HOLY INNOCENTS PARISH WE GATHER TO PRAISE, TO BLESS AND TO PROCLAIM. April 19, 2015 431 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, NY 10570 (914) 769-0025,FAX: (914) 747-2476 Website: www.hiparish.org Office Hours: M-F: 9am-3pm, Sat: 11am-5pm, Sun:9am-1pm CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): An ongoing invitation is extended to anyone who is interested in becoming a Catholic. Simply contact the Parish Office. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:15pm Sunday: 7:30am, 9:00am Children’s Choir, 11am and 5:15pm Daily: 7:00am Monday to Saturday SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements for our Baptismal Preparation Program, several weeks in advance of the baby’s birth. Our Lady of Pompeii, Saratoga Avenue Sunday: 10:00am; Daily: 8:45am SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: By appointment at least 6 months in advance. A pre-Cana program is required. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 4:30-5:00pm in the church; all other times by request. Please call the office for an appointment. NEW PARISHIONERS: You are cordially invited to join our parish community. Please stop in at the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: As scheduled, or anytime a priest is called. Please notify us when a family member enters the hospital. PARISH STAFF Fr. William A. Holt, OP, Pastor Fr. Daniel Davies, OP Fr. Jordan McConway, OP Fr. Gregory Doherty, OP Sr. Kathleen O’Hanlon, OP Fr. Hugh Burns, OP (In Residence) Gerard Roggemann Joe DeSanctis Eileen Bruehl Thomas Conaty Barbara Mackin afortino@hiparish.org 769-3297 514-8731 769-0025 x11 769-0025 x30 769-0025 x22 Director of Religious Education Music Director Parish Coordinator Youth Minister Business Manager Bulletin Editor Monday Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29 Tuesday Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35 Wednesday Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40 Thursday Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51 Friday: Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59 Saturday 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Sunday Acts 4:8-12; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 21-23, 26, 28, 29;1 Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 Evening Vigil 5:15pm Eileen Bramswig THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 Our Parishioners 9:00 Peter & Yolanda Matranga 10:00 (OLP) Rose Makosky 11:00 Alexander Travis 5:30 Lina & Joe DeLaurentis Monday, Easter Weekday 7:00 Patrick Brady 8:45 (OLP) Theresa Hamer Tuesday, Easter Weekday 7:00 Nora M. Nugent 8:45 (OLP) June Brown Wednesday, Easter Weekday 7:00 Helen M. Farrell (20th Anniversary) 8:45 (OLP) Carl Voeltz (26th Anniversary) Thursday, Easter Weekday 7:00 Deceased Members of the Pesacreta Family 8:45 (OLP) Rocco DiMatteo Friday, Easter Weekday 7:00 Jane Marie Murden 8:45 (OLP) Theresa Hamer Saturday, Saint Mark, Evangelist 7:00 Edward Murray 8:45 (OLP) Maria Donato Evening Vigil 5:15pm Ron Mackie (Anniversary) FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 7:30 Margaret Borelli 9:00 Ramon Colon 10:00 (OLP) Dominick Arceri (Birthday) 11:00 Mary Ellen K. Wolff 5:30 Charles K. Reeves 2015 FINANCE CORNER Regular Maintenance March Parish Pay $10,691.00 $ 1,207.00 Easter Apr. 12th $31,871.00 $ 7,404.18 $ 2,587.00 PARISH PAY Our automatic giving program called Parish Pay will eliminate the envelopes you now receive so you do not have to search for that envelope every week as you rush out to Mass. Pick up one of the “Informational Blue Sheets” at the doors of the church. Please pray for the safety of our men and women in the military, especially those who are serving overseas. Laverne Ryan, Jimmy Fleming, Joyce Scholz Deborah Migliorini, Rita Laviano, Antonio Soto, John Keator, Mary Pat & Jack McMahon, Betty Burns, Meghan Rizzo, Mary Renna, Walter Salat, Barbara Walters, Juan Portillo, Jacques Padawer, Kathy FioRito, Edythe Proehl, Elizabeth Kelleher, Bonnie Proudian, Jeanne Cibirka,, Lucia Carlucci, Jennifer Schneider, Elsie Vernon, Richard Colucci, Maria Provenzano, Lee Franco, Adele Casagrande, Carrie Dunsmore, Joseph Drago, Gabrielle Sanchez, Jeanette Kastner, Olivia Bendus, Rose Rosato, Linda Iorizzo, Rose Puller, Judy Chriss, Jane Chitty, Jerry Brennan, Jean Balzone, Bernadette Harris, Angela Lynch, Joey DeMatteis, Dennis Catozella, Beth Frankoviac, Jennifer Schneider, Peter Mercateli, Bartholomew Hickey, Robert Iovino, Teresa Cardinali, Rocco Zacarolli, James Sullivan, Robert Sarro CONDOLENCES We extend our sympathy and promise of prayers to the family and friends of Jeffrey Tyne (brother of Victor). #490 Page2 BAPTISMS We recently welcomed into the family of God and our parish family: Myles Joseph Cianci Patrick Michael Cianci Hunter Ray Conforti Sadie Lee Conforti Christian Edward McMillan THE WEEK AHEAD IN THE PARISH Tuesday, April 21st: 11:00am—Lectio Divina 6:45pm—7th Grade Rel. Ed. Night of Volunteers Wednesday, April 22nd: 6:00pm—Junior Choir 7:15pm—Adult Choir 6:45pm—8th Grade Rel. Ed. Chastity & Joy CYO YOUTH GROUP The Youth Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. All 9th-12th graders are welcome to join us. If you have any questions please contact TomConaty@optonline.net APRIL ●Apr. 26th—Cottage School visit at 2:30pm ●Apr. 26th—Youth Group Meeting at 6:15pm MAY ●May 3rd—Youth Mass at 5:15pm ●May 3rd—Final payment due for Mission Trip! ●May 17th—Youth Group Meeting at 6:15pm Saturday, April 25th: 4:30pm—Teen Choir Sunday, April 26th: 12:15pm—Baptisms 6:15pm—Youth Group Meeting In preparation for the World Meeting of Families, Fr. Jack Rathschmidt, OFM, a well-known retreat director, will be at Holy Innocents on Tuesday, April 28th, to give a presentation on: “Love is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive” We invite all parishioners to attend this inspirational evening….a “spiritual shot in the arm!” A Question and Answer session will follow. Please come and join us for this enjoyable evening. Refreshments will be served. For the month of April the Food Pantry is in need of the following: Canned corn, sweet potatoes, soup, pork & beans, chicken, peas; mayonnaise, cake mix and frosting. DOMINICAN COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE On Saturday, April 25th, Dominican College, 4750 Western Highway, Orangeburg, NY will host an Open House for High School and Transfer students interested in undergraduate studies, from 10am to 12pm in the Hennessy Center. For more information please visit: www.dc.edu SAVE THE DATE June 10-13 Holy Rosary Parish Bazaar #490 Page3 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ANNUAL GOLDEN WEDDING MASS CELEBRATION 7th Grade – Save the Date Tues April 21st 6:45pm in the Social Hall Night of Volunteering & Confirmation Preparation Parents to join us. Confirmation preparation will begin on that Night. The Wednesday class and Home Study children need to attend. Speakers from Family Events, ALS, Hope’s Door, Midnight Run, Mt. Pleasant Library, and the Coleman School will talk about Volunteering and some possible opportunities with their organizations. The CHOSEN Confirmation program will be introduced. 8th Grade—Save the Date April 22nd at 6:45pm in the Church The Culture Project will help us experience virtue through their Chastity talk. Parents and Sponsors are invited to join us. Watch for REGISTRATION LETTERS in the US Mail. More information will be coming. Gerard J Roggemann Coordinator - Holy Innocents Religious Education groggemann@hiparish.org Telephone: 914-769-3297 LOST & FOUND A Wedding Ring has been found in the church (by the Blessed Mother shrine). If you have lost or know of someone who has recently lost a Wedding Ring, please contact the Parish Office. On Saturday, June 20th AND Sunday, June 21st at 2:00pm, the Annual Golden Wedding Mass Celebration will be held at the Cathedral of St. Patrick for couples celebrating 50 years of marriage during 2015. His Eminence Timothy Cardinal Dolan will be the principal celebrant. Due to limited seating during the Cathedral’s Restoration project, there will be two Jubilee Masses with seating reserved in the front and in the center aisle pews for Jubilee couples. Pre-registration is required. For reservations please call the Parish Office at 769-0025. The closing date to register for the Mass is Tuesday, May 5th. This event is sponsored by the Family Life/Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York. CLUSTER PRAYER MEETING A Cluster Prayer Meeting will be held at St. Patrick’s Parish Center in Yorktown Heights on Thursday, April 30th at 7:45pm. Guest speaker is Brother Elijah Francis Grogan. Brother Grogan will speak on “Creating a Culture of Revival.” For information please call 914-737-4286. JULIUS AUCELLO SCHOLARSHIP The St. Dominic Council Knights of Columbus is offering the Julius Aucello scholarship to students graduating high school and preparing for college. The requirements are you must be a resident of Mt. Pleasant, a practicing Catholic and will be entering college in the fall. Applications are available from your school guidance counselor and at your parish rectory. CHANGE OF ADDRESS If you are moving or will be away for an extended period of time, please notify the parish office. #490 Page4 This Wednesday, April 22nd, marks the 151st anniversary of “In God We Trust” being included on all newly minted U.S. coins by an Act of Congress. The phrase seems to have originated from The Star Spangled Banner, written during the War of 1812, the fourth stanza includes the phrase “And this be our motto: In God is our Trust.” Its inclusion on American currency was a direct result of the turmoil of the Civil War when several petitions were made to congress to recognize Almighty God on our coins. The use of “In God We Trust” has not been uninterrupted. The motto disappeared from the nickel in 1883, and did not reappear until the Jefferson nickel in 1938. In 1908, Congress made it mandatory that the phrase be printed on all coins upon which it had previously appeared. It has been in continuous use on the penny since 1909, the dime since 1916, and has appeared on all gold and silver dollar coins, halfdollar coins and quarters struck since July 1, 1908. On July 30, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed a law to officially declare “In God We Trust” the national motto of the United States, two years after he pushed to have the phrase “under God” inserted into the Pledge of Allegiance. The law also mandated that the phrase be printed on all American paper currency. President Eisenhower discussed his decision to sign the law stating “in this way we are reaffirming the transcendence of religious faith in America’s heritage and future; in this way we shall constantly strengthen those spiritual weapons which forever will be our country’s most powerful resource in peace and war.” The legality of this motto has been questioned by those who advocate the separation of church and state and several lawsuits have occurred. The rulings have been that its use is of patriotic character and that government recognition of God does not constitute the establishment of a state church or sponsorship of a religious exercise. The adoption of our national motto has been reaffirmed by Congress in 2006, and 2011. A joint poll taken by USA Today, CNN and Gallup in 2003, showed that 90% of Americans support the inscription on our currency. In Judaism and Christianity “In God we Trust” resounds with several verses of the bible, including today’s responsorial, Psalm 118, Psalm 40, Psalm 73, and Proverbs 29:25. Muslim imam Feisal Abdul Rauf wrote that the phrase also resonates with early Islamic teaching from the Quran, 3:193, and 2:285. Melkote Ramaswamy, a Hindu American scholar writes that the presence of the phrase on American currency is a reminder that “there is God everywhere, whether we are conscious or not.” So the next time you find a penny on the street, a quarter in the washing machine or a dime in an old coat pocket, say our National motto as a quick prayer and reaffirmation of God’s presence in your life. #490 Page5 STEPINAC THEATRE Archbishop Stepinac High School Drama Club presents the national high school and regional premier of the tony award-winning Broadway hit: May 1st, 2nd, 8th, and 9th 7:30pm Matinee on May 10th at 2:00pm Tickets $22 for adults and $18 for children under 12 and senior citizens For reservations please call 914-946-4800 ext. 200 Email: theatre@stepinac.org Facebook: Stepinac Drama Club Page Twitter: StepinacDrama FEAST OF ST. JOSEPH THE WORKER FRIDAY, May 1st Church of the Assumption Ansbro Way, Peekskill, NY Pope Pius XII instituted the feast of St. Joseph the Worker in 1955 in response to the “May Day” celebrations for workers sponsored by the Communists. He emphasized the participation of Joseph the worker in the deepest mystery of creation. He said, “The spirit flows to you and to all men from the heart of the God-man, Savior of the world, but certainly, no workers was ever more completely and profoundly penetrated by it than the foster father of Jesus, who lived with him in closest intimacy and community of family life and work.” Procession Outside Church & 7pm Mass After Mass —Process with st. Joseph to the Father Wilson Hall and stroll through an “Evening in the Piazza” to sample the tastings of Italian Specialties, and wine tasting. For more information please call 914-737-8872 THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER First Reading: Acts 3:13-15, 17-19 Peter reminds the people that they allowed Jesus to be killed, and preferred to allow a murderer to be released. But God raised him from the dead as had been prophesied. Therefore, all people should believe and turn to God, that their sins might be forgiven. Second Reading: I John 2:1-5a Jesus was offered up for the sins of the world. The only way to prove true faith in Him, is to honor his commandments; anyone who claims to believe, yet does not keep his word, does not truly believe. Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 Jesus appeared to two disciples, though at first they feared he was a ghost. Jesus ate with them to prove he was not a ghost. He explained that he had fulfilled the prophet’s words about him. He also explained that in his name they must preach doing penance for the forgiveness of sins. #490 Page6
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