May 17th, 2015 1420 16th Street East West Fargo, ND 58078 Church: 701.282.7217 Fax: 701.282.2753 Email: Website: Pastors: Rev. Jim Meyer, Pastor Rev. Andrew Jasinski, Parochial Vicar Deacons: Deacon David Haney Deacon James Eggl Office Staff: Penne Soucy, Business Manager Brenda Mears, DRE & Youth Ministry Margaret Keller, Administrative Asst. Bianca Wiederrich, Liturgy & Choir Director Heather Heger, Communications Coordinator Patrick Thiel, Youth Choir Director Mass Schedule Weekdays: Monday - Friday at 12:15 pm Reconciliation at 11:45 am Rosary at 11:50 am Weekends: Saturday at 4:30 pm Reconciliation at 3:30 pm Sunday at 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Eucharistic Adoration: Mondays 9 am - 8 pm Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Homebound Communion: Homebound parishioners unable to come to Mass should notify the parish office so that Holy Communion may be brought to their homes. Marriage: Couples intending to marry should contact the parish office at least six months prior to the desired wedding date. Join our Parish Family: To register in the parish or to notify us of any changes, please contact the church office. Baptism Class: Parish Council: Held on the 3rd Monday of every month. Please call the Brian Heger, Rosemary Heise, Helen Franck, office at 282-7217 to register for the upcoming date and Mark Sahli, Bill Harbeke, Jim Prochniak & Father time. Jim Meyer Lay Directors: Jamie Steffes & Dan Pulczinski Bulletin Deadline: Tuesday by 5:00 pm in writing or Email: FROM THE PASTOR’S PEN According to the accounts in the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, Jesus appeared to many of his disciples during the 40 days following his resurrection. On the 40th day, he came again to the Apostles and led them out to the Mount of Olives where he instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Holy Spirit. Then, as they were watching, he ascended into clouds. As they continued to watch, two angels appeared and declared to them that, just as he ascended, Jesus would return in glory. According to Augustine of Hippo, one of the early church fathers, the Feast of Ascension originated with the Apostles. John Chrysostom and Gregory of Nyssa, contemporaries of Augustine, refer to it as being one of the oldest feasts practiced by the Church, possibly going as far back as AD 68. There is no written evidence, however, of the Church honoring Ascension Day until Augustine's time in the fourth century. Ascension Day Traditions As an Ecumenical feast, Ascension Day is one of the six holy days where attendance at Mass is mandatory for Roman Catholics and Anglicans. The event is generally a one-day public commemoration, although the Church, in keeping with earlier traditions regarding festivals, offers devotions for seven days. The night before the feast, priests and deacons attend a vigil of prayers and scripture readings. On the day of the feast, Mass is attended and the Paschal candle, which was lit on Easter Sunday, is extinguished. Liturgies proclaiming the finished work of salvation and the ascension of the glorified Christ into Heaven are recited, followed later by evening prayers. At the end of the seven-day devotion, two additional days are kept by the priests, making a total of nine days (a novena). The novena allows for the preparation of Pentecost, which takes place the next day. Churches around the world observe many Ascension Day traditions, such as "the blessing of the first fruits," in which grapes and beans are blessed. Some churches depict the Ascension of Christ by raising a statue of Jesus above the altar and lifting it through a special door in the roof. Other churches have outdoor processions with torches and banners. In an old Ascension Day tradition from England, parishioners carried a banner bearing the symbol of a lion at the head of the procession, and a second banner bearing the symbol of a dragon at the rear. This represented the victory of Christ over the devil. For many Christians, Ascension Day's meaning provides a sense of hope that the glorious and triumphant return of Christ is near. It is a reminder of the Kingdom of God within their hearts, and of the ever-present Spirit of God, watching over and protecting them as they spread the light of Jesus' truth throughout the world. Taken from: Mass Intentions FOR THE WEEK Monday, May 18th 12:15 pm For the Souls in Purgatory Tuesday, May 19th 12:15 pm +Ben Anderson by Dianne Schock & Mike Steidl Wednesday, May 20th *9:00 am Priest’s Intention 12:15 pm Eva Weibye by Bev & Tom Kelsch Thursday, May 21st 12:15 pm Bernadette Newman by Bev & Tom Kelsch Friday, May 22nd 12:15 pm +Scott Pomeroy by the Harris Family Saturday, May 23rd 4:30 pm Joseph Fatula by Gale & Jim Hanzel Sunday, May 24th 7:30 am +Ernie Cossette by Hazel Cossette & family 9:00 am Priest’s Intention 11:00 am Holy Cross Catholic Community 6:00 pm Priest’s Intention *Mass at Cooperative Living Center Eucharistic Adoration Welcome Visitors & New Parishioners We hope you were blessed today and we warmly welcome you to our parish! If you wish to join our parish, you may register at the office during our office hours. Those of you who are MEMBERS - Please let us know if you have a change of address, or if you have a new phone number. Help us keep costs down by letting us know when you move. Thank you! Readings for the Week May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 Acts 19: 1-8; Jn 16: 29-33 Acts 20: 17-27; Jn 17: 1-11A Acts 20: 28-38; Jn 17: 11B-19 Acts 22: 30; 23: 6-11; Jn 17: 20-26 Acts 25: 13B-21; Jn 21: 15-19 Acts 28: 16-20, 30-31; Jn 21: 20-25 Acts 2: 1-11; 1 Cor 12: 3B-7, 12-13; Jn 20: 1923 Prayers for the Sick Terry Kadlec Morris Dimmer Ron Rempfer Jim Hill Dorothy Wieland Janice Pickard Arnie Lefor Charles Gilleland, Sr Kay Syvertson Mike Steidl Marcus Franck Howard Wrigley Robert Johnson Jana Lutovsky Monday: 9 am. to 8 pm. “The happiness we have a right to enjoy has a name and a face, its Jesus of Nazareth, hidden in the Eucharistic.” Pope Benedict Eucharistic Adoration adorers needed: 10 am. to 11 am. and 4 pm. to 5 pm. Everyone is welcome at all hours of Eucharistic Adoration also children. If you can become a scheduled adorer call Arlene Schneider at 541-7834 or email call the Holy Cross Catholic Church 282-7217 If you or a loved one are hospitalized or homebound or would like to have a family member included in the prayers for the sick, call the parish office at 2827217. Prayers for the Armed Forces Remember in prayer: Eric Peterson, Captain Diann Olson, Captain Dixie Klein Aune, Stefani Nistler, Mark Nistler, Captain Liea Misialek, Daniel Lee Cariveau If any family has people in the Armed Services that they would like to be prayed for, please contact the church office. Mission Statement: Holy Cross Catholic Church is a faith community rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We strive for holiness and growth in our faith as we serve those around us. Adopted 2013 EMPTY GALLON MILK JUGS NEEDED! This Week’s Mass & Activities Schedule Monday, May 18th - St John I 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Adoration 11:45 am Confession 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass 7:00 pm Baptism Class Tuesday, May 19th 10:30 am 11:45 am 11:50 am 12:15 pm Communion Service at Edgewood Vista Confessions Rosary Mass Wednesday, May 20th - St. Bernadine of Siena 9:00 am Mass at Cooperative Living Center 10:00 am Funeral Mass for Elaine Sellner-Dohman 11:45 am Confessions 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass Thursday, May 21st - St. Christopher Magallanes 11:45 am Confessions 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass 5:45 pm AA (Classrooms) 4:00 pm Carmichael/Keyser Wedding Rehearsal Friday, May 22nd - St. Rita of Cascia 11:45 am Confessions 11:50 am Rosary 12:15 pm Mass 4:30 pm Carmichael/Keyser Wedding 6:00 pm Roers/Bieswanger Wedding Rehearsal Saturday, May 23rd 2:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:30 pm Roers/Bieswanger Wedding Confessions Rosary Mass Sunday, May 24th - Pentecost 7:30 am Mass 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Mass With Sympathies Our deepest sympathies go to Bob Carr on the loss of his wife, Bev Carr. Does your family go through a lot of milk?? We are looking for empty gallon milk jugs for this summer’s VBS. Please bring them into the church office. For the summer months you can continue to purchase JPII TRIP gift cards at Holy Cross MondayThursday from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Holy Spirit School 7:30 to 8:30 am, Shanley High School 9:30 to 10:30 am and Hurley’s Religious Goods Monday through Friday 9 to 5. KITCHEN SHOWER Dishes will be ordered for our new church facility and each place setting will consist of: Corelle dishes: dinner plate, salad plate, bowl and cup Glasses Silverware Each place setting will be $20.00 Committee members: Fr Jim, Phyllis Gludt, Judy Nikle & Brenda Aswege SIGN UP FOR THE TRAVELING ICON KIT Bishop Folda has designated 2015 as the Year of Marriage & Family. It will be a time of grace to celebrate, strengthen and witness to the beauty of the Sacrament of Marriage and the Christian family. You are invited to host the Holy Family Traveling Icon in your home for one week. The traveling icon kit contains a framed picture of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, as well as a variety of prayer guides to use in the home. To reserve the kit, please contact Heather in the office. PARISH HAPPENINGS May 23-24, 2015: Pentecost Sunday Sacristan Altar Servers Greeters Ushers 4:30 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM Brian Fettes Volunteer Needed Sue Eggl Volunteer Needed Leilyn Honeyman Brian Fettes Ryan Orth Kali Copin Ryleigh Skaurud Holdyn Honeyman Jordan Miranda Brooklyn Faller Brittany Srnsky Grace Hardmeyer Summer Miranda Tatum Faller Brooke Srnsky Diane Kelly Renee Ringdahl Brian Carroll James Preston Scott Olson Larry Kelly Keith Ringdahl Joanna Carroll Patti Preston Rodger Sims Tom Gentzkow Makenzie Preston Vickie Gentzkow Brady Preston Mike Steidl Leonard Mathern Steve Fischer Mike Srnsky Volunteer Needed Dianne Schock Volunteer Needed Kathleen Fischer Sheri Srnsky Volunteer Needed Andrew Fischer Zach Fischer EMHC Proclaimer Gayle Cummings Ken Zetocha Keith Wilson Darla Skaurud Richard Haugen Nancy Elliott Linda Schroeder Jody Bucholz Stephanie Landstrom Leilyn Honeyman Jim LaHaise Helen Franck Willie Gartner Dar Stebner Volunteer Needed Georgeann Gellner Larry Fischer Volunteer Needed Stephen Hill Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Volunteer Needed Helen Franck Stephen Hill Tadd Skaurud Joe Bailey Dustin Metzger Tiba Apoline Larry Fischer Leilyn Honeyman Clare Elless God’s Gift Appeal Update Parish Goal: $114,785 Amount Pledged: $70,418, which is 61% of the goal. Parish Participation: Families: 1332 Donors: 305 Participation: 23% All households are encouraged to return their personalized pledge card which was received by mail in early February. Place your pledge card in the collection basket. Each family is asked to prayerfully consider a gift of 1% of household income. Your prompt response will save the expense of additional mailings. May God bless you, and thank you for your consideration. Wedding Banns God grant you many joyful years together and bless your home with health and happiness. Congratulations and Best Wishes Nicole Carmichael & Michael Keyser May 22, 2015 Stephanie Roers & Matt Bieswanger May 23, 2015 Kaitlin Cannon & Jay Christensen May 30, 2015 Michelle Olson & Tyler Volk June 6, 2015 Want to get to know other men and their families at Holy Cross Church? Consider joining the Knights of Columbus! It’s a great way to meet other Catholic gentlemen and their families. Please call Mike at 540-7181 or e-mail for more information. Check out our website: for activities and more information! The Knights of Columbus Holy Cross Council #9642 meets on the 2nd Monday of every month starting at 7pm in the Upper Room. May Knight of the month: Richard Elless May Family of the month: Jonathan & Nancy Aal, Victoria & Brennan “Like” us on Facebook! Knights of Columbus Council #9642 Congratulations to Michael J. Allred, age 17, and Brandon D. Allred, age 15, of West Fargo, ND who have earned the highest advancement award the Boy Scouts of America offers to Scouts, the Eagle Scout Award. Michael & Brandon Allred are current members of Troop 232 chartered by VFW Post 7564 of West Fargo, ND, and former members of Troop 32 & Pack 112 of Dickinson, ND. Michael achieved the rank of Eagle Scout on December 11, 2014. Brandon achieved the rank of Eagle Scout on April 9, 2015. Allreds will be recognized in an Eagle Scout Court of Honor on Sunday, May 17th at 2 PM at the Jon L. Wanzek Center for Scouting in Fargo, ND. Family and friends are welcome. Michael Allred & Brandon Allred are the sons of Jim & Gwen Allred of West Fargo, ND . UPCOMING PRIEST ASSIGNMENTS Fr. Andrew Jasinski – Chancellor and Director of Catholic Education and Formation Fr. Matthew Kraemer – Priest secretary to Bishop, Director of Liturgy, Master of Ceremonies Fr. Jason Lefor – Pastor – Lidgerwood and associated parishes Fr. Thomas Feltman – Pastor – Wyndmere and associated parishes Fr. Robert Smith – Pastor – Kindred (now stand-alone parish) Fr. Luke Meyer – Pastor – UND Newman Center Fr. John Kizito – Pastor – Walhalla and associated parishes Fr. Jason Asselin – Pastor – Ellendale and associated parishes Fr. Alexander King – Parochial Vicar – St. Joseph’s Devils Lake Fr. Troy Simonsen – Parochial Vicar – Cathedral of St. Mary Fr. Kyle Metzger – Parochial Vicar – Sts. Anne & Joachim in Fargo Fr. Len Loegering – retirement. Incoming priest from Diocese of Nalgonda, India – Parochial Vicar at Holy Cross, West Fargo. Community News Joyful Noise Concert at The Abbey of the Hills Bring your lawn chair and come enjoy the music of three groups of musicians! A blend of popular and Christian music. Saturday, May 23rd, 1-5pm Food and drink available. Free will donation. Help Support the Abbey! FT Young Adult Coordinator and Youth Ministry Nativity Catholic Church, Fargo ND is accepting applications for a Young Adult Coordinator and Youth Ministry Coordinator (10 months August through May, 40 hours a week), to begin Fall 2015. Bachelor’s degree required, experience and knowledge of Catholic theology, and excellent communication and technology skills required. Strong musical background is preferred. Please email application letter stating how job qualifications are met via the job description, current resume and three references to Fr. Reese Weber, Parochial Vicar, A complete position description is available at or by calling Fr. Weber at 701-232-2414, ext. 122. Visitation Chapel to hold final Mass on May 27 In June of 2011 Archbishop Aquila opened the Visitation Chapel, located next to the abortion facility in downtown Fargo. Every Wednesday during the past four years, Mass has been offered and Eucharistic Abortion held during the day for the intentions of the women entering the abortion facility, those who work to promote abortion, and for the furthering of a culture of life in our society. This past March the building where the Visitation Chapel is located changed owners. As is common when rental property changes, lease terms change as well. As a result, our lease will end May 31. The final Mass will be offered on Wed., May 27 at 8 a.m., followed by Eucharistic Adoration until Noon. The Visitation Chapel is located at 502 1st Ave. No. Fargo. All are welcome to attend. Our prayer to further the culture of life will continue. Beginning Wed., June 3, you are invited to be part of the Prayer Apostolate for Life by joining us every Wednesday between 10-11:30 a.m. at the Pastoral Center, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Fargo. The prayer time will open with the recitation of the Rosary, followed by private meditation, and close with the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at 11:15 a.m. Please come to pray in solidarity for all the babies whose lives are threatened daily by abortion, for the conversion of hearts of those involved with abortion, for our side walk advocates and the needs of the post abortion ministries in our diocese. For more information contact the Respect Life Office, 701-356-7910 or FT Youth and Adult Faith Formation Coordinator St. James Basilica, Jamestown, ND is accepting applications for a full-time Youth and Adult Faith Formation Coordinator. This position will be responsible for faith formation grades 6-12, university campus outreach and activities, and programs, projects and activities, for youth and young adults. Successful candidate must be a faithful and practicing Catholic with strong communication, interpersonal and computer skills. Bachelor’s degree with some educational experience preferred. Send cover letter, resume and three references to Monsignor Jeffrey Wald at: Application deadline is Friday, June 5, 2015. St. Joseph's School (Moorhead, MN) is seeking full-time elementary teachers for both 4th and 5th grade for the 2015-2016 academic year. Ideal candidates will support the mission of the school, be licensed a licensed Minnesota teacher, driven in student-centered instruction, and display a high sense of professionalism and collaboration. St. Joseph's School is also hiring for the Summer Program; offering flexible hours and a fun, active work environment. For more information, please visit the employment page of the school’s website ( employment). To apply, please submit the application found on the school’s website, your resume and credentials, and a list of three references to Andrew Hilliker by mail (St. Joseph’s School, 1005 2nd Ave. S., Moorhead, MN 56560) or by email ( FirstChoice Clinic Golf “Fore” Life Fundraising Event. Please visit and support your favorite golfer. All proceeds go to continue the lifesaving mission of FirstChoice Clinic. No computer – No problem - Call Mona at 701.237.5902 to make a donation. Thank you for your support. HUGE SALE We are accepting “new and gently used” small home appliances, household items, sporting goods, tools, games and children’s clothing. Please bring to the St. Joseph’s School gym on Thursday, June 18 between 4 and 8 pm. A huge new and gently used goods sale benefiting St. Joseph’s Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will be held on Friday, June 19 from 9-6 pm and Saturday, June 20 from 9-2. Questions? Please call Marge at 701-212-0392. Office 701.282.3659 Fax 701.282.3660 Vinyl & Steel Siding Windows & Roofing Seamless Gutters Room Additions, Decks & More Call Darin Keller at 281-7865 or cell number 261-2141 Excavating ● Water/Sewer Repair & Installation Dirt & Gravel Hauling ● Snow Removal Plumbing ● Heating ● A/C ● Refrigeration Stephannie Stiel 701-293-9911 THE LOCKSHOP Fast 24 Hour Emergency Service Access Control Master Key Systems Safes + Cars Opened Deadbolts Installed Bison Center Mall 1404 33 St. SW, Fargo 701-235-6645 Knights of Columbus Council #9642 Meets the Second Monday of each month at 7pm at Holy Cross For more information Call Brian at 281-1905 Eagle Run Crossing Your Friendly Neighborhood C-Store Al & Betty Hoffart Locally Owned 3210 Sheyenne Street West Fargo (701)356-0005 Store (701)730-6797 Cell Stacey Olsen Realtor 200 45th Str So. Suite 200 Fargo ND 58103 701.356.5000 cell(701)306.6580 Auto | Flood | Homeowners Offering Caring and Affordable service to families throughout the Red River Valley since 1897. 1750 45th Street S, Fargo Renters | Disability | Health | Life Long-Term Care | Commercial Crop-Hail | Multi-Peril 1291 13th Ave E, West Fargo Darla Skaurud, Manager Dan Pergande, Realtor 3270 20th St S Fargo, ND 701.361.8069 701.492.2228 | Mark’s Wood Refinishing & Glass Etching Furniture, window sills, frames Also do woodwork - doll closets, custom storage, toy boxes Picture frame glass etching - your design Free Estimates - Call Markus Franck at 701.388.5452 New Construction and Additions, General Remodeling, Kitchens, Baths, Windows, & More! 701-293-0237 Licensed in ND and MN 701-729-7987 John Studt 827 28th St S Ste B Fargo, ND 58103 Phone: 701-364-3660 Melissa Erdmann, FNP Beverly Gibson, FNP or Now taking appointments
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