news hillside April H I L L SI D E C H R I S T I AN CHURCH 2015 Volume 61 Issue 4 GOOD NEWS FROM THE PASTORAL SEARCH TEAM! SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 a.m. — Chapel Worship 9:15 a.m. — Sunday School 10:30 a.m. — Sanctuary Worship INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Meet and Greet 1 Easter Morning 1 Maundy Thursday/Prayer Vigil 2 Good News 2 Office Manager Vacancy 2 Food Pantry Needs 2 Prayer Chain 3 Saints Alive 3 Thank You’s 4 Newsletter Deadlines `4 Financial Report 5 Spring Cleaning 5 New Member 5 Family Promise 5 National Healthcare Decisions Day 6 HOPE.wrx Book Sale & Pancake Breakfast 6 On Thursday, March 26, Hillside’s Board unanimously approved the calling of a Senior Minister. The Search Team was in attendance and presented a compensation package which also was approved by the Board. By this time, you should have received a letter introducing the candidate and inviting you to a “Meet and Greet Brunch” where you will have an opportunity to meet the candidate and his family, as well as ask any questions which you might have. Following the Brunch, a congregational meeting will be held and will vote on whether to extend a pastoral call to the candidate. The Meet and Greet Brunch will be held on Saturday, April 11, 10:00 a.m., in Nalley Hall. During this sensitive time in the search process, we would ask you to maintain confidentiality and not discuss the name and personal details outside of the Hillside community. Your Search Team Easter Egg Hunt / Picnic and Easter Brunch Please bring your children and the entire family to the annual Easter Egg Hunt and Picnic on Saturday, April 4th, from Noon to 2:00 p.m. Free hot dogs, chips and drinks! Come join in the fun!!! th Don’t forget the Easter Brunch on Easter Sunday, April 5 , at 8:00 a.m. There will be no scheduled Sunday School Classes that morning. 2 Maundy Thursday And Prayer Vigil Maundy Thursday services will be held on Thursday, April 2 at 7:30 pm with a prayerful reflection on the Last Supper. As we observe the solemn time from Maundy Thursday evening through Good Friday, you are invited and encouraged to participate in the prayer vigil by praying in the chapel at Hillside or by praying at home. The hours for prayer at Hillside will be Thursday, April 2, from 8:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. and Friday, April 3, from 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. You may choose to pray at home any time during the 24 hours. Good News Thank you Hillside! The food, the fellowship, the poster, the inspiring picture, and your generous gifts were so much appreciated. Therrsa and I both pray the past 15 months have been half as good for you as they have been for us. You are such a blessing. Hillside is blessed with lots of loving, caring people. Hillside is also blessed with some gifted, devoted leaders. While much has been said about my role in the success of this interim, most of the leadership and work has been done by staff, congregational leaders, and members. Just keep on loving and enjoying God and each other, just continue to focus on people and mission, just welcome your new pastor and family as warmly as you welcomed us, and you'll discover your best days are not behind you but ahead of you. Last Sunday (3/29) was Palm Sunday and Holy Week began. At 7:30 p.m., Maundy Thursday (4/2), we will remember The Last Supper and Christ's Passion, followed by a 24-hour Prayer Vigil. If you prefer, you may pray at home. Signup sheets are in the south foyer. Then comes Easter or Resurrection Sunday (4/5). Whether during Holy Week or anytime, you will be welcomed, accepted, and loved. Sunday services are at 8:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. with study/fellowship groups at 9:15 a.m. Hope to see you Sunday. ~ Needs Pantry needs this month are bath soap, canned peas and canned tomatoes. Thank You for your continued support! Doug Position Opening for Office Manager Paula DeSeure, our Office Manager, has informed us that she is taking a full-time position with her home church. Unfortunately, that means Paula is going to have to leave her position at Hillside, effective April 15. Paula has graciously offered to fill in on Thursday or Friday to complete bulletins, do Happenings, and update the website after the 15th and during the transition. Although we are sad to see Paula go, this is a wonderful opportunity for her and in her words, an opportunity “to give more to the Peace Christian Church congregants and be more present for [their] youth.” In the next couple of weeks, the Board and the Personnel Committee will be working toward filling this position. 3 Prayer Chain Updates: (Please lift the following people & families up in prayer) A Joy! Pat Gutsch’s mother, Muriel Herpich, will be 100 years old on April 2 nd. She lives in Minneapolis and will be honored at a family celebration April 9th. Bob Stewart has had rotator cuff surgery and is recuperating at home. Prayers for Bob’s recovery! Connie Pecoraro’s uncle in Ohio recently passed away. We pray for Connie and her family during this difficult time. Reginald Sullivan’s mom, Emma Billingsley, recently had emergency surgery because of a ruptured appendix. The surgery went well, but she has a long way to go for complete recovery. Betty Maughmer is in ICU at North Kansas City Hospital. Naomi Jennings recently had some testing done. We keep her, Jerry, and her doctors in our prayers. Arvil Laird has been moved to Riverside for rehab. He has a broken shoulder and was in the hospital about a week. Wanda Laird has had leg pain and has since learned that she has a hip fracture. She recently entered North Kansas City Hospital. We hold both Arvil and Wanda in our prayers for their recovery. Joe Pecoraro’s aunt, Josephine Passantino, fell on March 24th and was taken to NKCH. She was admitted and is also being treated for pneumonia. Thankfully, there were no broken bones, but a bump on her head and bruised side and hip. She is now in New Mark Care Facility for physical therapy. We ask for prayers for healing, emotional stress, and God's plan. to be realized. She is in room 413b, phone number: (816) 478-7036. Ernie Hook has been moved to Riverside Nursing Home, C Wing, Room 56 (4700 Cliffview Dr. Wing). We know this was a terribly difficult decision and we hold both Ernie and Jan in prayer. Gary Langemach’s 91-year old aunt, Evelyn Shubert, fell and broke her hip in early January. She has been recovering very slowly after her surgery in a couple of nursing facilities, but was hospi9talized with pneumonia. Please pray for her comfort, healing and recovery, and for her family caregivers. Alex, the son of Susie and Neal Jones, is currently deployed with the armed forces in Japan. We pray for Alex's safety and for Susie and Neal to experience peace of mind during Alex's time abroad Bill Legg is home recuperating from his extended stay at the hospital .We continue to pray for both Bill and Annthat Bill will recover speedily and that both of them will feel God's love and support. Ted Lingel is in Rehab at Newmark. We continue our prayers for Ted, Helen, and their family throughout his recovery. Saints Alive !! Please join us on the fourth Tuesday of each month at Noon in Nalley Hall for the Saints Alive pot luck lunch! Lots of fun, fellowship and conversation! In March Therrsa Gilpin joined us and entertained us with many interesting thoughts and facts. Our next pot luck luncheon will be held Tuesday, April 28, 12:00 Noon. See you then! 4 “Perhaps you sent a lovely card, Or sat quietly in a chair; Perhaps you sent beautiful flowers, If so, we saw them there. Perhaps you sent or spoke kind words, As any friend could say; Perhaps you were not there at all, Just thought of us that day. Whatever you did to console the heart, We thank you so much, whatever the part.” This says it better than we can, but a special Thank You to Doug and those who helped with the lunch. ~ The Clayton Stowell Family Thank You to everyone in our Hillside church family for your prayers and cards during my knee surgery and recovery. A special Thank You to Pastor Doug for the home visit before my surgery and to Marilyn Gardner for bringing Communion to me at home. Also a huge Thank You for the care and concern during the illness and passing of our niece, Sarah Beth. My sister, Sue Nelson also said to thank Hillside for the prayers for Sarah. And a Thank You to all for care and concern for our daughter, Jeri Johnston, during her back surgery and recovery. It was very much appreciated. ~ Shirley Forkner Ephesians 3:16-17 (NRSV): “I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love.” On behalf of our immediate and extended family, thank you to our "Hillside Family" for your constant prayers and support throughout the final illness of my sister, Amy Hankins. The grace Amy displayed over the past 14 months affirms to us that Christ, indeed, dwelled in her heart - as He does in yours. May God continue to bless Hillside. ~ Bob Stewart We have heartfelt THANKS for everyone’s concerns and prayers during Bill's recovery from pneumonia. Blessings and be of good health. ~ Ann and Bill Legg I’ve stopped to write this letter of thanks multiple times over the past eight months; and then there would be another “change”/“event”. This is to thank all of the Hillside family for the dinners that were shared in August when Ernie first got home from the hospital plus all of the visitors who took the time to engage with Ernie and brighten his days. All of you who have sent cards and prayed for the both of us. Ernie has had many places to lay his head down to rest: NKCH, Maple Wood, Wexford Memory Support and now Riverside Nursing Center. Each of these events has taken its toll on the both of us and we appreciate your on-going prayers. Alzheimer’s is a horrible disease that often has this type of ending where the patient needs fulltime care. On an exciting note – Ernie will turn 70 on Tuesday, April 7th. Sending cards would mean much to him – Ernie Hook, Riverside Nursing Center, 4700 Cliffview Dr., Riverside, MO 64150. Again, there are no words to express the journey Ernie and I have been on; we keep our faith knowing God will be with us and we are being prayed for. ~ Jan Hook Hello Hillside, So wonderful to receive any card and note from my Hillside Family. Also, the prayers are really appreciated. A really big thank you to all but especially to my dear friend, Myrt. ~ Christian Love, Maureen Edwards Future Newsletter Deadlines In order to help with knowing when the newsletter will be created (in the event you might have an article or anything to contribute for print), following is the scheduled newsletter deadlines through the end of the year. As in most cases, the deadline will be at NOON on a TUESDAY of each month, unless there is a holiday that triggers a change in that deadline. If you have any questions or submissions, please contact J oy Myers at or 816-5471150. April 28 August 25 May 26 September 29 June 30 October 27 July 28 November 23 (Monday) December 29 5 Financial Report Summary As of February 28, 2015 Operating Revenue FEBRUARY ACTUAL BUDGET $ 25,805 $ 27,714 Operating Expenses Net Balance * * 25,953 $ (148) YEAR-TO-DATE ACTUAL BUDGET $ 54,829 $ 55,428 27,666 $ 43,164 48 $ 11,665 55,331 $ 97 Please consider electronic giving either by automatic draft or debit/credit card. Questions? Contact Jonathan Brightwell, Financial Manager, at or (816) 824-2805. Easter is fast approaching. Should we be "sprucing up" the building and grounds? If you think “yes”, we have a few suggestions. If you choose to do a project/task, please let the office know. Do this at your leisure, no "planned" day is on the calendar. Building projects: -Window cleaning at entrances, offices, and courtyard. -Painting exterior door of chapel, -Dusting all ledges, cabinets, coat racks, organ/pianos and pews. -Vacuuming seats of pews, and clean wood on pews with Murphy oil soap. Mop underneath pews -Buff/wax foyers/hallways -Remove tape on windows -Clean up bulletin boards Spring Cleaning -Review lost and found box and discard as needed -Clear out unmarked/claimed food in the refrigerators. Exterior projects: -Clear flower beds of leaves and cut winter damage in courtyard. -Trim rose bushes in courtyard -Clear flower bed in circle drive in back of church -Clear flower beds in front of church and east side of church -Clear leaves on playground and parking lot -Spray weeds growing long driveways -Pick up trash along the church grounds New Member! Donna Foster joined the membership of Hillside on Sunday, March 29, by transfer of her membership. Donna’s information is: 105 N.E. 44th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64116-2109 (816) 453-0541 Hillside is hosting Family Promise families from Sunday, April 12, through Sunday, April 19. Please be sure to look at the board in the south foyer to see what areas in which you can help or items you are able to donate! Thank you! 6 Hillside Good News 900 N.E. Vivion Road Kansas City, MO 64118 (816) 453-2623 Address Service Requested To: National Healthcare Decisions Day Complete your Advance Directive and Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare decisions at no charge. Kevin Kelly Attorney-at-Law To be held at: Hillside Christian Church April 16th 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm FREE OF CHARGE ! Articles for newsletter should be submitted to no later than NOON on TUESDAY, APRIL 28th
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