H O LY N AT I V I T Y TIDINGS WORSHIP SCHEDULE Worship on Sunday at 8:30 & 10:30am Education for All at 9:30am (September—May) Coffee/Fellowship 9:30am-11:00am Communion Celebrated 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm Friday (September-May) 9:00am-3:00pm Friday (June-August) 9:00am-1:00pm "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" Join other Super Adults (Ages 50+) for an evening at the St. Paul Saints! We are going on July 21st for a 7:00pm game against Winnipeg. The price for a ticket on the 3rd base infield reserve is $17.50. We will have bus transportation so no need to worry about driving or parking! We have 25 reserved tickets (which includes the other Wildfire churches) so to sign up at the kiosk ASAP (June 21st deadline) or call the church office. If you have questions, please call Lynn Kvalness at 763-546-3940. The annual GARAGE-PARKING LOT -UNIQUE-THRIFT SALE will be making its appearance again in 2015!! The income will be supporting the Men’s Group. Drop off beginning May 31st. Sale set-up will be June 1st, 2nd and 3rd and the SALE will be Thursday, June 4th and Friday, June 5th from 8:00am—5:00pm and Saturday, June 6th from 8:00am to noon. Please...NO televisions, computers, microwaves, tires, printers, paints/chemicals or Nordic Tracks. Call the office (763-545-1647) for more information or if you have items to be picked up. OUR MISSION ~ to learn the Gospel ~ to serve the Gospel ~ and to share the Gospel! The Holy Nativity Arts Series invites you to participate in our first annual Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival on Saturday, June 20th. These events are popular all over the country, but to our knowledge there is no such event in the Twin Cities area until now. Participants of all ages are invited, and anyone can do it, not just Holy Nativity members, as we want to make this a true community event. The entrance fee is $15 for youth up to age 15, $20 for ages 16 to adult. This fee includes a space in the parking lot to create your art, a 48 piece box of sidewalk chalk, and a T-shirt. If you want to work in teams, each additional team member's fee is $10. There will be prizes awarded for several age categories: age 12 and under, age 13-17 and 18 and up. There will also be a "people's choice" award”. Preregistration is required. Please go to the Holy Nativity website (www.holynativity.net) to print an application form. The event starts with check-in at 9:00am, and the artists can draw until 4:00pm, then there will be the judging with an awards ceremony at 5:00pm. Everyone is invited to participate or attend; there will be food, music and all kinds of fun for all ages! CARE FOR THE KINGDOM — Please help with: Weekly lawn mowing—need 2-3 people per week to mow the church lawn (should be done Thursday, Friday or Saturday to look good on Sunday). Training available. Contact the office if you are willing/able to help! Weeding various areas (you pick the area!) around the church building. Map and sign-up sheet will be in the narthex. 1 From the Pastor… Summer is here! A most beloved time of year, a time for warm days and long, light-filled nights is upon us. Summer is a time to rest and relax, a time to connect with families and friends, a time to breathe fully and deeply after a winter of cold-constricted, shallow breath. Summer is a time to tackle projects you’ve been putting off, a time to travel someplace new, a time to read a favorite book, a time to slow down. But most of all, summer is a time to bask in the glory of God and of God’s world. That’s easy to do during summer in Minnesota. The options are endless! Hopefully, you are already making plans to swim, hike, bike, camp, and play. Hopefully, you are already making plans to enjoy all God has created: lakes, parks, mountains, prairies, and forests. But it can be easy to simply go outside, and forget to give gratitude to our Creator. It can be easy to canoe, boat, chow down on corn-on-the-cob, or gaze at the stars without saying “thanks.” This summer, I challenge you to take opportunities to enjoy God’s creation, and to be proactive in giving God your gratitude. Find creative ways to pray as you go about your summer activities. For instance: As you water your lawn, say a prayer of thanks for our easy access to water. Pray for states and countries that don’t share our accessibility to this essential resource. Take your kids on a “gratitude walk” around your backyard. Stop by some flowers and say, “thanks God!” Roll around in the grass and say, “thanks God!” Hug a tree and say, “thanks God!” Find a patio to sit on. Take several deep breaths to center yourself, then focus on what you hear—birds, neighbors, a trickling stream. Thank God for all that you hear, and also listen for God’s voice. How might God be urging you to care for creation? How might God be urging you to care for your neighbor? I hope you find creative ways to get out and enjoy God’s creation this summer—to say “yes!” to God and all that God has made. I look forward to hearing what you and your families are up to, and I look forward to worshipping together as a community of faith each Sunday. May this season fill us up and give us fresh eyes to see all that God is doing in our midst. In Christ, Pastor Ashley On September 11, 2015 there will be a concert of some of original works by our Music Director, Iver Hubert. Two of the works, Missa Aurea; a multi-movement setting of the Mass for choir, orchestra and soloists and Becoming Earth; an art piece for strings, choir, solo violin, and narrator, music by Iver Hubert and text by Braden Canfield, need lots of singers. But time is precious here in Minnesota during the summer; therefore, to lessen the number of rehearsals the schedule will go as follows: June 10: 7:00pm (Initial read through of both works—hand out rehearsal discs) July 15: 7:00pm (Check in - if all is well, we jump to August 19, if not, weekly rehearsals from this date) August 19: 7:00pm August 26: 7:00pm September 2: 7:00pm September 9: 7:00pm In addition to the above rehearsals Iver will have “office hours” on Thursdays from 6:30pm – to 8:30pm if anyone wants to stop by and have something played or to answer a question. Performance will be on September 11 at 7:00pm; call time will be 6:00pm. The goal is to pay an honorarium to all chorus members; however, this is a Kickstarter project and therefore the amount of the honorarium depends on the Kickstarter campaign response. Let Iver know if you're interested in singing or if you have any questions. 2 Holy Nativity Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, May 19th, 2015 Call to Order: 7:02 pm Devotions: Kelly Duclos Secretary’s Report: April 2015 Minutes M/S/Approved. Treasurer’s Report: April Plan April Actual April Difference YTD Plan YTD Actual General Fund Giving 32,920 30,213 -2,707 129,610 121,154 -8,456 Operating Fund Income 37,417 35,536 -1,881 171,897 164,570 -7,327 Operating Fund Expenses -39,712 38,433 1,279 -168,199 -160,268 7,931 Operating Surplus/Deficit -2,295 2,897 -602 3,698 4,302 General Savings Account Balance YTD Difference 604 3,600 Treasurer’s report M/S/Approved. OLD BUSINESS: Election of Officers – Tina (President), Wayne (Vice President), Jerry (Treasurer), Kristin (Secretary). M/S/Approved. Building Use Committee and Church Marketing Team – Analyzing Data. Tying to Church Marketing Team long term goals. Initial options/recommendations for an action plan expected soon with goal of implementation beginning this fall. Full Church Inventory – Expect to finish by September. NEW BUSINESS: Audit Committee – M/S/Approved to appoint audit committee members Forrest Pietsch, Gary Peterson, Gaylen Bunce, and Harold Hubbard. Pastor Ashley will be attending Group Mission Trip and training the following days: June 10th-11th, 21st-27th. M/S/Approved these days to be paid/considered work as ministry of/to the greater church. PASTOR REPORTS: Pastor Jason: Attended Lutheran Social Services luncheon (learned about Camp Knutson), attended Robbinsdale School District Volunteers in Partnership breakfast, attended Minneapolis Area Synod Assembly. Exploring Lutheran World Relief as possible destination for capital campaign benevolence money. Shared information on Gustavus Adolphus College Association of Congregations endowment. Proposed council read book and discuss together – “The New Parish” Pastor Ashley: Meet and Greets completed. Wonderful time had by all. May 31st Blessing of the Wheels. June 7th Acknowledge High School Graduates. MINISTRY TEAM/OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS: Endowment Committee – Approved 7 grants. Closed with Lord’s Prayer. M/S/Approved to adjourn at 8:43pm. THRIVENT BUILDS WITH HABITAT FOR HUMANITY AND HOLY NATIVITY “Everyone deserves decent, simple, affordable housing” It’s that time of year again! We are gearing up for another exciting Habitat for Humanity project this summer. We will be building a single -family home at 3208 Grimes Ave. N in Robbinsdale. Holy Nativity is working the week of June 15th-19th. Thrivent Financial will pay 50% of the cost of this home, 40% will be paid by Habitat for Humanity and the remaining 10% will come from individual donations from local congregations such as Holy Nativity. Here is how you can become involved and help make a family’s dream of home ownership come true. Volunteer to help build at the worksite Volunteer to help prepare and serve lunches Give monetary donations to help meet the local church’s goal of raising 10% of the cost. Checks should be made out to (TWIN CITIES HABITAT FOR HUMANITY) with the site address on the memo line {3208 Grimes Ave. N} Please visit the display in the narthex to see the house plan, photos, information, donation envelopes and sign- up sheets. Any questions please see Dave Folkerds or call him at 763-545-4429. 3 A MESSAGE FROM / ABOUT THE QUILTERS! A big thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the quilt raffle! This year's quilt winners were Lynn Kvalness, Mariana Duffney and Mary Lazerine. Without your support we wouldn't be able to continue making the quilts and sending them on to those in need. We use the monies to purchase everything from pins and needles and other sundries to the batting we use to line the quilts, as well as material. We will soon be going on a shopping spree to resupply some of our notions and material. The material shopping is where we get to "ooh" and "aah" over the colors and patterns before choosing our new treasures. We set aside some of the quilts for the Pine Ridge trip this summer and have already delivered the rest to Home Free and Families Moving Forward. Earlier this year we also donated to these same two but additionally to area nursing homes, Crisis Nursery, a few to PRISM, as well as to the two events for our youth. Finally, we should take this time and space to say thank you to those who have dropped off material for us to use - another time to "ooh and aah"! ENDOWMENT GRANTS AWARDED! The Endowment Committee is happy to award grants for June 2015—May 2016. These are for causes not covered by the regular spending plan. A special thank you for gifts to the fund this year that are allowing us to grant more dollars than ever! Congratulations to the following recipients: ~ Finance—laptop for use by counters/committee ~ WAM—laptop for controlling sound system ~ Kitchen Committee—ice maker ~ Education—TV/DVD ~ Property—plantings on hill ~ Office—patio table/chairs ~ Parish Life—movie license Remember—your gifts to the Endowment Fund continue to work to enhance the Holy Nativity ministries. Holy Nativity’s two softball teams are now playing games on Thursday evenings at Becker Park in Crystal. Schedules will be posted across from the Fellowship Hall. Come cheer! “We want to thank everyone who attended the Salad Supper and those who brought the delicious salads and bars. We want to thank everyone who donated items for the prizes. A special thank you to Dave Folkerds and his crew of men who took care of cleaning up after the salad supper. Thanks to Pastor Ashley for leading us in grace and the prayer to bless the quilts. Thanks to the Quilters for the beautiful quilts they raffled off and their help with the sign up for the prize drawing.” ~ ~ Welca Board “Thank you Holy Nativity members for your generous contributions to the Personal Care Kits for Lutheran World Relief. The Elizabeth Circle was able to assemble 30 kits, each containing a bath towel, soap, toothbrush, comb and nail clipper. These kits will go to people who have nothing, such as people in areas of natural disasters like Nepal and areas of conflict like the Middle East. They are greatly appreciated. The kits were delivered to the LWR warehouse and will be on their way to people who will have the greatest need. God's Work / Our Hands” “Thank you, quilters, for the lovely quilt which I won. It was a great surprise and I so enjoyed picking one out.” ~ ~ Lynn Kvalness LADIES’ MOVIE NIGHT When: Thursday, June 11th Time: 6:00pm Where: Fellowship Hall / Annex Bring: Snacks to share Movie: ???? TBD Sign up on the kiosk! BIBLE STUDY NOTICE! We are having a special 2-part Bible Study at 10:00am on Tuesday, June 2nd and June 9th. Topic is “What Is The Soul?” JOIN US FOR A GOOD TIME! Summer worship continues on Sundays at 9:30am through Labor Day Weekend! Fellowship time will be before and after the service. For our liturgy, each week we’ll alternate between the ELW (Red Worship Book) Setting Four and the Haugen “Now the Feast” setting (Red Folder), plus when there’s a fifth Sunday of the month we’ll try something new (or less familiar)! 4 PRISM FOOD SHELF, AND CLOTHING PRISM—People Responding In Social Ministry 730 Florida Ave So, Golden Valley, MN 55426 PRISM FOODSHELF, CLOTHING and so much more!! Check out the PRISM website www.prismmpls.org, or "like" PRISM's Facebook page or contact Pat Harwell @ 763-544-7186 or harwellwp@msn.com SERVING OUR COMMUNITY FOR 45 YEARS - FOOD SHELF, CLOTHING and so much more!! 730 Florida Ave. So., Golden Valley. Phone: 763-529-1350. Check out the PRISM website www.prismmpls.org, or "like" PRISM's Facebook page, or contact Pat Harwell - 763-544-7186, harwellwp@msn.com JUNE - SCHOOL IS OUT AND KIDS ARE HOME— Please donate peanut butter, jelly and mac & cheese this month. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO ATTENDED THE PRISM GALA. And let everyone know what a great time it was! REMEMBER THE SHOP FOR CHANGE - The thrift shop at PRISM is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so stop in for a look next time you are in the area (just a couple blocks east of Menards off 394). Current needs are SHOES, HOUSEWARES, and VOLUNTEERS. BOOK LOOK! Don Shelby, one of the most accomplished local TV journalists, has been involved in organized basketball as a player, coach and advocate since 1960. Inducted into the Delaware County Athletic Hall of Fame in 2003, he has been compiling stories of pivotal basketball games—those he has played, and those that have inspired him—for over twenty years. In his book, The Season Never Ends: Wins, Losses and the Wisdom of the Court, he writes with humor and compassion proving that the fundamental principles of basketball are the same fundamental principles of life. Filled with witty and wonderful stories he shows us that sometimes a game is more than a game. Here basketball is only the setting. The real subject is the richness of life and the lessons learned. PASTORAL ACTS IN MAY Baptism: 5/17 Anine Myrna Roiger Funeral: 5/2 Kent Landry 5/2 Hazel McPherson DID YOU KNOW??? PRISM is more than a Food Shelf. Since January 1, 2015, 33 families have been helped with housing assistance. Studies show children caught in homelessness are 2/3 times more likely to be absent from school due to the disruption caused by moving between temporary accommodations. A real example - family of 5 - Mom stays home due to high cost of daycare, and Dad works a full-time and a part-time job. Their only car is 10 years old and broke down, needing $1700 in repairs. Dad was about to lose his job so he had to choose between car repair and rent. With assistance for just one month, this family was able to maintain their housing. May 31 is our first Bike to Church Sunday! We encourage you to enjoy the summer weather and bike, skateboard, or rollerblade to church! During the service, we will also have a special Bike Blessing. We want you to be safe this summer, and get out and enjoy God’s beautiful creation, so we’ll bless you and your wheels. You can bring your bike/skateboard/rollerblades right into the sanctuary. We’ll set them up in the chapel area, and then, during the service, we’ll spend time blessing you and your equipment. Please join in the fun by riding your bikes to church and bringing them into the Sanctuary on May 31! See you then! A Summer Special Music Sign-up Sheet is on the kiosk. Please sign up to sing or play special music this summer! Contact Iver if an accompanist or other assistance is needed. Have you ever had a brilliant idea (or two!) about something Holy Nativity should be doing as a fun event? Well then, please consider joining the Parish Life Ministry team! Parish Life is responsible for the Rally Day carnival, movie nights, Advent event, Bike to Church Sundays, Game Night, Twins games, theater outings and more! The team meets the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00pm (child care is provided) and we would love to have you join us. The more people we have, the more events we can plan, put on and enjoy! Someone from Parish Life may be contacting you personally, so please be ready to say YES! Who: HNLC Congregation What: Mission Trip Where: Pine Ridge, SD When: Depart Sunday, July 26th Why: Basil & Charlotte Brave Heart have extended their welcome for HNLC to camp and use the Ceremony House on their property. What Else: Pow Wow Grand Entry on Friday night and other sights to be determined. Sign up sheet is on the kiosk in the Narthex. Questions: Wayne Frederickson, 612-867-1579 5 Congratulations to this year’s graduating High School Seniors! We wish the best to the following students who will be graduating from high school this month: Carley Brugnoli Michael DeBianchi Zach Dwyer Mary Eckberg Anna Evans Emily Hansen Cassie Henthorne Nick Houle Nyssa Jorenby Emily Knutson Andrew Nelson Tristen Raymond Jon Walter Rhines Alexis Saari Kallie Weiser Alyssa Wright We hope all the graduating seniors will be able to join us on Sunday, June 7th, as we honor them at the 9:30am worship service and afterwards with cake in the Fellowship Hall at 10:30am! HOLY NATIVITY COUNCIL We excitedly welcome new Council member and President Tina Haugstad. We are so glad to have you! And a huge “THANK YOU” to outgoing Council member and President Dennis Dalen. We appreciate all you have done! Be sure to check the “Lost and Found” box entrance lobby. Any items still there June 1st will be donated to the church garage sale. TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALLGAME AGAIN!! No, your eyes are not deceiving you...we have another Saints Game scheduled! This one is for everyone in the congregation! (ages 1-100)!!! We have reserved a block of 25 tickets (Home Plate reserved) on Friday, July 24th at 7:00pm. Cost is $21.50 each and is due at sign-up. Sign up on the kiosk by June 21st. Contact Linda in the office for questions. And, by the way, it’s a FIREWORKS night!!! Centering Prayer—continued As requested at the end of our Lenten sessions, Centering Prayer group will be meeting again this summer. Whether or not you came during Lent, you are welcome to join us for 5 weeks beginning Wednesday, June 10th from 6:00pm -7:00pm in the Youth Room (Annex). Sign up on the kiosk. No need to buy a book. Questions?....Contact Brian (Youth Intern) brajcok001@luthersem.edu. Check out the Youth Booth to see the nice Thank You notes they have received for helping with various Holy Nativity activities!! VBS July 27th-31st This year’s Vacation Bible School week is July 27th31st. The camp counselors from Luther Park Bible Camp will be here again for a fun-filled week! Preschool-Kindergarten will meet from 9:00am-11:30am and grade school kids will meet from 9:00am2:30pm. We will need volunteers to help with the preschool and grade school classes in a variety of capacities. Please contact Kari Johnson if you can help (kari@holynativity.net or 763-537-9676) Information/Registration forms are available in the Narthex and online. Please see Kari Johnson if you have questions. Sunday Forum Ideas! We will be putting our thinking caps on this summer as we begin to plan for next year’s Sunday Forums. If you have topic ideas or ideas for a speaker, please contact Kari Johnson (kari@holynativity.net). Church Ladies With Typewriters Many of you have probably seen these before, but they are too cute not to share again. Watch for more in the summer bulletins! These sentences (with all the BLOOPERS) actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services: The Fasting & Prayer Conference includes meals. -------------------------The sermon this morning: 'Jesus Walks on the Water.' The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.' -------------------------Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. -------------------------Remember in prayer the many who are sick of our community. Smile at someone who is hard to love. Say 'Hell' to someone who doesn't care much about you. -------------------------Don't let worry kill you off - let the Church help. -------------------------Miss Charlene Mason sang 'I will not pass this way again,' giving obvious pleasure to the congregation. -------------------------For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs. -------------------------Next Thursday there will be tryouts for the choir. They need all the help they can get. -------------------------Irving Benson and Jessie Carter were married on October 24 in the church. So ends a friendship that began in their school days. -------------------------A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. 6 AD PAGE 7 Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, ELCA 3900 Winnetka Avenue North New Hope, Minnesota 55427 (763) 545-1647 Fax: 763-545-8339 Email: office@holynativity.net Web site: www.holynativity.net June 2015 Volume 58 (Issue 6) Issued Monthly Celebrating 50+ Years! NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Twin Cities MN Permit No. 2285 JUNE MISSION OFFERING IS DESIGNATED TO “FAMILIES IN NEED” Families In Need is a discretionary fund overseen by the Pastors to help in a crisis situation. HOLY NATIVITY STAFF Senior Pastor Jason Wahlstrom (H) 763-767-3051 pastorjason@holynativity.net Associate Pastor Ashley Updegraff-Balow pastorashley@holynativity.net Iver Hubert Director of Music Ministry iver@holynativity.net Lisa Baker Organist & Administrative Asst. lisa@holynativity.net Linda Lien Coordinator of Parish Life linda@holynativity.net Kari Johnson Christian Ed. Director kari@holynativity.net Kara Holt Financial Coordinator karaholt@msn.com Brian Johnson /Tom Wiblishauser Custodians Kelli Hovland Nursery Coordinator k.marie867@gmail.com Brittany Anderson Childcare Director (HNCCCC Office) 763-591-0681 holynativitycccc@gmail.com General Message office@holynativity.net Our thoughts and prayers go out to: ~ Pete Senty and family upon the death of Judi. ~ Becky Massop and family upon the death of her mother Louise Pickett. ~ Joanne Landry and family upon the death of Kent. ~ The family of Hazel McPherson upon her death. “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted” ~~ Matthew 5:4 Our thoughts and prayers continue for those in military service overseas: Alex Bjorkstrand, Michael Ditty, Matt Eittreim, Lucas Gates Please call the church office with updates, or to add a loved one serving in the military to this list. 8
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