! Facilitator, Rob Knabel. 9:45 am: Fellowship Hall, North. Rock and Role. We are currently studying the Book of Jeremiah. Facilitators, Chris Iaquinto and JR Richardson. Questions? Contact Triss Masters at ext. 115 or Diane Osborne at ext. 144 9:45 am: Parlor. Seekers Class. We began a study from the Adult Bible Studies curriculum on March 1 continuing through May 31. Our title is GOD: THE HOLY SPIRIT and covers scripture from Mark, John, Acts, 1st Corinthians and 1st, 2nd and 3rd John. All are welcome to join us in the Parlor from 9:45 to 10:45 am. Facilitator, Sonja Counsel. Sunday PM (Childcare available 5-6:30 pm. RSVP at 5 pm: Bldg. C, Triss Masters’ office. “DivorceCare.” This group watches a video each week that features experts on divorce and recovery topics and will help guide your recovery from the hurt of separation or divorce, discover hope for the future and experience God’s healing. Open to men and women who are separated or divorced. Childcare available. Facilitator, Triss Masters. 5-6:30 pm: Room B6. Genesis to Revelation “Joshua, Judges, and Ruth“ by Ray Newell. Mixed group. New members always welcome. Facilitator, Mindy Crawford. 5:15-6:15 pm: Parenting Class! Join Pastor John and Emily and parents with children of all ages. Find practical help and Biblical wisdom in raising your children to succeed in every area of life. Monday PM 7 pm: “Disciple III” This is a 32-week study of The Prophets and The Letters of Paul. This class is full; please contact Diane Osborne at ext. 144 for more details or if you are interested in forming another group. 7 pm: Room B1. M-N-M’s Men’s Group. Study various books and DVD teaching segments. Ongoing group. New Members Welcome. Facilitators, Jim Workman, and Rick Garrett. Tissues and Chocolate: By appointment only. Women’s Separation/Divorce support. Please call Kathy Wilder at 727-463-9024. Tuesday AM (Childcare available 9-11:45 am. RSVP at Mom Time: Lighthouse Auditorium. 9:30-10:30 am: Yoga by Certified Instructor Annie Stobbs. We hope you will join us, regardless of whether you have an infant or teen. 10:30-11:45 am: Moms Group Time. Join us as we talk about our role as parents. This study by Andy Stanley is designed to give us the counsel we need to help prepare our children for the future as we look at the relationships in their lives. Facilitator, Triss Masters. (Continued on page 3) May 2015 (Continued from page 2) Tuesday PM 6:30 pm: Triss Masters’ office. “GriefShare.” Ongoing Grief Recovery Support Group. Meet in our comfortable setting to view a video, then discuss and share devotional material that will help you find strength and healing along with tools to move forward in your daily walk through the deep pain of grief. Facilitators, Rev. Don Jones and Triss Masters. Wednesday AM 10 am: Room B1. Adult Bible Study. We are starting “The God We Can Know: Exploring the "I Am" Sayings of Jesus” by Rob Fuquay. “The God We Can Know” is a 7-week study and explores the "I Am" sayings of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Perfect for Lent or any time of year, this series will help you find and form an answer to the most essential question in the Christian faith, "Who do you say I am?" Facilitators, Triss Masters and Robyn Sitmer. Wednesday PM (Childcare available RSVP at 7 pm: Parlor. Men’s Group Bible Study. Designed for men with children still at home. Join Pastor John and other young men, share a meal together, get some “guy time.” RSVP for childcare at 6:30 pm: Room B1. Women’s Group. We are starting “Stepping Up: A Journey Through the Psalms of Ascent” by Beth Moore. Designed for women with young children. Please join us. Facilitators, Jill Webb and Sheri Stinson. Thursday AM 10 am-12 pm: Building D 2nd Floor Auditorium. Career Transition Network. Preparing you to find your next job. Facilitators, Lee Savage, Guerry Thode and Curt Engelmann. Call Lee at 727.784.5505. Thursday PM 6:30 pm: Parlor. WALK BY FAITH Bible Study. This Bible study, also known as the V.I.P. MINISTRY for THOSE EXPERIENCING ANY TYPE OF VISUAL CONCERN, now includes the visually challenged, the Heritage Monthly Herald hearing challenged and the fully sighted. Our curriculum is The Book of Acts, using curriculums by John Stott and Max Lucado. All text is provided in large print format. We meet the first and third Thursday evenings of each month. Please call Marsha Hurtz at 727.796.1298 for more information. 7 pm: Room B1. Women’s Bible Study. Comparison of the Gospels. Looking at the life of Jesus chronologically as we study Mathew, Mark, Luke and John. Facilitators Triss Masters and Shirley Westrate. Friday AM 6 am: Parlor. Men’s Study and Prayer. Join Pastor Chuck as men of all ages gather for study and prayer for one hour on the first and third Friday mornings each month. Come casual or on your way to work. 10 am: Triss Masters’ office. Women’s Bible study. Join us for the Beth Moore study, “To Live is Christ.” This is a ten-week study. Facilitators Triss Masters and Karen Bauler. 10 am: Fellowship Hall. Young at Heart for retired and senior adults. The Book Of Acts. Taught by Mel Swets. Coffee, pastries, study and lunch - what a great way to spend a Friday. Ongoing group. Saturday PM: 6 pm: Building D Auditorium in the Lighthouse. Saturday Fellowship is a monthly get together for everyone. We will lift God up in song and share our lives through prayer requests and praise reports. We also have time each month to discuss different topics: personal testimonies, video lessons and mission moments. Saturday Fellowship is your time to see God working in our church and in individuals’ lives. Following our gathering we will gather together in fellowship. Saturday Fellowship and Pot Luck: We meet May 9 and June 13. We DO NOT MEET in July and August. We will resume September 12, and continue to meet on October 10, November 14 and December 12. Page 3 Adult Trips Questions? Contact Cathy Iaquinto at ext. 145 or visit the Adult Trip Table Keep checking the Adult Trip Table for Upcoming Trips. Upcoming Trips Thursday, May 7: Tampa Museum of Art. Located in downtown Tampa. Contemporary and Modern Art Museum. A permanent collection of Antiquities and world class traveling exhibitions. Award winning building and cafe. Cost: $10. Thursday, May 14: A Chorus Line. The Show Palace. A Chorus Line tells the riveting stories of a group of well trained dancers and singers as they audition for a few coveted slots on a chorus line of a high energy production. Join their adventure and peer into their world as performers and choreographers show how dance and song have shaped their lives. Leave church at 11 am. Cost: $47. Payment due March 1. Friday, June 12 and Saturday, June 13: Living Proof Live, Beth Moore. USF Sun Dome. For all Women. Living Proof Live, sponsored by Nashville-based publishing company LifeWay Christian Resources, will feature Moore’s dynamic storytelling and passionate Bible teaching. The event, which is now in its 17th year, both challenges and encourages women to grow deeply in their faith. Friday night leave 4 pm from the church. Doors open 5:30 pm and finish at 9:30 pm. Saturday leave the church 7 am. Doors open 7:30 am and the event starts at 8:30 am and ends 12:15 pm. Cost: $69 as long as tickets are available. (Open seating.) We will carpool. Mark Your Calendar Now For the Next Emmaus Gathering! Sunday, May 17 5:30 pm (Doors open at 5 pm). Potluck (Bring a dish to share). Van Dyke UMC 17030 Lakeshore Road, Lutz, FL 33558 Childcare available with reservations by contacting Dawn Carr at 352.593.4900. Page 4 Music Ministry Rob Knabel Conducting World Premier of “Gloria!” Heritage Monthly Herald May 2015 length once weekly and are based on the convenience of your schedule. Interested? Want more information? Call Rob at 727-515-1817 or email him at This is a very popular summer workshop, so contact him quickly for more detailed information. Handbell Ringers Rob Knabel will be conducting a world premiere of a work written by a composer in California and would like to invite all the Heritage family to attend. Sandy Huff, who sings with our choir, has a composer friend that has written a work entitled "Gloria", and Rob has agreed to premiere the work on Sunday, May 31 at 3 pm in the sanctuary of Northwood Presbyterian Church. The premiere will include Tom Huffman on the organ, Dede Natale on the piano and 35 singers that are presently rehearsing the work. Admission is free, but there will be a love offering taken to help in defraying the expenses of the premiere. This is the first world premiere Rob has done, and he is anxious to share it with his church family!! Summer Music Workshop Our traditional music director Rob Knabel is again offering his annual summer music workshop; the only time he teaches privately during the year. Lessons will begin shortly after school finishes in early June. These are private lessons offered for six weeks in the summer; voice, music theory, composition, piano, basic guitar, general music and AP music review. This is a six-week study and you're done; no longterm hassle with ongoing conflicts and scheduling problems. This is a great time to give yourself the gift of private study of what you've always dreamed about and never quite got around to with the busyness of life. This is also a great time to start young children in a positive manner where a foundation can be put in place that lasts for life. The lessons are one hour in Handbell rehearsals at 7 pm in Room B3. If you can read music and want to have a lot of fun with a welcoming group, join the handbell choir or ring as a substitute. We can teach you to ring, and it is a wonderful experience and an aid to worship. Or maybe you have rung before and would like an opportunity to ring again. We meet Wednesdays, 7 pm in Room B3. If you are interested, please contact Barbara Davis: 727.781.1171 You will be glad you did. Choir and Praise Ensemble Our traditional music director, Rob Knabel, would like to invite members of our church family to consider joining our music ministry at both the 8:30 and 11:10 am services. Our ministry is a LOT more than simply singing; we are a small group family within the church! Rob places emphasis on development of the spirit along with the music. Members agree that they enjoy fellowship and support in addition to the musical satisfaction they receive. Rob sees the music as much more than just performing in a church service. He sees it as a gift to God to anoint the worship service with God's Holy presence through the power of the Holy Spirit. We perform for God, and the church family enjoys the benefit. This emphasis makes the rehearsals and presentations so much more satisfying! We rehearse on Thursday nights. Prior experience is not necessary to join; we take you as you are, and your development begins!! Rob's cell is 727.515.1817, or you can email him at for further information. Preparing you to find your next job. Thursdays 10 am - noon except holidays. Our Career Transition Network Ministry continues to meet every Thursday from 10 am to noon with individual sessions available from 9 am to 10 am. Activity continues to be very positive in 2015. Sixteen new members have joined our group since January, and fourteen of our CTN members have found new employment opportunities this year including 3 this past week. Also, Christian Television Network (CTN) presented a very positive overview of our ministry and Church on March 4 and 5. If you would like to see the video of Lee Savage’s interview on Christian Television Network go to: Help provided for: Career Direction, Résumé Preparation, Networking, Interview Skills, Use of Internet and Negotiating. Facilitated by Lee Savage, Guerry Thode and Curt Engelmann. Building D 2nd Floor - Auditorium. Call Lee at 727.784.5505 for information. We not only provide job coaching and training, but we also serve as a support group. In addition, we offer a special initiative for our veterans. Please contact Lee Savage at 727.784.5505 or for additional information. May 2015 Heritage Monthly Herald Page 5 Lighthouse Student Ministry GRADUATING SENIOR BREAKFAST: Mark your calendars! We will be hosting a breakfast on May 17 at 8:30 am in the Student Ministry Auditorium for all graduating students and their families. Afterward, there will be a special recognition of our graduating seniors during the 9:45 am worship service. RSVP is required for breakfast. Parents, if you have a son or daughter graduating from either high school or college, please contact the Lighthouse Office 727-797-0703 or email with their name, the school they are graduating from and details of their future plans such as employment, military service or degree. We would like to collect a senior picture of your graduate to use in the presentation during the May 17 service. Also, please include a baby picture and a school or church activity picture if you can. Please label each picture with the students name and it will be returned to you unharmed. The deadline for this information is Monday, May 4. SUNDAYS AT THE LIGHTHOUSE MORNING BIBLE STUDY at 9:45 AM: 6th Grade: LH Room D209 7th/8th Grade: LH Room D206 EVENING STUDENT MINISTRY: Middle School BLITZ meets in the Lighthouse from 5-6:45 pm High School IMPACT meets in the Lighthouse from 7-9 pm No BLITZ/IMPACT Mother’s Day (May 10) Memorial Day Weekend (May 24) VOLUNTEERS Parent volunteers are always needed and welcomed. You can help us out in the café on Sunday evenings, help with transportation on trips, chaperone for special events or help in the office. Contact the Lighthouse office if you have time you’d like to share with us. We know your time is valuable and we appreciate your spending it with us. FRIDAY MORNING BREAKFAST: Every Friday that school is in session, volunteers cook breakfast for the students at 6 am for high school and 8 am for middle school. The cost is only $2 payable each week or you may purchase a $25 Breakfast Card good for 15 meals from the Lighthouse Office. CURRENT 5th and 6th GRADE STUDENTS: Get ready for LIFT-OFF! August 6-8. We’ll journey to Orlando’s Disney Quest, Cocoa Beach, Ron Jon’s Surf Shop and more while you experience a Lighthouse Student Ministry activity and get to meet the Lighthouse Staff. Come check out what awaits you next fall when you begin middle school AND student ministry! See the flyer in the Lighthouse Lobby for more information. Registration has begun. LIGHTHOUSE SUMMER ACTIVITIES: BIG PARTY!! Look for details in the Lighthouse lobby. It’s going to be a great time! MISSION TRIPS: Please pray for our students and leaders who will be going out into the mission field this summer. We have a group going to work in a fishing village in Brazil with Daniel Schimenes and another group going to Alabama to work a construction project with World Changers. Our students and leaders are excited to see how God is working in other communities and to be His hands and feet. Your prayers will go a long way to support them on these missions. ONECAMP, COVINGTON, GA June 28th – July 3rd Together with four other church youth groups, our students will have the opportunity to experience God in a big, creative, fun and thoughtful way. Think KAOS and RUSH, but for a whole week! Registration is open for upcoming 7th graders – outgoing 12th graders. Registration is available in the Lighthouse lobby. The fee is $250 and transportation to and from camp will be provided. $75 deposit is due May 3. Final balance due May 31. UPCOMING EVENTS May 2: Confirmation Rehearsal and Parent Meeting, 9 am May 3: Confirmation Sunday, 9:45 am Service May 10: NO BLITZ/IMPACT; Happy Mother’s Day! May 17: Graduation Breakfast, 8:30 am May 24: NO BLITZ/IMPACT; Memorial Day Weekend! May 31: The BIG Party! June 7: Commission Service for Brazil Mission Team, 9:45 am June 13-20: High School International Mission Trip – Brazil June 28-July 3: OneCamp, Covington, GA July 12: Commission Service for World Changers Team, 9:45 am July 19-25: World Changers – Birmingham, AL August 6-8: LIFT-OFF Retreat, 5th/6th Grade Like us on Facebook: The Lighthouse Heritage UMC Page 6 Heritage Monthly Herald Sun Mon Tue Wed May 2015 Thu Fri Sat 1 2 7 HS AP Testing 8 Ladies Bible Study Flex & Stretch Career Transitions Adult Trip-Museum Al-Anon Meeting Walk by Faith Worship Team Women’s Bible Study 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00 am HS Breakfast 8:00 am MS Breakfast 10:00 am Women’s Study 10:00 am Young @ Heart 6:30 pm Skate Night 9 14 15 16 6:00 am Men’s Prayer 6:00 am HS Breakfast 8:00 am MS Breakfast 10:00 am Women’s Study 10:00 am Young @ Heart Chapel is open Monday-Friday at 5 pm 3 Confirmation Sunday 7:30 am Prayer Time 8:30/11:10 am TRAD. SVCS 9:45 am CONTEMP SVC 9:45 am Confirmation Service 5:00 pm DivorceCare 5:00 pm Mixed Bible Study 5:00 pm TeamKid 5:15 pm Parenting Class 5/7:00 pm BLITZ/IMPACT 6:30 pm Spaghetti Dinner 10 Mother’s Day 7:30 am Prayer Time 8:30/11:10 am TRAD. SVCS 9:45 am CONTEMP SVC 4 HS AP Testing 5 HS AP Testing 6 9:00 6:45 7:00 7:00 7:00 am am am pm pm 11 9:00 5:30 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:00 am pm pm am pm pm Quilters SM Praise Band Admin. Counsel M-N-M’S Bible Disciple III HS AP Testing Quilters Joy Circle Trustees SM Praise Band M-N-M’S Bible Disciple III 17 18 24 25 Memorial Day Graduation Sunday 7:30 am Prayer Time 8:30/11:10 am TRAD. SVCS 8:30 am Grad. Senior Breakfast 9:45 am CONTEMP SVC 5:00 pm DivorceCare 5:00 pm Mixed Bible Study 5:00 pm TeamKid 5:15 pm Parenting Class 5/7:00 pm BLITZ/IMPACT 7:30 am Prayer Time 8:30/11:10 am TRAD. SVCS 9:45 am CONTEMP SVC 5:00 pm DivorceCare 5:00 pm Mixed Bible Study 5:15 pm Parenting Class 31 7:30 am Prayer Time 8:30/11:10 am TRAD. SVCS 9:45 am CONTEMP SVC 3:00 pm Gloria Pre. Concert 5:00 pm DivorceCare 5:00 pm Mixed Bible Study 5:00 pm TeamKid 5:15 pm Parenting Class 5/7:00 pm BLITZ/IMPACT 9:00 6:30 6:45 7:00 7:00 am pm am pm pm Quilters Finance SM Praise Band M-N-M’S Bible Disciple III Office is closed Have a safe holiday! 9:30 am Moms Yoga 10:00 am Flex & Stretch 10:30 am Moms Group Time 3:45 pm Dance Ministry 5:30 pm Street Ministry 6:30 pm GriefShare 7:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting HS AP Testing 8:15 am All Pro Dad Breakfast 10:00 am Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Group 7:00 pm HS Bible Study 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal 7:00 pm Young Men’s Group 8:00 pm Saturday Fellowship Band Practice 12 13 HS AP Testing 8:15 am iMom Breakfast 9:30 am Moms Yoga 10:00 am Flex & Stretch 10:30 am Moms Group Time 3:45 pm Dance Ministry 6:30 pm GriefShare 7:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting HS AP Testing 10:00 am Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Group 7:00 pm Young Men’s Group 7:00 pm HS Bible Study 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:15 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm HS AP Testing Ladies Bible Study ASG Fabric Min. Flex & Stretch Career Transitions Adult Trip-Show Palace Al-Anon Meeting Worship Team Women’s Bible Choir Rehearsal 6:00 am Men’s Prayer 6:00 am HS Breakfast 8:00 am MS Breakfast 10:00 am Women’s Study 10:00 am Young @ Heart 8:00 am Trustee’s “Lawn Work Day” 9:00 am Confirmation Class Rehearsal 9:00 am Confirmation Class Parent Meeting 1:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal 6:00 pm Saturday Fellowship 10:00 am Women’s Annual Tea 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 Davis Elementary (all day) 9:30 am Moms Yoga 10:00 am Flex & Stretch 10:30 am Moms Group Time 3:45 pm Dance Ministry 5:30 pm Street Ministry 6:30 pm GriefShare 7:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting 7:00 pm Davis Program 9:30 am Moms Yoga 10:00 am Flex & Stretch 10:30 am Moms Group Time 3:45 pm Dance Ministry 6:30 pm GriefShare 6:30 pm Camp Counselors 7:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting 10:00 am Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Group 7:00 pm Young Men’s Group 7:00 pm HS Bible Study 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal 10:00 am Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm Women’s Group 7:00 pm Young Men’s Group 7:00 pm HS Bible Study 7:00 pm Handbell Rehearsal 9:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm Ladies Bible Study Flex & Stretch Career Transitions Al-Anon Meeting Walk by Faith Worship Team Women’s Bible Study 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 9:00 am Ladies Bible Study 10:00 am Flex & Stretch 10:00 am Career Transitions 1:00 pm Al-Anon Meeting 6:30 pm Worship Team 7:00 pm Women’s Bible Study 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal 6:00 am HS Breakfast 8:00 am MS Breakfast 10:00 am Women’s Study 10:00 am Young @ Heart 6:00 am HS Breakfast 8:00 am MS Breakfast 10:00 am Women’s Study 10:00 am Young @ Heart 3:00 pm TBI/ABI Meeting 10:00 am Gloria Premiere Rehearsal May 2015 Serving in Ministry Service Opportunities Available on Sunday Mornings: We welcome your Gifts of Hospitality and Service. Ushers: We are in need of ushers for the 8:30 and 11:10 am services. If you would like to be a part of this team, please contact the church office at 727.796.1329. Coffee Fellowship: Prepare, replenish and serve the coffee, juice and pastries with one or two other volunteers. Requires being available most of the morning in Fellowship Hall; however, you can worship at your preferred time. Work one Sunday every three to four months. We also need volunteers to help with Coffee Fellowship in Building D. Greeters: Arrive 20 minutes before the service to greet at the Main Door or Gate. Be one of the first faces to welcome members and guests. For any of the above opportunities, contact Diane Osborne at 727.796.1329 x144, or email: Caregiving Meals Periodically we try to provide meals for someone coming home from the hospital or rehab. It is such a blessing to the person or family. It doesn’t have to be home cooked; it can be picked up at a restaurant or grocery deli. We also have a website: (Take Them A Meal). This site allows you to review available dates and to sign up for one convenient for you. Furthermore, you can review what others are bringing in order to avoid duplicating meals. Please, remember to add your phone number, just in case any changes need to be made. If you do not have e-mail, we will still be doing some phone calling, and you can always call the church office if you have any questions or comments. Taking a meal to a family is a great way to show God’s loving care. Contact Diane Osborne at or 727.796.1329 x144. Heritage Monthly Herald Quilters: Heritage Quilters had a busy 2014. Our projects included: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Delivered 40 fleece cot blankets (fringed and knotted) to one of the Early Childhood Learning Centers run by UMCM Suncoast. Made skirts, sundresses and pillowcase dresses for school girls in Haiti. Donated ever 100 quilts to Healthy Start Coalition for their Fall Community Baby Shower. Provided quilts for babies baptized at Heritage. Gave money to trustees for landscape beautification. The Heritage Quilters would like to invite all levels of quilters to come join us Mondays, 9-11 am in room B12. For more info contact Nancy Wood at 727.784.0058 or Jean Albert, 727.784.7094. Communion Prep Team Our Communion Prep Team meets the Saturday before the first Sunday of the month at 1 pm. We would love to have you join us to help prepare for Holy Communion. We also have a team of people who take a turn once every two or three months to put out the elements prior to the service they attend and return them to the Sacristy after the service. If you would like to be on either of these rotating teams, please contact Sandy Walling at 727.726.5948 or email Prayer Chain: We have a prayer chain that supports you in prayer. To place a request on our prayer chain: You can write it on the tear-off of your Sunday bulletin and place it in the offering. You can call the church office at 727.796.1329 and ask for Betty at ext. 148, or email her: Your prayer requests are shared with the church staff and our prayer chain. If you would like to be part of our prayer chain Page 7 and receive in the mail (and periodic email) concerns that you can lift in prayer to God, indicate your desire on the tear-off in the Sunday Bulletin. Kitchen Patrol Ministry Do you have the gift of service and are willing to help clean the kitchen a few hours each month? The Kitchen Patrol Ministry Team has a couple of openings the third week of each month. If you would like to join our dedicated team of volunteers who keep us in compliance with Health Department regulations, check the appropriate box on the bulletin tear-off. We are blessed that our kitchen sparkles each week, and we are grateful to those who have served us in the past. Please consider this important opportunity to be the hands and feet of Christ. Contact Diane Osborne, ext. 144 if you have any questions. Pet Therapy The pet therapy team at Heritage visits our homebound church members as well as many others throughout our community. You can help bring comfort and joy to those in need by sharing the love your dog or cat has to offer. Please call Dana Reames at 727.796.5867 to find out how to get your pet screened and registered for pet therapy. Transportation Needed! The Walk by Faith Bible study, also known as the V.I.P. Ministry for those experiencing ANY TYPE OF VISUAL CONCERN, is beginning its 11th year. This Bible study meets the first and third Thursdays of each month, 6:30-8:30 pm in the Parlor. We continue to need assistance with transporting various members. Sometimes transportation to and from the Bible study is needed and sometimes, it is only a one-way trip. If you are able to transport once a month or once every two months, your service is greatly needed and would be sincerely appreciated. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord. Thank you for your contribution to the furtherance of this ministry. Please call Marsha Hurtz, facilitator at (727)796-1298. Page 8 Caregiving Parish Nurse Corner: "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you." Ephesians 4:32 NIV * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * MORE ABOUT MEASLES The first locally acquired measles case in a Florida resident has been confirmed. Measles is a highly contagious disease, transmitted by respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus can live for up to two hours on surfaces or in an air space where the infected person coughs or sneezes. The incubation period ranges from 7-21 days (average 10-12 days), and an individual can pass the virus on to others before he or she feels sick. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS Fever (can be high). Cough, runny nose and conjunctivitis. Red, raised rash typically appears on the forehead or behind the ears and progresses from head toward toes. The rash peaks in 3 or 4 days and begins fading by the fifth day in the same order as the lesions appeared. Koplik spots (tiny white spots) appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth, usually opposite the second molar. Koplik spots always indicate measles, but do not occur in all cases of measles. Measles should be suspected if the above signs and symptoms are observed. A suspected case of measles should be reported to the county health department immediately. The best way to prevent the spread of measles is vaccination (MMR). For further information, check * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * If you have any questions, you may contact a nurse by calling the church office at 727.796.1329. A nurse will return your call. Blood Pressures Blood pressures are checked the second Sunday of every month in the Receptionist’s office. Heritage Monthly Herald Automated External Defibrillator If needed for emergencies, an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is located across from the Receptionist’s office. The staff has been trained on its use. Prayer Group: Time With Him in Prayer 1 Timothy 2:1-2 says: “I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” We meet every Sunday Morning at 7:30 am in the Chapel and need to be praying for our country, our church and our individual lives. The prayer time is open to everybody. Come and pray with us. We need God’s help desperately in every area of life. DivorceCare: Sundays at 5 pm in Building C, Triss’ Office. This group watches a video each week that features experts on divorce and recovery topics. DivorceCare will help guide your recovery from the hurt of separation or divorce to a discovery of hope for the future and for God’s healing. Open to men and women who are separated or divorced. Facilitated by Triss Masters. Childcare is available by registering at: The class and childcare are free. Need more info? Contact Triss Masters at 727.796.1329 x115. GriefShare: Grief Recovery Support Group, Mondays at 6:30 pm in the Parlor. Ongoing Grief Recovery Support Group. Meet in our comfortable setting to view a video, then discuss and share devotional material that will help you find strength and healing as well as tools to move forward in your daily walk through the deep pain of grief. Facilitated by Rev. Don Jones and Triss Masters. Tissues and Chocolate: By appointment only. Women’s Separation/Divorce support. Please call Kathy Wilder at 727-463-9024 Al-Anon: This group meets Tuesdays, 7 pm and Thursdays at 1 pm in Building C, Southeast Classroom. May 2015 Hospital and Home Visits: If you are going into the hospital or you know of someone who is going into the hospital or is currently in an extended stay in the hospital, please let us know. You can put this information on the tear-off that you place in the offering, or you can call the church office and speak to Rev. Don Jones or Triss Masters. We also make home visits if you know of someone who is confined at home for a time. Flex and Stretch FREE EXERCISE PROGRAM FOR ADULTS - (MEN AND WOMEN) Join us in Building C, Southeast Classroom on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10-10:30 am for some fellowship and resistance training exercise. We follow a video instructor and use rubber exercise bands to provide force for strengthening muscles. This strengthening exercise program was designed by physical therapists for adults to improve strength, balance and overall health. Regardless of your age, it is never too late to begin an exercise program. Home Communion and Mailing to Our Homebound: Do you know of someone who is homebound who would like to receive Home Communion once a month? Or perhaps they would appreciate getting our Herald mailed to them? Please contact Diane Osborne ext. 144 or email Also, we need volunteers who can serve communion at Regency Oaks. Contact Triss Masers if you can help. Prayer Chain: We have a prayer chain that supports you in prayer. To place a request on our prayer chain: You can write it on the tear-off of your Sunday bulletin and place it in the offering. You can call the church office at 727.796.1329 and ask for Betty at ext. 148, or email her: Children’s Ministry School Age (K-5th grade) - Summer Serve 2015: June 7 – August 30 st Floater 8:30 am K-5 story 4/5 boys 4/5 boys 4/5 girls 4/5 girls rd 3 rd 3 nd 2 nd 2 st 1 1 K K Age 06/28 07/05 06/21 06/07 06/14 July June 07/12 07/19 07/26 08/02 August 08/09 08/16 08/23 08/30 Our regular teachers take the opportunity to have the summer off. Would you consider serving to allow our volunteers a much needed respite? Please indicate on the grid below what age you would be interested in helping with, and drop it off in the Children’s Ministry Office. May 2015 Heritage Monthly Herald Page 9 K-5th grade: Worship with Families VBS Sunday All Large Group All Large Group Page 10 Heritage Monthly Herald May 2015 Children’s Ministry Partnering with parents and families in developing fully devoted followers of Christ. School Age (K–5th) - May 2015 Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers May 2015 Basic Truth: God made me. Key Question: Who can help others? Bottom Line: I can help others. Memory Verse: “Be kind and loving to each other.” -Ephesians 4:32, NCV Memory Verse: “Keep me from cheating and telling lies. Be kind and teach me your law.” Psalm 119:29, NIrV Life App: Honesty—choosing to be truthful in whatever you say and do. Basic Truth: I need to make the wise choice. Summer Camps: Travel Camp: PVBS/VBS: PBA1: Yes, I Am Willing! “How can they have faith in the Lord and ask Him to save them, if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear, unless someone tells them?” June 15-19 July 13-17 July 20-24 8 am-5 pm 9 am-12 pm 9 am-2 pm $160 $30 $120 Camp Heritage: July 20-24 9 am-2 pm $120 PBA2: Sports Camp: 9 am-2 pm 9 am-2 pm $120 $120 After Care July 27-31 July 27-31 2 pm-5 pm $40 Romans 10:14 Skate Night Are you willing to share with the children of Heritage the truth of Jesus? Join us for Skate Night on Friday, May 8, 6:30—8:30 pm. For more details visit our website at 2 Timothy tells us that the “Lord’s servant must be kind to everyone, able to teach.” Are you a servant of the Lord who will teach the truth to a new generation? Please help give our Sunday school teachers a break for the summer and volunteer to teach 2 or 3 Sundays, curriculum provided. Sign up on the grid on page 11 or contact Emma Morgan ( 727.796.1329 ext. 149. TeamKid Sundays 5:00 – 6:30 pm in the CM Auditorium No TeamKid on May 10 (Mother’s Day). TeamKid Celebration May 17 (last TeamKid of the school year). Dance Ministry—Preschool to 5th Grade Tuesdays from 3:45 to 4:30 pm in the Children’s Ministry Auditorium. Our last dance class will be on May 12. We will take a break over the summer and return in the fall. May 2015 Heritage Monthly Herald Missions Spaghetti Ministry Dinner Sunday, May 3, 6:30 pm Our program will be “Voices in Bronze” presented by the Heritage Ringers at 7:15 pm. Page 11 come walk with us Saturday morning! Check out or come by the pink table in the Hallway. Building a Habitat on Faith You may not know this but Habitat homes aren't free. Applicants must go through a long application process, attend classes, and volunteer many hours with Habitat before a property is even considered. Even then, its not a hand out. Once selected, homeowners pay an affordable mortgage on the home. We Need Donations and Volunteers! Summer is almost upon us and it's time to gear up for all our Spaghetti Kids. We need new adult sized sleeping bags, towels, washcloths, deodorants, toothbrushes, sunscreen, shampoos, soaps, insect repellent wipes, and notebooks. On July 5 and 12, we’ll be taking the kids to camp in Hudson, and we’ll pick them up on July 11 and 17. We need loving and patient adults to ride with us. Please contact Brad Weller at 727.796.1329 x112 if you can help. Burn Some Calories, Save Some Lives We all need to get out and walk around. So why not do it with friends and save lives? May 9 is the New Life Solutions Walk for Life. It starts at Countryside Christian Center, goes down Main Street and comes right back for a 2 mile stroll. We want you to come join our team of walkers! It costs absolutely nothing to walk. So let's repeat, we want you to May Birthdays May 01 James Edinger Ellen Mandt Cuinn Crawford May 02 Sally Lindberg Angela Ohmer May 03 Thelma Thomas Julie E. Battaglia Melissa Stickler May 04 Linda Barrett May 05 Judy Yarian Barbara Buckley Kenneth Winsey Tamara Mortti May 06 James H. Reese Marsha Mullett Shannon Riek Nancy Mitchem Brian Kay May 07 Patricia Ford Barbara Davis Charles Smith Jr. Robert Rice May 08 Joyce Benson Mary Kralowetz Karen Bauler May 09 Penelope Howard David Anderson Neil Yarian Robert Rose Nathalie Kobel Amanda Jones May 10 Nancy Murphy Marcia Barabas Maria Elena Marley Patricia Sikowski Rachel Falls May 11 Robert Leslie upon the foundation of the Gospel. Literally! A Bible is actually included in the foundation as it is being constructed. The Acevedos are pledging to live their lives on that foundation. Meet the Acevedos. They are a family of 5 with 3 children. They currently live in a rental in Largo. Mrs. Acevedo works as a home health nurse. Mr. Acevedo is currently on disability after a permanent back and neck injury while working for a pool company. They have two boys (one entering high school, the other entering middle school this fall) and one girl (who will be entering 5th grade). So why are you meeting them here? This summer, Habitat for Humanity Pinellas is bringing back something they haven't done in many years. It's called a Faith Build-- a specific home that is completely funded and built by local churches coming together as The Body. But even cooler is the house is built Jack Freeman Diane Newman Austin Waag Gavin Mitchiner May 12 Guido Riveros Alicia E. Mandt May 13 Loren Buckley Sarah Knabel May 14 Bernice Moore Jo Ann Bulthuis Shirley Westrate Linda Funke Elizabeth Bishop May 15 Sally Spehr Jonathan Livingston Nicole Temperton Emily Pate Bella Briseno May 16 Richard Shockley, Sr. Meredith Butler May 17 Joyce Ranke Vicki McMullen May 18 John Inglis Shannon Constantinou Melanie Nordwall Taylor Mortti May 19 Rick Sadorf Arthur Garcia May 20 Norman Baarman Nancy Klibanoff Linda Quigley Melissa Whittenhall May 21 Hazel Crowe Janet Ward Richard Dixon Karen Bashara Heritage is proud to be supporters of this Faith Build, both financially and with workers. That's where we need you! Stay tuned for an upcoming Heritage Saturday work date. There will be plenty of work times throughout the weeks ahead that it will take to build this house. If you're interested, please talk with Brad Weller ASAP. You must be 18 or older to build and 16 or older to landscape. Street Ministry We serve the first and third Tuesday nights of each month at the Pinellas Safe Harbor facility adjacent to the courthouse and jail on 49th Street. We welcome all adults, 18 years old and up, to help us serve the homeless! If you would like to serve on this team, please contact Brad Weller at 727.796.1329 x112. We leave from the Heritage parking lot at 5:30 pm and return by 7:30 pm. May 22 Carl Grimes May 23 Divora Garibay Shannon Morgan Matthias Bloedorn Joshua Meurer Jessica Mullins Mitchell Owens May 24 Guerry Thode Robert Bentz Susan Lemire Lorraine Johns James Polachy David Garrett May 25 Joyce Dancey Carlyn Bell Abigail DeWeerd May 26 Thomas H. Fisher May 27 Brad Weller May 28 Rich Walling Stuart Bevill Jim Talley Sandi Bradley May 29 Jennifer Pate Heather George Eric Anderson Danielle Aguilar Austin Block Brandon Mullis May 30 Sharon Wright Kayla Louttit May 31 Lauren Kay Marissa Campbell Page 12 Women’s Ministry Heritage Monthly Herald May 2015 Questions? Triss Masters at ext. 115 or Diane Osborne at ext. 144 Joy Circle: Our next meeting is May 11 when we will learn about another parable that Jesus told. Be sure to join us at Perkins Restaurant on the south west corner of Curlew Rd. and U.S. 19 at 5:30 for dinner and then the lesson at 6:30 pm. During the summer months we meet at various restaurants for dinner only. In May, those present at the meeting will vote on the restaurants suggested. Help suggest restaurants and vote for your favorites. Come make some new friends and enjoy a nice meal together. For more information contact Jane Lee at 727.266.4380 or email her at 16th Annual High Tea "Room at the Table for Two, Three or More" Speaker: Beth Masters Saturday, May 16, at 10 am. $15 for adults and $10 for students. Tickets on sale April 26th and May 3rd and 10th between services in the Fellowship Hall or during the week in the Adult Ministry Office, Bldg. C. What is the High Tea? It is an outreach event designed specifically for women. We hope that you will invite family members, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Think about those women that you have wanted to introduce to Heritage or that you have wanted to be able to open that conversation about faith with. It is a morning in which the Fellowship Hall is transformed into a tea room, where each table has its own theme, and décor. It is simply amazing! Plan to join us on Saturday, May 16 th at 10 am. It is two hours of great conversations, laughter, delicious food, and a time that we can enjoy the creativity of our hostesses! It is a time for praise and worship . . . We will move to the sanctuary for a special music and a brief program. Beth Masters will share with us and Kayla Engelhardt will lead our music. Questions often asked: Do I have to be invited by a hostess? Absolutely not! They are there to make sure you have everything you need to enjoy the morning! Please come and be our guests! How can I become a hostess? Do you love to decorate? Give us a call. We are always looking for a few more women to help us with this event and we would love to have you on the team! How do I get my tickets? Tickets are on sale April 26th, May 3rd and May 10th before and after services, in the Fellowship Hall and during the week in the Adult Ministry Office, Bldg. C. More Questions? Contact the Adult Ministry Office: Triss Masters at 727.196.1329 ext. 115 or Diane Osborne at ext. 144. Men’s Ministry 7 pm: Room B1. Monday Night Men’s (M-N-M) Discussion Group. All men are welcome to this ongoing group. We study various books and DVDs, then have a lively discussion. Study is led by Jim Workman ( with various discussion facilitators. Wednesdays, 7 pm: Young Men’s Small Group Bible study. Join Pastor John and other young men, share a meal together, get some “guy time.” RSVP for child care at Friday Morning 6 am Men’s Prayer Group. Parlor. Men’s Study and Prayer. Join Pastor Chuck as men of all ages gather for study and prayer for one hour on the first and third Friday morning each month. Come casual or on your way to work.
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