Church of The Holy Spirit 183 Church Street, Newington, Connecticut 06111 “I AM THE TRUE VINE, AND MY FATHER IS THE VINE GROWER. HE TAKES AWAY EVERY BRANCH IN ME THAT DOES NOT BEAR FRUIT, AND EVERYONE THAT DOES HE PRUNES SO THAT IT BEARS MORE FRUIT.” - JN 15:1-2 EXCERPTS FROM THE LECTIONARY FOR MASS ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD Father Lawrence Bock James Shiels PARISH PRIESTS DEACONS Father James Kinnane, In Residence Joseph Guzauckas MASSES Daily & Saturday 9:00 am Sunday Vigil (Saturday Evening) 4:00 pm - Sunday 7:30, 9:00,10:30 am and 12:00 noon SACRAMENTS Confessions: Saturdays from 3:00 - 3:45 pm Baptism: First and Third Sundays at 1:00 pm by appointment. Baptismal Preparation Program for first-time parents: last Monday of each month at 7:00 pm Registration is required. Please call the Rectory office. Matrimony: Please call for an appointment at least six months in advance. Vocations (Priesthood and/or Religious Life): Office of Vocations (860) 286-7670 or SICK CALLS Your parish priests visit the three area hospitals - New Britain, Hartford and St. Francis. We are happy and honored to visit the sick or homebound. Please notify us. For Sacraments of Anointing and Eucharist, hospital chaplains are available. Make requests through hospital clerks. Rectory: 860-666-5671 Parish Secretary: Website: Religious Education Office: 860-666-3562 Religious Education Director: MISSION STATEMENT Holy Spirit Parish is a Roman Catholic faith community, which seeks to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ by prayer, service, and mutual support. We understand our responsibility to form our lives according to the teaching and with the help of our Lord Jesus, to celebrate His presence in our liturgy, to live it out in service to our parish and community, and to pass it on to our children faithfully and joyfully. CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Vigil 4:00 pm Walter O’Connor req. by his Daughter (Birthday Remembrance) Sunday, May 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter 7:30 am Nenia Ignacio req. by Maria (Birthday Remembrance) 9:00 am Barry Skipp req. by John and Margaret Rocco 10:30 am Antonio Zibaitis req. by his Wife (Third Anniversary) 12:00 N Steven Horton req. by his Family (Birthday Remembrance) Monday, April 4 9:00 am Intentions of the DePamphilis and Nicotera Families req. by Victor DePamphilis Family Tuesday, April 5 9:00 am Intentions of the Legion of Mary Wednesday, April 6 9:00 am Nicholas and Mary Piergrossi req. by their Family (Wedding Anniversary Remembrance) Thursday, May 7 9:00 am Lucila Pelaez req. by her Daughter Friday, May 8 9:00 am Benedicta Ano-os req. by her Niece Saturday, May 9 9:00 am Santina Callegher req. by her Nieces Vigil 4:00 pm Henry and Cecile Theriault req. by their Family Sunday, May 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter Mother’s Day 7:30 am Emilia Pizzoferrato and Family req. by Antonio Pizzoferrato 9:00 am Katy Szydlo req. by her Son (Eleventh Anniversary) 10:30 am Marie Tosi req. by Mark, JoAn, and Lawrence Tosi 12:00 N Irene Borkowski req. by the Holy Spirit Ladies Guild WEDDING BANNS I Bryan Ouelette and Ashley Sahadi COFFEE AND DONUTS—Will be served in Father O’Connor Center after the 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 am Masses. THE LITURGY COMMITTEE—Will meet this Monday, May 4, 7:30 pm in the Rectory. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS SCHEDULE—Are available in the front Sacristy. NEWINGTON Weekly Offertory $8,197. Online Giving 4/71-4/14/2015 $1,186. Thank you for your spiritual and financial supportof our parish. FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER "If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask for whatever you want and it will be done for you." What a lovely promise! Imagine how satisfying it would be to ask for whatever we wanted and then to see that wish granted. Truly, it would be difficult to think of anyone who would not love to see a promise like this fulfilled. But we know Jesus isn't a genie in a magic lamp sent to indulge every selfish whim. So, what's the catch? Well, as Jesus puts it in today's Gospel, this promise is extended to those who "remain" in him. He uses the beautiful analogy of the vine and the branches to explain what this means. "A branch cannot bear fruit on its own unless it remains on the vine .. I am the vine, you are the branches." The idea here is that we are to be connected to Jesus so closely that our very life, our growth, our actions, indeed even our desires come from him as their source. When we are authentically rooted in Christ, and when his words remain in us, then that cannot help but transform us into people who want what Jesus wants. And when we want what he wants, why wouldn't he give it to us? This brings to mind a quote from St. Alphonsus Liguori. "In cold and heat, in rain and wind," said this wise doctor of the church, "the soul united to God says: “I want it to be warm, to be cold, windy, to rain, because God wills it.'" In a similar vein, another doctor of the church, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, said that God has "always given me what I've desired, or rather, He's made me desire what He wanted to give me." This is the secret to constant contentment. No matter what life brings, when we truly desire to embrace God's will, we are bound to be happy. © Liturgical Publications Inc Raymond T. Tanguay, of our Parish Florence Gagnon, of our Parish Patricia Mowel, of our Parish Louis Provost James Kenney Alice Howe Lena Bessoni Michael Gresh For the People of Napal Sr. Maris Stella Hickey Sr. Patricia Corcoran For the deceased people who died at the earthquake at Napal FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Classes have ended for the 2014 – 2015 Religious Ed school year. Classes will resume in the Fall on September 13, 2015 at JWMS for the 2015 – 2016 Religious Ed year. Re - registration week will be the week of May 17th for the 2015 – 2016 Religious Ed school year in the Father O’Connor Center from 6PM – 7PM Monday 5 /18 /2015 through Thursday 5/21/2015. EARTHQUAKE IN NEPAL Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has already begun to embark on a major emergency response to this severe disaster and has committed funds to extended relief efforts. CRS is providing 10,000 families (50,000 people) with emergency shelter materials, blankets, water treatment and hygiene kits. Given the scale of the disaster, the agency expects to expand relief activities to additional families. CRS is working with Caritas Nepal to identify the most pressing needs in the hardest hit districts between Kathmandu and Pokhara, and will scale their operations accordingly. Baskets will be available next weekend, May 9 and 10 at the entrances to the church. Funds will be promptly sent to Catholic Relief Services. A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE Like the vine grower in today’s Gospel, parents must “prune and cleanse” the branches in their family if their children are going to be rooted. Discipline, limits and setting goals are a necessary part of parenting so our children will grow and ”bear fruit.” PLANT SALE BY THE LADIES GUILD OF HOLY SPIRIT CHURCH, This coming Friday, May 8 and Saturday, May 9 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at Father O’Connor Center. Vegetables, decorative plants and herbs will be available. Geraniums will be $3.75 each. Call Jan Hebert at 860561-4785, or Debbie Hebert at 860-666-2576. Color selections for geraniums are: White, Red, Pink, Salmon and Magenta. 2015 ARCHBISHOPS ANNUAL APPEAL This weekend is Commitment Weekend at our parish and across the Archdiocese for the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. A final call for those who have not yet participated. POSITIVE CHANGES—During the Spring Season we all plan to make positive changes in our lives and habits for the betterment of ourselves and for our families and loved ones. Pray to our Blessed Mother for strength and guidance. To schedule an in-home visitation of our Blessed Virgin Mary Home Visitation Statue, offered by the Legion of Mary, to any Newington parishioner, please call Sharon at 860-666 -5961 or Beverly at 860-667-0682. NORTHWEST CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL—Will host its Eighth Annual Jazz Cabaret Night next Saturday, May 9 at 7:00 pm at the school. The event will feature performances by Northwest Catholic’s Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Singers, and Big Band. Tickets are $20 each for adults, and $10 for students and senior citizens. Tickets must be reserved in advance. For more information or to reserve tickets, please go to MERCY HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION RAFFLE Mercy High School located in Middletown is sponsoring a $25,000 tax free Education Raffle that can be used at any accredited school in the United States (grades k-college), and for student loan payments. Tickets are $100 and the drawing is Wednesday, May 13 during intermission at Mercy’s Spring Concert starting at 7:00 pm. You do not need to be present to win. Only 600 tickets will be sold. For information or to order a ticket, go to or call the school at 860-3478957. HOLY FAMILY PASSIONIST RETREAT CENTER Retreat; Reflect, Renew, Men’s Retreat weekend. You don’t want to miss the opportunity to Know Greater Joy! Whether you missed your parish retreat weekend or you just want to take some time to reconnect, consider one of the remaining weekends: Friday, May 15 through Sunday, May 17. Register at greater joy, or call our registrar, Ted at 860-760-9705. The Retreat Center is located at 303 Tunxis Road in West Hartford. GIANT TAG SALE—St. Lucian’s Residence, 532 Burritt St. in New Britain, 860-223-2123. Clothing, toys, furniture, jewelry, trinkets, kitchenware, collectibles and much, much more. Home-made Babka, Soup, Bread, Peirogi and Golabki. Also a Polish Kitchen from 8:00 am—2:00 pm. Saturday May 16, rain date Sunday, May 17. May 3, 2015 Adoration Altar Servers Altar Society Adult Funeral Servers Baptism Preparations Bereavement Group Building & Grounds Comm. Celebrate Life Reps Community Life Comm. Eucharistic Ministers Family Ministry Finance Council Food Delivery Funeral Ministry Team Homeless Shelter Ministry Ladies’ Guild Lectors Legion of Mary Liturgy Committee Men’s Retreat Music Ministry Adult Choir Contemporary Choir Youth Choir Parish Council Parish Nurse Ministry Public Relations Religious Education RCIA Deacon Stewardship Monday, May 4 7:30 pm Tuesday, May 5 6:00—9:00 pm John & Rose DiSarro Deacon James Shiels Patricia Jarvis Eleanore Marchand Deacon Joseph Guzauckas, John Rocco John Pergolizzi Manfred Becker Gail Kelly Susan McCaffrey Rosann Guzauckas Grace Lineberry Maureen O’Connor Lyons Deacon James Shiels Charles Lavoie Paul McBride David Dyson, Director David Dyson Tom Tallard David Dyson John Rocco Anne Pelow Cindy Paoletti Susan Skipp, Director James Shiels Francis Rooney Liturgy Committee, Rectory Silent Adoration, Church Wednesday, May 6 Thursday, May 7 2:30 pm Legion of Mary, CCD Office Friday, May 8 9:00 am Altar Guild, Church LADIES GUILD BANQUET—SAVE THE DATE! The Holy Spirit Ladies Guild Banquet will be held on Wednesday, May 13 at Portofino’s Restaurant, 246 New Britain Road in Kensington at 5:30 pm. Menu; Choice of: Chicken Francaise, Veal Parmesan, $25 per person; Eggplant Parmesan, $26, Baked Stuffed Sole $26, and Strip Steak; $28. Please make checks payable to Holy Spirit Ladies Guild. The deadline for reservations is Monday, May 4. We look forward to a nice evening. SEVENTH ANNUAL BLUE MASS— Archbishop Leonard P. Blair would like to extend to you a formal invitation to attend this year’s Seventh Annual Blue Mass, this Sunday, May 3 at 11:00 am at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph, 140 Farmington Avenue in Hartford. All faiths are welcome. This annual Mass honors police, fire, safety, and ER personnel. More information can be found at CATHOLIC CEMETERIES ASSOCIATION—The Catholic Cemeteries Association of the Archdiocese of Hartford is offering all Catholic Families the opportunity to purchase pre-need graves with upright monuments, shrine graves, or mausoleum crypt spaces with interest free installment payments up to four years. This offer begins Wednesday, April 1 and expires Friday, May 15. For further information or to make an appointment, please call 860-225-1938. CRE DO CATH OLIC SINGLES—Dinner and Amusements, Saturday, May 16, 5:00 pm in North Haven. Meet at the Athena Dinner at 5:00 pm (Washington Avenue). Proceed to “The Game” arcade games, go karts, mini-golf, batting cages, etc. If it rains, meet anyway and we will choose another activity or dinner. Directions: I-91, exit 12, diner on right, look for Silver Saturn. SAVE THE DATE! UPCOMING EXCITING BUS TRIPS! •Saturday, June 27—Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, NY. Great Family trip. $89 pp. •Saturday, July 25—Boston Duck Tour, JFK Library followed by dinner at Maggiano’s Restaurant at 5:00 pm, $142pp •Saturday, August 8– Saratoga Racetrack, reserved grandstand seating, always a sellout. $89 pp. •Saturday, September 12-Broadway Show; “Beautiful”, based on the life of singer/songwriter Carole King. This a fabulous show! $189 pp. •Wednesday, December 9—Always a Sellout! Radio City Christmas Show, followed by dinner at Carmine’s. Price to follow. For information and reservations regarding upcoming bus trips, please contact John Rocco , 860-666-5061. These trips sell out quickly, please make your reservations asap. May 3, 2015 Please include in your prayers………... Grace Abraham Caesar Alexander Corrado Alessandro Raymond Anderson Heather Bailey Thomas Baggiero Mary Lou Basdekian Michelle Bengtson Damian Blair Paul Boccaccio Richard Boudin Catherine Brown Kathleen Brown Gilda Bruschino Mary Burke Timothy Byrnes Rena Calcaterra Mary Carlson Patricia Castelhano Norman Cavanagh Frank Cefaretti Donald Chadwick Giovanni Cherubino Rosemary Chmielewski Stephen Chullikel Maria Claffey Richard Clarkin Dorothy Connery Justin Conway Patricia Crowley Gail Cyr Mary Burke David Joan Donnelly Susan Doyle Luke Dunn Linda Faselle Joseph Fadziewicz Anthony Fontana Mary Fournier Irene Frago Fr. Edward McLean Patricia Gallicchio Tiffany Gallacchio Peter Gembala Joey Genovese Benjamin George Kathy Giguere Dan Giangrave Zofia Gorski Edward Grant, Jr. Barbara Gregory Gail Gregory James Griffin Clare Gubbins Dolores Gustin Andrew Hedberg Beverly Iskra Ann Jameson Patricia Johnson Arlene Jordan Ed Kcaye Alexandra Kubko Judy Larson Marirose Lynch Patrick Kelly Stella Kuzma Sophia Lesinski Stephen Linde Natalie Lundgren Lorenzo Maldonado Robert Maliszewski Lois Manyon Daniel Marchand Erica Marchand Madeline Marcoux Fred Martocchio Carol Mazotas Dominic Mazzoccoli Maryann McCusker Betty McGrath Joanne McKinnon Rev. Edward J. McLean Eileen McVicar Janet Mosdale Kathleen Munoz Keith Michaud Raymond Newton Anthony Niro Pietro Niro Dwight Otis Adele Pac Rosemary Papoosha Melissa Parody Michelle Pasciuto Beverly Perrotta Christine Perry Michael Perry Monice Price Pamela Puza Don Reney Rose Reinwald Stacey Richardson Joanne F. Ring Aldeo Roy Alma Roy Philip Rizzuto Janet Schaefer Tom Spazian Kathleen BurkeSpencer Sharon Spillane James Stowe Carol Sweet Michael Taddei Rita Tardiff Debbie Tierney Gary Tierney Elizabeth Tipton Paul Trifone Lynn Thomas Richard Torrey Karen Williams Margaret Williamson Alfreda Wilson Sr. Veronica Wilson Marianne Wowak Marion Wieczorek Tim Wright Kay Zakarian Annie Zingari Dolores Zlotkowski ©2012 Liturgical Publications Inc. Readings for the Week of May 3, 2015 Sunday: Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 Monday: Acts 14:5-18/Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28/Jn 14:27-31 Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6/Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21/Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31/Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10/Jn 15:18-21 Next Sunday: Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48/1 Jn 4:7-10/Jn 15:9-17 ©Liturgical Publications Inc Fifth Sunday of Easter Most of the grape pruning takes place during the winter, after the harvest has been brought in and before the first bud break in the spring. While most of us home gardeners are afraid to cut back the vines to an appropriate degree, skilled pruners have no such hesitation. As vineyards proliferate across the country, we are growing more accustomed to seeing the headless stumps of grape vines standing three or four feet above the ground. As the new shoots sprout out, vine tenders will take to the fields to judiciously cut away excessive growth. As the season continues, they will even pull off individual leaves to ensure that the strength and vigor of the vine goes to producing the best fruit. Everything that has been cut away is gathered up and burned to ensure that insects and disease do not find their way to the healthy plants. The description that Jesus offers in today's Gospel is not much different from what happens in vineyards today. In his day, that same thing was happening, and so when he described the connection that exists between the believer and himself, his hearers knew exactly what he meant. While we easily understand that a branch must remain connected to bear fruit, most of us are far removed from the regular practice of viniculture. We don't have the instant comprehension of how necessary it is for the vines to be pruned and cut back. Cutting back is so essential, that without it vines will eventually grow wild and produce almost nothing. Lent was the season in which we were to get our spiritual life in order, to prune ourselves a bit by reigning in our desires and not letting things get out of hand. We are now a month after Easter. It might be a good time to reflect back on those Lenten resolutions and see if any of them are still working. Prayer and almsgiving are always in season.©2012 Liturgical Publications Inc. CELEBRATE! Tuesday, May 5, 2015 NEWINGTON MEMORIAL (860) 666-0600 Graver’s Tree Care Parishioner 860-563-6581 • Service & Installation BARUFFI Since 1946 Heating McBRIDE WAYSIDE CARPET CO. Air Conditioning & SONS LANDSCAPING, INC. Lawn mowing • Snowplowing Shrub planting Mulch delivery & installation CT Lic. 0579817 (860) 828-0556 • PLUMBING & HEATING INC. 1841 Berlin Turnpike, Wethersfield, CT 860-436-6400 Bruce Graver, Licensed Tree Surgeon Wethersfield S.J. PIZZELLA Michael Turgeon Removals, Pruning, Tree Maintenance 860-666-2512 James Campbell Owner 3153 Berlin Turnpike, Newington 860) 666-2696 No Job Is Too Small Old Or New, We Do It All Phone: 860-666-6229 Compliments of Stamm Construction Co. Heating • Cooling • Hot Water MECHANICAL SERVICES , INC . David P. Bell, DMD • Brian D. Bell, DMD CT LICENSE #387433 2304 Berlin Turnpike - Newington, CT 06111 (860) 666-1000 860-826-5880 • Maintenance • Service • Replacement • Installation • Oil to Gas Conversion MILLUZZO & COMPANY, P.C. 182 Kelsey Street, Newington, CT Richard S. Milluzzo, CPA Darcy B. Milluzzo, CPA Annuals • Vegetables • Perennials • Trees Shrubs Grass Seed • Sod • Fertilizers for Lawn & Garden Flower & Vegetable Seeds & Potting Supplies Statuary • Bird Bats • Gazing Globes Wild Bird Seed & Supplies • Bird Houses Gardening Gifts & Gift Cards S&F CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INCOME TAX PREPARATION 1616 Willard Avenue Newington, CT 860-667-9991 860-667-1158 Individual & Business Tax Planning & Preparation LET US PLACE YOUR AD HERE. Propane Filled 7 Days a Week. Aqua Backflow Gallicchio Plumbing Inc. VISCONTI ELECTRIC INDUSTRIAL • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL Trying to reach new clients via the web? John & Dan Gallicchio Resurgence can help with web design, hosting, and consultation services. (860) 666-2900 Call Isabel @ 860-324-2657 !"#$%&#'(#)*#+++,"-('".-%/-+-0&-(1.%,/!2 FREE ESTIMATES PARISHIONER FULLY INSURED 202 Deming Street Newington, CT 06111 CT E1-00123622 860-667-7004 A Family Tradition Since 1955 Since 1941 110 Franklin Square 860.225.8464 !""#$%&'&()*)$%&'&+,-./&'&0)$*"1/&2&+""3/ 4"3-5,/&'&6738,$93: 860-667-1467 1018 Main St., Newington, CT 06111 860-633-1400 Turnpike Motors Autobody tel: 860.666.3319 fax: 860.666.8717 FARLEY-SULLIVAN FUNERAL HOME 2550 Berlin Turnpike Newington, CT 06111 860-563-9999 34 Beaver Road, Wethersfield 177 Day St. Newington, CT Family owned & operated since 1905 East Hartford and Wethersfield D’ESOPO FUNERAL CHAPELS 860-563-6117 • FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. Lessing’s Food Service 860-953-3553 111 Golf Street • Newington 860.666.5600 DÀQN#OHVVLQJVFRP A full service veterinary clinic specializing OHVVLQJVFRP in complete medical and surgical care Christina Bengtson Owner Dog Walking, Pet Sitting & Taxi Insured/PSI Member /CPPS For Advertising Information, call TONY SERINO at LPi today! 1 (800) 888.4574 ext. 3346 Being there for THEM for YOU! 860-306-7607 email: Look for us on FACEBOOK MARCH 25, 2015 1:09 PM CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, NEWINGTON, CT 03-0118
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