HolisticGLOBE Expo Event Registration Form This is NOT an interactive onlineRegistration form. Please PRINT and COMPLETE FORM manually. Signature is required. HolisticGLOBE Expo 2015 Events Form PLEASE FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM TO PROCESS YOUR EVENT REGISTRATION and APPROVE charges. FAX (888) 349-3422 // EMAIL registration@holisticglobeexpo.com // Need Help? Call (561) 325-8640 ___First Time Participant One Event/Local ____ Returning Participant 3+ Event/Regional 12+ Event/National 6+ Event/ Regional PLUS Other List Event Location(s) & Date(s) About You Individual Name _______________________________________________________________________ Company Name _______________________________________________________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________ / ___________________ Phone Number ______________________________ Fax Number Email Address _______________________________________________________________________ Website _______________________________________________________________________ X Select Your Options __ Official Sponsor __ Sponsor __ Vendor __ Keynote Speaker __ Psychic/ Healer/Massage Therapist __ Non-Vendor Supporter/Networker __ Workshop Teacher __ Musician / Performer __ Lecture Presenter / Speaker __ Brand Ambassador / Product Demo Applicable Discount (Approval Required) __ Multi-City Booking __Special Package/Local Promo Offer __Holistic Authority™ Leadership Society __Returning Vendor Loyalty Discount __Non-Profit Organization __ Early Bird Special / _______________ __________________________ __ Diamond $10,000 __ Gold $5,000 __ Silver $2,500 __ Bronze $1,000 __ Premium Exhibit $500 __ Standard Exhibit $300 __ Basic Exhibit (Open Space) $150 __ Electricity/Wi-Fi Access * $ 25 __ Additional Exhibit Table $ 50 each __Corner Space/ Premium Spots $100 __ HolisticGLOBE Magazine Full Page Display Ad $599 __ HolisticGLOBE Magazine Half Page Display Ad $425 __ HolisticGLOBE Magazine 1/3 Page Display Ad $345 __ HolisticGLOBE Magazine 1/4 Page Display Ad $295 __ HolisticGLOBE (Dedicated Solo eMail) National Blast $750 __ HolisticGLOBE (Dedicated Solo eMail) Regional Blast $500 __ HolisticGLOBE eNewsletter Ad Insertion $300 __ Holistic Globe Radio® Interview or Article $ 150 __ “Meet & Greet” Vendor/Expert Video Feature $100 HolisticGLOBE Expo Event Registration Form Term & Waivers Sponsors/exhibitors are allowed to share/display information and conduct product/services sales, unless specified not to. No commissions or additional fees will apply to your participation other than exhibit fees and any advertising and/or add-on you voluntarily selected. You and your organization consent to interview(s), photography, audio recording, video recording and its/their release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for news, web casts, promotional purposes, telecasts, advertising, inclusion on web sites, or any other purpose by Holistic Globe Networks and all its affiliates and representatives. You release Holistic Globe Networks, its officers and employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/or or sound recordings. You waive all rights you may have to any claims for credit, reward, payment or royalties in connection with any sale, promotion, exhibition, streaming, webcasting, televising, or other publication of broadcast materials, regardless of the purpose or whether a service or royalty fee is charged. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by Holistic Globe Networks and all its affiliates and representatives, or the person or entity designated to do so. License and Usage: Advertiser/Exhibitor hereby grants HGN a limited, non-exclusive license to use your trade name, logo, artwork, trademarks, service marks and other proprietary information owned by the advertiser. HGN agrees that the Proprietary Information will be used only in connection with the broadcast to provide the benefits set forth in the advertising agreement. No-Refund Policy: Exhibit/Sponsorship and Advertising Dues are NON-REFUNDABLE. Event participation and advertising charges are non-refundable, with the exception of event cancellation by producer when not providing alternative date/location. Transferability Policy: Exhibit Agreement is NOT transferable. Payment Info & Authorization ___Credit/Debit Card ___Wire Transfer ___ACH/Self-Pay Online PayLink/Invoice ___ Multi-Event Payment Plan ___ Money Order/Cashier’s Check ONLY (SORRY NO CHECKS) Debit/Credit Card # ________________________________________________ Expiration: _______/_______ Name as it appears on Credit Card: ________________________________________________________ Billing Address for Credit Card: ___________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ______________________ 3 Digit CV Code _____________ (Back) or 4 Digit Code for AmEx (Front) _____________ X I authorize Holistic Globe to submit electronic invoice and bill credit/debit card provided for the specified amount. I acknowledge all sponsorship/exhibit and advertising fees charges as non-refundable. ____________________________________ Approval Signature ____________________________________ Today’s Date ____________________________________ Print Name ____________________________________ Your Position/ Authority
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