Open Hands, Open Hearts, Open Minds St. Thomas UNITED CHURCH St. Thomas Times Volume 8, Issue 4 May 2014 WORSHIP AT 10:00 AM Ministry Message— Rev. Victoria Andrews-Fillier Spring is here! Or is it a second or third winter?! Here we are at the beginning of May, we have gone through Lent and Easter, we have celebrated with family and friends, we have hunted for chocolate eggs and maybe even decorated a few, we have started talking about spring plans, and Spring cleaning because all things new come with Easter and a time of resurrection and renewal! Spring is exciting! The budding of trees, the awaited spring brings of the long anticipated summer just around the corner and we get snow! We get icy cold wind! And we begin to wonder, even in light of Easter, even in spite of it technically being spring, is winter (groan) ever going to end! The Emmaus Road story in scripture (Luke 24:13-35) has two people walking along the road lamenting the lost hope that was experienced in the Crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus had been a beacon of light and a teacher of living differently even amidst the pressure of Roman occupancy and rule. When Jesus died, his followers felt that all that he had taught them had come to an end, that all was lost. They lost sight of what they were shown by Jesus, they lost sight of the fact that Jesus taught them and enabled them to live as God’s people and that just because he was not physically present he was still with them, if they were willing to open their eyes to see him around them. Losing sight of the hope around us can feel like an endless winter. An endless winter can make it difficult to get excited about the signs of new life before our very eyes and can work to limit us in recognizing the possibilities and getting excited about the opportunities before us. We can all too easily, alone or gathered with others, perpetuate circumstances, get stuck in a moment or caught up in the regular daily routines and societal pulls on our lives like those that were walking along the road talking about things as though the story was over. We forget to notice who is new in our midst, the budding trees, the longer days, the opportunities for new ideas to come forth and be tried and fail and tried again with a new twist, the new person to befriend and include in a different way, the possibilities for us to connect with one another and continue to grow as a Christian com- Inside this Issue: munity because we are Christ’s disciples in the here and now. We are the carriers of the story and The Way, and we are the ones who live in a way where we are recognized as God’s own, as Followers of the Way Jesus taught us because of our love for Ministry Message 1 STUC @ Worship 2 one another, our communities, and our world. As we look ahead this spring to an end of winter anticipating all the possibilities that lie ahead of us, may we be open to Easter moments of resurrection within our own lives where we stop to recognize the beauty around us, don't take for granted those whom we love and care about, and see everyone and every moment as a opportunity for Christ’s light to burst forth transforming our lives and all those whom we meet along the journey. Shalom, Victoria Andrews-Fillier Finance 2 Pastoral Care 3 Music 4 Children & Family Ministry 5 Youth Group News 5 Mission & Outreach 6 UCW 6 A Place for You 7 What’s Happening 7 Ask Me 8 Faith Formation 8, 9 Updates from Executive Council 9 Calendar 10 St. Thomas Times Page 2 ST THOMAS UNITED CHURCH 100 Hawkwood Blvd NW Calgary, AB, T3G 2S9 Phone: 403 241-0366 Email: Website: STAFF Ministers: Rev. Victoria Andrews-Fillier Rev. Bob Andrews-Fillier (on leave) Youth Leaders: Brittney Whittaker Matthew Taylor-Kerr Marika Wagner Office Manager: Sandra Dusoswa Music Team: Pam Bazinet ~ Adult Choir Kloria Wen & Barb Robertson ~ Youth Choir Erin MacLean-Berko ~ Children’s Choir Dick Worton ~ Orchestra Kari Orosz ~ Organist STUC @ Worship May 4 THEME: Wounded Hands 10:00am Orchestra May 18th THEME: Living in Community 10am Adult Choir The Message Rev Victoria The Message Rev Victoria May 25 May 11 Mother’s Day THEME: Companions on the Road THEME: TBA 10am Adult Choir The Message TBA 10am Adult Choir The Message Rev Victoria Financial Update: Local Operating Fund Year-to-Date Results to March 31, 2014 WORSHIP SERVICES: 10:00 am Office Notes REGULAR OFFICE HOURS Mon - Thurs 8:30am - 3:30pm Fri 8:30am - 12:30pm The St. Thomas Times is published monthly September thru June. Submissions are due by the 15th of the preceding month. Send submissions to Program/Event Registration - To register for any programs or events here at St. Thomas, please sign up on the Communication form found in your bulletin at Sunday Services or online, or contact the church office. Upper Room – Look for the current issue in the Narthex. Suggested donation is $2 each. Baptism - if you are interested in baptism, please contact the church office. Our Local Operating Fund’s year-to-date revenues through to March 31st trail St. Thomas’ operating costs by $400. Total donations to our Local Operating Fund year-to-date to March 31st are about the same as total donations for the corresponding period last year. Donations to the Building & Mortgage Fund year-to-date to March 31st total $7,700, or about $500 less than the corresponding period last year. Donations to the Mission & Service Fund year-to-date to March 31st total $12,500, or about $400 less than the corresponding period last year. Page 3 Volume 8, Issue 4 Pastoral Care Ministry Marjorie Aucoin When the Ship Has No Stabilizers Adolescents & Mental Illness Please join us on May 8th, at Southwood United Church, where Fran and Andy Porter from Red Deer Lake UC will share their experience parenting an adolescent with mental illness, an illness that sabotaged their daughter’s life long before actually claiming it. Fran will read excerpts from her recently published book When the Ship Has no Stabilizers and talk about new and promising research and therapies. Darlene Petrie from McMan Youth, Family and Community Services will join the Porters to speak about that organization’s work with at-risk youth. All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to McMan’s programmes for mentally-ill adolescents. Everyone is welcome. This is a free event; we would appreciate an RSVP by May 6th so we can plan for snacks and space. You can RSVP by emailing Prayer Shawl Knitting Please join us on Tuesdays at 1 p.m. in the Lounge (upstairs). Bring what you’re working on or choose some yarn that we have on hand. This has been made possible from or by phone (403) 294-0378. From Pastoral Care: Thank you to all who prepare, arrange, and serve at funeral receptions. The teamwork, contributions, and cleanup help are appreciated beyond words. In this community environment we are so blessed to be able to share our common destinies, hopes, and fears. It is this experience of amazing grace that somehow is never shared the same way in any other gathering. Thank you very much to our incredible St. Thomas community. From Stella, Karen, and Kevin Pickles and families: Thank you to the St. Thomas United Church Family. To Marj Aucoin & the Pastoral Care team – thank you for the cards and prayers, for the prayer shawl, soup and for the reception after Ron’s service. the money we made at the Christmas sale and from donations. Contact Charlotte Cormier at (403)247-9909. Pre-Medical Procedure/Surgery Stress? Guided imagery may significantly reduce stress and anxiety before and after surgery and medical procedures, and decrease post-operative pain. There are 2 copies of the St. Thomas United Church guided imagery CD called “Guided Imagery Pre-Procedure/Surgery” in the Church library. To Harold Black for his hospital visits even though Ron may not have been aware of his presence, the prayers helped us. To Loeta Black who sent a special care package to the hospital for Stella. To Bob – for his visits to the hospital and to both Bob & Victoria for Ron’s memorial service. To Barb Tetzlaff for the music. To the choir members who so graciously contributed to the service. To Dennis Watson for his beautiful solo. We are still in awe. To Sandy for all the office work! To Daryl Fenty who dedicated their drumming that evening to Ron. And thank you to all of you that sent messages, cards, condolences, food – and to all that attended Ron’s service. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. May God bless you all. THE GOOD FOOD BOX- Each month you have an opportunity to purchase a box of fresh fruit and vegetables. This program is sponsored by the Community Kitchens of Calgary. They buy in bulk and offer it to the community at a reduced rate. It is a great way to get fresh produce. S(20lbs)$20, M(30lbs)$25, L(40lbs)$30. Cash payment must accompany order. The deadline for the next box is May 27. Please come into the office to order. St. Thomas is an Affirming Ministry within The United Church of Canada. LGBT2S people are whole people and full members in this community of faith. DRUMMING CIRCLES: The St. Thomas Drumming Circles will continue to be held on the 2nd Tuesday evening of the month: May 13, and June 10, from 7-9pm. Please register for these drumming circles by the Monday prior to the circle by emailing Daryl at:, phoning the office at (403) 241-0366, or filling out a Communication Card. We want to make sure we have enough drums for everyone. Let us know if you need a drum or if you will bring your own. Cost: $10 for adults, per circle, at the door. Children up to 18 years of age can come for free. Facilitator: Marsha Read, BEd, Teacher, Musician, Storyteller, Energy Medicine Practitioner/Instructor. Benefits of Drumming: Calms, increases concentration and focus, accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system, is fun and exciting. Looking forward to drumming with you in 2014! St. Thomas Times Page 4 Music Elaine Taylor-Kerr For detailed schedule information see Upcoming events: STUC on Radio. There will be two shows: May 10, 2:00 pm and 7:00 pm – If you liked STUC on Broadway and STUC on Movies, you won’t want to miss it! Tickets $10 for adults and $5 for children. Tickets on sale after Church services. The season is beginning to wind down. Watch the September newsletter for fall start-up information. Last Practice Contact Children’s Choir TBD Erin MacLean-Burko (403)710-0688 Youth Choir May 7 Barb Robertson (403)241-1002 Adult Choir June 11 or 18 Pam Bazinet (403)288-7475 Orchestra May 5 Dick Worton (403)239-7807 Strummers July 2 Ron French (403)239-2136 Ensembles May 8 Erin MacLean-Burko (403)710-0688 Soloists Elizabeth Griffiths (403)239-8118 Summer Music Camps New this year! We are planning to offer some musical experiences during the month of August. They are open to anyone who is interested so please pass this information on to your friends and family. To register, sign up on the communication card, call the Church office (403-241-1366) or email the Church Office ( Ukulele Camp: August 11 – 15 10:00 – 12:00. Bring your own ukulele and join Pam Bazinet to have some fun learning how to play this versatile little instrument. We will learn basic chords, how to switch from one chord to another, how to strum chords in several styles, how to pick out melodies, and we will enjoy lots of singing, too. Pam is a retired elementary school music teacher who has taught ukulele to many students both young and old over the years. All ages from elementary school to senior citizen are welcome. Cost: $10 to cover the booklet. Choral Music Camps: August 25 – 27 10:00 – 3:00. Erin Maclean-Berko and Kathryn Berko will be offering the following summer choral workshops: For children aged 5 – 8, Kathryn will be offering a program that includes musical games, group activities, and lots of singing. Children aged 3 & 4 are invited to join Kathryn and the 5 – 8 year olds from 10:00 – 11:00 each day for musical games, group activities, and some singing. For Children aged 8 – 12, Erin will be offering a Musical Theatre program. The camp participants will put on a concert for their parents at 2:00 on August 27. Cost for 3&4 year olds will be $30. Cost for older children will be $150. For families with more than one child attending, the cost for each additional child will be $100. Kathryn Berko trained at the University of Calgary, where she earned both her Bachelor of Music and Education, with piano as her primary instrument. Kathryn taught for three years as a music specialist for the Calgary Separate School District and has assisted with the Calgary Children’s Choir and the Mount Royal Children’s Choir. Kathryn currently runs an at-home private studio where she teaches piano, voice, theory, and high school math. She also conducts the Calgary Boys’ Choir Young Singers North Choir. A native of Saskatchewan, Erin MacLean-Berko attended the University of Regina, studying Vocal Performance with Lynn Channing. After relocating to Calgary, she completed her Diploma in Vocal Performance at Mount Royal University, under the direction of Dawn Johnson. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Music History from the University of Calgary with an emphasis on vocal music, theory, and music and gender, and her Master of Arts in Musicology, from the University of Regina under Dr. Pauline Minevich. Ms. MacLean-Berko currently teaches Music Theory and History at the MRU Conservatory and is the business manager for the Calgary Boys’ Choir Society. She continues to participate in solo projects, vocal ensembles, conducts a community children’s choir, and is a member of ARMTA with her private, home-based voice studio. She contributes research to Calgary’s Military Museums, has assisted and participated in conferences and symposiums on such subjects as “Soundscapes” and “Queer Theory,” and was the research assistant for the Canada Research Chair in Interactive Media and Performance. Volume 8, Issue 4 Page 5 Children & Family Ministry Junior Youth Group: Grades 5 and 6 preteens, whether from St. Thomas, or friends of those who come, join for fun and community once a month. Junior Youth Group is on Friday, May 9 at 7:00. Volunteer leaders are Heather Robertson, Andrew Taylor-Kerr, Taylor Thompson, and Matthew Worton. All youth attending are requested to fill out a registration and waiver form the first time they attend. Forms are available at or will be available at the meeting. Camp Kasota West Camp Kasota is a United Church facility on Sylvan Lake that offers summer camps for children in grades 1 – 11. Check out their website at Registration for the summer of 2014 is now open. Naramata Centre Summer Programs Naramata Centre is a United Church retreat and education centre located on beautiful Lake Okanagan. Programs are offered year round. Information regarding summer weeks is now available. Check out their website at http:// Registration is open for the summer of 2014. Youth Group News Brittney Whittaker Last month flew by, but was very eventful for the youth of St. Thomas. From volunteering with Inn from the Cold to playing laser tag all night, we have remained busy. The highlight of the month was probably Fear Factor night, where the youth participated in activities ranging from finding puzzle pieces in the dark to trying to eat Jello through a straw. They also had to drink a milkshake containing a mixture of sardines, blue cheese, spam, and cottage cheese. I am pleased to report that all of the youth overcame their fears of disgusting food and tried the milkshakes. They are now ready for university life. This month holds even more new and exciting activities. ly head back upstairs for a discussion. Friends are always welcome to come to Friday activities as well as Sunday mornings. An up-to-date schedule can be found on the church website but the tentative schedule for activities in May is as follows: Youth Group is for everyone who is of junior high and high school age. We mainly meet on Friday evenings, with the occasional exception. Brittney will send out an email every Monday to let you know what activities will be taking place on the upcoming Friday. Normally we meet at 6:30 on Friday and carpool to our activity if it is not at the church. Sunday mornings are focused around faith discussion and learning more about various scriptures. This year we will start upstairs in the Youth Room, come back down to join the congregation for the message, and subsequent- May 16th: Bring your favourite movie and snack as we enjoy a movie night at St. Thomas. May 2-4th: Youth retreat May 10th: STUC on Radio at St. Thomas. Come out for a night of entertainment as those who are more musically inclined put on a musical show that is sure to entertain. May 23rd: Break out your neon and leg warmers as we head to Lloyds for some rollerblading, followed by a treat at Peters’ Drive-In. May 30th: You’ll be SORRY if you miss youth group tonight. Bring your favourite board game and game face as we partake in a board game night at St. Thomas. The Enbridge Ride to Conquer Cancer 2014: I ride again. My story is on my page at goto/DavidRobertson2014. There is link to my team, Team 4 All, on my page too. If you have any questions, or feel the need to participate in the event, please contact me at or (403)547-3123. 200+ km through the foothills of the Rockies! Page 6 St. Thomas Times Mission and Outreach Karen Kavanagh & Linda Dick Habitat for Humanity 2014 Women's Build May 10th Last year we raised $2,000 and sent four ladies from our congregation to participate in the annual Women's Build in the southern community of Auburn Bay. The ladies had an incredible experience and thanks to your generous financial support, two families are in their warm, clean, and safe homes this winter. We are excited to announce that we are sponsoring four women from St. Thomas to participate in this year's Women's Build on Saturday, May 10th. Ladies - if you would like to volunteer your time at the build site, please let me know. Construction experience is not needed, just a great attitude! They supply everything from hammers to paintbrushes to hardhats and work boots, and it's truly a wonderful experience. This year's build (happening the entire week of May 5-10) will be in the new community of Redstone, a seven duplex build located in NE Calgary. Our volunteer spots are reserved for Saturday, May 10th. We have committed fundraising efforts in order to secure these four volunteer places. If you would like to contribute to this mission, look for the Habitat for Humanity birdhouse located in the Narthex. Cheques can be made payable to "Habitat for Humanity". We thank everyone for their support in providing safe housing for local families! Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta (HFHSA) helps low-income families break the cycle of poverty by partnering with them to build decent, affordable homes through a no down-payment and interest-free mortgage. With the generous support of donors and volunteers, Habitat for Humanity Southern Alberta has served more than 230 families, building more than 170 homes. Melinda-Rae Lyse (403)926-2787 Exposure Tour: Would you like to help us organize a once in a lifetime trip to Africa? The Mission and Outreach Committee is seeking volunteers to help plan an Exposure Tour to Kabale, Uganda in July of 2016. We will be staying with the KIHEFO organization and will be working with their Nutritional Clinics, HIV patient outreach clinics, and their rabbit project. We will be visiting and learning about KIHEFO’s projects to farm fish, no grazing cattle, and community kitchen gardens. We will be meeting with their indigenous population to compare them with our native communities. During our trip we will also be doing a three day safari in Lake Mburo National Park. If you would like to help us organize and fundraise, please contact Karen Kavanagh at or (403)286-8073. UCW Wanda Veer ST THOMAS UCW NEWS The April meeting was held on Monday, April 21. Our guest speaker was Janet Voth representing Samaritan's Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Janet gave a fascinating account of HOW, WHEN, and WHERE the shoeboxes are distributed. She included photos and very touching stories with her presentation. Following the guest speaker, a business meeting was held. We voted to purchase new blinds for the lounge. Thank you to the committee who worked on this project. Our next meeting will be Monday, May 19 at 7 p.m. in the lounge. Hope to see you there. Volume 8, Issue 4 Page 7 COMMUNITY FORMATION: A Place for You - Sign Me Up **FITNESS**FELLOWSHIP**FUN Bridge Club – Monday, in the Mountainview Hall at 12:45pm. Call Barb (403)282-5294 for information. Open Art Studio Our AM Fun & Fitness Group takes place in the Wednesday - 1:00-3:00pm. Mountainview Hall three times a week: Monday, Call Linda at (587)362-1554 Wednesday, and Friday, from 9:30 a.m. until 10:30 or the church office. a.m. Exercises include Cardio, Callenetics, Pilates, and Yoga. The fees this year will be $30.00 a month, or $4.00 a session for drop-ins. Everyone welcome. For further information, please contact Ellen at (403)288-8317 or Liz at (403)288-2376. Primetimers: (monthly social gatherings mainly for the 50+ folks but we welcome any othQuilting for Others ers who want to join us at these events) The Quilting for Others Group meets on ThursIf you would be interested in coordinating the Primedays at 9:00am in the Mountainview Hall. This timers group at St. Thomas beginning in September year, in addition to our charitable quilts, the 2014, we invite you to contact Betty Thompson group will be working on handmade items for at (403)246-5373 or to find another Christmas Sale. We are a self-funded group and out what's involved. raised enough money through previous fundraising efforts to Primetimers– Friday May 16th at 10am. Coffee Party make an $800 donation to the United Church of Canada flood in the Narthex hosted by Loeta & Harold Black. relief efforts in July. Wednesday Night Book Club - 2nd Wed. eve at 7 pm. Why not give our group a try? We have lots of fun, and best For further information contact the office of all, no sewing machine is required! For more information at (403)241-0366. please contact: Janet Barker at (403)286-4051 or Lyn Tonkin at (403)239-6700. WHAT’S HAPPENING! Volunteer Corner If anyone needs a helping hand, longor short-term, we can provide it. Contact the office if you would like something in the newsletter or would like to offer help. We are looking for all members of our congregation to participate as candle lighters. This will include parents, seniors, teens, and children. Please sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. Contact Diane French at (403)239-2136 if you have any questions. SUPPORT OPPORTUNITIES with Faith Formation: Sunday School teachers are needed for after Easter until mid June. This is your chance to help with our youth up to age 12. Nursery caregivers: We pay caregivers $10/service. If you can help out with either please let the office or Rev Victoria know. Please remember to bring food to contribute to the Veteran’s Food Bank box in the Narthex! NURSERY We welcome children during worship and have activity packages available when you walk in. We also have a nursery available for little ones (newborn to 3 yrs). The nursery works on a drop-in basis, and you are welcome to bring your child at any time during worship. The caregivers in the nursery are youth who have their Red Cross Babysitting Certificates, and adults. Caregivers are paid $10 per service. If there are no children in the nursery they are still paid if they remain in the nursery. If at any time your little one becomes unhappy in the nursery the caregiver will have someone let you know. Bouquets - If you know someone we should recognize in this section, please contact the office. And to all those we’ve missed, you know who you are, a very big “Thank You.” The Youth Group, Elvin Dorscher, John Robertson, Barbara & Murray Lees, Lyn & Hal Tonkin, Diane & Ron French, Carrie-Faye Wong, Richard Pon, Marj Aucoin. Page 8 St. Thomas Times “ASK ME” HOST MINISTRY Hello, I'm Ryan Sanderson and welcome to your May "Ask Me" host profile. My wife Lisa and I started attending St. Thomas after the birth of our first daughter, Jillian, in 2003. Right from our first visit to St. Thomas we were made to feel welcome. Our second daughter, Amelia, was born in 2006 and was also baptized at St. Thomas. Both of the girls are active in the Junior Choir and have been a part of a number of the church's musical productions. Over the past 10 years I have been involved in numerous different volunteer roles at St. Thomas. On two occasions I acted as a mentor for teens going through the preparation process for confirmation. Also working with the church's younger members, I spent two years as a Junior Youth Group leader. I spent a year on the Worship Committee and was a part of the last Joint Search Committee. I am currently one of the coordinators for the Men of St. Thomas men's group and this is my second year as part of the Ask Me group. ness Development for a Calgary based trucking company, Griffin Logistics. I enjoy spending time with my family, golfing, watching hockey and football, and travelling. We are looking forward to a family vacation to Disneyland this summer. I have enjoyed my time as an Ask Me host. It has given me an opportunity to get to know some of my fellow St. Thomas members better and I have had the chance to meet a number of new visitors to the church. We have a great community here at St. Thomas I was born in Winnipeg and have called Calgary home since and I'm happy that our family is a part of it. 1996. I have worked in the transportation and logistics industry for the last 22 years and currently work in Busi- Faith Formation Tom Snowden Faith Formation Upcoming Events: Movie, Pop, & Popcorn: April 29 at 7:00 pm; Pay It Forward starring Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, Jon Bon Jovi etc; inspirational drama about a 11 year old boy who starts a good will movement; good deeds received are not to be paid back to the doer of the deed but to a needy person in the future.PG- 13 (includes themes of alcoholism, homelessness, abusive relationships) Movie, Pop, & Popcorn -June 3, at 7:00 pm ; Movie title will be announced in weekly announcements. Book Study on May 27 @7pm: Sea Sick by Alanna Mitchell; this 2008 book explores the chemical changes to the global oceans and why it matters. Get the book, read it, and come to the discussions. Hellbound Documentary- Theories of Hell In March the documentary Hellbound was shown and was followed up by three discussion evenings. Hellbound is available on Netflix if you want to watch it. The documentary and the followup discussions explored the various theories of Hell and what the Biblical basis is for the differing concepts. The following is a brief summary of the theo- ries and some of the biblical passages people use to support the theory .. 1. ETERNAL TORMENT THEORY • Readings o Isaiah 66:24 o Daniel 12:2 o Matthew 5: 29-30 o Matthew 7:13 o Matthew 10:28 o Matthew 13: 38-42 o Matthew 13: 49-50 o Matthew 25: 31-46 o Mark 9: 43-45 o Luke 12: 40-46 o Luke 16: 19-26 • Summary: Everyone goes to Heaven when they die. Jesus, Angels and God sort people based on how well they have treated others. Some will stay in Heaven and others will go to Hell with the devil, where they will burn in pain for eternity. 2. ANNIHILATION THEORY . • Readings o Matthew 19: 29-30 Continued on page 9 Volume 8, Issue 4 Continued from page 8 o Matthew 25: 46 o John 3:16 o John 3: 36 o John 4: 14 o John 5: 24 o John 6: 40 o John 6: 47 o John 6: 54 o John 6: 68 o John 10: 28 o Romans 5:18 • Summary: Once you die, you ascend to Heaven if Jesus judges that you have met the criteria, including: believing and obeying Jesus; taking communion (believing that the wine Is Jesus’ blood and bread is his flesh); leaving your family and home and helping the oppressed. Those who don’t “pass”, stay dead in the ground forever. Page 9 3. UNIVERSALISM THEORY • Readings o John 12: 32 o Acts 3:21 o Romans 5:18 o Romans 11: 32 o Romans 15: 22-28 o 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 o Philippians: 3:9-11 o 1 Timothy o Titus 2: 11 o Hebrews 2: 9 o 2 Peter 3:9 o 1 John 2:2 • Summary: Everyone goes to Heaven when they die because Jesus died and rose from the dead. There is no final judgement but grace prevails for all. Jesus enabled substitutionary atonement. Updates from Executive Council Jeff McLean April has been a busy month with additional changes in regard to our ministerial staff and the initiation of plans to respond to those changes. I have listed below the key information, and will continue to update the congregation through the weekly Sunday bulletins and the monthly newsletter. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to answer them. Jeff McLean, Chair of Executive Council. 1) Effective April 1st, 2014 Reverend Bob Andrews-Fillier is taking a full time leave for restorative care. This is a nonlife threatening medical issue. Cards or email and prayers of support are welcome. As soon as there is a return to work date we will let you know. In the meantime we are working with Victoria to ensure that things are covered and she has agreed to take on the preaching duties for the next several Sundays. 2) The Congregational meeting on Saturday, April 5th nominated and appointed Dan MacDonald, Andrea Sonpal, Stu Robbins, Elaine Taylor-Kerr, and Hope Cochran to serve on the Joint Needs Assessment Committee to review and recommend the required ministry support for St. Thomas as a result of Reverend Victoria Andrews-Fillier's resignation (effective June 30th, 2014). Many thanks to all of the members who came out on an early Saturday morning to make this happen and a special thanks to our new JNAC members for volunteering their time and talent. Our request for the JNAC has been recognized by Presbytery and we are hoping to have Presbytery representatives assigned and the initiation of the JNAC in the near future. 3) The Unified Board met on Saturday April 5th and came to decisions on the following: a. Results of the survey "Do we move to one service on Sunday". i. Responses were overwhelmingly in favour of moving to one service (129 voted 'yes' out of 140 responses). After a good discussion regarding different times and dates, it was decided to go to one service at the 10 am time slot effective April 27th (one month earlier than our normal summer routine). This is an opportunity for both 9:15 and 11:00am families to come together, so we are going to have a 'family reunion' on April 27th with cake and lots of energy. Of importance to note is that the Executive Council will solicit feedback over the next several months and survey the congregation in January 2015 to ensure that we continue to make any required adjustments. b. A short term committee was established to search for, and recommend, a candidate for a temporary contract position (3 to 13 months) that will ensure ministry support in the areas of pastoral care and faith formation at St. Thomas. Thank you to the new committee members. They are Marj Aucoin, Roger Anderson, Kristin Raugust, and Andrew Taylor-Kerr. We are anticipating interviews of prospective candidates to begin during the week of April 21st and the successful candidate to be in place as soon as possible. Volume 8, Issue 4 Page 10 May Programs and Events Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Quilting 9am , Karate 4:15pm, Children’s Choir 6pm, Strummers 6:15pm, Brownies/Sparks 6:30, Swingettes 6:45pm, Adult Choir 7:15pm 2 AM Fitness 9:30am Youth Group Off Site Youth Retreat May 2-4 3 Karate 8:30am STUC on Radio sound 11am-8pm 4 10am service STUC on Radio sound 1:305:30pm 5 AM Fitness 9:30am, Bridge 12:45pm, Dance 6pm, Worship Comm. Meeting 6:15pm, Orchestra 7pm , M&O Meeting 7:30pm 6 Quilting 9am, Shawl Knitting 1pm, Karate 4:15pm, Brownies 6:30pm, Choir Practice 7pm 7 AM Fitness 9:30am , Open Art Studio 1pm, Good Food Box P/U 46pm,Youth Choir 7pm, Yoga 7:45pm 8 Quilting 9am,Karate 4:15pm, Children’s Choir 6pm, Strummers 6:15pm, Brownies/Sparks 6:30, Adult Choir 7:15pm 9 AM Fitness 9:30am, Marathon Bridge 11:30 am, STUC rehearsal 5pm,Youth Group 6:30pm, Jr. Youth Group 7pm 10 Karate 8:30am, 11 10 am service 12 AM Fitness 9:30am, Bridge 12:45pm, Dance 6pm, Venturers 7pm, Orchestra 7pm 13 Quilting 9am, Shawl Knitting 1pm, Karate 4:15pm, YAC Meeting 5:30pm, Brownies 14 AM Fitness 9:30am, Open Art Studio 1pm, Yoga 7:30pm 15 Quilting 9am , Karate 4:15pm, Children’s Choir 6pm, Strummers 6:15pm, Brownies/Sparks 6:30, Adult Choir 7:15pm 16 AM Fitness 9:30am, Primetimers 10am, Youth Group 6:30pm 17 18 10am service 19 Victoria Day Office Closed 20 Prayer Shawl Knitting 1pm , Karate 4:15pm, Brownies 6:30pm 21 AM Fitness 9:30am, Open Art Studio 1pm Ex. Council Meeting 7pm,Yoga 7:30pm 22 Quilting 9am, Karate 4:15pm, Children’s Choir 6pm, Strummers 6:15pm, Brownies/Sparks 6:30, Adult Choir 7:15pm 23 AM Fitness 9:30am Youth Group 6:30pm 24 25 10am service 26 AM Fitness 9:30am, Bridge 12:45pm, Dance 6pm, Venturers 7pm, Orchestra 7pm 27 Prayer Shawl Knitting 1pm , Karate 4:15pm, Brownies 6:30pm, Book Study 7pm 28 AM Fitness 9:30am, Open Art Studio 1pm, Yoga 7:30pm 29 Quilting 9am, Karate 4:15pm, Children’s Choir 6pm, Strummers 6:15pm, Brownies/Sparks 6:30, Adult Choir 7:15pm 30 AM Fitness 9:30am, Youth Group 6:30pm 31 Karate 8:30am STUC on Radio 2pm & 7pm Karate 8:30am Karate 8:30am June Programs and Events Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 Prayer Shawl Knitting 1pm,Karate 4:15pm, Brownies 6:30pm 4 AM Fitness 9:30am, Open Art Studio 1pm, Good Food Box P/ U 4-6pm,Scouts Registration 6pm, Yoga 7:30pm 5 Quilting 9am, Karate 4:15pm, Strummers 6:15pm, Brownies/ Sparks 6:30, Adult Choir 7:15pm 6 AM Fitness 9:30am Youth Group 6:30pm 7 Karate 8:30am 1 2 10am Service, Music Meeting 11:15am AM Fitness 9:30am, Bridge 12:45pm, Dance 6pm, Worship Comm. Meeting 6:15pm, M&O Meeting 7:30pm 8 10am service 9 AM Fitness 9:30am, Bridge 12:45pm, Dance 6pm, Orchestra 7pm, Venturers 7pm 10 Pastoral Care 10am, Shawl Knitting 1pm, Karate 4:15pm, Brownies 6:30pm, Drum Circle 7pm 11 AM Fitness 9:30am, Open Art Studio 1pm, Yoga 7:30pm 12 Quilting 9am , Karate 4:15pm, Strummers 6:15pm, Brownies/Sparks 6:30, Adult Choir 7:15pm 13 AM Fitness 9:30am,Garage Sale Set-up 28pm, Youth Group 6:30pm Jr. Youth Group 7pm 14 15 10am service 16 AM Fitness 9:30am, Bridge 12:45pm, 17 Shawl Knitting 1pm, Karate 4:15pm, 18 AM Fitness 9:30am Open Art Studio 1pm Ex. Council Meeting 7pm 19 Quilting 9am , Karate 4:15pm 20 AM Fitness 9:30am, Youth Group 6:30pm 21 22 10am service 23 24 Karate 4:15pm 25 26 Karate 4:15pm 27 28 29 10am service 30 Karate 8:30am Garage Sale 8:303pm, Yoga & Guitar 4-6pm Karate 8:30am
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