H O LY N AT I V I T Y TIDINGS WORSHIP SCHEDULE Worship on Sunday at 8:30 & 10:30am Education for All at 9:30am (September—May) Coffee/Fellowship 9:30am-11:00am Communion Celebrated 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month Office Hours Monday-Thursday 9:00am-5:00pm Friday (September-May) 9:00am-3:00pm Friday (June-August) 9:00am-1:00pm Our Holy Week Worship PASSION /PALM SUNDAY – March 29 8:30/10:30am 9:00am Breakfast and Silent Auction MAUNDY THURSDAY – April 2 Noon and 7:00pm GOOD FRIDAY – April 3 7:00pm THE RESURRECTION of OUR LORD (EASTER) – April 5 8:30/10:30am 9:30am Fellowship Time Youth Fundraiser: Live Auction & Luncheon Sunday, April 19th Join us for a spirited afternoon of lunch and bidding to support the youth in their travels to Detroit and Camp Wapo! Beginning with lunch at 11:30am., we will auction off a number of items to raise funds. Can't come to the auction to bid on items? No problem! Donate a week-long stay at your timeshare or cabin/lakeshore property this summer, a lesson or service in your favorite specialty (i.e. knitting, piano lessons, etc.), quilts, woodcarvings, sports tickets, a bottle of wine (or more!) to create an instant wine cellar or any other special item! Please talk to Wendy Grimes if you would like to donate an item to the auction. THANKS!!! OUR MISSION ~ to learn the Gospel ~ to serve the Gospel ~ and to share the Gospel! SPRING SALAD SUPPER AND QUILT RAFFLE Tuesday, April 28th at 6:00pm Bring a salad to share! Bring a spoon! Bring a friend! Entertainment — door prizes — no charge! Please sign up by April 26th (kiosk in narthex). Entertainment will be by the Faith First Men’s Group. HOLY NATIVITY QUILTERS will donate three beautiful quilts to be raffled off during the Salad Supper (do not need to attend to win). $2 per chance to win or $5 for three chances. Purchase tickets on Sundays in the narthex or from the quilters. Quilts will be on display Sundays in April. Thanks to the quilters for making and donating their beautiful work! You are invited to help plant our Easter Garden! Please bring in cut flowers, green plants, flowering plants (it’s your choice!) to decorate the altar area for Easter. Items should be dropped off Saturday, April 4th 9:00am-noon (or Friday9:00am-3:00pm). You may also turn in an Easter Flowers envelope with your money and we will order flowers for you. Be sure to let us know by Monday, March 30 if your flowers are in honor and/or memory of someone so we can put the list in our Easter bulletin. You may pick up your flowers after the 10:30am Easter Sunday service so they can decorate your own home! 1 From the Pastor… Greetings, people of Holy Nativity! It is with much excitement and joy that I write to you—I have started my work as your Associate Pastor! I am slowly but surely getting settled in my new digs, and am looking forward to diving in to all of the ministries of this place and getting to know you and the community of New Hope. Bear with me as I learn faces and names and roles and schedules—it will take some time, but I’ll get it eventually! Please feel free to stop by the office and introduce yourself—or better yet, let’s get coffee or lunch. I want to get to know you, and it’s easier in a small group! As we learn more about each other, one thing you will learn about me is that my husband (Tim) and I have been through a lot of transitions lately. We’re thrilled to be settling down in the area and in our jobs—as transitions can be tiring! Perhaps you’ve experienced transition in your own life, and can empathize. The time surrounding any life transition—new home, new job, new relationship, new role, new reality—can be both exciting and scary, both joyful and sorrowful, both affirming and uncertain. That’s why I like to cling to the words of Psalm 121, no matter what kind of transition I’m going through. The psalmist reminds me—and you!—that God “will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber. He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep…The Lord will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life. The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.” No matter how we find ourselves transitioning, God goes before us and alongside us, keeps watch over us and provides a constant in the midst of change. I am rejoicing over this latest transition in my life! I am grateful that the Spirit has brought us together to work and to serve, and to live together amidst the good news of Jesus Christ, which never changes even though life constantly does. May God guide this new beginning we share together, and may our ministry be fruitful for the sake of the world, Holy Nativity, and each one of us. In Christ, Pastor Ashley WHAT IS AN ENDOWMENT? A definition of endowment is a fund donated to a church or group to produce income. The funds are a partnership between church members and their congregation. Our members act as stewards to and for their own congregation. Distributions are made each year from the interest produced by the fund while the principal remains intact in the fund. Over the years this interest from the fund has been used for projects not provided for in our church budget. Gifts to the Holy Nativity Endowment fund are always welcome and appreciated! ???: Contact any Endowment Committee member: Wayne Frederickson 763-533-1181 Karen Gaasland 763-559-3758 Mary Johnson 763-544-4362 Jim Monner 763-533-3410 Ruth Paulson 763-545-2905 Please sign up on the sheet on the kiosk if you can be a worship assistant during Holy Week. We need help on Maundy Thursday and Easter Sunday. Thanks so much! MOVIE NIGHT FOR THE LADIES! When: Saturday, April 18th Time: 6:30pm Where: Kathy Davis’ House Bring: Snacks to share; beverages provided Movie: Mom’s Night Out Sign up on the kiosk! An all-HNLC inventory is being held on Saturday, April 11th . We are requesting volunteers to assist in doing a physical inventory of HNLC property. If you can help for an hour or all day we appreciate any help. Keep an eye on the weekly bulletins and group e-mails for further information. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! We are so glad you are here! Mara Boydston Josh and Brienne Jans Stephanie Johnson William Johnson Leif, Sarah, Greta and Owen Lindbo Roxanne Sander Ilene Wood 2 Holy Nativity Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, March 17th, 2015 Call to Order: 7:00pm by Dennis Dalen Devotions: Brian Eklund Secretary’s Report: M/S/Approved minutes for special council meeting (February 12); M/S/Approved regular February meeting minutes. Communications Received: Thank you notes from: LSS of MN, PRISM, and New Hope Women of Today ($300 donation). Treasurer’s Report: February February February YTD YTD YTD DifPlan Actual Difference Plan Actual ference General Fund Giving Operating Fund Income Operating Fund Expenses Operating Surplus/Deficit 27,000 32,700 -40,608 -7,908 General Savings Account Balance 11,500 26,945 32,292 -36,828 -4,536 -56 -408 3,780 3,372 60,000 95,490 -85,275 10,215 55,637 90,413 -78,354 12,059 -4,364 -5,077 6,922 1,845 Income and expenses slightly under plan; overall looking positive. Building on the Promise has ended (pledged: $187,000 and received: $185,000). M/S/Approved. OLD BUSINESS: Building Use Committee – Inventory of current room usage is complete. Request that ministry teams complete their questionnaires re: expected building use. Associate Pastor Position – Pastor Ashley starts March 24th! Background check is complete. Full church inventory – Saturday, April 11th. Reach out to ministry teams to find inventories already counted (e.g., sheet music, library). PASTOR REPORT: Hymnals - Staff has determined that the sanctuary is short about 20 hymnals. M/S/Approved purchase using undesignated memorial funds. Marketing team working on setting up meet & greets with Ashley in members’ homes (8-12ish people). Probably April and May. Marketing team also working on meeting with community leaders. Wildfire is doing a similar effort. 11 new members joining on Sunday. Sponsors have been assigned to each family! $4,700 has been received for health care rebate for 2014. Will show up as income in 2015 and will be held in reserve for any contingency this year. M/S/Approved. MINISTRY TEAM REPORTS: Endowment Committee – Grant application due by May 12. Property - Locks were rekeyed. Kirby and Lisa are tracking owners of each key. Outreach – Consider move timing of Crisis Nursery as it falls at same time as LWR and Silent Auction (which both are tied into Lent). WAM – Chalk Art Festival on Saturday, June 20th. Closing prayer by Pastor Jason. M/S/Approved to adjourn at 8:03pm. Thrivent will be hosting a Life Legacy Educational Seminar at HNLC on Thursday, April 23rd at 2:00pm or 7:00pm (sign up for either time). This first seminar in our series is designed to help you guard against identity theft plus gain a better understanding of: Prudent Retirement Strategies: Will I have enough to retire? Could I outlive my retirement income? Are my assets protected? How to Maximize Social Security: When should I apply for Social Security? How can I maximize my benefits? How will my spouse be affected? Leaving a Legacy: How do I help sustain my church's or alma mater's foundation? How do I want to leave my legacy to others? Planning Ahead for the Inevitable: How do I provide peace of mind for yourself and your family? Please join us---seating will be limited so reserve your seat soon for this free seminar. *Refreshments will be served.* RSVP to Sue Klaseus at 763-417-7127 or at sklaseus@good-sam.com and select a preferred time. FOR GUESTS WHO STAY UNTIL THE END OF THE SEMINAR, WE WILL BE PROVIDING FREE SHREDDING SERVICE (LIMIT ONE FILE BOX EACH)........SAFELY RID YOURSELF OF EXTRA PAPER THIS SPRING. 3 The Holy Nativity Arts Series presents “Youth Musician Showcase Recital” Sunday, April 24th at 7:00pm Come and enjoy the musical talents of our Holy Nativity youth! Instrumentalists and singers will perform music they’re working on for lessons, contests, concerts and just for fun! This is just one of several HNAS events this year. Free-will offering. Youth of Holy Nativity! We still need young musicians to perform at a “Youth Musician Showcase” recital on Sunday, April 24th at 7:00pm at Holy Nativity. We want to show off the many musical talents of our Holy Nativity youth! Piano, instrument & vocal soloists, duets, ensembles…all are welcome and encouraged. We’re looking for kids with 3+ years of lessons or experience from any age through high school. Accompanists can be arranged as needed. Please see Iver Hubert or Lisa Baker if interested! Thrivent builds with Habitat for Humanity! Mark your calendars now for our annual summer Habitat for Humanity project. We will be working the week of June 15-19th at 36502 Grimes Avenue North in Crystal. Native American Spirituality Seminary SATURDAY, April 25th in the HNLC Fellowship Hall 8:44am – 4:30pm. Presenters are Basil & Charlotte Brave Heart. The suggested gift donation is $50.00 payable directly to Basil & Charlotte. YOU need to register because there is limited seating. Contact Wayne or Lori Frederickson at 763533-1181 (leave a message) or wayne@wdfrep.com. Volleyball Anyone??? What? Adult, co-ed, recreational (no Olympic style) When? Friday nights 7:00-9:00pm Where? Sandburg Middle School, Gym B Who? Any adult willing to play non-power volleyball—singles, couples, friends, neighbors Format: New teams picked each night, play about 810 games, no need to play the full two hours. Cost: About $4.00/person/night April schedule: 10th, 17th, 24th (last for the season) ???: Call Bob Madsen 763-522-2942 or 612-219-7131 “Thank you for all the cards and prayers during my recent surgeries.” ~ Verne Erickson HNLC would like to thank Deb Campion for the beautiful cards she hand-made to go along with the Baptismal Shawls we give out. Stop by the office and take a look! Lura Grimes and Marlene Groen have offered to keep the bags and folders in tip-top shape for the kids to bring into worship service. Thanks so much! “Thank you for all the thoughts and prayers during my recent illnesses and hospitalizations. Much appreciated.” ~ Wayne Lien Come to our new event! HNLC has adopted Lion’s Park in New Hope (36th and Maryland) and everyone is welcome to participate in the twice-a-year clean up. This is a 2-year commitment for us and a plaque will be installed with our name on it. Our first clean-up day is Saturday, May 9th at 10:00am. Just meet at the park and bring your work gloves and any tools you feel necessary! Waste bags are provided. Please sign up on the kiosk in the Narthex if you are interested. For all our gardeners, we are welcome to do any planting we want. So keep that in mind! Game Night Returns on Friday, April 17th Come join your adult friends for an evening of socializing and fun with your friends. Coffee is provided and please bring a snack to share. We play cards (bridge, 500), dominoes, cribbage, rummy cube or bring your favorite board game. The activities usually end about 9:00pm. PLEASE JOIN US! Call Barb Johnson (763-536-1413) or the church office with questions. Thank you to all who have been so generous K C in your donations to KidPack! Please keep in PA mind that this is an on-going need so you can D KI still donate! $54 sponsors a child for the entire school year, but any amount is welcome. The next KidPack bag packing is Tuesday, April 28th at 4:00pm. Please join us! Contact Deborrah Mickelson (763-559-7665) or Dorothy Jorenby (763-315-0220) with any questions. 4 PRISM FOOD SHELF, AND CLOTHING PRISM—People Responding In Social Ministry 730 Florida Ave So, Golden Valley, MN 55426 PRISM FOODSHELF, CLOTHING and so much more!! Check out the PRISM website www.prismmpls.org, or "like" PRISM's Facebook page or contact Pat Harwell @ 763-544-7186 or harwellwp@msn.com MN FOODSHARE - Thanks to everyone who helped pack the PRISM box with food and donations during March. Look for results on the bulletin board soon. Also thanks for supporting Empty Bowls - 1000+ people were served, and $15,300 proceeds will be divided between PRISM and NEAR programs. APRIL - LET'S STOCK THE PANTRY - Oil, sugar, flour, pancake mix, syrup are always in demand. REMEMBER THE SHOP FOR CHANGE - The thrift shop at PRISM is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, so stop in for a look next time you are in the area (just a couple blocks East of Menards on 394). Also remember to donate your "good stuff" like newer clothes and lightly used household goods. NEW PROGRAM TO PREVENT HOMELESSNESS PRISM has received a grant from Hennepin County to focus on Emergency Assistance and Rapid Rehousing and Prevention. The program has successfully housed three families in its first weeks. Household items in good condition are now needed to help these families get a new start. Contact Tammy Redd at 763 -308-5013 if you think you may have some items to donate. 2nd ANNUAL TASTE OF THE BURBS GALA - MAY 28 - again at the Metropolitan in Golden Valley. Order your seats today, and get all the details at prismmpls.org. Last year we had a presence of 13 people from Holy Nativity. Let's try for even more participation this year. It is a fun event with lots of great free food and many different ways to support PRISM. The event is fully supported by donations so all money raised goes directly to PRISM programs. VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES - Volunteers are always needed in the Food Shelf and Shop for Change, especially as PRISM tries to increase its service hours. Contact Eleanor Trenary (763-432-4210, etrenary@prismmpls.org) and she will find just the right spot for you! BOOK LOOK! Why are rituals important? They don’t have to be rigid traditions. They may involve lighting a candle or kissing someone goodnight. They can simply bring consistency to everyday life, like having that first cup of coffee every morning. They can connect you with your community, as with a wedding. For families, rituals are a powerful, strengthening force that can preserve shared memories, provide a sense of belonging, and promote communication and interaction. Heart Tending by Karin Watson is not a “how-to” book. Instead of adding more “should” to a list of things you want to do when you have the time, this book offers a way to notice opportunities for creating rituals from things you are already doing, from daily routines to public ceremonies. Deeply nurturing and inspirational, it will empower you with permission to turn accidental rituals into intentional rituals, filling your life with vitality and spirit. With visual cues, anecdotes, poetry, music, further reading for adults and children, and a contemplative query incorporated into each chapter, Heart Tending is a wonderful resource for young families and anyone involved in helping families meet today’s challenges. We are hiring for full and part time positions at Holy Nativity Christian Child Care Center! Qualified candidates would have experience and education in the Early Childhood field, but we are willing to train the right person. Most importantly, we desire a Godly woman (or man!) to work with all ages of our Program. Please email Brittany at holynativitycccc@gmail.com or call 763.591.0681 to speak with her directly. Thank you! The Treble Tones Celebrate 50 Years! 50 years ago a group of women from the northwest metro area began meeting to enjoy time singing together. This group became known as the Treble Tones. The group has grown from mom’s supporting each other in song, to inviting all women to sing together giving joy to others at community events, and entertaining at assisted living centers. Each spring we entertain family, friends and the community with a variety of music brightening their day. For the past several years Treble Tones have donated proceeds from our shows to SafeJourney, a domestic abuse advocacy program affiliated with North Memorial Hospital. Treble Tones will perform Fifty Years Strong! AwardWinning Songs, on Saturday, May 9th at 7:00pm at Eisenhower Community Center, 1001 State Highway 7, Hopkins, MN. Tickets are $15 at the door, children ages 5-12 are $7. Pre-sale tickets are available from any Treble Tones member for $12. See us at www.facebook.com/trebletones.5 Sunday Forums for April 4/5: No Forum—Easter Sunday 4/12: “Being Muslim In America” Guests from Anjuman-E-Asghari Ja'afari Islamic Center come to share their story. 4/19: “Counter-Culture Christianity” Led by Pastor Jason 4/26: “Sex Trafficking 101” Presentation from Breaking Free’s Joy Freidman (Breaking Free is one of the nation’s leading organizations working with victims and survivors of sex trafficking and prostitution.) Choristers in April 4/8: Rehearsal 6:30-7:30pm 4/22: Rehearsal 6:30-7:30pm 4/26: Sing at 8:30am and 10:30am services JOIN THE CHORISTERS IN APRIL! 1st-6th grade kids who are interested (or think they might be interested) are invited to join the Choristers in April! Rehearsals are 6:30-7:30pm Wednesday, April 8th and Wednesday, April 22nd. The kids will then sing at both services on Sunday, April 26th. If you’re interested or have questions, please see Kari or email Kari at kari@holynativity.net. Youth Forums/Coffee/Brunch for April 4/5: No Youth Forum—Easter Sunday 4/12: Christian Ponderings w/Wendy (Sr. High Coffee w/Brian at 9:30am at Caribou) 4/19: Christian Ponderings w/Brian 4/26: Sex Trafficking 101 Presentation from Breaking Free’s Joy Freidman (Sr. High Brunch w/Brian at Bruegger’s at 11:30am) Wednesday Night Dinners 4/15: TBD 4/22: Sloppy Joes 4/29: Pizza (April 29th is the last Wednesday night dinner until September.) “What Is The Soul?” Wednesday Night Adult Education April 15th and 22nd—6:30-7:30pm Although we sense that our soul is the deepest part of who we are, it’s difficult to draw a picture of just what a soul is. Is it the same as the body? Separate from the body? Mortal? Immortal? Join us Wednesday, April 15th and 22nd as we discuss various understandings of the human soul and how it influences what we think about the soul, and what it means to be a unity of body, soul, and spirit. Pastor Jason will lead; we will meet in the Youth Room/Annex. Confirmation Notes Our next Confirmation class is on April 8th—it is a Wildfire Confirmation Event. We will be going to Feed My Starving Children. We are working out the details. Families will be emailed. Our final class is April 29th. Our last Wildfire event is May 6th. The 9th grade students will be confirmed on Sunday, May 3rd, at 12:30pm. Sunday School Notes Please note: there will not be Sunday School on Easter Sunday. Teacher Appreciation Day April 12th We will recognize and thank our Sunday School, Confirmation, and Youth Forum teachers at the 10:30am service on April 12th. The Education Committee will also serve a thank you brunch to the teachers immediately following the 10:30am service in the Fellowship Hall. Teachers, please RSVP to Kari Johnson or the church office by Wednesday, April 8th, and let us know if you are able to attend the brunch. Vacation Bible School July 27th-31st Mark your calendars! Dates for Vacation Bible School are July 27th-31st (Monday-Friday). VBS information will go home with the Sunday School kids in April. Please contact Kari Johnson if you have any questions or would like to help 6 with VBS. AD PAGE 7 Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, ELCA 3900 Winnetka Avenue North New Hope, Minnesota 55427 (763) 545-1647 Fax: 763-545-8339 Email: office@holynativity.net Web site: www.holynativity.net APRIL 2015 Volume 58 (Issue 4) Issued Monthly Celebrating 50+ Years! NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Twin Cities MN Permit No. 2285 APRIL MISSION OFFERING IS DESIGNATED TO HOME FREE Home Free is an organization which provides a safe haven for women and children who are fleeing from domestic violence. HOLY NATIVITY STAFF Senior Pastor Jason Wahlstrom (H) 763-767-3051 pastorjason@holynativity.net Associate Pastor Ashley Updegraff-Balow pastorashley@holynativity.net Iver Hubert Director of Music Ministry iver@holynativity.net Lisa Baker Organist & Administrative Asst. lisa@holynativity.net Linda Lien Coordinator of Parish Life linda@holynativity.net Kari Johnson Christian Ed. Director kari@holynativity.net Kara Holt Financial Coordinator karaholt@msn.com Brian Johnson /Tom Wiblishauser Custodians Kelli Hovland Nursery Coordinator k.marie867@gmail.com Brittany Anderson Childcare Director (HNCCCC Office) 763-591-0681 holynativitycccc@gmail.com General Message office@holynativity.net Our thoughts and prayers go out to Cindy Ernst and family upon the death of her mother, Linda McAdam. “Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted” ~~ Matthew 5:4 Our thoughts and prayers continue for those in military service overseas: Michael Ditty, Matt Eittreim, Lucas Gates, Alex Bjorkstrand, Lenny Arntson, Please call the church office with updates, or to add a loved one serving in the military to this list. The 2015 flower chart is posted across from the office. Please consider contributing Sunday altar flowers. $25 for flowers or plant. Please sign up! 8
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