Voice The Shepherd’s O

The Shepherd’s
Monthly Newsletter of Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church | August 2013
Mark Your
FAITHS & Yahweh to
All Teams Meeting
Newsletter Deadline
Outdoor Worship
Picnic/Water Play
Rally Day
Some of you may know that I grew up with jazz as the
primary musical influence in my house. While other
kids’ parents were listening to whatever they were
listening to, on the big console stereo in our living
room artists like Basie, Ellington, Ella, Brubeck and
Kenton were the standard fare. I remember my father
lying on the floor in front of the speaker, so he could
hear some intricate harmony better.
I learned to love the dissonant chords of jazz, and to appreciate what a
soloist could create as he or she improvised their way through the “changes”
of a jazz tune. As a young person, I met many Twin Cities jazz musicians,
and, if truth be told, spent way more time in smoky bars than most kids my
age. It was all about the music.
Jazz has many moods; it can fly the listener through a stratosphere filled
with ebullient notes and rhythms, it can walk gently through a melodic
garden filled with musical color, and it can sit in the gutter to wail and cry a
mournful melody.
I never cease to be amazed by the giants of jazz—their amazing ears, their
ability to hear a riff where most of us could not even hum a couple of notes;
Continued on page 6...
Dust off your musical instruments and tune up your voice. Fall is
fast approaching. Check out the groups that will be bringing music
to your ears in worship. E-mail Kari Fedde at kari@sothftc.org if
you’re interested in joining any of these music ministries.
Meets Wednesdays at 7pm, beginning September 4th
Sings SATB music in worship 3 Sundays each month
LIVING WORD 2013-2014
First Semester: The Gospel of Luke
Last fall Living Word studied the Book of
Acts, which is actually Volume 2 of St.
Luke’s narrative of the early history of
Christianity. This coming fall we will
study Volume 1, the beautiful Gospel of
St. Luke. This Gospel is known most of all,
probably, for its lovely account of the
birth of Christ – the angels and the
shepherds, and the baby in the manger in
While there are many other distinctive
stories that are found only in Luke’s
Gospel, most especially are the parables
– oh, those amazing parables, like the
Prodigal Son, the Rich Man and Lazarus,
the Good Samaritan, and others. Joachim
Jeremias, New Testament scholar,
identifies 27 parables in the Gospel of
Luke, of which 14 are found only in his
Beginning in September 2013, we will
look particularly at some of these wellloved passages that come to us from the
lips of Jesus and from the pen of Luke,
the Gentile convert, and the friend and
“beloved physician” of the Apostle Paul.
Contact the church office (482-9692) or
Pastor Bruce Bergquist (226-9035) to sign
up or for more information.
Meets Wednesdays at 6pm, beginning September 4th
Plays hand bell music in worship several times each year
Meets Sundays at 9:30am
Shares Praise Songs in worship monthly
Meets Tuesdays at 6pm
Shares Bluegrass music in worship bi-monthly
Meets Thursdays at 6pm
Shares Christian rock in worship bi-monthly
Meets Tuesdays at 9am
Provides Classical recorder music in worship
Plays jazz standards in worship
Plays in worship on special occasions
Provides special music in worship
If you play an instrument or sing and want to share your gift, talk
to Kari and she’ll get you plugged in.
One of the great things about worshipping at SOTH is that you are
greeted by a smiling, friendly face as soon as you walk in our doors.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could be a greeter once a month? Well, there
just happens to be an opening for the first Sunday of the month at the
8:15 service! Team A servers are on from June thru November.
There is also an opening for a/an Usher on the fourth Sunday for Team
A. This person passes out the offering plates, and directs traffic during
If either of these descriptions sound like something you would enjoy doing, please contact Wanda Larson or Susan Smith.
Tips for safe backpack use:
Wear both straps. Use of one strap causes one side of the body to bear the weight of the backpack. This
can be true even with one-strap backpacks that cross the body. By wearing two shoulder straps, the weight
of the backpack is better distributed, and a well-aligned symmetrical posture is promoted.
Remove and put on backpacks carefully. Keep the trunk of your body stable and avoid excessive twisting.
Wear the backpack over the strongest mid-back muscles. Pay close attention to the way the backpack is
positioned on the back. It should rest evenly in the middle of the back. Shoulder straps should be adjusted
to allow the child to put on and take off the backpack without difficulty and permit free movement of the
arms. Straps should not be too loose, and the backpack should not extend below the low back.
Lighten the load. Keep the load at 10-15% or less of the student’s bodyweight. Carry only those items that
are required for the day. Each night remove articles that can be left at home. Organize the contents of the
backpack by placing the heaviest items closest to the back to reduce kinetic forces that cause postural
malalignment and overwork muscles. Use CDs instead of full textbooks whenever possible; some students
even have two sets of books so as not to have to carry the heavy books to and from school.
When selecting a new backpack, choose ergonomically designed features that enhance safety and comfort:
 A padded back to reduce pressure on the back, shoulders, and underarm regions, and enhance comfort
 Hip and chest belts to transfer some of the backpack weight from the back and shoulders to the hips and
 Multiple compartments to better distribute the weight in the backpack, keep items secure, and ease access
to the contents; and
 Reflective material to enhance visibility of the child to drivers at night.
You may also call Dr. Ranae Beard at 970.530.0981 to set up an appointment to get measured for the correct
size. She also offers a variety of sizes and colors of backpacks that have a low back support in it for sale at her
Thanks to Dr. Ranae Beard and the American Chiropractic Association for this information.
So what is a “potluck”, really? The story behind this word is that in olden days it was customary for a housewife to keep a
pot on the fire into which all scraps of meat and vegetables were thrown. She kept the pot boiling all day. “Stew” was always available when hungry family members or neighbors just stopped in. Even though the stew was always available,
what it tasted like was a matter of “potluck”.
Traditionally, “potluck” is a gathering of people where each person or group of people contributes a dish of food to be
shared among the group. While the gathering is called “potluck”, the dish itself is called “potluck”.
Some “picnics” are a potluck. A “picnic” is an outing at which a meal is eaten outdoors, ideally taking place in a beautiful
landscape such as a park.
Lutheran potlucks are magical. How can that be when we don’t assign what to bring? In the end, the potluck always has
enough main dishes, salads and desserts to feed the crowd. On a good day, there is even enough for seconds. You can always count on someone pursuing someone else’s recipe. A Lutheran potluck is a real life experience of what happens when
God’s people are willing to bring their gift to the party. (Borrowed from Northwest Washington Synod Supplement article
by Kim Unti and Pam Kluth, July 2009)
The Congregational Care Ministry Team invites you to a “potluck picnic” immediately following the outdoor worship service
on August 18. Bring a favorite dish to share, bring a friend and enjoy the fresh outdoors while getting to better know other
members. Fried chicken, drinks and table service will be provided. Let’s have lots of great food to choose from!! We are
Lutherans and we love to eat! (and it won’t be “stew”)
We will also be having a family fun water play time! Bring your towel and sunscreen and be ready to play!
Loving Thy Neighbor
Six youth from SOTH went on a 13 day adventure up to Sky Ranch and Fort Morgan. The first 6 days, called
Rendezvous, were filled with adventure experiences to help the youth expand their leadership skills. They participated
in activities such as the ropes course, hiking, service projects, and camping in platform tents. Over the weekend they
went through intensive leadership training to learn what it might be like to live in the shoes of a refuge or immigrant.
The second week was filled with giving service to the community of Fort Morgan. The youth were able to apply their
leadership skills by participating in activities such as citizenship classes, games with refuge and immigrant children,
building garden boxes for Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer (where we stayed), and helping at the community garden
at Fort Morgan Community College.
The week in Fort Morgan is a pilot program for Sky Ranch called Loving Thy Neighbor. The purpose of the program is
to build a continuing relationship with the community at large to help the Caucasian Christian community and the
Immigrant/Refuge Muslim community have a better understanding and respect for each other, to Love Thy Neighbor
with our differences. The youth had a wonderful experience that will leave an impression on their hearts for a very
long time. Here are their reflections.
What was the most meaningful experience at Rendezvous – Sky Ranch?
I would probably say that doing the high ropes course was one of the most meaningful things, in the way that it really tested
our nerves as a group but it also strengthened us to support and cheer on one another to get through it, It also invited us to
test our faith, as there were times when we were out of our comfort zone and in situations where it was tough to realize
that no matter what happened to us, we were going to get through it.
~Austin Blaho
All the adventure activities were extremely fun and I had a
great time, but the most meaningful experiences were the
campfires every night. It was the time where we would calm
down and have great faith talks and share out about the day.
My favorite night is when one of our consolers brought her
guitar and we sang slow and beautiful songs around the
campfire, gazing at the stars.
~Laura Lenczycki
What was the most meaningful experience at Loving Thy Neighbor – Fort Morgan?
The most meaningful activities for me came from getting out into the
community. For me, this includes going to a citizenship class to experience
what it’s like for immigrants and refugees, but to also help those taking
the class, and going to the migrant elementary school and playing with the
kids for a couple of hours. Because then our group, and the kids of Fort
Morgan can interact as one new community. ~ Alex Blaho
The most meaningful experience I had in Fort Morgan was going to the
citizenship class and learning how people from other places in the world to
come to America. And playing with little kids at the elementary was really
~ Matthew Lloyd
Where did you see God’s work these last 13 days?
I saw God’s work in the determination of the adults in the citizenship class. They wanted the rights that American
citizens got so they worked on learning a whole new language and customs for those rights. I also saw it in Nick. He
was mentally disabled but he didn’t let that get in the way of his life. He was having fun with all the rest of us and was
laughing like no tomorrow all the time.
~ Katelyn Luze
In the people I met. I have met, and become friends with some awesome people because of this trip, and I’ve always
believed that the Lord has surrounded me with good people, and continued to do so on this trip through the people
I’ve met, and the relationships I’ve formed.
~ Alex Blaho
How has your faith been strengthened by this trip?
My faith has strengthened by this trip because usually I would sit inside and watch T.V. or do nothing at all. But on this
trip I’ve been outside more than ever and even helping and getting to know the new people in the community was
also great. And if I was asked to do this again I would love to do it again.
~ Matthew Lloyd
My faith has definitely been strengthened by this trip; it always is by these kinds of trips. Mostly because I am able to
see other people sharing in the same faith and joining together to talk and worship God. It grew the most when I had
a faith talk with one of my counselors because he was able to answer some of the questions I had and it was very
~ Laura Lenczycki
My faith is stronger now than it was two weeks ago when I arrived at Sky Ranch through all the stories I have heard
from so many people. They made me realize that God has written a story for all of us. Some will be easier than
others, some will have steeper hills to climb but we will all end up in the same place, at his feet.
~ Katelyn Luze
I feel more comfortable in pushing my boundaries, whether that’s singing songs or
saying prayers out loud, I don’t feel as afraid and feel like I can have more trust for
those around me.
~ Austin Blaho
This trip has done a lot for my faith. It gave me more confidence in the fact that the
Lord is looking out for me, surrounding me with new and awesome people, Sky Ranch
gave me more confidence in my singing ability, and has overall given me the
confidence and trust I needed in my faith life. ~ Alex Blaho
The youth continue to amaze me. They have such a deep faith with so many gifts and
talents to share with others. I am incredibly proud of each of them. Stay tuned for
the youth to share in person their experiences at worship. Thank you for your
continued support of the youth programs at SOTH.
~Jenny Kalous
Come, let us bow down in
worship, let us kneel before
the LORD our Maker; for
he is our God and we are
the people of his pasture,
the flock under his care.
- Psalm 95:6-7
Sunday, August 4th
“Love Thy Neighbor”
Special worship by the youth who went on
the mission trip
Sunday, August 11th
8:15 - Organ
“Flocks, Lamps, and Thieves”
Sunday, August 18th
9:45 - Outdoor Worship
Lost Sheep
~ Congregational Picnic after Worship ~
“Jesus, Pioneer and Perfecter”
Sunday, August 265h
“Freedom From and Freedom For”
their sense of time and ability to bring order out of chaos. I am
awed by what they can do with only 12 notes.
Is there a point to all this, you ask? Why yes, I say.
In the rich chords, the haunting melodies, the talented musicians;
in the improvisation and the complex structures, I see an image
of God.
I see God, who doesn’t give us a life with straight quarter notes;
who makes life rich and complex and sometimes gives us “notes”
that sound strange together when we first hear them, but as we
live them out they become beautiful.
I see God, who moves through our lives with grace and beauty, as
a melody moves from one instrument to another, being changed
and embellished as it goes. I see a Creative God, who spun the
universe from nothing and, like the soloist, continues to create
and make new all the time.
I see God, who like the bass and drums, holds the rhythms of our
lives together even when everyone seems to be doing their own
Whether or not you share my love of jazz, whether you have ever
heard of Mulligan or Desmond or Parker, perhaps you too can
reflect on the complex, rich, melodic, fresh, rhythmical, alluring
nature of our God. Where do you see such a God in your life?
Rally Day marks the start of the new Faith Formation
year! We will be installing the Sunday School teachers,
blessing the backpacks, (or messenger bags or wheeled
suitcases or iPads!—what is in style this year?) of all of
our students young, and not so young. Rally day is also
the first day of Sunday school so be sure to be here!
The fall is upon us which means another program
year! I can’t wait to get together with the youth
again after a couple of great trips this summer. We
have two youth groups 1) FAITHS which is our senior
high youth group and meets every Wednesday, 2)
Yahweh Youth which is our middle school youth
group and meets once a month for fun and
Sunday School hour is from 9:30 to 10:20am.
Adult Education: Taught by Dan Wendland in
classroom 5/6. Dan will take the adults through a
study based on the lectionary.
Sunday, August 4 FAITHS will be taking over service
to tell you all about what they learned this summer
on their 13 day trip, Loving Thy Neighbor. Please join
us to hear all about it!
High School Education: Taught by Kathy Wendland in
classroom 3. Kathy will take the High School youth
through a study based on the lectionary.
FAITHS Youth Group will begin on Wednesday,
September 11. We meet every Wednesday in
classroom 3 from 6:30 – 7:30pm.
Middle School Education: Taught by John Bockhaus in
classroom 4. John will take the middle school youth
through the LIVE curriculum that focuses on
reinforcing confirmation lessons.
If you would like to be on the email list for Yahweh
Youth or FAITHS activities please email Jenny at
jenny@sothftc.org or call at (719)651-5860.
GIFT (Generations in Faith Together): Taught by
Nicolle Kuester and Hilary Smallwood in the
Fellowship Hall. This is our young children with their
family’s class. We invite parents to join their children,
ages 0 – 5th grade, for an interactive, multi-sensory
experience. Each lesson is split over 2 weeks with
exciting activities such as music, trivia, theatre, FAITH
5, games and art.
If you have any questions about Sunday School please
email Jenny at jenny@sothftc.org or call at (719)6515860.
(Our college and young professionals group)
This bible study meets every Wednesday from 7:30 –
8:45pm in classroom 3 during the program year. We
will start up our regular meetings again on
Wednesday, September 11. For the summer we are
enjoying a once a month study over burgers and beer
at Coopersmiths. Please join us on Wednesday,
August 7 at 6:30pm for some Burger, Beer and Bible!
All ages are welcome! There is no prep work so just
show up and enjoy!
I want to thank all of you for the support you gave our family during
our time of grief. We also appreciated the support for the tribute concert, the Swingin’ Shepherds for their participation, and Pastor Dana
for being the MC. Your hospitality and cards have meant so much to
me as I am recuperating from my surgeries and learning to live without
Jim. Roselyn Dailey
Shepherd of the Hills has a group of folks who would like to pick up
any homebound members and bring them to our Sunday morning
worship services. Please contact Amy in the office if you would like
a ride to worship. Also, contact Kari Fedde if you are willing to
provide transportation once or twice a month to homebound
members. We will match people up according to location within
Fort Collins.
“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though
all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:12
The Lord Jesus, on the night he was
betrayed, took bread, and when he had
given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is
my body, which is for you; do this in
remembrance of me.” 1 Corinthians 11:2324
We share the sacrament of Holy
Communion at every worship service at
Shepherd of the Hills. From the table of
communion where Jesus Christ comes with
forgiveness, life, and salvation, God sends
us out to share the good news and to care
for those in need.
When someone is homebound or
hospitalized and unable to attend worship,
we take Holy Communion to them. Pastor
Dana sanctifies the bread and wine during
Sunday worship so that our Eucharistic
Ministers are able to take and share it with
those desiring communion.
If you would like to receive communion
from either Pastor Dana or our Eucharistic
Ministers, please call 970/482-9692.
Many thanks to those who have already volunteered to provide
rides. Through your discipleship, our body of believers can come
together more fully.
Ephesians 4:12 tells us to “equip the saints for the work of
ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” Stephen Ministry
seeks to do this by training lay people to provide one-to-one
Christian care to hurting people in and around our congregations.
Shepherd of the Hills has a large number of Stephen Ministers and
Stephen Leaders already equipped to serve our congregation. If
you would like to hear more about Stephen Ministry or know
someone who may be in need of a Stephen Minister, please talk to
Louise Wendt-White or Kari Fedde.
Information on Stephen Ministry can be found at:
“Praise be to the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, who comforts us in
all our troubles.”
Caring for our members is an important part of our ministry here at
Shepherd of the Hills. Pastor Dana and Pastor Bruce, our Visitation
Pastor, provide pastoral care to those in need. Please let us know if
you or a loved one will be hospitalized or wish for an in-home visit.
Call Dawn in the office at 482-9692.
August Anniversaries
Gerald & Marilyn Allen
Bert & Shirley Buller
Dick & Linda Homann
Jim & Sue O’Grady
Jerry & Annette Reents
Keith & Susan Smith
Bob & Cleone Haferman
Ed & Nancy Wick
Arvin & Judy Lovaas
Dan & Kathy Wendland
Bruce & Andrea Bergquist
Roy & Betty Norden
Steve & Connie Eulberg
Mike & Diane Patterson
Dana & Sue Peterson
Waldo & Janice Young
Harlan & Sue Fretheim
Nino & Sarah Baietti
Eric & Julie Flemister
John & Tera Lee Clark
Gerald & Faye Dorwart
Chuck & Jan Vesely
August Birthdays
Opal Deuth
Roger Brown
Annette Rodenberger
Bill Dahmer
Louida Golter
Jane Davis
Bradley Goins
Tami Bahns
Denise Goehring
Sean Brown
Alma Munroe
Peggy Hawksworth
Heather Stevens
Faye Dorwart
Holli Knutson
Viki Johnson
Jeremy Patten
Steve Taylor
Gerald Allen
Matthew Brown
Larry Stevens
Olivia Opfer
Eric Flemister
Mark Bockhaus
Tyler Lloyd
Tom Goehring
Jeff Bibbey
Cody Lloyd
Marge Spawn
Julia Baietti
Lyle Madson
Russ Nielsen
Philip Leathery
Amy Brown
Debra Aragon
Molly D’Angelo
Monthly Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America Fellowship Circles:
Ruth Circle: No Meeting in August. All women from the church are welcome, even if you don’t regularly attend. We meet
the 3rd Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at members’ homes. Contact Chris Walker at 970-416-1125 for more information.
Lydia/Miriam Circle: We meet the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am at the church. Theme: The people of God:
Unity in the Midst of Diversity. Join us! Contact Janet Haferman, 970-215-7542, for more information. Next meeting
August 21
Sewing Circle: No Meeting in August. Meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 9-noon at the church. We would like
to have more ladies to help with our quilting projects throughout the coming months. Come join us! We can always use
large pieces of cotton material and also plain cotton flat sheets (full, queen or king size.) Questions? Contact Nancy Wick at
970-493-7697, for details.
Book Club: No Meeting in August. Meets the 4th Tuesday of each month at 1 pm at the church. Contact Andrea Bergquist,
970-226-9035 for more information. On September 24th the book for discussion is Olive Kitteridge, by Elizabeth Strout. October book will be 1776 by David McCullough, November book will be The Shoemaker's Wife by Adriani Trigiani, and
cember choice is Istanbul Passage by Joseph Kanon. All are welcome!
the De-
Silver Singles: Our Silver Singles meets the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11:30 am. This month LaRene Sellers will be your
hostess at The Breakfast Club at 121 W Monroe Dr . We will see you August 8th. If you have any questions, please contact
LaRene at 970-482-7663.
Crocheters, Knitters and Wannabes… Check out our Prayer Shawl Ministry. We meet the 4th Thursday of each month at 1
pm in the Narthex. We would love to have anyone who is interested! Come for fellowship and a cup of coffee. For more
information, contact Pat Madson at 970-282-9205. Our next meeting is September 26.
August 2013
8:15 AM Worship
9:45 AM Worship
8:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous
8:15 AM Worship
9:45 AM Worship
8:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous
6:30 PM Faith
Team Meeting
6:30 PM
RE:Fresh at CooperSmith's
11:00 AM Buildings & Grounds
11:30 AM Silver
FAITHS & Yahweh Youth to
9:00 AM Men's
8:15 AM Worship
9:45 AM Worship
9:00 AM Congregational
Care Team
12:00 PM Executive Comm
8:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous
10:00 AM Staff
4:30 PM Worship & Music
Team Meeting
5:30 PM E & O
Ministry Team
7:00 PM 4-H
7:00 PM All
Teams Meeting
5:00 PM Avery
Park Neighborhood Asociation
6:00 PM Council
Congregation Picnic/
Water Play!
9:45 AM Outdoor
8:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous
10:00 AM Staff
4:00 PM HPI
Board Meeting
8:30 AM Caregivers' Group
8:15 AM Worship
9:45 AM Worship
7:30 PM Ameri- 10:00 AM Staff
can Recorder
8:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous
5:30 PM Pegg/
Reisley Rehearsal
4:00 PM Bailey
Pegg & Garrett
Reisley Wedding
May God Almighty bless
you and make you fruitful
and increase your numbers
until you become a
community of peoples.
- Genesis 28:3
This fall we will be presenting a workshop once a month to give you and your family tools to strengthen your faith at home.
Some of the workshops will be presented by people from our congregation and some of the workshops will be presented by
community speakers. All workshops are for all ages! Be watching for more information on these workshops:
Healthy Faith Habits – 12 Spiritual Disciplines
Guest speaker, Valerie Hess, will walk us through 12 spiritual disciplines that you can use every day in your home. Valerie is a
pastor's wife, mother, teacher, retreat speaker, author, and musician. She received her master's in church music from Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana. She is currently the coordinator of music ministries for Trinity Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado. You can learn more about Valerie here: http://www.valeriehess.com/.
How to Bring Church Home the Other Six Days of the Week – Faith 5
Rich Melheim, author and creator of Faith Inkubators, will present how to use Faith 5 everyday with your family. Whether
your family consists of a retired couple or parents with multiple children Rich will help you to use Faith 5 to strengthen your
relationship with God as a family. Rich will also give us some new tools from his new book, Holding Your Family Together: 5
Simple Steps to Bring Your Family Closer to God and Each Other. You can learn more about Rich here:
The Six Marks of Discipleship
Our very own, Pastor Dana Peterson, will give us the foundation of what it means to be a disciple. These 6 marks, Prayer,
Worship, Bible, Service, Spiritual Friendships, and Giving will help you to put discipleship into practice. These 6 marks come
out of a book called Power Surge by, Michael Foss. You can learn more about Pastor Dana here: http://www.sothftc.org/
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
1200 South Taft Hill Road
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Join us for
Summer Worship!
Sundays at
8:15 & 9:45 am
Pastor: Dana Peterson - dana@sothftc.org
Visitation Pastor: Bruce Bergquist
Office Manager: Dawn Luze - office@sothftc.org
Music Director: Kari Fedde - kari@sothftc.org
Director of Faith Formation: Jenny Kalous jenny@sothftc.org
Financial Associate: Sue O’Grady - sue@sothftc.org
Visit us on the web at www.sothftc.org
Check out our fan page on Face Book or follow us on Twitter!