High Country News 17 March 2015

Solar - way to go
There has been a lot of argy bargy around
solar and renewable energy in Canberra but
you might be surprised to read that when it
comes to renewables, Australians overwhelmingly agree.
In fact, more than 75 per cent of Australians support an increase to the Renewable
Energy Target - the scheme that has helped
millions of Australians go solar and take control of their power bills.
There is little wonder why 1.3 million
Australians have made the smart choice and
switched to solar power. A recent study by
the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy
Systems has found that solar power will be
the cheapest form of energy for Australia
within a decade.
Most of those households are in lower and
middle income suburbs, areas that are most
vulnerable to power price rises. That’s a fact,
plain and simple.
The odds overwhelmingly stack up in favour of keeping the Renewable Energy Target. The target works to lower the cost of
electricity bills for all Australians, it will create 20,000 jobs by 2020 and help create clean
energy to boot.
If the Federal Government really wants to
help lower the cost of living for Australian
families, it would halt its attacks on solar and
renewables policy and see to it that all Australians could get access to solar power. Claire O’Rourke, Solar Citizens National Director.
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Cancer Council Queensland is calling on
Queenslanders to register early to host an
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, aiming to
raise $2.5 million for those affected by cancer.
Every day around 68 Queenslanders are
diagnosed with the disease and, tragically, 21
Queenslanders will die of it.
Register to host Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and show someone you care. Most of
us know someone who has been affected by
cancer. By hosting a morning tea in their honour, or their memory, you will be making a
Our aim is to raise $2.5 million towards
beating cancer. To do this, we need the help
of at least 5600 hosts.
Since it began in 1994, Australia’s Biggest
Morning Tea has raised $121 million dollars
for cancer research, prevention, early detection, treatment, and support services.
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea is a great
way of getting people together for a good
cause, enjoying great food accompanied by
tea or coffee.
One in two will be affected by cancer in
their lifetime.
Almost all of us know someone who has
experienced cancer.
The five-year relative survival rate for all
cancers in Queensland has increased from 60
per cent in the 1990s to nearly 70 per cent
today, with thanks to campaigns such as this.
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea has also
raised awareness, ensuring that Queenslanders
reduce their cancer risks through healthy living and participation in screening programs.
Equally importantly, it has enabled us to
reach out and support those affected, through
services such as 13 11 20 and cancer counselling.
Hosts receive a free kit with party ideas,
recipes, and tips from celebrity chefs.
Register online via www.biggest
morningtea.com.au and invite your friends,
family or workmates to put the kettle on and
get together to help beat cancer.
• Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea will take
place on Thursday, May 28, but hosts can
hold morning teas any time throughout May
or June. - Katie Clift, Cancer Council
Mining and employment
It was certainly an interesting response
from Julie Younger published in the Herald
(10/3/15.) While I am a big believer in free
speech and that everyone has a right to express their point of view, I find, unfortunately, that this is nothing but idiosyncratic
attack on someone that simply does not share
her view of the proposed expansion. Rather
than add an educated and balanced argument
to support her views, she has demeaned someone for merely expressing his views.
With some of Toowoomba’s major employers recently announcing major job losses and
with the possibility of over 300 employees
facing unemployment at Acland, can you possibly suggest how these employees will continue to support their families, remain in their
respective communities and support the small
businesses in the surrounding areas that continually rely on the assistance from the mine
workers to help keep their doors open. Michael Hartin.
Wivenhoe pipeline
If what Tony Lake, Herald 10/3/15, is saying about the blatant overcharging of ratepayers for the Wivenhoe pipeline is true, the Toowoomba councillors who voted in favour of
the charges should all be charged with fraud.
At the very least, the charges should be
dropped until water is being pumped up the
range as they have already made more than
the cost of the pipeline. I think all ratepayers
should be up in arms over this exorbitant rip
off and should be making their feelings known
to council. - Clive Bentley, Highfields.
Sawmill origins
The letter in the Herald 3/3/15, regarding
the Lebsanft sawmill needs a correction.
The Lebsanft sawmill came from
Goombungee in 1990. Maurice Young transported it on his truck and, over time, Crows
Nest Historical Society members re-constructed it, where it is at the moment.
The only part of the Crows Nest sawmill
is the shed where we are currently storing our
machinery collection. The owners of Crows
Nest mill were Harrison, Clark and Sons and
The balance of information in my letter is
accurate. I do apologise for the error. - Graham
Scott, secretary, Crows Nest Historical
Good Samaritans
We would like to thank the young couples
On March 6, heading home to Crows Nest,
we had the misfortune of our car breaking and Peter Ralph who stopped and offered us
down on the Geham Hill, New England High- assistance.
way. We couldn’t get totally off the road due
Your concern was very much appreciated. to the guard rails, an experience that at times
Kevin and Cathy Radnidge, Crows Nest.
was quite frightening.
Thankyou note
Thank you Herald for your interest in and
wonderful coverage of the centenary of
Kahlers at Ivydale, Geham.
Your paper gives so much local news covering such a large area. With thanks and best
wishes. - Raylene Welke, nee Kahler.
SMS 0409 890 081: Can’t believe we have so many examples of bad planning in
Highfields. Take these two for starters. The intersection of Highfields, O’Brien and
Kratzke Roads and at the other end of Kratzke, the dog leg into Cawdor Drive. - F. E.
We have thousands of readers who want to know
what’s on your mind. Write to the Herald.
Contact details below.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Queensland leads way in involving
youth in country shows
Queensland is leading
the way in encouraging
younger people to become
involved with rural shows,
according to the president
of the Next Generation
Committee of the Chamber of Agricultural Show
Societies in Queensland,
Rowan O’Hara.
Mr O’Hara opened the
Oakey Show on Saturday
and said shows were a platform for agriculture.
He said they provided an
opportunity for younger
people to become involved
in competitions, in the
show girl movement, and
in the rural ambassador
Rowan O’Hara, centre, president of the Next Generation Committee of the Agricultural Show Societies
Sub-Chamber, opened the 107th Oakey Show on
Saturday. With him is Oakey Miss Showgirl Nicole
Priebbenow and Oakey Show president Geoff Byers.
Mr O’Hara said he grew
up in the city, but when, at
the age of five, he visited a
Charlotte Voll, Miss Junior Showgirl, Marlee Wilson,
relative’s farm and was
Teen Showgirl, and Deanne Barron, Showgirl
able to drive a tractor, it
opened up something new
for him.
Joyce and Bill Brazier were recognised for their long
service to horse events at shows, particularly as judges
He became involved and stewards of show jumping. George Byers, right,
with the Nambour show on chief ring steward made a presentation to the Braziers
the Sunshine Coast where whose service as officials dates back to 1964.
he was invited to attend
show society meetings and,
after two years, became
vice president of the show
In more recent times he
has had an involvement
with the Chinchilla show
and encourages shows to
embrace the next generation.
He operates a cotton
stubble busting service in Deputy Mayor Mike Williams, and Roy Grundy whose
the area and also sells farm family continues farming at Jondaryan, winning a
number of places in the Show Society’s crop compemachinery.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Miles Noller reporting
Spectators will be looking into the sun
The Charlton Sports Precinct plans that
are in the process of being approved by Toowoomba Regional Council are set to provide
the best sports fields for players and spectators the region has ever had.
The council has engaged consultants from
Brisbane to ensure the designs are the best.
The plans include many square fields and
round fields, and the premier field of the precinct is a round field for AFL.
That is good and the prospect of watching
a Brisbane Lions versus Collingwood match
at Charlton is exciting, as is the prospect of
watching a Queensland versus New South
Wales Sheffield Shield cricket match, or international one day match.
But if this is to be Toowoomba’s premier
sports field, and future premier sports stadium, why have the council and consultant
designers placed the spectator stand on the
eastern side of this field?
It means that spectators must look into
the west, into the sun, with the sun shining
down on them throughout the match, with
glare and heat inhibiting their viewing.
Even basic design nous says the spectators must have the sun behind them so the
sunlit field enhances their viewing pleasure,
while having a degree of comfort by sitting in
the shade.
The council’s draft design has the western
side of this premier field marked for car parking.
If this car parking is to be eventually replaced with stadium spectator seating, then
what provisions are being made for future
A cursory glance around the existing sporting fields in Toowoomba city shows clearly
why Toowoomba does not have a premier
field in the city.
A great number of existing sporting fields
are on land that slopes downwards from the
east to the west, rather than being on eastern
sloping land.
That means that if there has been some cut
and fill to level the playing area, the high area
left for spectators is on the east, forcing spectators to look westward into the sun.
The council needs to decide if any of these
fields at Charlton is to be regarded not just as
a premier field, but also as a future stadium.
To keep pace with major sport, Toowoomba
will need a sports stadium in the future, and
it appears the Charlton design will not accommodate a future stadium.
If the Charlton Precinct is to be constructed
over a 15 to 30-year time frame, a better designed premier field is needed, and is deserved
by the people of Toowoomba.
Precinct cost likely
to be $180 million
Toowoomba Council is set to endorse draft
plans for a sports complex at Charlton that
could cost $180 million to develop.
Draft plans for the precinct were agreed to
at last week’s Environment and Community
Committee meeting, and are expected to be
approved today (Tuesday, March 17) at the
council’s ordinary meeting.
The major sports precinct is to be developed on the Toowoomba side of Charlton,
with a frontage to the Warrego Highway and
access to Gowrie Junction Road.
Roadworks are currently under way on
the Warrego Highway and Troys Road intersection and a section of the council’s 44 ha of
land for the first stage of the Sports Precinct
Proposed stand overlooking the premier field at the Charlton Sports Precinct faces west, so spectators
would get a good dose of the sun, and have their view of the game inhibited by glare and heat.
AFL could drive sports precinct
Aussie Rules Football in
the Toowoomba region is
likely to be a major promoter and beneficiary of
the proposed Charlton
Sports Precinct.
strongly supports the draft
master plan of the sports
precinct .
It is seeking to be a partner with Toowoomba Regional Council to facilitate
the early development of
is to be used for overpass and exits for this
These works are part of the widening of
the Warrego Highway to four lanes, between
Cotswold Hills and Zimms Corner, and eventually to Oakey.
The complete sports precinct could take
decades to develop depending on demand,
but the draft plans include five round fields
for AFL and cricket (one dedicated for cricket
and a premier field dedicated to AFL), a
number of multi use square fields for rugby
league, rugby, and soccer, 20 courts and a
A report to the council’s
range of supporting infrastructure including
and Environcar parking, clubhouses, landscaping and recment Committee last week
reation facilities.
said the AFL considered the
proposed Charlton Sports
precinct to be an ideal regional home of AFL in
South-West Queensland.
The suggested partnership between AFL Queensland and the council could
Mayor prayer breakfast launch
potentially include a financial contribution towards
the site’s capital development costs.
In consultations with
Toowoomba Council, AFL
Queensland has said it
does not consider Heritage
Oval (North and Stuart
Streets) to be suitable as a
long term option to stage
regional and higher standard AFL events.
“Potential regional venues within close proximity
of Brisbane are highly
sought after to stage a
range of AFL development
programs and major
The report to the council said AFL Queensland
intended to raise awareness of the proposed
Charlton Sports Precinct at
a national level, and it is
confident that once developed, Charlton would be
regularly used for NAB
pre-season matches (which
are being played currently
and which this season have
been played at Burpengary
north of Brisbane); for AFL
pre-season training; and
for the Brisbane Lions
academy program.
The Charlton Sports
Precinct draft plan includes four round fields for
AFL and cricket. The premier round field of the precinct is to be dedicated for
Council community forum
Toowoomba Regional Council will host a community forum in Crows Nest on Monday, April 20, starting at 6pm.
The forum will be attended by all available councillors, as
well as a number of general managers.
The forum provides the community the opportunity to
present items to the council, as well as ask general questions.
If you or a community group with a particular issue, concern, project or good news story, or you would like to present
as an agenda item at the forum, please contact community
liaison officer Nikki Gallatly who can help prepare for the
event.(Contact details in story below.)
Having an official agenda item will provide you/your community group with allocated time during the evening, as well
as ensure you receive an official response from TRC.
Councillor visit
TAFE Queensland South West general manager Trevor Schwenke, Toowoomba
Regional Mayor Paul Antonio and Mayoral Prayer Breakfast committee chair Pastor Andrew Hoey at the launch of the annual breakfast which will be held on
Tuesday, May 12, at Rumours.
Cr Chris Tait will be at the
Crows Nest Customer Service Centre from 9.30am to
11am this Friday, March 20.
Cr Tait sits on the Development and Planning Committee but is available to discuss any council related matters with residents. Contact
me directly if you would like
to make an appointment with
Cr Tait contact Nikki
Gallatly, Community Liaison
Officer, , 131 872 Ext: 5824,
0487 007 337 Nikki.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Gowrie Junction plea for support Mens shed coming along
The Gowrie Junction
Progress Association was due
to hold its annual general
meeting on February 25. Unfortunately, due to very poor
attendance, four people including three current executive, we could not hold the
meeting due to the lack of
We decided to write this
letter to see if the community
are interested in having a
progress association and to
make you aware of what the
current volunteer executive do
for the community.
Below is a list of some of
the activities in which the
Gowrie Junction Progress
Association are involved:
• Manage the hall, pictured, to enable community
groups and individuals to hire
and utilise the facilities.
• Ensure the hall is maintained and cleaned to a high
standard with thanks to our
• Liaise with council facility management to upgrade
hall facilities.
• Hold events such as
ANZAC Day breakfast,
movie nights, youth events
and information sessions.
• Apply for grants to enhance the hall e.g. solar system, signage and kitchen
• Represent the community on matters such as
McMahon park revitalisation, sewerage scheme
project; advocating for road,
footpath and signage upgrades, advocating for community input into local area
• Liaison with Federal and
Local Governments on significant projects, e.g. Inland
Rail and flood studies.
The level of support we
are asking for is attendance at
the meetings (four a year) and
contribution of your ideas and
support on how to best to
advocate for the community
and enhance our valuable
community resources (e.g.
hall, parks and roads).
We are a small community
on the edge of Toowoomba
so need a strong united voice
to make sure we are heard.
Your active support of this
essential volunteer community group is necessary for it
to continue.
As it currently stands
however, the small band of
dedicated volunteers are not
going to be able to maintain
their commitment for too
much longer. Our concern is,
if the committee folds, the
likely outcome will be the hall
will be taken over by council
who will decide how it will
be run.
This would most likely involve full cost recovery, basic maintenance and no devoted local team to run the
hall for the benefit of the local community.
Also without the Progress
Association, there will be a
lack of local representation
into the council on issues
directly affecting our community.
The AGM is now on
Monday, March 23, 7pm at
the Gowrie Junction Community Hall.
So please come and support the committee that is
trying to support you and
your community.
Contact: gowriejunction
- Rod, Jason and Jess,
Gowrie Junction Progress
TSBE CEO and Chairman attend
government business forum
Toowoomba and Surat
Basin Enterprise Chief Executive Officer Shane Charles
and Chairman John Wagner
have attended a business forum hosted by Queensland
Held last week in Brisbane,
Ms Palaszczuk used the forum to speak with industry
and business leaders about
key priorities for the Queensland Government.
Mr Charles said that both
he and Mr Wagner were very
impressed with the function
and the clear willingness displayed by the government to
talk with the business community.
“TSBE received an excellent hearing from all ministers
who were clearly aware of
the significant economic activity in our region at the
moment,” Mr Charles said.
“Despite Toowoomba not
having any Labor members,
the government was at pains
to say that they were keen to
work with business and our
local elected members to ensure that the views of our
community were listened to.
“We were very impressed
that the government expressed a real desire to govern for all of Queensland.”
Mr Charles also noted a
strong desire from a number
of ministers to visit the re-
Jumping for joy: Highfields Mens Shed president Richard Creagh donned a newly
created Aussie the Crocodile costume to celebrate another completion stage as
major sponsors Aussie Outdoor Products discussed further support at the Cabarlah site. Power is due to be connected this week - Gary Alcorn photo.
Government willing
gion and experience first-hand
the clear prospect the area
represents. “TSBE is committed to working on all fronts
Broncos 10 Sharks 2
Bulldogs 32 Eels 12
Panthers 40 Titans 0
to talk to business
Sea Eagles 24 Storm 20
to make this a reality to en- Knights 16 Cowboys 14
sure that our region remains Rabbitohs 34 Roosters 26
top of mind and has access Warriors 18 Raiders 6.
to opportunities.”
Crows Nest man found dead
Spring Bluff remembers Missing
The body of missing bane which provided little
On St Patrick’s Day 1942, the 1000-strong Darling Downs
25th Infantry Battalion left Cabarlah Barracks at 2am and
marched down the steep range to the siding at Spring Bluff.
There the soldiers boarded trains bound for the Brisbane
Exhibition Grounds, Townsville and eventually Milne Bay
at the eastern tip of New Guinea.
Each year on the anniversary of the soldiers’ departure
from Spring Bluff, members of the 25th Battalion gather at
Spring Bluff Railway Station for a flag raising ceremony to
remember the efforts of the 25th Battalion who left Spring
Bluff Railway Station to fight in the 1942 Milne Bay and
1945 Bougainville conflicts where 200 of their colleagues did
not return home.
This year marks the 73rd anniversary of the march, and to
commemorate this event, a special ceremony will start at
2pm at the Spring Bluff Railway Station on Tuesday, March
Three returned members of the 1942 march will be in attendance. All members of the public are welcome to attend
the commemoration.
The preservation and development of the Spring Bluff
Railway Station and its garden is a joint project of Toowoomba Regional Council, Lockyer Valley Regional Council
and Queensland Rail.
The Herald was unable to
get confirrmation about a
coronial inquest.
Police Media said his
death was not suspicious.
Locals the Herald spoke
UPDATE: Crows Nest to said Mr Peters was found
Police referred Herald journal- in the creek next to the track.
ist Miles Noller to a DetecMr Peters was well
tive Sergeant in Toowoomba,
with whom he was never able known around Crows Nest
for regularly riding his bike
to speak.
Mr Noller was also re- from his home to do his
ferred to Police Media in Bris- shopping in the town.
Crows Nest man Neil Peters,
83, was found last week in
Crows Nest National Park.
His body was found just
off the walking track to
Coonan Lookout.
Promote or perish.
Every business needs
to advertise.
Contact the Herald
Details page 2.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Objections to expansion of Acland mine
By NOEL WIECK, Brymaroo
The letter from Brett Shaw re New Acland Coal
Mine expansion (Herald 3/3/15) is an example of not
letting the facts get in the way of a good argument.
The modified stage 3 mine expansion does not
comply with the Queensland Mining Resources Act
which requires that land disturbed by mining be rehabilitated as near as possible to its original condition.
New Hope plans to leave three voids covering
more than 4.5 square kilometres which will form
lakes evaporating up to 2000 megalitres of water
New Hope ran TV advertisements last year claiming to be environmentally responsible water users.
In the first line of their October 2014 newsletter,
the previous general manager of New Acland Coal
stated that every drop of water was precious to New
The Environmental Impact Statement for stage 3
states that water bores in the vicinity of the Manning Vale West pit will experience water drawdown
of 47 metres.
There will be permanent drawdown of water bores
up to eight kilometres away.
I have traced the underground stream on which
my licensed intensive stock-water bore is located for
three kilometres in a semicircular route to the mine
site. Several hundred cattle rely on this bore for drinking water. I have traced a network of underground
streams which originate a kilometre inside my property to a point in the mine pit a kilometre down the
valley from the proposed starting point.
I have experienced bore failure in the past from
mine activities and I believe I have good reason to
believe I will experience permanent bore failure if
this unlawful mine gains approval.
I challenge Mr Shaw to provide his evidence that
there will be no aquifer damage. The map outlining
the three pits of modified stage 3 was released almost three years ago.
The EIS was released for public comment 13
months ago.
I have asked mine officials on several occasions
how deep the basalt overburden is at the northern
end of the west pit and they have stated that they
don’t know. The reason being, the mine boundaries
have not yet been determined as exploration drilling
is still taking place and is hundreds of metres outside
the mapped area.
This makes a complete mockery of the EIS process.
So much for Mr Shaw’s claim that the mine is at
the pointy end of environmental compliance.
“Open cut mining should only occur on land of grazing standard because that is the only
standard it can be rehabilitated to.” - Noel Wieck.
The public should be also made aware that modified stage 3 was conceived out of bribery and corruption between New Hope and the former LNP government.
Former Minister Seeney, when announcing the
modified Stage 3 claimed that it reduced the agricultural footprint by 56 per cent.
When interviewed on ABC radio about August
last year, he stated “I think we have the balance right
between mining and agriculture with this project.”
Then, in a subdued voice, he said that they still
had to deal with the issue of Strategic Cropping Land.
Some weeks later he repealed the Strategic Cropping Land Act and replaced it with the RPI Act. This
act gives the minister discretion when approving resource projects.
This is a recipe for further bribery and corruption.
I agree with Mr Shaw that modified stage 3 is
vastly different to the original stage 3.
These are the words that local MP Frecklington
used almost three years ago to justify her and the
LNP’s backflip on New Acland expansion.
She claimed her rural background would assist her
to carry out her new role as Opposition agriculture
She was taken on a tour of the modified stage area
by local landholders. Her rural background didn’t help
her decision making then.
Former Agricultural Minister McVeigh, when interviewed on the ABC Country Hour shortly before
the recent election, claimed that he grew up near
Jondaryan and that the land around Acland mine was
near and dear to him, yet as Agricultural Minister he
did nothing to protect the top quality cropping land
on the mine site.
The reason that these three politicians have made
these statements is that their primary motivation was
to reward New Hope for its large donation to the
LNP. The original stage 3 was planned to mine the
entire district.
The 56 per cent that Mr Seeney mentioned that
will not be mined is almost entirely poor quality land
but the modified stage 3 is on land that was completely covered under Strategic Cropping Land legislation.
SCL legislation stated that mining projects that
did not have an approved EIS would have to conform to the provisions of the SCL act.
Obviously, a political favour has been granted, or
modified stage 3 would have been disqualified by the
SCL Act.
You see Mr Shaw, it is the dishonesty and deception of politicians and mine management that has
caused the back lash by your so called noisy minority.
Those who have objected to expansion of New
Acland are well informed responsible citizens who
are committed to saving a valuable natural resource.
Mr Shaw, you and your workmates can claim to
have all the environmental credentials you wish but
that will not alter the fact that for every tonne of coal
you mine at Acland, when the energy, required to
extract the coal and transport it to its overseas destination, is accounted for, will result in more than four
tonnes of carbon dioxide discharged into the atmosphere.
Graeme Sait, a Queensland based soil biologist,
stated in a recent article in the Rural Weekly that if
the carbon balance was not restored, the human race
could become extinct by the end of the century.
He also stated that if the world’s cropping lands
were managed using biological practises the carbon
dioxide in the atmosphere could be reduced from its
current 400 parts per million to 300 parts per million.
I have 54 years’ experience farming world class
Darling Downs soil. I have visited a large number of
farms in highly productive areas of several European
countries and I have visited a large number of farms
in three states in the American mid-west corn belt,
probably the most productive grain growing region
in the world but I did not see any soil that would
come close to what New Hope are planning to trash
at New Acland.
My advice to you Mr Shaw, is to open your other
eye and try to see past your own short term interest.
You might then realise that coal mining at Acland
is an unsustainable practice the planet cannot afford
and that you are also destroying the solution to the
carbon dioxide problem by destroying high quality
cropping land.
The bottom line is that if open cut mining is permitted it must only occur on land of a grazing standard because that is the only standard it can be rehabilitated to.
Yes Mr Shaw, you have destroyed a large area of
cropping land with stages 1 and 2, it is time for you
to let it go. Enough is enough.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
St Andrew’s unveils blue glass
operating theatre
Operating theatre of the future now a reality at St Andrew’s Toowoomba Hospital.
Access to the most advanced theatre facilities has
just become easier for regional
and rural patients in the Darling Downs with St Andrew’s
Toowoomba Hospital’s million dollar theatre expansion.
Made of modular blue
glass, the new theatre provides St Andrew’s with stateof-the-art facilities for the
treatment of a broad cross
section of surgical conditions
and supports the highly
trained surgeons who operate at the Hospital.
The new theatre by Olympus Australia is the first purpose built, fully integrated
glass modular operating theatre in the Southern Hemisphere and places Toowoomba on the map as offer-
ing the most advanced surgical procedures.
The blue glass technology
has multiple benefits in terms
of improved infection control
and reduced degrading of the
physical environment. Research has shown the blue
lighting incorporated in the
design of the new theatre increases alertness of the surgical team, decreases fatigue
and allows better surgical precision and work flow.
Equipped with advanced
video technology, the new
theatre enables surgeons to
perform operations while
transmitting live high definition video to surgeons and
students throughout the
world, for second opinions
and training purposes.
Advanced laparoscopes
have 3D capabilities allowing
surgeons to better visualise
the anatomy and area of interest during surgery.
The integrated digital system incorporates touch
screen technology via a Home
Screen, much the same as an
iPhone screen. This feature
enables the medical equipment to be instantly pre-set
to a desired setting via the
touch of the button saving
time, standardising procedures settings, decreasing set
up times and ultimately increasing efficiency.
Chief executive officer at
St Andrew’s Hospital Ray
Fairweather explained how
the St Andrew’s theatre expansion has made a signifi-
cant difference to patients
with the timely access to surgery facilities.
“When you see patients
visiting with their families
during their hospital stay, you
realise how significant it is to
have high quality services
close to home. St Andrew’s
is proud to have led the way
in almost eliminating the need
to travel to Brisbane to access specialised medical services, by offering a huge range
of complex medical and surgical services locally” said Mr
The hospital marked the
million dollar theatre expansion with an official opening
with many of the prominent
surgeons and clinicians from
the area.
HIGHFIELDS: February - Traffic crash. Single vehicle
traffic crash on New England Highway near turf farm. Driver
deliberately drove off the road and into a power pole. Matter
still being investigated. Possible charges of undue care and
Unregistered/uninsured. Two persons issued infringement
notices for driving an unregistered car and uninsured car.
Owner was in the passenger seat so he was issued the notices
for permitting or allowing his friend to drive the unregistered
vehicle. Break and enter. Highfields Road residence, daytime
break. Flyscreen removed, sliding window opened without
damage. Offenders entered but no property disturbed or taken.
Palmer Drive residence. Window broken to gain entry into
dwelling. Main bedroom searched. Jewellery, war medals
and wallets stolen. Offenders left through entry point.
Michelle Ave residence. Overnight break. Security screen door
forcibly removed off runners, glass sliding door smashed and
offenders reached through and unlocked sliding door and
opened it. Main bedroom searched. Jewellery taken. Offenders left through entry point.
Cawdor Drive residence, daytime break. Offenders entered through unlocked side door. Offenders have been through
every room taking large quantity of property. Offenders stole
Amarok by finding keys in the house. Amarok was involved
in a crash in Toowoomba after being used to commit other
offences. Two male offenders charged.
Unlawfully on premises. Offender entered the yards at
four neighbouring properties in McLachlan Road. Offender
further resisted arrest and subsequently was charged with
five offences.
Drug offences. Two persons located loitering on New England Highway. Searches located a quantity of drugs. One
male charged with two drug offences.
Public nuisance offences. Two males issued public nuisance infringement notices after fighting each other in the
carpark at the Tavern. Drink driving - Offender 1.25 percent
driving on New England Highway. Stealing. Money stolen
from tin out front of Highfields Road residence where they
sell horse manure. Camper trailer stolen from the front yard
of a Polzin Road residence. Believe related to extra traffic
flow from the diversions due to road works. Offenders have
driven past and seen trailer out front and have returned one
evening and stolen it. - Sen. Const.Chris Brameld.
GOOMBUNGEE: March 6 - Around 9pm Police intercepted a Holden station wagon on the Oakey-Cooyar Road,
Rosalie Plains. The 34-year-old male driver had been drinking and recorded a reading of 0.115 percent. He was issued a
notice to appear at Oakey Magistrates Court and had his
licence immediately suspended.
March 7 - Around 6pm Police observed a vehicle driving
erratically on Peters Road Meringandan. Inquiries were made
To advertise phone 4615 4416
to locate the vehicle and a 25-year-old male recorded a reading of 0.066 per cent. He was issued a notice to appear at
Toowoomba Magistrates Court.
Between February 27 and March 4 a person has entered a
house in Victoria Street, Goombungee, and caused damage to
Anyone with information that may assist Police with their
inquiries are asked to contact Crimestoppers on 1800 333
000 or Police Link on 131 444.
You can keep up to date with Police news on a daily basis
by logging on to http://mypolice.qld.gov.au/darlingdowns. For
urgent Police matters please contact 000, for non life threatening matters please ring 13 14 44. - Sgt Greg Finucane,
Officer in Charge Goombungee Police Station.
Climate change to leave
bad taste in the mouth
Tasteless carrots, bad
pizza dough and poor quality steak are some of the
impacts we can expect from
Australia’s changing climate,
according to a new scientific
study released today to
mark the launch of this year’s
Earth Hour.
Appetite for Change, a
report prepared by leading
climate scientists David
Karoly and Richard Eckard
at the University of Melbourne, reveals the impact
that shifting rainfall patterns,
extreme weather, warming
oceans, and climate-related
diseases will have on the
production, quality and cost
of Australia’s food in the future.
have for breakfast, for example, might not be as readily
available in 50 years time,”
said Associate Professor Richard Eckard from the University of Melbourne.
“Or that there may be
changes to the cost and taste
of food items we love and
take for granted like avocado
and vegemite, spaghetti
bolognaise and even beer,
wine and chocolate.
“It makes you appreciate
that global warming is not a
distant phenomenon but a
very real occurrence that is
already affecting the things
we enjoy in our everyday
lives, including the most
common of foods we eat for
breakfast, lunch and dinner,”
From wheat, seafood and he said.
dairy products to poultry,
meat, grains, and fruit and
Professor David Karoly,
vegetables, the effects of glo- co-author of the report, said
bal warming on a list of fifty- that out of all the impacts
five household food items global warming is having on
has been compiled for the Australian farms, increases
very first time.
in heatwaves and bushfires
“It’s definitely a wake up pose the biggest threat to
call when you hear that the Australia’s agricultural retoast and raspberry jam you gions.
Road rules you may not
know you are breaking
The RACQ has put drivers on notice to
refresh their knowledge of the road rules,
releasing five of the most commonly forgotten laws.
RACQ’s Lauren Ritchie said ignorance
was not a valid excuse if caught out.
“Some people may think a lack of knowledge of a particular road rule might be enough
to get them out of a ticket, but it’s not,” Ms
Ritchie said.
“It’s the driver’s responsibility to know
the rules before getting behind the wheel.”
Ms Ritchie said the Queensland road rules
were regularly updated, making it important
to stay up to date with the latest changes.
“Chances are the legislation has changed
slightly since most people sat their driving
exam, so staying across new laws is vital,”
she said.
“While some drivers may not agree with
all of the road rules, they’re in place for a
reason and that’s to keep all road users safe.”
The five road rules you didn’t know you
were breaking:
• Your car must be locked, key removed
from ignition and handbrake on if the driver
is more than three metres away from their
• It’s against the law for your number plate
light to be out, as your registration plate needs
to be clearly visible at all times.
• You can’t leave your car locked and unattended with the window open any wider than
five centimetres.
• It’s an offence to use your horn unnecessarily, like saying goodbye or getting frustrated
at other motorists.
• Drivers only need to keep left unless overtaking when roads have a speed limit of more
than 80kmh.
Ipswich autumn garden
Ipswich Orchid Society, in conjunction with Ipswich and District
Bromeliad Society, will conduct
their bi-annual autumn garden spectacular on the weekend of April 1819 at Silkstone State School (UBD
Ref Map 213 Q16. Prospect Street
entrance, wheel chair friendly).
Off-street parking, is available via
Malloy Street at the eastern entrance of the school (Malloy Street runs parallel to Prospect Street.) Bus trips and groups
are especially welcome.
The dates for the next Spring Garden Spectacular are October 3 and 4. 2015. Opening
times are Saturday 8.30 am to 4pm, Sunday
8.30 am to 2pm Admission is $3. Children
under 12 are admitted free.
As in the past, the Garden Spectacular will include the Ipswich Orchid Society Autumn Spring Show
and include several displays from
Ipswich and District Bromeliad Society, West Moreton Branch of
Queensland Hibiscus Society, Society for Growing Australian Plants,
African Violet Society, Plants Plus
and Salvation Army Riverview Nursery and Farm, Bee Keepers and Lace makers.
Light refreshments will be available and
arrangements can be made for morning and
afternoon tea for groups and bus trip patrons.
Lunch can also be arranged off-site. As a leadup to the Autumn Garden Spectacular we will
be arranging displays of orchids, answering
queries and providing information.
Golden Guitar winner returns
for workshops and shows
Three-time Golden Guitar
winner Lyn Bowtell, right,
is coming home in early April
to conduct performance,vocal
and songwriting workshops
in Highfields and Toowoomba.
Lyn recently won a
Golden Guitar for Best Alternative Country Album for
her latest album Heart of Sorrow at the 43rd CMAA
Country Music Awards of
Australia. Lyn, who also tutors at the CMAA Academy
of Country Music, will be
giving tips, techniques and
advice to budding singers and
songwriters of all ages.
“Country Music has been
good to me, in the things that
really matter...friendships and
the personal connections
made with fellow music lovers. I got my start at Dalby
Country Music Club, and
since then my career in music
has taken me all around Australia and around the World.
“What I’d like to do is to
return some of my experience,
ability and insight to the community in the form of performance, vocal and
songwriting workshops.
The workshops are
strictly limited in size, no big
ticket prices, just a guitar and
a voice and the opportunity
to share my experience and
encourage young talent. The
future of country music is out
there somewhere and I want
to give it a helping hand,”she
• Lyn Bowtell - Live at
Easter Vintage Festival Saturday, April 4 - 11.30 to
1pm Highfields Pioneer Village. Performance and vocal
workshop Sunday, April 5 10.30am - 12.30 pm Highfields Pioneer Village, 73
Wirraglen road, Highfields
Tickets $35 each at www.
• Performance,vocal and
songwriting workshop Saturday, April 11, 10am - 2.30pm,
Trinity Lutheran Hall, 266
Hume Street, Toowoomba.
Tickets $50. www.lyn
11, 7.30 - 9pm, Trinity LuLyn Bowtell Live - Acoustic theran Hall. Tickets $10 at the
and Intimate Saturday, April door.
• Mr Gregory John “Bro”
Trost, 54, Crows Nest. Died
on March 6. A celebration of
his life was held at Crows
Nest on Thursday, March 12.
Persistence pays off
Somerset art awards
Somerset Art Society president Jan Godfrey
and treasurer Hetty Van Boven.
Roger Anderson, Cabarlah, came across a two-metre green tree snake making its way up the spout of an ornamental pump.
Knowing there were frogs inside, Roger finally got the snake out - but it was soon back and finished up with a feed.
Local newspaper conference at Oakey
The mid-year conference of the Queensland
Country Press Association,
the representative industry organisation for rural,
country and regional nondaily newspapers in
Queensland, will be held
in Oakey this year on May
1, 2 and 3, hosted by the
Clifton Courier.
The association is the
representative industry organisation for all rural,
in the
country and regional non
daily newspapers in
Queensland and includes
members from more than
30 newspapers from Tully
in the north, Longreach to
the west and a large coverage in the heavily populated south-east, including
the High Country Herald.
Now matter where you operate
The Herald reaches
buyers and sellers.
Phone 4615 4416
The mid-year conference is hosted by one of the
members in their area each
year while the main conference and awards night
is a gala event held in Brisbane in October.
The Oakey conference
is being held at the Oakey
RSL Club and will be offi-
cially opened on the Saturday morning by Toowoomba Regional Council
Mayor Paul Antonio.
Guests will be given a
tour of the district with a
bus trip to visit the Army
Flying Museum at Oakey
Brisbane West
Wellcamp Airport before
travelling to Kulpi for dinner at the Pioneer Hotel.
Following the outstanding success of the event in 2013,
the Somerset Art Society is once again presenting the Somerset Art Awards at the Esk Civic Centre on July 25 and
This year includes an overall prize of $2000 sponsored
by Bendigo Bank.
Plus the awards will also feature a youth art prize to
foster and encourage young artists aged 15 to 20 years.
All mediums are catered for so if you are a painter,
potter sculptor, potter, stitcher or photographer get working on those special pieces for the awards.
In 2013, 70 per cent of winning artists were from the
Somerset region and a record number of sales were recorded.
The awards are open to all artists in South East Queensland and Northern NSW.
For an entry form go to wwwsomerserartsociety. com.au
and follow easy link or call 5424 2930 or
PLANT of the MONTH - Judy Stevens
Borer resistant Graceful Wattle
(Acacia decora)
Acacia decora is best described as a hardy,
evergreen, dense medium shrub sometimes
reaching 2.5m high and 3 to 5m wide.
Think wattles and immediately borers,
which reduce the life of wattles generally,
come to mind.
This little beauty is the exception. It usually has a long life-span and is really tough.
From August to October masses of bright
yellow ball flowers appear. The greyish
leaves also add to its appearance.
This wattle, however, does prefer well
drained soils and it will grow in full sun or
partial shade.
If pruned severely it will recover because
of a big lignotuber and happily grow back
again. It is a good ornamental and a useful
Being drought hardy and moderately frost
resistant, it is a good shrub it plant in the
suburban garden. Plants are available at the
Crows Nest Community Nursery. - Judy
West of Elsewhere with Clinton Ireland
To advertise phone 4615 4416
• Clean up Australia
• Zonta grand homes tour
The Garden City Zonta
Club popular homes tour will
offer a variety in style this
year, with a glimpse into the
past at two historic homes and
a taste of the present at two
modern homes of distinction.
One of the new homes, The
Hidden Residence, is a 1998
architecture award winning
contemporary home.
It was built on a difficult
rangeside site with interesting but limited views and difficult ground conditions. The
construction used cast onsite,
tilt construction concrete panels.
It has been described as
being the result of unbridled
artistic licence.
History abounds at
Smithfield, pictured, designed by James Marks and
son for James Taylor and
completed in 1895. This
bluestone homestead features
wrap-around verandas and a
beautifully gabled porch.
James Taylor never lived
in the home as he died before
its completion. The first resident was probably the German industrialist Oscar
The home has been a student residence, a thieves’ den,
a restaurant, a proposed nursing home and a private family
The second historical
home, Tor House, was built
at the turn of the 19th century by the Holberton family. Its shady verandas and
simple classic lines add elegance and grace to the home.
Basically a U shape, it
boasts five fire places, attractive pressed metal ceilings, a
striking gabled porch and
beautiful gardens.
The second of the new
homes, Hethdean was designed by the owners, Liz and
Denis Wagner, and built by
Arthur Wrigley in 2007.
It features a central grand
staircase inspired by the
movies Sound of Music and
Gone with the Wind.
It has sweeping views over
the city and surrounding countryside.
The outdoor entertainment
area features a pool, tennis
court, barbecue, cricket pitch
and giant chess board.
The tour will take place on
Sunday, March 22, conducted
with knowledgeable guides
and includes morning tea at
Sauce Kitchen and lunch at
St Ursulas College. Parking
and coach pick-up is at the
Glennie School, Herries Street
entrance on the chapel lawn
from 8.30am for a 9am start.
Tickets are $80 and available
from the Empire Theatre Box
Proceeds will assist Zonta,
an international organisation
that seeks to advance the status of women by improving
the legal, political, economic,
educational, health and professional status of women
through service and advocacy
Funds raised will support
women with breast cancer
including provision of breast
cushions and radiation kits for
women undergoing treatment.
• Cancer dance • Sausage sizzle
• CWA 90 years
A dance in support of Cancer research will be held at
Trinity Hall, Hume Street,
Toowoomba on Saturday,
March 28. The doors are
open from 7.30pm and admission is $10. Music will be
supplied by Joy Times. A
plate to share for supper
would be appreciated. Contact Chris 0428 171 001.
Crows Nest QCWA celebrate 90 years of
service to the community with a morning tea
on Friday, April 17, in the QCWA hall at
10am. All are welcome including former
members of the parent branch and Younger
Set. RSVP April 3, 46982173 or 46982139.
Middle Ridge CWA conduct a sausage sizzle this Saturday at Highfields Village
Shopping Centre. Sausages and drinks will
be on sale from 8am. A handknitted throwover will be raffled and drawn on the
day. Contact Frances on 4638 3010.
• Contributions
Olivia Tuckey and Kirra Gray helped out at Clean Up Australia Day at Charles and
Motee Rogers Bushland Reserve. Rogers Reserve leader Judi Gray said: “Thank
The Herald welcomes conyou to everyone who got up early to come and clean up our bushland reserve. It
was wonderful to see the reduction in rubbish since FoRR was formed 12 months tributions from all corners of
ago. We conduct rubbish pick-ups once a month on the third Friday from 9am to our vast circulation area.
See contact details on page
10.30am. Last year’s CUA event collected nine bags of rubbish compared with
just three bags this year.” - Gary Alcorn photo.
• Reader’s photo
Osprey - Mal Leslie photo.
• Fashion parade
• Biggest Morning Tea
The Oakey Anglican Church will be hosting their annual
fashion parade on Wednesday, April 1, in the Oakey Cultural
Centre. The latest Millers Fashions will be paraded by local
ladies as well as My Size for the fuller figure.
An added attraction will be a well known local lad who will
model clothes from Lowes. There will be the usual multidraw
raffle, lucky door prize and a stall filled with homemade
goodies. Admission will be $12 and the parade starts at 10am.
Bookings are not essential but if you intend to bring a group
of friends phone Judith on 4630 0276. - Contributed.
The Kingsthorpe community will host a Biggest Morning Tea on Tuesday, May 19, at the Kingsthorpe Memorial
Hall starting at 9.30am.
Entertainment will include a fashion parade by Millers, a
mini tombola and fashion accessory stalls. Admission is $10
and includes morning tea and lucky door prize. For bookings
RSVP to Del 4630 0048.
• Book sale
Highfields Friends of the Library are conducting a book
sale on March 28 and 29 at the Highfields Sports Centre.
Please come along and grab yourself some great reading materials. The doors are open on Saturday, March 28 from 8am
to 4pm and Sunday 9am to 2pm. Bring a bag and fill it for $5.
There will be some bags available at the sale if you forget
yours. All funds raised at the book sale are used by the local
library to provide workshops for adults and holiday activities for the children. These holiday programs are very popular because they are loads of fun. Please come to the sale to
support our local library. See you there.
Contributions to the Herald Community Report
are always welcome.
Contact details page 2.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Phat Burger owners Richard May-Steers and Alan Wynn
with Burghoffer eating competition winner Michael Neilson.
Contestants in the Phat Burger Burghoffer eating competition.
INSET RIGHT: Eating competition winner Michael Neilson, Toowoomba.
Olivia, Matt and Milly McKenzie with Lauren Davies
and Charley Bear.
Katie Clover - Taste tests from Northpoint Meats.
Southerden’s Florist - Stocked for Easter.
Udom Wala, Hugh Bullen and Felix Lieb.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Shaylene and Jason Harth, Toowoomba, with Hunter and Sybella.
Brianna Hofmann, Riley Edser and Elly Coggan of the Coffee Club with taste treats.
Ella Ollier, 5, Toowoomba, at the jumping castle.
At Priceline Beauty School - Teaghan Roatz, Roz Scoins and Christie Allison, centre manager,
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Milking 700 cows relying on rain grown fodder
When fire destroyed more
than 80 tonnes of fodder north
of Oakey last week, one might
imagine massive losses.
Indeed, the forage sorghum
hay was worth more than
$17,000 to the Rosenberger
family in the Greenwood/
Silverleigh area.
But it represents just a few
day’s supply for the
Rosenberger’s dairy which
milks 700 cows.
Such an enterprise demands
between 7000 tonnes and 8000
tonnes each year, in a continuous supply of feed.
Each day Ron and Meryl
Rosenberger and their sons
Ross and Owen provide about
20 tonnes of silage and hay,
plus grain, protein and concentrates and crop in the paddock
for grazing.
Keeping these 700 Holstein
cows in production is a massive task along with looking
after the heifers, dry cows and
young stock.
The Rosenbergers do it without irrigation. They are completely reliant on rain-grown
crops. But currently they are
entering what Ron describes as
the harvest period. In the next
week or so, they will be turning 200 acres of “graze-n-sile”,
140 acres of corn, and 200 acres
of forage sorghum into silage
and hay.
They have Dolichos lab lab
almost ready for grazing.
Hopefully, that takes them
to the period when oats is available for grazing.
They also plant barley and
wheat for winter and spring
grazing before new spring and
summer crops of sudan,
Dolichos and forage sorghum
are again available.
The milking cows receive
4kg of grain and concentrates
while being milked morning and
evening, and immediately after
each milking, they front up to
a 160-metre feed trough for
their silage and hay.
In return, the cows produce
an average of 8000 litres of
milk per lactation, enough for a
B-Double tanker to collect
30,000 litres every two days.
The Rosenberger family has
been dairying for 61 years on
this farm which was vine scrub
and Brigalow.
To provide rain-grown fodder for such an enterprise, they
have had to expand their cropping area, and the value of this
was illustrated at the end of
January when there was
enough rain (26mm) to finish
off silage crops on the eastern
side of their 2500 acres, but the
opposite side received no rain.
Nevertheless, the spread of
soil types, down to the box
flats generally produces the
feed necessary. They have long
term agreements with other
farmers to grow crops for fodder.
Ron and Meryl started their
enterprise milking 80 cows
when most others were milking 40.
Their first herringbone shed
was eight cows per side, which
expanded to 12 cows per side,
then to 16 per side.
They were milking 450 cows
in the 16 cows per side shed,
and in 2009 they decided to
build a new shed to accommodate 32 cows per side being
But even when milking 64
cows at a time, the milking
process still takes three hours
twice a day.
But the new shed project
also helped with better effluent handling, better milk chilling process, and more space for
B-Double milk tankers.
The chiller drops the temperature of the milk from 37
degrees to about 4 degrees in
The fire last week started in
a stack of 90 tonnes of forage
sorghum hay which had been
baled on the farm in large square
bales. (8-feet by 4-feet by 3feet).
While moisture testing of
hay is conducted continuously,
it appears that the very hot and
humid conditions contributed
to the combustion of the fodder. Fire fighters were quick to
respond, with units from
Gowrie Little Plain, Oakey,
Jondaryan and Goombungee
and a tanker from Highfields.
Front end loaders broke up
the stack but it continued to
smoulder for days.
A very good crop of corn is expected to be cut for silage in Ron Rosenberger and the 160 metre long feed trough which proabout three weeks.
vides 700 cows with up to 20 tonnes of silage and hay each day.
The Herald is
FREE online.
Send us an email
Printed version available for
cost of postage.
Phone 4615 4416
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Workers rally to reinforce
benefits of Acland mine
to local community
The economic contribution of the New Acland
coal mine to the northern
Darling Downs is significant, and more than 700
people rallied in Oakey
on Sunday to reinforce
that message with the
community and the new
State Government.
Speakers at the rally at
the Oakey High School
were critical of the vocal
minority against the New
Acland operation and the
proposed stage three of
the mine.
Workers at the mine
decided they had to fight
for their livelihoods and
organised the march
through Oakey and the
rally at the High School.
“I stand here because
I’ve had enough of the
vocal minority trying to
take my livelihood away
and enough of hearing on
radio incorrect information about Acland,” said
one of many contractors
who work at Acland,
David Cooper of Coops
“It’s time to tell of all
the good that comes from
Acland,” he said.
Oakey hairdresser Jodi
Keane-Venz told the
crowd there were many
misconceptions about
Acland and people should
judge not by gossip and
hype, but by the facts.
Many local people rely
on the mine, she said.
Ms Keane-Venz said
the Army had relocated
many of the staff at the
Army Aviation Base to
Toowoomba and the
Oakey Abattoir was employing fewer locals,
outsourcing more in its
The husbands of two
of her six hairdressers
worked at the mine.
“The mine is needed to
keep Oakey business
alive,” she said.
A dozer driver at the
mine for a dozen years,
Mick (Oak) Hartin of
Geham, said Oakey had
not seen the adverse effects of the fly-in-fly-out
miner. He said the miners
at Acland go home to their
families and they are part
of their community.
“I’m proud to be a coal
miner and proud to work
at New Acland,” he said.
“For far too long there had
been a one sided argument
in the media about
Acland,” Mr Hartin said.
He said the approval
of stage three of the mine
would ensure that the
hundreds of workers con-
Brad and Sarah Riddle, Jondaryan, their children Kiran and
Hannah in the stroller and Debbie
Acland Pastoral company takes
on school based trainee
Acland Pastoral
Robert Barton, Toowoomba, has
been employed at the New Acland
The Acland Pastoral
mine for five years. While he was Company has welcomed
at work driving a dump truck, his new school-based trainee,
son Jaiden, 10, and wife Priscilla Lachlan Brown.
were at the rally.
Lachlan, in year 11 at
Oakey State High School,
spends two days a week
at APC.
Lachlan said: “The
school announced the
traineeship on assembly
and I was interested in the
work they do at APC so I
thought I’d give it a go,”
he said.
Company’s Chloe Gordon, Ben Muirhead and Lachlan Brown.
“I’ve been doing cattle
work, and also been in the
tractor slashing. It’s the
kind of work I would like
to do in the future. It’s
great being at APC because I live only 10 minutes down the road at
Acland Pastoral Company Manager Ben
Muirhead said the
traineeship gave young
local people an opportunity to learn more about
the agricultural industry.
“The traineeship is a
great way to get young
people involved in the
agricultural industry,” he
“Because we are a larger
scale operation at APC,
we can give them exposure to a whole range of
different things and they
can develop skills like
handling large mobs of
cattle and crop management.
“It’s another avenue of
employment for young
local people in this area,
and a continuation of this
successful program which
has been running since
New Hope offers a
number of trainee, apprentice, graduate and
vacation work positions.
To find out more, visit
www.newhope group.
Loader operator at New Acland,
Brett Jackwitz who was MC with Contractors David Cooper, Coops
Oakey hairdresser Jodi Keane- Queensland, and Nigel de Veth of
de Veth Drilling.
Susan Scheuerle, Brymaroo, Shane Stephan, Managing Director of the
New Hope Group, Greg Scheuerle, Brymaroo, and a fencing contractor
for Acland Pastoral Co, Cathy Wood, mine worker from Brymaroo, Josh
Bellingham, fencing contractor for Acland Pastoral Co., and his partner,
Nicole Scheuerle.
tinue to be employed, and
that their children have a
CEO of Toowoomba
and Surat Basin Enterprise TSBE Shane
Charles warned the rally
that this could be just the
first part of a fight.
He said the 460 people employed directly
and the 2300 people employed indirectly because
of New Acland were in a
fight, and they needed to
To advertise phone 4615 4416
tell the community and
the new Labor Government in Queensland that
the mine was critical for
the economy of the region.
Stage three of the New
Acland Project had been
significantly modified to
meet previous State Gov-
ernment conditions, and
both the new State Government and the Federal
Environment Minister
have grant approvals.
Without Stage three, the
mine closes in 2017. With
Stage three, it will continue to operate until
2029. - Miles Noller.
Nashos prepare for
The Toowoomba branch
of the National Servicemen’s
Association will conduct
badge selling stalls at shopping centres in Toowoomba
before Anzac Day. Any
Nasho or their wives are very
welcome to assist with the
stalls. The money raised helps
fellow Nashos, perhaps with
mobility aids or for social interaction with their fellow
On Sunday, April 19, services are held at the Garden of
Remembrance at 8am and the
Drayton cemetery at 3pm. At
both these services members
will lay a wreath to honour
those Nashos who have died.
All Nashos are invited to
attend these services. At 9am
on Saturday, April 25, a representative of the Toowoomba branch of National
Servicemen will lay a wreath
on behalf of National Servicemen who lost their lives in
defence of our country. After
the wreath laying ceremony
a march will take place from
Duggan Street to the Mother’s Memorial for the
ANZAC Day Memorial
As the first intake of
Nashos are getting a little older
and not quite so mobile, we
appeal to those National Servicemen who were called up
from 1966 to join us for the
If you plan to attend please
phone Dennis on 4630 8228.
The next Nasho meeting is
Sunday, April 12, at the Irish
Club Hotel at 1pm.
The social lunch for all
Nashos, wives, and widows
is Friday, April 17, at noon.
Copies of the book Nasho
- The National Service Experience 1951-1972 are available from Wyalla News and
Post. - Joan O’Sullivan.
Doll and bear show
The Toowoomba Doll Bear and Craft Show will be held on
Saturday, May 16, at St Paul’s Lutheran Church Hall, corner
of James and Phillip Streets from 9am.
This show, in its fifth year, caters for all doll makers,
collectors and bear enthusiasts, as well as crafters who may
need that special something.
There will be the usual traders, as well as a few new ones.
Keith and Jill Rose are back doing valuations and repairs.
There will be raffles and a major raffle of a porcelain doll as
first prize, and a doll house for second. Snacks will be available.
The theme this year is the Swinging Sixties. Admission is
$8, or $6 for pensioners, and $1 for children over 6. Proceeds
go to the valuable work of the QCWA Public Rural Crisis
Fund and CWA charities. Contact Elaine on 4696 9972.
Messy church resumes
A successful first session
of the 2015 Messy Church
program at St George’s Anglican Church, Crow’s Nest
was held on Sunday, March
8. The theme was “Lent: Preparing for Easter.”
Following a story there
were a number of craft activities which included making
very colourful Easter gardens,
highly imaginative egg decorating and very nice crosses.
At the completion of a short
service in the church we adMESSY CHURCH
journed to the hall for a light
Preparing for Easter
The reason behind these
Before lunch was served,
the opportunity was taken to Passover foods was explained
sample the food items served using a Q and A format.
The next Messy Church
at a typical Passover meal at
will be in about two months.
the time of Christ.
Queensland families set to celebrate
National Playgroup Week
Playgroup Queensland
will launch the 2015 National
Playgroup Week celebrations
on Monday, March 23 with
Playgroups across the State
encouraged to participate
through interactive competitions and local events.
This year’s theme for National Playgroup Week is
Connecting Communities
through Play and the celebration pays tribute to the importance of the local community to parents, carers and
Playgroup Queensland
General Manager Programs
and Services Toni Day said it
was important for families to
connect with their local communities so they can create a
strong network of support,
which is essential for families
with young children.
“Playgroup offers families
the chance to connect with
other parents, carers and children in their local community.
Many families rely on services like Playgroups to obtain
information about local services, schools and community
activities. Being a part of Playgroup allows families to develop a sense of belonging
within the community” Ms
Day said.
Playgroup Queensland is
encouraging all Playgroups to
host their own event, to recognise and celebrate the importance of their local community. Playgroups can register online at the Playgroup
Queensland website.
Families from all over Queensland are encouraged to participate in National Playgroup Week activities.
The first 50 Playgroups to
register receiving a $50 Educational Experience gift
voucher to spend at their
Playgroup. Prize packs to the
value of $1500 are being
awarded to registered Playgroups that submit a photo
of their celebration.
Playgroup Queensland
will also host free events in
Gladstone, Cairns and Mount
Isa as well as a signature event
at South Bank in Brisbane.
Families that register to attend an event on the Playgroup Queensland website
will go in the draw to win a
Thanks to our National
Gold Coast holiday at Para- Playgroup Week sponsors
dise Resort.
the Queensland Government’s Department of EduTo register your Play- cation, Training and Employgroup, visit www.playgroup ment, Able to Play, Paradise
queensland. com.au/events Resort, Educational Experiand complete the online ence and Crayola.
- Contributed.
Calmness of mind through self control
Calmness of mind is one
of the beautiful jewels of wisdom.
It is the result of long and
patient effort in self-control
which, of course, is one of the
nine fruit of the Spirit we read
about in the book of Galatians
in the Holy Bible.
It is actually a letter written by St Paul to the people
in the church at Galatia. Self
control is actually classed as
a gift.
In this fast living age it is
one of the most appropriate
gifts or personal practices one
can have.
When we evaluate its importance in today’s world
where the news is full of vio-
lence in the street, in the home
and, of course, on the world
scene, actually nothing has
really changed in around 2000
years except we are more
aware through the advent of
electronic media than people
years ago.
Rather than continually
stating the obvious and
preaching doom and gloom
concerning lack of self-control, I would like to draw our
attention to the positive side:
the merits and rewards of attaining self control or, as I
mentioned before, calmness
of mind.
How wonderful it would
be to walk through this trou-
bled world with calmness of
mind. Just think, overcoming
the effects of bad drivers in
traffic, putting up with noisy
and precocious children, just
to name a few.
One lesson I learned in my
bid for self control was when
reading a quote from the
Christian writer and author,
C.S.Lewis, on the subject of
divine gifts.
Love is being wholly disinterested and putting that
into the context of self control, just training oneself to
be disinterested in all the
negative and annoying issues
that culminate in lack of self
control; to be in the position
of being disinterested to the
point where our self control
has translated into calmness
of mind, giving wisdom a
chance and culminating in that
precious knowledge that is
taking us to new levels of
A question to think about.
How full would our jails be if
people were able to exercise
self control? If possible, could
they think of the repercus-
sions of their often hasty actions.
In God’s Word the Bible,
we learn about our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ who was
being terribly persecuted and
never uttered a word.
This gives us some idea of
how His Holy Spirit speaks
the peace of God that passes
all understanding. - Tony
Freear, Prison Fellowship.
at garden
ABC Gardening Australia
presenter Tino Carnevale
will be a presenter at the
Leafmore Winter Garden
School at the City Golf
Club on Wednesday and
Thursday, June 17 and 18.
Programs and registration
forms are available from
Joan at tj.cahill@big
pond.com or by phoning
Val on 4635 5232.
Mrs Shirley Cronk’s garden of roses at 123 McLean’s
Road, Pechey, will be the setting for a garden party on
Sunday, March 22.
The garden, which was
open in November 2014 for
Open Gardens Australia, is
looking great at the moment
and Shirley is looking forward
to sharing it with visitors.
Admission is by a cash
donation and proceeds from
the day will go to Toowoomba Hospice, Queensland Cancer Council Olive
McMahon Lodge and Crows
Nest School Chaplaincy.
Entertainment starts at
10.30am and will include
music by Elaine Vonhoff, raffles, stalls and competitions.
Lunch and morning and afternoon tea will be available.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
– Dozer & Excavator –
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Site works, Desilting Dams, Land Clearing,
Megamulcher, Road construction.
DOUG. 0418 716 725
To advertise phone 4615 4416
The above position exists with the
Kingsthorpe State School P&C Association
Outside School Hours Care Centre
The position commences on Monday, 27th April 2015.
The successful applicant must have a Diploma in/or studying
a Diploma in Children’s Services.
He/She will assist or relieve the Co-ordinator in the daily running
of the Centre for a minimum of 15 hours per week during the
school year (41 weeks).
The hours will be 3pm-6pm each school day.
Wages will be paid in accordance with the Childcare Industry Award.
Application packages are available by emailing: kssoshc@hotmail.com
They can also be collected from the OSHC Centre
during OSHC opening hours (7-9am and 3-6pm)
Further enquiries and info are available by phoning the
Co-ordinator on 0411 101 414
Applications close 4pm Friday 17th April 2015.
$20 admission, lucky door, raffles, home made supper.
Ravensbourne-Perseverance Rural Fire Brigade
at the Fire Brigade Station, 3919 Esk-Hampton Rd, Perseverance.
The meeting will commence at 1pm SHARP.
All ratepayers in the Ravensbourne-Perseverance-Palmtree area are most
welcome to attend.
Intending new members are encouraged to join the brigade on the day.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
4615 5056
2006 Mazda BT 2500
4x4 F/S, diesel, manual,
RWC, canopy, tow bar, bull
bar, extras - 59,000km
Phone 4698 2612
“If I died tonight, do I know for
sure that I would go to heaven?”
BIBLE STUDY - 0409 158 525
WANTED by a mature lady with
excellent references, cottage or
granny flat to rent or caretake.
Highfields-Hampton area. Phone
0488 177 592.
40 head
Cows and calves
and dry $4/head.
4697 9505 or
0477 966 389.
AGISTMENT or lease wanted.
Approx. 100 - 400 acres for cattle. Phone 4692 7749 or 0427
621 108.
All styles catered for
0439 033 049
Phone John
0449 908 487
EC 74180
CROWS NEST: 3 Austin
Rd. Saturday-Sunday, March
21-22. Farm clearance/garage sale - no auction. We
are moving. Farm equipment, 3pt rotary hoe and
other implements, T20 Fergie
suit restoration, flower farm
equipment, fencing, irrigation, grinding wheel, trailers,
concrete mixer, furniture,
fridges, washing machine,
collectables + more.
Church Hall, N. E. Highway
(19 Emu Ck Rd). Saturday,
March 21. 7am to 1pm. Huge
variety - tools, books, baby
items, homewares - low prices. Something for everyone.
HIGHFIELDS: 35 Highfields Rd. Saturday, March
21. 7am-3pm. Huge (moving
into retirement village) downsizing sale. Garden equipment, tools, cement mixer, rotary hoe, furniture, household
goods and lots of other items.
No sensible offer refused.
Rhino Machinery Hire
• Bobcats • Excavators
• Slashing
Ryan - 0409 721 778
We have your landscape
and handyman needs
Harrison Cann
& Bradley Robinson
0427 539 217
& surrounds
FOUND: Large brown dog, has a
limp. On Groomsville Road. Very
timid. Phone 4696 9772.
LOST: Reading glasses, vicinity
of Highfields Cultural Centre or
Service Station. Phone 4630 8012
or 0409 891 495.
Call Gary 0418 733 749
QBCC No: 1002151
Dog rugs from $10
Crows Nest
0468 993 886
HORSE FLOAT for sale. 2
horse, straight load, side and rear
curtains, new floor, new wheels/
tyres, 12mths rego. VGC.
$5500. Jim 0418 729 438.
Just $10 for up to 15 words
Phone 4615 4416
Garden setting, 7 piece
including seat covers.
Excellent condition
$275 ono
Call 0419 235 978
Shop or Office
Centrally located at
Crows Nest
Reasonable rent
Phone 4698 1011
will be held at the Community
& RSL Centre on Wednesday,
March 25 commencing
9.30am. All clients, volunteers
and general public welcome.
For further information
regarding our service
please phone 4698 2611 or
4698 2139.
We are supported by financial assistance from the
Australian Government.
Highfields Mens Shed
Richard 0412 687 338
or Tim 0412 530 077
NEWSPAPERS collected for
recycling. Crows Nest Boys
Brigade - deliver to Crows Nest
Lutheran Hall - Ph: 4698 1205
OR Friends of Peacehaven
Highfields. Contact 4615 4416.
SPECTACLES recycled for
charity. Crows Nest Lions project. Drop to Crows Nest Realty
or High Country Herald office.
WOOL: Donate new or recyclable wool to knit for charity.
Drop to High Country Herald
office, 10485 New England
Highway, Highfields.
50kg bags
Cleaned and graded
planting seed
99% germination test
$33 per 50kg bag
0428 987 272
dogger available
No Cost
Ph: 0473 163 425
HORSE FLOAT for sale. 2
horse, straight load, side and rear
curtains, new floor, new wheels/
tyres, 12mths rego. VGC. $5500.
Ph: Jim 0418 729 438.
MOBILITY scooter, 2007, cover, two baskets, tyre gauge, good
condition. $950 o.n.o. 4696 8287.
PLANTS for sale. 38 Hartwig St, Goombungee.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Keep your sport in
the public eye.
The better way to
do that is through
the Herald.
We reach more
LOCAL people than
other media.
Contact details
page 2
Southbrook v. Nobby
in grand final
DDLBA: Players nominated for the DDLBA championship singles to start March 11 at West Toowoomba. K. Jenkins, M. Gibbs, D. Allison, S. Kerr,
M. Morris, R. Byers, M. Hannant, T. Smith, C.
McLatchey, B. Gordon, F. Connors, R. Bradford, L.
Mott, L. Mutch, B. Shea, M. Podmore, C. Plater, K.
Wade, D. vanZeeland, L. Blaine, L. Peters, J.
McGeorge, T. Foster, T. Cooper, D. Derrick, E.
Atkinson, I. Brumpton, K. Livingstone.
Markers L. Cameron, M. Pyne, F. Hunter, J.
Slattery, G. Menzies, C. Anderson, M. Kennedy, S.
Palmer, G. Siebenhausen, plus West Toowoomba ladies. The next Coaching Academy will be held on
Monday March 23 at North Toowoomba. 9 to 11am.
Contact D. James on 4630 8619.
Office bearers for the ensuing year - IPP. D. Allison,
patroness J. Woods, president.G. Russell, SVP. E.
Voll, JVP B. Higgins, secretary M. Morris, treasurer
K. Jenkins, assistant secretary J. McGeorge, assistant treasurer F. Hunter, media officer J. McGeorge,
JLO. H. Gscheidle, match chairperson I. Brumpton,
match committee L. Davis, J. Hanson, P. Muller,
selection chairperson J. Baldock, selection committee, I. Brumpton, T. Thomas, M. Pyne. Umpire panel.
I. Brumpton, K. Jenkins, umpire panel rep. K. Jenkins.
Coaching co-ordinator. D. James, coaching panel. L.
Harrington, S. Chard, G. Menzies, delegate to BQ D.
James, observer B. Higgins.
March 30 - Nominations close for DDLBA prestige fours held at Pittsworth. Nominations also close
on this day for State championships played this year
on the Sunshine Coast.
BORNEO BARRACKS: March 4 - Single
stableford winner B. Smith 43, runner-up J. Marsh
39. Rundown G. Malcolmsen 39, R. Weldon 38 L.
Bishop 37 R. Trimper 37. Pins 1st R. Weldon 5th K.
Mitchell, 10th M. Sorenson, 14th B. Northwood,
17th G. Gunther.
March 7 - Single v par. Winner C. Stuart +9, runner-up P. Callaghan +8. Rundown M. Kearnes +6,
N. Stuart +4, B. Blechynden +3, T. Campbell +3, G.
Barnsley +3, J. Lee +3.
Pins 1st G. Barnsley, 5th B. Blechendyn, 10th S.
Finlen, 14th G. Barnsley, 17th R. Standen.
March 8 - Single stroke and monthly medals, trophies by Dave Newman.
A grade winner J. Aitken 67, runner-up L. Bishop
68. B grade winner D. Newman 67, runner-up A.
Haddock 67. C grade winner K. Clarke 65, runner-up
B. Cox 70. Rundown G. Thompson 68, D. McGee
69, K. Mitchell 69, A. Davis 70, G. Coonan 70, G.
Coonan 70, W. Aitken 70, B. McLean 71, B.Aitken
71 P. Callaghan 71, M. O’Brien 71, B. Marney 71.
Pins 1st B.McLean, 10th G. Barnsley, 14th G.
Starkey, 17th B. Volp. Best gross M. Stark 73. The
2014 Hustler’s Cup was won by Wayne Balderson
4/3 over Dave Lamb.- Gary Small.
CENTRAL DOWNS: Southbrook will take on
Nobby in grand final.
The second round of finals saw Bowenville take
on Nobby for a place against Southbrook in the grand
After winning the toss, Bowenville took the opportunity to bat first and were soon reeling at 6/65.
Captain James Cain (53) stayed solid for the home
side but eventually ran out of partners as Bowenville
were eventually skittled for 133 in the 29th over.
Other notable scores were Nick Morgan (18no)
and Anton Wilkinson (12).
Jake Gill led the attack for the Nobby bowlers
with some well guided swing bowling and finished
his 8 overs with 4 for 32.
He was supported well from the other end by Sam
Todd (3 for 33 off 6), Brian Jeans (2 for 39 off 6) and
N. Brown (1 for 18 off 6).
FOW 11, 31, 31, 35, 62, 65, 111, 122, 122, 133.
In reply, Nobby cruised past the total 4 wickets
down in the 35th over.
Wal Eather was the standout for Nobby, scoring a
well-made 51 and was supported with solid scores
from Adrian Suttor (27), Damian Pauli (27no) and
Dan Knecht (18no).
P.Singh was the only standout for Bowenville’s
bowlers, claiming 3 for 23 off 8 overs, while Anton
Wilkinson (1 for 27 off 5) was the only other wicket
taker. FOW 52, 96, 104, 106.
This result means Nobby will take on Southbrook
in the 2014-15
Central Downs cricket grand final to be played at
the Southbrook this Sunday, March 22. Play will
start at 9.30am sharp with the annual presentation of
trophies to be held after the game.
Southbrook Cricket Club will be providing a bar
and barbecue throughout the day.
Central Downs would like to extend an invitation
to all life members, clubs and associates and trophy
donors to attend the grand final, with the hope that
we can get quite a crowd to see Southbrook and Nobby
battle it out for the Steger/McIntyre Shield.
CROWS NEST: March 11 - Winners Mick
Beutel, Esbert Ehrlich and Terry Bowe, runners-up
Tony Ryan and George Brady.
March 7 - Intraclub competition results were Open
pairs Trevor Gillies and Bill Kruger d. Tony Collins
and Don Collins (Sub - Roger Haldane); Mixed pairs
Roger Brashaw and Beras Vandersee d. Allan Mutch
and Linda Mutch. Open singles Rob Mortimer d.
Dennis Russell.
Keep your eye on the selectors’ noticeboard for
competition games called for next Saturday. Friday
night bowls starts from 6 to 6.30pm, so why not
come along to join in the fun and have something light
to eat after work. Members and non-members are all
most welcome.
March 8 - Club sponsored social bowls winners
Reminder to all clubs that there will be a meeting were Peter Coman, Vonnie Gillies, Ernie Motley and
Tuesday night at the Southbrook Sports Ground start- Terry Bowe, and runners-up were Allan Mutch, Linda
Mutch, Vince Vaz and Laurie Marsh.
ing at 7.30pm.
Coming events: March 22 - Crows Nest Realty.
March 29 - Club sponsored. April 5 - Anduramba
Challenge. April 12 - Brisbane Fire Brigade visit.
Next scheduled management committee meeting
will be at 9.30am on Sunday, April 12. All officers are
encouraged to attend. New bowls players and visitors are always welcome at the Crows Nest Bowls
Club. Contact secretary Jim cnqbowls@mail.com or
on 4698 2278. - Gary Baker.
BORNEO LADIES: March 10 - Single stroke for
club trophies. Winner Lotte Pedersen 73, Fay Wood
75 on count back. Rundown: Jan Ritchie 75, Pat
Walker 77 on ount back. Pins: 1/1 Barbara Weier, 3/4
Carole Duncan, 2/5 (pro pin) Lorna Bell.
March 17 - Single stableford for trophies donated
by Fay Wood.
CROWS NEST: March 8 - Final round club championships A grade winner gross T. Weis 216. Net
winner K. Cox 196. Best 18 hole net G.Heck 65. B
grade winner gross D. Woodley 256 in play off with
L. Kruger 256. Net winner L. Kruger 205.
Best 18 hole net J. Edser 67. C grade winner gross
M. Pearce 280. Net winner C. Clunie 211. Best 18
hole net D. Yaxley 65. Pins 3-12 G. Littleton, 8/17 C.
Clunie, eagles nest
March 11 - Sporters winner N. Landers 36, second winner D. Woodley 33, runner-up R. Burgess
31. Putting R. Gardner 22 Pins 7/16, 8/17 R Gardner.
March 15 - John and Jenni Svensson stableford
winner R. Kennedy 39, runner-up C. Clunie 38, second ruinner-up M. Strong 37. Rundown T. Weis 37,
W. Dukes 37. Pins 3/12 L Kruger, 8/17 L. Case.
March 22 - Crows Nest Realty stroke. March 28
- HLO at Borneo Barracks - John Somerville.
OAKEY: March 11 - Ladies 18 hole stroke, eight
to qualify for Challenge Cup match play. Winner
Joan Fisk 63 net, runner-up Margaret Muir 70 net r/
d Collette Rynne. |Pin 3 Joan Fisk. Approach 5/14
Yvonne Lebeter, 6/15 Iris Thompson. Match play
Joan Fisk v Veronica Watson Iris Thompson v Daphne
Webster Kathy Fenton v Margaret Muir Collette
Rynne v Marlene Deans.
Thursday sporter’s winner Kevin Rietveld 24.
March 14 -15 - 18 hole flag winners Michael
Rietveld and Marlene Deans. Pins 3 M. Deans, 8 M.
Rietveld, 12 A. King. Approach 5/14 Y. Lebeter, 6/15
K. Rietveld.
March 22 - 18 hole stroke with the starting time at
9am. - Contributed.
OAKEY: Club pairs. V. Rush and W. Patterson d.
W. Gesler and P. Rudken. B. Lucht and G. Fenton d.
N. Crosisca and S. Bradford. Sunday winners B.
Lorrimer, K. Harvey and D. Barfield.
Thursday night winners R. Horn, N. Hedge and
A. Jackson. No competition called for Saturday,
March 21.
Coming events: Thursday March 19, the Grand
Hotel will sponsor the night bowls, come along for a
great night, names on board please.
March 22 - Club selected mixed three-bowl pairs. 28 - 400 yards. Target rifle, possible 105.21. Max
- Sam Lorrimar.
Bidgood 105.10, John Gilliland 103.7, David Brown
102.10, Dennis Bidgood 101.7, Rick Vlietstra 95.2,
OAKEY LADIES: March 19 - Gatton president Nev Bidgood 93.4, Kev Voll 84.3. Scope rifle, possiand members. Team E. Voll, B. Lorrimer, G. Lucht, R. ble 126.21 Bob Steel 118.4, Neil Austin 114.1, Dan
Lawrie car.
Briskey 110.5, Rod Dallemolle (visitor)116.4, Beth
March 26 - Drayton F/R. Team E. Voll, J. York, B. Caskey (visitor), Mark 109.3.
Poole, V. Allen car.
March 29 - Ladies will provide trophies for mixed
March 7 - 500 yards. Target rifle, possible 105.21,
bowls afternoon.
John Gilliland 103.11, David Brown 103.8, Dennis
March 23 - Coaching Academy at North Too- Bidgood 101.10, Matt 101.4, Nev Bidgood 100.7,
woomba at 9am. $5. - Elsie Voll.
Scope rifle possible 126.21. Bob Steele 120.7, Ray
O’Neil 116.6, Neil Austin 114.7, Dan Briskey 114.3,
Adam Symonds 47.
CROWS NEST: The stellar rise of the Black
Holes came to a screaming halt on Monday night at
the hands of a way too good X-Men. Putting 117
runs on the board batting first, X-Men were in the
box seat largely due to the 42-run stand by Craig
Stilmen and Col Bridges.
The Holes were right on track early on, 55 runs
to Ben Kahler and Geof Polzin, but accurate bowling and sharp fielding by Matt Pearce (five wickets) saw X-Men win the game 117 to 77.
Fielders were keen to resurrect their more than
disappointing start to the season on Tuesday night
against Bazingas. It didn’t look promising with Fielders only scoring 88, 43 by Errol Deeth and myself.
Anthony Clarke put Bazinga’s in a winning position from the outset and even Will Curtis’ 3 wickets
couldn’t swing the game Fielders’ way. The end
result went Bazinga’s way by just 4 runs, 92 to 88.
- John Schwartz.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
March 14 - 600 yards. Target rifle, possible 105.21.
John Gilliland 101.5, David Brown 100.5, Dennis
Bidgood 99.8, Brendan Parkins 96.6, Kev Voll 90.1.
Scope rifle, possible 126.21. Bob Steel 105.1, Neil
Austin 102, Ted Long 99.1, Ray O’Neil 90.1, Adam
Symonds 88.2. No shooting at the range on March
Good luck to all the shooter going to City v.
Country in Brisbane. Contact David 0427 399 347 or
Ashley 0407 374 378.
SOUTHERN DOWNS: February 8 - 400 yards.
F Standard Rifle, possible 126. Beth Caskey 119.6,
Graham Eagle 114.3, Dave Taylor 111.1, Margaret
Taylor 106.4. F Open Rifle possible 126. Bob Tyllyer
113.2. Target Rifle possible 105. Jim Dickenson
101.10. A sunny warm morning with soft shifting
breezes. - www.southerndownsrifleclubwebsyte.
USQ Gumbi Gumbi Gardens
take out council award
More than 50,000 years of
Indigenous Australian tradition was acknowledged when
the University of Southern
Queensland’s Gumbi Gumbi
Gardens won overall champion at the Toowoomba Regional Council’s inaugural
Gold Leaf Awards for Excellence.
The gardens took out top
honours for most outstanding entry in urban design, heritage and environment which
provide a platform to showcase projects that support and
exemplify lifestyle cultures.
The gardens, which have
featured in numerous awards
since they were opened in
October 2013, provide a narration of the country’s unique
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander traditions, customs,
rituals and practices.
USQ Vice-Chancellor and
President Professor Jan Thomas said the gardens helped
promote a greater understanding of First Australians and
of the world’s oldest continuing living cultures.
“The story of Australia
begins many thousands of
years before white settlement
and the symbolic plantings
and architecture promote
greater understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander traditions through education and engagement,” she
The gardens were established through a partnership
of the local communities and
the university as a place for
reconciliation and healing,
promoting increased awareness, appreciation and understanding of Australia’s rich indigenous heritage.
Professor Thomas said.
the gardens incorporated stories, art and artefacts of First
Australian culture.
“It is education through
experience very much as practised by local Aboriginal peoples for thousands of years.”
The gardens feature plants
traditionally used for food,
implements and medicines.
Artwork by local Indigenous
artists and features help visitors better understand Australia’s First Peoples.
The gardens include a fire
pit, yarning circle and the end
pool of the dry creek bed, seen
as an important meeting
Named after the medicinal
plant used by Indigenous peoples the Gumbi Gumbi Gar-
Gumbi Gumbi - University gardens 50,000 years in the making.
dens have been designed
Professor Thomas said connectedness is highlighted
based on the philosophy, bunya pines have been by sandstone acknowledge‘Let’s look at where we’ve planted as marker trees giv- ment stones at the perimeter
been, where we are going and ing the direction to points of to recognise and pay respect
through education make the significance to USQ and local to Indigenous communities of
journey together.’
Indigenous communities, in- the Jagera people to the east,
The heart of the gardens is cluding USQ Springfield, Mt Kambuwal people to the
the basalt acknowledgement Coot-tha, Tabletop Moun- south-west, Githabul people
stone for the Giabul and tain, USQ Fraser Coast, to the south, Bigambul peoJarowair people, the tradi- Gummingurru and the Bunya ple to the west, and
tional custodians for the site Mountains.
Barrunggam people to the
of the Gardens.
“The importance of north,” she said.
Celebrating 40 years of Holden Gemini
Forty years of Holden Gemini were celebrated at the birth centre at the old GMH
plant in Acacia Ridge Brisbane on Sunday. The event was organised by Brisbane Gemini enthusiasts. Many people
remember the Gemini and may have
even driven one or have one still.
The first Gemini was a TX sedan made
in Acacia Ridge Brisbane.
Over a couple of hundred Gemini enthusiast tuned up with their Geminis. In 1974
General Motors released the Isuzu
Gemini, their first small world car which
was sold under an astonishing array of
makes and models. As a collector I was
impressed with the large numbers still
alive and the quality. - Murray Choat.
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