May 10th, 2015 1420 16th Street East West Fargo, ND 58078 Church: 701.282.7217 Fax: 701.282.2753 Email: Website: Pastors: Rev. Jim Meyer, Pastor Rev. Andrew Jasinski, Parochial Vicar Deacons: Deacon David Haney Deacon James Eggl Office Staff: Penne Soucy, Business Manager Brenda Mears, DRE & Youth Ministry Margaret Keller, Administrative Asst. Bianca Wiederrich, Liturgy & Choir Director Heather Heger, Communications Coordinator Patrick Thiel, Youth Choir Director Mass Schedule Weekdays: Monday - Friday at 12:15 pm Reconciliation at 11:45 am Rosary at 11:50 am Weekends: Saturday at 4:30 pm Reconciliation at 3:30 pm Sunday at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays 9 am - 8 pm Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Homebound Communion: Homebound parishioners unable to come to Mass should notify the parish office so that Holy Communion may be brought to their homes. Marriage: Couples intending to marry should contact the parish office at least six months prior to the desired wedding date. Join our Parish Family: To register in the parish or to notify us of any changes, please contact the church office. Baptism Class: Parish Council: Held on the 3rd Monday of every month. Please call the Brian Heger, Rosemary Heise, Helen Franck, office at 282-7217 to register for the upcoming date and Mark Sahli, Bill Harbeke, Jim Prochniak & Father time. Jim Meyer Lay Directors: Jamie Steffes & Dan Pulczinski Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday by 5:00 pm in writing or Email: FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN Thank You Mom By Rick Woodall "Honor your father and mother"--which is the first commandment with a promise--"that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth." - Eph 6:2-3 In a little town in Taylor County West Virginia Anna Jarvis in 1907 began a campaign to establish a national Mother’s Day. The special day would fall on the anniversary of her mother’s death. So on May 10, 1908 the day was observed in Philadelphia Pennsylvania where Jarvis had recently moved. It wasn’t until 1914 that president Woodrow Wilson made the official announcement to the nation that every 2nd Sunday of May would be a national day of observance. Mother’s Day is a special day in which we take a moment to honor the women who make a difference in our lives. It is not very often we hear good news these days about the Mother’s who as my gift reminds me “rock the cradle that rules the world.” In my years of Christian service I had the privilege of interviewing senior statesmen, great community leaders and church leaders who are making a difference in all of our lives. In our first few weeks after moving to Logansport Indiana I was given a personal invitation to meet with Mayor Michael Fincher. Mayor Fincher impressed me as he spoke in tears about his mother. I am convinced that the world is a better place because of all mothers’ that were readers, teachers and fitting examples. Dedicated mothers produce determined children. We all know that it takes a considerable amount of determination to make a difference in today’s world. So take some time this Mother’s Day to remember Mom. The apostle Paul reminds his “son in the faith” (Timothy) where his personal faith originated. “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.” – 2 Tim 1:5 This Life Thoughts is dedicated to my Mom who has made many sacrifices and uttered many prayers that have made a tremendous difference in many of my major decisions in life. Thank you Mom. - Rick Woodall is the minister for the Yorktown Road Church of Christ in Logansport Indiana. His weekly devotional message, Life Thoughts, can be found through this address: http:// Mass Intentions FOR THE WEEK Monday, May 11th 12:15 pm +Anna Schneider by Arlene Schneider Tuesday, May 12th *10:30 am Edgewood Vista Catholic Community 12:15 pm +Ralph Roshau by Joan & Leon Steckler Wednesday, May 13th **9:00 am Priest’s Intention 12:15 pm Matthew, Joshua & Annalise St. Claire Thursday, May 14th 12:15 pm +Dennis Richard by Ella Richard & family Friday, May 15th 12:15 pm +Marc Molnar by Arlene Schneider Saturday, May 16th 4:30 pm +Verna Hanzel by Gale & Jim Hanzel Sunday, May 17th 7:30 am Priest’s Intention 9:00 am Phil & Leroy Wolf by Barbara Wolf 11:00 am Priest’s Intention 6:00 pm +Margarite Kirkman by Kay & Dave Syvertson *Mass at Edgewood Vista **Mass at Cooperative Living Center Eucharistic Adoration Monday: 9 am. to 8 pm. No Adoration Monday May 25th. Come to Eucharistic Adoration and have a personal relationship with Christ. In order to become friends with Christ, you need to spend time with Him. Come and be a scheduled adorer, we need 2nd adorers from 10 am. to 11 am; 2 pm. to 3 pm; 3 pm. to 4 pm; and 4 pm. to 5 pm; Call Arlene Schneider 541-7834 or email call the Holy Cross Catholic Church 282-7217 Welcome Visitors & New Parishioners We hope you were blessed today and we warmly welcome you to our parish! If you wish to join our parish, you may register at the office during our office hours. Those of you who are MEMBERS - Please let us know if you have a change of address, or if you have a new phone number. Help us keep costs down by letting us know when you move. Thank you! Readings for the Week May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 Acts 16: 11-15; Jn 15: 26 - 16: 4A Acts 16: 22-34; Jn 16: 5-11 Acts 17: 15, 22 - 18: 1; Jn 16: 12-15 Acts 1: 1-11; Eph 1: 17-23; Mk 16: 15-20 Acts 18: 9-18; Jn 16: 20-23 Acts 18: 23-28; Jn 16: 23B-28 Acts 1: 15-17, 20A, 20C-26; 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 17: 11B-19 Prayers for the Sick Terry Kadlec Morris Dimmer Ron Rempfer Jim Hill Dorothy Wieland Janice Pickard Arnie Lefor Patricia Syvertson Mike Steidl Marcus Franck Howard Wrigley Robert Johnson Jana Lutovsky Pam Schneider Gary Tandsater Lori Lushina If you or a loved one are hospitalized or homebound or would like to have a family member included in the prayers for the sick, call the parish office at 2827217. Prayers for the Armed Forces Remember in prayer: Eric Peterson, Captain Diann Olson, Captain Dixie Klein Aune, Stefani Nistler, Mark Nistler, Captain Liea Misialek, Daniel Lee Cariveau If any family has people in the Armed Services that they would like to be prayed for, please contact the church office. Mission Statement: Holy Cross Catholic Church is a faith community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive for holiness and growth in our faith as we serve those around us. Adopted 2013 This Week’s Mass & Activities Schedule Monday, May 11th 9:00 am - 8:00 pm 11:45 am 11:50 am 12:15 pm 7:00 pm Adoration Confession Rosary Mass Knights of Columbus mtg (Upper Room) Tuesday, May 12th - Sts. Nereus & Achilleus & St. Pancras 10:30 am Mass at Edgewood Vista 11:45 am Confessions 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass Wednesday, May 13th - Our Lady of Fatima 9:00 am Mass at Cooperative Living Center 11:45 am Confessions 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass Thursday, May 14th - The Ascension of the Lord 11:45 am Confessions 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass 1:00 pm Golden Cross Card Club (CWC) 5:45 pm AA (Classrooms) Friday, May 15th - St. Isidore 11:45 am Confessions 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass Saturday, May 16th 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm Confessions Rosary Mass Sunday, May 17th 7:30 am 8:00 am - 1:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm Mass KofC Breakfast (CWC) Mass/Baccalaureate Sunday Mass Mass With Sympathies Our deepest sympathies go to John & Margit Schmelka on the loss of John’s father, Dr. Daniel Schmelka. EMPTY GALLON MILK JUGS NEEDED! Does your family go through a lot of milk?? We are looking for empty gallon milk jugs for this summer’s VBS. Please bring them into the church office. Welcome Seminarian Eric Seitz My name is Eric Seitz. I live in Fargo, North Dakota and I am a member of Sts. Anne and Joachim. I graduated from Shanley High in 2011. I was born in Rapid City, South Dakota on September 23, 1992. My Dad was in the Air Force, so we moved around a lot, from South Dakota to South Carolina, to Norway, to Great Falls, Montana, until we settled in Fargo in the summer of 2008. I first started thinking about the priesthood in the seventh grade, but I didn’t become too serious about it until the end of my junior year in high school. During my senior year, I applied to the diocese, was accepted, and found out that I would have to drive past three fine seminaries to get to the greatest seminary in the cosmos, Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, MI. I have completed my fourth year of college there and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to serve the Lord in such a radical way. Next year, I will be attending St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, MN. In my free time I like to sing in choirs, play basketball, football & occasionally play video games. I like Marvel comic book movies & tv shows, as well as bands from 1970’s. I am excited to be here to get to know you and someday to serve the people of Fargo as a Priest. Eric will be at Holy Cross until May 24th. PARISH HAPPENINGS May 16-17, 2015: 7th Sunday of Easter Sacristan 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Brian Fettes Volunteer Needed Pam & Shane Henricks Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Grant Warkenthien Alex Lupear Alfred Beamon Kaitlyn Johnson Wyatt Warkenthien Logan Heger Lukas Klabunde Adam Clute Jacob Dosch Brian Fettes Altar Servers Caleb Klalbunde Troy Mullenberg Barb Murray Greeters Janet Tumaini Dan Lupear Paul Klabunde Keith Murray Julie Warkenthien Joy Lupear Susan Klabunde Linda Olson Brenda Aswege Mike Lupear Volunteer Needed Daniel Lupear Ushers EMHC Proclaimer Paul Coppin Nick Gludt Shawn Warkenthien Kevin Bucholz Jean Schreiner Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Jim Prochniak Haley Bucholz Paul Klalbunde Matt Prochniak Brian Heger Stuart Clute Laine Richard Brenda Sagert Joy Lupear Carolyn Carriere Al Hoffart Alana Fink Jane Speich Jessica Gustin Susan Klabunde Betty Hoffart Mary Kay Willits Dan Van Winkle Mike Harris Sarah Jelinek Jeff Volk Kari Bucholz Volunteer Needed Mary Dosch Stacy Schwab Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Maria Clute Alana Fink Mary Dosch Kari Bucholz April Olson Shannon O'Leary Mary Kay Willits Paul Dosch Stacy Schwab Susan Klabunde God’s Gift Appeal Update Parish Goal: $114,785 Amount Pledged: $69,338, which is 60% of the goal. Parish Participation: Families: 1332 Donors: 304 Participation: 23% All households are encouraged to return their personalized pledge card which was received by mail in early February. Place your pledge card in the collection basket. Each family is asked to prayerfully consider a gift of 1% of household income. Your prompt response will save the expense of additional mailings. May God bless you, and thank you for your consideration. We'll meet on Thursday, May 14th following the 12:15 mass. We'll enjoy a potluck lunch, so we ask that you bring a dish or treat to share. We welcome anyone who is interested in playing cards or games, or come join us just to socialize! (This will be our last event of the season, until we meet again in September. Watch for notices in the bulletin and Cross Talk!) Please call Carol Holub at 298-0854 or Clare Elless at 282-4356 if you have any questions. KNIGHT NEWS KOFC RAFFLE TICKETS! The Holy Cross Council Want to get to know other men and their families at Holy Cross Church? #9642 Knights of Columbus are again selling calendar raffle tickets! The tickets are $10 each. Consider joining the Knights of Columbus! We will be drawing one ticket for each day in June! 30 chances to win CASH! Prizes are $50 for week days, $100 for Saturdays, and $200 for Sundays. See any Knight to purchase a ticket! It’s a great way to meet other Catholic gentlemen and their families. Please call Mike at 540-7181 or e-mail for more information. Check out our website: for activities and more information! The Knights of Columbus Holy Cross Council #9642 meets on the 2nd Monday of every month starting at 7pm in the Upper Room. May Knight of the month: Richard Elless May Family of the month: Jonathan & Nancy Aal, Victoria & Brennan “Like” us on Facebook! Knights of Columbus Council #9642 Brady Wohl Notice: Time change for May 21st Exemplification Instead of 7:00 pm, the Major Degree Exemplification will take place at 6:00 pm at Holy Spirit. Brett Limke KofC Free Throw Winners Announced! Congratulations to the Free Throw winners at the state level! Brady Wohl - 1st place, 9 year old boys Brett Limke - 2nd place boys, 11 year old boys Thanks to all who participated! Community News Court St Ann of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas will meet at St Anthonys on Tues, May 12th at 6:30 pm. All are encouraged to attend 5:15 Mass. Business meeting and Living Rosary with Crowning of Blessed Virgin Mary. All adult Catholic women are welcome. If questions, call Casinda Langseth at 388-2835. FT Young Adult Coordinator and Youth Ministry Nativity Catholic Church, Fargo ND is accepting applications for a Young Adult Coordinator and Youth Ministry Coordinator (10 months August through May, 40 hours a week), to begin Fall 2015. Bachelor’s degree required, experience and knowledge of Catholic theology, and excellent communication and technology skills required. Strong musical background is preferred. Please e-mail application letter stating how job qualifications are met via the job description, current resume and three references to Fr. Reese Weber, Parochial Vicar, A complete position description is available at or by calling Fr. Weber at 701-232-2414, ext. 122. Centering Prayer is a very simple way of praying which can be used by anyone who wants to be with God, to experience God's love and presence. It is a prayer of longing that leads into a prayer of Presence. The Center at 1101 32nd Ave S. in Fargo, offers this experience on Monday mornings from 9:00-10:00 and Thursday evenings from 6:45-7:45. HUGE SALE We are accepting “new and gently used” small home appliances, household items, sporting goods, tools, games and children’s clothing. Please bring to the St. Joseph’s School gym on Thursday, June 18 between 4 and 8 pm. A huge new and gently used goods sale benefiting St. Joseph’s Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be held on Friday, June 19 from 9-6 pm and Saturday, June 20 from 9-2. Questions? Please call Marge at 701-212-0392. FT Youth and Adult Faith Formation Coordinator St. James Basilica, Jamestown, ND is accepting applications for a full-time Youth and Adult Faith Formation Coordinator. This position will be responsible for faith formation grades 6-12, university campus outreach and activities, and programs, projects and activities, for youth and young adults. Successful candidate must be a faithful and practicing Catholic with strong communication, interpersonal and computer skills. Bachelor’s degree with some educational experience preferred. Send cover letter, resume and three references to Monsignor Jeffrey Wald at: Application deadline is Friday, June 5, 2015. St. Joseph's School (Moorhead, MN) is seeking full-time elementary teachers for both 4th and 5th grade for the 2015-2016 academic year. Ideal candidates will support the mission of the school, be licensed a licensed Minnesota teacher, driven in studentcentered instruction, and display a high sense of professionalism and collaboration. St. Joseph's School is also hiring for the Summer Program; offering flexible hours and a fun, active work environment. For more information, please visit the employment page of the school’s website ( To apply, please submit the application found on the school’s website, your resume and credentials, and a list of three references to Andrew Hilliker by mail (St. Joseph’s School, 1005 2nd Ave. S., Moorhead, MN 56560) or by email ( The Dillingen Franciscan Sisters will again be hosting Mother Daughter Days Sunday (7 p.m.) until Tuesday (afternoon), June 14-16 at St. Francis Convent in Hankinson, North Dakota This is a retreat for mothers and their daughters who are thinking about a vocation to the Consecrated Life. Participants are able to enjoy activities, learn more about their faith and spend time with the Sisters. For more information or to register, email: We hope you can join us for a fun and inspiring time! Office 701.282.3659 Fax 701.282.3660 Vinyl & Steel Siding Windows & Roofing Seamless Gutters Room Additions, Decks & More Call Darin Keller at 281-7865 or cell number 261-2141 Excavating ● Water/Sewer Repair & Installation Dirt & Gravel Hauling ● Snow Removal Plumbing ● Heating ● A/C ● Refrigeration Stephannie Stiel 701-293-9911 THE LOCKSHOP Fast 24 Hour Emergency Service Access Control Master Key Systems Safes + Cars Opened Deadbolts Installed Bison Center Mall 1404 33 St. SW, Fargo 701-235-6645 Knights of Columbus Council #9642 Meets the Second Monday of each month at 7pm at Holy Cross For more information Call Brian at 281-1905 Eagle Run Crossing Your Friendly Neighborhood C-Store Al & Betty Hoffart Locally Owned 3210 Sheyenne Street West Fargo (701)356-0005 Store (701)730-6797 Cell Stacey Olsen Realtor 200 45th Str So. 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