High Country News 31 March 2015

Letters to the editor are always welcome. Please include full name, address and
daytime phone number. Letters are accepted on the understanding they could be
edited for grammar, punctuation, spelling, repetition, verbosity, legal considerations, etc. The Herald policy is to maintain the writer’s intent in all correspondence, subject to the conditions above. Letters are treated confidentially. Under no
circumstances are they referred to third parties before publication. The editor may
accept or reject letters without further reference to the writer. Preference is given to
shorter letters, fewer than 200 words, published with the writer’s name. Pen
names are subject to individual consideration.
Easter greetings to all
The Choat family would
like to wish the Herald family a Safe and Happy Easter.
Choat sisters Tara and
Alena have the Easter spirit
and are counting down the
days remaining till Easter
Tara and Alena, right, do
know that Easter not only
about chocolate eggs but the
rebirth of Jesus which is
known in the bible as the New
For many centuries hard
boiled eggs where served at
the Passover lunches to symbol rebirth of Jesus and
hardboiled eggs where painted
up and given to children many
thousands of years ago but introduced creating a differ- and, if travelling, drive to the
as the modern world has ent symbolic remembrance. conditions and be safe Enjoy your Easter break Murray Choat.
evolved chocolate eggs were
Easter First Aid
In a medical emergency, you
and your family can feel confident of taking the right actions if you are First Aid ready.
Red Cross recommends
keeping your first aid qualification up-to-date and a Red
Cross First Aid App on your
smart phone or tablet. The
hottest topics on the Red
Cross First Aid App during
Easter are always allergies,
anaphylaxis and choking.
If an adult or child is choking and unable to cough or
breathe, call for an ambulance
and perform five back blows
between the shoulder blades,
continually checking for an
impact. If this does not work,
lean them forward, position
the base of your palm on the
wide bone in the centre of their
chest (two fingers for babies)
and give five sharp chest
thrusts checking for a response after each. Babies can
be positioned face down on
your lap to support their head.
If you have a serious food
allergy always keep your
adrenaline auto-injector on
hand, have their action plan
accessible and notify those
around you. Signs of someone
suffering from anaphylaxis
may include difficulty in
breathing, a swollen tongue,
tightness in the throat and difficulty talking.
To book a Red Cross first
aid training course go online to
redcross.edu.au or call 1300
367 428. - Anthony Cameron, Red Cross trainer.
Local landcare heroes
I am calling on local community groups,
networks and individuals who participate in
community Landcare and Coastcare activities to nominate a Landcare project or local
hero for the 2015 State and Territory Landcare
The National Landcare Awards were an
important mechanism to promote innovative practices that foster improvements in
productivity, competitiveness and
sustainability of Australia’s primary industries.
For more than two decades the National
Landcare Awards have celebrated Landcare
and Coastcare achievements and the partnership between communities and the Australian, state and territory governments
Many groups contribute to Australia’s land
management decisions and Landcare groups
lead the way.
These Awards are an opportunity to give
national recognition to the tireless efforts of
our farmers, community groups, councils,
school groups and businesses that volunteer
their time to the management of our valuable
natural resources.
I commend the efforts of Landcare and its
groups for continuing to strengthen Landcare
participation in on-ground activities and for
their important role in setting local and regional priorities.
There is an award to suit every project,
with nine national categories covering individual landcarers, sustainable farming, Junior
Landcare, and Coastcare to name just a few.
I encourage those active in Landcare initiatives to put their nominations forward to recognise the invaluable contributions of volunteers.
Entries for the 2015 State and Territory
Landcare Awards are open to May 31.
To nominate or for more information visit
Finally, I want to wish you all a very happy
and safe Easter. - Ian Macfarlane, Member
for Groom, www.facebook.com/Ian
Oakey State High School 60s reunion
A reunion for past students of Oakey State
High School who enrolled between 1964 and
1969 is being organised for Saturday, May
The reunion will be held at the Oakey
State High School. The program includes
morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea in the
assembly hall.
There will also be a brief school tour in the
morning and light entertainment after lunch.
Past students from 1965 will celebrate their
50th anniversary with the cutting of a cake in
their honour.
Numbers will be limited due to catering restrictions. Contact Patricia Minnaar (Dever)
at minnaars@bigpond.com or 3376 4383.
Re the Herald report last week on changed laneway from the New England Highway.
traffic arrangements in Mewings Lane,
The fire brigade has advised us that fire
Crows Nest which said Crows Nest Fire engines will access the lane from Esk Street. Brigade would continue to access the Editor.
0409 890 081
• Thanks a bunch.
Toowoomba Royal Show
pavilion. Blocked off at the
end of aisles. What a pain.
Why put the public to that
inconvenience? Really does
turn people off the show! H.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Wagners plan 500 workers
units at Wellcamp
The Brisbane West
Wellcamp Airport could become an accommodation centre for workers in the Queensland gasfields.
A Wagner family company
has applied to develop 500
accommodation units adjacent to the new Brisbane West
Airport, specifically for nonresidential workers.
Company spokesman
Denis Wagner said they believe the market will turn and
the demands for workers
(fly-in fly-out) should begin
to grow again in 12 to 18
Mr Wagner said the company was looking to the future and there were 20 or so
years ahead for Surat Basin
gas production.
While an application to
Toowoomba Regional Council was for approval to construct accommodation rooms
for 500 workers, Mr Wagner
said the program would be
staged and the units would be
built as demand required.
Wagners are associated
with one of the three consor-
Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport - Worker accommodation planned nearby.
tia that are tendering to construct the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing.
But Mr Wagner said that
should the group of companies with which they are associated win the tender for
this construction, they would
be using local labour and it
was unknown what the other
two tenders would be requiring for worker accommodation.
Rather, the proposed
worker accommodation at
Wellcamp was more aligned
with the airport and the future use of the airport.
He said that having accommodation sited next to the air-
port added to the convenience of transporting workers to the Surat Basin gas
fields. It is proposed that the
accommodation units would
be constructed on land that is
currently in the Wellcamp
Business Park Precinct and a
material change of use of this
land is being sought in its application to the council.
The project plans include
a kitchen/dining building, reception and administration
building, a wet mess, laundry
buildings, and a gym building.
Toowoomba Regional
Council has also received an
application from a company
associated with the F. K.
Gardner Group for the construction of 16 non-residential accommodation units in
It is proposed the units
would be built on land in
McDougall Street, adjacent to
the F. K. Gardner building
offices. The company proposal says the units would
be used to accommodate
workers on various projects
in the Surat and Cooper basin gas fields.
Heritage CEO steps down
CEO of Toowoombabased Heritage Bank John
Minz will retire later this
Mr Minz, 57, intends stepping down as CEO role when
the term of his current contract concludes at the end of
the year.
Mr Minz joined Heritage
in 1993, as Head of Internal
Audit. After fulfilling a
number of managerial roles,
he became Deputy CEO in
2002 and was appointed CEO
in 2003.
Mr Minz said his decision
had been made after much
soul-searching and with considerable sadness. But he said
he had always been an advocate for limited tenure for any
“I’m incredibly proud of
what the Heritage team has
achieved during my 12 years
as CEO. I have been honoured to lead such a great organisation,” Mr Minz said.
“I look back with enormous satisfaction at the culture we have created and the
way this organisation has
evolved. Despite the global
financial crisis and a prolonged period of strong competition, we have grown to
be Australia’s largest mutual
bank. I leave knowing that
Heritage has a proven performance pedigree and is in a
very strong position.
“However, there comes a
point when you know it is
the right time to walk away
and entrust the CEO responsibilities to the next person
honoured to take on this stewardship role. Heritage has incredible leadership talent
and an exciting future ahead. I
will leave Heritage with total
confidence in that future.”
Heritage Chairman Mr Kerry
Betros praised the contribution John Minz has made to
the organisation during his
tenure. “John Minz has been
an absolutely outstanding
CEO for Heritage,” Mr
Betros said. “He has led Heritage through a period of sustained growth and modernisation, in the best interests of
To advertise phone 4615 4416
customers and staff, while
also broadening the range of
products and services available to customers. He has
done this with the greatest
integrity and professionalism, and instilled a culture of
engagement and service excellence among our staff.”
Cr Ros Scotney with Oakey State School students Breanna Taylor and Ariel Morris and principal Gowrie State School principal David Kirk with student leaders, Dominic Newcomb, Shayla
Scott Pacey. Front - Levi Woodward and Jayden Lee.
Lightfoot, Will Nielsen, and Hayley Ruming.
Mayor urges leaders to
work for best interest
of their schools
Mayor Paul Antonio and
councillors hosted more
than 200 students at the
Empire Church in Toowoomba at the annual
morning tea for primary
school captains and leaders.
Cr Antonio urged school
leaders and captains to
take an interest in leadership and to work for the
best in the school.
Represented were 57 of
the 74 primary schools in
the Toowoomba Region. It
was the first time primary
school leaders were from
grade six. Year seven students joined the secondary
school system this year, but
there are schools that have
continued to gain student
numbers, rather than lose
Principal of Meringandan
State School Janelle Groves
said the school has had a net
increase of students in 2015
of about 40.
Year seven numbers have
been eliminated and
Meringandan’s year six
class from 2014 have moved
on to high school.
But the school has two
prep classes, two year one
classes and two year two Principal of Meringandan State School Janelle Groves and students Annalise
classes as the area contin- Barker, Mackenzie Keable, Toby Ehrlich and Cameron Dick.
ues to expand.
Contributions to the Herald
are always welcome.
Contact details page 2.
Geham State School was
represented by Principal
Shelley Tompson and students Ellie Natalier and Quinalow State School was represented by Abby Campbell, Jack Schilf, Ella
Jonathan Matthews.
Wockner and teacher aide Elva Schefe.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Canberra visit highlights
power of rual sector
MP calls for hall for
Wilsonton High
Member for Toowoomba North Trevor Watts said 850
Wilsonton Campus students deserve an arts and sports
hall. Mr Watts said: “This is the only high school in Toowoomba North without an indoor facility, meaning there
is no venue for whole of school assemblies, no venue for
indoor sporting activities, no venue for student key assessment tasks, no venue for dance, drama, music and
school bands wanting to perform for larger audiences; no
indoor sports included in the P.E. program and no P.E.
lessons in frequent adverse weather conditions.”
Mr Watts is calling for support for the 850 Wilsonton
Campus students by signing the current e-Petition via the
following link: -http://www.parliament.qld.gov.au/workof-assembly/petitions/e-petitions.
Mr Watts said thousands of students and families would
reap the rewards for this type of facility at Toowoomba
State High School Wilsonton Campus. “I want the schools
in Toowoomba North to be vibrant hubs where children
learn, teachers teach and communities gather.”
Prime Minister Tony Abbott welcomes mayors from South-East Queensland
During the past month I travelled to Canberra with a Council of Mayors South East
Queensland delegation.
COMSEQ represents oneseventh of the Australian population, so visiting the country’s
capital with this group is quite
powerful. Our group had a full
day of meetings and were very
pleased with the hearing we
were given from the government,
including, Prime Minister
Abbott and Deputy Prime
Minister Warren Truss, Senior
Government Ministers, as well
as several Shadow Ministers.
I was reassured that the Toowoomba Second Range Crossing would be built to a high
standard, that early work on
Inland Rail continues, and our
group was able to moot the idea
of a regional bid for the 2028
Olympic Games.
There is no doubt that working with other councils is
worthwhile, particularly when
it comes to lobbying our State
and Federal counterparts.
Therefore, I am currently
working with Mayor Rob
Loughnan from the Maranoa
Council to bring together the
Emu Creek smash
Police are investigating a
fatal traffic crash last Tuesday at Emu Creek north of
Crows Nest.
Between 4.30pm and 5pm
a motorcycle and a white sedan crashed while travelling
in opposite directions on
Pierces Creek Road, between
Brothers Road and Woolshed
The male motorcycle rider,
believed to be in his 50s, died
at the scene.
The female driver of the
sedan was transported to
hospital. The Forensic Crash
Unit is investigating.
New library concrete pour
The first of four concrete pours has been completed for
the Level 2 floor of the new Toowoomba City Library, corner of Victoria and Herries Streets, Toowoomba.
Cr Ros Scotney said the work marked another milestone
for the $27 million project.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
councils to our west and use
our commonality and the contribution we make, especially
to the agricultural sector as a
unique bargaining chip in bringing essential infrastructure investment to rural Queensland.
The collective power in the
rural sector across this broad
region is significant.
To this end, Council believes
the next wave of opportunity
for our region will be in the area
of logistics.
Complemented by the Second Range Crossing and the
Brisbane West Wellcamp Air-
port, the proposed Inland Rail
will certainly drive Toowoomba
to become an intermodal transport hub.
There is no better timing than
now for the development of
this concept as we see a cutback in the activity in the Surat
We have strong interest from
investors both nationally and
internationally who are seeing
our potential to be a central distribution point for the rest of
Australia and we are working
hard to sell the region both
within Australia and overseas.
Confirmation that work on
the Second Range Crossing will
go ahead, gives Council the opportunity to push for the
project to be brought forward,
and therefore, the estimated
1800 jobs to be created earlier
with the hope of softening any
impact in job losses from the
resource sector.
The next 12 to 18 months
will be especially important for
the future of this region and
Council is committed to doing
all we can to ensure we continue to grow and prosper.
Highfields Police are investigating graffiti offences at the Coles Shopping Centre Highfields.
The graffiti tag contains
the words ‘BIG VIBE’.
Police are reviewing external CCTV camera footage at the shopping centre. Anonymous information regarding this offence
can be provided to
Crimestoppers 1800 333
Development committees named
Member for Maranoa
Bruce Scott said the announcement of Regional Development Australia Committees will help drive economic growth and regional
productivity in the electorate.
Mr Scott, right, said the
RDA committees are poised
to deliver better outcomes for
the community under the
leadership of their chairs and
deputy chairs.
“These RDA committees
are well placed to help foster
a stronger Maranoa and ensure all three tiers of government work together effectively.
“They will be the voice for
priority activities and ensure
that economic development
and productivity in the regions is an important part of
government’s strategy.”
Mr Scott said the RDA
committees would act as an
important pathway to enhance funding opportunities.
“These committees will
provide advice to Government
on critical issues affecting each
region and are an important
mechanism to increase regional access to funding programs.
“They will also assist local
stakeholders to develop
project proposals and will direct them to the appropriate
funding sources. “
Darling Downs and
South West: Chair Cr Vic
Pennisi. Deputy chair Neville
Stewart. Committee members:
Derek Tuffield, Prof Glen
Postle, Julia Telford
Fitzroy and Central
West: Chair Kym Mobbs.
Deputy chair John Lever.
Committee members
Graham McVean, Cr Neville
Ferrier, Cr Graham Lenton, Cr
Gai Sypher, Mary Carroll.
Wide Bay Burnett: Chair
William Trevor. Deputy Chair
Daniel Poacher. Committee
Kristi Kee, Cr Malcolm
Forman, Janelle Gerry, Ben
Ellingsen, Cr Joanne Dowling,
Georgie Somerset.
Shannons chips - a local
show institution
For many show goers,
Shannons Potato Chips has
become an institution. Three
generations of families often
line up at the Shannons counter to get their share of this
age-old snack food.
In the show environment,
people are wanting, and even
demanding, new and exciting
displays and entertainment
each year. Yet these same people want their chips to taste
just as they did last year and
the year before that and the
Shannons people oblige.
Clyde Horrex says the potato chips he and his wife Pam
produce at numerous shows
around the country are simply honest food.
“We don’t spice them up.
We don’t make them pretty.
“They are made from potatoes (apparently an issue
these days with rice flour
sometimes an ingredient), in
some situations from the same
farms that have been supplying Shannons Potato Chips
for 67 years.”
Clyde said the quality of
the potato was important and
they avoided potatoes that
were full of irrigation water
and fertiliser. At the show in
the Shannons van, they are
washed, peeled, chipped and
cooked on demand in small
batches so the packet of chips
is fresh.
Simply honest food
Clyde said that if a batch
is not served within about two
minutes, the chips are discarded and a fresh batch made.
This simple formula began
in 1948. Clyde’s uncle, Cec
Shannon, whose family
farmed between Highfields
and Crows Nest, was exhibiting dairy cattle and ponies
at a local show.
The show society had no
food stalls, not even a local
church or CWA stand for the
exhibitors who stayed overnight. Cec had a part bag of
potatoes and a primus stove
and cooked batches of chips
for the exhibitors. The glowing reviews resulted in the
establishment of the
Shannons Chips brand.
Clyde said Cec established
the business around the State,
including at the Brisbane,
Sunshine and Gold Coast
shows. He also went to Sydney for a few years.
Clyde attended the
Ravensbourne and Crows
Nest schools, and Pam was
also a student at Crows Nest.
The potato chip van starts
each year in January at the
Stanthorpe Show, and its ninemonth season ends at the
Warwick Rodeo in October.
Clyde and Pam bought the
business from Cec 25 years
They go to about 36 shows
and events each year, from
Lismore and Glen Innes in the
south to Cairns, Atherton and
Mareeba in the north.
“We keep out of the big
smoke because Brisbane,
Sydney and the Gold Coast
are too expensive,” Clyde
They operate from their
base at Crows Nest where
both Clyde and Pam grew up.
Pulling that 33-foot long
van is a Volvo truck that in 13
years has travelled just
“Technically it’s not runin yet,” Clyde said.
But the business is “runin” and it continues to run,
show after show, as show
goers continue to demand the
simple potato chip.
Each year they use 800
bags of potatoes and at the
bigger shows, such as Toowoomba, they keep a staff of
five people busy for days on
To advertise phone 4615 4416
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Street sprints shape up as biggest
Glennie girl wins Youth of the
Year speaking round
Caitlin Judge, Year 12 Glennie student, captured the
attention and ears of Lions Club of Toowoomba-Wilsonton
Youth of the Year public speaking round. Caitlin delivered
an articulate speech entitled Poverty in Australia and impromptu speeches on the berries hepatitis A scare and
capital punishment in Indonesia.
The judging panel selected Caitlin above three other
participants, awarding her the highly sought after Leanne
Sleba Memorial Award. The award is now in its seventh
year with Caitlin being the second Glennie girl to receive it.
Caitlin now joins Molly McInerney, Glennie old girl 2012,
as a recipient.
Caitlin said: “Other than participating on the Glennie
debating team, this is a new experience for me. I was delighted when announced winner as I spent quality time
preparing the speech. I would highly recommend the program to anyone wishing to gain experience in interviews
and public speaking.
“The skills I’ve learnt in the program will undoubtedly
help me in the future,” she said.
The car is driven by Vikki Paxton. It is a Dallara Formula 3 open wheeler and has
a 450hp V8 Lexus Motor engine. It has been developed by Vikki and her husband.
The New Hope Oakey Street Sprints, May
16 and 17, are shaping up to be the biggest
ever event. Entries opened two weeks ago
and they are pouring in.
This year special classes will be promoted
this year. This will include an accumulative
challenge for ladies and men’s classes with
times being accumulative over the weekend.
A street car challenge will feature registered two-wheel drive naturally aspirated
four-door sedans. Standard lap sash seat belts,
a crash helmet and a civil licence are all that is
required. A $1000 cash prize is up for grabs
in this class.
A quality field of drift cars will do demonstration throughout Saturday into the evening.
Rides will be raffled throughout the weekend.
Saturday’s event will finish with a drag
race event in Fitzpatrick Street. Again the New
Hope Group is the major sponsor for the
Sprints as well as supplying the Oakey
Motorsport Club with a grant to purchase an
administration trailer which will be used as a
control centre for the electronic timing equipment, sound equipment and administration
The timing will be carried out by the latest
Westhold system which was purchased from
a grant obtained from the Office of Liquor,
Gaming and Racing.
Interested competitors and spectators can
download an App for their smart phone to
enable them to get instant lap times as cars
cross the finish line. Visit www.oakey
sprints.com. - Contributed.
Back - Tonia Gloudemans, Glennie Head of Senior Years, Pat Eagle, father of the late Leanne Sleba,
George and Barb Cossart, Lions Club of Toowoomba-Wilsonton, and Leigh Duffin, Glennie Head of
Senior Years Social Science. Front - Caitlin Judge, Mrs Judy Eagle, mother of the late Leanne Sleba.
Ladies breakfasts
At the Oakey ladies breakfast held in the Anglican
hall on March 28 are Back
- June Evans, Sue
Bernays and guest
speaker Anne Smith.
Front - Nancy Harris and
Barbara Poole.
These breakfasts are
held every 3 months to
bring together the ladies
of Oakey for fellowship
and a great breakfast. Judith Sloss.
West of Elsewhere with Clintion Ireland Treating
a tick
In the event of a tick bite,
follow the DRSABCD action
plan - Danger, Response,
Send for help, Airway,
Breathing, CPR, Defibrillation.
Apply a cold compress to
the bite area. Using fine
tipped forceps, available in all
St John Ambulance first aid
kits, press the skin down
around the tick’s mouth and
grip the mouth part firmly and
gently lift to detach the tick.
Do not squeeze the body
of the tick during removal.
If symptoms of an allergic
reaction occur, such as severe
swelling, excessive itching, a
large rash or difficulty breathing, dial triple zero (000) for
an ambulance immediately.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
• Red Hatters visit Felt-in-the-Shed
• Spinners and craft group
The Red Hatters of Cabarlah visited Barbara Scott’s
studio in Cabarlah viewing
and learning the art of felt
making from wool fibre embellished with silk.
RIGHT Barb Burton,
Jenny Clarke, Gwen
Rees and Lyn Clancy inspecting Barbara’s wearable art.at her in-studio titled Felt in the Shed at the
weekend. - Bev Harrison,
Queen of The Absolutely
Fabulous Red Hatters of
• Dolls, bears and craft show
The theme for this year’s Doll, Bear
and Craft Show on May 16 at St Paul’s
Lutheran Church Hall, Toowoomba,
is the Swinging Sixties.
An abundance of trading tables have
been booked making available all that
is needed for those involved in crafts.
Skills in many crafts are required to
bring dolls and bears to life.
The fine detail that goes into making
little shoes, hats, wigs and purses, as
well as the costuming all takes time.
The result of this work will be on
display at the show.
Proceeds from spot raffles, and the
main raffle with a porcelain doll as first
prize and a small doll house as second
will go to the QCWA Public Rural Crisis Fund and other charities. Contact
Elaine 4696 9972.
• Fishing rules
There’s no better way to
spend Easter than wetting a
line and catching a feed of
delicious fish.
Queensland Boating and
Fisheries Patrol district manager Rob McDonald said
knowing the rules was important as those caught not following the rules could face a
hefty fine.
“Different rules apply to
fishing in tidal waters,
freshwaters, marine parks
McDonald said.
“It’s important all fishers
take the time to familiarise
themselves with the rules that
apply, including size and
possession limits, how to correctly measure fish, fishing
All items are drawn from either the Lionel gear restrictions and closed
A photo wallet recovered from a World
War I Australian serviceman who died on the Lindsay Gallery and Library Collection or seasons.
Western Front is among poignant art works, the Toowoomba City Collection.
verses and picture books featured in two
• Poppies for Reg and Ruby: Remembering
Anzac centenary exhibitions on display at
Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery. That serv- the Great War through the Lindsay Family
iceman was Reg Lindsay, one of the members and War Heads, Portraits from the Collections will be displayed until June 28.
of the renowned Lindsay family.
• Anzac Centenary exhibitions
The Highfields Spinners and Craft Group, who meet on Tuesdays at 9am at the
Baptist Hall in Kuhls Road, are proud of their success at the Toowoomba Royal
Show. It is the first time the members have participated as a group and each
individual came away with at least one award for their entries. The group specialises in the older crafts and conducts classes in spinning and weaving, knitting
and crochet, and sewing. Each year they hold an annual camp weekend at the
James Byrne Centre which is attended by craftspeople from all over Queensland
and Northern New South Wales. Last year’s attendance was 85. Workshops
conducted during the weekend include spinning and weaving, and felting. To find
out more about the group contact Susan McKenzie 0458 243 519. ABOVE: Members with articles the group entered in the Toowoomba Show Helen Moyes,
with hand spun mohair, Gwen McNamara in her own hat with a doll made by
Carole Walsh, Pat Solomon with a shawl and Susan McKenzie with a felt doll.
Contact Susan McKenzie 0458 243 519.
The Herald
4615 4416.
Full contact details
Page 2
• Crows Nest Lions member drive
The Lions Club of Crows Nest held an
information night on March 5 for interested
locals in an effort to bolster its membership
and continue serving the community.
It was well attended with nine new people
turning up as well as visiting Lions.
Anyone who could not attend but is interested in joining the Lions family can contact
President Meg on 4698 2665 or 0427 731
• 90th birthday
Daphne Griffiths of Highfields celebrated her 90th birthday with family and friends
at Highfields Tavern. Guest travelled from NSW and Central Queensland to attend the function. Daphne, daughter Carol Mullen and husband Peter have been
long time residents of Highfields. ABOVE: With Daphne - Alan, John and Bruce
Griffiths and Carol Mullen.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Water colour exhibition
opens in TToowoomba
An exhibition of work by watercolour
artist Bruce Griffiths, right, will open at
Fiore Gallery, Toowoomba, this weekend.
Bruce is now based at Robina on the Gold
Coast, but is no stranger to the Toowoomba
region having previously had a petite display gallery at Highfields.
He is a prize winning artist and exhibitor and is sought after as a demonstrator of
watercolour fine art.
His exhibition will feature seascapes,
cityscapes and country landscapes that reflect a lifetime of fishing, construction and
the bush.
Bruce is largely self-taught but has been
guided by some of Australia’s great watercolourists in Robert Lovett, Greg Allen,
Joseph Zbukvic and Robert Wade OAM.
Bruce said: “I was fortunate to see watercolour in the hands of world renowned
artists. It opened my eyes to what is possible and I invite the community to share
with me the passion that is watercolour.”
The exhibition will run until May 2 with
the official opening on Thursday, April 2,
from 5.30 to 7.30pm. For an invitation to
the official opening email brucengriffiths
@yahoo.com.au or contact Fiore Gallery
4637 9931.
The gallery, at 20 Herries Street, Too-
Easter at
Highfields Pioneer Village
is hosting its annual Easter
Vintage Festival from Saturday April 4 to Monday, April
6. The program each day runs
from 9am to 5pm.
Among the many attractions are working displays,
markets, country music, beekeeping, billy tea and damper,
animal nursery, butter making and grand parades of vintage machinery.
Highfields Pioneer Village
is a community based nonprofit organisation established in April 2000 to support a functioning pioneer
Mrs Mavis Adeline
Dukes, Crows Nest. Funeral
March 26, Anglican Chruch,
Crows Nest.
woomba East, is open on weekends, including Easter from 10am to 2pm, and
weekdays 9am to 4pm.
Bruce is pictured with his painting End
of the Line.
Kevin John (Pastor)
Fischer, 75, Toowoomba,
formerly Crows Nest. Died
March 20. Funeral March 25,
St Luke’s Lutheran Church,
Crows Nest.
Dangers of smoking
in close quarters
Cancer Council is warning
against the severe dangers of
second and third-hand smoke,
with new research showing
seven per cent of South West
Queensland adults allow
smoking in their cars, and
many smoke frequently in
their homes.
Cancer Council Queensland spokesperson Katie Clift said second
and third-hand smoke exposure could cause
cancer and other deadly illnesses and disease.
“Research shows third-hand smoke is
widespread in indoor environments affected
by second-hand smoke, exposing Queensland children and families to significant health
risks,” Ms Clift said.
“The number of adults in South West
Queensland who smoke in their cars and
homes is a serious concern, endangering the
health of their loved ones.
“The 4000 chemicals in second-hand
smoke linger long after cigarettes are stubbed
out, sticking to surfaces and threatening to
damage human DNA in a way that can potentially cause cancer.
“Third-hand smoke can be found in cars,
units and homes, anywhere that smoking
takes place in an enclosed space. It can even
stick to the hair and skin of smokers.”
New figures show around 14 per cent of
the adult population in South West Queensland smoke daily, averaging 115 cigarettes
per person per week.
Smoking in the home was nearly five times
higher in disadvantaged areas compared to
advantaged areas of Queensland.
Men were 65 per cent more likely than
women to smoke in their cars;
people aged 18 to 24 had the
highest rate of smoking in cars
of all age groups; and rates
were significantly higher in
remote areas.
“Exposure to passive
smoke raises a person’s risk
of heart disease, lung cancer
and respiratory conditions,
and can cause asthma, SIDS and allergic respiratory diseases in children,” Ms Clift said.
“This is a very serious issue. We need to
do all we can to support locals to quit smoking for their personal health, and the health of
their loved ones.
“We would welcome action by the State
Government to introduce designated smokefree spaces across Queensland, and to ban
smoking in cars.
“Smoke-free bus stops, taxi ranks, ferry
terminals, and pedestrian malls will provide
the public with a breath of fresh air.”
Currently 500,000 Queensland adults are
Smokers can obtain free information, practical assistance and support from Quitline,
13 QUIT (13 7848).
Third-hand smoke occurs when secondhand smoke reacts with indoor air, lingering
in homes and cars, on curtains, floors, clothing, dust and toys for months after active
smoking occurs.
Encourage your workplace, school, sports
club, early childhood centre or local council
to promote smoke-free initiatives by joining
QUEST for free at quest.org.au.
More information about Cancer Council
Queensland is available via Cancer Council
13 11 20 or cancerqld.org.au.
Lions assist Girl Guides
Highfields Lion John Marsh presents a $500 cheque to leaders Emma Meiklejohn
and Berri - Norrie Albury from Highfields Girl Guides to help with rent at the Darling
Downs Scout Association den at Wirraglen. Present were guides Rachel, Natalie,
Sarah and Claire Payne. Guides 5 to 9 years meet Wednesday 5.30 to 7pm. 9 and up
onThursday 5.30 to 7pm. 0403 750 146.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Reminder - change smoke
alarm batteries on April 1
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services are urging
Queenslanders to change
their smoke alarm battery on
April 1, following research
that reveals the alarming risktaking behaviour of Australians.
The 2015 Duracell Fire
Safety Study reveals Australians are taking a gamble when
it comes to home fire safety
by not complying with recommendations from fire and
emergency services.
A survey of 1003 Australians aged 18 and
older found that:
• 93 per cent of those with smoke alarms
are not undertaking monthly checks, leaving
them for months, a year or even longer between tests.
• Australians are not only neglecting to check
their smoke alarm but 75 percent of those
with battery-operated smoke alarms are not
planning ahead and organising to change the
batteries in their smoke alarms every year,
relying instead on random prompts from family and friends, news reminders or simply
waiting until the smoke alarm starts to beep
before replacing them.
• Gen Y (41 percent ) and Gen X (35 percent ) are the most likely to have neglected to
change their smoke alarm batteries in the last
Most Australians claim they simply forget to attend to their smoke alarms, while
others say they are located in a difficult spot
to reach or they don’t know how to test them.
The 2015 Duracell Fire
Safety Study also revealed
Australians are spending over
$26 billion on insurance each
While Australians are evidently willing to pay for insurance to protect themselves
against unforseen events, it is
surprising that, by and large,
they are not investing $8 annually on a battery, one of the
simplest ways to protect
one’s home and family from
Especially when QFES attended 2690
house fires in 2014, resulting in 17 preventable deaths.
Kevin Reading, Manager of Community
Engagement QFES said: “We see a devastating number of house fires across the State
every year and, unfortunately, not everyone
gets out alive.
“Smoke alarms save lives by providing a
critical early warning that can give you time
to evacuate safely.
“But only if they work. We are again teaming up with Duracell to continue encouraging Queenslanders to change their smoke
alarm battery this coming April as part of
our annual Don’t be a Fool! Change your
smoke alarm battery on April 1 campaign.
QFES and Duracell recommend using longlasting 9V alkaline batteries, testing the smoke
alarm once a month and changing the batteries each year to ensure year-round protection.
Putt-putt golf garden
Road rage is growing
Queensland motorists believe there are more road rage
incidents on the State’s roads
than there were five years ago.
The RACQ said almost 88
percent of motorists surveyed felt road rage had become a more common issue
in the past five years. Eight
out of 10 female motorists
believed the incidents were
getting more severe.
RACQ’s Lauren Ritchie
said road rage should not be
tolerated on Queensland
“Motorists shouldn’t have
to fear aggressive or violent
attacks by other drivers,” Ms
Ritchie said.
“Some people quickly forget that we are all equal on
the road. We are all trying to
get to our destination quickly
and safely.”
Ms Ritchie said RACQ
wants the Queensland Police
Service to put a greater emphasis on targeting anti-social
driving behaviours, including
tailgating and cutting off other
No one group owns the road.
“These types of behav- was working with the Uni- hind the wheel you don’t foriours are common factors in versity of the Sunshine Coast get to treat others kindly on
road rage incidents.
on better understanding Queensland roads,” she said.
“Unfortunately, they can driver behaviour and the need
“Whether you’re a motorbe the catalyst to aggressive for more courteous driving. ist, cyclist, motorcyclist or
and sometimes violent alter“It’s about sharing the pedestrian we all have to work
cations between drivers,” she road.
“We want to make sure
“No one group owns the
Ms Ritchie said RACQ that every time you get be- road.”
Library concrete pours start
The first of four concrete pours has been completed for
the Level 2 floor of the new Toowoomba City Library, corner of Victoria and Herries streets. Cr Ros Scotney said the
work marked another milestone for the $27 million project.
Hutchinson Builders project manager Joe Watson said workers started at 3am to prepare for the pour covering 1200m².
PET of the WEEK
Nice middle aged gentleman
Hello my name is Benny. I am a nice middle aged gentleman who is seeking his new
forever home.
I am very quiet and have amazing manners, I would fit in perfectly at home and you
would wonder how you ever lived without
I am a real smoochy man so I just adore
your company and don’t mind getting plenty
of cuddles too.
I get on great with the other cats here at the
shelter, so would be a great companion for
any cats you have at home. - Cassandra
Walker, shelter manager RSPCA
Queensland. Phone 4634 1304.
Moore’s Putt-Putt Golf Garden at Pittsworth will open
to the public on April 11 and 12. The back of the garden has been transformed into a mini golf course but with a difference. The area has been divided into
countries, each hole featuring plantings from the country belonging to it: Egyptian, Dutch, African, French and
Australian. Address: 19 Daniel Street, Pittsworth. Open
9am to dusk. Admission $7. Children under 18 free.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Simmental calf is supreme champion bull
It is a rare occurence when a calf class bull becomes a breed grand champion, defeating the junior
and senior bulls for the honours.
It must be even rarer when that calf class bull
proceeds to win the supreme beef bull exhibit award
against the grand champion bulls of all other breeds.
Yet that’s what happened at the Toowoomba
Royal Show. Young Simmental bull, Trinity Vale
Jaxon, just 14 months of age, defeated the junior
and senior bulls to become the supreme interbreed
beef bull of the show.
The excited exhibitors were Trevor Anderson and
Barb Evans who have a small property between
Kingaroy and Kumbia, where they have established
their Trinity Vale stud.
Jaxon’s mother is Trinity Vale Encore, and at last
year’s Toowoomba Royal Show when she was
judged reserve champion Simmental female with a
very young Jaxon at foot, judges marked out the
young calf for the future.
A year later that future had begun. Jaxon’s sire is
the highly accredited Woonallee BHR Tornado from
a stud on the Victorian South Australian border.
One of his progeny last year sold for $45,000
which was a Simmental record.
This year another of his progeny sold for $43,000.
At the Toowoomba Royal Show the four judges
selected four bulls from the 14 or so in the interbreed competition for extra appraisal, but decided
to place the young Simmental ahead of the Angus,
Brahman and Santa bulls.
A Limousin cow and calf from Pittsworth won
the supreme interbreed female award at the stud
beef cattle judging.
It was a triumph for the young principal of the
Kalara Limousin Stud, Jamie Hollis, who started
the stud just four years ago. He bought the cow
Kalara Red Tearz when she was a weaner. Her heifer
calf at foot, Kalara Bearley Tearz, is 11 weeks old.
The four judges were split between the Limousin
cow and the grand champion Simmental cow for
the supreme championship, and called on advice
from a very experienced stud beef breeder before
they made their final decision.
RIGHT: Zane Austin of Dakabin High School
holds the supreme champion bull Trinity Vale
Jaxon at the Toowoomba Royal Show with
Trevor Anderson who operates the Trinity Vale
Simmental Stud between Kingaroy and
Kumbia with wife and Barb.
Supreme beef female of the show
Supreme beef female at
the Toowoomba Royal
Show is this Limousin
cow Kalara Red Tearz
held by Kalara Stud principal Jamie Hollis,
Pittsworth. Mikayla
Passmore holds the
champion’s heifer calf
Kalara BearleyTearz. On
the right is one of the
judges of the supreme
beef awards Kate Todd,
Further live baiting charges
Police this week have charged another three people in
relation to allegations of live baiting using animals such
as possums, piglets, rabbits and other animals to enhance the performance of racing greyhounds in Queensland.
An Atkinsons Dam man, 41, has been charged with
seven counts of serious animal cruelty and will appear
in the Ipswich Magistrates Court on April 6. A Lowood
man, 73, has been charged with one count of serious
animal cruelty and will appear in the Ipswich Magistrates Court on April 23.
A Lowood woman, 64, has been charged with making
a false declaration and will appear in the Ipswich Mag-
istrates Court on April 8.
The joint Queensland Police Service and RSPCA Task
Force that was established to investigate allegations of
animal cruelty in the greyhound racing industry, continues to conduct investigations into the allegations of ‘live
baiting’ and more arrests are expected.
To date five people have been charged with 23 offences including serious animal cruelty and making false
• Anyone with information which could assist with
this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously
via 1800 333 000 or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Feral pigs create havoc
at Ravensbourne
Oakey cow wins supreme dairy awards
Landcare planning field day
The feral pig problem
continues to be of concern in the Ravensbourne
district with one resident
reporting a sow with 20
piglets near Ravensbourne National Park.
Pigs are causing damage to crops, as well as
considerable environmental damage in the area.
As a partner in the
Australian Governmentfunded Pest animal control project in South East
Queensland, Ravensbourne and District
Landcare Group have secured funds for purchase
of two pig traps and
monitoring cameras to
assist landholders who
are managing the impacts
of feral pigs on their properties.
To promote community awareness of the impacts of feral pigs and
how people can be involved in the local
project, the Landcare
group together with
project co-ordinators,
SEQ Catchments are running a feral pig control
field day on April 11 at
Following Emu Creek
Catchment Landcare
Group’s recent success
with trapping in the
Pinelands area, members
of the group will present
information on the problem of feral pigs, discuss
successful control methods and will have pig
traps on display.
Pest Management officers from Toowoomba
Regional Council will also
be in attendance and the
session will provide an
opportunity for local
landholders to become involved in the local pig
trapping project.
The field day will run
from 9 to11am, is free of
charge, and is open to
Pig trapping control
anyone who is interested
in attending.
Please register by ringing Don Groves on 0437
978 035 or Ian Eustace
on 4697 8058, or emailing
Morning tea will be
provided. The project to
manage local pest animals
is supported by Ravens-
bourne and District
Landcare Group and coordinated by SEQ Catchments, through funding
from the Australian Government’s Drought Assistance Pest Animal Program, which aims to reduce impacts of wild
dogs, feral pigs and rabbits on agriculture.
Secrets of a water diviner
Twenty-five years ago on my
property I needed a new bore.
After playing around with
galvanised wire, I thought I had
the gift.
So I picked a site and got a
water driller to drill for me.
I lived high on a hill in the
Greenwood area and I knew to
find water we would have to drill
After a few sleepless nights
we did hit water at 190 metres
in good sandstone.
Many more bores were drilled
in the area, because we all knew
there was good water bearing
sandstone deep under our country. And this was how I became
a water diviner.
I now travel the country from
Mt Tamborine in the south to
Springsure in the north to help
out property owners.
A lot of people don’t believe
in water divining, but after they
have drilled several dry bores
they soon change their minds
after water is found from a good
How does it all work? Well it
is like this. Picking up a couple
of galvanised wires will work,
but you will sure run into trouble.
Undrerground drilling contains minerals but no water.
Wires will work on anything dollar coins, engagement rings,
wedding rings and if your country contains quartz or granite it
is a diviner’s curse.
So how do I do it? I find some
bad minerals from a dry bore and
I put them into a pot and I call it
the diviners curse pot. With all
my wires, plus a silver wire and
a good forky stick from a willow
tree I begin.
If all the wires work and the
forky stick does not, I then compare the minerals found with the
curse pot and if they match, forget that site and find another.
How do people know about me?
I have a connection with many
water drillers and they call on me
first as they trust my gift to water divine.
When I go on to a property, I
take a good look over it and get
some idea where the water might
be. In a lot of the country, the
underground water can trace the
same low lying areas as flood
waters, but not always. Basalt
water may be found anywhere.
Questions people ask me,
how much water down there and
how deep it is?, but the amount
of water I do not know. The more
metres of water bearing minerals
you strike the more water you
will get but how much, to be honest, I don’t know.
When I leave the property I
say to the owner that I can’t guarantee water.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
A four-year-old cow from the Oakey stud, Leader Holsteins, was judged supreme champion
dairy cow of the Toowoomba Royal Show. The cow, Leader Fever Superb, was the senior and
grand champion Holstein, and also won the supreme udder award. ABOVE: Royal Agricultural
Society dairy committee chairman Wayne Bradshaw, Holstein judge Rob Walmsley, South
Australia, and Leader Stud principal Travis Deans. Leader Holsteins also exhibited the Supreme Juvenile Heifer, the Supreme Group of Three Cows over three years, the Supreme Champion Type and Production - milk, and Supreme Butterfat and Protein, and were the most successful Holstein exhibitors.
You would be a fool to say such a
thing to a property owner. My record
book contains about 350 properties and
all details are contained therein, and the
last 30 bore holes have given me a 100
per cent strike rate. Not a bad effort.
Crossfit celebrates first
birthday with open day
There is fitness training, and then there is
Crossfit training, according to the two trainers
who run the Crossfit gymnasium in the Highfields Industrial Estate.
Shaun Collins and Simon Verlaat operate their
business in accordance with the Crossfit systems
which were developed in the USA a decade ago
by Greg Glassman.
They said Glassman found a way to incorporate all training methods to get good results, and
he was able to describe fitness, measure it objectively and make a sport of it.
Glassman wanted to avoid becoming fit in just
one area of the body which can occur with some
gym methods.
As a result, Crossfit is suitable for people aged
from 15 to 70 or beyond, men and women, and
people with all fitness levels.
They said Crossfit is about functional movements and gets back to basics and can involve
strength, endurance and mobility.
A rugby player, a water skier, a barbell club,
and a pregnant women, using the system illustrates the range of people catered for.
While most people attend for fitness, the system can take athletes to Olympic standards.
And Shaun and Simon have the experience
and qualifications to help people go beyond the
fitness stage. Each has had about 10 years experience in fitness.
They have certificates three and four in fitness, and are weight lifting coaches, powerlifting coaches, strength and conditioning coaches,
rehabilitation coaches, and Crossfit accredited
• Crossfit Highfields is about to celebrate its
first anniversary and on Saturday, April 18 will
hold an open day at their gym from 9.00am to
There will be Crossfit demonstrations, competitions, membership deals, along with a barbecue Shaun Collins and Simon Verlaat of Crossfit preparing for their
open day on Saturday, April 18 at the Highfields Industrial Estate.
and coffee shop.
To advertise phone 4615 4416
– Dozer & Excavator –
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Site works, Desilting Dams, Land Clearing,
Megamulcher, Road construction.
DOUG. 0418 716 725
To advertise phone 4615 4416
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Call Leisa 0488 776 565
All styles catered for
0439 033 049
Phone John
0449 908 487
EC 74180
4615 5056
2006 Mazda BT 2500
4x4 F/S, diesel, manual,
RWC, canopy, tow bar, bull
bar, extras - 59,000km
Phone 4698 2612
Highfields Mens Shed
Richard 0412 687 338
or Tim 0412 530 077
each with battery charger,
cover and baskets
(1) $850 ono
(2) $700 ono
Phone 4696 8287
Very large black teddy.
Meringandan Road, Highfields.
Tuesday, March 17 around
10.30am. Contact the Herald
office 4615 4416.
COCKATOO cage for sale. 5ft
square. Phone 4615 5667.
ELECTROLUX 430 litre frost
free refrigerator, excellent condition. $350 ono. Crows Nest.
Phone 0448 754 595.
FOUND: Fitness tracker/watch.
Near Kratzke Oval, Highfields.
Phone 0414 472 571.
FOUND: Tennis racquet, Orange
Grove Rd courts, Highfields.
Contact the Herald 4615 4416.
0422 046 434
Rhino Machinery Hire
• Bobcats • Excavators
• Slashing
Ryan - 0409 721 778
We have your landscape
and handyman needs
Harrison Cann
& Bradley Robinson
0427 539 217
& surrounds
Dog rugs from $10
Crows Nest
0468 993 886
Hanlou Nursery
on advanced stock
250mm and upwards
(NOTE: correction to
pot size)
March 24 - April 30
5 DaleStreet
0488 982 401
Call Gary 0418 733 749
QBCC No: 1002151
Shop or Office
Centrally located at
Crows Nest
Reasonable rent
Phone 4698 1011
NEWSPAPERS collected
for recycling. Crows Nest
Boys Brigade - deliver to
Crows Nest Lutheran Hall Ph: 4698 1205 OR Friends of
Peacehaven Highfields. Contact 4615 4416.
SPECTACLES recycled for
charity. Crows Nest Lions
project. Drop to Crows Nest
Realty or High Country Herald office.
WOOL: Donate new or
recyclable wool to knit
for charity. Drop to High
Country Herald office,
10485 New England Highway, Highfields.
gardening, ironing work
wanted. Highfields-Crows
Nest area. References
available. $18/hr. Phone
0407 593 017.
Just $10 for up to 15 words
Phone 4615 4416
Hard floor camper
trailer 4 burner gas
stove and extras
$12,000 ono
Phone 0432 112 607
“If I died tonight, do I know for
sure that I would go to heaven?”
BIBLE STUDY - 0409 158 525
Ensuite separate shower
toilet, aluminium frame,
solar, LED lights, full
annex, tandem
independent suspension,
airconditioned, much more
Highfields 0439 647 186
To advertise phone 4615 4416
Grand final ends in
tie - again
Jondaryan and Southbrook played a tie in
1987-88 season, creating
CDCA history, with both
teams all out for 170 runs.
Last weekend Southbrook was once again involved in a nail biting final but this time Nobby
cricketers were the worthy opponents, with
both teams making 107 all
out in the 39th over.
Overnight rain cleared
away to a heavy sky and
a slow outfield but play
started at 9.45am at
Southbrook. After winning the toss, Nobby
made a slow start, losing
Adrian Suttor for 3 in the
6th over. Wally Eather
made 17 before being brilliantly run out by Nick
Southbrook captain
Nick Balzer was outstanding in the field, saving many runs at short
mid off.
Damien Pauli, was looking solid until Chris
Smyth bowled a loose ball
down leg that should have
finished in the horse paddock. However, it found
Jockey Connolly on the
boundary behind square
who held a good catch, the
first of three for the day,
and Damien was out for
15 in 24 overs.
Cameron Moodie
made 4 while Sandy
Dewar top scored with
26 before being bowled
by Kyle Tonkin.
When Danny Knecht
was caught behind for 17,
the score was 6 for 98 in
34 overs.
Roger Pauli then made
4, Sam Todd 1 and Nick
Brown 2, and Nobby was
all out in the 39th over
for 107.
Best bowler for
Southbrook was evergreen Troy Cullen taking
5 for 22 in 7.5 overs. Kyle
Tonkin took 2 for 28 off
8, Dwayne Mason took
1 for 13 off 8 and Chris
Smythe finished with 1
for 26 off 7.
Fall of wickets was 10,
38, 51, 57, 95, 98, 103,
104, 107, 107. At 20 overs
drinks, Nobby was 2 for
Following an excellent
lunch put on by South-
BORNEO BARRACKS: March 18 - Single
stableford winner T. Aitken 41, runner-up K. Mitchell
39. Rundown J. Marsh 38, M. Redman 36,. R.
Trimper 36, T. Trollope 34. Pins 1st K. Mitchell, 5th
G. Malcolmsen, 10th B..May, 14th B. May, 17th K.
March 22 - Single stroke and Dennis Stein memorial, Brian Cox and Stein family trophies. Winner
M.O’Brien 65, runner-up C. Hill 67. Rundown D.
Newman 69, T. McLean 69, C. Stuart 69, T. Aitken
70. Pins. 5th K. Mitchell, 10th T. McLean, 14th I.
Stafford, 17th M. Goddard. March 28 - HLO shield.
March 29 - Start of senior and junior pennant
season. Morning time slots must be booked at Pro
Shop as pennant play begins at 8.30am. - Gary Small.
CROWS NEST: The annual Pub Day on March
25, jointly supported by the Crows Nest Hotel and
the XXXX Brewery, was enormously successful - a
full green of players, tremendous meal, fine trophies
and eager rivalry.
The winners were Keith Herbertson, Vicki
Horsburg, Esbert Ehrlich and Chiko, runners-up Bill
Kruger, George Brady, Laurie Cant and Allan Mutch.
Well done Peter Coman for organising the event, and
many thanks to the caterers Dennis and Gwynn
March 21 - Club triples Allan Mutch, Bill Kruger
and Terry Bowe d. Tony Ryan, Kevin Stark and
Bruce Bell. Club pairs Tom Hamilton and Howard
Cornwell d. Dennis Russell and Peter Coman.
C grade singles Brett Schloss d. Bevan Wingett.
Keep your eye on the selectors’ noticeboard for
competition games called each Saturday.
Friday night bowls was wound down on Friday,
March 20. The club extends its appreciation to those
players who supported the program during the past
March 22 - Crows Nest Realty Day was won by
Roger Brashaw, Peter Coman, Pat Williams and Vince
Vaz, runners-up Kevin Stark, Col Tonscheck, Ernie
Motley and Brian Gleeson. Many thanks to Crows
Nest Realty for continued sponsorship of this event,
your support is most appreciated.
Coming events: Sunday, April 5 - Anduramba
Challenge. Sunday, April 12 - Brisbane Fire Brigade
visit. Sunday, April 19 - Dinger’s Seafood. Sunday,
April 26 - Ray White (Brisbane) trophy.
Next scheduled management committee meeting
will be at 9.30am on Sunday, April 12. All officers are
encouraged to attend. New bowls players and visitors are always welcome at the Crows Nest Bowls
Club. Contact secretary Jim cnqbowls@mail.com or
on 4698 2278. - Gary Baker.
March 23 - Single stableford 9 holes. Trophy donated by C. Weber. W. Ladewig 13, C. Weber and
Frazer 12, H. Milford and P. Campbell 11. - Pam
BORNEO BARRACKS LADIES: March 24 Single stroke, monthly medal and putting. Winner
Chris Tannock 80 on count back, Lotte Pedersen 80,
Connie Harrison 82. Rundown Dawn Lord 84,
Barbara Weier 84. Pins 1/1 Chris Tannock, 4/6 and 2/
10 (pro pin) Lotte Pedersen. Monthly Medal: Chris
Tannock. Putting: Lorna Bell.
March 31 - Single stroke. - Lotte Pedersen.
OAKEY: March 25 - Ladies monthly medal winner Collette Rynne 71 net, runner-up Joan Fisk on
Glen Steger presents the trophy to Southbrook captain Nick Balzer and count back, Yvonne Lebeter 72. Pins 3 Kathy Fenton,
Damian Pauli from Nobby.
5/14 Yvonne Lebeter. Putts Sheryl Barlow and
Marlene Deans 27.
Match Play. Joan Fisk d. Veronica Watson. Daphne
Webster d. Iris Thompson. Kathy Fenton d. Margaret
Muir.Collette Rynne d. Marlene Deans. Next round
Joan Fisk v. D Webster. Kathy Fenton v. Collette
Rynne. March 26 - Sporters winner Dave McMonagle
25, on count back. March 28-29 - Members 18 hole
stableford. Winner Michael Rietveld 38, on count
back, runner-up Terris Muir 38. Pins 3 M. Rietveld,
6/15 T. Muir.
April 4 - 5: 18 hole stableford. Monthly Medal
postponed to April 11 - 12 due to Easter weekend,
9am start. - John Grawich.
CROWS NEST: March 25 - Sporters winners
K. Horrex 38, G. Littleton 34, runner-up R. Gardner
33 Putting L. Kruger 19. Pins 7/16 R Gardner, 8/17 R
Kennedy. March 29 - Rex Kennedy stableford winner J. Edser 42, runner-up B. Wingett 41 Rundown
M. Strong 40, J. Somerville 40, R. Burgess 40, P.
Gott 38. Pins 3/12 G Heck, 8/17 R Freeman.
April 5 - D. and B. Cox Easter bisque bogey. April
Player of the final Troy Cullen receives the trophy from umpire Lindsay 11 - HLO at Crows Nest. April 12 - Property Management Products stroke. - J. Somerville.
Evans, right, and CDCA president Ray Madsen.
brook, the sun came out
and storms began to build
in the south.
Southbrook openers,
Dave Connolly and
looked positive running
hard between wickets, but
a lapse in concentration
had Dave shoulder arms
to Jake Gill as the
inswinging ball clipped
the off bail.
Chris Smythe and
Lindsay Fiechtner made
it to 42 when Jake
switched ends and had
Lindsay caught behind for
16. Kyle Tonkin made
only 1, bowled by Roger
Pauli, and when Chris
Smythe was stumped
down leg side off Nick
Brown for 35, it was
game on at 4 for 67 in just
25 overs.
Luke McInnes got a
golden duck bowled by
Nick Brown.
In the next over, Ryan
Du Preez was out to a
diving catch by Adrian
Suttor off Damien Pauli.
Nick Balzer was dropped
at point soon after and
looked like a costly miss.
Then Troy Cullen came
across his stumps and
missed a leg glance to be
out LBW for 11 off
Damien Pauli.
Cody Harber made 1
and Dwayne Mason 4,
both bowled by Brian
Jeans. The pressure proved
too much for Josh (Jockey)
Connolly, clean bowled by
Adrian Suttor for 1 tying
the score at 107. Best
bowlers for Nobby were
Nick Brown who took 2
for 14 off 6, Brian Jeans
with 2 for 17 off 8,
Damien Pauli who took
19 off 8, and Jake Gill
with 2 for 24 off 8. Roger
Pauli finished with 1 for
12 off 8, and Adrian
Suttor 1 for 11 off 1.5
overs to complete the attack.
Fall of wickets was 9,
45, 46, 67, 67, 67, 86, 87,
103 and 107. At 20 overs,
Southbrook were 3 for 59.
Congratulations to
both teams for a great
game of cricket. From an
exciting match the umpires named Troy Cullen
player of the final due to
his five-wicket haul.
New Hope grant improves
pony club facilities
More than 165 competitors and 330 spectators from as far as Glen
Innes, Taroom and
Caboolture converged on
the Oakey and District
Pony Club’s improved
facilities for its annual
campdraft on March 2122.
The event was the first
instalation of new portable yard panels purchased through a grant
from the New Hope
Group’s Community Investment Fund.
Club secretary Kylie
Robertson said the panels had made an enormous difference to competitor numbers, functionality and safety.
“Previously competitor numbers were limited
because of the restrictive
yard area to hold and
move cattle around for
such a competition.
“These new panels
have enabled us to hold a
lot more cattle; they
make it easier and safer
for the backyard workers
moving the cattle around
and the more comfortable
for the cattle.”
OAKEY LADIES: March 24 - B. Lorrimer, V.
Allen, E. Jones d. J. Sloss, B. Currey, L. Groves. S.
Hudson, E. Voll, C. Birrell drew with D Ciesiolka, D
Buskley, J York. March 31 - J. Sloss, R. Lawrie v.
J.York, B. Lorrimer..
Hope you all have a Holy Easter and please stay
safe on the roads if you are travelling. - Elsie Voll.
OAKEY: A grade singles B. Burke d. R. Henry, C
grade singles N. Crosisca d. B. Lucht. Club pairs V.
Rush and W. Patterson d. D. Voll and N. Byers.
No competition is being called over the Easter
April 11 - A grade singles D. Barfield v. B. Burke
(K. Ciesiolka) B grade singles E. Dornbusch v. V.
Rush (M. Hall) R. Krause v. B. Lucht (D. Voll.)
Consolation singles S. McCormack v. D. Hall (L.
Hudson) P. Rudken v. H. Sander (N. Byers) Club
pairs R. Henry and L. Fanning v. C. Beesley and I.
April 2 - Night bowls. Names in by 6.30pm to
play at 7pm. - Sam Lorrimar.
NORTH TOOWOOMBA LADIES: Championship triples: G. Doherty (sub), A. Jones, D. Clark
(s) wof S. Jensen, B. Williams, B. Shea; J. Leerentveld,
M. Wilds, S. Chard d. L. Mott, S. McManus, J.
Baldock. last end win); P. Graham, T. Thomas, V.
Mahony d. F. Dornbusch, M. Hinz (sub), W. SmithSquires; J. Mitchell, L. Sommer, R. Bradford a win
against L. Graham, G. Siebenhausen (sub) C.
McLatchey who conceded (unwell). Semifinals: G.
Doherty (sub), A. Jones, D. Clark d. J. Leerentveld,
M. Wilds, S. Chard; P. Graham, T. Thomas, V.
Mahony d. J. Mitchell, L. Sommer, R. Bradford.
Final championship triples: A. Jones, D. Clark,
L. Mutch v. P. Graham, T. Thomas, V. Mahony. Social
available. Games to start 9am. Congratulations to P.
Graham equal third in the Toowoomba Master Singles. Teams away - DDLBA Prestige Fours at
Pittsworth Thursday April 9 - L. Graham, H.
Gscheidle, G. Siebenhausen, R. Bradford; J. Pauli, B.
Shea, T. Thomas, V. Mahony; S. McManus, (L.
D. Parkinson) + one. No Roster this Friday CROWS NEST: The squash club has welcomed Blaine,
new members for the 2015 competition and fixtures Good Friday. - Reynelde Bradford.
are under way with four teams playing in five grades.
Fixtures are played on Thursday nights from 7pm
and the club is open on Mondays from 7pm to 9pm
CROWS NEST: Table tennis started the year with
for court hire and social games.
Training and coaching on Fridays between 4.30pm a handicap singles tournament. William starting on 2,
and 6pm includes students from Crows Nest State went through undefeated winning all 10 games.
School who play games and make use of free coach- William again came out the winner in a handicap singles tournament, starting on scratch, winning all games.
ing on offer.
Club coach Phil Gott runs the Friday coaching Tim MacDonald on 12 was runner-up. - Joy Bretz
sessions and he can be contacted for any inquires
about the club 0408 851 251. Social court hire and
membership is affordable and open to anyone that
would like to get into squash - Sage Garnet.
SOUTHERN DOWNS: March 22 - 600 yards.
F Standard Rifle, possible 126. Beth Caskey 118.3,
Graham Eagle 110.3, D Mansfield 107.2, Neville
Willsea 102.1, Rob Smythe. Open Rifle, possible
126. Bob Tyllyer 119.7, David Taylor 119.5,
Margaret Taylor 108.1. Target Rifle, possible 105.
Rob Bondfield 104.8. Congratulations to Bob Tyllyer
with the highest score for the day again. Some of us
may have done a little better if we had set the sights
back to zero before coming to the range. Beaut day
with only light winds but still a couple of changes
enough to make a 6 a 5.
March 29 - Full range day. 10 scoring shots each at
300 and 500 then a Mediterranean barbecue lunch for
a small contribution followed by 10 rounds at 600
yards. www.southerndownsrifleclubwebsyte.
ROUND 4 - Eels 29 Rabbitohs 16. Bulldogs 25
West Tigers 24. Knights 26 Panthers 14. Dragons 12
Sea Eagles 4. Titans 24 Sharks 22. Broncos 24 Warriors 16. Roosters 34 Raiders 6.
Front - Oakey and District Club secretary Kylie Robertson, Tracey Lees
and Brook Rich. Back - Wyatt Fisk-Walsh, Natasha and Cassie Brown,
and New Hope Community Liaison Officer, Naomi Tonscheck.
Ms Robertson said she
has had positive feedback
on the success of the day
and they have already
held a campdraft school
for local pony club members at the improved facility.
“The addition of these
panels to the existing facility will enable us to
hold a lot more coaching
and instruction days, clinics and competitions. It
To advertise phone 4615 4416
will also enable us to hold
events that we haven’t
had the capacity to run in
the past such as team
penning events.” she said.
The New Acland
Community Investment
Fund assists not-forprofit
groups and organisations
to develop long-term outcomes for communities
around the New Acland
Coal Mine.
Not-for-profit groups
and organisations in the
Toowoomba Regional
Council area are eligible to
apply for grants of
$10,000 or more.
New Acland General
McDonald said applications to the fund are assessed by the New
Acland community reference group.
Religious symbolism of
the passion flower
Poultry handling workshop
From PASTOR NOEL WILCOX - Highfields Baptist Church
Have you ever wondered
about the origins of the names
of things which have become
common to us?
Recently I was intrigued about
an article in High Country
Kitchen by Chef Jason Ford,
High Country Herald, 3/2/14,
about passionfruit.
Apparently the passionfruit
flower was discovered in 1569
by Spanish explorers in Peru
who saw in the flower symbols
of the passion of Christ.
It just so happens, our
passionfruit vine is in flower at
the moment, so being a boy at
heart, I checked it out. Check
this out!
The flower has an outer layer,
made of 72 colourful (I didn’t
count them) fine petals representing the crown of thorns,
three stigmas which symbolise
the nails which held Jesus to the
There are five stamen for
Christ’s wounds, the ovary
looks like a hammer, the petals
represent the apostles.
The white and bluish purple
colours are of purity and heaven.
Purple was the colour of royalty.
Jesus is the King of Kings!
Could it be that God, our Creator, has given us these visible
symbols to remind us that Jesus death on the Cross was
planned from eternity so that
we could have eternal life.
John 3:16 For God so loved
the world that He gave His only
begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish
but have everlasting life.’
What other creations has God
placed before us to remind us of
Jesus sacrifice to give to all who
call upon His name for eternal
Remax markets historic school site
Crows Nest real estate
agent Paul Lewis, Remax
AAIR, is selling the historic site once occupied
by the Glenaven Provincial School.
Glenaven, a district
just north of Crows Nest,
was named after the place
in Scotland where one of
the early settlers, Mr
George King, was born.
It was opened up for
settlement during 1891 to
1893 under the old Homestead Act whereby 160
acres of land could be
procured by successful
applicants at 2/6 per acre
plus survey fees.
A provisional school
was established in 1895
through the efforts of local families and, at one
Glenaven first school
period, recorded an attendance of 82 students.
Over the years, though,
as the settlers prospered
and bought out each other’s farms, the population
dwindled and after 40
- Photo courtesy From
years, the school closed
due to lack of enrolments.
Located just 10 minutes from Crows Nest at
160 Kruger Road, the
property is a prime 10
acres of good scrub soil
Tall Timbers.
on a corner allotment. It
has good wire fencing for
horses or stock, a dam
that fills by natural run
off, power at the gate and
a view to the surrounding
rolling green hills.
Among those at a back to basics bird handling workshop are Jennifer
Drinkwater, Katie Grant, Noemi Grant, Joshua Bussian, and Murray
For members of the Darling Downs least similar excitement about next year’s
Poultry and Pidgeon Breeders Asso- event.
ciation, showing their birds is an estabAt Gowrie Junction on Saturday, the
lished part of their recreational activity association conducted a workshop on
and the opportunities are many.
preparing, handling and showing birds.
Association secretary Wayne There is increasing interest in the subPatterson said that within a one hour ject from younger people.
drive of Toowoomba, there are 22
The association has about 70 memshows that members can enter. But bers, and 23 are juniors. However, Mr
most would show their birds in just Patterson thought the upsurge was not
five or six shows, he said.
because of television lifestyle shows feaHowever, some exhibit in more dis- turing backyard chooks.
tant shows such as a rare breeds show
He said there was a spike in interest
in Maitland in the Hunter Valley and two decades or more ago when the
other major events.
Burke’s Backyard show was current,
Members will be considering but not in more recent times.
to be part of the National PoulWhile chooks are “not that glamourHead and neck whether
try Show in Sydney in June 2016.
ous” they are “lovely” birds and they
Mr Patterson said more than 5000 have a calming influence on people.
birds are expected to be entered, to be
For some who have shown and exsupport
assessed by more than 50 judges.
hibited horses, and dragged a horse float
Survivors of head and
Four years ago, 10 Toowoomba as- behind their cars, you can carry dozens
neck cancer will share ex- sociation members entered birds at a of chooks, but just two horses, in a
periences with medical similar show in Canberra and there is at float.
staff and fellow patients
when a new support
group meets in Toowoomba next month.
The inaugural meeting
of the Toowoomba Hospital Head and Neck Support Group will be held
from 7pm to 8.30pm, on
Monday, April 13, in
conference rooms one and
two of the hospital’s
Unara centre.
Megan Green, Clinical
Nurse Consultant with
the hospital’s Ear Nose
and Throat team said the
group would provide an
excellent forum for survivors and their families.
To advertise phone 4615 4416