April 26, 2015 - Holy Trinity Catholic Church

Church of the Holy Trinity
775 Main Street, Town of Poughkeepsie, New York 12603
Serving the Catholic Community in the Hamlet of Arlington since 1921
Fourth Sundayof Easter
April 26th, 2015
Served by:
Father Robert B. Repenning, Pastor
Father Jaccius Jean-Pierre, Parochial Vicar
Father Gamini E. Fernando, In Residence
Father Armand Padula, OFM, Weekend Associate
Our Parish Mission Statement
The Holy Trinity Faith Community warmly
welcomes you. Please introduce yourself to Father
Robert as you leave so that on behalf of the entire
community we may greet you. You may register at
the parish office and pick up an informational
packet. Kindly notify us of any change of address.
Holy Trinity Parish is a
Christian community in the
Roman Catholic tradition, called to serve one
Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
through prayer,
the Word of the Lord, love in action.
Schedule of Masses
The Lord’s Day at 5:30PM (Saturday Evening), 8:00AM, 10:00AM (American Sign Language & Principal Liturgy) and Noon.
Weekdays at 9:00AM; Saturdays at 9:00AM. 4:00PM Filipino Mass every third Sunday
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Confessions are heard on Saturday afternoons from 4:00PM to 5:00PM or at the Rectory by appointment.
Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours each day at 8:45AM. The Rosary is recited daily at 9:30AM. Perpetual Novena in honor
of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal each Monday morning after 9:00AM Mass. Stations of the Cross Fridays of Lent at 7:00PM and
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Fridays after 9:00AM. Mass until 3:OOPM.
The Church is open every day for personal prayer and devotion.
The Sacrament of Baptism
The First, Third and Fifth Sundays at 1:00PM (except during Lent). Expectant parents may contact the parish office to arrange for the
Baptism Seminar at 7:00PM on the First Monday of every other the month to help them understand the beauty and responsibilities of
the sacrament. Adults are baptized and confirmed at the Easter Vigil after completing the stages of the Rite of Christian Initiation.
The Sacrament of Matrimony
Since Catholic marriage requires a time of preparation, arrangements should begin at least six months before the proposed date of the
wedding to allow for the Marriage Preparation Program. Please contact the parish office to begin the process.
Holy Trinity Parish Office
8:30AM – 4:30PM Mon–Fri
775 Main Street
845-452-1863/fax845- 485-7569
Holy Trinity School
Mrs. Ann Dombroski
20 Springside Avenue
Family Faith Formation
Mrs. Lisa Timm
20 Springside Avenue
Prayers for the Sick
Please remember our parishioners who are homebound, hospitalized and in nursing homes. We pray that in their
time of need they may be mindful of the Lord’s love and presence and of Holy Trinity’s love and remembrance
of them. Please remember petitions on the Prayer Wall and the intentions on the Prayer Network.
This week we remember in a special way Mary Linich, Karen Flaherty, Barbara Cruger, Ayrton Calvanelli, Elizabeth Wyatt,
Agatha Caso, Joshua Germano, Mark Hanhurst, Fr. Mike Morrow, Audrey Morrow, Rena Duplika, Frances Lezon,
Rosemarie Vacca, Victor DeCoste, Pat Connor, Connie Narro, Ruth Deyo, Carmen Gentile, Anne Bryne, Danielle
McCormick, Amanda Marcinelli, Doris Boshart, Mary King, Carol Krebs,Carole Charmello Ingrid Meiser, Suzanne
A Healing
a free flow
of Elliot,
the Gifts
the Holy
Spirit, will be held Tuesday Feb 3, 2015 at St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, 1925
Rte 82, LaGrangeville,NY 12540. Praise and Worship begins 7:00pm; Mass 7:30This
with prayers
for healing
Mass. THe Mass is
Pastoral Care of the Sick
sponsored by the Spirit Wind Prayer Group. Guest Celebrant Monsignor Joseph Martin, formerly
of April
St. Mar'y
currently at St.
If you are planning to enter the hospital for surgery,
Carmel. All
a are
serious illness,
or are
very Arlington Schools after school programs and WHUD Storm Center
9:00AM Marge Shanely
weak due to advancement of age, please call the parish 845-223-3658.
office to arrange for the Sacraments of Reconciliation,
Communion, and the Anointing at home. Communal
Anointing of the Sick is also celebrated at Mass twice
during the year. Notify us or the Catholic chaplain at
Vassar or Mid Hudson Regional Hospital of
Westchester Medical Center of any hospitalization so
that we may be of assistance. Be sure to tell the
admitting office that you are a Catholic patient and a
member of Holy Trinity.
Prayer Chain
If you or a loved one is in need
of prayers, please call Joan at 845635-3500. Your intentions will be
prayed for by members of the
Holy Trinity Prayer Chain.
Prayers for the Military
Almighty God, we stand before you in supplication,
asking your Divine mercy and protection to envelop
with your invincible armor our loved ones in all
branches of the service. Give them courage and
strength against all enemies, both spiritual and
physical, and hasten their safe journey back to their
homes and families.
Like us on our new Facebook page at
Church of the Holy Trinity.
See what upcoming events are happening in the parish
and our Catholic Community.
A direct link to our Facebook page can be easily accessed
Gifts to God
by clicking on
the Facebook
Tab and
at theParish
top of our website
For the Weekendpage
of April 18th & 19th
www. holytrinitypoughkeepsie.com
Weekly Contribution …………..……. $7,219.00
Tuesday, April 28th
Easter Weekday
9:00AM Patricia Vvoscko
Wednesday, April 29th
Saint Catherine of Siena
9:00AM Edward Dombroski
Thursday, April 30th
Easter Weekday
9:00AM Catherine Regg
Friday, May 1st
Easter Weekday
9:00AM John & Helen Lyons
9:30AM Exposition
Saturday, May 2nd
Saint Athanasius
5:30PM John Kenny
Sunday, May 3rd
Fifth Sunday of Easter
8:00AM Our Parishioners
10:00AM Antonio M. Peixoto
12:00PM Charles Cassini
Staying Connected with Flocknote
Get important updates from the parish in a timely and
convenient way. This new tool we're using lets you choose
what info you'd like to receive - via email or text message from the various ministries and groups in the parish. You
can unsubscribe any time.
There are 2 easy ways to connect (pick one):
Gifts For Our Graduates
Holy Trinity School is preparing for its 62
Commencement on June 12th. We would like to extend
to our parishioners an opportunity to donate towards
awards given to deserving graduates. If you are interested
in the giving a monetary gift, please call the school office.
If you wish to contribute towards a future Holy Trinity
graduate’s please call the school office at 471-0520.
1. Visit our Parish at:
Text Parish to 84576
from your phone to subscribe to updates.
Be a Part of What’s Happening at Holy Trinity Parish!
The Weekly Calendar
Monday, April 27
6:30PM Altar Society Meeting BMH
Tuesday, April 28th
10:00AM Senior Exercise BMH
6:45 HSA Meeting Library
7:00PM Choir Practice
Wednesday, April 29th
Food Pantry Open 10AM to 12PM
Thursday, April 30th
10:00AM Senior Exercise BMH
6:00PM PreK-1st Grade Concert Gym
6:00PM 1st Communion Rehearsal Church
Friday, May 1st
Holy Trinity School Half Day
9:30AM Prayer Shawl Rectory
Food Pantry Open 10AM to 12PM
6:00PM 8th Grade Dinner & Talent Show Gym
DCSPCA – Girls Scouts Silver Project
One of our Cadet Girl scouts is working toward her
Silver Project by collecting items for the Dutchess
County SPCA. She is also leading workshops in
making dog and cat treats and toys for them. Please
help her by leaving donations in the DCSPCA box in
the back of the church. Items needed – dry and wet
canned food , treats and toys for dogs & cats as well
as cake sized paper plates and paper towels. Thank
you for the support!
Caring Ministry Corner - Food Pantry
The Holy Trinity Food Pantry is located in
Bishop Mestice Hall. We are open Wednesdays and
Fridays from 10 A.M. - Noon.
Please consider donating any of the following items,
or a gift card to one of our local grocery stores.
Peanut Butter, JELLY, Pancake Mix, Muffin Mix,
Instant Mashed Potatoes, Macaroni & Cheese,
Canned Chicken, Tuna, Ham, Chili,
Canned Beans, Canned Fruit, Spaghetti Sauce,
Canned Vegetables, Canned Pasta, Coffee, Tea
Girl Scout Cookies
8th Grade Pasta Dinner & Talent Show
Father Conaty Gym
TIME: 6pm-8pm
*Featured Talent of
The Holy Trinity School Students!
Reservations Needed!
Please call the school to make your reservation at
471-0520. Proceeds go to class trip.
Save the Date: Sunday, May 10, 2015
An Afternoon with the Classics
Followed by a reception in Bishop Mestice Hall.
3:00PM Holy Trinity Church
Sarah Johnson, Organist
Featuring Music by:
J.S. Bach, Felix Mendelssohn, Klass Bolt,
Dietrich Buxtehude
Suggested donation (at the door) $10adult, $5children,
$25 Family.
Proceeds to benefit the charitable works of the K of C.
Holy Trinity School
Proudly Presents
“Pete the Pint-Sized
Saturday, May 16th
7:00PM In Gym
$8 Adults
$4 Children
For Sale After All Masses
May 16th and 17th
$4.00 a Box
Ultimate Discount Cards
If you are interested in buying an Ultimate
Discount Card you still can. They may be purchased at
the school for $12. Please call the school 471-0520
for more information.
Join us for our third annual Prayer Shawl Ministry
Retreat on Saturday, April 25th in the Church Meeting
Room from 10 am - 1 pm. 9am mass will precede the
retreat. Everyone is welcome. You don't have to be a
crafter to participate. Gather with us to share prayer,
stories and the work of our heart and hands. Register
through the Parish Office, 227-1710, x 2.
Healing Mass
May 5th
A Healing Mass, with a free flow of the Gifts of the
Holy Spirit, will be held on Tuesday May 5, 2015 at
St. Kateri Tekakwitha Parish, 1925 Rte 82,
LaGrangeville, NY 12540. Guest Celebrant will be Fr.
Michael Achanyi, newly ordained Parochial Vicar of
St. Kateri. Praise and Worship at 7pm; Mass at 7:30.
The Mass is sponsored by the Spirit Wind Prayer
Group of St. Kateri. Individual prayers for healing
will follow Mass. Details contact Pat or Joe, 845440-3519.
A Word from the Pastor
Perhaps with legal matters and finances the devil is in the
details. When you look at Creation, however, it should be
obvious that the devil isn’t found in the details, but rather God
and His loving touch. In the season of Spring there are so
many glorious and beautiful things that are so minute and
detailed and yet easily overlooked if one isn’t aware. Last
year, I found the small shell of a bird egg. I held this frail
little blue broken shell in my hands and marveled at how such
a little creature could just peck its way out of that egg into
this magnificent world.
There are an infinite amount of details in this world that are
signs of God’s deep and abiding love for us. One of the most
universally recognized and celebrated of these signs is a
human role designed by God to offer us the necessities of life
– love and nurturing. Many human beings can recognize this
blessing in their own life. And sadly there are some people
who have not been able to enjoy this blessing in their own
life, but this role of mother still exists as a universal symbol
of humanity. The overwhelming majority of mothers
selflessly bring care to us, they make tremendous sacrifices
for us, and they offer us guidance which blesses us.
In light of this, as we approach Mother’s Day please consider
offering a true sign of gratitude and love for our mothers.
Traditionally in May, we remember our mothers in a specific
way, asking God to bless them in their earthly lives and to
grant those who have entered into eternal life the joys of the
kingdom. We also lift up and remember those mothers who
suffer disappointment, neglect, and pain that the Lord will
bless them with the knowledge of his unlimited love for them.
Mother’s Day Cards are available at all the entrances to the
church. You can make an offering to the Church in honor of
your mother or a mother you know, either living or deceased
and we will be enthroning their names on the altar for the rest
of the month of May, remembering those most dear to us in
the greatest prayer we have as Catholics, the Holy Mass.
Blessings and peace!
Father Robert
Please note Sunday, May 3rd Holy Trinity children
will be making their First Holy Communion at the
10AM and Noon Masses. You may want to arrive
early for those Masses since we expect an increased
attendance. Thank you!
First Friday Eucharist Adoration
May 1st , 2015
9:30 AM – 3:00PM
Eucharist Adoration at Holy Trinity will take
place after the 9:00AM Mass until 3:00PM, closing
with Benediction, on the First Fridays of the month.
This is a great gift that we should take advantage of
and develop a closer relationship with our loving God.
Women’s Day of Reflection
Presented by Women of the Waters,
Sponsored by St. Denis Women of Grace
“Mary, Always Pointing the Way to Jesus”
Saturday, May 2, 2015, 9am to 3pm
St. Denis Church, Parish Center, Beekman Rd.,
Hopewell Junction Registration: $45 per person,
includes breakfast, lunch & materials Please return $20
deposit with name, address, phone, email to St. Denis
Church, PO Box 10, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533 RE:
Women’s Day of Reflection. More information:
jsardo5@yahoo.com or 845 891-6125
Bowl-a-Thon to Benefit
Cardinal Hayes Home
Sponsored by: Ignite Catholic Young Adults
Thursday, April 30th; 7pm-9pm
Holiday Bowl1677 Route 9
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
All proceeds will directly benefit Cardinal Hayes.
Shoe rentals included! Door prizes!
1 Hour - $10/ 2 Hours - $20
For more info: core@ignitetruth.org
Mass Mob
Sponsored by: Ignite Catholic Young Adults
Sunday, April 26th; 11:15am
St. Mary’s Church
103 Jackson Street Fishkill, NY
Following 11:15am , they will be going to the Red
Line Diner on Route 9 for lunch and fellowship.
For more info or to RSVP: core@ignitetruth.org
The 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal is under way. To date, 200 households have pledged/given $63, 645.67 towards our goal of
103,500. Since our in-pew weekend was not as successful as we anticipated, we will conduct another one next month.
We will also take some extra steps, next month, to increase participation. Thank you to all of those who have already
supported the 2015 Cardinal’s Appeal. If you have not, please make an effort to support our parish and the Archdiocese
in making a pledge. Thank you!
Save the Date:
May 30th 8:00AM to Noon
Parish Clean-up
Please come help spruce up our beautiful parish.
Please meet outside the rectory garage where jobs
will be assigned. Bring your gardening tools and
rakes if you have them. It is with your help that we
are able to keep our parish and its’ grounds looking
so gorgeous.
This is a great
opportunity for
Confirmation students
to earn hours.
A Night with Sister Jean Canora &
Sister Marianne Cope
On May 4th, Sister Jean Canora, OSF, will be at
Our Lady of Mount Carmel’s lower hall at
6:15PM to 7:45PM. She will be discussing Saint
Marianne’s Life and Legacy. Sister Jean wants
everyone to know that Sister Rosaire may be with
her. Donations will be accepted at the door.
Camp Veritas 2015
Camp Veritas is a one-week play and pray sleep away
summer camp for Teens going into 7th to 12th grades. It
will be held at three USA locations in 2015; July 19th 25th at Mount St. Mary College in Newburgh, NY, July
26th – August 1st at Summit Lake Camp in Emmitsburg,
MD and Aug. 16th-22nd at Camp Lakota in Wurtsboro,
NY. Enrollment price for each week is $400 per camper.
More details can be found at www.campvertias.com.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
“See what love the Father has bestowed on us. . .” Let
the Father bestow love on your marriage. Sign up now
for a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend. For
more information go to: www.wwme.org or call toll free:
877-NYS-WWME ext 3.
The Catholic Widows and Widowers of Dutchess and
Putnam Counties will meet on the third Tuesday of the
month at 7:00PM in the Parish Meeting Room at Saint
Kateri Church, 1925 Route 82, LaGrangeville, NY
12540. (845)223-3097.
Prayer Shawls are available for those sick or in need of
comfort. Please contact the Rectory.