Church of The Holy Spirit 183 Church Street, Newington, Connecticut 06111 Then the other disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first, and he saw and believed. For they did not yet understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead. John 20:8-9 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD Father Lawrence Bock James Shiels PARISH PRIESTS DEACONS Father James Kinnane, In Residence Joseph Guzauckas MASSES Daily & Saturday 9:00 am Sunday Vigil (Saturday Evening) 4:00 pm - Sunday 7:30, 9:00,10:30 am and 12:00 noon SACRAMENTS Confessions: Saturdays from 3:00 - 3:45 pm Baptism: First and Third Sundays at 1:00 pm by appointment. Baptismal Preparation Program for first-time parents: last Monday of each month at 7:00 pm Registration is required. Please call the Rectory office. Matrimony: Please call for an appointment at least six months in advance. Vocations (Priesthood and/or Religious Life): Office of Vocations (860) 286-7670 or SICK CALLS Your parish priests visit the three area hospitals - New Britain, Hartford and St. Francis. We are happy and honored to visit the sick or homebound. Please notify us. For Sacraments of Anointing and Eucharist, hospital chaplains are available. Make requests through hospital clerks. Rectory: 860-666-5671 Parish Secretary: Website: Religious Education Office: 860-666-3562 Religious Education Director: MISSION STATEMENT Holy Spirit Parish is a Roman Catholic faith community, which seeks to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ by prayer, service, and mutual support. We understand our responsibility to form our lives according to the teaching and with the help of our Lord Jesus, to celebrate His presence in our liturgy, to live it out in service to our parish and community, and to pass it on to our children faithfully and joyfully. CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT NEWINGTON Weekly Offertory Online Giving 3/17-3/24/2015 $10,245. $1,344. Thank you for your spiritual and financial support of our parish. Saturday, April 4 Holy Saturday Vigil No Intentions 7:30 pm First Mass of Easter Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday of The Resurrection of the Lord 7:30 am Angeline A. Anderson req. by the Allen Family 9:00 am Valentine Profetti req. by his Daughters (Forty-fifth Anniversary) 10:30 am Lucy Kaminsky req. by her Family (Fifteenth Anniversary) 12:00 N Paul Messina and Antonio and Filomena Manocchio req. by their Family Monday, April 6 9:00 am Luigi and Elena Iacobucci req. by their Daughter Tuesday, April 7 9:00 am Robert Petano req. by Katherine Howard Wednesday, April 8 9:00 am Joseph and Hermine Wankerl req. by their Son 5:30 pm Ladies Guild Catholic Action Massd Thursday, April 9 9:00 am Celso Advincula, Sr. req. by his Daughter Friday, April 10 9:00 am Robert Cuto, Sr. req. by his Mother 3:00 pm Wedding—Jose Matos and Marilyn Kancewicz Saturday, April 11 9:00 am Mary Pilarski req. by her Family (Anniversary Remembrance) 10:00 am First Holy Communion Vigil 4:00 pm Adella Albro req. by her Family (Eighth Anniversary) Sunday, April 12 Divine Mercy Easter Second Sunday of Easter 7:30 am Sheila Marzi req. by Ed and Phyllis Patz 9:00 am Sharon Magnoli req. by her Family (Anniversary Remembrance) 10:30 am Jean Frisbie req. by her Family 12:00 N Sebastian Ficara req. by his Family (Birthday Remembrance) Wedding Banns III. Jose Matos and Marilyn Kancewicz Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord "They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don't know where they put him." This must have felt like adding insult to injury. Mary Magdalene had stood faithfully by Jesus up to his last moment on the cross. She had seen him laid in the tomb and she had already visited his body there to mourn and pay her last respects. But today, on her arrival, she finds the body missing. Wasn't it enough to torture and crucify her innocent Lord? Why did they have to take away her one last bit of consolation? Why did they steal his body? Imagine the despair she must have wrestled with at this moment. As if the events of Good Friday had not been enough, now she faced another tragic moment. From Mary's perspective, things could not have gotten any worse. Every bit of evidence around her converged to make her feel completely powerless and afraid. Her eyes could only see the darkness of the empty tomb. Here now, into this rock-bottom moment when no human hope remained, here burst in the risen Christ. Just when there was no possible solution, when everything was far beyond repair, suddenly Jesus appeared, glorious, victorious, and completely and utterly unexpected. His triumph over death was more than that: it was also a triumph over human hopelessness and despair. It was proof that God is bigger than our biggest problems. He is more powerful than the most threatening evils and all the fears that lurk around in our lives. The joy of Easter is ours, today and every day. As Christians, we can rejoice in belonging to a God who is ready and able to break through the toughest barriers of sin and death, even when we least expect it. © Liturgical Publications Inc. Catherine Havens Monica Lafreniere Santina Callegher Richard K. Barry Patricia Hanrahan Henry Jopeck Sr. Anthony Mary Scholsky PLEASE NOTE: We will not have Coffee and Donuts this weekend but will resume next weekend. THANKS TO OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS—For the generous gift of $375 given to parish this week. It represents proceeds from recent breakfasts and other fundraisers. EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD NEEDS AND LEADS A Happy & Holy Easter season is wished to our Catechist’s, students, parents, families & friends. Classes have ended for the 2014 – 2015 Religious Ed school year. Classes will resume in the Fall on September 13, 2015 at JWMS for the 2015 – 2016 Religious Ed year. Re - registration week will be the week of May 17th for the 2015 – 2016 Religious Ed school year in the Father O’Connor Center from 6PM – 7PM Monday 5 /18 /2015 through Thursday 5/21/2015. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE That first Easter morning was confusing. Jesus was missing and Mary Magdalene, Peter and John “did not know” what to do. In family life there are confusing moments when “we don’t know” what to do. Like the apostles we are Easter people when we believe and trust in each other even when all seems lost. LADIES GUILD—CATHOLIC ACTION MASS A Mass for deceased clergy and former members of The Holy Spirit Ladies Guild will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 8 at 5:30 pm. Following the Mass there will be sandwiches and a salad catered by Panera Bread. Dessert and beverage are included. Reservations are required; the cost is $15 per person. Bill Walsh, Associate Retreat Director at the Holy Family Monastery in West Hartford will be our speaker. His topic is Us vs. Them: What the Bible says about conflict in our culture. This will be an evening of reflection. Please enclose a check payable to Holy Spirit Ladies Guild or cash in an envelope and place in the collection basket marked “Ladies Guild” by this Wednesday, April 1. Questions? Please call Arline Hourihan, 860-666-0348. 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal supports many important ministries and programs, youth ministries, local charities, the education of our seminarians, our retired clergy, our Catholic schools, and all of the services provided by the Archdiocese, far too many to list here. If you have not yet made your gift or pledge, please pray about your decision and consider making a pledge or one-time gift. Join us, your Catholic community, as we share our blessing and join in Living the Joy of the Gospel. Packets are available at all doors of the Church. Archdiocese of Hartford, Papal Visit Pilgrimage to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pilgrimage includes roundtrip transportation with Premier Bus Lines, accommodations at 4-star hotel for two nights, 2 breakfasts, 1 boxed lunch, and two dinners, conference with Fr. Juan-Diego Brunetta, O.P. about the family. Departure on Friday, September 25 is available from St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield, St. Bridget Church in Cheshire or Our Lady of Pompeii in East Haven. All buses depart at 12:00 noon. Mass with Pope Francis will be Sunday, September 27. Visit for itinerary, cost and other details. The deadline for registration is Wednesday, April 15. “It is very important to reaffirm the family, which remains the essential cell of society.” Pope Francis, World Youth Day 2013 A parishioner from St. James Parish in Rocky Hill is looking for 2 people to share a room with. If you are interested and would like more information, please call Patricia at 860.310.7015. CORPUS CHRISTI SCHOOL—of Wethersfield, a 2012 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, will host a special Spring Open House, Wednesday, April 15 at 8:30 am at Corpus Christi school, 581 Silas Deane Highway in Wethersfield, for prospective students and their families. Corpus Christi Schools offers and outstanding core curriculum in addition to Spanish, art, music and band. All are invited to visit while classes are in session. Come and witness firsthand the Corpus Christi School difference! Faculty, students and parents will be on hand to answer questions. The school encompasses PreK through eighth grade. For more information, please contact our school office at 860.529.5487. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY—Will be celebrated at St. Joseph’s Church in New Britain next Sunday, April 12 at 2:00 pm. Come join us for the great Feast of Divine Mercy MASS OF HEALING AND HOPE—Will be celebrated at St. Thomas Seminary in Bloomfield on Tuesday, April 21 at 7:30 pm. Presided by Most Rev. Peter Buczek. Healing teams are available after Mass. For more information please call 860-242-5573, extension 2695. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS—Are you interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister? The next training session will be held April 26, 2015 (Sunday) for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. This session will be held at Saint James Church in Rocky Hill. It will begin promptly at 2:00 pm and will last approximately three hours. Registration deadline is Wednesday, April 22. Please see John Rocco or Father Bock if you are interested. APRIL 5, 2015 Adoration Altar Servers Altar Society Adult Funeral Servers Baptism Preparations `Bereavement Group Building & Grounds Comm. Celebrate Life Reps Community Life Comm. Eucharistic Ministers Family Ministry Finance Council Food Delivery Funeral Ministry Team Homeless Shelter Ministry Ladies’ Guild Lectors Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Men’s Retreat Music Ministry Adult Choir Contemporary Choir Youth Choir Parish Council Parish Nurse Ministry Public Relations Religious Education RCIA Deacon Stewardship John & Rose DiSarro Deacon James Shiels Patricia Jarvis Eleanore Marchand Deacon Joseph Guzauckas, John Rocco John Pergolizzi Manfred Becker Gail Kelly Susan McCaffrey Rosann Guzauckas Grace Lineberry Maureen O’Connor Lyons Deacon James Shiels Charles Lavoie Paul McBride David Dyson, Director David Dyson Tom Tallard David Dyson John Rocco Anne Pelow Cindy Paoletti Susan Skipp, Director James Shiels Francis Rooney Monday, April 6 Tuesday, April 7 6:00—9:00 pm Wednesday, April 8 5:30 pm Thursday, April 9 2:30 pm Friday, April 10 9:00 am Silent Adoration, Church Ladies Guild, Catholic Action Mass Dinner to follow in FOC Legion of Mary, CCD Office Altar Guild, Church The Peter's Pence Collection unites us in solidarity with the Holy Father and his works of charity to those in need. In his address of March 20, 2013, Pope Francis spoke of our responsibility before the world and creation. "There is much that we can do to benefit the poor, the needy, and those who suffer; and to favor justice, promote reconciliation, and build peace," he said. Your contributions to the Peter's Pence Collection allow the Holy Father to support victims of war, natural disasters, and others most in need of assistance. Join Pope Francis and be a witness of charity in the world. There will not be a second collection next weekend. Extra envelopes are available at the back of the church. EASTER FLOWERS We are very grateful for the generous tradition of donations for Easter Flowers as a special gift or in memory of loved ones. Your generosity makes it possible to prepare the Sanctuary and the Church festively for the holiday. Gifts may be placed in the specially marked envelopes included with your offering envelopes or you may use any envelope marked “Flowers”. We also have envelopes available at the back of the Church. Please note names submitted after this Monday, April 6 will not be included in the Easter Flower insert for the bulletin. Please PRINT your name/names. Easter Eggs Eggs, as a sign of new life, go back millennia. In the ancient Near East, eggs were used as part of the celebration of the spring equinox. It was easy for Christians to make use of the same symbol for the Resurrection. The hard shell represents the tomb, with the new life sealed inside of it. In Orthodox and Eastern Churches, eggs were dyed red, to signify the blood of Christ that was shed for our salvation. The season of Lent originally included the fasting from dairy products as well as meat (eggs were considered a dairy product because they came from an animal without the shedding of blood). That meant that there would be a surplus of eggs at Easter, and some were hardboiled to help preserve them. The decorative eggs of today are still a symbol of the risen Christ! © Liturgical Publications Inc. SPRING IS COMING! Exciting trips are currently being planned to Boston, New York and Rhode Island. Additional information will soon follow. APRIL 5, 2015 Please include in your prayers………... Grace Abraham Caesar Alexander Corrado Alessandro Raymond Anderson Heather Bailey Thomas Baggiero Mary Lou Basdekian Michelle Bengtson Damian Blair Paul Boccaccio Richard Boudin Bob Browne Catherine Brown Kathleen Brown Gilda Bruschino Mary Burke Timothy Byrnes Rena Calcaterra Mary Carlson Patricia Castelhano Norman Cavanagh Donald Chadwick Giovanni Cherubino Rosemary Chmielewski Maria Claffey Richard Clarkin Dorothy Connery Justin Conway Patricia Crowley Gail Cyr Mary Burke David Joan Donnelly Susan Doyle Linda Faselle Joseph Fadziewicz Anthony Fontana Mary Fournier Irene Frago Patricia Gallicchio Tiffany Gallacchio Peter Gembala Joey Genovese Benjamin George Kathy Giguere Dan Giangrave Zofia Gorski Edward Grant, Jr. Barbara Gregory Gail Gregory James Griffin Clare Gubbins Dolores Gustin Andrew Hedberg Beverly Iskra Ann Jameson Patricia Johnson Arlene Jordan Ed Kcaye Alexandra Kubko Judy Larson Marirose Lynch Patrick Kelly Stella Kuzma Sophia Lesinski Stephen Linde Natalie Lundgren Lorenzo Maldonado Robert Maliszewski Lois Manyon Daniel Marchand Erica Marchand Madeline Marcoux Fred Martocchio Carol Mazotas Dominic Mazzoccoli Maryann McCusker Betty McGrath Joanne McKinnon Rev. Edward J. McLean Eileen McVicar Janet Mosdale Kathleen Munoz Keith Michaud Raymond Newton Anthony Niro Pietro Niro Adele Pac Rosemary Papoosha Melissa Parody Michelle Pasciuto Beverly Perrotta Christine Perry Michael Perry Monice Price Pamela Puza Don Reney Rose Reinwald Stacey Richardson Joanne F. Ring Aldeo Roy Alma Roy Philip Rizzuto Janet Schaefer Tom Spazian Kathleen BurkeSpencer Sharon Spillane James Patrick Stowe Michael Taddei Rita Tardiff Debbie Tierney Gary Tierney Elizabeth Tipton Paul Trifone Lynn Thomas Richard Torrey Karen Williams Margaret Williamson Alfreda Wilson Sr. Veronica Wilson Marianne Wowak Marion Wieczorek Tim Wright Kay Zakarian Annie Zingari Dolores Zlotkowski NEW PALL AND CHASUBLE SET We have been presented with a beautiful new set of vestments to be used at funerals and other occasions. The Chasuble (priest’s vestment), Deacon’s stole and pall (white covering for casket) are the generous gift of the Family of Robert and Patricia Stapleton in their memory Bob and Pat were very faithful members of our parish, and will be remembered in our prayers. Easter Sunday Alleluia! The exclamation rings out across the land, and we who are disciples of Jesus Christ pause to reflect on the reality that he rose from the grave and, in turn, conquered death. In today's colleges and universities, in pulpits of every denomination, and in books and journals, there are those who say it is unimportant whether or not he really rose from the dead. They say that the facts do not impact the moral of the story. Of course, two thousand years of Christianity give evidence that they are incorrect. What the faithful of many generations have experienced and given testimony to is not something built on an idea. It is not a philosophy or a self-help psychology. The church is a direct result of real events in the course of human history. Without those real events, we simply follow a man who showed us a different way to live. Instead, we follow a God who emptied himself into a human form, suffered the pain of torture and death at the hands of those he had created, and then shattered the chains of death so that we in our human form may follow suit. Today, humanity is redeemed. POSITIVE CHANGES—During the Spring Season we all plan to make positive changes in our lives and habits for the betterment of ourselves and for our families and loved ones. Pray to our Blessed Mother for strength and guidance. To schedule an in-home visitation of our Blessed Virgin Mary Home Visitation Statue, offered by the Legion of Mary, to any Newington parishioner, please call Sharon at 860-666-5961 or Beverly at 860-667-0682. PLANT SALE BY THE LADIES GUILD OF HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH, on Friday, May 8 and on Saturday, May 9 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at Father O’Connor Center. Vegetables, decorative plants and herbs will be available. Geraniums will be $3.75 each. May be preordered for best color selection by calling Jan Hebert at 860-561-4785, or Debbie Hebert at 860-666-2676. Color selections for geraniums are: White, Red, Pink, Salmon and Magenta. NEWINGTON MEMORIAL (860) 666-0600 Graver’s Tree Care Parishioner 860-563-6581 • Service & Installation BARUFFI Since 1946 Heating McBRIDE WAYSIDE CARPET CO. Air Conditioning & SONS LANDSCAPING, INC. Lawn mowing • Snowplowing Shrub planting Mulch delivery & installation CT Lic. 0579817 (860) 828-0556 • PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 1841 Berlin Turnpike, Wethersfield, CT 860-436-6400 Bruce Graver, Licensed Tree Surgeon Wethersfield S.J. PIZZELLA Michael Turgeon Removals, Pruning, Tree Maintenance 860-666-2512 James Campbell Owner 3153 Berlin Turnpike, Newington 860) 666-2696 No Job Is Too Small Old Or New, We Do It All Phone: 860-666-6229 Compliments of Stamm Construction Co. Heating • Cooling • Hot Water MECHANICAL SERVICES , INC . David P. Bell, DMD • Brian D. Bell, DMD CT LICENSE #387433 2304 Berlin Turnpike - Newington, CT 06111 (860) 666-1000 860-826-5880 • Maintenance • Service • Replacement • Installation • Oil to Gas Conversion MILLUZZO & COMPANY, P.C. 182 Kelsey Street, Newington, CT Richard S. Milluzzo, CPA Darcy B. Milluzzo, CPA Annuals • Vegetables • Perennials • Trees Shrubs Grass Seed • Sod • Fertilizers for Lawn & Garden Flower & Vegetable Seeds & Potting Supplies Statuary • Bird Bats • Gazing Globes Wild Bird Seed & Supplies • Bird Houses Gardening Gifts & Gift Cards S&F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INCOME TAX PREPARATION 1616 Willard Avenue Newington, CT 860-667-9991 860-667-1158 Individual & Business Tax Planning & Preparation LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Propane Filled 7 Days a Week. Aqua Backflow Gallicchio Plumbing Inc. VISCONTI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Trying to reach new clients via the web? John & Dan Gallicchio Resurgence can help with web design, hosting, and consultation services. (860) 666-2900 Call Isabel @ 860-324-2657 !"#$%&#'(#)*#+++,"-('".-%/-+-0&-(1.%,/!2 FREE ESTIMATES PARISHIONER FULLY INSURED 202 Deming Street Newington, CT 06111 CT E1-00123622 860-667-7004 A Family Tradition Since 1955 Since 1941 110 Franklin Square 860.225.8464 !""#$%&'&()*)$%&'&+,-./&'&0)$*"1/&2&+""3/ 4"3-5,/&'&6738,$93: 860-667-1467 1018 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 860-633-1400 Turnpike Motors Autobody tel: 860.666.3319 fax: 860.666.8717 FARLEY-SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME 2550 Berlin Turnpike Newington, CT 06111 860-563-9999 34 Beaver Road, Wethersfield 177 Day St. Newington, CT Family owned & operated since 1905 East Hartford and Wethersfield D’ESOPO FUNERAL CHAPELS 860-563-6117 • FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. Lessing’s Food Service 860-953-3553 111 Golf Street • Newington 860.666.5600 DÀQN#OHVVLQJVFRP A full service veterinary clinic specializing OHVVLQJVFRP in complete medical and surgical care Christina Bengtson Owner Dog Walking, Pet Sitting & Taxi Insured/PSI Member /CPPS For Advertising Information, call TONY SERINO at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3346 Being there for THEM for YOU! 860-306-7607 email: Look for us on FACEBOOK MARCH 25, 2015 1:09 PM CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, NEWINGTON, CT 03-0118
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